1007 . - "- i n . . '''''' f'" ": . Ss:r : r; . - , be Gaatonta'a banner year. Tha Gacatta and a.. . T I i . C. Ilk J (jc t I . 2 4 1 t,Itit l V a let . i fur rc 1... if re; la af aatoa. J . Rates raottii. - . . .. : .. x v ' - ' ' I. - - ' Twlca-a-week. Sl.SO tfca rar. f . , AiU I U I It I I t I tA-iAAJ, Al . PUDLIC1ICD TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ' - Devoted to the pretectlsii of Home and the Interests of the County,-; . $1.50 "a Year In Advance. .t.t-W Wtlilkit- OAGTONIAf N.'.C, FRIPAY; JANUARY 18.' J907, NO. O SWANSLATER COMPANY Men's Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes and. Hats , a i ''it r" - i obi i i Hi. ; jLU :-v. ( Every promise we nske In our ad vertlalng we live up to, and every 'one , making a purchase at this store during this sale, or t any time, If -they, pleased with It, we will gladly refund the aoney aad Just as clieeff uUy as we take It at time of purchase. : ' t : t : : r : Clean SiyccKof $7.00.Trouscr going ; for. "6.00 i'4.00 : 3.50 j-3.00 ' 2.50 , 2.00 Clean Sweep" of Soft; and Derby .Hats; $3.00 Sellen now , , v , 'I , i.,. -$2.35f 2.50 : .; , ; . ;.95 -2.00 !- - "r; ' , , 1.60- '1.50 44 " , ... .. 1.25- . 1 25 . , " 1.00 - JSo Goods Charged or sent out on approv al at these prices, - ; BLUES and BLACKS 20 PER CENT OFF - ' - - . ' " . 4.UU I H.W '"".??iY?.r7r!fY7;r I.75 ,y 2.00 " 5 00; " " , SWAM DILATE Hi ; , TOM AND TOXXVILLE, v. What's Dslni Amonf oar Neih - tort Jast Acrvw the link Yorkrflle Enaulrer . Jtn. 15th. Mr.' S. M. McNeel-Has pur - chased - from tha administrators OI IOC CSiaiC: QI U1C lUUC K. u. - . 1 - a . a.1 1 Allison what is known as the Alljson property; fronting on Congress and ;-West;,' liberty streets and occupied by the First National bank, the, store ot w. Adickes, ; and - the ' insurance office of. J., R. Lindsay. The contract was entered into Jast Friday evening, -' ; " ' '1 . There is to be a change of the schedules on , the C. & ;N.-W. mixed trains next Monday as the result of which No. 61r aow go ing south at 6:40 a. m., willgo south at 3:10 pr m.. and N0.-6O going jiorth at 3 p. m., will, go north at 7:30 a;m.. , j 'TheNeely's Creek: congrega tion worshiped ia the new church building for the first' time last Sunday. - The building is prac tically complete except as to the furnace. : ' Because it was sucb a pretty day the furnace was not "needed,;-v;:'l Representative AT G. Brice of Chester has. introduced a bill to regulate the sale of -cocaine. v - Tq our reference last Fridayto to t the deal . involving the control of . the majority of the stock of the York Cottoa mill, there occurred the statement that. 150 shares . bad cbauged bands. The. figures should have read 750 shares.-? ;4'.v tv-Q--:, News 'comes from Washing ton to the effect that Congress man Flnley has been " oSered a' place on the judiciary committee of the house: but to accept the place will necessitate the giving up of his place pn the committee on postoGces an dpost roads and this he has not decided to do, notwithstaading the fact that the place on the judiciary committee would be in the nature of a distinct promotion. -5 - Ciilscribe for the Gastonu lire ;hot : .perfectly :$s.6o ; .4.80' - 4.00 .'3.20 : 2.80Y . 2.40' . 2.00 . 1.60 ' On 10:00 - STOMACH BCMCDY. J. H, Kne4y 41 Co Will Refaaii Moacy .If. Mlaa FUs U Car. - You may, ask, why it is that Ma-o-na stomach tablets are sold by J, H Kennedy? & Co.t under 4 guarantee to reiund the money unless they cure, when no. other treatment, for stomach troubles is sold in this manner;; " :The answer is simple' and conclusive. . ; ! - . - f troubles merely digest the food, while Ui-o-na, strengthens the whole digestive system so that it soon becomes able to care for all the food that is eaten. If voir do not use your arm or lee for a month the muscles be come flabby and weak and you have to resort to " artificial help. It is the same way with the stomach -muscles. If they are noty used, they becQme so weak that it necessary; to, continue using a digestive - with - the food ypu eat. - " " $ On the other hand, when you use Ml-o-na, your stomach soon grows so 1 strong that yon xan give up the use of medicine. v iMi-o-na costs 50c a "box and does, more . real ;tod than a dozen boxes of ordinary - diges tivej tablets. " The oroof of this is i. showu- in the fact that , a guarantee, : absolute 'and un qualified, is given byJ.rH Kennedy & Co, with every box ofEli-o-na. J18-F1. Jr-iest fa rreich.v,: o i r w IT. fiatatstime. a.. Metho dist preacher of Japan, will lecture in- Main 1 Street Method dist church Sunday night at 7 o!clock on the ."Customs, Man ners and - Mission- Work oi Ja Dan." Be will also deliver - the same lecture in the Bethesda Methodist church Sunday after noon .at 3 o'clock; Rev; "Mr. Sakatsume delivered bis lecture to a crowded and enthusiastic audience At ' Lowell Monday ni-bt and all wha heard him wera loud in their praises of this Japanese , gentleman, - : JU S T B E FO R E S TO C K - TAKING Qvt'lnfi to the mildness of the winter so far, we find our-GeiVlesqver-stockedwithWinter Goods--You , know. Our Motto: '-Never to carry goods from one -season to an .ptI)r'but.to begin each sieason with the market's latest productions. In order to do this we have made the most sensational, the most sweeping and the most unprece deiited price Reductions you ever sa w. Every department, eyerydispiay will feature merchandise that men want and most heed, not only now; but for the future and at prices that will astound retail trade. Beginning Sat urday morning, January I9th, and continuing 'till Satur day night, January 26th. 5 f $f p 4, ssr 331123 PERCENT OFFTHE ORIGINAL PRICE I AH Men's and Everything Marked Clean Sweep of Men's Suits $13.65for Snits' former price 1. $20.00 12.00 " " " :. 18.00 11.00-' ' 16 50 " " " " " - " " - JL2.50 6.65 " " - " " : 10 00 5.00" . , 7.50 : CLEAN SWEEP OF MEN'S SHOES $3.95 buys a 1 , I.. $5.00 Shoe Rev. W. H. Hardin Visits Poultry dhow. Charlotte Observer. 16th. : ; Rev. Mr. W. H. Hardin, fort -merly connected with the Epis copal school at Valle Crucis, in Watauga county, but recently installed as rector of St. Mark's Episcopal, church at Gastouia, was in the city yesterday, visit log the poultry show. Mr. Har din .became interested in fine poultry at Valle Crucis, where the farm run in - connection with the school is - stocked with the finest of fowls. In talk in? with an Observer man yester day he said .that the Charlotte show was very creditable indeed. He thinks that, the Plymouth Rock and : Wyandottes are , the strongest classes on exhibit. . One New Case. , - - - County Physician L. N. Glenn, who has charge of the smallpox cases ., at - the pest house, reported one new case yesterday, making four, in all. The i new case is Miss Brycie Henry f one h of the i ? suspects who was - first 'A taken to the place of detention. ; Of the other three cases' two are practi cally: well and the third patient is very much improved. Mr. Glenn does not expect any seri ous- reSUUS. . V t Losn and Trust; Co; flee tinf. The directors of the "Gaston Loan & .Trust Co. V held their quarterly meeting iri the offices of the bank . Wednesday morn ing, the following directors . be ing present: R. B. Babington, L. L. Jenkins, J. L. Robinson, E. G. McLurd and S. N. Boyce. Five hundred dollars was '-added to the surplus, making this, fund $2,000. ' The company -has a capital, stock of . $15,000 . and every director was well pleased at the good ' showing;, made. State' Bank Examiner; F. J. Haywood,- Jr., examined the books of this institution a few days sgo and found the same, to be in first-class condition. . - Subscribe for Thk .Gazsttx. Boys' Colored Suits and Overcoats in Plain Figures $6 00 Suits now 5.00 4 00 3 50 3.00 2.50 2.00 it it tt 15.00 11 t Dallas Hill Declares Dividend. ( - M .. I '' It' iL. i Ml ne annual meeting 01 me stockholders of tbev Dallas Cotr. ton Mills was held in the mill office in Dallas Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock. The stock was all represented and those present were well pleased at the reports ot tne officers in chafcre. The lollowing were re-elected directors: J. R. Lewis, R. S. Lewis, John O. Rankin and John B. White. Mr. James D. Moore was chosen a director to succeed Mr. J. O. White. At the meeting of the directors omcers 'were elected as follows : -- J. R. Lewis, president; R. S. Lewis, secretary and treasurer. A semi-annual -dividend oi 5 per cent was declared and ordered paid. ' If Ton want to d.tHara rrow. faed toir Held vltb Vinrinl vUcnlini ter-tiila.-ra. Ibty "tnoreaaa yout iha eoat af roJuctton. avan it you lis lower toama at4 le labor- ; have tbouaabda el atrrmir tetl-m-i'ai ma fartarawho have trhd ch r mal ot fertUlaets moA. Maert taut '': . ' - : '. ' ' - ra Xij fat 'ifco tmt. Taejr will tv xn tb it will raika mora toon.f for f'M. i.'jy no otaor.errn if ana down deuar eaOcTors to rat ti to bur ,5 some ' obaap brand lust hecauae ba nirnakct ttla njr.re irof t on that. jus f corraa, tbat veoid ba to his iaaaravt a wot rora . ... e-'- . . - . I jR:!.iiJtanii cHtmrcAL CO.. s; ?t'diw4,i. Ifff.U . carhop Li ' ,' ' i -..raVi St. - ;, l"MftwT,i! kacaaav fcaa. BL I 12 00 " and One Price to Clean Sweep of Boys' Suits . . '.. . - . Clean-Sweep of Overcoats and Raincoats $13.65 for Overcoats worth $20.00 " . " " ..u.... ' " " Jodite Webb Swears Some. Cleveland Star, ljtta. Judge J. L. Webb has re ceived his Commission from Governor Glenn as Judge of tbe 11th Judicial District for a term of six years, The ceremony of tbe oath of the office was per formed in' the office of J. F. Tiddy, Esq., he being accorded the honor of administering the same to our distinguished towns man. . Cherryville's New Mills, In a recent issue The Gazette eave.a list of twelve cotton mills which were launched in Gaston during the year 1906 one for each month of the year Though the first half of the first month of the new year 1907 is barely more than gone, two new mills ; have . been launched already. Should this record be kept up 1907 will outdo 1906 in the matter of mill building Cberryville claims both of these. One is the Gaston Mill No 2, the other the Howell Manufacturing Company.. The latter was. organized- Monday with Dr. A. W. Howell as president,- Mr, A. H.. Hnss - as secy treas., and Mr. J. C.; Ballard president. It will be a 5,000 spindkmill. ' Regarding this ntw factory .The Cberryville Eagle of the 16th says: The stock for this mill it is "said, was subscribed and a charter ap plied for within days, which is satisfactory evidence that they (are hustlers and don't believe in doing-things by ' halves. . As soon as the - charter is returned the officers willbe elected and plans will be perfected to begin work at once. , A site .has al ready been secured on the SV A. L. '-. Railway in the , western suburbs of town. . ; Here's wish ing them gigantic success.". :Mr. Ballard, the superintendent, was at one time connected with the Old Mill here and is a man of experience in the cotton manu facturing business. . - V ;s V - Subscribe for The Gastonia Gazsttk. :": COM MAKERS Of 3kr "' s 1 I " This sale was inaugurated for, the sole ) purpose of closing outall WINTER STOCK and breaking records for January selling. -Cost or present valuesarenot conjilred. The goods must go; prices are cut to pieces. You'll always regret it If you miss this sale. : : : : : : : : : : Clean Sweep of Mfcn's Colored Shirts $ .50 Quality now .75 " . " 1.00 and $1.25 " 1.00 and $1.25 Sweaters .75 " .50 " All Clean Sweep $4.00 3.35 2.70 2 35 2.00 1.70 $ .50 garments for .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 Sale begins Saturday Morning, January 19th, and closes Saturday night, January 26th. 18.00 1650 15 00 12 50 10.00 7.50 Swan-Slater Go. PANY CLEVELAND RICH IN GRAPHITE. Rich Vein Discovered on Nr. R. N. Lemmons' Land. Cleveland Sar. 15th It is an undisputed fact that this country is rich in various minerals but for the past few years the most profitable mining has been that of monazite. Tons and tons of this eolden sand have been taken from our geu erpus Mother Earth. Now comes the discovery ot rich veins of graphite. Mr. O. M. Mclntyre, prospector for the Southern Graphite Co., while prospecting on the lands'of Mr R. M. Lemmons struck a rich vein of this mineral. From the "signs" on the surface he began to dig down to locate the vein After excavating to a depth of four or five feet he struck the vein and secured some fine sam pies. The vein is about two feet wide and samples taken from it show a high per centage of gra phitev Mr. Mclntyre. talks in terestingly about graphite min ing, saying heretofore it" has not been profitably mined in this country, successful graphite mining being confined to Ger many. He is of the opinion that he has struck. the "real stuff" in paying quanity and quality and has . received instructions from me company , ne represents 10 make further investigations. ' Deserve Mere Punishment Than They Get. ' ' . ' Cnarity aad Cbildrea. ;5 ; " ' The wayside .criminals who find pleasure in wrecking trains and thro wing rocks through car windows without the least re gard whom they hurt; reveal a cold-blooded cruelty .for which the punishment inflicted by tbe law i3 by. no means sufficient. A wretch who would do a deed like this is capable of doing any thing that is devilish, and it is a shame . to turn . him , loose on society after a year or two on the roads. . Hard labor for a life time is hardly too severe for a crime so diabolical. . . ' l. .$ .40 . .50 . .75 . .75 . .50 : .40 of Underwear $ .40 - .50 .80 c 1.00 . 1.25 1.60 a Exhibits Secured. L Mr. J. L. Beal, secretary and treasurer of the Gaston Poultry Association, was in Charlotte yesterday to attend the Meck lenburg poultry show and se cured several exhibits for the show to be held here January 22-25. Carpenter are now hard at work on the rooms formerly occupied by J. A. Spencer, put ting the place in readiness for the exhibit. At the Charlotte show the following Gaston poul try men .won prizes: J. N. Rob erts, Lowell ; D.' S. , Thornburg, Cherryville, and R. H. Merritt, McAdenville. Challenge From Adams Drat Co. The Adams Drug Co. are seeking the worst case of dys pepsia or constipation in Gas-; tonia or vicinity ' to test Dr. ; Howard's new specific, for . the' cure of those diseases.- i. ' So confident are thev v that tms remarkapie - meatcine will effect a lasting cure in a short time, that they offer to refund VUW UXVM. tlUVUlU UW V . 0Uw cessful. ' :' .v ';;. I In order to secure the quickest possible introduction Adams Drug Co.will sell a regular fifty cent package of this medicine at half price, 25 cents. - This specific of Dr. Howard's -111 ' J-l-. J! . win core Bicit ncaucac, uizzy feelings, : constipation, : dyspep sia, vnd all forms of malaria and ; liver trouble. "It does, not. simp ly give relief , for a time; it makes permanent and complete Cttres. . ";.,- - It will regulate the bowels. ' tone Up the whole intestinal , tract, give you an appetite, make food taste good and digest well, and increase vigor. Joy and-happiness will. ; take the ' place of that "don't care whet b- er I live or die" feeling.. There is no need of fU-rr:r2 0 with constipation, dyrrerr 5 cr liver disease when you csa i t sixty doses of ascieniic?'r icine for . their cure 1.' : Howard's specific for t! : : snm of 25 cents.