—ι—·»*· f Mfo <p»TI*BN> ι ι ι I J Τ CM courte yoe wul to ktip «ρ + 2 with what'· (οίηχ on Id ι 2 the county. You caa do it by τ ι readiof The Guette. : X The Gastonia PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK—TUESDAYS AND JAS. W. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Howe and the Interesta VOL. XXVII. — — _ —ι, — - ι _ _ ' ~ ι. ι - ^ GASTONIA, N. C, TUESDAY *. f. Κλμκιμ. ΑτίίΛ.Λ C. Κ. K*A*·. l-iu Prtt Α. α Bnu, CetbUr. CAPITAL SeO.OOO THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OABTONIA, N. C. Accounts ο/ Merchants, Manufacturers, and Farmers Invited. Liberal Dealing along Conservative Lsnes. SAVING» We have added a Savings Department, in tthick we Pay 4 per centcompounded every three months. It you have not already opened an account in this department tve invite you ta do so. DON'T FAIL TO HEAR I S*res. SCettry 31. Snyder •I Vtdml College, SiutMkirt S. C. LCCTUKE ON "Shakespeare Once 3lgairt" AT fit I OPERA HOUSE I Friday Night, Nov. 16th I ImnrW S«*U, SI Cnti 6u«r*l Μ·Ιπ<η 33 Crate. § FOR BENEFIT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL. BRIMFUL STQMACB DOSJUO. P|· N«m) (f It Whea Kyevtl |f Um4 ' t» Cor· Calsrrlf Physicians and scientists agree that the 1cm medicine one swallows, the better. It is in keeping with this idea that Hy otnei ia recommended by lead ing phyaiciana throughout thia and other catarrh·! section·. When thia treatment U used in catarrhal troubles, there ia no atomach dosing. for the medi cine is taken in with the -air you bfeathe, and goes right to the spot where the cstarrhal germa aie present, healing the inflamed and irritated mucoua membrane, killing the disease germs and entering the blood with the oxvgen, driving al{ ca tarrhal gefinf frpm i}iev system. fio1 not try to ς pre catarrh oj the bead bv putting medicine into your stomach,—this ii «either a »cte«tlflO aor rolnmon mh treat meet. Breathe U»e kt»l Isut halsams oi Hyomei and la a few day»y°« «ill notice relief, and iti coetlnr.cd uae will result in a com plete and taiUn* eo*e. J. H. Kennedy ft Co., aeen ae many cores made by Hyomei amoauft their cu(toner*, several of them caaea Where all hop· of re lief had been gtrea αρ. that they rv^ffç/siswî. îis 5Τί · ·** °·«Γ 80 «»t» —03Q-M13· Riv Uwr Pire. HarUoe, Taylor ft Co., la tk name of a new livery firm at Dalla·. The new concern bai leased the «tables ο I Mr. Ε Lee wilaon and will conduct ι livery buaineaa at tbe old itand. Mr. ' Jôbn Hartsoe, ο (he firm, will àondopf a b|àck imilhahop iq aopnecUm wjil the atablf. Mr. Wilaon. Ih« former liver* man, lia* duaed oat hi· etock a ad will devou hi· entire time to hi· lumber in tareata. Special Law liiaa. Tb. C. * N..W. Râilwai Company kaf Leaned the tollow Soted partie· of Tweatyl*· h fty people oe on ticket. « rat ilar train*, between any t*< patata, on tbeaa Haea. Meet**· M and *km ApH Ι^,ΙίΟβ.· β. P. R«tt>. QmwiI huttf At— HtrTASOrtlS BANQUET. Nioiltrf Initiated «I MaatlaJ Prtd#y HUM—R*n. IlK Mi Hn*r ·! Mwrii' Ctlr-AMriii by Mr. Jake W, CrtfU, t! Ballimare, At the regular meeting of the Gaaton Conclave No. 391, ]m. proved Order Heptaaopba, in their hall Friday sight, it was the pleasure of the local order tp have two distinguished membera of the supreme coo clave present. The visiting brethren were: Mr. John W. Crnett, supreme organiser, of Baltimore, and Mr. John B. Sloan, district deputy organi ser, of Rock Hill, §· C. Mr. Ç. H. gubert, sdpretné fc*ed»ç*l difeçtqr, wM to baye been Keaent also, but was prevented >tn coming to Qaatonl· on ac count of the great rush of busi neaa in hi» oflce. In addition to tbc regular work Of the lodge, aeven new members were ioitiated and introduced to the goat. After the initiation. I taém almMiaa* - — « 1 J " Λ the member· of the order on tbe benefits to be derived (roo tbe KjlOTO tq QMt°oU ίρ three ye·?· and. ip Si* opening reoitru, he Mid that the town had grown to eucb en entent that he was only able to (COOfttiae the plaee by the hotel at which he atowped. After the meeting To the halt the Heptasopbs wast to Morris' cafe where Mr. Morris bad «ade special arrangement· tor their entettainteent. While the member· feasted on orators and C'uett sad othara. Mr. Ctuett msde a great hit ia a response to a toast with ρ revised version of tha old Mother Goose rhyme, "Jack aad OUI." Tbe evening was a very pleasant one for all tha members ■ad will eaase many to ^ake (treeter latere* \a the Wrfings of the locslWsre. The Qfston conclave now Km »ore than MO αχ ipbcfs ao4 «a effort will he made to leertaae the member· •hip to *00 ia another year. > The report from tbe board of ι eoonty eanvasaera for Aibe, » which met at JeKeraon Mov.lOtb, I showathat tfee Democrats haW se cared a majority la that ooaa* , ty for the first tiaaa la tO years. Jt/l Over the State \ ; I Oar SU*i Xapptmlmtê A/ Jet» ; Jiltjr Arffnyii hr Snf I cXmAn-A* Xnn ·/ « Amî ! f>«aw»wM £·«AwA ι / / Pire destroyed « liven stable at Draper Friday, entailing a Iom of $3,000. The Caroon Brick Company, Charlotte, is chartered, with a capital o( $100,000. Pire at Wilson Thursday night destroyed the Banner warehouse and a large amount of tobacco, the total loaa being $25,000. - The Pigeon River Railway Co. with headquarters at Can ton, Haywood county, la char tered with a capital of 1200,000. Varions township· in Iredell and Yadkin coontiea Tuesday voted bonds aggregating $190,· 000 for the StatesvTlle Air Line Railway. Herbert L. Matthews, aged 13, suicided at Raleigh Priday by drinkiag a glass of coca cola containing ?0 grains of strych· nine. He died in half an hour. George Wilson, a Greensboro negro, was ahot and seriously injured bv Policeman β keen s PriHav wtiil*» tilfitintlnor ta #»». cape. He h*<l been arretted for insolence to two ladies. In response to an advertise ment of the Beaufont Ginger Ale Company, tweaiy-tbrae red· headed girls applied at The Ob server office in Charlotte Friday· for a box of Hnyler'» candy— and all in one boar. J«df« Henry Pearee aoored a jury at Dotban, Ala., for acquitting William Crockett, a white man, of the charge of killing a negro. Had hi· victim been a white man, aaid Judge Pearee, the Jury would have banged Crockett. Ai a result of family troubles Dr. B. S. McDow, of Lancaster, was shot and seriously Injured Thoraday at Heath Springs by bis brotber-io-law, John A. Bridges. His left arm an^ right band may bay? |o be amputated,' Tbomasville chair manufac turers are exceedingly mad with the Southern Railway because Friday the road transferred to Danville, Ya . all the empty cars standing at Tbomssvill· ready to be loaded with chairs. At Burlington Friday Mr, Wilt Holt knocked dqwn a negro wbo insulted bim and Uttr, when the negro attempted to cut bim, shot. This negro and three others were warned to leave town and did so at once. The oldest inmate of tbe Sold iers Home at Raleiqh is dead, at the age of 97. His name waa Bonn. He and three of his sons were in the Forty-seventh North Carolina Regiment and served throughout the v»ar. Two of vue NUI flqw MVPf · The Monro* Insurance and In vestmeut Company, recently in· corporaled, perfected Its organ isation Seturdsy. The company ia capitalised at $30,000 but is authorised to begin butines» on SlO.OOO. it will deal especially ία real estate and loans. Miss Flossie Settle, a North Carolina girl wb«. M M»rton Draufhn, has sttfincd soma ^rttkdioeflce on the sUp and *rbp reeeafly lost a salt which shs brought against "The Ctsns wan," has according ta a I<oa^ei dispatch, brought «ait «gainai Heinrich Tbyssen, son of ι German multUmllllonalre, (or ι large sum (or breach q( promise. At the seventh anneal meet ing o( the State Literary «né Historical Association, to bt held ia Raaey Half, Raleigh, Nov. IÇb, M will t$ decided tc m«ers«a wemorisl cup wiU b· awarded. .The enj goes lo the North Carollnlat who haa produced the beet lit erary work daring the paat year, It is now held by Mr. Johi Charles McNeill, of The Char lotte Observer. flukhm Will Ceatest. •eye; ÎConaressman Κ, 8 pence ilsckbnrn, who was defeats y over 1,100 majority by Mr R. N. Hachett in the eifhtl congressional district, was ben to-night ea route (ram WUkes boto to Washlagtoa. la aa la terview the defeated candid·* stated that he pmiosed I poatett the eleotlon oHlacket oa the ground that a«n thai 1,000 neea voted against hi a who had Ml paid their poll tas Spindles ud Looms ~t-x-~ir-utttttuiuiu;:i:u:· irtttrtmnaxs Matter· .« latorw* *W«t M Ida ■■4 MOI fMbn Blum Γι»· TTw ΠμΜΜμ Tiigi m rf Mm OM Nw«fc ΙΜ*·« OfMtK IMmW I · « « ι ι Fred A Com nook resiroed aa anperintendent of the Covti neat·] Μίκ. Co. of Charlotte oo the 1st inat. The Creacent Manufacturing Co. of SperUaburr, 8. C.. has ■taited s eight κ boot for the benefit of it· employea. C. Gunby Jordan, president of Eagte mod Pboenii Cotton Mills, of Colombo», Ga., says they arc annually loaiec S3,000 oa accoaat of not beiné able to get sufficient help. . G. R. Matthews, ovtrseer of weaving at the Gibtpn MOI, Concord, N. C., entertained bis second hands at supper at tbe St. Cloud-Normandy Hotel recently. Β. M. Walton, fonnefly of the Loaise Cotton Mills. Charlotte, ha· gone to Kisff's Mountain, Ν C., to aceept another oosi "τbe Bradford Knitting Mill» Co.. at Stateaville, N. C., men tioocd tool time «go as bavin* been incorporated with a capita] of $?5.Q0Q, baa «Urted work oo ita mill. Tbe pnrpoce ia to bave the mill completed tome time in January Tbe warehouse at tbp &s*on Mill», Spartanburg, S.'C., waa badly dacqaged and t«e*ty aeven bale· of cwttQa were deatroyed by fire Tuesday nigbt of last week, The origin of the fire la not known. It ia now definitely ateured that a new cottW mill la being organised at Roanoke Rapida, N. C , and H ia expected that actual construction wiQ be be gun on the plant as aoon aa the Roanoke Rapids Power Co., la in a position to furnish the neceaaary additional power. The capital stock of tbe com· pany ia said to be about $500, 000. The Dudley Sboal· Cotton M ilia Co., of Granite Palls, N. C., baa been granted a charter. Tbe object of the corporation ia to manufacture cotton yarns, cotton fabrics, etc. Tbe total authorzed capital stock ia $100,· 000, but tbe Compaq y iqay organize and commence busi ness when 923,000 baa been paid in. Tbe incorporators are D. H. Warlick, D. A. Whianant, D. W. Rnaaell and G. Mooft, of Granite Palls. far Qeed a! Schaola. A branch of the State Women's Betterment Associa tion waa organised Priday after noon at tee Central graded school with about 35 members, including teachers and patrooa of the school. Tbe meeting was held at 2 o'clock, school having bean dismissed for tbe afternoon for tbe purpose. Mi«* |<eah D, Jones, tjead of the practice school at the State Normal and one of the State's beat equipped and most progressive primary teachers, was present and nude an addresa, setting loeth clearly the objects of the organlaation and the beaefita to be derived therefrom., Officers were elected as follows: President. Mr*. P. Raid; vice president, Mrs. W. J. Clifford? recording «we· sr; Eh u ford. The organigatfon will be computed at an adjourned meeting to be fcétd at the Central achoof Priday afternoon at 2 o'Olock. The object of the as sociation ia tbe beautifying of aohool rooms and baildinga and the creating of interest amtnsg the oitrooa to this en·!. It doubt leas accomplish »«eh *ττ:ί / WILL MAKE UDIESMURMENTS. TIE YEAUt-McLEAH MF®. CO. flutoth'i \MMt Eaterpriae le · Factory tor TminOti I» 41m* SaMa aa< Shirt»—Will ha luiy 1er Iwndw Eirlr la J—wr-vgi fn* Str» <T*fH» U4ki I· AO Mi Will Mr. J. P. Twin ami Mr. A. A. McLm· Mm ft—»In Flirt •nti KM to flihUBt Keith GutMliu have become ao need lo bcitiiK of new factories and Other eoterpriaea act oa loot a 1 moat every day that the mere aaaoaoceaeat that the town ia to haw a aew factory, especially [f it be foe the aianaiactare of cottoa yam· or cloth, attracta do great amount of atteotioa, aa area the caae a few year· hack. The town'a lateat eeterwW. however, la doa| M altogether new lise and the mere mooter· ment of iu loasgnration win at* tract attention oat only In Ges tosis bqt tfarra|toat the State and even io other Statea. It la β factory for the aianufaetore of ladles' garments, consisting of fall aaita and skirta. Thia new enterprise la to be operated fay the Yeager-McLean Manufacturing Company, the members of the ire» being ltr. /. P. Yeager and Mr. A. A. lie· Lean. Mr. Yeager baa for the put aeveral years conducted a millinery and ladle·' furnishings More with marked anccesa, aad has for the peat twelve aaoatbs operated a acaall manufacturing plant foe custom work, hia bus iness having crown from the my start. Thia baaineaa will be condoned. Mr. McLean baa long been prominently identified with the baaineaa interest* of the town and m « traveling talesman baa met with great ι access. The firm will begin business Jan.- lit -TtfTwfU 66·' copy the tbird too* of tbe Ad· a ma building, where tbe machin ery for tbe msaufactnring of ■kirta will be installed. In the en atom department, which now occupies tbe second |oor of thia baildine and which will be enlarged and in tbe fac tory department there will be employed at least seventy-five ladles, M toon aa tbe factory is pqt in operation ; 50 will be em ployed in the skirt department and 25 will be employed in the custom department. Tbe ma chinery. especially made for this purpose, has already been or dered and- will be installed and ready for work by Jan. 15th, The motive power will be elec tricity, which will be obtained from tbe Spence* Mountain Power . Cootpanv, through the town of Gaston (a. An electric elevator will be installed to carry freight aad passengers from the first to the third floor. It is the intentioo of the com pany to pet salesmen on the road nod tbe goods manufac tured will be placed with firms in the lsrrer towns and cities of thia ana many other States. Only η very blfb grade of goods Will UC OBI MOU VB1T I hi(b Qlaw of trade will be «itered lo. It U dlOcult to at tempt to estimate with any de gree o! accuracy I be valut of tbift new eoterprlae to Gactoaia. It will aerye to advertise it over a lam territory u the only town La North Carolina where ladies' garment· are mannfaC' tu red. The com p«ny bu a large capital and, being backed by bh wb« know the bnsinesi and who have attained success, the re la not the leaat doubt that tbe nroduct of tbe new factory erll), in a very abort time, win « reputation which will increase the demand for Gaaloula-made garments to aoch an extent that the eoaptajr will bava to en large ita factory and increase Its ont put. Th*" Gaxkttr extendi tbe glad band to tbe Yeager· McLean Manufacturing Com pany and rxpeeaaea tM hop» that it wU> more tban reallae all Ita bopea of aucceee. Te Dm Electric fewer. All the cotton mill· at Maidat and the Maiden Milling Co» pany on laat Friday signed ι contract whb tbe Çatawbi Power Company,· headquarter Hock fllll, tf c.. to wpph electric power to these mills beginning next June, Tin Catawba Power Company la nos stretching wire· to Oaatoela aa< aa aoon m the mill· at that plan are equipped, the line will b cheaper for ta· mill· tban ateam produced from either wood ο ooal m tea). Will find io ot»r «tore the choicest line of Dress Good·, Millinery aod Ladies' Furnishings they csrf to took at. W· bar with * view to satisfying the noat exact· iof aod our iatawsN baatooa pretaa that we km succeeded ία plesiiaf hundreds. Why not yo«? ; Plaid &IIk aqd Flannel Walttlngs The *trγ newest things la plaids and flannels in aO the aew designs end coloriées. Our lie· of PlaW SOks b the prettiest I· tow. Sitka an very tcarce •ear and hard to e*t, hot we succeeded in leading · splendid Nee. Λ Λ;: New Dress Goods A sufficient variety to plea* all. Tble line lactadee the Blsee, Greys, Reda, Greens and «II the ether new colorings. : ::::::: Coats and Jackets A fall line of the latest styles. Yon moat see them to appreciate : s Ladles',Children's and Misses* Underwear Uaderwrat dan «t kin «ad ■£ km talus anuinal pains to proridt oer «tore with a full a«d coankte lloc in this depvtmcat. Thk h m of oar » specialties. AQ style* vd price* from 25c to $1 JO. Furs* Λ complete assortment of «11 qualities. We can't fail to plmi foa ia tkt mattar of Pan. - '»'· : Fall Millinery Our head wear business ha» grown to portions. Oar triaatn are all m busy as bm. There's a reason-we please oor customers—that's it. iJas. F. Yeager 5LADIES* FURNISHINGS 1^· a ■ , , - .'*BM .V. <Jk. .V «V .41 Please Call This Week s$ie And laspect our complete line of •w Sideboards ■ . ,1·., . · '·.·-·/'À· t·· *' -v : · vi· ' *vV *C Williams Furniture Co. ■EAST TO QrESATS. Clara Mill lo »etfn OperaUan i • Few Week» Electricity VU b· M .(It. Power—A Mlto PlaaL . ' The Clara Cottoa MitK on tb Carolina & North-We.tern Rail road, south of town, la ready } begia operetioa m wooa u th power cutt be (uroidMd. Tk mill will obtain Ua motive pom from tbe Speocar Mooatai Power Company. The compas expect» to reach the mill withi a few day· a*d the work < starting the machinery ' wi befha mtn building la oa leet, ·πα ι equipped witb the very latei labor-*avlnff machinery. Th carda «ad epinninj hail, U irether with some of the odu machinery, are the latent pro* ucU oi In Wbitinville Machin Shop*, whilt the picker· ore « the Kiuon type. There are S 000 npiudie». in «tWition to tl twitter «pindle», which nu»b< 440Q. Tbere *ra atao ta warpera, one Den η and 00· Bal The mill will turn out Ana van 40'· to 60'· both ply mpà slagfc Throughout the mill there ai placed U aiotor·. 12 ol 20 hora power and one of SO hone powt Back aiotor will drive a certa portion oi tha machinery, erhU will taabU any part,to I •topped witkoat ioterierrit witn the «iber». The will rit· lu elude· IS acr of laud on which there baa b« built · neat little village of tkl ty boa···, conveniently arrant for tbt comfort o( the operetta Mr. C. M. Dunn le »up*rint«n ent and Mr. Starnev Smith w be overtter ol carding, Tl other foremen have not yet ke irAisoû niirnu'S nissim. l l»fM U H ίι lull to hwcà I «d F—If >·ι·| fWWIdw* » ·! Thaï City. Tbe Rev. AtamkUr Hemp . hill. · colored divise at peculiar I cet, bu *one te OuUwU, where t he will paatare ahd preach fer ι aeveral iao«tka. People who t «tood about the Sootbern**- - r StvPmoa He«phi)lT in alt*o{ ι Ma «lory. He waa nbt woat ia I ttmtint character whhia a 1 block. On bit head ke wore · •ilk bal which waa banded down e itooa aowe οέ hia Africa· aocea l tore. Hi* coat, a greeniah tinted t frock, licked the calve· of fit ..... It- - λ - —· m — tape! to Uil with wdgMted cm* paiirn buttoa·, hofeta aod pirn» On OH aid· were MM«bled the pictotca of the lataeoted Mo· Kin ley, the atreaaoua Rooeevelt »η<| β rooitef, while <tm " the othè· WM arrjijred » 20tb of May button, bearing the lace of Ch»rlott·'· way or, tad a Mo· Comtek adrntliha plate. ^«reo-a Heraphjfl, beiu® · ν quiet man, «aid bat little dalteMU.V hi· wait «I tbe ctation, hot tiS ejrea were bmy. acaaaio* mrjf- » thing that pieaented itaalf. When a»ked where he WM co in* tbe darkey »"4 M'iwnm way to Q eat on/ to ι iro»t»e1 to dc wicVed dnnrhifr* of <!v. ritjr." "What might he yea* aa*Mf* aiked as Obaervrr Mas. -I'ae da Rev. AV.. H»mphUl, preacher of da \ and all-rottâd partem.* M4^i£LS22"vi?.*?S color, by do»** or baa at Ta4 Oa Liklr

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