read our t I OavIna Donk I i ' OFFER t Then Act .... J IT TT TT J? read oun . .-..j PUBLISHED TWICE A-WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS.. J AS. W. ATICIi'3, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. VOL. XXVIII. GASTONIA, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, I907, NO. 21 tt n A AZE me DEAD AT ADVANCED AGE. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK offers a very satisfactory place to do y - yonr banking;, y You will find its oi V i " ficers and clerks very , attentive, , to . " - ' your wants. Ask some of our cus '.I:-, tomers bow they are treated. : : : : ' 4 percent on Savings Deposit "WS-T2 v.- $ We Have -VVery Attractive Business Proposition . To Offer You J5 We represent several fire insurance and a life , insurance company that nave agreed, to loan back to Gastomans on real estate security, all premiums collected in our city; .'. , "V M ' ':- ' f r ? . , ...... This is a very attractive proposition which we would be very glad to discuss with any one interested. .'. If you need anything in the insurance line, call No. 89 and let us send our man" to see you, .. .. Gastonia Insurance 3 Realty Co. Mrs. S. S. Withers Passes Away ( Alter Brief Illness Irom men monis Sister ol Dr. W. Hoffman Interment at S : Mrs' S. S. Withers, a hichlv respected lady and widow of the late Jonn 'Witners, aieavrnaay afternoon at 5 o'clock touowtng 1 1 an Jliiiess of onlv a , few davs from oneumoma. Mrs. Withers m in her4 seventv-fourth year and. on account of her advanced age, was unable; to wunstana the ravages ot disease, one naa heen seriously ill only since Wednesday previous to death. The end.? came at ! home of r Mr.Gus Moore, I neobew - with whom ; she lived for many years, on Dallas-Stanley road a short tance north of the bridee.v .: The "funeral I was : held from Christ Lutheran church. Stan lev. Sundav morninsr and the r .. .. body was laid to rest oesiae me remains of, relatives in th Stanlev Cemeterv. Deceased was a - sister of Dr. W. H. Hoffman, of Gastonia, he Seine now the sole survivor of the immediate family. Her only child, Banks Withers preceeded : her to the grave I some twenty years and ner nus band thirty-two - years. Since then she has resided with her neohew. Mr. Moore. Mrs Withers had inanv friends Gastonia and Gaston county whom the announcement of her death will -bring sorrow. ..G. A. GRAY. Pres. J. r.. ROBINSON. V-Prei. S. 8. MORRIS. Sec.; Trt.' Gaston , Metal & Roofing . Company INCORPORATED .. DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING IN ROOFING Don't IFall to See 'Us Before MAKING YOUR CONTRACT Phone 217 Davis Block 111 ' ' ' THE B EST EVER It's rather an old stor and sounds a little too much like boasting to say that pur line ot ladies' fine foot-wear -is the best ever shown. ? .. But it's true, and in justice to the line we are obliged to say so. ,, . . ,. If you see it you'll agree with us. - .'. .y Everything in foot-wear that'a-new : and nobby. . . Air leathers, sizes and . widths, . $1.00 to $4.00. ': tit: : . : Robinson Bros :. ; ; Ladles Fine, Foot-wear. LINW00D COLLEGE NOTES. crtiDondenc of thm Ooett. ' V: Lin wood College, March H- Misses Louise Buchannan j I at tye Aberuathy, -Belle Hood and Blance Irwin spent ; Wednesday afternoon in Gastonia. - :i . A 1 - aA.1- T! girls were delightfully enter, tained Saturday evening at an' apron party given". by Miss Jen jiye Niell. - " . " We are glad to hear that Miss Jennye Smith,-of iCowpens,':S. C. one of Lin wood's former pupils, will return to school in a. few days. ' .: I. r r. Albert Littlejoh n, of Pac clct, S. C, came over Monday to see his sister. Miss Marie Lit tlei-ba. . : ; I.I:.3 Ona Spilman, who is teaching in Gaffney. spent Sat urday night with her sister. Miss I tstnel opilman.i ;n - The members of the AdelDh- ian; Literary , Society - are very busy preparing -for their cele bration, f.which will;; tae place the 25th of March.. s - John-Bollard was hanged Fri day at Marietta, Ga., for tthe murder of his 17-year-old daugh ter last September. He was a victim., of consumption ,Ad i it had been a question .whether be would die before the day of his execution. He was so weak from the disease that he had to be sup ported on. the scaffold and with his dying breath he declared that the death-of his daughter was due to an accident. Subscribe for Thb Gazstts. her the her had the dis- Att you tired, faggedout, nervous sleepless, feel mean? Holhster's Rocky. Mountain Tea strengthens the nerve, aids digestion, imngs refreshing sleep. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. . , ' " Williams Drug Co Correal Turned On. The current was turned into the power house at the Monarch Cot ton Mill, DallastSunday morning over the Southern Power Com pany's line via Clover and Gas Itonia. Mr. Frank L. Moser, in spector of the construction de partment ,or tne company, was ' present - to see that everything 1 11 i I Mrs. J. W. Blackwood Dead. V Mrs. Annabellai Ware Black wood, wife of ''Sir. John W. Blackwood, died early Sunday morning from an attack of ap oplexy. in her sixtieth year. . i- i j one is survived oy a nusuana and eight children as follows: Misses Janie, Mollie, Maggie Nancy and Helen, and Messrs. Joseph, James and Charles Blackwood. Two brothers, Mr E. B. Ware, of Philipsbarg, and Mr. W. A. Ware, of King's Mountain, and two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Pearson and Mrs. Robert halls, ot pisgan, also survive. Deceased was a daughter of the late Alexander Ware, of Pisgah; who died a score of years -ago. and who was one of Gaston's pioneers. The funeral was held from the Pisgah A;R. P. church, of which she - was a member, yesterday morning. Revs. A. T. Lindsay and J. J. Kennedy officiating. Argo Red balmon is sold in one-pound TALL cans, because only the TALL cans are filled by machinery. . Flat and one pound cans are filled by band. Hand work in factories is, crude and antiquated; , - North Carolinians Reported Drowned in Panama. . Charlotte Newa. Intelligence has ' reached friends in this county that the entire family of Mr. J. O, King, who lived for several-months in Long; Creek township, - .was drowned on February 11th while returning to the Panama canal. where Mr. King has been super- intending a squad of hands in i construction work for the past two years ..v."'-.. Mr. King left this country early I in leaving bis lamily at Mocksville, so it is understood. After spending nearly two years on the canal be decided to work permanently there and ' returned lor bis - lamily bis wife and several children. They were on the return trip to the canal, . ac cording to the report,' when the vessel in which they were sailing sunk, carrying ' them all to a watery grave. - It is reported,, that Howard Gould will purchase a large tract of land adjoining Vanderbilt's Biltmore estate and' erect there on a handsome and costly man sion. T b e Asheville Citizen says that agents of either Van- derbilt or Gould have, within the past few days, .secured op tions on large tracts of land near Skyland, eight miles southeast of Asheville. .TOWN AND COUNTY. - Watch Gaston grw. . ' Savings banks ; are still going Have you gotten one yet? , Never go in debt for a luxury or an unnecessary article ot any cription. . .. v There is auite a good deal of sicknes in the Pis&rah neifirhborhood as well as in other sections of the county. 1 Among the afflicted ones in that community are Mrs Nancy Thomas, Miss Rebecca McReady, Miss Sarah McReady and Mrs. John Service. , ff wuu eofto Mr. c. A. Lvnch has move the residence of Mr. C. A. Spencer in the , Fisgah neighborhood. Mr. Spencer will move to Gastonia and occupy the' Hanna house opposite Dr L. N. Glenn's. Mr. M. H. Brad ley has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Lynch. Thursday niebt is the date for the concert by the Davidson College Orchestra and Glee Club at the opera house. An excellent program has been arranged and doubtless all who go will be. delightfully entertained. This irlee club has "aoteared at var ious points in the State and has won praise from one ana an. Bless the man'a reason able amount, uneasy as long 'as he owes a dollar. If you are at some time compelled by unavoidable cir cumstances to request your merchant to extend vou credit for a time, in making your application to him for it, donTt tell him you will pay the first of the month when, in your opinion, it will be the tenth of the montn betore you win meet ine od- ligation. At this time of the year people are naturally discussing in their minds the question, where shall we buy our goods? As our answer to this important problem we Tefer them to the advertising columns in this issue. In our columns will be, found proclamations irom all tne principal business houses in the town. Nev er trade with a man who does not advertise, if you want nice, fresh, clean goods at reasonable prices. Find a man who does not advertise, and you will find a man who is as rusty and old-fashioned as the goods which he is trying to sell. -Fridav eve nine at 8:30 o'clock about twenty young people gathered at the Thomasson House with the intention of giving the Misses Davis a surprise party. The party itself, however, was surprised and not the young ladies whom it was intended to take unawares. On arriving at the home they were ushered into a room which had been prettily deco? rated and where refreshments in the shape of apples, oranges, bananas, etc., awaited them. Tables vere in readiness for the popular eame of trail which furnished amusement for all. At 11:30 o'clock the "surprises," who had been surprised, took their departure, being under obligations to their hostesses for a most enjoy able evening. We presume that some people think newspaper men are persistent dunners. Let a farmer place himself in a similar position and see if he would not do the same. Suppose that he raises a thousand bushels of com, and his neighbor should come and buy. arid the price was one dol lar wr less, and says, "I will pay the amount in a few days." As the farmer does not want to be small about the matter, he says, "All right." Another comes the same way, and another, until the whole thousand bushels of corn is trusted to a thousand different people and no one of the different persons concerns himself about it, for it is a small amount thev owe the farmer and of course that will not help him any He does not realize that the farmer has frittered away his entire crop of corn, and that its value is due in a thousand little driblets, and that he is seriously embarassed in his bus iness, because bis . debtors treat it as a uttle matter. But if all would ay him promptly, which they could as well as not. it would be a larsre sum to the farmer and enable him to carry on his business without difficulty, -MISS CABBIE WHAT DEAD." Sister ol Supt. J. S. Wray Passes Away at Haw Biyer After UN oess ol Several Weeks Burial at Shelby Yealerday-Cify Schools Closed Out ol Kesoectu toller Memory. . Miss Carrie Wray, of Shelby, sister of Supt. Joe Wray of the Gastouia City schools, died at Haw River Saturday evening IF .mm 3 at ociock, iouowing a desper ate illness of five or six weeks. Death was due to a complication ot diseases and . there had been scant' hope for her recovery from the first. Prof. Wray was notified by wire Saturday after noon that she was sinking and he left Gastonia on No. 12. The end came, however, before be had gotten well started on the trip and when h reached Haw River the funeral party was preparing to start on the returu trip. Accompanied by her mother, Mrs. George - Wray, of Sherby, who had beeu at her bedside tor some time, and three brothers, Mr. A. V. Wray, of Lynchburg, Va. ; Mr. Chevis Wray, of Ridgeway, S. C, and Piof. J. S. Wray, of Gastonia, the body was taken on No. 11 Sunday to Blacksburg and thence to Shelby where . the funeral was held and interment made yesterday. Deceased is survived by her father and moth er, Mr. and Mrs. George Wray, of Shelby; one sister, Miss Elva Wray, a student in Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C, the three brothers mentioned above and one brother who resides it Oklahoma. She was the oldest child. She taught for two or three years in the Shelby graded schools before going to Haw River where she taught the first grade in the public schools. She-was very popular both as a teacher and for her many excel lent qualities of womanly charac ter. She was born and reared in Shelby and bad hosts of friends there to whom her death is a source of sorrow. Together with her sister she had visited Mrs. W. J. Clifford and her brother, Prof. J. S. Wray, here and made many friends. Out of respect to her memory and to the grief-stricken brother the city schools were closed yes terday. Prof. Wray returned last night and the.scbools resum ed work this morning. The Alaska Packers Associa tion have liberated from their Hatcheries in Alaska, up to 1906, over three hundred and fifty-one million (351,000.000.) young sal mon. Their Fortmann hatchery is the largest in the world. Mary Dark circles under the eyes indicate a sluggish circulation, torpid liver and kidneys. Exercise and f Hollister's ' Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and beauti ful. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Williams Drug Co. Following a fall of one to four inches of snow in thes section around Roanoke, Va., last Thursday, ; and with freezing weather that night, Roanoke ex perienced a thunder stotm that asted several hours. The peals of thunder were loud and long and the flashes of lightning most yivid. The like, has not been witnessed there before; The thunderstorm was accompanied by hail and rain. ; - , It.;:'-- 5s2f ;vV:;:.' A Cream of Tartar Powder - free from alum or phoar' phatloaold - .,- "7 I'-v r-vN if Tom Harris, alias Tom Child- ers, from North Carolina, who some time ago murdered and robbed Mrs. Hortensia Morgan, an aged woman who lived alone near Gaflney. S. C. was last week convicted of murder and sentenced to hang on the 29th. Mrs. Morgan kept a good deal of money in her home. Harris went to her house in daylight, killed her and got part of the money. He was arrested soon after the crime was committed. lv EFFECT OF THE FOOD LAW. Driving Many Worthless Catarrh Medicines Out of Existence. The Pure Food - and Drug Law,' which went into effect the fitet of January, has al. ready shown the good that will follow its enforcement. Many worthless remedies, that have been advertised for the cure of catarrh, a disease that is universally prevalent, have been driven out of existence by the Pure Food Law. . The effect of this is to increase the sale of remedies that are valuable and that fulfill the pro visions of the law. Hyomei, for example, is meeting witb a laretr sale than ever before, and J. H. Kennedy & Company are still selling it under a guarantee that it will cure catarrh or the money will be refunded. Hy- omei is a scientinc treatment that is recommended by the best physicians. It cures Catarrh withont stomach dosing, through - inhaling ; medications XtsX' gorighttoheiaff ected spots.- By breathing Hyomei three or four times daily - through, the neat pocket inhaler .that . comes with every outfit, its' medicated, healing ; air . penetrates j to the most remote parts of the nose. throat "and lungs, searches out and kills all catarrhal germs, and soothes and heals any irritation in the mucous membrane. - The complete .Hyomei outfit costs $1.00, extra bottles- i f needed, 50c, and is sold by J. H. Kennedy & Co under the guaran tee that it will cure or costs nothing. ; .- M12-26. - V 1 if Our Lines of Spring Woolens and Wash Goods are now Com plete with the New est Weaves and Lat est Styles. & & & Yeager McLean Mfg. Co. y 3 L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier 3 The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred aud twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. : : : : We Invite vou to open an account with us. DIRECTORS L. L- Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J. K. Dixon R. R. Rav H. M. McAden T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. O. White G. A. Gray 2ft Jft Jf Jft Jft af. 1 J. Jt tft tt J JJ J J t Jit's the Quality I of the CORTRIGHT ROOFING that makes all users so well satisfied with it. Every little detail in its con-' struction is given the strictest attention. 'Not how cheap but how good" is our ideal, and we spare no -expense in making the CORTRIGHT ROOFING as ' good as it is possible to make a first-class roofipg. , ,: : OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT LONG BROTHERS Gastonia : : : : : : N, C. Sti Agents Gaston, Cleveland and Lincoln Counties, N. C., a ad Y.rk Couaty. S. C. . .: .r " t- ''Jb'J,;;'.-. -:. . " ? DR. J. HUNTER "specialist ROCK HILL, S. C. ; Consultation FRE . Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, ChronU: Ulcers, Scrofula and Rheumatism; Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs and Rectnm. Treats without tne unite, loss 01 diooq sna hiiic pain 10 paucni. REFERENCES TO '- aTfEW CASES TREATED R. "A. Clsrk. Csncef of nose. Rock Hill S. c: Mrs. j 1. wiiiisms. csncer 01 iter, iirjan. n. ; TX niHUJIMa.VBUVTI US W o n XTIam n mr a laM f lnr1f1 K ft Creek S C- W. W. St roup, cancer ot lac. Lowell. N. C: Mri. Brtw McCrm. tinwf ( t. 1 s P. .4.B Hinni nrnvr nl ik-L CulnniL N. Ct O. V. (.tier rnnro4 noie. Lattitnor, it. C: trank Lattimore. cancer ol lace.Clevland Milla. N.C: I. K. V kt eancerof lip. LoVell. N. C: Mr. M. K. Harrell. cancel ol lace. K flora, N. C; 'ra. U. 1'. H.mbricht. verocose nicer ol le. Blacksburg S. C: R. C. O.reen. cancer ol lac. N. C; J. N. Clonta. cancer at the tongue. Lowell. N. C: U. W. ureen. cancer ol necc. aoornuoro, j acrofula.Galfney.S. C: W. N. Tracy, cancer of neck. Caflney nicer ol W. 4ooresboro. N. C; Mr H. T. McC""'- cancer ofjace. t li I McMahon. rheumatism, Henrietta. N. C : L. A. UollaaJ, cancer ck HearirlU, W. Bridges, rhenmatiam. Mooresboro, . C . - . . - C: Uiw Came ii pt--f. S.C:J. B. HiiMirk.(i:i ' jv J. II. ri. C' If You West Casta Cents'ty Wtw'S: II Yen Vart Nest, I S.. - -----