"t-■»« « I Oi NUN you wmat to kNp ·ρ τ with whÂt'a gotaff ο· Ια χ tb« cocnty. Yon u« do it by f re*dlof Tie Gazette. I I X iiiiiiiniiniiimi nul J AS. W. ATKINS* Bëttor Ia4 Manager. Devoted to the Protection of The Gastonia PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAY® VOL. XXVII. GASTONIA, N. C„ FRIDAY, ft. P. Uxinr. Pntiint. ' C. ». *»*«··, Vict-Pret. A. O. Mfiu. CetUtr. CAPITAL MO.OOO THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OAtTONU, N. C. Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, and Farmer} Invited. Liberal Dealing along Conservative Lines. SAVINGS We have added a Savings Department, in which toe pay 4 Per cent.y compounded every three months. If you have not already opened am account in this department we invite yeu to do so. J. H. WILLIAMS C. M. FfOLEN WILLIAMS FURNITURE CO. CIAlfl < WILSON aPlLDlWB AMP OU» 1A6AW lUlLPIHg General House Furnishers We carry the nott complété •ad up'to^ste stock of H onse Furnishings lo Gaston County. .·. .·. λ Λ .·. We Invite year Inspection of our stock* end all courtesies will he shown you, whether yon purchaae or not. .·. Λ .·. .·. .·. .·. .*. .*. Va handle the test quality and guaraslea Satis lactic·. We appreciate year liberal patronage and will da ear best to serve ym right i : ; t : : : : : : : GASTONIA, N. C. DO NOT U A 1URDEN. J. H. Kmm4jf A Cm. Ohra S*m Om4 A4vlc« t· Rct4cr> ·# lk« OtMtU· A weak atotnacb and its re sulting ilia are natural. With proper care and the use of Mi o-na atomacfa tablets, the T^ry worst case of indigestion or stomach troobl· can be cured. It is a sin to deprive oneself of enjoyment in life and become s burden to others through in digestion. The backaches, head aches, distress after eatiog, loss of appetite, gulping up of un digested food and eases are nat ural. Mi-o-na stomach tablets nxed for a few days before meals will so strengthen the digÏStive organs that von can eat anything you want without fear of distress or resulting sickness. The directions for taking Mi· o-na emphasize the difference between this remedy and the or dinary medicine that is Jfiven for in direction. Mi-o-na <■ to b« οκΊ be fore meals, ctrenjrthaninr ih* direct ive system lor the food which» to be eatea. while the ordinary remedy U taken after meals, cad Mnplr df rtstt the food without streeftthaainjr the stomach. J. U. Kennedy A Co. have so much faith ia the merit of Ml-o-aa that they *«11 It uadar a guarantee to re load the money, ia caae It does not cam. A 50-ceat box of Mioaa will do more real good thaa a do·en pick aces of the ordinary remediea •old Tor indirection Then. too, it cost· nothing nnteaa it rares. -KM·. Will Pftw SteetnM. Chart·»· Cknmeta. One of tbe newest enterprises io GMtoaii will be the misa· factor* of women's salt· and alciris, not of common jrood», bat for tbe finest wear. Tbe en terprise ia oader rood inanage mrat and will donbtleas prove a kuccsssiol one. Any sort of a fabric factory ia tbe Sooth win ' make money If properly man aged. Special Law Safe*. Tbe C. & N.-W. «*?*·> Company haa issued tbe follow In*aotioe aa Joint drcelar No. 1 : To All Amenta: Upon application and suffi cient notice to thia office, Spec ial Round Trip Ratea wUl be quoted partie» of Twenty.flve to Fifty people oa oee ticket, on regular traiaa, between a«r two pointa, on tbaaa Haas. Rflective on and after April Ut, 1906 9. Ram, Oeneral Paaaaagar A«eet. OUI OiPHAWOES. Thanks-Offerings ι Factor la Tkitr Maintenance aid lm imuint. Τ be work of the orphan·' bones of North Carolina is re garded highly by oar people, and these institutions are worthy of our heartiest support. We can see something of the good tbev are accomplishing, bnt the far-reachiov, ever-widening in fluence of their work we are not now able to fnlly know and measure. They are being great ly n«ed of God in the betterment of lives, in th« salvation of souls. Thanksgiviag Day has been adopted by onr people as a time of special effort for and gifts to the orpbanges of the State. Can we in a better, more fitting way express our gratitude to the giver of all good tbaa by help ing in the care and equipment ter life of these homeless child ren? Sach a method of express ing thanks to God appeals to us, and, sorely, it is pleasing to The aid received by the or phans' homes of North Carolina at Thanksgiving is a factor in the maintenance and improve ment of their work. May the observance of Thanks giving Day this year be even a greater aaeans of honoring Gel and bleaain* mankind. Mas! In Cmlir to Iha Peepfe ■t Tinea. MkliMl ten»!. Newapapera. to be true, nuit ran counter at tinea aot only to railroad»—which U alwaya pop ular—to government*. which la alao ratber popular, bat aiao to the people—rwhich ia, of courae, mot popalar. WUl Tel fn#K« Lacea. OnWiiOnii, 14a Oaatoaia la to have a factory lot the manufacture ol ladiea' earmenta. la aaooaaciag the tact, oar correspondent aaya with trath that "Gattouiana have become ao need to heada? of new (act uric· that th« nan an aouncenaat that th· town ia to have one attraeta no attention." Thia particnlar enterprise, how· ever, ia noteworthy w oat ol the iaereaaiog number ol clothea lactoriaa ia the State tad a· rap· raaeatinr the tie ml toward more and more highly fiaiahed prod uct·. North Carollaa will vet ptoiaoe laoea., LOBAT LOCALS. Protracted Hiitlsf il ViilnM Charck Cl·»··—Wark Pr· fnMlif «s Haw PrnkyitH» Charck—Other Km Mu. OiltWMIlllM· W dv OUMl Loray, Νυν. 15.—AH is auie la this end οί town uve the hua of spindle·, tbc rattlety-bang « the loom· and the couatant rat' tie of the draymen's «acons ai they vie with each other in de livering goods and engaging in a little friendly jesting occaatoo ally. Rev. J. M. Downura left Mon day for Lenoir to apend one day with hia family before going tc conference. Mr. Do wo α m bai ■ron the love and esteem of οαι people here and all hop· be will be returned to tbia charge. The protracted meeting at tb< Wealeyan church closed Sunday night. The pastor is attendis· conference tbia week in Char lotte. Rev. C* A. Swift ia visiting Friends and relatives otn Greensboro this week and will Bo from there to conference, which meeta at Rocky Mosul next week. Mr. A. B. McAl lister waa called to the bedside of bis little dsnghter, Cora, el her grand-father'a, Mr. J. L,· McAllister, sear Stanley Creek, last week. The tittle one vai suffering from ·■ attack ol pneumonia, but ia much bettei BOW. Mr. L. B. Hinea is home from a trip to Campobello and Intnan, S. C., where he viaited relative! last week. He reporta a good time. Work on the new Presbyterian church ia progreaaing and the building baa taken abape so one can have an idea of ita appear ance when finished. It will add to the attractiona on the boelr vard and we hope also to thi spiritual well-being of our peo ple. Governor Glenn iasued s proclamation Wednesday set ling aside Thursday, Nov. 29th, sa Thanksgiving Day. LtWCLL ITEMS. > VwknRnr C«Un Mill Fro* r«Nla« tapMlf—Hmt Imm liiil kallt—ΓιγιιμΙι krraMMâWM <* Um llmH» Lowell, Ν. C. Nov. IS.— Work oa the new cotton mill I· progressing rapidly tod the new ; tenant house·, which are being rapidly completed, are making the upper part of the villa** look more town like. Mr. C. W. Nipper la repair lag and enlarging hi* store house near the new oottoo mill. 'Miss Bulslla Lata sod bar brother, Graham, bave returned Irom Mecklenburg county, where they went to attead the (userai of their aiater. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett le<t Monday lor Mt. Airy to at tend conference. It fia the de· •ire of his congregation that Mr. Benoett be returned to thia circuit for another year. Miaa Aurelia Hand' is spend ing aeveral daya with her brother, Mr. J. K. > Hand, at Kiai'a Mountain. Mra. B. P. Leosbardt and little sou. Bee, returned Mosday from Charlotte, where tbey spent aeveral daya with frieôda. Qaite a number of Lowell people attended the cirrus ia Charlotte Saturday. Mr. Arthur Lcouhardt waa ose of the attendants at «the Corn· well-Lewis wedding at ttallaa Tueaday night. Mr. U. W. Groves, who baa been very aick for the past few days is stteuded by Dr. Taylor, of AabevQle. We regret vary much the de parture for Gaatonia of the family of Mr. J. R. Raid. How· ever by aeveral changes is caoviug, all the houses ere again occupied. Mr. Jim Wil son, the popular book keeper of the Lowell Cotton Mills, occu pies the bouse vacated bv Mr. Reid. The Southern Live Stock In aurance Company has been or ganised at High Point and $50. 000 capital stock paid in. Risks will be written on dea.La among atock only. Alum in food causes stomach disorder*—It» con· lj tinued rue means permanent i| injury to health. ^Following the advice of medical scientists, England and France here passed laws prohibiting its use in bread making. ^American housewives should protect their house holds against Alum's wrongs j by always buying pure Qtape Cream of Tartar Baking j Powder. f Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder is to be had for the asking— Boy by Royal Gaston's OU Soldiers Abernetbv. C. N., Company C. 10th Regiment. enlisted Muck 12. 1862. Abernethy, Jeose· P., Com pamy C. 10th Regiment, to listed July 15.1062. Abernethy, Wen. Μ, Com· puny nittinr. 16th Regiment, enlisted Jnlv 3. 1861; died Oct. 1881. on fnrlough at bone. Abernetby. B. P., Company misting, 16tb Regiment, enlisted i Jnly 3. 1961: di ri April 188Z. Abernetby, J.M W..Compan> ι niidng 10tb Regiment, enlisted M arc α J7CD, Ιβαζ. Abernetby, J. Α., Comoany Β. 28tb Regiment: died Feb. 22. 1862. appointed bo*pit·) rtrvtrd. Aberactby, J. R.t Company Β 28th Regiment, died Sept. 3, 1883. Abersstby, J. Aiooso, Com· ptar B. 28tb Résinent; died in itny Sept. 3, 1883. Aberaetbr, Marion C., Com* pur U. 3/lb Rcfiment, 4tb sergeant ««listed Oct. 8, 1881. wounded at Fredericksburg ; died in prisoa and buried at, Ailing· too. Aberactby, Cbriatimn U., Cota pur H. 37th Regiment, en listed Oct. 8.1081, discharged. Aberaetbr. J. W. C., Com pany H. 37th Regiment, enlisted Oct. 8, 1881. promoted orderly semant Feb., 1883. Aberactby, Jobn, Company H. 37tb Regiment. Aberactby, W. D. R., Com pany H. 37th Rmimest, enlisted Oct. β, 1881, died uf woand niter prisoner at Haaovcr Coatt House. Aberactby, David, senior re ittVC · AS»rn#fhv fi If Γλ»»ι·»·ι··ι Β. 28th Regiment, enlisted Much 29. 1862. A bet oe thy, M. L. Cmbmbv B. '28th &efi«Dt, enlisted April 30, 1863, wôaoded at Jones House is shoulder. Abernetb/, W. C. Company C. 71st Regiment, Jon lor Reserves, enlisted May 24, 1864. Aderholdt, J. A. P.. Company I. Uth Reriment, enlisted May 8,1862. promoted corporal. Aderholdt, M. L-, ComdUay 1, 37th Regiment, enlisted Aug. 15,1862; died May 9. 1863 of wound at Chancellors ville. Aderholdt, J. CM Company C. 71st Regiment, Junior Reserves, enlisted May 24. 1884. Adams. E. W., Company H. 49th Regiment, enlisted Match 22,1862; died Aug. 10, 1862 of wound in leg at Mai com Hill. Alexander, Noah, Company B. 13tn Regiment, enlisted March 5, 1863. Alexander, J. L., Company-H. 37th Regiment, enlisted May 10, 1861, promoted sergeant and killed Dec. 18,1862 at Fredericks burg. Alexander, A. M., Company I. 97th Regiment, enlisted Ang. 19, 1862, «hissing on Sept. 94, 1862. Alexander, J. Α., Company 1. 37ih Regiment, enlisted Nov. II, 1862. Allison. J. 1«., Company B. 28ih Regiment, enlisted July 30, 1961, promoted Sergeant and died of disease. Allisoo, W. T., Company B. 28th Regiment, enlisted July jv, not. Allison, Log no, Company B. 28th Regiment, enliaU-d Jaly 30, 1861, drowned in Appomattox river takhag General McGowan's horse acroas. Allan, Jas. H., Company 1. 37th Rcgimeat, eolikted Nov. 11, 1882. Allen. Vincent. Aldrad, H. H., Company If. 18th Regiment, cnliated May 1. 1882. «hot through long» and afterward killed at Gettyabnrg, Anthony, Miller. Company M. 18th Rtfitoeit, enlisted May 1, 1881, voanded at Mechanics* ville; transferred to hospital dnty, lost ana at ftpottsylvania. Anthony. J. C., Company H. 49th Regiment, enlisted in govern naeat shops at Arlington. Anders, Clark, Company H. 48th Regiment, anliated, died of disease Nov. », 1862. Armstrong, M. R., -Company C. 10th Regiment. Armstrong, Daniel M., Com pany Β Ι8ιη Regiment, enlisted April 9, 188i. Arm it rone, J, L , Company Β 0th Regiment callstH March 29. 1862. dUd Jaly 27. 1883. in Virginia. Armstrong, Jams, Company 8. ttth Rejrfaeat. enlisted March 8». 1W2. died May 14. 1882 at Rapidan. Armttroug, Ke»tfc»raton,Coos· pany H. 37th Regiment, «μ Will âod Is éefcâlOiî Ibe choicest line of Dm Goods, Millinery «ad Indies' PurnUhinga tbey c«e to laofc ■t. We Luy with a view to satisfyinf the most exact ing aud our ioiajen»e bu »iness proves dut we hin MCetttltd la frtMjjfaf bendreds. Why not yoo? : I FASTIDIOUS SHOPPERS ■ Plaid Silk «ad Flannel Walstlngs The rtry newest things la oliid* ud tac nets In «H the new design* end col«rla*s. Onr liât of Plaid Silks is tbo yrettlnt in town. Silks m very scarce now snd hard to get, bat we laecwàtd la Indhf a aploadld line. Λ New Dress Goods • ν A sufficient variety to plrm alt. This line iocladcs the Bitte». Greys, Ileds, Greene and all the other aew colorings. t : : : : t : Coats and Jackets A fall line of the latest «tytea. Yoa amatseetbooi to appreciate = t s : : r Ladies*,Children's and Misses' Underwear Underwear day* arc here «ad we hav* Uk»·» naoaaal paint to provide «κ star* «bk a fall and com olete line in tfak department. Thi» fa one of oar tpecialtiet. All at fie· aad price· from 25c to $1.50. Furs A complete assortment of all qualities, to pleafte yon la the matter of Vara. We cut fail ■Ά- .·--·'. | Fall Millinery Oar bead wear business hat grown to caottot pro portions. Our triwatll are all at baqr m beet. There's a reason—»c please our cuttomert—that't it. ι LADIES* FURNISHINGS listed Oct. β. 1861. Armstrong, Jno., Company H. 37th IU|i*tnt, enlisted Oct. 6, 1861, wounded at Shepherd· town, retired in 1864. Armstrong, John R., Com· pony H. 37th RifiaMBt, eu listed Oct. 6, 1881. killed May 1882 at Hanover Court House. Armstrong, J. W.. Company H. 37U> Regiment enlisted March 2, 1863. Armstrong, Lsrkin, Company H. 37tk Regimtnt, enlisted. Missing. Armstrong, Logan, Company 11. 37tb Regiment. Armstrong. Math, Company H. 37th Regiment. Armstrong, Arthur. Company H. 37th Regiment. Armstrong, Stanhope, Com pany^ E. 58th Regiment (4th Armstrong, J. Math, Com psny^ 63d Regiment (5th Armstrong, J no. M., Senior Reserves. Armstrong, Τ ho*.. Senior Re* servea. Armstrong, Geo M . Com· psny C. 71st Junior Reserves en· listed May M, 1884. Armstroag, Jef, Company C. 71st Jnnior Reserves, enllated May 24, 1881. Arrowood, B. P.. Company H. 37th Regiment, enlisted Au*. 12, 1882, died April 1,1883 Arrowood, D. M., Compsny C. 71st Jaotor Reserves, enlisted May 84, 1184. Austin, Jao. W., Company P. 37th Regiment, enlisted Oct. 27,1881, killed May 3, 1883 *t Chanoellorsville. D. ft. BUI HaMlw.tr tlL A Washington di «patch wy«i A friend of e*-Seoator David B. HID, who hu jo it returned from Wolfcrt* Kuoit rirltiar the «talesman, reports that Mr. HU1 will pevrr rnter politica or hu«i· ness arain. Ha says: "Senator Hill (a a very tick man and baa retired permantgjyltoTn earthly arthritic*. He la enfierinf «too Hripht'* dinease and ia io the last states and nttfena a «track is wrought ia his favor he will never see another well day." M4»'£.2S5"vS«ro aotors Vy deeen ae box «I Tn Ua< wtti oAct. ifr «Jtrt nteni ** tic pills or bwih son Moa be * thing oftki Ι*Λ physician* are Pjte&SSi! gjsglatr^ MtlKUMTIlMIKk,1! Î&SM3SK&J cored by tbi· «citnli&c ι A publication wbkb . W UffUft··*· new· l« •"n*·*·®·*1· ««Uooal or petty ·». "W- »·»βΛ)«. P*P*r. «nNwif*wwÏL Igr." Cata»ba Qmmmv Kwm. '' - 'Vv'>? · ckanM k«ni« Mr. MMffc th« ■■l.ii « iprorrmh

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