t r - , . 4AUfal,iJ.ttiti 44.4.4 i i 4. r 4. ( " 4. , . t The Af!vcr!i".pr - J lathe nan who 0uea ti-.a I 'ilfleea. J .'. 4- Tha Gaietta la tba bt medium 4. i - "ataaaaWatsaaabaJabaia .k $ , . 1007 . .. - - 1 - ,. - J UU b Oastanlt'a banner ar. 4. Read The Gazette and been up. 4. J ' Twtca-a-week, SI. SO tha year. " for raachlnf the people. of Caatoa. . Rates rcaaoi ' la. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEKTUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ' f i v .it,44.4.4a.4i.4-.44, JA5. y. ATICIN5, Editor end Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the Countyi; ::7; $1.50 a Year In Advance. VQIXXVIIiy GASTONIA. N. C, FRIDAY. JANUARY; 25, 1907, NO. a i-v.'fv. vvij TT n ttv' ..7' . A P77 TK IA Y' FT A f TTS St.: A - -K. f. KAtttiaZPrltfi&nt. C, N.EVAW . Vicf-PriU J A. O. Mtms. Ctukitr, " CAPITAL aSO.OOO ' ' THE CITIZENS . NATIONAL BANK . V dA9TONIA,-N. C. . Accounts ot '"Merchant Manufacturers and ?TV ' JFarmersInviled. , '"'J' Liberal Dealing along Conservative Lines. v - S A VI NC8 Weltave a'dfed a SqvingtJPeparlmenttin which we pay 4 Per cent.i compounded every three months. If you have not already opened an account in this department we invite you to do so. ..'', , IN THE "LONETAIT STATE ' Mr. C. L Stowe, a Native Oaston Coontlan and Now a Promiaen! Basfprti Man r Sherman, . Texas, ; Writes Intereitlotly o People and Events ol the Lonf Afo Oastonia and Sherman r Compared. , Recently Capt. W. I. Stre sent to a nephew, , Mr. C. I. - Stowe. at Sberman. Texas, copy of the Gastonia handbook issued bv the Gastonia Uommer cial Club. In acknowledsins: the receiot of the booklet Mr. Stowe ..' wrote quite an interesting letter which is reproduced to el o w , through the courtesy of Capt Stowe. It will be J read with nleasure. we have no doubt. by many and especially by the older citizens.; The writer is a nanve of Gaston county and Was of I that ) number who went West ; early in life to seek there their fortunes and grow ? up with the country.. He. has been most successful in the Lone Star State. He is president of the Grayson Oif & Cotton Company and is . prominently ' identified with other business ; interests of . Sherman, which is one of Texas' most oroeressive. ero wine and wide-a-wake towns. Following is thte letter; -- Sherman, Texas, "" Jan. 16, 1907. Capt. W. I. Stowe, 'r --:. : - Gastonia, N. C: ' Dear Uncle Will: A The -mag- ' nificent specimen of enterprise and progress .of your citizens, as shown in "Gastonia Its fresent and Future,"- received ! from you by mail yesterday, is fully ap- predated' and affords me more ' gratification than anything re centlyfrom mynative county. - Its illustrations io'dex plainly the well-written facts and figures tilt I feel as if I had again been in .- person in your ; wonderful town, " meeting men who have made good, with, whom in the early sixties I was a boy. ' ' W. ,Ragan and I were in : school together at Wright's old school houseV neariNewHpe church. He andyf, too, heard together from that old saint; Dr. Halt, the plain andstaple Gos: ' pel which I am glad to. believe is , Ibundalion for ; both , or our hopes ;for a peaceful eternity. George Gray was my genial play fellow at Stowp's factory ;JlMany were the days 'that we would hurry through our dinners ' that we might have a swim together before the mill Started after the : noon hour. It was George who lead th way' when I made my first dash from the sprffig-board, located just above thThead of the rmH face, the place where I learned to-iwim. You have on yonr boafd of J school . commis- , siooers Ai t'A. McLean. If this is Gus, son of Dr. John" McLean, he : too was with . Wash Ragan and myself at school,' a younger sprig tban iwe.- t.T C. Pegram and Jl. : H. and CI E. Adams werewiib me in school one year at High Hill. Academyir- Miss Ruth fSIoan Was the principal teacher.. .'.. The following pames amongst your- citizens i are well rernero bered, many of each f amily well known, and some kinfoIksby blood or marriage; Holland, Craig, Kenrwdii., Hunter, Jenk ins, Hand, amyre, . Moore, t ot rence, Love, Glenn, Kolen, Ran kin, Jackson, ; Wilson, Keid, Falls aund Armstrong. . These na'pes are in, your booklet. I stfppose many othefs living in Gastonia have -names as familiar as these. My mniory of boy dayj, people and objects ; is plainer than like matters of later years. . .i . ' . . - .'. If I 'am notv mistaken ft is about five ' miles from Gastonia to the old home of my parents, where I was- born'It is .even nearer to old Olney,' the most sacred spot to me o.n earth.' My mcther's grave you know-how many others,, dear and revered by us,! lie there. : Of onr im mediate family, my parents and eight children, I am alone on tins' side of the river. My father, sister and two brothers are: buried t in this; great new country. : ; My i mother and' four babies are in GdtTs acre at old Olney. On these days I think much ; I will not try to sermon ize these thoughts to yon in a letter I have three manly sons. each an honor to our name and to the stock, inherited from their Carolina forefathers. Much bet ter than I merited, I have fared all these 57 years I ' have lived. I have 4 been blessed twitir; spirit by which fr gratefully love my God and my fellow-man. In younger life I often made narrow escape from disproving this con SOliniT faCt.-:-:L '.'.;-''r:r'.:v W-.V rrComparing t h e ! substantial condition of -Gastonia and of this, my home town : Your cot ton mills are more than we have in" all-Texas.' The scarcity of mill operatives IrfSdelayed mill bnilding here. Now, during the last five years, cotton mills are paying; dividends and new ones are being built Cotton seed oil mills now 'number: in this btate 161 i? oil refineries nnmber 1Z. Youc banking4 facilities to one out ; ftere appear insufficient. Your report on churches is first rate... On schools . you are not up in line with Texas towns of yonr size and apparent wealth I. don't believe that 1 have ever read of a community the size of uasionia inai nas uiujzca pre sented opportunities so fully and reaped : such" marvelous returns as your people have in thecot- ion manuiaciUTing inausiry. The opportunity I have through your courtesy I will use often in the near future to read and ex. hi bit Gastoma's excellent printed report of her work to prominent men, : manufacturers oL. cotton products 1 in NorthrTexas and portions of . the newState, of Oklahoma, in r which I have friends - interested To' your friend and editor, Mr. Separk, I am mailing some of Sherman's printed advertising-matter. We have often gotten out. probably semi-annually, matter advisable. Mr. Separk's effort in behalf ot Gastonia is the best I ever , saw from - a town of 8,000. In the year 1900 we got out one as ex tensive. I sent yon- one at the time. To yourself " and family and - our mutual friends please accept - ray affectionate regards. .1 Yours Sincerely, K i ' " C. L. Stows. ' 11, A NEW CONCERN. -- i, aajBjaaaa Qaston Metal Roofinl Co., Ap 'piles lor Charter-Will Take Oyer Bosiness of J. A. Spen car;.;3 W.A-'l The Gaston Metal & Roofing Ov. is the name of a new con cern which will be v incorporated to do a ' business0 in - roofing, plumbing,' - electric ' wiring. architectural r drawing ;,v. and buildtrs-! hardware sundries. The capital stock;. paid in is $5,300 and the charter, which has been applied for. will give the privilege vofTincreasrng to $100,000. The new company will take over the ; leases, con tracts,, material and offices of J. A. Spencer, contractor. The incorporators, are: G. A, Gray, J. L. Robinson, 'S. S. Morris, F. L. Smyre, B. H. Parker.' W. N. Davis. J. A.. Spencer, J X. TLong and others. As soon as the charter I is received the organization and election of. officers , will, take place. Tber company expects to be ready for bosiness Febru- j ary 1st. . Mr. S. S. Morris: will probably be secretary and treas urer of the firm and ' Mr. J. A. Spencer will be general man- 'A- charter Jias been granted the Piedmont Mantel and Show case Co., at LincolijtoD, . capital stock $25,000. Subscribe for Thk GA2ETTB. POULTRY SHOW A SUCCESS:, Oaston's First Annnal ExJhibU tloa of : Fancy. Fowls . Excel lent Attendance Good The Prlza Winnera. ' ""V"'.. " , The first annual show- of the Gaston Poultry Association is a decided success, this- being the unanimous verdict of all - who have visifed the quarters in the Davis block ;where . the fowls are on xhibit. The show 1 be gan Tuesday morning and will close to-night. There were 24? ' entries , altogether," the majority .being, Gaston county products. Two or three out side fanciers bad birds in the lot. V"- l:fJiX' Mr. R. L. Simmons, of Char lotte, ,i completed his work of judging the ; fowls . Wednesday afternoon and . returned to his home. A list of the prize-win ners is given below. To the Gazette-man Mr. Simmons said that the exhibition ' was a re markably good one for a : first effort and he expects great things trom the uaston associa tion in the future. It .is better, he said, than the first State show held at High . "Point sev years ago, both in point of nam bers and in quality of the fowls exhibited. It is the intention of the association to make this an annual event and one that will be looked forward tomtit h no small degree ot interest.- 4 The following prizes were awarded by Judge Simmons: ; Barred Plymouth Rocks B S. Davis, Charlotte, 1st; 2d and 3d cock, 1st cockerel, 1st, 2d and 4ttrhen, 1st and 3d pallet and first pen? J H. McDowell, Gas tonia, 2d cockerel, 2d and 5th pullet: W. L. Ormand, Besse mer City, 3d cockerel; W.' A Robinson, Gastonia, 4th cock erel, 3d and 5th hen, and . third pen; E. P. Lewis, Gastonia, 4th pullet i J. N. Roberts & Son, Lowell, second pen. , :-. White Plymouth Rocks: W. L. Ormand, Bessemer City, 2d and 3d cockerel, 2d, 3d and 4tb hen, 3d pullet and first pen. . Butt Plymouth Rocks : J. - P. Lewis. Gastonia, 3d cock, 5th cockerel and 3d pullet; W. . Jenkins, Gastonia, ,3d cockerel and 4th pullet; Clarence Ramseur, Bessemer City, 4th cockerel; J. N. Roberts & Son, Lowell, 2nd and 5th pullets. Black. Minorcas: George. L. Dooley, Charlotte, 3d cock, 2d cockerel, 1st, 2d and 3d pallet, 2d hen and first pen. . . White Minorcas : A. B. George, Bessemer City, 3d cock, 2d and 4th cockerel, 3d -and 4th hen, 1st and 4th pullets ; Lawrence Allen, Bessemer City, . 3d cockerel, 3d and 5th pullet. White Wyandottes: W. L. Ormand. Bessemer City, 3d cock, 1st,. 2d, 3d and 4th hen and 2d pen; D. S. Thornburg, Cherry ville. 1st and 4th cockerel. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th puITet and 1st pen; P. D. Hopper, Dallas, 3d cockerel. Silver Laced "Wyandottes: J. N. Roberts & Son. Lowell, 2d cock, 2d and 4tb hen, 2d, 3d .and 4th pullet; Henry Rockett, Gas tonia, 3d cock, 3d and 4th hen; P. i D. s Hopper, Dallas, 3d cockerel p W. Ci Abernethy, Gastonia, 5th pullet, ; Partridge Wyandottes : M. B. Albea, McAdenville, 1st cockerel and 1st pullet. .''i-j,:t-:. Single Comb Brown Leghorns : John: P. Greene, : Charlotte, First 'and Second cock ; First and 2d cockerel; 1st, 2nd,3d and 5th hen; 1st, 2d, 3d and 5th pullet; 1st and 2d pen; D S. Thornburg. Cherryvill, 3d cockf J N.; Roberts & Son Lowell, 3d . cockerel . and 74th pullet: J. L. Beal, Gastonia, 4th hen., . 7 ' i - " ; . , ?;y ' Single Comb White Leghorn: R. H, Merritt, McAdenville, 1st cock, 2d .and 3d cockerel;, 5th hen, 1st and 3d pullet 2nd pen; J; N. Robert & Son, Lowell, 1st cockerel; 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th hen and 2d pullet and 1st pen. Buff Leghorns: ; S S. Smith, Bessemer City, 1st and 3d pul- ets. . Pit. Games: Robert Francis,' Gastonia, 1st cOck; I. N. Alex ander, Sr., Gastonia, 2d and 5th cock; 1st stag; 5th pullet; 2d and 5th ben; B. . L. Smith, Stanley, 3d cock, 3d stag, 1st pullet; 1st, 3d and 4th hen; J. R. Grigg, Gastonia, 4th cock ; JB. C. Best, Bessemer City, 2d and 4th stag; 2d and 3d pul let. Indian Games: get, Gastonia, 2d 4th and 5th hen ; Lowell, 3d pullet; Gastonia,' 1st hen. Single Comb R M. Forbis.King's Mountain, 1st, 2d, and 5tb cockerel; 2d, 4th and 5th pullet; A. F. Newton, Lawndale, 3d cockerel; 1st and 3d pullet and 1st pen; J. H. McDowell, Gastouia, 4th cock erel. Rose Comb, R I. Reds: Erskine Boyce, Gastonia, 3d pullet. White Pekin Ducks: J. P. Lewis, Gastonia, 1st drake and 1st duck. ' - There were 242 birds entered. J, S. Win cock; 2d, 3d, T.. H Ford, J. E. Stubbs, I. Reds; J. I5r. Kendrick's New Work. Mr. Thomas N. Kendnck, who has been for the past year connected with the firm of the Swan-Slater Company, has sold his interest in the above firm and will, on February 1st, as sume the duties ot deputy or ganizer of the Improved Order Heptasophs. Mr. Kendnck will make Gastonia his headquarters but will spend the greater part of his first six months in Meck lenburg county. He is hot a new hand at the business, hav ing the office of assistant deputy organizer about a year ago, when he added many recruits to the Gaston Conclave, making it one of ' the largest conclaves in this section of the country. Mr.' Kendrick will go immediately to Charlotte where he expects to increase the membership of the lodge there from 50 to 500. tOWELL LOCALS. , ' trtoondeice ut the U&sette: ,'' Lowell, Jan.. 25-Mri ! P,. P. Murphy, .formerly night super intendent.of the, Lowell Cotton Mills, who some time agd gave up his work on account of bis eyes, has ; returned . to .Lowell from his home in 1 Garland, N, C, to take dharge of the Peer less Mill wbicb is now - placing its machinery. V Miss Sarah Hoffman, of Dallas, is visitiing Miss Virginia Robin son. ' ', ;. Trof. E. G. Carson went to Lin wood College last .nighbt to attend the oyster supper. MrArthur Perkins and Miss Annie B afford were married at the residence of Mr. Jos Feather stone Sunday morning by Squire C. -W.--Nipper.. .The marriage was-a surprise. The happy couple are spending their honey moon in Gastonia. ' Mr. J. N. Roberts, of J. N, Roberts & Son, poultrymen, is in Gastonia this week - with his fowls attending the poultry show. Ten cottages belonging to the Pilot Cottou Mill at Raleigh were burned Tuesday, entailing a loss of $ 4,500 Spencer also suffered from fire the same day to the" extent of about $5,000. TO ENJOY A GOOD DINNER. How to Ayold Distress and Indiges tion After Eatlog. Let us tell you how you can enjoy a good dinner, so that the heartiest meal will set well on your stomach and cause no un pleasant and disagreeable after effects. We will show you how to re; gain the appetite of your child hood and the enjoyment of food, so that it will taste as well as when mother cooked the din ner. , There is .no hard work neces sary to do this; no need of a rigid and self-denying diet list; no call for nasty and liisagreea b'e medicines. Simply take a Mi-o-na stomach tablet before each meal and- before going to bed, and it will so strengthen the stomach that before long a hearty meal wilKgive. you grat ification and comfort, without the least fear of distress and suf fering. - The strongest proof we can offer ot our faith in this advice, is the fact that J. H. Kennedy & Co. give an absolute, unqual ified guarantee (applying to two 50c boxes of Mi-o-na), that your money will be refunded unless Mi o-ua cures. A guarantee like this gives you confidence in Mi-o-na. They take the whole risk, and the remedy Will , not cost you a penny unless it cures. Mi-o-na is not a mere digest ive, giving only temporary re lief, but a specific for all diseases of the stomach, strengthening the digestive organs and making a permanent cure. The Winston Vehicle Com pany has been organized wi(h $125,000 capital to manufacture and sell all kinds of vehicles. Two serious runaways occurred in Iredell Sunday as a result of which four men were seriously injured, one of whom may-die They were John D. Hartness, Martin Gibson, Robert Hart ness and Mac Robb. T In England and France the Sale of Alum Baking Powder is pro- hibited by law because of the in- ;juriou? effects that follow its use. ; -The law in the District of Columbia also prohibits Alum Jn food ( jllli ft P i s w 4 : ;.'Yoit may live where ; as yet "you have1 ny protection against ;Alum 'nonlyTsureTuaioH : agnst ; Vttn': fe7w Baking Powder is fa- I - . - '- - f -. , ,' ' . '- 'Ka::.:v-;.::',::Uvi' ' ' ROYAL is, made from Absolutely Dure Cream of Tartar, a pure Grape " product; Aids digestion adds tothe healthfulness of food. J ' ;; : Jenkins, Pres. -; s.'n'.'bovce. Coshicr ' t The First National Bank i 4 GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. ' : : : : We Invite you to ooen an account with us. DIRECTORS : G. A. Gray T. L. Craig R. R. Ray Andrew E. Moore H. M. McAden J. O. White L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson j. K. Dixon e COOK STOVES ' I TO j' ?' BURN COAL 'i ; ' ;' i We have just received a Car Load of the Favorite Stoves and Ranges fT if made specially .to burn soft coal if if 1 Come In and let us show you the best that is made LONG BROS. Tinware, Stoves and Ranges GASTONIA. : : : NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY We have a niceitlfe of staple and fancy groceries, feedstuffs, etc. which we will deliver promptly. - - - We not only expect to supply some of the farmers, but.hope.to get a share of the town trade. We respect fully solicit your patronage. Ph Phone. 300 Masonic Building. Gem Restaurant 19 S. Tryea SL Charlotte. N. C. Best in the City DIKING 100M Open 6 a. m. to 1 2 p. m. ';. LUNCH EOOM Always Open Seating:apacity three hundred. A lunch counter unequaled in the South. Special attention to out-of-town shoppers. Local and foreign markets supply our tables. .'. .. .. V. ; Flo Clears F- ncy Fmlts E. F, CRESWELL, Mgr. FOR FLOUR " :;;"Meat Molasses vor anything In the . GROCERY LINE go to . J. Y.,M1LLER 4 CO. Crier ttf&ht . Gastonia, II C MANUSCRIPT COVERS for trpe - Written documents. Variety of colors by dozen or box at Thk Ga- office. - - . WW Htdiaim k i ti BEGIN WITH THE NEW YEAR! V Open. an . account with us now. - The past year has show n a most .' gratifying growth in our business, particularly in our savings de partment,' which la 'OUR PARTICULAR LINE. I We-pay-interesT at rate of . 4 pr r We can make loans on Real Es- Ttate Security. . This should be of particular interest to wage earn- ers and prosr'v bomt pur ' chasers. . GASTON LOAN 4 TEUST C U L. JENKINS E. C. MeLtHD Prealdeat. . Trestarer. CARD MOUNTS for r''- y etyof colors at Gazkits c Grays, green, wine, rc !. Ii sheets Sizes ctt to ' I

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