c! v - A r la the man who docs tiio tuahtcss. The Gazette la the best nel!u for reaching the people of Geton. i i i . : i -.'-- ' .'.will-". !.! - t I . a-ii 11 -1. Mil -A' ....:i;llli;-..lLy late fee Gatteiiiae baiii--. r The Oaictt and kt Rate reasonable,! . rucLicz.CD tvicc a wccx-tucsdays and Fridays.! . -1 J , H' : - .tM.'nn week, tl.SO the year. Device! to the Prelection of Hone and the Interests of the County; ,f; j t -';.';" r.V .j $i.sq a year In Advcr.ct.' JAG. V. ATKINS, Editor caJ f lsnritr. VOL. XXVIII. GAOTONIA, N,C, TUEOOAY, JANUARY a32IQQ7r? NO 7, T!io A R. P. Rankin. .Pm. . 1 N.BvAMS.Vfc-rVii t AG, fif fctrfA , CAPITAL. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL, BANK; OA8TONIA, N. C. ' lv 1 . .. v ''..". ; Accounts of Merchants Manufacturers ; and ? -' , 4 farmers Invited. Liberal Dealinz along Conservative Lines. Aa&tf added a Savings Department, in which we flay 4 fler cent.; compounded every three months, If you have not already obened an account injhis department we invite , - , ; - 3 'f t, , , - , . ,1 you to do so. ' ' - " FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY We have a nice Hoe of staple and fancy groceries, feedstuffs, etc. which we will deliver promptly. . - . We not'only expect to supply 'some of the farmers, but hope to get a share of the town trade. We respect fully solicit your patronage, - t'-- ..... - . Pboae 300 G00K;S10VES! ' t I I t S . 1 v ' BURN We have Just received a -Car Load of the Favorite Stoves arid Ranges T r made specially to burn soft coal if if I. i i " 1 .ay - " -v : 4 ' 7 : V ' ; : Come In and let us show you the best that Is made LOIN.G -BRO I iiirraici uturcs GASTONIA, : , . FOR SALE ...... . - . , I , , J Three Horse Power OLDS 11 Gasoline Engine, Hi ". "L! J As we are installing electrir cal power with which td op-' erate our machinery we have for saie one 3 horse-power Olds Gasoline Engine. In good running order. Bargain to auiclcDurchaser for cash. Wrile ar Call tar rartlcaian. L 1 fiAZETTE PUBLISHING QO. ikS. W.ATKWS,Mr. 0AST0N1A, - - N. Ci : MORRIS CAFE Xi. The place to get Qaalt Toast, Oyster la all styles or " Anything else you want to eat. - - , V. . . . ( . ' MORRIS CAPE S. S.k M arris, . Pnpr. v 1)) SBO.OOO -1,, r ! 'Matonlc Bll4la .COL T auu koiikcs . r v i I PORTrl CAROLINA BEGIN WITH THE NEW YEAR1 . Open an account with us now. , The past year has shown a most i gratifying growth in our business, . particularly in our" savings de . . -.- - -t 'partment,'- which ! is . - . :;- OUR PARTICULAR LINE. We pay interest at rate of 4 per cent and compound it quarterly. We can make loans on Real Es tate Security.- This should be of particular interest to wage earn ' ers and . prospective home pur- ' chasers. -;- .).., , --, . GASTuN LOAN 4 TRUST CO. L. L, JENKINS E. G. MeLURD , " ; PreaMeat.' - r, : Treasarer. SEWING MACHINE MOTORS The motor for the family sewing machine entirely re ' lieves the operator of the "eryr real' labor of sewing and the expense for current.. is triflinz I X to I cent Def i hour) so that it may ba free lyusea. - - - - .. WM. Gallant :B fkeae IS).-,r - Fewer Heae . ro e:c:3akiz2 hills. Iiiorlfy ol Creditors fleet, tt Bessemer City Coranlttee to run Keoriaslzatloa -la ' detledaess Plant 5 Valued at $321.CC3-The South era in Operation. J f i. of the Southern Cotton Mills met at Bessemer City to inves tieate the mill's affairs and take some steps looking to the re organization of the company The following from Saturday's Charlotte Observer gives the de tails of the meeting: ; MA majority of the creditors o the Southern Cotton Mills met at Bessemer City yesterday in accordance with the;, plan an nounced in .The Observer a few days ago, to hear a report from the - officers and ' decide npon some course of action in con nection with the present financial situation ol the mill. Tbe state ment. as read, showed a net in debtedness of " about & $270,000 against the plant, valued on the books at $321,000. v v ; "Kesolutions were passed ap pointing a committee to make detailed inquiry into the condi tion of the mills and to formu late a reorganization : plan, the report to be presented at another meeting of the creditors to be called later. .. "It was the exressed sense of the meeting that Mr. Ceasar Cone, the present temporary re ceiver, be made permanent re ceiver it no adjustment ot tne mill's affairs can be made with out such action. The mill is al ready in operation and will , be continued under the manage ment of Mr. Cone, who is also operating the Odell Manufactor ing Company at Concord. "After the creditors of the Southern Cotton Mills met, the creditors of the Whetstone and Vermont Mills- held meetings and put their interests in the bands of a committee, with in structions similar to the reor ganization committee appointed for the Southern Cotton Mills. "A number of the creditors who had inspected the mills stated thattbey are all in good physical' condition. The opinV ion prevails inai wuo.a rcorgan ization and proper manage ment all claims can be paid." Mrs. Nancy Berry, of Union. Mrs. Nancy Berry, aged 72, died at her home near Union Presbyterian church Saturday morning after an illness, ot sev eral weeks.' The funeral ser vices were conducted Saturday afternoon by Rev. J. B. Coch rane, pastor of New Hope Presbyterian church, and the remains were laid to rest in the churchyard at Union; . Sermon by Japanese. Af I iafgeii congregation was present Sunday night at Main Street Methodist church to hear Rev. K. SakatsQme. a native Japanese minister who is making tour kof tbis section ot toe United States before returning to his Jhome country to preach to v his countrymen: He is a graduate of Boston University and goes back to JTapan to vdo missionary work'1 under' the di rection of the Methodist Church. He.talkejiliotetestinglyrof-the Japanese and their need of the Christian religion. Buddhism, Sbintoism - ? and Confucianism have held sway in that country for centuries but a half century of Christianity and its influence, said -the speaker,' h a. done more towards enlightening and if ting up the Japanese than all other relieions combined His own father.njother. brothers and sisters are idol worshipers. He compared the status of the Americans ' and the Japanese women and . gave cnnstianity the credit for lifting the latter to a height socially and intellectu ally which they had never before attained. Mr. Sakatsume's talk was interesting and he .had the close attention of his audience. His enunciation is hardly as good as that of the average Jap anese student one hears lecture in this country but his sense, of humor is keen and his ideas of the Christian religion and .what it means correct. At the close of the service a' collection was taken to assist in defraying his expenses on his return to Japan. jx . Twenty people were V killed and twenty-five or more injured in a wreck on the Big Four Rail road near Fowler, Ind., early Saturday morning. The Senate Committee on Im migration Saturday ordered a favorable report on the bill ap propriating $70,000 for an im migrant station at New Orleans, the site to be donated by the city. . - -r . McAEZNVILLE MATTEKS. Key. K. Sakatsume Preaches ia flethodist Church Tacky Par : fy at fJoms o!:Mrs. J. B. Cell .... Li n.i.t... ' 'McAdenville, Jan. 21.Rev, K. Sakatsume, the Japanese lectured to a large ' audiencn Sunday at 11 o'clock in the Methodist church. RevRM Hoyle preached a stinng- ser mon at night and held the first quarterly meeting Monday morn ing. Mrs. J. B." Keid gave a tacky party to the -Dramatic Club o McAdenville at her home Sat urday night. The young people present were: Misses Mary Belle Barber, Blanch Armstrong, Ret tie Mangum; KLatberine and Lot tie Ray, Lottie and Grace Albea Eliza and . Daisy -, Hooper and Messrs. ' George ; Hoke,: Frank Phillips, W. P. Wilson and Dr. G. W."! Taylor; t Some ol them were very tacky,, indeed. Miss Rettie Mangum won the ladies prize, uciuic , Hivucu iu m ywittu naise of forty years . ago and hat of twenty-five years ago, and George . Hoke won the gentle men's prize. He was attired like "Simple i Simon." Camp- meetinsr draos" "chawing wax and "bandana handkerchiefs" were very much in evidence, lemonade was served i iri tin cups with lemon snaps. Games were played and, at 10 o'clock all said they had enjoyed; them selves "good" and Went home.' NOVEL CURE f 08 COLDS. Healing Medication that Is Breath - ed, Glvlag Qolck Relief It seems tust as ridiculous to put . medicine into tne stomacn to cure a cold in tne bead or lungs as it does to go out in the rain if we want to keep dryi? The fact that many people nght in Gastonia i cough and hawk and snaffle tor days and weeks after they treat a cold with the usual stomach dosing, shows how valueless are the or dirarv coueh and cold cures. The neat way to cure a cold in the head or a cough and ir ritaticn in the throat and lungs, is bv breathing Hyoniers med icated air. Put a tew drops ol Hvomet in the neat pocket in haler that comes with every out fit and breathe this Healing air for a few times: and immediate relief will be noted.- The -med ication goes right to the spot where the disease germs are lo cated and renders them f harm less in the future. i At the same time the soothing and ' healing effects of Hyomei on the irritated mucous mem brane give quicks relief, and the cough or cold is broken up. 'The best evidence ot tne great value of MHyomet m curing coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles us the fact that J. H. Kennedy & Co, give an absolute guarantee ;witb every outm tney selL that if it does noLglve sat- sfaction, the money) will be re funded. ' ' f , A A A complete Hyomei outfit. consisting of a bottle of Hyomei, the H inhaler and" a" medicine drdpper, costs but $1, while ex tra bottles of Hyomei, if needed, can be obtained for only 50c. J8 ZZ A Mrs. Elizabeth Cross Dead. Mrs. Elizabeth D. Cross died at the home of her son, Mr. W. E. Cross, on Franklin avenue early Sunday morning from a complication ct diseases peculiar to old age. Mrs. Cross was 69 years of age and was a devoted member of the j . Methodist Church. After a "short funeral service conducted by Rev. , E. Tj,'Baiii" at th; home Sunday night at 9 o'clock, the remains were taken to '. Macon7"Ga.T for burial -. v.Ji M in if ? - i A Cre&m of Tc tar rowc!sr9 fre from alum or pttosr . - phatleaold) x " C:ic3 E!:z3C:hIr;E::j, ,,7 (i ' , m mm a I tettft tt tkt tatrIHtlM TUt Cmt; .. Me li let U m Cme at Tke Cre . tmy, CtafDel fna uySwrta Flril ;iitetttlc list lm Mitet-ii Harly t Caaalctt tt Tlat ail Lakar Cm like It ;. Br L. M Heffaaa - "ABBaHVIATIQNS. For the. sake of convenience and saving space the following abbreviations are made in the list below: " cin'commissioned Co company eeulistedf i . d died dg discharged dt detailed k killed w wounded m missing p promoted pr prisoner ; resignednfe. f. :"f tt transferred." " Lineberger, Ely J., Co. H 8th Regt. e Aug. 8. 62; k at Plymouth Apr. '64. V Unebergerv JyM.iCo; C. 10th Regt. Artre Dec. 13, 64. - Lineberger, Marshal, Co. E 11th Reet. e Sept. 1. '64. "" Lineberger, Jno. F.. 1st Lieut. CoHH9th Regt. r April 25 re- March1. '63; in Co. I 34th Regt. ; w at . Chancellors viiie::;-;,s'''J-.-; ;'-r: ;: Lineberger, E. F., Co. M. 16th Regt. e 'May l, '61: w at 2nd Manassas Aug. 29, '62; lost arm and dg March '63. Lineberger, J. Laban, Co. H 23rd ' Hegt. e June . 12. '61; 1st Corp. : d May 6. '63, of w receiv ed at Chancellorsville with T. L Clinton.':.- A'", " " 4 Lineberger. D. A., "Co.' B. 28th Regt. e July 30. '61, Corp. ; w at Gettty sburg-lost arm Lineberger. A. C. Co. B. 28th Regt. e July 30, : '61, Corp. ; June 20. '63. at Wilmington. - Lineberger. E. C Co; H. 37tb Regt. e Aug. 12 '62; p Corp and Sgt. and w at Gettysburg. Lineberger, Jno. D.r Co. H. 37th Regt. e May 10. '62. Lineberger, L. J., Co. H. 37tb Regte Oct, 6, '61t Lineberger, L.'"M., Co., H 49th Regt. e March 22, '62; w at charge on Weldon Railroad July l; '64.' v ' . Lineberger. R. A... Co. H. 49th Reet. e March 22. '62; d Nov? 1. '62, of w received at Sharpsburg. Lineberger, W. C., Co. H 49th Regt. e after March 22, '62; w in foot. Lineberger. W. V., Co. H 49th Regt. e after March 22, '62. Lineberger. W. 8., Co. C. 71st Regt. (Jr. Res.) Lineberger. V. A., Co. C. 71st Regt. (Jr. Res.) Lineberger, J. W., Co. H. 49th Regt. e March 22. '62; p 2nd Lieut. July 15, '62; d of w May 26, '64, at ..cbmond. Lineei felt, Jacob, Co. B. 28th Regt. e July 30, '61; !at Fred ericksburg and dg. Logan, G. M., Co. B. 28th Regt, e July 30, '61; w and pr at Gettysburg and d Aug. 15, '63, at David's Island. Long, Jacob F., Co. D. 14th Regt. e Apr. 26, '61 ; p Sgt. Long, H. H., Co. E. 34th Regt. e July 22, '64 Long, D. L., Co. H. 23rd Regt. e June 12, '61; k July 1, 63, at Gettysburg. Long, Tleasant G., Co. H. 37th Reet. e May 10, '62; d Sept. 30, -62. ; Long, John, Co, H 37th Regt. Longbottom, A., Co. H. 23rd Regt. e June 12, '61; d March 23. '63. I Lonergan, Patrick,. Co. H. 49th Regt. e after Mcb. 22, '62; ot disease at Petersburg July 29. 64--of ;rir.'. I Love. S. W..CO.JB. Z8th Kegt. e July 30,:61lp Jad Sgt.; d July 25, '62, of w received at Gaines Mill. . Love. A. J., Co. H. 49th Regt. e after Mch. 22, '62; p 1st Lieut. Aug. 5, '64. ' ! . Love, ). A., Co. h. 4ytn Kegt, after Mch. 22, '62i d of disease June 18, '64, at Richmond? 4 . Lowe, Marcus, Co. K. 49th Regt e March 15, '62. t Lowe, John, Co. k. 4Jta Kegt: e March 15,J62.r n .-- Iyowe, Aaron,,, co. , c. . ist Regt. (Jr. ResJ - Lowrance, Martin, ibr. Kesj , Lowrance, J. A., Co. : Hv49th Reet. e March .22, '62; t at Malvern Hill JuljI, '62. ; Ludwig. Pinkcey, Co. H. 8tn Regt. e.Aoe. 6A;'1; pr Sept. 3 Ludwig, H. T.; Co. H. 8th Regt. e Aug. 6, '61. J Lvncb. J. H;. Co. M. 16tb Regt. e May 1, '61; dg Feb. '62 Lyncb, John VV., Co. H. 37tn Regt. e Oct. 6, '61; dt. X t Lvncb. Joseph, Co. C." 7lst Kegt (Jr. Res,) U; I !::a;crs : ; sj f f f - f f f 41 f ,4 1 L.T JENKINS, Prea.' The First GASTONIA, JS. C. With . sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of " Over Half a Million ; we are in a better position to serve our customers : " than ever before in our history. : We Invite you to open an account with us. . ' DIRECTORS ' L. L. Jenkins A. A, McLean J. Lee Robinson 4 T J. K. Dixon 1 Arc You Real Estate Question? ArcVojiJnTorbied as to Real Estate Values In Gastonia? , g Times are good now and don't you think it wise to secure, home , or invest srae of your surplus cash in a desirable piece of real es- tate. . "; ''' ' The choice lots are being secured rapidly and are bringing Rood i prices now, but in the immediate future, you may not be. able to get one at all, and if you, do succeed In landing one, it will bring a J handsome premium. , ; ;: 4 We believe that, we are pretty well posted on the situation and shall take pleasure in helping you secure the kind of property you I desire. ' Some of our very best business men are beginning to realize the I coming scarcity of desirable, close-in property, and are buj'ing m now. We list below, some good values that we believe will grow into t nice profits in the near future. . , J 1 tot 100x200 on corner of Airline St. in West Gastonia, on a high I clean elevation -very desirable for a" nice residence ...M-$900 00 ' 3 residence lots on Nairow Gauge Extension in natural grove on a main throughfare. Very desirable for home-builders. Per f front foot, $5.00 . : 1 6-room dwelling on lot 100 X 300 on W. Airline St. This is a nice new home . -. $2400.00 r 1 Lot 75 X 300 on West Airline St. on which is located a small I building suitable for market or fruit stand .. ... .. $600.00 I 1 farm of So acres in high state of cultivation, good well of water, 2 tenement houses, near macadam road and only 1 1-2 miles from Gastonia. An excellent farm for dairying or trucking. Per acre $10 I ' ' . . ( Gastonia Insurance 5 Realty Co. a aN-aav.akaakBaaKaaBaKaBkaavaa'a",a akax The HIGH EST GRADEof no FUR::NiIURE IC Williams Furniture ; Go. . ! IF THAT'S THE KIND Crala A WHaoa and Ragaa BWa. General Charles lVf. Shelley, a briffadier eeneTal ' ia the Con federate army, died Sunday; at j Kirmiruxham. Ala. He was 1 years old and a native of Sullifaiu county, Tennessee. 7. John D. Rockefeller attracted some attention in Augusta, Ga., Sunday, bv i attending a negro Church. t;He: placed $20 in the collection basket when it was passed..' : . Subscribe for Thk Gazette.; ! t & 4 4 i '1' ! :y - 1 S. N. BOYCE. Cashier. National Danli at G. A; Gray T. L. Craig R.R.Ray Andrew E; Moore H. M. McAden J. O. White... Asleep on The ,1".:: AT'' . .'' ; " :' fi, YOU WANT SEE US GASTONIA. N. C. f 'SALE i ALMANACS' "5 CENTS -:;-at-'- GASTONIA CCC: T

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