»■. . '"pg. _ —wgpmm The Gastonia Ossetia* WANTS. Gazelle Vast Ada Pay. Try *esa Asd Get Sessile. /''xl.D PAPERS for tale at Titu Ga VJ IRTTB office S cent* a bundle, —tHe City Grocery Im* Christina* fruit*, nuts, anil candle*.— D14c2. Nuta. candies and fruits of all va rieties can he found at the City Grocery—DllCI COCCURS—A bid liae at Williams Furniture Company. tn BE sure and see the Exhibit of Portable Electric Lamp* in Frost Torrence & Co'a window. DI4cl. |S IT A t.RATHF.R Choir you want? 1 Then tee the William* Furniture Company. tn For i_nrmru»» nun*. oranges, ap ple* and mnlaga grapes, go to Jno. F. Ixive. Inc, Grocery Dept.—14 e2. Large qnanltiea of Christmas fruits aud out* just received by Jno. P. Love. lac. Grocery Dept.—I)14c2 COR SALK—Good gentle family * home, which is also a good farm horse. Apply to B. G. Rhyne, Gas tonia. _—D14c4. YV/AN VKD—Any quantity of strict “ ly first-class shaved hickory axe handles. Will pay price of 12H cents each. Gastonia Hardware Co. CARD MOUNTS lor photos. Vari ety of colors st Gasxttk office Grays, green, wine, red. In targe sheets—Sise* cut to order. OmtV Horses. Rocky-horsex and express wagons make splendid Christmas presents lor children. We have them. Williams Furniture Company. tu N ACCOUNT of the installation of some new machinery we will be closed for a few days during Christmas week. Snowflake Steam laundry. -D2!c3 ^OmiLNClXG Dec. 15th we will v> give a coupon for every dollsr's cash purchase One of these coupon* will call lor a handsome combination writing desk and book case. Call and get one of our nice calendar* and let us explain. Wil liams Furnitnre Company. FRIDAY. DEC. 14. 1906. PUtlces «| New AdyartUenaala. O gat on Realty & Insurance Co.— Arc you asleep on the reel estate question? I.ong Brothers—A bucket of candy free. Swan-Slater Co.—The big four in men’s gifts. John F Davis tt Son—Your Christ russ livery Frost Torrence & Co.—Christmas without Huy lets. Oastonia I look Store -Cat Rinas. • Onatunli Callao. These figures represent the prices paid to wagons: Dec. ltth. Ciood ” 10* Strict' middling -- 10* Middling ___10M Tinges and stains __U to 10 Cotton Seed__ *7 Gastauli Produce Market. Chickens___8 to 13c. Egga---25c. Turkey*, per Ui__ 14e. lfuttcr__ 20c. Turnips- -SOc. Onions __ 75e Corn-65c to 70c. Potatoes---90c. ” Sweet_40c Pea#- 1.35 Pennine Hay_CSe. LOCAL APPAUS. —Cotton is 10.25 to-day. —The Black Patti Trouba dours at the opera house to morrow night. —The city schools will adjourn next Friday for the holiday vacation of two weeks. The majority of the teachers will spend ChrUtmas at their homes. — Mr. E. Talley has recovered his bicycle which was stolen from tbe Tbomasson House severs! days ago. It was found in the woods near the Clara Mill by a party of banters. —The Anthony-Gsrrett esse which was set for bearing in Gastonia yesterday before Mr. C. K. Whitney, referee, waa continued until next Tuesday, on account of the absence of Important witnesses. —Hfs friends in Gastonia will be interested to know that Mr. W. S. Shelor, formerly with the old firm of Gray & Lova here, la one of three Charlotte men who have organised a company with f10,000 capital to establish a aberdashery in Charlotte. Mr. W. W. Moore and Dr. I. W. Jamieson are tbe other interested parties. Tbe new firm will oocnpy the building in which the Honston-Dixon Company's book store is now located. nonce. The J.D. Moore Chapter.Cbil dren of tbe Confederacy, will meet in tbe library Sotordey. Dec. lJtb, at 3 o'clock. A foil attendance i> desired as officers will be elected. Jkxkik Phoxam, Sec. t i l III—I wmmvmmk, PEISOIVAL MENTION. . ' r —Mrs. T. L. Craig spent ye*, terday in Charlotte. —Mr. G. Riddle, of tbe Bethel section, spent to day in town. —Mr. Kdgar Love, of Lincoln ton, it a Gastonia visitor to day. —Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams, of Rowling Green, S. C., were Gas tonia shoppers to-day. —Mr. J. P. Reid was a busi ness visitor in Charlotte yester day. —Mr. J. A. Glenn left this morning for Rutherford county on business. —Mr. R. F. Rankin, of Mt. Holly, was a business visitor in town Wednesday. —Mr. R. H. Jackson was a business visitor to Clover Wednesday. —Mr. R. L. Quinn, of Clover, rural route No. 2, it in town on business to-day. —Mr. Cleveland Rankiu, of Mt. Holly, spent last night in tbe city, the gnest of his nncte, Mr. H. D. Shelton. —Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Car penter, of Dallas, were among tbe shoppers in the city Wednes day afternoon. —Mrs. J. P. Armstrong, of McAdenville. spent Wednesday in tbe city, tbe guest of Mrs. H. D. Shelton. —Messrs. DeCossie and Ben jamin Phifer, of Kings Moun tain, were Gastonia shoppers Wednesday afternoon. _T U U_a_St., n_«_ SUV flWV» Hill, S. C., cancer specialist, was in Gastonis Wednesday on professional business. —Messrs. J. R. Reynolds and J. C. Burogardner, of Kings Mountain, were among the many visitors in town yesterday. —Mr. George W. Wilton left yesterday for Webster, where he will be lor several days on pro fessional business. - Messrs. Bd Gilliam, Will Wetrel and Dr H. F. Glenn, enjoyed a rabbit hast yesterday at tbc Glenn place, near Clover. —Mcsdaroes. B. L. Campbell and Leu McGinnas, of King’s Mountain, were Gastonia shoppers Wednesday. —Mr. C. # B. Whitney, of Bessemer City, was here yes terday as referee in the Anthony Garret land cases. —Mr. S. J. Gaston, of rural route No. 1 and Mr. L, .J. Line berger, of rural route No. 2, Lowell, are business visitors in town to day. —Mr. T. M. Pearson was called to Newberry, S. C., yes terday by a telegram announc ing the serious illness of bis brother, Mr. G. W. Pearson. —Mr. R. D. Onnand, a well to-do farmer living on rural TOntf Nft 1 If inure Mntinf bim ia in town to-day on business. He was a pleasant caller at The Gazette office. —Mesdatnes John Durham and Fred Robinson and Mr. Richard Durham, of Dallas, were Christ mas shoppers in town Wednes day afternoon. —Mr. H. H. Spencer left Tues day night for Greensboro where he has a contract for placing seats in tbe new Baptist church. The work will require about a week. —Mr. John Herman, of Stanley Creek, will leave Monday for Hepzibah, Ga., where he has a position with the Chicago Por trait Company. —Mr. J. M. Clampitt. formerly in business in Gastonia bnt now a resident of Catawba county, bis native heath, left yesterday for Charlotte after spending two ox three days here on business. —Miss Benie Ford, who has been spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Laura Ford, at Grover, went to Yorkvllle Wednesday afternoon to accept e position in a dress-making establishment there. — Mr. P. D. Sampson, super intendent of the construction department of the 8 oat hern Pow er Company, was in town Tues day inspecting the construction work in process in and around Gastonia. —Register of Deeds A.J.Smith was a visitor in town Wadncs day afternoon. Mr. 8uilth Is ex pecting a big business In his office during tbe holidays in the wmy wi RIMIWCI niimtgC liceoMS. Special U* Bate*. The C. ft N.-W. Railway Company baa leaned tba follow inp not ice aa joint circular No. 1: To All Atenta: Upon application and aufi clent notice to tbia office, Spec la! Round Trip Ratea wilrbe quoted partien of Twenty-five to Fifty people on one ticket, oo revalar trains, between env two poiata. on tbeae Hoe*. Kffeetht on and after April let, IPOfl. B. P. Ram, General Psaeenget A pent. Subscribe for Tn OaPTOMU Otum -«■ F0« PUBLIC HJILD1H0. CoamuMa Walk latroiim ■ill la C»ifrtM-PiM Mlv arr el Nall Alta la Praia .ct. J&SSik“u *° Y. Wsbh. TbU was tbe message which came to Gastonia's mayor yes terday. It will be welcome new* to every Oasiouisn and all are indulging tbe hope that it will pass and that tbe town will soon have a posioffice building. Ths need of such a building has long been felt. Tbe present quarters are entirely Inadequate aod tbe town has grown to that l point where the government's business is sufficiently large to warrant a public building. Con gressman Webb has bad this bill In mind for tbe past two years or more bnt did not in troduce it in tbe last session of Congress for the reason that tbe large number of bills of this class introduced rendered its chances of passage slim. It goes without saying that Mr. Webb has tbe sincere thanks of tbe entire town for his efforts in its behalf. It is practically assured, also, that Gastonia will have next year free city delivery of mail. Tbe requirement for this is rh*r tbe receipts of ths office amount to $10,000 a year. Last year the receipts fell short of this amount only $400 and this year there la every prospect that they will go above tbe $10,000 mark, in which case free, delivery will ha a.ukK.U.J EAGLE GtOCElY COMPANY. N tsars. Llaebsrgar. Dslttagar »»l TsM PirdMH LiscsUtas Branch si Alhtss Grocery Caaisasy -Capital IN, Mt. Tbe Eagle Grocery Company, of Lincolnton. baa been charter ed with a paid-in capital stock of $20,000. Messrs J. L. Line berger and L. J. Dellinger, of Lincolnton, and L. L. Todd, of Gattooim, are the incorporators. The new firm having purcbathed tbe Lincolnton branch of the Albion Grocery Companv, will take ovct tbe business of that house January 1st and do a wholesale business in groceries, fruits, produce snd carbonated drinks. Mr Linberger will be president and manager ol tbe new firm; Mr. L. L. Todd, vice president, and Mr. Dellinger, secretary and treasnrer. Al) three of the above named gentlemen have been con nected with the Albion Grocery Company, Mr. Lineberger at president, and Messrs Todd and Dellinger ss traveliog salesmen. Mr. Todd has been with tbe Gastonia branch for six years and during this time baa made many friends who will regret to see him leave Gastonia, bat will give him their best wishes for success in bis new field. Mr. Todd will represent bis firm un the road. By giving the Wake Water Company a new franchise for fifteen years the Raleigh board of' alderman last week put s quietus on the municipal owner ship idea for that town. The Greensboro Masons have decided to erect a Masonic temple to cost $50,000. A charter will be applied for as soon as the subscriptions have amounted to $5000. The carnival under the auspices of the Fraternal Order of Ragles opened st Wilmington Wednesday. The attractions arc being famished by the Barkoot Amusement Company. At Washington yesterday the Supreme Court of the United States mated to Robert Sawyer and Arthur Adams authority to apply to the United States Cir cuit Court of North Carolina for a new trial. These men were members of the crew of the schooner Harry A. Berwind matined on the high sens io 1904. They were sentenced to death and later their sentences were commuted to life imprison ment by the President. •iki ram iniNftan. The raetry Black Patti Trou badours are coming to the Opera Honae Saturday. I>ec. 15. with a brand new budget of eongr, dances and specialties. This it the Troubadours’ eleventh sea son and the event ia being em phasised hy the brightest end best stage show* the Trouba dour* bay* yet offered. "A Royal Coon," "Chime* of Nor mandy" and a fine bill of varf •ttea, with Black Patti, "Jolly” John Utkin*, "Tb; Giant Premier of Colored Comedian*” and forty others comprise the company's offering. The BUek Patti Troubadours always give a good »how. and the WIT and company this vear excells all former standards. HYMEN AND TIC BDLIDAT8. Christmas Wedding Delia Will lla< for Many Csa»lan-Wf% ■H'ShuIord Nuptials-Sooth* ar land* Pa any Msrrlago -Olfaar Invitations reading as follows were issued this morning: 'Ml ««4 Mrs Mlrt<» Ulfwn ftWocS Mr. G*nigr &..1 W,Ho*. uu lb* «riiinji^nl^UVOiiriMjar. the ttvm.l S' “ ~ ,Vl«rk, ^_.-wurjJblS?' These cards will be of un usual.intn-st to a large uuuibcr of people, as both the bride-to be sod the groom-elect have a wide circle of friends is Gaston county. Miss Shu ford is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Ex Sheriff M. H. Shu ford and is ooc of the leaders iu local society circle. The groom-elect is a promising young attorney. He come to Gastonia from Lenoir, bis home, several years ago to practice his profession, the law, in which be has been quite successful. Card* reading aa follows were issned this morning. •Mr. -art Mra. William Haavy Omar ragaam Urn uiaaaan nf roar cvaiuanr Mlb* tgaMjyjT el Orntr daaabUr WtvWUlarJ Htm&r* JSuatkrrtaad. aa MmaKi alGVm^a. IjStwka* tk« *'% iu£,k: Gartaaia. N£tfT'u»Iiaa.' The bride-to-be and groom elect are both popular young people and number their friend* in Gastonia by tbe score. Tbe former is a daughter of Mr. W. H. Penny, proprietor of the Pen ny House, while the latter is a trusted employe of tbe Southern Kailway in iti local offices. Carpenter-Hales. At tbe borne of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Notes, nesr the Osark, Wednes day night. Mias Ethel Xoles be came tbe bride of Mr. Augustus Carpenter. Tbe ceremony was performed by Ree. J. L Vfp permau. of Dallas. Both young people are popular and have tbe well-wishes of a large number of friends. Handaraeo-lkyaa. Miss Lets Rhyne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Rhyne, and Mr Lee Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hender son. of Union, were matried at tbe home of the bride’s parents near tbe Ozark last night. Rev. G. A. Sparrow officiating. The happy coople will make their future home with tbe groom’s patents near Union. Bun-uuit. Mr. John L. Beam, son of Mr. Luther Beaut, of Cherryville, and Miss Lucy Gaunt, daughter of Rev. A. G. Gannt, of Besse mer City, were married Tues day at the residence of Esquire J T. R. Datnrron near Besse mer City. Cnoch-VlHsasL Mr. Marvin Crouch, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Crouch, and Miss Julia Wisonant, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wis onant, both , of tbe Avon, will be married at tbe home of the bride's parents Wednesday evening, December 19th. Stswa-Kaakia. Mias Zada Rankin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rankin, of Belmont, will become the bride of Mr. James William Stowe on Wednesday evening, tbe 26th of December. The marriage wilt be solemnised in the South Point Methodist Episcopal church. Tbe register of deeds baa granted license to tbe fol lowing; Mr. A. Mack Cathey, of Mecklenburg county, and Mias Bessie Smith, of Stanley; Mr. J. P. Smith and Kin Minnie Wesson, both of Besse mer City; Mr. Sidney Smith and Mlis Emma Carpenter, both of Crouse. An order has been issued bj the corporation commission summoning the Southern Rail way, by its officials, to appear before it and show cause why legal process should uot be io stitnU-d to force the road to improve its Murphy branch line. The commission finds its facili ties entirely inadequate to handle the business and also dangerous to tbe lift of passengers. Subscribe for Tint Gazrmt. □ ____; - Wa Sapply Fancy Pack la week .*. We will deliver Mae far you.. Frost Torrence & Co. DRUCGIST3 n.M.rK>IOrOr.«tinwtcw«M attMOMu ... ... Gem Restaorani HfcTiyaatt CMilh.U Best ia the City •l*»OtOOMO»a *a.mt, 11^ USC< MON Alvapt Open K«alin« capacity three handled. A tench counter nac quoted in the South. Special attention to outoi-toam aboppere. »~--i and Itweinra marfccta anpply oar tabica. .*. /, Plan Ctfara Finer Prutte E. P. CRESWELL. Mgr. OPERA HOUSE Cfcaa. H. Crrl^Mgr. Saturday December IStb THE NEW BLACK PATTI TROUBADOURS HEADED UV THE ORIGINAL : AliMrrttl Amu Greatest Staler af Her Race | Everything Ncw| INtLUUl.MI “Jolly” John Larkins Tkthvakr Colorotf CiuAm AMP 40-OTHERS-40 in nnmo Comedy - YeerfevlUe-Opera Singers — Dancers - UasnrpessaS PUCES WHITE •• All Chair Seats rinlllm 7Se Imarrsi Mol lavs Ms Iwsnl ' COLOIEB~Back Seals MSImi 75c AU Other Setts • Seats as sale Terraaoe’s Hrag j 4c* Prscmao Jones, the Durham nerro sentenced to haag Dec. 15th lor attempting to criminal ly assault an aged white woman, has been granted a respite by Governor Glenn till Feb. 8th. MMMH— I-T —> | A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION l VICTORTALKING MACHINES SaM on easy payment* by THE J. A. GLENN COMPANY (Free demonstration in jronr home if yon arc Interested.) . A Winston-Salem special to The Charlotte Oboervet of tbc 13th gives the population of Ibe twin city 22.000, an inereaae of I 60 per cent in five years. The banking butinees baa bad an increase of 106 per cent In the same period. Subscribe for the Gastonia Qamttk The British iteuur Wiok field, laden with 22,000 beles of cottos.uent sground la the Cape Pear river Tuesday la attemot loir to clear the port of Wil mington. It U thought that the steamer wQl be floated without serious injury. Subscribe for TwCastoxia Gsurra. aau- aaa-Jii sar wur . innaBMMK ■ ANNUAL OPENINGH j? Torrence - - Morris Co. « B| ---= JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT ===“= 1 Our elaborate Holiday display will touch the cnlmiuatlflff point of aa< j , other twelve months of extraordinary development. : ; j 1 Our beautiful stock Includes the very best efforts of notable Manufacturers and Importers, such as Art Goods, Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Start* -S * inff Silverware, Gold and Silver-mounted Umbrellas and Canee and Special Holiday Novelties. t *• i : I The Beat of Every thing for XMl. The right thing for every person The right thing for every puree A most cordial Invitation la extended to everyone I to attend thin. our annaal dis play ol art and holiday novelties