JU. .r . t s s as.atAat a a.4,.s.A. i Tme Gastoma. Gazette READ OUR Savings Bank READ OUU f CAvJaauDlt; t t OFFER 1 " Then Act Th.cn Act; , t PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. iiitiiAi ll,lil a. A J AS. W, ATKINS, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a -Year lir Advance. VOL. XXVIII. y. GASTONIA, N.C.. PRIOA Y. MARCH 8. 1907. NO. SO 1 THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK offers ajrery satisfactory place' to do your banking. You will find its of ficers and clerks very attentive to your wants. Ask some of our cus tomers bow they are treated. : : : 4 per cent on Savings Deposit 3soeceeeoeeeeeeeoeeocsseeeeee90 F . .. . ...... : ..... ' jj We Have a Very Attractive Business Proposition To Offer You J5 We represent several fire insurance and a life insurance : -. company that have agreed to loan back to Gastonians on real estate security, all premiums collected in our city. .', This is a very attractive proposition which we wouH be very glad to discuss with any one interested. If you need anything: iu the insurance line, call No. 89 and let us send our man to see you, Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co. - - i - ' i 1 1 i i- G. A. GRAY, Pre. J. L. ROBINSON. V-PreaC S. S. MORRIS. Sec Treaa. . V .: -- ' " y ' , Gaston Metal & Roofing Company INCORPORATED DEALERS AND CONT RATJTOR8 FOR nVERYTHING IN ROOFING Don't 1 Fall to See Us Before MAKING YOUR CONTRACT Phone 217 Davis Block THE BEST EVER It's rather an old story and sounds a little too much like boasting to say that our line of ladies' fine foot-wear is the best ever shown. . .. . ,Y But it's true, and in justice to the line we are obliged to say so. , , . , . ; .". .". If you see it you'll agree with us. .Y ,.v. Everything in foot-wear that's new and nobby. All leathers, sizes and widths, $1.00 to $4.00. : : : : : : : - i Robinson Bros. Ladles Fine Foot-wear. Governor Glenn has appointed - Cbas. L. Abernathy, of Beaufort, "solicitor - in the3rd district - to succeed L- I. Moore, resigned. Your Hold '" :: -, on the" Skein of Life is as insecure .as its rapid running off is certain.,: i -The productive value" of your life should be secur ed. A policy in The Hotoal Benefit Life Insurance Co. I Ktwark, Hew Jersey, will provide the necessary and highest security. : jl. Lower Rates than in other Trustworthy Companies. :: C:ccrU!ts 4 Trust Ce. T3 Ctsiot'a, R. C Loray School Honor Boll. Miss Majrjrie". Gamble's Room-i-Bryan Belk, Raymond Bradler. Viola ; Chandler, Sadie Deal. Jesse Dajrjrer- narat," Craig Dagjr&iharpt, Alice Falls, Roy Galvaa, Lona -Hawkins, Hoyd Kennedy, Ed Petty, Jewie Kin j? , Flora Kfnjr, Nellie Cletdmef. Miss Lewis'Room Fannie John son, Rosie McKee, May Rabb, Lillie Sanders. ' ' --. : Miss Daisy Gamble's Room Ber tha File, Erlean HawkinsP Estelle Jenkins, Zonie Nolen, Qyde Ballard, Mattie Hawkins, Ethel Nolen. Jchn Grifjr. - -' - .-. . v Miss Galloway's Room . ; Maude Foy, Bascom Wooten, Elmore Spratt, Roy Webb, Leonard Broom, Borders Ilullender. , : ; "A- dispatch from El Paso, Texas, Tuesday says that two explosions in the quarry of the Chihuahua and the Pacific Rail road at Sandoval, Chihuahua, killed andlbaried nine men ana seriously injured nine others. 0VCS 2CD VACCINATED Law Beta Eilidly Enforced In Slyerbend Township 0 n . New Case near rarrora atorod ' Effect on Schools. y , Up to yesterday more than 200 oersons in and around Mount Holly, Mountain Island Farror's store had been nated under: the order Sunday by County Physician L N. Glenn for compulsory vacci nation of all persons who have-in anv way been exposed : to the disease of smallpox.. The pbysU cians have - encountered some subjects who declined to submit and for whTm- it was necessary to have warrants issued.AVednrf day warrants were sworn out for two negroes. Tom Woodard and Green Finger, and two white men,' McMillan and Cannon. The two latter lived at Nims ville. They refused to be vac cinated and elude the physi cians but it is safe to say that, if they remain in the vicinity of Nimsville, the warrants . will be served. Woodard was a suspect and bad been vaccinated and ordered to stay in but refused to obey instructions. Fingerboards at the same house with Sam Farror, another negro, who was taken with the disease Wcdne day. The latter was drayman tor Mr. Jack Farror, the first victim ot tne disease, wno was discharged as well yesterday af ter being - under quarantine for two weeks or more. Rigid quarantines were estab lisbed Wednesday at Nimsville and Mountain Island and, until March 20tb, unvaccinated per sons will not be allowed to leave either place or to enter from points without. Guards have been stationed on all the prin cipal roads leading to these towns .to see that these quaran tines are not violated. County Physician Glenn says that the law will be rigidly enforced without regard to persons. Un less great precaution is taken there is a possibility of an epi demic and he intends to invoke the aid of the law to the fullest extent to keep the disease checked. For more than two weeks the school at Ftirror's store has been closed and the. attendance at tin Mount Holly graded school bus dwindled from 200 to 60. No pupil or teacher is allowed to enter the school rooms unless he has been vaccinated. Faster and faster the pace is set, By people of action, vim and get, So if at the finish you wouldjbe. Take Hollister'9 Rocky Mountain Tea. Adams Drug Co. Mr. S. S. Morris list. is on the sick Deacons to be Installed. The following named deacons will be installed at the morning services" at the First Presby terian church Sunday; Mr. H. Glenn, Mr W. W. Glenn, Mr. J. O. White and Mr. D. A. 'age. ! LOCAL AFFAIRS. i When a "woman wants to get rid of her husband for an hour, she sends him up stairs to get something from the pocket of her dress. - There are many striking exam ples of the value of good roads. Wherever roads have been- perma nently improved it is found that and L4bere,has been a very great increase vacci- m va,ue toe adjacent property. issued I Report all items of interest to tms ouiee, ' 1 uey will be appreciated and each item will help to make the paper that much more interesting. We can not get all the news but by your help we can get the lion's share and that is what we wish to do. We want all the news that's news. - Here is something that is worth many dollars to every farmer to know: Sprinkle lime in your stock tank and not a particle of scum will form on the water. When the lime loses its strength scum will begin to form, which may be twice during the season; wash out the tank and repeat the dose. It is cheap, not only harmless but wholesome, keeps the water sweet and saves the live stock. There are two kinds of girls in the world, thegirl wh works and the girl who gads. Commend us to the former. Work lends dignity to e pretty eirl. is an added cnarni to her The girl who works, God bless her. combines the useful and ornamental. ine mignt gad about, and roll on sofas, gossip and read story books. but fihe prefers to be of some account in the world and goes out stenog rapher, teacher, saleslady or house keeper, bravely makes her own way. Such are the salt of the earth and of such is the kingdom of heaven. We heard a younu man remark last week tuat, "lne world owes me a living." It is hoped for that young man's good that he'll get the notion out ot bis bead, it s a mis take, a giave mistake He never entertained a more foolish idea nor one which will bring him a smaller measure of respect. The world owes the young man nothing: but instead he owes the world and society an active, noble manhood, a steady. honest energy which will enable him to associate with decent men and women in a true manliness of character that will make his friend ship valuable and his presence and companionship desired, the tnily intelligent-activity, and this young suuum ironiriDuie 10 society s nappi ness and welfare the grace which comes through study, toil and honest thought. The grocers are handling Ar- go Red Salmon because it takes no argument to sell it, and cus tomers come back for more. -The weekly country paper has as definite an excuse for being in the world as can be furnished by the city dailies. Such a publication is not only a business guide, but is a pulpit of morals; it is a kind of a public rostrum where the affairs of the State are considered ; it is a su pervisor of streets and roads; it is a social friend, a promoter of friendship and good will. Edited by a broad and just man, such a publication so treats the different sects that they realize their brotherhood and become in reality what they are pictured in print. The town weekly dare not be Presbyterian, or Methodist, or Bap tist. but it must select the valuable in each church, and thus it" becomes the harmonizer of discord. It binds those whom theology would often separate. Even the so-called small matters of a village or incorporated town are small only to those whose hearts are too full of personal inter est. It is very important if some school boy reads a good essay, or speaks well a piece, or sings well a song, or stands high in the class room, that kind of mention should be made publicly of such success, for more young minds are injured by the want of cheering words than are made vain by an excess of such praise. LEASES RESORT HOTEL. Mr. J. A. Boyelf. Manater ol Falls House. Will Conduct Hay wood While Sulphur Sprints Hotel Next Season A Popular Besort Something About It . ' Mr; j. A Boyett, who some months ago assumed manage ment of the Falls House here, has, in conjunction with Messrs. J. L. and D. M Alexander, of Waynesville, leased for the com ing season the famous White Sulphur Springs Hotel a t Waynesville. The style of the management will be Boyett & Alexander. Mr. Boyett will leave Gastonia in Mav. and will open the hotel at Waynesville for the reception of guests June 1st. This is one of the most popular resort hotels in Western North Carolina, the mecca for pleasure seekers from all sec tions during the hot months In recent years Waynesville has come to be looked upon as an ideal place for summer rest and recreation and its patronage has increased with each passin season. The Haywood Whit Sulphur Springs Hotel has reputation ot many years stand ing and will continue to tneri and have a large patronage under the new managemti t. Three years ago, because the demand for additiona accommodations, an annex was built containing 60 rooms with baths; the main building con tains 54 rooms. The ground comprise thirty acres of beauti ful lawns There are severa springs of sulphur, iron and free stone water. There are we equipped bowling alleys, poo rooms, tennis courts and other means of amusements. In the past iot a few Gas tonians have spent their vaca tions at Waynesville and doubt less many of tbem will go there during the coming summer. is certain that they wi'l find the White Sulphur Springs Hotel splendid place to spend a vaca tion. m m mm Makes the finest, light estbest flavored biscuit, hot-breads, : cake and pastry Renders the food more digestible and wholesome . ? , ; r PURE ROYAL SAKINQ POWDER CO, NEW YORK. Mary Dark circles under the eyes indicate a sluggish circulation torpid liver and kidneys. Exercise and Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and beaut ful. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Adams Drug Co. NcOathey to Pen. Deputy Sheriff C. W. Fuller left on No. 40 Wednesday nieht for Raleigh, having in custody J. 11. Mcuatney whom be was taking to place in the State pen itentiary. McGathey, wbo is an old man, was convicted of mur der in the second degree at the recent term of Gaston Superior Court for the killing of his son in-law, Lee J. Cudd, and sen tenced to seven years in the State prison. . Argo Red Salmon is caught in Bering Sea among the icebergs That is why the flesh is so firm, and the flavor so delicious. CHERBYVILLE CHAT. Terse News Notes from Gas ton's Northernmost Town. Cherryvllle Eagle. 6th. Rural Free Delivery Inspector J. C. Clifford, of Washington City, was here last week looking over our K. b. V. routes. He resurveyed and reccommended some slight changes in No. 1 and No. 2 Handsomely engraved invita tions are out announcing the ap proaching nuptials of Miss Lula Abernathy and J. H. Hull on the 14th of March. Mr. Hull is a large stockholder in the Gas ton Mill. ! ' The Cherrvville lodge of I Knlgbts of Pythias won a band fsome 8-day clock for the largest gain in membership from June 30th to Dec. 31st. The clock was presented by District Deputy Grand Chancellor Scoffield, of Forest City. This lodge is in a flourishing condition and has a very large membership. The Piedmont Telephone and Telegraph Company are rebuild ing their line from this point to Fallston and Belwood. The Bessemer line will also be over hauled and improvements made on the switchboard here. Messrs. O'Brien. Focle, Blanton and others are here engaged in the work. - The well-known 6rm of Hun ter & Houser has dissolved by mutual consent. H. M.- Houser sold his interest and good, will to his partner,. C. F. Hunter, who will continue to run, the business.;.- The town of Crouse has been incorpated mile each ' way. Horace Honser surveyed out the town yesterday. A mayor, pol iceman and five aldermen have been elected. We congratulate our neighbor for this advanced Step.' - ; Our Lines of Spring Woolens and Wash Goods are now Com plete with the New est Weaves and Lat est Styles. A A -S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 M, Yeager McLean Mfg. Co. X f M f 1 4 iH fr-H 4 'l- 4 4 4 -i "j L. L. JENKINS, Pres. 8. N. BOYCE, Cashier The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. : : : ; We Invite vou to ooen an account with us. DIRECTORS L. I. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J. K. Dixon T. L. Craig R. R. Rav Andrew E. Moore H. M. McAden J. O. White G. A. Gray f ! f f f f t i t f t X t "t f f f l 8 l f f f f 34 ROOF 1 ING Slate, Tin, Iron, Steel, Ruberoid, Tarred ' Paper, Asphalt and Gravel 1 LARGE STOCK. Prompt, Good and Cheap . T1 LONG BROS; GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA DR. J. M. HUNTER THE ALL-ROUND , - SPECIALIST ROCK HILL, S.C. Consultation FREE Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula and Rhentpatism; Diseases of tbe Genito-Urinary Organs and .Rectum Treats , without the knife, loss of blood and little pain to patient. REFERENCES TO A FEW CASES TREATED R. A. Clark. Cancer of noe. Roc Hill S C: Mr. J . ' WiTHa. cancer of face. TirH. ft, C: Mrs. S. K. Nelson, cancer oi lace. Ucden, S. : w. n. Muiunar. cancer ot face, . Stroup, cancer of face. Lowell. N. C; Mrs. Barborv ilcCrsw. XI".! canrrf il Ork R C? W. W forehead. Gaflney. S C:S.B. Hanna. cancer of neck. Gastonia. N.C( O.V. nnae. Laltimore. N. C: Frank Lattimore. cancer of (see. deviant! Mill. N. cancer of lip. Lowell. N. C; Mrs. M. B. Harrell. cancer of face, fallen oro, N.C; Vr. I Glasco. cancer ol loreneao, bneiDyi. w: u. n. .ooa, enncer oi up, Smyrna, . v.; j Hatubrieht, verocoae ulcer of leg. Blacksbnrs S. C: R.C. Green. Cancer ol face. ?... N. C: J. N. rlonts. cancer sf the tongue. Tirrah, S. C: Mrs. N. S. Adam, cancer t.l , Lowell. N.C: G.W.Green, cancer of neck. Mooresboro, N. C: Wins tarn i scrofula. Gaflney. S. C; W.N. Tracy, cancer of neck. Uaflney.S.C;J.B, nuui k. nlcerol leat. Mooresooro.N. v.: Mrs. a. i. sicvraw. cancer ot iac. McMaboo. rheumatism, Henrietta. N. C: L. A. Holland. cancer neck lienricua. C i W. Brides, rheumatism. Mooresboro. N. C , II Tea Want Casfo'a Corrnty Newt Sslbtcris hrT If Yoa Wint Nest. Up-to-Dite SUliongry t'i t