s. The Gsstccla Gazette Isaaod Krr Tuesday u Friday by tat Gaxett Pabliahinf Company. : f ft i JAS. W.ATKINS- .Bditocaad kranatTT at Gastonia. N.CMtkl UM nU fjitMrt, April S. 1902. SOBSCWPTION rUCB: I On Teat . . 'Sis Month m- . Four Moolha.. Ona Month ... i . - ... .79 ..' .50 ... .U TUESDAY, JAN. 29. 1907. rOXVASD. ; Gaston ia took a lone step lor ward last niebt. She can no longer be classed as one of the backward and onprogressive. The demand for civic improve ments is stiong, has been strong . fox many months past. Now that the first step has been taken we believe there will be none to pull back; all should pull to tether for their own interests . and the interests of the town in general. Without a single dissenting vote, the mass meeting and it was as representative a mass meeting as was ever held in Gas tonia we believe agreed to ask the Legislature for permission to vote bonds in the sum of $100,- 000 for street, school, water, light and sewerage improve ments and for the liquidation o a small floating indebtedness All of these things the town needs; none will gainsay that - It is cot the intention to vote al of these bonds at one time but to issue them in blocks of say $25,000 or $30,000 at a time The object in placing the figure at $100,000 was to obviate the necessity, had a smaller sum been named, of asking a subse quent Legislature for another election. That the town could easily carry tbe tun amount in one issue is evident to all who are familiar with conditions as they obtain. The town is now saving from $4,000 to $6,000 annually on lighting the town. Nor this all. Real estate has ad vanced, within the past year or two, 33 i per cent. A new tax valuation is to be placed on property this spring. At the lowest figures the advance in valuation will not fall below 25 per cent. The added revenue thus obtained, together with the saving on the light plant, will we believe almost if not quite carry the interest of $100,000 bonds; certainly it would on $50,000 or $60,000. With a bonded indebtedness of only about $105,000 and a floating debt of about $6,000, Gastonia is in excellent financial condition, better perhaps than nine-tenths of tbe towns pf its size and wealth in the country. It can well afford to vote this bond issue for these improvements. When made they will add great ly not only to the appearance of the town but to tbe value of property as well. Forward is tbe motto. - TCS LECISLATUir. : Whit tha St&ia Lawmakers ire '", Representatives of the South era and Seaboard .Railways ap peared before the joint com mittee Friday and presented lengthy arguments against cer tain railroad bills now before the Legislature, especially the one to reduce passenger forces. General Passenger Agent Ka gan, of the Seaboard, and Gen eral Counsel Thorn, of the Southern; ? were the principal speakers. . Mr. Justice, in . a letter to the committee, 'asked that the. committee be - informed of the salaries paid Southern Railway officials each year for I rhi nact v i vmti. .- a'nrl fllen tomans are confident in their detailed statement as to- what belief that the appropriation for I that road has spent for lobbying when it agreed that the city council should offer the city park to the government, for the purpose of . erecting thereon a public building, at the moderate sum of $10,000. This property, it is stated, would easily bring $13,500 if" sold to-day. Uncle Sam cannot charge, as he has doubtless had cause to in the case of some North Carolina towns, that Gastonia is demand ing extortionate prices for sites for a government building. Ev eryone is agreed that this is tbe logical location for the building. Congressman Webb and all Gas Gastonia's public building will pass. is The Monroe Enquirer came out Thursday with an eight page industrial edition. It con tained cuts of business houses and business men, with informa tion regarding each, ' The Messrs. Asbcraft, owners and editors of this paper, are due the congratulations of the people of Monroe and Union for this ex cellent presentation of an ex cellent town and county. Georgia is following South Carolina's lead in the matter of securing a high class of foreign immigrants. Press dispatches announceX h a t arrangements have been made with two steam ship lines to convey several hun dred Scots and Swedes to Sa vannah within the next two or three weeks. " North Carolina needs good foreign immigrants as much as any State but late seems to be against her in this -respect. . Tis a long lane ' that has no turning, however, and a favorable wind may. blow the Old North1 State way before long. There's hope that itwill, anyway. . y- That was indeed a generous and admirable act on tbe part of Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, widow of the great South :rn soldier, in declining to accept from the State a monthly pension of $100 as proposed in a bill introduced few days ago in the Legis lature. She did not wish that an exception be made in her case, tbe law providing -that pensions be limited to those whose personal property does' not reach $500 in value. Mrs. Jackson does not come under this classification. In her letter in North Carolina during that period and to whom the . money was paid. Thursday the small roads will be given a hearing. It is intimated that the commit tee intends to fix the rate at 2 cents, SATURDAY, After much discussion tbe j House passed the bill allowing solicitors a salary of $2,500. except in cases where the fees do not amount to this much. Heretofore solicitors have been paid in fees. 'A bill was introduced by Rep resentative Parsons to -put tbe State on an equality in criminal actions with defendants in selecting juries, also to regulate the hours of labor in factories and to forbid child labor in mills ! at night.' , in the senate bins were in- of declination, read before the troduced by Senator Drewry, to Senate committee Saturday, was further evidenced the same spirit of generosity and thought fuluess when she suggested that the proposed amount be applied to assist in alleviating tbe im poverished condition of destitute widows of Confederate veterans. The noble act of a noble woman. Will el Late Capt. Love. V In his last will and testament tbe late Capt. R. C. G. Love named as executors of his estate his sons, Mr. John F. Love,tof Gastonia, and Mr. Edgar Love, of Lincolnton. Tbe amount of the estate is "between $150,000 and $200,000 and the heirs, all of whom are of age, have re quested that the estate remain intact. Tbe executors will qual ify within a few days when the instrument will be filed for probate. To Give Reception. At an adjourned meeting of tbe board of governors of the Gastonia Commercial Club in the club rooms last night at 7 30 o'clock, it was decided to hae a reception in the club rooms on tbe evening of the 14th of Feb ruary. A committee, composed of Messrs J. H. Separk, D. E. McConnell and S. S. Shuford. was appointed to have charge of arrangements for the recep tion which will be of a very high order. Music for the occasion will be furnished by Richard son's urcnester, ot i:hariotte, and others. Admissions to the reception can be bad only through tickets. Members ol the club will be given as many tickets for their friends as they wish. Tbe committee will call on tbe members of the club pro bably this week to ascertain their wants as to tickets. enlarge the capitol, providing rooms for the Supreme Court and library and for the State officers. A bill was introduced by Senator Graham giving per mission to towns to sell their electric and power plants when desired. The Jamestown Ex position bill adding $20,000 to tbe North Caiohna appropria tion was virtually passed, tbe money to be available out of funds in tbe State treasury not otherwise appropriated. ; ; : . :" Spring Opening . - fashionable Tailoring NATURALLY, you, want to dress as well as your purse will afford -there's no need of argument to' prove it' ' pays to make a good appearance. - - - ; If yon want clothes "'made-to-measure why not have them made by expert tailors In touch with the latest styles who make the new styles? , t ,' You can do this at little cost. The great Tailoring house ' v of Schloss Bros. & Co., of Baltimore and New York; is at J( , your service. An expert cutter of theirs vfilt be here Friday . and Saturday, Feb. I and 2 to abow the new goods and take ,." ' measurements.: He will bring samples of the newest fabrics; 13 ,-;.' he will have fashion plates of the best styles; he will gladly S3 ; Rive you. the benefit of his long experience in the selection J of the rnpst becoming 'models and' patterns.' You. should : -gee him. : ? " ; ; f f ; ; ; ; ; tv ; ; ';" ; : Fashions for Spring and Summer ; He will have hundreds of : sample of the most desirable cloths and accurate illustrations of the models that Fashion has decreed pr6per. JYon will have' the benefit of the best tailoring ideas and have them properly carried out; your build, height, complexion, carriage, business, will all be considered with a resulting distinctiveness otherwise un obtainable. ., '. -. " . . .! ;' . . " '. : That is what high-class tailoring is forto express character, in dividuality, good taste, to mark you out from the crowd as ex ceptionally well-dressed. . .. , ' , , You will get this in Schloss tailoring, style, fit, quality all 0 of the best, and at reasonable price! Come in and see the . Schloss Representative, even if you do not intend to order now; he will make his ' head-quaters at our store Friday " and Saturday Feb. 1st and 2ad. . .'. . :' ." ' B f Ol f af 1 iwanoiaier to. i I -- ' .-,. Continue r - , ' ' , -mmrZmm i i n i. i . - ATi-THE .Peopl e's-'Store WILL' MAGAZINES. The Taylor-Trotwood Maga zine, the January number of which is the first, is the suc cessor of Bob Taylor's Maga zine and Trot wood's Monthly; being a combination of the two. It is issued monthly by the Taylor-Trotwood Publishing Company, Nashville, Tenn Tbe recent election of Ex-Gov. Bab Taylor to the United States Senate will necessarily take much of his time and tbe com bination which thus puts John Trotwood Moore in active man agement of the new magazine is a happy one and tbe reading public will doubtless be pleased with the result. Mr. Moore is a writer of ability and national reputation. known as tbe author of "A Sum mer Hymnal" an absorbing and beautiful romance of Tennessee; and of "Ole Mistis," the most vivid, pathetic and realistic description of a horse race and its tragic ending ever . written. OUR STOCK IS NEW Fresh lot hams and smoked meats just received. FLOUR MEAL GRITS ETC. An assortment of Canned Goods. ; : : : : DON'T WAIT UNTIL FLOUR GETS HIGHER LAY IN A SUPPLY NOW. Th. MarUt U Umnnt " W Detlrer PrtwMr - FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY j Pnae 300 ....... Maaanlc BnlMIng- R0.F, lOV LOWELL LOCALS. Lowell. Jan. 28. The Misses Herman, of Lowell, rural route No. 2. delightfully entertained He is perhaps best I tbe young people of that section . Im. i r & Saturday nigni compnincniaiy to Misses Ha Cloninger and Josephine Rhy ne, of Dallas. Those present were : Misses Inez Lineberger, Annie Clem mer, Carrie Shook, Bertha and Georga Richards, Ada. Joy, Ka- The January number of this I'tie Hoffman, Josephine Rhyne, magazine contains a number of and Ha Cloninger; Messrs - L . stories from his pen. There""are R. Clemmer, Jesse and ; Bud" also contributions from " other Rankin, L. Rhyne, Frank and writers, the table of contents I Harrv Rankin. Tom MossC D. B being an inviting one. . Price I Tritt, John Rhyne and Lloyd That was a handsome thing tbe rsii ceetiEj did last eight New Firms Chartered. V Among tbe charters granted Saturday by tbe Secretary of State were ones to tbe Gaston Metal & Roofing Co. and tbe Banner Harness Company,' of Gastonia. Both concerns have already been partially organized and nothing remains to be done but confirm the election of officers already selected. As soon as tbe charters are re ceived organization meetings will be held, after which the new corporations will begin business. The Banner Harness Company was organized by Messrs. L.t C. Arrowood, C. G. Holler and J. T. Dameron, these gentlemen taking over tbe harness shop of tbe Gastonia Tanning Company. The Gas ton Metal & Roofing Co. was organized by a number of the town's most influential and progressive' business men and will take over the contracts, leases and rooms of J. At Spen cer, contractor. Mr. Spencer will be general manger of the new corporation which will do a Kntlfllt Sri ' vrwxfinrv - nlnmKinflp electrical"" wiring, architectural drawing and material. builders hardware Representative A. G. Mangum returned to Raleigh yesterday after spending a day or two with his - fam Mr. Edgar Long returned Tester- day from Due. West, S. C, where he spent several aays as the guest of friends. . L . , Mrs. J. K. Dixon, of Gastonia, spent Tuesday night with Mrs. M. V. Patterson on her return home from a visit to ber -sister, Mrs. V. B. Millen, at Richburg. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Wilson, who has been spending the past six months with Mrs. Millen, came over Wednesday morning ana accompanied her home. Chester Lantern, 25th. V . $1 a year, 10 cents a copy. Appleton's for February pre sents a1 very tempting bill of fare. Besides a continuation of tbe serial story " Mother" by Maxim Gorky, there are a num ber of short stories and poems by authors of repute. Following is the table of contents: "The Debt of Honor," story by Agnes and EgertOQ' Castle; "Robert Burns," by Theodore Thornton Mnnger; "The Quickening of Galatea," story by Henry C. Rowland; M The Dwelling Place as an Expression of Individuali ty," by Samuel Howe; ."To a Boulder," poem by Henry Smith Williams; "The Desert's Breath" story by Roy Norton ; n At Claire fontaine," poem by Charles Woodward Hutson; "The Alco hol Age," by Day Allen Willey; "The Amazing Lady," story by Zona Gale; "The Restoration of the Highways," by R. H. Ful ler; "A Wizard of the Philip pines," story by WolcottLeClear Beard; "Rain in the Woods," poem by Cornelia Channiug Ward; ? Training . Tigers and Other Big Cats," by A. W. Rol ker; "Apples of Gold," poem by Beth Slater Whitson: "Legislat ing in Parliament and Congress,", by A. Maurice Lowe; "The Rid dle of Personality, by H. Ad dington Brtfce; "Economic Des tiny and American Foreign Trade," by Harold Bolce; "Cur rent Reflections," by Edward S. Martiai)Appletoo-&Co. New York, $1.50 a year, 15 cents arcopy, : :, McCall'a Magazine, "The Queen of Fashion," is just out for February. The .UcCaH Company, , publishers. -New York, 50 cents a year. V-Mrs. Chas. Ford went to Newton this morning on a short visit to her sister. Mra E; M. 'Deal. and her ! mottier, Mrs. J. D. Post. The latter wutieava in a ray or so tor itna delphia, Pa., to reside. t' Flowers, Various ; parlor games were rilaved and the s evening was most pleasantly spent.' General News Hems.. Editor W. J. Dendy. of The Clinton, (S. C) Gazette,: was sbotat by a would-be assassin Tuesday night while sitting in , ' l! MM nis room rcauiug. r uc iuuiuci- ous attack was probably due to editorials recently published in which he denounced the; secret meetings of negroes , of the com munity ' Five persons perished in a fire at Dover, N. H., Saturday which destroyed a cotton factory, caus ing a loss of half a million dol lars. - Edwin P. Gary, a native, of Boston, but lor thirty years a resident of Columbians. C was found dead in his room at - the Ley den Hbtel in the latter citv Sunday. He bad been dead 24 hours when found. Death re suited from apoplexy; ne i was State auditor of South Carolina under the reconstruction regime, Comptroller of the Cur rency Ridgeley yesterday issued a call for statements of the con dition of national banks Satur day, January 26th. . - Mr. Rufus M. Johnston returned yesterday from a stay of several weeks in Florida. Subscribe OAZRTTJt '"; for the Gastonia i dr. w. ii. Wakefield ' f fCfcarUtt,N.C.V will be in Gastonia at the Falls House on Thursday, Jan. 31st, one day, for. the purpose of treating dis eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and fitting Glasses. 1906 was a "lean year on farmers and many others and on this visit he doctor will " test eyes for glasses at one-hall the usual fee. . V - J23c4. The Wittekiud has sailed from Bremen for Charleston, S. C, with another ship load of immigrants for, Sonth Carolina. ''fF0R'MAY0B.V!,; i nereDj announce myseu a can didate for election to the office of Mayor of Gastonia, subject to the action i ue regular city primary. ' C. B. Armstrong We Have- a Very Attractive Business Proposition To Offer You NOTICE. Br power of ale aivea In a certain trust deed executed br A. S. Stowe and P. C. I Sitowe to A. li. iiangum, trustee for. J. P. Keid, to secure certain indebtedness to tbe aid J. P. Retd: for tbe purpose of satisfy ing said indebtedness, tbe andersurned HH sell lor casb to tbe bisbest bidder in front of tbe postoffice in tbe town of Gastonia on Tharsdar, tht 28th aay of Pcbnary, W07. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. tbe tollowfai described real estate: '-.(-.. v:t That certain tract or Da reel of land ivinv.l in uastoa conny. SUte of Nartb Carolina, anjoinma the lands of Rufua Fite. T. M. Pearson. A. K. Loitin et al. and bounded follows: .:-r. y::;C u:-;-,. is,-v-v-- Becinntna at a stone in east side of Dallas road, N. C. Bradley's. A. K. Loftm'a and Kufus Fife's corner, runs with Fife's line N.73 W. (past another Fife's corner) five- (5) chains and aeyenty-nve (75) links to a take ia west bank of branch: thence down tbe branch N.ZO-1-2B six chains and forty- two links (6.42) to a small persimmon in east bank of branch; thence N.68-1-2B four chains and thirteen links (4.13) to a atake isxouth side of -branch; thence N.86-5-6B tx chains (S.oo to a stake in east sjde of Dallas road, in south bank of tbe branch anti-near a bridge: thence 8. 10-3-4 W ninety links (0.90) to a stake on east side o said Dallas read; thence S.40-2-3W are chaina and forty links (S .40) to a stake in east side of Dallas road: thence S.32-3-4 6t . chains and tbirty-eiaht links (5.38) to the beain- ninsr; containing six and 313-1000 (6.313- iooo) acres. - - This, tht 26th day of January. 190?. FJ)26c5w v . A, G, Mahgpm. Trustee. We represent several fire insurance and a life insurance company that have agreed to loan back to Gastonians on re at estate security, all premiums collected in our city. This is a very attractive- proposition. which we would be very glad to discuss with any one interested. ; If you need anything in the insurance line, call No. 89 and let ns send our man to see , ydu. - .. ' .. .. . stonia ; Insurance 6 Realty - Co. i - r ; 9 WiajamafM r'm sl p r II Yea Want Oaslon Cocnty Wewi Sntscrlbe lor The Catetfe. II Yoa Want Neat, UptoDate Stationery tee os-we Print iu 1 6a r MORRIS CAFE The place to get Qoall on ' Toast, Oysters la all styles or Anything else yon want to . ' eat.' - - - . , MORRIS CAFE S. S . Morris, - - Propr. v . ...... -f niiiiiin in niimn-' i dew inii MAtiiMc MOTORS The motor for the family sewing machine entirely re-1 lievethe operator of , the : .".very real labor cl sewing and trie expense for current is trifling' to 1 cent per. hoar) so that it may be free ly nsed. - - PboaaISS - rTtrHM ARE YOU TO BE mm mm THEN YOU'LL NEED ONE OF VOUR PERFECTION TRAY TRUNKG , The very thing for a hbneymoon trip or any olher kind. 'Plla&ve A 1-A S Htiae) V aa msi la T fif rl- r, aUw A . wauuLJ Ua au jnvc ia 1 JUI . -4- ii a 5i'v - ; them to yoq. : ;- -; : : : -4 -: . -. ' : : : V!!!ionib-?;Furn Zu re 'Evcryl! In Up-to-Dctc Fr-r'r- rhooe I4a. CASTCMA, N. C Cr-"' - ff .