4. nM. tilAiA tjUiAi.i.Ai 4. t READOUT i Scvina Dan!: ",:.;t Ml TOlilA" ;:a: ik.w sipiq . 1 :.;fe . 1 Offer J Then Act. U ii firA YV !v . L 5 -Offer Then Act PUBLISHED TWICE A VVEEKTUESDAVS AND FRIDAYS., 4. J t A A t f t t t i t t . t A it i A JA5. W. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. ' Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the; County $1.50 a ;Year In Advcr.cc. VOL. XXVIII. GASTONIA, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 13, I9Q7 NO. 14 r K. P. JtANEIM, , ' V C :. N. Evans, VicPrtt. CAPITAL 80.000 ' A. O. MYsas; CaskUr. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK GASTONIA, N. C. . ' Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, and ',''. Farmers Invited, -- i , "' M f ' " ' ' s -J ' 1 . - ' ' . . Liberal Dealing along Conservative Lines. SAVINGS - ' Y We have added a Savings Department, in which toe pay . C 4 Per, cent. , compounded ''every 'jifff, months, It you have ,not already opened an account in this department we tnvite , you to do so". city Fathers meet, . F03 STOMACH SUFFERERS. Dso't Use Any Remedy That Keep ' It Forwula Secret, f PeoDle who are troubled with stomach weakness cannot afford ' to use any remedy unless they . know what it contains: . Mi o-na is not a mere-'Mges tive giving "only temporary re ; lief, bat a specific for all dis orders of the digestive organs, and so effects a oermanent cure for stomach troubles. . - Your physician will tell k you that nothlncr is better than a - combination of chemically pure bismuth subgallate td allay any inflammation of the stomacn and . bowels: cerium -4 oxalate, -v'. to ' Kt renorthen the stomach nerves; sodium i bi carbonate, 'which neutralizes the poisonous acids that are ' present . in stomach troubles: and nux vomica. which will restore 1 vigor ' to the digestive organs and tone the whole nervous system.- - This , combination is found only in Mi-o-na , stomach' .tab lets, and it. so rarely, fails .. to ' strengthen the digestive system and cure all forms of stomach disorders: that J. H. Kennedy & Co. sell the remedy under . a guarantee to refund the i money nnl it mrs. - , ' " If you suffer from indigestion. distress alter eating specks oe fore the eyes, . headaches, pains in the back and side, emacia tion, hloatinev nervousness, sleeplessness, or any of the other svmotoms lof stomach troubles, begin the use oft Mi o-na stomach tablets at once. J. H. Kennedy & Co. sell theai in 50c boxes with a guarantee to refund money unless - they cure. -F15-M1 TO BUY STOCK; :ry' Mr. B L. Swan Left Today For :r . j i Mr. R. L. Swan.: head of the firm of Swan-Slater Co.. left to day for New York and the East to make . his -spring stock pur chases. i ' That Mr. Swan is still looking out for bis great and growing business is an earnest of continu ed success and patron age v There is no one in .- the clothing busi ness wbb : understands better bow to buy for the satisfying of man's wants ( than Mr. Swan. His store proves this. He has built up a great busi ness and one that is still growing and much of its success is due to his personal efforts and busi ness acumen Held lor Trial at Court. Roland Tate and Robert Met- calf were tried before Mayor Dixon Wednesday - afternoon , on a charge of larceny. Tate' was bonnd to court under a bond of SSO and Metcalf was hehLas a witness against Tate in a bond of 125.5 Tate 'is ; the j boy ) who robbed Dobson's store atlthe Avon Monday, taking about $15 in cash. Both boys were arrested at Bessemer City -and brought to Gastonia Wedneaday , Both had been1 serving a sentence at the county home in Cleveland coun ty, but escaped and came here. Officials who -came from Cleve land county for the ? boys, when they 4 were arrested,! were sent back . without them. Solicitor Clarkson .demanded that " they should be tried in Gaston before serving the remainder, of their sentences in Cleveland. Very Little Business Transacted Carnival Wants to Xome (o -, Gastonia, ' . j "The board of aldermen met regular session in the city ha Tuesday night, the- following members being present: . Mayor J. K Dixon, Aldermen V. . Long. H B. Moore; J. F. Jack son and T. W. Wilson. , " The committee composed Messrs. J. L.' Beal and T; W Wilson, appointed at a former meeting in inquire mio me price of fire harness, was continued with power to purchase barnelS lor the city hre department. - ;r A called meeting of the board will be held on 'Tuesday night Feb. 19th, to consider the ques tion of allowing a street carniva to -come-to town;-::f s s Bills to the ampunt of $941 96 were referred to the finance com mittee for. approval i - f EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY. Frost Torrence &"Co.. the reliable Dnijfgrists of Gastonia, are having; cafls for " Hindioo. the new Nerve Tonic and VftalizerV Cures Nervous Debility. Insomnia, Restores Lost Vitality, that they are sellincr under a positive guarantee. " Its merits are becoming: the talk of the town and everybody wants to try h, and why not? It costs noth- tner it it don t do you good not one cent." i - Thev don't want vour monev if it does not benefit you, and will cheer; may reiuna tue money. iry it to day. r.-: 1 Marriages at Lowell. Two weddings took place at Lowell Wednesday night. The contracting parties were "Mr A R. StrouD and ' Miss Johanna Wofford,who were married at the home of the bride by Rev. J. H. Bennett and Nr. John Huffman and Miss Ida Handsell who were married by Rev. J. L. Vipper man. . Glee Club Cominf. . The Davidson College Glee . -Club and . Orchestra, composed of 18 pieces, will be in Gastonia T March 7th land f will h give : a concert at the opera bouse at night. Iu addition to the . orchestra, which is' aaid f to 5 be ' the best college orchestra in the State, the'club has a; double! ' quartette Bf fine voices.! ;Mr. J. - E. Hemphill is manager and Mr. B. H. Craig leader. : ; .''.I 1 r- . . A Lively Chase. , - t:. - Constable Madison Kendrick '. and several others bad a lively , chase Wednesday after M. A: ;' Sherrill. who was wanted I in .: .York county. Sherrill, who was ' formerly a - conductor on fe the C. & N.-W. Railway, was under bond in that county for shooting a negro in the foot because the latter wouldn't dance fast enongh for him. The case was'com- ' promised . by . bhernll paying a fine and agreeing to .pay all the - negro's doctor bills The latter 1 was not paid and T?heri Sherrill left, leaving no money behind to meet these, he was ordered I re arrested. The matter . - was . straightened out yesterday , and Sherrill returned , to Gastonia bringing back the irons which he-wore to Yorkville the day be - fore. . 'i: :.--v-r - : r- slJ, Panama Canal Erie Canal. Machinery is dig-einsr the Panama Canal a thousand times quicker than the shovel aug- tne tne. - v ',i - Machinery produces the L. M. Paint at 50 times less cost for labor. than if made by hand. - ? - The L. & M. gives the best job in i the worlds because t. & M.ine hardens I.. & M. wmte Lead nd makes L. & M. Paint wear like ' iron for 10 to IS years. - It only require 4 gallons of this celebrated paint and 3 gallons of -Linseed Oil at GO cU per jrallon, to paint a moderate sired bouse. If any defect exists, in L. & M. Paint, will repaint house for nothr in jr. - . - ' - , j Sold by Garrison & Detter, Besse - mer City, N. C. - v F15,22-M29,A5-Myl0. . - The steamer' Wittekind, from Treinen, with one hundred and rsvecteen immisrants, broujht ' v i t Eoutb Carolina Immira- t. : " :r:.-.-j, f rrived et Charles- Mr. Spencer Seelecfed. The Opelika (Ala) Daily News of the 5th inst. contains an ac count of the annual meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Opelfka Cotton Mills held on the 4th. Among the officers of this mill is Mr' GeorgetR. Spencer, a uastonia. coy, wno i was re- elected superintendent. lie is a son of Mr; J. T. Spencer - His Gastonia friends will be pleased to know of this recognition of his services. :?; The News says of him: "George Spencer, who was re-elected superintendent, came nere about 18 months ago from Gastonia, N. C, and is a mill man of . recog nized : ability. He has been connected with several successful mills in the Carolinas in similar positions. and nas always snown nimseif a desirable man for this important position." x v 'James Young'a young white man, rare man on a . passenger tram between ,Winston.Salem aud Roanoke, was killed Tues day near Martinsville. . Va. breaking his neck in a fall from the cab of the engine. ; Thomas A. Edison, the great inventor, was 60 years old Tues day. . ; ,1" Sunday. Mr. Richard Wilcox, of Lumberton, was run over and killed in the railroad yards at Hamlet. . . I-. By a vote of six to five the House committee on ways and means Tuesday decided against the plan to establish a new sub- treasury in the Southern States. Wednesday, was the birthday i of Harry K. Thaw, now on trial in New York for- the murder of Stanford White. He was 36 years old.".. 'f-:r' . Wednesday's Charlotte. Ob server- ssys fr The -cdtton - re-" ceipts on the local market to date amount to 14,483 bales. The refwipts last year were 13,231 bales or 1,252 less than the num-1 ber already received here this season to date. This is a. very creditable' showing, in view of the fact that at one time, during the early part of the fall, the receipts were 3,000 bales behind these h?t season. The prices as ! Associate Editor. . . The following from this week's issue of The Progressive Farmer will- be read with in terest by many Gastonians: "It is fitting and proper that The Progressive Farmer on this its twenty- first " birthday should Celebrate the occasion with some noteworthy advance. To our 20,000 subscribers therefore we are glad to announce this week that Mr. W. F. Marshall, more informally introduced to our readers several weeks ago, has now been formally installed as Associate naitor oi i ne Progressive v Farmer.' and as such will have a conspicuous and responsible part -in; our perennial task of trying to. make each issue of the paper just a little better than the . preceding number. : An all-round news- paper man or unusual anility, farm-bred and with a whole hearted interest in the improve ment of farming and farm' life. a man oi tne niguest cnaracter and of such personal charm as ! to make his friendship an inspi ration to those associated with him, we count The Progressive Farmer rarely fortunate in hav ing secured his services." : ; LOCAL AFFAIRS. ' Mr. R. W. Edwards has sold his lot on Franklin avenue to Mr. C. B. Armstrong. The consideration was -It has always been a mystery to us that a young ladv should make some poor fellow believe that she is interested in his welfare when as matter of fact she is interested only in ms xareweu. : rjwwsouTaroiNT.: Mr. Ed F. Wilson will build nice five-room cottage on one of the lots on East Franklin avenue pur cnasea last weeK from ;Mr. I . , N Kendrick. . His friends sav that Mr, Wilson is preparing to join the ranks oi me ocneuicis ,, The besf way to guard against scnemes oi gratters and keen up-to date in general is to be a regular reader oi this paper, it is always tne one wno noes not read ms notne paper who gets caught by the graft ers and fakirs.' . It is said that the best way to preserve apples in winter is to wrap them in newspapers so as to exclude tne air, lbe exception is made however, that the newspaper must be one on which the subscription nas been paid, else the dampness re suiting from what is " dew" may re suit in spoiling the fruit. A letter to Mr. T S! Lowrv a few days ago irom nis brotner, Mr. J. w, Lowrv. of Lowell. N. C. eave the information that the latter was kicked oy a colt about a week ago and was painrallv hurt. It was thought at first he was seriously hurt but he is rettine better: Chester Lantern, 12th. The Piedmont Telephone Co had a force of men at work last week, swinarine the biz S25 foot cable along mam - street from the corner of LaFayette west. This gives facilities for 104 additional wire conductors, and tney can now operate 350 phones. There are in service 230 and the demand is in creasing for additional phones -every aay: Cleveland star, mn. One of our citizens who occasion ally wipes the dishes for his wife, became tired of the job and refused, saying that "it is not a man's work." Not feeliner disposed to lose his help she brought the Bible out to convince him of his error and read as follows from II Kings 21:13: "And wipe Jerusalem as a man wineth a dish, wiping it and turning it upside down." It is needless to jsay that he is still doing his occasional stunt. While doing some shopping in one of our grocery stores last even ing we chanced to. hear a little boy ask his father who that man was buving the beans. "That is our editor." said the father. "What do editors live on," said the' inquisitive little urchin. "Why do you ask that question." said the indulgent father. Because X heard vou sav vou had taken our home paper for three years and had never -paid a cent for it." To -eave the father embarrassment we left the store, but it is safe to predict that the child got spanked when the lather got him home. There should be no "factions" in this little citv of ours. Everv im provement made enhances the value of all property in and surrounding our town. We should live as one big . . 3 t ; . a. V lamny, ana we oeiiye lew, towns can show up a more progressive and intellectual family. We have as few fblack sheep" in our place as any flock in the state. When there is discord in the family there is little progress. When there is a united pull there is little we cannot accomplish Envv. " jealousy and hatred pull us all down. Envy is a canker that gnaws at the heart and makes one sour, disgruntled and un happy. .Jealousy makes one unfair in passing ludgment; natred does not pajjkeven from a sordid point of view. Let us all be -friends and pull together and show our neighbors hat a large and harmonious family can accomplish in building up a town. : ,. . '&,. Mr. Berry Brown'a Barn and 0oU - houses Burned May Have : Been Work ol Incendiary. : The barns, cribs, sheds and other out houses of Mr. Berry Browja in the South Point section were totally destroyed by fire Tuesday . afternoon . about 4 o'clock. The exact amount of the loss sustained is Pot known, but is thought to be several thousand dollars. The fire was first discovered in a crib full of corn, which was not .being used at the time, and the origin of the fire is not known. - Mr. Brown does not think that it was of an incen diary, origin, but some of his neighbors do. No amimals were burned. With the exception of a 'few farming utensils, every thing, corn, wheat, fodder and tools, was destroyed. Mr. J. W. Mcintosh Dead. Following an. illness of only three or tour days from pneu monia, Mr. J. W. Mcintosh, known to his friends as Will Mc intosh, one of the county's well-to-do farmers, died at his home a snort distance irom L-ucia Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, aged 51 years. The funeral and burial were held at Hill's Chapel esterday. the services being conducted by Rev. W M Boring, pastor of the Luwesville Methodist church A wife and several ' .children survive. Deceased was a brother of Mr. U. B. Mcintosh and Mr. J. M. Mcintosh, of Lucia. He was held ia high esteem and had many friends in that section of I the county to whom the an nouncement of his death brought sorrow. L. L. JENKINS, Prea. 8. N. BOYCE. Csahler The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of ' Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. : . : : : We Invite vou to open an account with us. DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J. K. Dixon T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. O. White G. A. Gray R. R. Ray H. M. McAden f HOME-MADE CATARBH CURE. Any one can mix right at home the bet remedy of its kind known. The name "Cyclone" is given to the following pre scription, it is supposed, be cause of its promptness in driv ing trom tne blood and system every vestige of catarrhal poison, relieving this foul and dread disease, no matter where located. To prepare the mixture: Get from any good pharmacy one- half ounce Fluid Extract Dande iou, one ounce Compound Kargon and three ounces Com pound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake well and use in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bed time. - This is a harmless, inexpen sive mixture, which has a peculiar action upon the elimi native - tissues of the Kidneys, assisting them to filter and strain from the blood and system all catarrhal poisons, which, if not eradicated, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, and an open sore or catarrh is the result. Prepare some and try it, as it is the prescription of an eminent catarrh 'specialist of national reputation. J18 Fl-15 c ROOFING st ra. &: ,.'?.', ffw i -JiH turn. scana Slate, Tin, Iron, Steel, Ruberoid, Ta rred Pper, Asphalt and Gravel LARGE STOCK?. Prompt; Good and Cheap 1 LONG BROS. .GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA I! A site has been selected the government building Washington; N. C. for at 1! 'wtmv'l 9 rt;-Av--.i.---;. my). - TO GUARD "SHIPS agamst the unseen dangera at oea,. the United States Government maintains lighthouses. r y$ guanj ,your home against the tin- V seen dangers of food products, tne Go vern "meritTias 'eMetedlapure food law;: The J '...Vi'. ... law compels the manufacturers of baking powdef to- print1 .the ingredients on-the label of each can. 'TheGoverrlment has' rna the label your protection-' so that you can avoid ahim read it carefully, if it does not say pure cream of tartar hand it back and DR. J. Mn H UNTER ."SggagusT ROCK HILLi S.C. Consultation FREE Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula and - , Rheumatism ; Diseases 'of, the Gemto-Urinary Organs and Rectum.: ' - Treats without the knife, loss of blood and, little pain to patient , REFERENCES TO" A ' FEW" CASES ""TREATED,!! R. A. Clark. Cancer of nose, Roik Hill S C: Mrs. J J. Williams, cancer of face. Tinah. S. 7 C; Mrs. S. R. Nelson, cancer of face. Ofcden, S. C: W. A. Mullinaz, cancer of face. King's . Creek S C: W. W. Stroup, cancer of face. Lowell. N. C: Mrs, Barborr McCraw, cancer oi " forehead, Gaffney, S C:S.B. Hanna, cancer of neck, Gastonia, N.C; D.K.Grinr cancer oi .' nose. Lattimore, N.C; Frank Lattimore. cancer of face, Clevland Mills, N.C; J.H. Flowers : cancer of lip, Lowell. N. C; Mrs. M. B. Harrell. cancer of face, Ellenboro, N.C: Mrs. D. P. Glasco. cancer of forehead. Shelby N. C : D. H. Cobb, cancer of lip, Smyrna. S.- C : J. 8 K. v Hambright, verocose ulcer of leg, Blacksburg S. C : K. C. Green, cancer of face. Moorenbora N.C: J. N. rlonts, cancer of the tongue. Tirzah, S. C; Mrs. N. S.Adams, cancer of shoulder ' Lowell, N. C: G. W. Green, cancer of neck, Mooresboro. N. C; Miss Carrie Hopper, scrofula. Gaffney, S. C: W. N. Tracy, cancer of neck, Gaffney, S. C; J. B. Hamrick, chronic nicer of leg, Mooresboro, N. C : Mrs. H.T. McCraw. cancer of face. Cliffside. N.C: J. M. McMahon, rheumatism, Henrietta, N. C; L. A. Holland, cancer neck Henrietta. N. C; G. W. Bridges, rheumatism, Mooresboro, N. C. - . , , -.? fr-w ii ' i ROYAL is a pur product; of gfapes -fuhxss of SxxL wdeP pure . adds to the beah- I - i; 'Not Healthy lor fhe Oroom. ; The following . appears as signed communication from Mr, J. A. Allran in this week's issue of The Cherry ville Eagle: "Will you give me space in your paper for a few lines. I have just learned through The Gazette of the marriage of my daughter at Gastonia last Sunday to Luther Maunev. and I have only this to say to Mr. wauney: x our act was ungentlemanly and uncalled for as my daughter is under age. and you stole her away from her mother and myself and married her without , even asking my consent or advice and now shall expect you to take her and treat her right and if you t evef mistreat ner" in any way andI find it out it, will not be healthy for yon." -I Corea Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Pari- tier Free, ... t, -- vwi is impure, thin. V full of humors, if o, cancer, car , i ta, -scrofula.'ic" ...an?, risings and bumps, uf, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic' Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Soon v-all -sores heal, aches and pains stop aod the blood is made pure and. nch. Drug gists or by express $1 per laree bot tle, three bottles for J2.5aor 6 bottles for $5.00. Samples freebyVwritir? Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. Ii. B. is especially adrised for chrome, deep-seated cases, as it enre t r all else fails. V J - A Great Teachers' Colleje. The Legislature of Tennessee has just passed a bill giving1 to the Peabody College for Teach ers, at Nashville, the sum. of $250,000. Appropriations from other sources, notably one froi the Peabody Education Fund of $1,000,000, which had been made but depended upon the appro priation just passed by the State of Tennessee, make the total al ready given more than $1,700,000 which had been . made but depended upon ' the . appropri ation just passed by the State of Tennessee, make, the total al ready given more than $1,700.- 000, which will come to the college this year. : , . Assurances of other donations had been gjyeri, to be made as soon as"ttie college is permanent- 4 ly and adequately endowcJ, which is now practically p- complished. The college 'X have handsome buildings, r 7 departments, additional prof sors, and promises to be one il the greatest teachers' colleges c .' the country. - Concord is suffering epidemic of measles. - AT dispatch from burg, Russia, Wed that 133 1? m f. been canie I c ? t fbesfre i V" ' ' tea from re c