Mr. M. L. Buchanan took charte of the postoffice at Coo* coxdutTkandiy, relievinglfr. George L. Patterns. Secretary Woodell, of the Graad Lodge of Odd Fellows, «Π that the order h> the State hM ptned the 13,000 mark. Paal Koliht, a bachelor of Wilson, committed an ici de Thursday by taking laudanum ia whiskey. Despondency was the eta se of the deed. The ten negro boil ding and loan associations in the Sute have been organised into a State league, with Jantes B. Dudley, ol Greensboro, as presi dent A Dutchman by the name of Love Laambreecher, employed in the granite qearry near Salis bury, waa killed last Wednesday between two cars heavily laden with granite. The State Supreme Court last week confirmed the decision of Guilford So Deri or Court iu the case of Dr. J. B. Matthews, con victed of nardfrinv his »î<» Matthew· mut serve a life sen tence in the penitentiary. The Secretary of State baa granted a charter to the Helms K.triau La in be r Company, o! Monroe, with a capital atock of $123.000. and the Columbia Pish & Cannery Co., of Mantoe, with a capital atock of $50,000. The latest census figures show that the rate of increase in capi tal invested in manufacturing since lyOO haa been larger in Winston-Sale m than in any other town in North or South Carolina or Virginia. The Seaboard Air Line Rail way haa under consideration the advisability of erecting t Y. M| C. A. building and the organiza tion of an association lor the benefit of its employees nt Monroe. Mr. R.B. Simpson, of the At lanta division of the Southern Railway, has been appointed as sistant superintendent of the Asheville division with head quarter a at Wlnstou-Salem. Mr. C. C. Crow, a well known insurance man of Rakigb, was found dead in his chair in his room early Thursday morning by his son. Mr. Crow bsd been dead several hours, his death resulting from heart failure. J. W. Hill, who bad been in· dieted for murder in the first de gree lor the hilling of Marion Burgees in July, pleaded guilty to aaanslaagbter in Union Su perior Court last week and waa sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. Prank Roberts, a white man, an operative of the Revolution Cotton Mill of Greensboro, was found dead by the track of the Southern Railway Thursday. Roberta' body waa badly bruised and waa probably struck by a train while on bia way to the «ill in the early morning. The comnJissary of Strum & Dillard located near Li ο wood, where the Southern has a large force at wu«k laying the double track, was destroyed by fire Wednesday. The fire |was caused by a cigarette being dropped into a can of gasolene. The lose waa $2.000? The North Carolina Christian : Missionary Convention convened in Dunn Oct. 90th and Nov. 1st. Til· MftfMta » It* •bows the miidoMry work of all dapartaeaU of thii denom iaction which *m born ο ο Awikn «oil to btiai wry pnwptroiM condition. The SUtMvill* Realty sad Iamtant Coepanν of Statei villa baa baa» onraoic«d with a capital atock of $90,000. Tba eotapaay will do a general iaearanee bnaineaa and «ill also be engaged fa tba mal estate aad lea·baaineae. Qoiclt work on tba paît ai tba Charlotte Β re ana prevented a dliaatjaai Ira ia tba factory of ZEBRA TESTING SCHEME Rarest Bptdatai Imported For Experimental Purpoee·. ηοηητ or ▲ VSAI.TST Biixzi Wmwwmr M.' Tarn Iw4m WfU Try f V«m» lmlt<F ItMriH ·» IW Iww kmit d Mhkar(ti lilTM »n> »Mlil m«l Ma( RmmI rw tw WmMi Vytc* wits tfca Dake of Bedford. ou af the rlcbwt paw· of England, «bee· |mt aetata Mer Ionian centaine btaa blooded pctae stock aa wtO u wtM ■nlBtala of ran apectaa, Werner U. Ten Kordaa, ttw beakar, bee bought for We tdk stock fan at Ry·, N. T.. Err w·*»» rtpmnttai tba nrut ipw· ι vu mi of tb· (aaU/, sen Ο» New York WorW Two sebrai of the Behlmll ctaas came froo tb· South AfHcaa aoontala fa»tan··· Jest aorth of tb· Tnueraal Aooflar cam· from tb· dark eoentry of ▲byastala. This on· Is said to be the reraat sp«emea la cepttntr tad «oat Mr. Tea Nordea (ft.000. Tb· oeat of tke flr* Mbrai, locludlns that of brlngta* them from tbalr farawaj beta··, win b· around I2S.000 Three ara already twtajled la Mr. Taa Nor dea1· attUtk Tb· other two wlU be dell fared aarly aext spring. Matching tb· handaom· colaalll borna of New Task*· Brat chief Jostle*. John Jay. whleta Mr. Yea Korean purctuiaed •boot e jeer age, · bom· for tb· aatae ble ealmal· la Ma* nlinnaé trr AnM· Met Frank Book?. Everything that will coafenu to the habitat and nooee aitlee of tba animal· win bo Install*! ter th*<r health and contort. There will bo a large paddock, with a drink lag pool In tha conter. AH the build logs will I» steam heated and the tem pi rature regulated bouxljr. Mr. Van ΜμΊμΊ lore of Ana stock la sot the motive for b!a purchase of the aebraa. He aecurod tbem for pun ir acteoUflc experimental purpoeea Carrying out the theories of W. Bwart, profeaaui or natural kiatory In IMLn burxb unlreralty, be will try to snb atantlate certain theories of heredity. The sabras ara the moot perfectly striped ever seen to the United F ta tee of purest white, with gloesy black bands In on broken Bnsa to'erlmi the entire body. The common sabras aeon In circus parades and menageries, la contrast to the btna blooded spedea. are of a yellowlah brown, with broken banda of black, «standing only part way around the body, with little kr mo ■tarWaga on the legs and head. rrofeaaer Kwart contends that the product of a bone and a sebra will re aemUe la color eome dletlnct coodm ancestor and neither of the natural parants. The apeclc&tc Mr. Van Norden se cured from Abyssinia la as rare an ad Teat la the United Butes as a aoutb aaa lalander would-be la the north pole. It has long been coveted by the man ageoeot of ecological collection· all ever the world. Dr. Hornaday at tha Bronx Zoological gaTdena has long wished to add ooe or more to their growing collection of rare exhibits. It waa only ptocuied after aa expedition aaat oat by Ha gen back of Hamburg had vent some mootbe in dlBgant sssuh aad perlions adraoturu, Because of Its ssdoded haanta, often ttmes la the moat daaferooa mountain heights, and becaoae of Its ronalng siiinnssa and agility It Is one of the neat difficult animale to captura, it Is tha largeat and hsadsoaisef of the «P· dea and moreover la said ta he almost eat! net. Per this raaeon Mr. Va» Norden will experiment In ralstog soma la tha TTnlt ad SU tea. aad. although hs baa not promised, fie may taring Joy to tha hearts of tha "sear" collector· who have bean toagtag ta giasin ae gnat an animal rarity. Mr. Tan Mordes'· sebra a ara o»era babea. betug only etx years old aad aa frisky aa yneag celts, for. as Mr. Van Kordea explained. tha Ufa of a sebra is Bore than twice that of a horea, tha age af fifty years frequently betng at tained. The animals were kept by Ha geoback 1» Hamburg for a few aaoothe to domesticate them, aad Mr. Vaa Kor dea has bee· aaaurad that they are on· *f Dm ttw rich an of Knr Tort who do Mt κ· In for «atooMbllM. H· Mn >oo4 hero··, tat hi· loro for «rtrlaf ku Mt n* tollII—0*1 him to rUk Ma lifa brttnd ι torn mil pair U M«ratai The Mni captvad by the Bifo b«tk iqMIM tar* b—a «τίΜ ta Uiw Mr. Tu Mortal u4 tta Dak· •r Bedford. Tb· Utter Far InrlT Wfilll Mn. It bo toooa Mid tb· wadAng ttmr II iMfotowlf oat of data ni that ao· baa to iwd How-to to kaeir that tljar* rrar wu aa·, Uia tar't net » proajr «M vmM after il, hf U «■ ■amr «Τ th· wrn/a mt to· ilMt wyi the tattot Mm to for tb· beat m to . to happr pair o· «ta tat toi· ar tta n4to« trip. "Λ· aaΜ aT booar baa tar (bar· of tta far tt >■ "ap ur har to >11 tta I Ν M» Ma a PRIVATE AUTO TRACK. MMw· Γμ·ΙγμΗ>« é " — *7g CNIN M Hit BiliU. Wltt wlil b· IL· only privât» motet racing track la tie «orkl la te cour·· et couatroctlM at W«ytori4ge, la Bng ta&a. oo tbe eatate or H. P. Lock* Klac. aaya ■ Loodoo correoiMMjdeut of Uw Cbk«*o Paat Mr. Kl a# U oo ardout aotouioblllat. aa<J it li tri· lor· of the \YhU-fc hu Induced Ulm to Had a track for «p«od trial· and racing wtileh will be uu· e<iual?d la It· arraugeuieuts r.aj eltua tloa. Π» la, a« lte blmaaif dcacrlbea It aaxtoo· to "Imiwova tbe breed of aa tomeblle·" anaowbat lu the αα· way ta tba Jockey dab baa improved Uie qaattty of race bora··. II· chi>1:1bi that that· la at preaaat do oyfi art soil/ of conatantly taetlug all the poaalMU tie· of aa automobile. aad » coorae mcti a· b· I· making aiU probably bava aa Important effect oa the auto ■aobito building of the future. The track la to bo a circular ooa αt three mil··. 100 faat la width. aad It* cod·traction wltt ba an engineering (aat of no moan ordar. A great part •f It la bdug cat through > thick wood Jut* below Mr. Klnflkr rrttdaoca. and giant oak «ad dm ttwna ara brtag n[v rooted. ondargrowtb cleared away and barued. rati a·» bridged or Htlad op aad bill· laralad or cot through. Tbara will ba only ooa «loi» In tba track, aad tba raat of It will ba par· feetly Ural It will ba laid In cement, aad tba banking will be of rock a height m ta allow of racla* at a max ime· (peed of ninety at lea aa hoar. At oaa comer, on a kill NO feat high, aa elaborate boo·· for tin dab wblcb la to bo formed will ba built and from bare a fine τ lew of orer η mil· of tba track will be obtained. All racaa ara ta Aalafc ta front of tbe clabbooaa. Tba track wlU b· aituated ineef aaaa of tbe lorelleet eceaerj id Bur ray aad for tk· greater part of Ita length will run through aa aronoe ef taa old In»· Tba Automobile Club of UINÎ UIIIU1U I ■ «nues κι*» Η1Ι·Γ·Ι la tb« venture and la helping Mr. IClng with advice o» mat tan of detail. Continental clubs ira alao to b« In vited to meuibfahlp of the org toïxa tloo which win govern tb« coor»·, and it U protabla tbat the Weybrtdge track will become tha KtM of eu·/ of tbe imt trial· aud racaa of tbo aotouo Mie world. The track. It la expected, will be completed In If areb ont A RAILROAD WONDEH. Am Atr Use Wklek tau IU·» ■nal · «»■< Bear Mile·. Tbe lataat and blggaat project of David H. Moffat, tbe Colorado railroad ■at. la an atr Una from Denver to Bait Lak· City ever tbe continental divide, midway between tbe Union Paciic oo the nertb and tbe Klo Grande oa tbe Mitt, m7a the Mew Tort Sua. Dare lloffat Uaa dog dowa Into hi» own pocket and built ae«eral railroad· which nobody etee bad tbe courage te tackle. He meile money every time. Bat the present proportion la tbe atlff •at 00» be bai eacooatrnd yet. ii •eon ae the scheme was broached It ■tot with opposition from tbe read· that would be affected by M. When It was negated that lleCat was at lut op agolnrt a Job too Mg for him and that be could not get a route, one who knew him well remarked confidently) "A right of way block Dave UoffatT I mw not If therar· no other chance he'll en·· a right of way tkroogh." lie didst have to go to luch an az tretne, bat he did have to fornlih the money for the building New York capltaiuta whom be vtalted refneed to advance any money for tbe building. so k· asld: "Never mind. niVmlld it myeeif. We have a Dttle money eot In Colorado. I and my friends. We can all chip in. and I goaaa among oa we aaa make Bp a fair alsed pat Tide road la one of the plum· of Colorado, hat itll take a Utile ahaktng to bring It dewn." It took mora than a fair alaed pot; as (he preliminary work far the atrvey· eoet a quarter of a cal LI loo doll·». The Battngton had triad to get ov«r tbe aiomitatna and had become frightened when a million dollar* had been pot Into the work and brought no vialble reeulta, and Moffat bought the light· the Burttngton had acquired. The first fifty mil·· at road eat of Danvar coat 9*0,000 a mile, and the thirty-five mOee «ρ the foothill· to the liai* Bang· tonnai coat $100,100 a all·, all this for grading before a atngl· tie was laid. la eleven mllee there are twenty-nine tanneia through solid granite, and the rend has every conceivable aort of carve, from · herseehoe ta a tennis racket Bridgea and fill· eoet · mfl Hoa dodara. Β team fihovel cat. through rtxk. is 2,200 feet long and avaragae forty feet deep. The Mala Rang* tan· met, nearly three mile· In length, la on Am» Immtmm a* ··> ·Ιμ·Κο η» MOO feat, lad eeet $780000. WlOtaa Creek, wheae era kt4 the contract tmf kalldlQ· oh of tbe wont iilBa·» β* ft»· read, took ten 14000 <mb(e yard· ef grasfta with eaa bU»t aeUc MOO k»g· of bkek [wwdir ud flftm btfia af drnatt· to da It. T*t wont part at tbe read, the way ftarooati the mooat " aad What ■tirai/ MQ. to of ataadard «Ufa, S.OOO baavy M Km tlaa to (be alia, laetaad a* bmuI UN, aad oighty peaad rail*, an nftiawt Mead far heavy AHËA OF UNITED STATU. hntr «dim» «μ* η IM.TW Η CaKad fttataa lah •r g^SSAWMS ru"* "* aExaaaBHHaaaBBBBHttmarwaH·· BBomccaBGnna: j _ eke^^cb GASTON] COUNTY Is growing every day. One has but to keep his eyes half open to see this· Cotton mills are going up on every hand, the finest system of ma cadam roads in any coun ty in the State, probably in the South, is being constructed at a cost of φουυ,υυυ. ι ne farmers a e prosperous and hap py. The spirit of prog ress is in the air. : : Of Li.ur.i-e .you want to keep up with the proces sion. No man likes to get left in any kind of a race· In order to keep fully abreast of the times you must keep posted on what is transpiring In the county· To do this you need The Gazette. It furnishes you all the news of the county, furnishes It correctly and promptly. If your name Is not on our mailing list It should be put there today. : : : ONLY $1.50 A YEAR if./ The Gazette Publishing Co. Jas. W. Atkins, M^r. "Gaston County's!

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