i Gab READ OVll Gavin -j Can!; Then Act ; I'll ETTB Caving 'Lrni; i Then Act ; i AX, PUBLISH CD TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. JAG. 7. ATKINS, Editor and Mans'tr. - Devoted to the Protection of Honie and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. VOL XXVIII. nr.? OAOTONIA, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1907. NO. IO r - - - ; ABSOLUTE SAFETY, is the best thin - r we have to offer. Other inducements are of secondary importance. Upon ;-:V5; ' " this basis only, do we 'solicit yonr , ; , - - " patronage. t ; t - CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK . - ' " . A "--t; is.,. 19 O 0 o o o . o -o 7 0 II 0 0 o 0 o 1 Stock " , . TTtV - -.' H --. ,:;.;,Wing 5iLE On all Cash Sales up to February 28th 8 o'clock p. m. we will give '20$ Discount. 8 O 0 0 0 O 0 If yoa need anything: in Men's.Boys' Ladies', Misses' and 0 0 Children's Shoes, , Underwear, ShirtV. Collars, Cuffs, g J? Neckwear, Hosiery, Suspenders, Gloves and Handker- g J chiefs you wil. save money , by making your purchase q () during this sale. .. V .. '0 C0uf entire stock is included in this sale except . John & 0 llStetson's Hats and New Stock of Low Cut Shoes. .V.V0 o;?vv - g 0 Goods Charged During this g 0 v , ... sale will beat Regular Prices. -, :0 (I 11 " v 1 .0- 0 RobinsoEiii..;Bii!0s. 8 1 0QOOPOpOOPPOOOOQCOOQPOQQ BEWARE Of VBIGESTIVES. Th Only Way t Cure Stomach ; OUordera la by Strcntthcalof tbo Digestive Organs. The ordinary- pepsin tablets has ruined more stomachs than all other causes, combined. While it gives temporary relief, it leaves the , digestive system weaker than everV and the tablets must be continued . with increased frequency CHEERYVIUC COAT. The only way to permanently cure stomach troubles xs . Dy strengthening the digestive organs with a Mx-O-na stomach tablet taken before meals. in this way the remedy prepares the stomach for the food and excites (the secretion of -gastric . iuices so that, when the food is .- eaten,' the stomach i' prepared v to digest it. 1 - ' , 'It Mi-o-na was a mere dxges ' tive. it would be taken after eat ing; so as to mix with the food, but then permanent relief wotjld not be 'gamed. f v . Mi-o-na , stomach -tablets are sold only in a neat metal box, convenient for the purse or vest pocket, and cost but 50c. J. H. ' Kennedy ,& Co. have seen so ' many cures made' by Mi-o-na stomach tablets that they give a guarantee. with every box that the money will be . refunded if the remedy fails-ito ; give satis faction. You run no risk in using Mi-o-na,-for you are sure to be cured at trifling expense, or else "your money.jwill be ret turned. - - - F8 22 ... . . , i' Fire at Bessemer City.' , - What might have been a dis astrous fire . was ' extinguished at Bessemer City Tuesday night by the i timely, arrival of ' fire fighting assistance. ' The flames originated in a shipment of 20 bales of Waste from the Besse' mer City Cotton Mills to ; th South Atlantic Waste Company, of Charlotte, which bad btru re turned to the shipper marked refused. It had also been re fused by the - Bessemer Cii folks. It seems that a spark from a passing train set th cot ton afire and qokly started a , blaze which bade fair to wipe cut waste, depot and everything sreaud in a few minutes. Agent : 'c!ar quickly . mustered a l -cket brigade, some throwing ' ' " r aa i others " tumbling the ,2 elf the depot platform. Cf V t ten bales which took fire ' - r? pnrtially saved. The ' ' d'Tot alsO caught y C-: .. -cJ. News and Gossip .from Gaston'c - Northernmost Town. Chermille Eagle, 20tb. ; It is leported from good author ity that O. C. Tomoson. a - lum berraan'of Belwood, found while sawing a log a .. tew . days ago $30.00 in silver and a considerable amount of gold in the -center of ! he logAA cavity had beeti cut V the log and the money put in to it by some .settler years, ago and the hole was ' then plugged , Rufus Carpenter met with a se rious accident while working on one of the new tenant houses at the Melville Mfg Co. Monday about 11 o'clock, y Hi3 foot, -slipped and be fell from' the roof of the house and cut an ucly. gash in his bead. He was immediately carrle to Dt: Vi H JHouser's office and bis wound was skill fully pressed. .It took, fi v e Stitches to sew up the cavity. At last report ; Mr. Catpentcr was getting along iiicely.v-;' H On last Sunday Magby Water son and Miss Jennie Self were happily married at the home v. of the bride vs parents Mr. Waterson s a wortby young; man, and -a successfuU farmer." Miss Self is the esteemed daughterof George Self and has rf large circle of friends in this community. ." Last Wednesday night at the parsonage of St. John's Lutheran Church a quiet marriage was sol emnized by the pastor of the con trading parties. Mr. J. S. P. Carpenter led 1 td the' hymeneal altar Miss Mae Beam, daughter of our townsman, Mr. v and Mrs. Peter C Beam. These young people are - prominent members of society, arid best of members of St.-John's Church: v . The friends of Hon. OTP, Ma mhi, of Dallas, are congratulating him that no serious damage re sulted from a runaway a few days ago ; which occurred "near his home. Two of his little children were in the vehicle '.when the horse became frightened, ran away and threw the little tots, out. Fortunately- neither of them sustained any injuries.' . '' Lee Black and , Miss . Dosie H&Ltty were happily married last Sunday, A.B. Helms, Esq.of5c iating in " his usual - impressive maner. .We extenHwrty con gratulations to , this newly mar ried couple. ' V " .';.; C:ra and J. D. ITocte Whit the State's Lawmakers are ; . Dolni at HaleKh. Tuesday night the House com mittee on railroads passed the rate bill fixing a flat rate of two cents a mile for passenger lares, the vote being 71 to 28. Several amendments were offered, all of which were voted down. The House passed a bill allowing Scotland Neck to decide wbtftb er they will have a dispensary. A message was ' received from rTGovernor Qlenn recommending the establishment in the eastern part of the State of a training school similar to the Normal and Industrial College af Qreens boro:' He thought the persistent refusal 4 of the ; Legislature I to grant this petition from the cit izens of this section of the State might eventually develop fric tion which might be detrimental to the State's best interests. He also said he . desired the enact ment of a strong immigration law and recommended t the re- establxshment of the immigra' tion bureau under the direction l.L. i - ' : 1. wednesaay nigni, ai a joini meeting of the Senate and House committees on education, t compromise bill was agreed up' on whereby Supt. Joyber's plan for v the v establishment of free public schools in various coun ties of the State, carrying an ap propriation of $50,000 condition ed upon the raising of com panion sums by counties pro vided with such high schools, and an eastern Carolina training school for teachers, were incor porated - in one report The teachers' school ' is to have $15. 000 for buildings when the town in which it is to be located has raised $25,000 for a site and buildings. Upon the establish tneut of the school $5,000 per annum is to be paid out of the $50,000. Buxton's joint resolution re garding the placing in statuary ball, Washington, of a statue of Vance was . passed by the Senate Wednesday. Proceeding its passage there was a lengthy discussion by members who favored placing statues of Ran som, uranam and Mciver tnere also. North Carolina is en titled to only two statues aud the prevailing opinion was that only one, that of Vance, should be placed now. The!1 railroad rate bill was up for discussion in the Senate Wednesday and consumed much time. There were a number of amendments offered but final action has not yet been taken. Senator Aycock is of opinion that the Senate will make the rate two and a; quarter cents flat: " . "'- - " ; V.; ' ' . ' This naoer is endeavorinir to ffive its patrons the best service that it is possible togrve anx an tnatt&e pat ronage will permit. Our paper is be ing frequently complimented on its pearanceand tne amount ana Kina matter it - contains. The citizens can make the paper still more effec tive by liberal patronage, both in subscriptions and advertising. The paper will always endeavor to merit the patronage,.. . . . : pay I ; " LOCAL AFFAIRS. A certain gentleman who lives at one of the mills says that there is only one day in the week that he is called "mister and that is on day. r:.--.;-r,.;v,v-:-j f -v::: The Crown Bottling Compttny re ceived a car load of bottles Tuesday irom tne Columbia uiasa Works Columbia, S. C. - The car contained 40.W0 bottles. . : Next to the wife beater, comes the horse beater and it is to be re gretted we have one or two in this community. - A horse is the - most noble and faithful of animals snd the man who would abuse his horse has something lacking in his manhood Owing to the illness of Rev. W H. McMasters at Charlotte the union prayer service announced to be held at Main Street Methodist church Wednesday .evening was not held. Mr. McMasters is still quite sick but it is honad ; that he will be able to come to Gastoma at some later date. What is the matter with the people of our town getting together? In past years that was one of the strong factors, but of late there . has been too much silent knocking. Let us cut out that kind of business. A town, like a house, divided against itself must fall. It will make us ai feel better . to work together. : In sendinar va his subscription to Tnciiazette, Mr. u. K. Clemmer, an old Gaston countian now residing in the Lone Star State, writes as fol lows: " I have sold out here and am thinking of going to old Mexico. . . I see Albert Davis is gone. - He was a good soldier and a good man. I soldiered with him in old Company u, zstn jtegiment." s There are iust a few who have permitted their subscriptios to lag behind. Don't do it. You will die one of these fane . days and your family WUt want a column obituary published free, and then your daugh ter is soon to be married and you will expect your home paper to give her an Alice Roosevelt write-up, and all free. It always pays to be prompt in paying your subscription to tne local paper. was in town yesterday and paid The Gazette a pleasant call. Mr, Stroup is one of Gaston s prosper ous and well-to-do farmers. Though 76 vears of acre he still workaSorae Yesterday Jhe walked Irom Lowell to Gastoma and back before dinner. Sving as a reason for not driving at his horse does not like automo biles which one is likely to meet on the macadam road most any time. lie does not come to uastonia often but is a welcome visitor when he does. We are pleased to see sd many of our citizens taking pride in their homes. Tne word "Home." next to that of "mother," is the greatest ever uttered by human tongue.' What a refuge the home is when the darkness gathers! How glad one is to get a glimpse of 'home when time and space have separated him from it if even for a brief period ! There seems to be good natured rivalry here in an effort to make "our home" look a little neater and thus be the more in viting to the occupants than all others. Such rivalry is certainly pardonable. Our citizens deserve credit for the pride they take in our schools. We venture the assertion that not a student ever went forth from our little city, but went away with the best wishes of our people; they gave him encouragement during school life and when he departed took him y the hand and said, "God speed hee." Not one who has finished the Course in our schools, wnerever ne may be, but wishes our town and ; our people well, for it was among j our Christian people, surrounded by an influence that was elevating ana noble, animated by the splendid ex ample of our citizens that he re ceived the' foundation which makes him to-day the upright citizen in any . community in wmcn ne may live. ; ;: v- .. . . 1 '-.-.' " L0HAY LOCALS. Many Dwelling Houses Moved , to More Desirable Locations Miss lata ' Blanton Dead .Other Items. . j i -ifODleii(.' of tb GUMtUi . Lorav, Feb. 21 Life at the Loray is quiet but is not monot onous. Oar people are always er joying themselves and having a good time generally. : All the dwelling houses have been moved from the rough and uneven ground neat the pond to more desirable places, most of tbem near the Wesleyan church. Mr. Arthur Harper, "formerly of Gaffney, bad charge of the work of rolling the houses and has been successful, as many of the houses were rolled a long dis tance. Mr. Harper has had a great deal of experience in this line and . is considered an ex pert. Work on Mr. A. E. Moore's new residence is progressing. The roof is on and now the work can be pushed in all kinds of weather. There are a great many im provments being made at present, such as fixing up streets and laying down pipes in the holiows and other improvements which will contribute , to the comfort and convenience of all our people. We are sorry to record the death of Miss Iula Blanton, which occurred at the home of her parents, here Tuesday. Mks Blanton was about 18 vears of a. She had not been sick very long and was only con fined to ber bed a few days. Sbe.had lung trouble. There mains were taken to the family burying ground near Shelby yes terday-for interment. We ex tend our sympathy to the be reaved family. The Loray Band is progress ing and increasing in number. Our people are proud of it A few gardens have been plowed upt which makes us think that spring is not far off, but Jack Frost was here this morning by a large majority. When spring comes she will be, welcome. DOES THIS SUIT YOU? Frost Torrence & Co. the enterpris ing Druggists of Gastonia are having such a large run on "HINDIPO." the new Nerve Tonic and Restorer, and here it is so Highly praised tnat they now offer to guarantee it m every case to cure all forms ot Kianey Troubles and Nervous Disorders. Thev pay for it if it does not give you entire Satisfaction. If vou use it. it is tneir risk, not ours. A so-cent dox. ume L,aDie xtra Streneth. S1-.00. will put life in a dead one. Sent by mail under positive guarantee. j 3 Heel Grafted With Skip From; Le. Rock Hill Herald. 20th. Mr. Jackson, who had the misfortune of losine one of his heels at Marion, N. C, about ten days ago, and who was brought to the hospital here for treatment, is getting along very nicely. The heel was grafted by taking flesh from the leg. 1 iujmmi "i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmtmammKmmmmtm mm IP They usually 'somcthin j fr the paniiy ,You remember the' p ungcr," jrou Jhai -j-Homccookiag counts for mucIi. ia the child's health; do not imperil' It with alum (bod by the use of poorbaking'powder. - T. : Hare delicious, purchome-macle' 'ttuffio, cake or biscuit ready hen they Cme in l o be. tore ot tne purujt yow rou.,fc u,c. -. n; Our Lines of Spring Woolens and Wash Goods are now Com plete with the New est WeaVes and Lat est Styles, 4. S3 .a 4J Yeager - McLean Mfg. Co.d jft a a, J f,f f!!'t,ii,,4' J i ''ft "aV ft 1 lr 9C . 4- L. L. JENKINS, Pre.. S. N. BOYCE, Ca.hler am gggiiii. f 4 The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. , : : : : We Invite vou to open an account with us. DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J, K. Dixon R. R. Ray H. M. McAden T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. O. White G. A. Gray St jfr jfc f 4&t jt . y $ a a, S'X IOOFDNG 1, Slate, Tin, Iron, Steel, Ruberoid, Ta rred Paper, Asphalt and Gravel i ,,,,,, LARGE STOCK. Prompt, Good and Cheap LONG GASTONIA, BROS: NORTH CAROLINA dr. j.m; hunter y-fyxtioT ROCK HILL, S.C. . ' Consultation FREE . Makes a Specialty of Cancers. Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula and . Rheumatism; Diseases of the Genito-Vrinary Organs and Rectum. ' Treats without the knife, loss of blood and little pain to patient. REFERENCE'S ""TO A FEW CASES TREATED n . v r . inrVRtll R f Vr. T T William eaDomrffare.Tirr.il, S. p.MrVft B : Nelson. tncefoHce.Otden, S. C : W. A. I uttinss. cane? ol Ue. k. t Creek S C: W, forehead. GaSi rase, Lattimere, cancer ol lip. L Olaaco. cancer Ham brig at, verocoae bhtioiki, dwhuuii a v.. jv. ti it xi r. c. w r.nm. rmivf ol neck. Mooreenoro. r. t.: . W. Stroup, cancer oi lace, umti', n.., mrm. w - - ieTS C: S-Bj Hanna, cancer of neck. Gaatonia. N. C: . K Cnjir ,N.C: Frank Lattimore. cancer or lace.mewiana wuia. n.v; J. . oTforeheaa. &helbN.C:O.H. Cobb.caoeer ol lo. t-mrrn. Sj C: J K. acrof ula. Gaflnet. S. C : W.N. Tracy, cancel r on peer. '"'. n naf Af IM BIS rMlrrmnfllu. IU L m. A-A. A . W W. i w -" ' - - . ' IcMahon"rbimatim. Henrietta, K. C: L. A. Holland, cancer neck Ueoiin W. Bridea.rlieumaU8m,Moreaboro,li.C. . a. v Tt Yn Want Castoa Cc'r-'T V If Ynl f "t ,', r -tt' 4- C, V,