supplement jp f- G ASTON I A: r GAZETTE GASTONIA, N. C'TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1907 tYOM ASP YORKVILLE. What's Doiof Amonf oar Nelf h " bors Just Across th Line. YortrUle Eoauirer, Fb. 15th. Messrs. W.'R. Carroll, W. S. Wilkerson and W. B. Good have been selected as arbitrators as to certain differences among the members of the firm of Hill, Kennedy & Co., of Sharon Mr. J. B. F. Riddle of ' the Bowline Green neighborhood. was in Yorkville today for the first time in five or sir years Mr.-.Riddie continues to enjoy verv rood health! but tells bis friends that be feels that he i r "little short of wind." He has numerous friends and acquain - tances in Yorkville and during his stay was kept busy shaking hands with them. , .Several weeks ago Mackey . Chaoter. No. 15, Royal Arch ' Masons was reorganized under a snetial disoeusation from Ine Grand Chanter of South Caro - lina: but from now on will work under a charter, the charter bav- ing been authbrized by the Grand Chapter which was in session in Charleston Tuesday of this week IDr. J. Allison representing the local lodge, -The officers who were appointed under the dis pensation were as folows: Dr. J. B. Allison, high priest: H. C. Strauss, king: W. W. Lewis, . scribe. The lodge will now be reorganized with an election of -officers under the charter., There is more sickness through out this section at this time than there has been for several years. Grip is the " prevalent malady. One physician told the reporter on Wednesday that'he had seen as many a .sixty,- cases during the day, in many instances whole families bein? down. Although not quite so severe the epidemic is fully as extensive as that of 1891. There have been num erous cases of pneumonia. Local authorities seem to be of opinion that the fruit crop is still safe up to this time. For a while it looked as if the warm weatherwould coax frufc trees to bloom and the frost that must come later would be sure to get in its work; But the cold com ing nn iust as the trees were . ahnnt pettinc ready to put forth, ha resulted in a condition that will retard actual blooming to later than would have otherwise been the case. Calvin Moore, a negro, was Friday sentenced in Mecklen bur Suoenor Court to seven vears in the Denitentiary for burglary in the second degree. THE Charlotte Observer The Largest and Best News paper in North Carolina. Everv dav in the Year 18.00 a Year. ' The Observer consists of 10 to 1! pazes daily and 20 to 32 pages Sunday. It handles more new matter, local - State, national and foreign than any other North Carolina newspaper. .' THE SUNDAY OBSERVER i'i unexcelled, as sews medium, and is also filled with excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. . The Serai-Weekly Observer issued Tuesdays and Fridays, at $1.00 per year, is the largest paper for the money in this section. It consists of 8 to 10 pages, and prints all the news of the week Local, State, national and foreign. ,. -Address r - .'jI , THE OBSERVER CO., ' CMABLOTTH'i N. C. WHY SHALL BOY WANTED BANK. Caramon , Sense Sermon y an Beoellfs of Savlax Preached by Mechanic The Bank as a Life-saver-Wile's Little Hoard Kept Family Coin When Sick ness Came. The first person to enter the office of The Gazette this morn log alter tne omce torce were a small boy and his father. The lad was a diminutive youngster at some 11 or 12 years and when he bad applied for one of the pocket banks that The Gazette is giving its readers who desire to start a savings bank account on Saturday, was refused until he had the sanction of bis parents. The father came to make - the sanction . sure. He said : "The little fellow picks up a considerable bit of money in one way and another, selling papers and . sometimes working in a store. He wants to save it and, after paying for his clothes, his mother and I want bint to He has several dollars now and would like to have his own bank account." The boy got the bank, of course. The f ather is a mechanic, who owns bis home and his wife has a tidy savings bank account of her own. " I t- owe - the - home .to the woman," he said, "brie started saving long oetore I Knew anything about it and when sick ness came some years ago and I was out of work she told me and was a happy man. After I got to work again I helped her more towards the savings bank than I had before and we have always got along well by having something, ahead. That's why I want the little fellow to get the habit while he s young. Then he'll always keep it." Trfere was a wnole sermon on the necessities and benefits of the savines bank in those . few words. The forethought of the wife in the days of steady work and good health, in saving some thing for the rainy day that did come, as it always will; the sick ness and misfortune that gen erally comes . at some time cr another with almost every one; the little hoard that carries the family over the emergency and the added hope , and determina tion with which husband aud wife again begun the struggle which has resulted in their own ine their own home and in hav ing enough laid by to keep the wolf from the door if he should come prowling about it in the future; what more could be said? Money a micfcie makes a muckle" is an old Scotch proverb that any person who starts a savings account will do well to keep in mind. It does not need any great sacrifice to save money, only the looking after the pennies, tickles and dimes that we . practically waste by spending them when we have no need of doing so. It is iust such persons as these that The Gazette designs to help in the way of saving. The Gazette be lieves ' every man, woman 'and chUd can save something and would be the more happy and contented with a sayings bank account. So much does The Ga zette believe this that it is -ready to give away $300 to the first 250 persons who will take, ad vantage of its offer. All you have to do to get in, on this, if you have not already a savings bank account, is to come to Toe Gazette, office and, pay $1.50 Liprayear s subscnption in ad- vance ana get one oi mc nana some little pocket banks, which is given away free along with an order which will add twenty- five cents to' the first deposit of one dollar or more. That is The Gazette will give each per son who starts a savings account of one dollar or more 25 cents to help him or her alon?. This bonus, like the little pocket bank, is absolutely free. The Gazette does not handle your money; the savings bank does that and you control it, as you keep possession of your own bank book and make your .de posits as often as you wish or as tyou fill the pocket bank, which is the handiest, way pos sible for . saving small change. Out-of-town readers can have the same opportunity by sending in ten cents additional to cover cost of package and postage and the bank and the order for the 25 cents will be mailed to them and they can either call at the bank to make their deposit or transact the business by mail as thousands of people are doing every day. George Hasty, who .shot and killed two male members of a theatrical company at Gaffney. S C, in a hotel conducted by his brother, must serve his life sentence m the South Carolina penitentiary, according to a de cision handed down a lew days ago by the Supreme Court of the State affirming the decision of the lower court. Subscribe for The Gazette Every Person Gastonia Should Have The Money Saving Habit i trust m.m 3, NO. S26 It's All for Your Welfare That 'the Gazette starts this worthy campaign to promote interest in saving: money. . . . . - . . . . . . . . , In . giving: away some $300 to stimulate the great, grand cause of SAVING MONEY, The Gazette knows there ate hundreds of Gaston people who never save a dollar. They never think of the "rainy day" that is certain to come to all. To save spare change or a part of one's earnings is all a habit, which once acquired be comes easy to continue, and before you know it you have a snug sum in a reliable bank. . And this bank will give you interest moneyso (bat your savings are So The Gazette Says: Come to our. office and pay a year's subscription in advance "and ask for a bank. Out-of-town subscribers may take advantage of it' by mailing ten cents extra in stamps. ' When you "have ttlaced AT LEAST one dollar in the littfe bank take it to the "big bank" and they will open a savings account with yoii and givt you 25 CENTS EXTRA to start with, ', :..' y: .V i V. --': .'. y. Remember we do o6t deliver these banks : to people, who -lire In the city You must call In persen to secure c - 6 FOR SALE i "2 Z, '."."".'. Three Horse Power OLDS Gasoline Engine As we are installing elector cal power with , which to op erate our machinery we have for sale one 3 horse-power Olds Gasoline Engine.' Ifl jjood running order. Bargain to quick purchaser for cash. Write sr Call for Particulars. L 1 (JAZETTE PUBLISHING Q0. JAS. W. ATKINS, Mgr. GASTONIA. - - - . N. C. Subscribe for The Gazette. in Besides this Pocket Sav ings Bank, which you can get Free at The Gazette office, you will also get 25 c F REE When you open a sav ings account at the Gas ton Loan & Trust Co. really earning money for you. .".