4. illi .' r - c ' , J' i f r t 1 v 4 .. .....i 1 t READ OUR t Gavin -i Cnl: TnTTTr readout, t Then Act fhon Act PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 4.X JAS. W. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests' of the County $1.50 a Year In 'Advance. VOL. CX VIII. OAOTONIA, N. C.; FRIDAY, MARCH I. 1007. NO. 18 i Immediate Vicinity IT IS the policy of thla;;Bank to confine its business to this immediate vicinity. In following this conrse, the bank not only ., enhances its own stability, but promotes the highest interests of the Community. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK MM FURNITURE FURNITURE FURNITURE Your Credit is Good If You Live In Gaston Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Stoves Sold on Easy Monthly Payments'" We have the biggest line of Furniturethe largest and mostcomplete stock "ever shown in Gastonia. We have anything in the furniture line. .. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT -Yon can't beat them." Don't take our save you money on every purchase. We have the largest line of pictures of ' them .before yon buy. .. .. f To the farmers and others who need at hand we give advantage of cash prices Remember ", 4 ' s V f " ) ' ' ' " Z '-,', r ' ' ' ( " t 1 ' v ' HEE. L. Little Gastonia. : . t t 1 t Gaston's Old Soldiers A tears' f the trt(tM)M This : Cinty hit Is Its to the Cmm rf Tk Cwfcf ; -TK7, Umki ftm lqr Stents Flnt iUtMic Utt twt TMtt-h Iktrtf ; ' CMfteti as TlM ! ttttr Cm like It By L. M Hoffaaa L - Abbreviations. , T 2- For the sake of convenience ";: and savins: space the following; abbreviations are' made in the list below." " Co company ' eenlistecl ddied dg- discharged dt -detailed . . w wounded m missing" : p -promoted - - prprisoner ; .- , r resigned -tt transferred; . Rndisill. W. M. Co. M. 16th Reg. Corp.-e May 1, ,'61; w July 3, '63, at Gettysburg:. . Rndisill, Emanuel. Co M. 16th Regt. e Mch. 17, '62; color Jbearer; w May 3, '63, still has TRegemental flag- Rndisill, -li, Co. H. 37tb Regt. e Aug:. 12, '62. , Rumfelt, M. L., Co. K. 38th Regt.; d in service. - Rumfelt, J. I, Co. H. 49th Regt. e Mcb.;Z2, '62; pr-at Five Forks. Rumfelt. W. H; Co. C. 10th Regt. Art. e June 15, '61. Rutledge, Wm. G., Co. H. 52d Regt. e Apr. 25, '62. -Rutledge, Robt. (Sr. Res.) - Rutledge, R. G., Co. B. 23ih Regt. e Mch, 15, '64r. .' Rutledge, Robt. G., Co. H 37th Regt. e Oct; 6, '61; d for w at Hanover Court Hou.-c. - : RutledgerBurtrCoTll.37th Ret. f ;.,;';'' .,- Sabms, John Co. M; J6:h Rest, e; k at Seven Pines. Sanders, J. S , Co. B. 60th Regts Apr. 5, '62; m Nov.. 25, 'Ct. - ' danders, -T. I.. Co. B. 2Sth P. r . Jnlv 30. 61. f i: :t W. C, Co. D. 63rd Regt J Cav. e July 7, 'KT. : rbtt, V. F., Co. H. 23rd I t. e June 12, '61; k July 1, ' . -t n.-ttysburg. - -, T. O., Co. F. 63rd : ' 7, ' rr stWil- -3" word for it come and see. We can : j- , : ' : .: v; . : : all kinds ever brought to town see . .. .' , .. .-.V .. . .'. - furniture and haven't the ready cash together with all the time they want. the Place ' 1 , 1 , ' , " i 1 'si V t ,' - t . ; ' Furniture Co. t : i t : ; N. C. tysburg. Sarvice. F. A.. Co. B. 28th Regt . e . Mch. 15, '64 ; wleg broken at Wuderness. Self, John,' Co. E. 70th Regt. e Dec. 1, '64, (Jr. Res.) Self, Geo. P., Co. C. 71st Regt. (Jr. Res.) 5 Seilars. Eli, Qo. C. 37th Regt. e Sept. 20, '64. Seilars, Abraham, Co. D. 37th Regt. e Mch. 2, '63: w May 3, 63, at Chancellorsville. s Seilars, George, Co. D. 37th Regt. e Mcb. 2, '63. Seilars, Wm., Co. D. 37th Regteich. 2, '63. . Selvey, Jos. Co. H. 37th Regt." t , Selvey, James, Co. H. 37h Regt. Senter, Jonas, Co. E. 34th Regt e Dec. 3, '63. Senter, Caleb,1 lost in army, ' . Setzer, H., Co. C, 12th Regt. e Sept. 30,. '64. Shannon, J. R., Co. -H. 23rd Regt .e June 29,. '61; w at Mai vernBfll. Shaw, A., Co. C. 37th RegtTe Aug. 15, '62. Shepherd, Wm., Co. K. 49th Regt. e Mch. 15, '62; dg Aug, 1, '62. Shebley, John,' CoJ B. 60th Regt. e Apr 5, '62; to Nov. 25, '64. - ' Shipp, John, ! Co. H. 23rd Regt e June 29, '61; k at Win chester Sept. 29, "64. " - Shives. Elish?, Co. D. "1st Regt. e Jan. 10, '62; w at Ely son's Mill disabled. ; Shives, J. C, Co. D. 1st Regt. e Jan. 10, '02. Shives, G. M., Co. C. 4th Regt e June 5, '61. Shields, I. W., - Co. B. 28th Regt. e July 30, '61; w at Get tysburg. Shields, James, Co. B. 28th Regt. e July 30, '61. . bhitlds, Isaac, Co. B. 28th Regt e July, 30. '61; dt. Shields, J. D., Co.r B. 28th Rpgt. e Feb. 25, '63. - Shields.' D. , W.; Co. Ar 33rd Regt. e July 10, '61; p 1st Sgt. " Shields, R. W. Co. A. 33rd Regt. e June ?5, '61 ; p 1st Sgt. . Shrnm, Michael, (Sr. Res ) Shrum. r John, Co. B. 28th Rgt. e July 30, '61; spy. The many friends 'of " Miss Lucy Rankin, of Mt Holly, will regret to learn that she is ill with pneumonia. - - '- " " , There seems to be -an epi demic of pneumonia at Mt; Holly. A number of severe car-s have been reported. Small rt !'t. II;")' is fr. !cr ?tT- ' : ' I V i " r 1 ex- IbaTISTS ACQUI2E PROPERTY. t on Coroer 0! 5oalb ana Franklin Sought lor J6.CC0- Mrs. 'J. 0. Moore to Erect Memorial Parsonafo Thereon Church lobe ! Built There Sometime In Future SsJChjcongregation of the First liaptist cnurcn aas acquircu a very valuable piece of property, located on the southwest corner of Franklin avenue and South street. The deal was closed Wednesday night at a. meeting of the church, members; The lot has a frontage of 173 feet on Franklin avenue and Is 150 feet deep." The price paid was $6, 000. The purchase -was made from Mr. R. P. Rankin, the owner. - On the western end of the lot is a two-story frame res- LWidence. . 5 ..Through the liberality of Mrs. J. D. Moore, Sr., a handsome parsonage is to be ; erected on this property. The parsonage is to be in the shape of a memo rial to her husband, the late CaDt'J. D. MiJore. who was for years one of the most prominent members of this : church. Its construction will be begun the first " of next year. It will be commodious a n d modern in every respect and wul cost sev eral thousand dollars. It is the intention of this con gregation to build a handsome church edince on the corner ot this oroDerty. This will not be done at any early date, however, as this congregation already has a church which is practically new, on the corner of Ixng and Marietta streets. This newly acauired property is one of the best close-in pieces , of real es tate in town and the purchasers are fortunate in gaining pos session of it. ' " Lalheran Conlerence. Rev. John Hall, passor of the Gastonia Lutheran cnurcn, lett yesterday for Hickory to attend the North Carolina Conference of the Tennessee Synodbf the Ltitheran Church. The sessions will continue through Saturday. Mr. Hall expects to return to Gastonia in time to bold his reg ular services Sunday. Mr. John J. George, of Bessemer City, and Mr. C. K. Bell, ol Kings Moun tain, are also in attendance. Teachers Meet To-Morrow. In the Baptist church at Bel mont to-morrow., tbe Gaston County Teachers Association will hold its monthly meeting or March, tbe program for which was published in The Gazette ast week. The general topic or discussion is history and those having papers are Miss Marv Galloway. Prof. S. G. Lindsay, Miss Rob Miller, Prof. J. B. Henson, Prof. R. L Howell and Prof. Joe S. Wray. In the afternoon there will be an address by Dr. J. B. Carlyle, of Wake Forest College. Supt. Hall announces that this, will probably be the last meeting of tbe association for the present scholastic year and he desires as full an attendance as possible. J It . .AT-. I m ' ' I - aM III M 7 The only excuse iprvi anydiiiig but a Pure to ::'X ROYAL costs you phate of Lime powders, but it is worth tar more than jto keep your biscuits, cakes and pastry free frQm i efFects of these y Continued "Avoid X yn V V LOCAL AFFAIRS. Pastor John Hall wili hold regular service at tbe Bessemer City Lutheran church Sunday afternoon at 3 30 o'clock, .-:.'- '" -''', ' . ' ''-- ','"' : " -H)ne - of the ; last tributes which we can pay to our beloved dead is to see that their last re&t ing place is fittingly marked We owe it to tbem as well , as ourselves to place an enduring monument over their graves. Mr. S.1 A. Pressly expects to discontinue traveling on tbe road after the first of April and will go in the store with his brother, Mr. Jno. B. Pressly. :: He expects to open a wood and coal depart ment and brokerage business also. A. R. Presbyterian. V-lf you want to ruin your boy just take his side oh every ques tion and dispute he has with bis teacher or vour neighbors' chil dren. Just let nim know you are with him, right or wrong, in all bis disputes. This will give mm a good start in tbe down ward path. We note with pleasure that the farms in this county are de veloping into a higher stage of cunivauon. , 1 ne young iarmers have certainly improved upon the old fogy methods of their fathers, and the more modern way of farming is causing Mother Earth to produce her largest and best crops. The Gazette received a sub scription this week from Mr. John Miller, an old Gaston boy now quartered at Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Miller is in the government military service, tie wants to keep up with people and things in bis native county and hence orders The Gazette sent to his ad dress. , Watch for the transparencies of Argo Red Salmon in your grocer's window. No better Salmon packed at any price. A young woman in Gibson City, Illinois, has resigned her position as teacher in the public schools for the purpose of going as a missionary to Africa. Why should she go so far when hicago is so near, where there are more heathens to the square yard than there are in Africa to the twelve square miles. Strange ideas of mission-! ary work these school martns have. The women of this 4Qwn have labored earnestly and long in an endeavor to maintain truth and sobriety in the homes, teaeh ing their sons and daughters that these are cardinal virtues, and are prized far greater than rubies They have recognized : the fact that home life is the foundation of all life, and that municpal, State and national existence is pure only as the bome-life is pure. The women of this city have been the silent force, the under current, that has been workitg so effectively through the years, the result of which has meant the ushering ?in of social con ditions tbat'are extremely whole some. 71' if 1.1 Hi i t J Mm v 1 1 1 t 1 1, mm . m : f m ' m m m a few cents more per."can.than cheapening substitutes. . . use of Alum means permanent injury to health. AlumAilmcntsSay pk fW A t C .0 a". ir ITktO POWDER VANCE-RHYNE. A Weddin in' tfUh Colored . Life. A great event, in - colored so ciety took place at the colored (St. , Paul's) Baptist church Wednesday mgot wben Verney Rbyne became the bride of Alex ander Vance. The wedding had attracted great attention and tberetfere several white people present to. witness the . event. The wedding march was played by Miss EtheK Gray. During the ceremony, . which was per formed according to the colored Baptist faith by the pastor Rev. McLure, Hattie Evans, attired in a $250 dress, sang a solo, the accompaniment being played on the piano by Mrs. E. L Bain. After the ceremony a recep tion, in which an eight-course luncheon was served, was ten dered at the home of the groom. The parties to this wedding are both well-known in Gastonia. The bride is known among both white and colored, bhe was employed for some time as cook by Mrs. J. H. Separk. The groom has been employed for some time as Mr. Jno. F. Love's butler. ; '.: ' ,; . ., FOR STOMACH SUFFERERS. Don't Use Any Remedy That Keeps Its Formula Secret. People who are troubled with stomach weakness cannot afford to use any remedy unless they know what it contains. Mi o-na is not a mere diges tive giving only temporary re lief, but a specific for all dis orders of tbe digestive organs, and so effects a, permanent cure for stomach troubles. Your physician will tell you that not bin z is better than a combination of chemically pure bismuth subgallate to allay any inflammation of tbe stomach and bowels; , cerium oxalate, to strengthen the stomach nerves; sodium bi Carbonate, which neutralizes the poisonous acids that are present in stomach troubles; and nux vomica, which will restore vigor to the digestive organs and tone the whole nervous system. This combination is found only in Mi-o-na stomach tab lets, and it so rarely fails to strengthen the digestive system and cure all forms 01 stomach disorders, that J, H. Kennedy & Co. sell the remedy under a guarantee to refund the money unless it cures. If you suffer from indigestion, distress after eating, specks be fore the eyes, headaches, pains in the back and side, emacia tion, bloating, nervousness, sleeplessness, or any of the other symptoms of stomach troubles, begin the . use of Mi- o-na stomacn tablets at once. J. H. Kennedy & Co. sell tbem in 50c boxes with a guarantee to tefund money unless they v mt mm cure. tfia-Mi Mack Woodward, a young white man was accidentally shot and perhaps fatally injured in Iredell county Tuesday, by Mcrcus Williams. m mr 1 m . i difference injurious - - If ' . ... . : I 1 - a i i i M II V J 1 m I ) pnees Alum or Phos- 7 irv Our tines of Spring WooIeiiVand Wash Goods are now Com plete with the New est Weaves and Lat est Styles. AAA V 0 : V 0 V 0 0 if V V; 0- - V 0 . I Yeager - McLean Mfg. Co. L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier " I The First National Bank J GASTONIA, i. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and- deposits of Over Half a- Million we are in a better position than ever before in our history; I : : : We Invite vou to open an account with us. DIRECTORS 4 I. L. Jenkins 3 A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson T J. K. Dixon R. R. H. M. i i -.-,) 1 ROO:Fl Slate, tin, Iron, Steel, Riiberoid, Tar red Paper, As pha It and G ravel I 1 " Tr 1 LARGE STOCK. Prompt Good and Cheap LONG. -:!';.. GASTONIA, DR. . M. HUNTER-"apeciAUiST ROCK HILL, 8. C, Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tnmors, unronic uicen, :cromia ana Rhcamatism j Diseases or the jGenito-Urinary Organs and Rectum, i Treats without the kni f e. loss of blood and little" pals to patietitV- J " cancel ol Up, lAnrvii. n. , nn. m. a. ri.ircii, GZCMT ot (o-ba. Shelby N. C: D. H. Hambricbt. rerocooe nicer pi le. bibcisdbiw K. I. N. loot.. c.ncrt .1 tae loosue. ". lCFlmll. nniuiw U iTLUT 5l P II Tpt 7tvl Ci'lzi Ccr- 'y fg'f to serve our customers T. L. Craig Rav Andrew E. Moore 4 McAden J. O. White G. A. Gray J tm aa t fta tt K ' BRf)'S.;: :T .!'. I ' ' . NORtircXllOUNA; Consultation FREE Mm ,i; ...I ni.t m-fi r,.i?i;ltM - A FEW CASES -TREATED -r. f ,""rw; v.- Cobb, eucrf ol lip. Smyr'h a. . t : k. " . v; "i"."!" ' '""" r-.