JUST A FEW ITEMS AS A »Key to the Situation Drib, Toilet BeU. Manicure Seta, Work Boca, Comb ®n*ril S«t», Crihir and Cufl Bona, Glove and Hand Fboto Albums, Christmaa ■r':Z C^^KmwtaEatlbh, German and Jap fancy ft Odarn in abaoat codlcaa varkly. : ; ; ; ; Christmas Onuments to Suit AO 9 1— ' ' ' ' Our Opening will Continue. g TIU Chriatmna. Come. < MORRIS BROS. Department Store J _ Mm W. X>VC1. CwMar J X The First National Bank i J* ♦ ■. r~~g GASTONIA, N. C. f % X A With sixteen years soccessfol banking experience, J ▼ capital, sorplna and profit* of over ooe hundred and + 2 Nwntf In rtt—il Jailers and-deposits ot j X —— Over Half a Million «=— J I we esc in a better pssltlua to serve oar eaMoacn J then ever beiort in oar faktdry. * i Wn tovtte yaw ta apas aa accoaat with no* ♦> —-- - + -- , ~-rT f L. L. Jenkins G. A. Grey* T. L. Craig + J A A. McLean R. R. Ray Andrew E. Moore ♦ J J.UoRoMoeoa H, M. MeAAen J. O. White J • ■J--. | A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION | ^_ \[ SUppmingn in Shigkbnring %7owma f '<> jfG“*oa *«* Nd»hborine Cmmtks Tertdy T Toll—A Baoocd of Comnt Exeat* in Coenmuaitki Tfalaca in « dw Hove. | >kkkkkkkkkA-kk*->-1-*->->-*-^ * - - - T LAtAY LOCALS. tor Mr. A. B. Nmm'i Ytoluti -The Year’s Frag nasallha Leray. ICtkMomWIm M ■V'HHlHir* mg Ul l» fine mill near Belmont, which ia now in coarse of con struction. The original plana called for a 25,000 spindle plant, bu^ only 9,000 spindle* were to be installed at first. Since the buildings have been under way, the stockholders and directors decided to increase the equip ment to 17,000 spindles. The first assortment of machinery will be ready for operation about April 1st. The Mayes Mill Is said to be one uf the best planned and best eqnipped plants of its kind in the South. Mr. J. H. Mayes is its president and Mr. L. A. Oodswortb, secretary and treasurer. • Six whit* men were killed Saturday in an explosion of dy namite near Newport, Tenn. They were enraged in constract «• work oa the Tennessee & Worth Carolina Railroad. NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Reed i forth CanHu Farm ] t i i ! i i I 1 I i ( ( \ \ ■OROIBOLL. Sckilinkli lacuri il Caatrol OndH School for Third Month. Following is ■ list ul the pn pih of the Central graded school whoso grades for the third month Averaged as mneb as 95: Mias Stuart * Room—Beginners: Charles Boyd, Claud Craig. Kenneth Croe» Rh«* Faraaoux. Roger Mar Lore; A clxaa: Annie Clifford. Mina Sandlfrr'a too m—McCoy Dilliog, Richard Faysaoax. Moose Morrow, Robert Owes, Ralph Pud sett Malcolm Rhyme. Leonard -Smith, Leonard Thomai, Harry Walker, Blanch* Costner, Regin* Coon. Mary LaPar. Rebekah Me teSbOTag*wSSsr' ur-“ Miss Sparrow's Room—Tom I>*e«. Charlie billing, Mack billing, James Hunter; Lewi* McDowell, Theodore Morris, Lawrence Kxnkla, Charlton Torrence. Bertha Boaz, Madge Craig, Emma Glean, Madge Hanna, Helen Jackson, Mary Rti*u Jenkins, So* Ramsey Johnston, Katherine Mc AHn* Mias Glenn’s Room—First Grade: Minnie Boaz, Fair Alexander, Minerva Jenkins, Oran Hicka, Wil mot Whitesides. Robbie UndsayV Coit Dining, Susie Pearson; Fourth Grade: Ltllie Morrow, George Arm strong, Karl Groves, Ernest War ren. .. o*i'o*w,s Koom—raulioe McPaddcn, Louisa Reid, Charlie IJneberger. . M'V. Horton’s Room—Iola Bal lard. Mary Dickson, Bessie Parham, Lawrence Little, Paul Caldwell. Dana Caldwell, Anderson Hicks, Mias Burnet’s Rocftn—Katie Mc Lean. Mis* Bane's Room—Clara Arm Abernathy. Stafford Whitfield. Mary Connell, Nell McLean. Mia* Rgerton's Room—Clyde Armstrong. Otto Baber, Henry Grove*, Erocst Fogle, John Hunter. George Smith. George Patrick, Pearl Huffman. Lola Jenkins, Robbie Lee Morrow, Mildred Rankin, Halim Torrence. Mias Bradley’s Room—Roland Clinton, Gregg Cherry. Gertrude Glean. Forest Groves, Jennie Pe kjv™, I«ia Adame, Lena Hanna, S»r7 ,Pt41*. Marie Torrence, Mamie Patrick, Stacy Boyce, Gertrude Fo g'.e, Lula Wh itesMna, Thnd Cllaton, Avnett McLean. RUa Rankin. Eliza Lindsay, HJ6 MILLIONS FOR THE TOOR Urania l*n Wkrarlra laivtr ■Wn om >« rm M* ■«»<»>■ Pedro Alvarado, owner of the Pay mllle mine at Pi ml. Chlhsahna. Max im, whoa* waaltb la estimated at Dora than IlfiOAOtUMC. announces that ha will dlatrlbote tUMXXXOOO or more to the poor ot Mexico within a abort tune. This young man. who six jsara ago was a poor miner, offered to pay the goreromrot debt of Mexico aoeni time ago, hot the offer was declined. says a Oalvueton (Tax.) apactal dispatch to the New York World. Ha Is going to ate President Dias and renew the of fer. So aoya ba not hia vast waaltb from tho earth wliicb Is a part of Mexico, and bo propose* tbat hie poor country men shall share hi* good tortus*. HI* plan la not to give cadi, hot to provide homes and land for tbs poor and equip them so they ran earn their Bring at trades or ou plantations. Hr promises to make 10.000 Mexicans In dependant, to educate as many poet children and to giro away a few minions every year. Already fee several years he bae been a liberal glrer to the poor add bae built churches and schoolhooua “To erect monuments. estabMeli libra - rice and endow greetgmlveraftJee la to but help the rich and thatr children," ha tbiaka, “but It aattbar feeds the body, ctotbes tho naked nor saves tba souls of tbo deserving poor. I pvopose to give away much of ay wealth bp fore I die, for non# of if j eng taka with me. apd only a fool would horde WMltt) «KIU half Hta ran__ . MUTUAL 8PAWK1NQ BE?, "'to « Th* wild—t. oolal—t (Mhuoa of * football gan* oror —oa la Chicago **k »ba dowatown hotel* ffa* other day, —7* a Chicago itlegateh. Twaaty Minn—ota reefer* took poo ■—aUa of th* Or—t Xortbora lobby. Alatag root— aad rcrrtaora. Tb*r ^y^a[l{y*,r^||*^a *lagt—t party at bey* aad a*to fro— Mina* Mtt, tbf kndcT llotMl! “LaCa lotllat* th* glrtef adding, "art*. M he* ha** derided that -* of yea be *p*ak«d." Thaa ha **ta*d a ataWy Mead, ear*■ taMf h— flrmty pUo*d bar am— bU kM* aad gate hoe a ro—tag -aahln*. A —ad aad a third mot a ttaaitar eua. By M* time —eh hey had • |M am— Me Ira*—. aad a odd laagb tar. afarteha aad *rr«ai— white th* be M «a—«a looked oa. th* Ini d*gr**~ waa glroa. Th— th* ifch attaehed the bey* aad h anay h—taaa— «l«*lal*Wr*d a r*wn foe thm laHtatfce thm? kit 4 • V ' ;: 3tH Over the State \: * ' | _ « • - i ; ; *fcr AW/ Jtt0p*uim$» A/ Jam > ; ! A’M# S^rwjrmptt Ur Am# I ! Arekfcre a# Xrm* 0/ 0 9rtmt \ , ' ' ft-lWH/li Cm/iiMf/. .• t 1 ... Rowan’* new jail is to cost $19, 11W. It will be completed by next fall. It is announced that the big Whitney Power Plant on the Yadkin will be ready to deliver power within the next 18 month*. Mr. George Beck, a Davidson county farmer, predicts fifteen snows for this winter, baaing hi* calculation* on the fogs in August. H. E. Fries, of Winston-Sa lem, has been electee a member of the Southern Educational Board to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. C. D. Me Iver. Frazier Jones, a negro, con victed in Guilford Superior Court of murdering his wife on Thanksgiving Day, was sen tenced Saturday u> be hanged January 15th. Governor Glenn declines to commute the sentence of Ben Williams, the negro who killed Aleck Clark, another negro, last February, He i* under sentence to be hanged Dec. 20th. A jury in Forsyth Superior Court has rendered a verdict in favor of Mrs. R. B. Lassiter against the Southern Railway for $1,066 06 for injury to the plaintiff's health resulting from being forced to ride in a cold car. CoIIm Milt Cats*. Judge Boyd, in Federal Coart at Charlotte. Saturday, transfer red tlie cases against M*a»rv T. M. Costello, E. A. Smith, S. B. Sargent sod E. C. Dwelle, well known Charlotte cotton mill men, for violation cf the contract labor laws to tbe Cirruit Court at Greensboro. Jan. 14th, when attorneys for tbe delrnxe will argue tbe caae ou demurrers. Bonds of $1,000 each were re quired ol each of the defendants. To Balk Work Host Soring. Congressman Webb Saturday had a conference with Secretary Taft regarding tbe monament to be erected on the Kings Moun tain battle-field for which $30, 000 was appropriated at the last session , of. Congress. Active work on tbe monument, it is stated, will begin next spring. Mr. Taft requested Mr. Webb to bring to tbe Department the ti tles to tbe land purchased for this purpose by tbe Kings Moun tain Battle Ground Association, after which a commission will be appointed to confer witb the association committee regarding designs, inscriptions, etc. _ a as Several important changes for the improvement of the Southern Railway's service ere announced to become effective January 1st. The boundaries of tbt several divisions will be contracted in order that the superintendents may be able to exercise closer personal supervision over them. The number of division superin tendents is to be increased from 14 to 27. A new office, that of superintendent of transfers, baa been established and Mr. Gaobh *11, of Nashville, Tenn., put in charge. He will look sfter the proper transfer of freight .aHunc tion points. President Finley also announces that early in Jan uary aopie of the passenger schedules will be revised, being made slower. * This is taken to mean that the road will make schedules wbicb it can keep. It' is also announced that tbe double-tracking is being pnsbcd with all possible speed. Subscribe for Tvs Qastowia r,Antm. colors by doasa or boa at Twa Oa sarra oflee. - - - - -- BlCYCLESl m • t ' Par a lew days only Iveta lew Blcy^laa at •?. BARGAIN PRICES m Torrence Bros. .. . ■> Professions! Cards. ok. o. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office Aral floor Y. M C. A Hid1* GASTONIA, N. c. Pbone 69 OKS. TALLS 4 WILKINS. DENTISTS GASTONIA, N. C. Office in Ad&ma Buildiu*. Phone 86. MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER op PIANO AND ORGAN. O. W. CAPPS all kinds or insurance notary public Of Tin la L.aa BalMtaa (folk# ol OlaiBlotloa. «™°SrC»«iLi,Sr^T «*?*" lhnt m* “P? V Mil'.fr * ®»word«, consisting Y .MHItr nnd R W. Kdwards, . &*t?!Xed'.the *tock being sold to h Y,nMiUe..rAK?,' AH persona owing the firm of Miller & Edwards arc bercby noticed to call and settle. All person* holding cUimi s^minat the firm of MlUer & Erlwards nrc ircrcby noticed to present such claim* at once for settlement. J. V. Niu.ns, —_ . .. . R. W. Hdiv.um. This 3d day of Dec.. lflOO. —Jfctmo. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. M day *1 Bsvsahgr. tUt. jsssasass “—CSX; Sal* *1 Rail EsUf* Under Bead of Traaf. Under aad by virtu of a cert ala. deed ol tnijt duty executed on the l?th day of Jaly. 1000, by A. It. Khyne and Ilia wile, UaraS Khru. 1. G. Rhyne and ku wile. Ada S. •throe, conveying in tbe nni.nHiml tr^r.v*". •“» ‘-tnrSn; aad to Ibe laadt deecribed herein, to xecure tbe payment ol certain boo da executed in (svor ol W T. Love Company aad J A Glenn Company, which aaid deed, lx dolt recorded in tbe ofice ol lb.Rmria.roi Deeds of Castoe Conner, la Bonk Ho. Jl at PU