fifZE A I The? Aclyerllner I i:.e man who doe tha busincae. HE ASTORIA TTE - IC07 4, The Gazette la the beat medium for reaching tba people ef Gaston. J Rea Taa Oesette and keep tip. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. J Twtee-a-wetk, 1 1. AO tba rear. ItUIIIIIIIIMll i.44.4.4..I J AS. V. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of .ome and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. voLiXxvin.:. OASTONIA. N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY O, 1907. NO. II G "'V V K. P. Rankin, Prttideut. 4. ' C. Ni Bvan CAPITAL THE CITIZENS OA8TONIA, N. C. is Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, and i ' Farmers Invited, Liberal Dealing along Conservative lanes. SAVINGS f; We Have added a Savings Department, tn which we Pay 4 Per cent., compounded every three monthslf you have not already opened an account in this department we invite you to do so. r- ' T t " YORK AND YORKVILLE. What'f Doing A moof oar Neigh 'vs bors Jast Across the Hie. Yorkrille Enoulrer. Feb. lit " . J The election recentl petition ed for by the qualified voters": o Bethel township for an -election - on the Question . of levying . special tax of two tnilljK on the -. dollar for road purposes, is to be ' called as soon as the ; county 1 " ' board of commissioners is, advis ' ed by tble people interested as to what date will suit them. - - Through the courtesy of Mr. X W. Johnson, of Yorkville.Tbe ' Knnnirer.has come into Dossess- ; ion of an interesting old souveniH of the Revolutionary struggle ; m , York county, in the shape vot " -" piece of the identical cannon re ferred to by the late Dr. Robert Lathan in bis recently republish ed skethc of Hill's. pldJrpn Mr. W. I. Wtyberspooju.. has ' perfected his ujansfor tbeietec- .tion of quite an extensive series 4f warehouses on his property on West Madisotr ' street. Ills V main building; is to be - sixty, .by eighty feetjfthereto'la - nnmbet of sm aller buildings -The plan is to have 1 a separate ' warehouse for each different kind of hardware ordinarily handled - in large enough qniantity4Qi;Call " for a separate " warehouse, ; and r the stock in the main buildiog4s . to be keptlip from1 the smaller bttiidings.':$'..Mr;Wtuierspoon has been making purcbsse : on - quite a large scale and it is bis -u purpose to do an extensive busi ness. i ' The Winnie Davis Chapter of , the ; United Daugh ters "of the - Confederacy is : considering the w idea of preparing a complete roll " .. of the soldiers who served in the -. civil waf from this county. ; As Vet the ladies have no well defrtl , '.' ed plan of procedure ; but it is to . be hoped that they will not allow ' themselves4o abandon the idea - Thercis nd other work they cari . da as we see it that will prove more important. - it is not a gen ' ' erally known perhaps; but it is a ' fact nevertheless, that there is already a more complete enroll , mant of York county soldiers ' than there is of any other county rin the state. . Although the pursuit of the 'parties who burned the barn of '. Mr. J. Luther Whitesideson last ; baturday morning has continued i all tbe'-week no t more arrests . iJiave been made. - The tracks to ;and from the barn indicated, that ' ttwo ;bersons ' were implicated, . :and feuspicion was not long in -.attaching to ; Jim. , Bryant and "W i 1 1 Crawford, b e c a u s e ' . of the stories told by the wit nesses '. vniio were subsequently - committed to jail and Crawford ' 1 because ;,: Mr. Whitesides " had found occasion to g4ve him a beating about a year or eighteen months before and because be had since been seen in the neigh borhood' again only on the day - ptevious to the fire.; There has "-- been some good, earnest work " done in an effort to catch the suspected-Jncendiaries, ' but, up 1q this time it has been; without junch practical result. . , - - Loray Honor Soil. '" Following is the attendance lianor roll for fourth nonih at thfe fworay school; - v : . " Mias " Lewist RoomEdna Fite, Ollie Johnson,. Fannie Johnson, ." Roby Jenkins, Harry Merrill, Junie . Webb and Myrtle Williams. ' Miss Majrgie Gamble's room-Jesse Dasreerhardt, Ed v Petty. Raymond Bradley, Jewie Kmjr, Flora. King, Coy Duncan, Clydie Duncan, Bryan BelV Roy Galyan, Pearl Hynes, John- ; Hawkins, Lona Hawkins, Ernest Robinson and Hoyd Kennedy. Miss Daisy Gamble's Room - SamnelHill, Mattie Hawkins. Clyde Ballard, Beeler Howell, Mamie Wil liams,! Minnie Connard. Erie an Hawkins, Estelle .. Jenkins aad Janette Jenkins. ' Miss Galloway's room Rosa Stacy ,J ;Hcribe for Tns Gastonia A. 0. MrxM. CaiMtr. NATIONAL BANK CATARRH GROWING IESS. Dae t th Use or Hyamel. Core . Without Stomach Ooalatf. Inquiry. at the local drug stores shows that the sale of remedies' for catarrh has de creased very much in the last year. Some medicines which were formerly, nought a gross at a time are now - purchased in half dozen lots, . and are rarely called for. - There is one notable exception to this decrease in sale, and that is Hyomei. This remedy is, in fact, responsible! for the decrease in sale of catarrh medi cines,, as it has made so many Cures of catarrhal troubles .that naturally there is much less de mand , for remedies for that disease. People who have been trying different medicines for catarrh during -many years- were in duced to begin the use of Hy omei by J. H. Kennedy & Co's guarantee, that . the remedy Would cost nothing unless cured. Mnch to their surprise. they found that r Hyomei did what it claimed (if it did not X.H. Kennedy & Co. could not sell it nnder this guarantee) and they soon became ardent ad vocates of the use of Hyomei. There is no disagreeable stomach, dosing with Hyomei ; it is used by being breathed through a neat pocket inhaler. The, complete outfit- costs but one dollar, extra bottles, ' if needed, fifty cents. With every Hyomei outfit J. H. Kennedy & Co. give their personal ; guarantee that tbe money will be refunded unless the treatment cures, so that you run no risk at all in buying this reliable remedy. ? F5-19 Complfmenfary to Hiss Brown.7 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Separk delightfully entertained few of their friends at tea last Thursday night in honor oi their charming guest, Miss Maude Brown,' of Concord. The place cards were handsome hand-painted violets. , Refresh ments were served In four courses. ihe : guests were: Miss Brown, Dr. and Mrs. D. E. McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. George W Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Robinson and Miss Ethel Gray. ' Postoffice Receipts. v Receipts at the Gastonia post office for tbe mohth of January amounted to SI. 198.97 as against $992.04 for the month of Decem ber. Of this , mouth's receipts $180 was for box rentsexclusive of which the receipts were $! 018.97 or $26.93 greater than for the preceeding month. This is an excellent showing. If the re ceipts hold opand there is ho apparent reason why they should not it looks as if Gastonia were certainly good for free - delivery of mail in the near future. J Spearman's Railroad Stories. Beginning1 next" Tuesday The Gazette will give its readers a treat in thea shape of ten new railroad stories from the pen. of Frank ' H. Spearman. A com plete story will be given in each s?ue. Tbey are short, clean and ' absorbingly interesting. Mr. Spearman has made quite a reputation as a writer of railroad stories and a series similar to the present one, gotten out a year or more ago, won him-new laurels, as no doubt, these will do. No one should miss a single one of these . stories they are . easily worth the price ot a year's sub- scnptioa. , Edward P.;Htpplea brother of the., late Frank K. Hippie, who ended his life; last summer after wrecking the' Real Estate Trust Company of Philadelphia, of which he was the president, committed suicide at his -home that' city 'Friday with a cvclver. t, Vict-Pm. 50.OOO MUSIC RECITAL. Pnpils of Mrs. B,VT, Morris En Joy Pleasant Evening With Miss Clars Armstrong. The Etude ; Music Club beld its regular monthly ' meet ing Friday' night with Miss Clara Armstrong. The subject , for study was1" Mendelssohn, , and several of his compositions were played. This was a most in tersting meeting, and . all who took part in the program did - it in a very creditable manner, . The program follows. : v "Wedding March," duet Mamie Patrick and Margaret Morns. "At School March" Margaret La Far. . Spring Song" Miss Rose Ab ernethy., ' "Beautiful Star of Heaven" V'iolet Rankin. Priest's March" Clara Arm strono" ' ; .H'.r' My 'Bark - is Bounding" Mrs. Morris and Zelda Lonjr. " Dance of The Toys" Mary , Mc Lean ana lavtma Hunter. "Golden Rain" Loie Long. At tbe conclusion of the pro gram all took part in a spelling match, the words spelled being names of musicians. Souvenir cards with pictures of musical composers were presented by Mrs Morris. Refreshments con sistine of cream and cake were served, and all voted Miss Arm strong a most delightful hostess Quarterly Conference. Presiding Elder RVM. Hoyle of the Shelby district will hold quarterly conference at Main Street Methodist' church Friday night. Preliminary to this the stewards of the church will hold their regular meeting in the church to nigbt. ' At a church conterence beld immediately af ter the morning service Sunday it was reported that the local church . is in good shape finan cially and will be able to make a godd report to the quarterly con- ference. It's a good old world after all; If you have no friends or money, In theiver you can fall; Marriages are quite common and, More people there would be, Provided you take Rocky Moun tain Tea. Williams Drug Co. Groundhog Weather. Saturday was groundhog day and his hogship saw his shadow. The day started cloudy and gloomy and those who thought of it doubtless all hoped that the little weather animal would have a chance to stay out all day. Late in the afternoon, however, the sun shone for a short time and Mr. Groundhog' hied himself back to h is winter quarters where, according accepted interpretation of signs, he will remain for v forty days, during which period all sorts of bad weather will prevail. Weather prophets have promised some disagreeably cold weather for February. The turn taken by the elements Sunday and yester day would seem to indicate that they have not missed it this time. " - . Subscribe for The Gastonia Gazette. "A Country Kid.'; The scenes of "Country Kid," H. Whittaker's ; new comedy which will appear at the Opera House Wednesday ni?ht. Feb. 6tb, are laid in'a small town in Southern Indiana and the characters are such as one finds in such places. Tbe title role of "A Country Kid", is a gawky, awkward country boy. Some of the -other characters are Old Hoke, oldest man in town, the deputy sheriff, Lucky Jim, the tramp. It is a story of country life, quaint . characters, ' keen satire and a view of delightful sentiment. The special scenery for the production is pne of the principal features, r Plays of this class -always give satisfac tion. ; :- ' - A Cream or Tartar Powder, . ' Tree from alum or phot" phatlo acid LOCAL AFFAIRS. . The . comic valentine fiend will soon have his inning. ; Printers' ink marks the path to riches and fame. . Try it. Washington's . birthday is (he next red-letter day on our calendar. .'.'j Only wind is needed to spread rumors but for reliable news you mnst read your home paper. t If you want your town to grow and prosper, wake up, rub your eyes,- roll up-your sleeves and go to work for it. - - Marriage license was issued Tuesday to Mr. John Pearson, of Gastonia, and, Miss Mary Boyd of Maiden. Catawba County News, 1st. . v . To refuse a paper . at the postoffice is simply a cowardly way of insulting the editor, and to thus "refuse it when indebted to it only doubles tbe insult. There is no better ways, of building up our town than giv ins: to our home business men our entire and exclusive patron age. Themore we help each other tbe more we help the town. Each year the poultry busi ness is becoming more lucrative and now assumes proportions that, will soon rival any branch of farm industry. Farmers are forced to acknowledge that the old hen can lift her own weight in raising a mortgage from tbe farm. The boy who saves his money becomes tbe banker, the merchant, tbe professional man he boy who never saves a cent makes the man who "earns his bread by tbe sweat ofjue brow," who never owns a borne or en joys the luxuries of life. J . Elsewhere in to-day's issue will be found the first statement of tbe Farmers and Merchants Bank of Stanley. This is Gas ton's newest financial institution and has been in active operation only a short time. It is making a good start as is shown by the statement. . The man who went out to milk and sat down on a boulder in tbe middle of the pasture and waited for the cow to back up was a brother to the man who keot a store and wouldn't adver tise because he reasoned that tbe purchasing public would back up to his place of business, wherl it wanted something. In a personal item in Fri day's issue regarding tbe visit to Gastonia of Mrs. Fannie Ran som Williams, it was stated that she was corresponding secretary of tbe State organization of tbe United Daughters of tbe Con federacy. This, we are inform ed, was erroneous. Mrs. Wil liams is recording secretary of tbe organization. Prof. Jean Napolean In gram, the noted globe-trotter and lecturer, of Cabarrus, who was in Gastonia recently for the purpose of making a date for a lecture, has come to grief in his home town of Concord. Judge Ward sentenced him to ten days in jail for contempt of court. Sd"have the mighty fal len. ' l -Capt. W. I. Stowe, the veteran auctioneer.'is at Kings Mountain to-day conducting the sale of the Enterprise Mill, which is being sold by order of the re ceiver, Mr, J. S. Mauney. This is a re-sale, tbe property having been put up several months ago. It was then bid in by Mr. W. A. Mauney at something over $70,000. " Rev. W. H. Hardin, pastor of St. Mark's Episcopal church. left this morning for Morganton to attend the sessions of the Convocation of Morganton- at Grace church to-day, to-morrow andfThursday. He will be un able to reach Gastonia iu time to hold . regular services Sunday morning but will be present for the ; evening service. He will preach at High Shoals Sunday morning.' H , .' ' ; S y The Piedmont Telephone Company has bad a force of men hrj Lincolnton for -one month putting insevefallhousaod'feet of cable; new poles, cross arms, and wires; - installed in t central office, three sections of distribut ing frames and one new switch board. These additions give room for one hundred new. sub scribers.;. Beside the new and additional facilities they have overhauled their ; entire plant, putting it in first-class shape. A noticable improvemeift in the service is noted and. ' with, the further completed improve ments put - into effect, we will have the finest ; telephone ser vice in -the State. Lincoln County News, 1st. Gaston's Old Soldiers 4 tr Vf tie tMtrtWUi This duty ' Irii is Iti to the Cum tt The trafet ' imy, Crkplld fra luySnrcti Flrit ' Aitlufk.litt Ever Mitrf-ft Heirfy r CMtkte u Tim mi lifer Cai likt It. " By L. M Hoffaaa - - Abbreviations. For the sake of convenience and saving space the following abbreviations are made in the list below: cm commissioned Co company e enlisted - d died dg discharged dt detailed k killed w wounded -in missin? p promoted " pr prisoner r resigned tr transferred. McLure. J. J . Co B. 28th Regt. e Mch. 29, '62; d June 18, '63, at Richmond. McLurd, Co. E 34th Regt k in '64 on Appomattox river near Petersburg with Towry un screwing bomb shell. McNair. E. A.. Co. H. 49th Regt. e after Mch. 22, '62; Mch. 25.. '65. at Petersburg. Meacham, J. B , Co. M. 16th Regt. e May 1. '61; d Sept. '61, at Bic Serines. Mellon. George. Co. E. 11th Regt. Mellon. George. (Sr Res.) Mellon. W. A . Co. M 16,h Regt. e May 1, '61; w at Mechan icsville: tr to Pioneer corps. Mellon. G. W . Co. H. 37th Regt. Mendenhall. E. B., Co. D 28th Reet. e July 30. '61; d Oct. 28. '62. in Virginia fell dead on march. . Mendenball, C. E., Co. H 49th Reet. e after March 22. '62; d 2nd Lieut. Co. K 49: died at Richmond. Metcalf. A. D . Co E. 34th Reet. e after Mch. 1, '63. Metcalf, Andrew, Co. E. 34th Regt. e March 1, '63; w at Get tvsbtirg. Millenor. John, Co. E 70th Reet. e Dec. 1. '64. (Jr Res ) Miller. Dennis, Co. B. 28th Regt e July 30, '61; d Dec. '65, at Richmond. Miller, W..A;, Co. B. 28th Regt. e July 30, '61; w at Gaines' Mill. Mitchein. Pink. Co. A. 34th Rept. i t Mitchem. Hugh. Co.Jll 14th Reet. e April 26. '61. Milline. W. R., Co. H. 23rd Regt. e June 12, '61; w at Chan cellorsville! Moose. Jas. E., Co. K. 23rd Regt. e June 26. '61; k May 31, '62. at Seven Pines. Moose. J. M.,Co. F. 63rd Regt. Moose, Jas. W., Co. F. 63rd Regt. Moose, Robt. D., Co. F. 63rd Reet. Moose, John C, Co. H. 37th Regt e Oct. 6, '61; p 2nd Lieut and 1st Lieut, cm Feb. 4, '64. Moose, John H., Co. H. 37th Reet. e Aug. 12. '62. Morris. Wm. G.. Co., H. 37th Regt. 1st Lieut, cm Oct. 9, '61; p Major and Luut. Col.; w and pr at Gettysburg July J, w; p Col. but never got out' of prison to serve. -Morris, P. A, Co. M. 16th Regt. e May 1, '61; d Sept. 15, '62, of w received at Ox Hill. Morris, Amos A., Co. H. 37th Regt. e April 4, '62; w at Spott sylvania. Morrison, John C, Co. M. 16th Regt. e July lff,'61;w at Gaines' Mill June 22, '65. Morrison, Levi, Co. H. 37th Regt, e May 10, '62; k near Richmond at seven days fight. - MoteD, W. R., Co. E. 59th Reet 4th Cav. e July 7, '62; d of disease. Moten, Andrew, Co. H. 49th Regt. e March 22, '62; w; pr March 25, '65. W Morrow, J. A., Co. B. 28th Regt. e July 30, '61; w at Get tysburg. " ' ' Morrow, Jos., Co. B, loth Regt. e March 15, '64.W i Murphy, Jethro, Co. JH. 8th Regt. e April 30, '64;pr.May 31, '64. i 2 V- ::t;;- Murphy, John E.f Co. M. loth Regt. e July 10, '61. . Murphy. -J. F., Co. B. 28th Reet. e July 30, '61: w at Chan- cellorsville, Gettysburg and Pe- tersburgr-lost leg and dg. ' .. The coal industry of east Ten nessee and southeastern 'Ken tucky has been paralysed ; the nat treek on . arcniint of coal car famine which has: prevailed on Dotn tne doutnern ana Louis ville & Nashville RailroaCvthe only two lines penetfalinsr the districts. ; r -f j L. t; JNKIN S, Pre. I 'f ' S N. BOYCE. Caahler j The First National Dank GASTONIA, N. C. ' ' " With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital,' surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. : : " : We Invite vou to open an account with us.Q DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J. K. Dixon R. R. H?M. a t ft j R.00 Slate, Tin, Iron, Steel, Ruberoid, Tarred1 Paper, Asphalt and Gravel 'tt LARGE Prompt, Cheap LONG GASTONIA, O R. J. M. HUNTER "l&g&VZLv ROCK MILL, S. C. Makes a Specialty of Cancers, - Rheumatism ; Diseases of the Treats without the knife, loss REFERENCES TO A . . n . i -rt t TTI11 C r Creek S C: V. W. vSt'roup, cancer of face, Lowell. N. C; Mrs. Barborr McCraw. cancel forehead daffney. S C: & B. Hanna. cancer of ueck, Oastcm.a N. C; D. F. Gn cayce, nose. Lattimore. N.C; Frank LatUmore. cancer of face.Clevland Mul. N.C: L.inov cancirof lip. Lowell. N. C: Mrg.M. B. Harrell. cancer of face, EllenborOjN.C: Mra. 1 Glao canSirof forehead.' Shelby N. C; D. H. Cobb, cancer of lyr.C Hambght verbose nlcerone?,Blackbu N. C: J. N. I lonts, cancer oi ine luiycuc. i nu, o. ...... ""Vi iV,I I N r-n. V. Green, cancer of neck, ifooresboro. N. C.;Mib. Carrie Hopil rcrofulk.Gaffney. 8. C: W.N. Tracy, cancer of neck. OkHney. s. t: j. b. Mamnca. cnr. ulcer of lea Mooresboro, N.C: Mrs. H. T. McCraw. cancer of face. Llinaide. Wi.J McMahoSfrheuatiim. kenrietta. N. C: L. A. Holland, cancer neck Henrietta. N.C-i W. Bridge, rheumatism, Mooresboro. N. C. .vj ' We Will Buy Clara Mill stock, 1.1S. S to 200 shares. Lowell Cotton Milfctock, 1.65. We Will Sell 2Sshares-Imperial Cotton Mills ,.; ';:.-. L.:-:: Stanley Creek Cotton ,; Mill 'Stock.' ; y.rf s'' 50 sharers Ozark, 1.75. Life Insurance - We'represent the Mutual Bene fiyUe InsurnetoNewarav N. J. Don't takeout Insurance until you jret- our figures; In business over,' sixty years; no stockholders, except the policy holders.' . Gastonia, N.C Subscribe tcr Tii3 Oaz .riu. " '- "l- T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. O. White G. A. Gray Rav McAden 4- j x 1 STOCK. Good and 7 BROS. NORTH CAROLINA F1,NG Consultation FRB Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula anJ Uenito - unnary urgans ana Keciam of blood and little pain to patient FEW CASES TREATeCj . T T U711iatMai MMMrAfflM.TirlaD 'ml JPs Your Eyes ;ow that -the Holidays art and the New Year bejrlnninjr. we rf get &ow to aerions Tthiots TThe first and moat importaBt your eyes,- IIow aboat them? hey in food shape for another y hard work? Hadn't you fcett r ns make a careful and cosr; ' ' and if flaws are needed, 1 e fixed at once? L C 1a w . w JZWl