I H > « f« « > I 11 » M « t I I I I HA I MR. CITMECNt , , , , f , τ Of coane you waat to kc«p op τ * with what'· foin* on io + 4 the county. You c«ci do it by τ Ζ retdlajr Tta· Guette. i : S JAS. W. ATKINS, Editer «od Μ·η·4·Γ. Devoted to the Protection of Home end the Intereste of VOL. XXVII. . i .vy PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND GA8TONIA, N. C„ FRIDAY, W. Y. ΛτηΜπι/. C. N. Rvami. Fictif <1. A. O. M«tu. Cashier. CAPITAL HO.OOO THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OASTONIAt N. C. Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, and farmers Invited. Liberal Denting along Conservative Lines. SAVINGS We have added a Savings Department, in which we Pay 4 per cent., compounded every three months. If yon have not already opened an account in this department we invite yon to do so. "A Social Glass of the Highest Class" | BEAUFONT Ginger Ale « Served FREE Saturday! Commencing at 10 a.m. till 1 p. m. AT THE FOLLOWING Popular Soda Fountains: Fui Μ TOIHNCK'S DRUO STOKE 'mtodÏt* Fin ai HENNERY'S DRUO STORE MiImUi SATUUAT ^NO il WILLIAM'S DRU6 CO. S*4· F Mate la 8ATUMAY ADAMS' DRUO COMPANY MfMNk UltIUlY Irm λ ADAMS' DWG COMPANY UnrW UTWMT Ffrt Λ MQONEY t bliNSUCKLR hit ami UTOOil fret «I . MOWS' CAFE ummr Γγκ d « CITY CAR SITUS*? ΤΗΒ Charlotte Observer The Ltrfest aid Best New·· paper in North Carolina. Every day li tke Year. SS.00 a Year. Tiu Oiutvu coniliti of 10 to It pave· daily mad 20 to 32 page· Buniif. It nasdlee mon u«i matter, local, State, national and foreign than any other North Carolina newspaper. THE 'SUNDAY MSOYBt U unexcelled aa a sew· medium, aad la alao Λ Had witfc excellent matter ol a miacellaneoua nature. The Semi-Weekly Obaerver laaued Taeadaya and Friday·, at $1.00 r. la tba Urraat paper for the la thfa aactton. It eoaalate ctite. and make· the Hfe worth u,Sf. •n nnaaual opportunity to obtain 00 doaes of Ike bast medicine ever made for kaU iu ragnlar price, with the pernona) ipuraotM of a wall known buaioesa fins to refund the money if It doea not give aatia If yon cannot call at Adama Drag Co. atore to-day. Bend tbem 25 centa by mail and tb«jr will «rod jroo a package promptly, charge* paid. Adana Dru Co. kave bee* able to ••cur» only a ll»i ed «apply of the •pecinc, ao ercat ia the iJcma»4, and vo* alioold not delay taking advan tage of the liberal offer they ar» raak log thta week. Νβ-23. I· lb· Cure· M. Episcopal church—Service· 11·. u»., conducted by Bishop J. M. Horner. West Rod Methodist church —Preaching tl 11 ·. n. tod 7 p. m. Rpworth I^eteue *t β p. m. Sonday. Rev. J. M. Do»·· in. pastor. Lutheran church—Communtbo services at 11 ·. m., Snoday. Preparatory services Sstqrday at 3:45 p. m., Rev. John Hall, pas tor. St. Michael's Catholic church —Mas» at 11 a. m. and service· at 3 p. m. the tr.d and 4th Snn· day's of the month. Services at 3 p. in. every Snnday. First Presbyterian chnrch— Preaching Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. «.J Sunday school at 10 a, a. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Rev. R. C. Anderson, pastor, Main Street Methodist church. Rev. B. If- Bain, pastor—Sun day school, 9:45 a. m.; Bpworth League devotional meeting, 6:45 p, m.| the hours for preaching •re 11 a. m. and 7:90 p.m.; morning subject, "The Irumova- { ble Kingdom of God* t evening subject, "A Word to the Young." Stranger· welcome to all these services. First Baptist church— Preach in? at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sub ject for morning, "Giving Others the Benefit of Onr Ex perience"; Sunday school at 9.45 a. in.; Young Ladies' Mia I sionary Society 3 p. m.; Β. Y. P. U.. Tuesday 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m. Rev. W. H. Reddish', pastof. PRESS COMMENTS WW S«M *f tk· Mat· '·»*· ·« *«rW Atwt Tfe· QiMtt· h4 tta Nrw liai Vtrii Pre· Clmlaal CUvdxad Mv, OU. The Gaatonia Oarette bu changed budi and Mr? J. W. Aikia·, o! The Charlotte Obser ver. become· the editor and proprietor, succeeding Mr. W. P. Marshall. Mr. Marshall is a newspaper man of experience and capacity and he bas made The Guette a distinctive force in the upbuilding of Oaitonia and Gaston county. Mr. At· kins is au experienced newa paper nun and will make The Oazette one of the very beat and most popular papers la the ChlSlM M jMftff CfcarMU ObMrmr. Ttk. The Observe! wish ci to taikc recognition in this department of the worth oi Ur. Jsmes W. Atkins, lately the new» editor, «bo ha* bbnghtThe Qastouis Gazette an4 gone to that ex cellent town. There is a doable resist ia this departure, for it means the retirement from the newspaper business of Mr. W. F. Marshall, the recent owner and editor of The Guette, and one of the ablest newspaper men in the State. In Mr. Atkins he has a worthy avecessor, and The Observer1· best wishes an with both. |n consequence of his leaving this paper. Mr. Victor L Stephenson snccecds him on Us news desk. Mr. Tbeo. P. Klotts, Jr., takes his plaça as exchange editor and editorial writer, and Mr. C. W. Notnce, late of The Evening Chronicle, follows Mr. &lutU as telegraph editor, Mr. R. W. Vincent con tinning as managing editor. These are all bright young nun who are destined to make their tu ark in the profession. WW* Yea Umrc Ut Blue· »nd Don't Cam a D—far Any· Y<&'2fuDA*tn$T.B OINGBR Beaufont Ginger Ale SappU·· the Waat-It'· ΑΠ Warm· Your Blood aa \n food wfil change Health'» ruddy glow Into pinched pJene» by drying, up the rich red blood, which nrtcrc provides.. You take alum ioto your food by the use of, so called,. cheap Powder· in which a Kim it used at a cheapening substitute for pure Cream of Tartar. There is only one sure way to guard jroer health against flum and ita injurious effects—Buy only an abeçlutely put* Grape Cream of Τartar Baking Powder—buy by the name— Say ptainfy ROYAL p&mw Koyil U nude from absolutely pure Grape Cream of Tartar, fcoyal it a safe-guard to health. Read the Sign at the CO»*»» suing* 1111 ·ΙΙΜ 1·Ι ΜΙ·Il I —II· I I Ç- - Please Call This Week And laueet ear eeulete line ·# Sideboards ΒΒ^ΚϊΙΜΜΜΒΒΙΜΜΗΜΜΒΜΙΜΒΜΚΙ······· ' .; '; '-·: >," ·.■; '"·'.■ .·.·.:.' f?P'i23$*'·' ,'·' *·j^vî#.3·.» ik''*%& '· ' !'· "' Williams Furniture Co. THE GAZETTE PRINTING HOUSE P*>t"*? *· ΡΛ·"'*Ι TE—S to CMCri un. 1 tboafht it would be ISO. Very reasonable. ψ And this fr«m .«othen ' "ÎidoMd plattM dktck lor ttSD Is itttltncat of Mr ictoont. Th»nWne job lar κ> excaUcst work Ml prompt delivery, 1 am Vary itactrelyywr», ·*.'· PrttfwU ™ *»'f '■ tbf» W» Pte—c Ottcf»"Olvt 0» w Opportunity to pi—c y—. Λ Gazette Printing House TRIBUTE TO BLINO BON. , Tt» «ympathy that ■«<«< Un. WB> \ ItaBt Stcgtor. widow of 9m bnttag pow- I ϋ(Μ|Μ·ΐ|Τ *nr Y«*aad Oansoct- t Wsrt. promoter of arrtte oaplortl—. ta ι plan · free luvntw tor tba bUsd *u 1 primarily imwd by tte pdafortaao of ] bar own 00η Uy bcr AM BMttatfK J • Wlfluritem apaalal dispattfc Μ 0κ> Nrw York World ΤΙ» ·οα (· Cl. Ο Oaaibta at UMH barmatfi, Mar Wltwuarr». IV, who bu tea* I1U1MI «hit* bo ni »u waafca »WV n· là now «boot forty yoar· aH. < kir. (MnWi «ald tte otter nlgbt ttet Ula matter «rot Will· I tte Un oT a niaxMhM «or tte Mind to Ma ateat a year ·η mm afwr te M taM ter wtet a boon κ ««M te t· tte MM ta raat fpr *.analioa tte aawm, «m M pni nu l oataa a aaaotfc. Rm twa toM Mu ttet tea ted rwwlrad ta pat tte plan lata «axwtaa «a mm m M roaM te prfwtly Îrrdoptd. Ma ra rvatly lafarmad bi* tbat«teba4M«a thé ûrrnn piment* for publimtkM. Mr. WM adaeatad la a Xt* Tor ν lasUiato tar tte bUad at Xtetk erruaa «nJ Tbtrty foiirth atraat. Ha waut to wnbratena M J«2 far tawt «ni by a apocMMt aad foar yaaca latar ara· aanM at WUteaUam. Ba ovma bla ara borna. f«r«traa a aa· rortnbl» allowau» (rata Mt ai alter. M wall road, tem «te oootaatad and (te Mope awl ilrbef a« Map Mm paapla t» fela WjM. * \ ·/>? Mai »hall Davia had bia throat cot with 9 nuor 1· Ike hand· ο( omet Ltwto, «t » Μβτο frolic «I Stocky Mont tHuéay ilgkt, DENTIST. ^fficcfiratSoorT. If. C.A.BM'c GA8TOKXA, N. C. 4 % ' S. FALLS 4 WHIMS, DBKTI8T8 V -K OASTOWA, N. C. PH. J. M. HUHTBB