The Gastonia Gazette. WANTS. Gazelle "Vant Ads Pay. Try . 'en And Get Results. -tnarrtrd under tbUbfad t the rate of tea cent Hn lor the first insertion and five cent line for etch sub sequent inrtion. Fhone No. St). Y tha iutura fhe -UaMtU Will mat charge for all notice of fair. upper,enter Uinraeots.etc.. the object ol which i to make money.. A charge will also be made for card of thank and obitusries. The rate is five cent line. An eitr ctaarac will be made when copy ia prepared in this office,.' . - ... COR AN YTH I NG Wanted in the I glazing business call No. 229. W. L. Gallant. or plione :rCi TO the Fanners Suoorv Co, J' for Garden. Field and Grass Seedi Fertilizers etc. DEVILED CRABS, Pratt's Food for animals and oultry at the Elite Grocery. . Ml9c2, COR SALE at bargain, 2 nice reff r idence lots. 4th and 2d streets. one block: oi B8AT.. . macadam road. J. L tn. ASK YOUR grocer for our fresh home-made meal. Guaranteed to o-ive satisfaction. Don't acceDt substitute If grocer is unable to fur nish you send to our mill. We also have cracked corn for chickens. -AplSclO Gastomia Roller Milt,. IT IS not what you make, but what , l you save that helps you out when , the rainy day comes. Open an ac count with the Citizens National Bank. Thev Dav interest on time de posits 6 on time Certificates of . Deposit 4 on Savings deposits M15C1. WANTED By a young man work' ia-in davtime place as book' keeper for some local firm where the work can be done nights. Have had experience: can keep single or double entry. '?' References furnished. For particulars addressF, care Gazette or call at Gazette office forinfor niation. .,;.. : ... . tn 1 OST Sundav - moraine between L St. Mark's EoiscoDal church and Dostoffice. small open-face silver watch. Initials. E. B. H., engraved on fob. Reward if returned to this office- FRIDAY, MARCH, 15. 1907. Gastonia Produce Market. Chickens. ... 8to 12c Eggs - 20c. Butter 20c, Turnips '. 50c. Onions 75c Corn- . ,,. 6Sc to 70c Sweet Potatoes. 60c Country Hams 14c Country Shoulders . 11 1-2 . Gastonia Cotton.. ; These figures represent the prices paid to wagons: Mch. 15th. Good middling ......,...toll Strict middling A0 Middling ,- ; -. ...... 10 Tinges and stains .... ... 9 to 10 Cotton Seed 25c TOWN AND COUNTY. Mr. Will F. Pearson- has moved his grocery store into his new build ing across the street from his old stand near the West End Methodist - church. Mr. Pearson will be glad to nave nis menas caivand see mm in his new stand. In Magistrate W, I. Stowe's court yesterday afternoon judgment for $40 was granted Emelme Line berger, colored, against - W. L. Smith. The woman is a tenant on Smith's place and the amount claim ed was for balance due on annual settlement. ; People take newspapers nowa days, read them and then throw them away. They never think what a source of pleasure and profit or reminiscence and thought, a file or even a few numbers of such a paper would be to thera twenty or thirty years afterwards. Pay for your pa pers and then keep them. ... c Mr. B. H. Massey, who has had charge of the construction force of the Southern Power Company in Gastonia for the past six months, will move his squad of men to the falls near Fort Mill. S. C, where they will go in camp for the summer. This force of men will build a line to connect the Gastonia-Clover line with the power station at the dam near Fort Mill: - There are two ways of spending a dollar. You can spend it at- home, gain an easy conscience, make an other friend and perhaps get the dol r i .. - . . . . Ragan and Cra!g & Wilson Buildings lar back to-morfbw, or you send it sway, feel that you have: sinned, offend the home merchant and for ever lose the dollar and the blessed influence for good to yourself and neighbor. .,: v,. ; - It hat been frequently suggested and the suggestion is a good one, for every farmer to place his name and the name of his farm on his road gate. Not only would persons driv ing to a place more easily find it, but it would add more pleasure and in terest to people driving, from place to place. This last result would have special effect' with regard to well kept and pretty houses. An observing person will seldom pass a beautiful farm without desiring to know who is its enterprising owner. Attention is directed to the ad vertisements of the Buck range now running in this paper. The E. L. Little . Furniture Company arc the local agents. There is now on ex hibition in the company's show win. dow a handsome miniature Buck range which will be given to the lit tle girl who draws . the best picture of the Buck trade-mark. Particulars may be had from a pamphlet which anv little mrl can have for tne ask inar at the store and from reading the advertisements each issue in The Gazette. Rev. "J.. R. Moose. Methodist missionary to Korea, will conduct services at Main Street church Thursday and Friday, March 21 and 22, unless providentially .hindered. Mr. Moose is a North Carolinian and has been in Korea . several ; years At present he is at home on a year's leave of absence and while - in his home country is devoting much of his time to disseminating missionary information. He will' visit other churches in the bnelby district dur ing the four days following his visit io uastonia. 'v ...?. Mr. C. C. Inman, until recently . ... - " . V depot and express .agent at Lowell, has resigned has position and has been succeeded bv Mr. J. R. Buscb. formely of Gastonia. Readers of The Gazette will remember that some weeks ago, while Mr. Inman was aerent at Lowell, a package con taining $1,200 in currency, which was expressed by the First National Bank of Gastonia to the McAden Mills, mvstenouslv disaooeared from the Lowell office and so far no trace of it has been , found. ' The thief or thieves nave never been ap- pernended. Mr. inman bad been agent at Lowell far a year or more and was greatly liked by the people there. From Lowell Mr. Inman went to the home of relatives at Greenville, S. C, and it is under stood that he has been transferred to other work on the same system. M. i-sl J. VT. ivcuucuy, wuu lias been supplying the pulpit of the A. R. P. church for some weeks, will return to his home at Allegheny, Pa. after the fourth Sabbath of the pres ent month to resume his pastoral work. Rev. Dr. Kennedy has srreat ly endeared himself to the Gastonia congregation and to the town as well. He is an excellent preacher and has "been heard here with ereat pleasure by members of all denom- nations. He has been in the South for the past two months and during that time has gained steadily in strength and flesh. He is heavier now, he says, than he has been at any time since be completed his sophomore year at college. Rev. A. T. Lindsay, of Pisgah. will fill the pulpit of the Gastonia church on the fifth Sabbath of March. Rev. Oliver Johnson, of. Leslie, S. C. will conduct protracted services in this church including the third Sab bath in April. . Rev. J. J. Kennedy" will preach at the Loray school house Sunday afternoon at 3 o clock. A baptismal seruice will be held in the First Pres byterian church at 4 p. m. Sunday. The pastor requests that all parents naving unDapiisea cnuaren present the same at this hour for baptism. Mh Mr. VV. V. Marshall Had the mis fortune to lose yesterday a handsome gold medal which he wore as a watch charm. It was the Wake Forest College Greek medal, won by him when be was a student at that insti tution, and was highly prized by its owner. His name is engraved on one side of the medal so the finder will have no difficulty in ascertaining; tne owner s name. NOTICE. If you have fire insurance policies written by G. W. Capps, please call at our office and verify same. His records have been turned over to us. Southern Securities & Trust Co. Apr.26t. COR SALE Cracking good $75 r Typewriter Pittsburgh. Visible- good as new, bright and little used. Half price if taken before 9 o'clock to-morrow (Saturday) morning. W. Marshall. . misdi. GARLAND JONES Attorneys and Counselors Office over Eureka Hardware Co.) - Gastonia, N. C. Chancelof a Xife JEime PERSONAL MENTION. Misses Carpenter and Buchannan of the department of music of Lin wood College, were shoppers in town Wednesday. ; ' X1 .-Mr. w. B. morns wens iq vnar lotte Wednesday evening to see "The Clansman". Dr. EV W. Presley, of Clover, S C. was a Gastonia visitor , wedne day. .. ;. Among those who attended "The Clansman" from Clover, S. C, were Mrs. Margaret Ford, Misses Emma Ford and Janie Harnett, . r f- Misses Della-and Myrt'- Nolen returned yesterday from Charlotte where they spent a week with friends, . ;" " " Mesdames Parks Huffstetlcr and Ji W. Kirkpatrick, attended "The Clansman" matinee Wednesday, , 's Mr. J. Frank Flowers, of Char lotte, representative of. the South eastern. Tann Association, was. in town on business yesterday. Mr. A. K. Loftin, formerly of Gastonia but now engaged in the contracting business at Greensboro was in town a short time yesterday. Mr. Harry Dixon, of Charlotte was in town on business yesterday, Mrs. Joe Person, of Charlotte. was a business visitor to Gastonia yesterday, Miss C. M. Cook, of Newberry, S C. arrived yesterday to accept a po sition as saleslady in the dry goods department ot the mo. v. Love, inc. department Rtores. Mr. James Armstrong, of Lin colnton, returned home Wednesday morning after spending several days wun incDua in uustioma. Mr. J, R. Shuford, of Spencer . . . . . i . . Aiouniain, was a ousiness visitor in town yesterday. Mr. Eric Hoover, foreman of The - . l . t !.i & nr-j 1 with homefolks at Lmcolnton. J uazevic s iuuDuu:c,5ucni iKcuursuav Among those who attended "The Clansman" Irom Dallas were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, Mrs. O. F, Mason. Mr. J. G. Carpenter, Miss Katie Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Carpenter. Dr. C. R. Hardine. of the facuttv of Davidson College, was a visitor to Gastonia yesterday. He came over with the Davidson College Glee Club which gave a concert at the opera house last nignt.; Mr. W. F. Marshall and familv Weave to- morrow tor Kaieign where i i : " . . . - . j will reside in the future. Mr. Mar shall is associate editor of the Prog ressive Farmer and was formerly editor of The Gazette. Their depart ure is a matter of regret to their friends here. His many friends were glad to see Rev. Dr. J C. Galloway on the streets yesterday. He had been confined to his borne for the past ten days. It is Dr. Galloway's in tention, as soon as he is physically able, to spend some time with rela tives at Due West, S. C. Miss Fannie Sater returned last night from Gastonia where she been for several weeks and is the truest of her sister, Miss Dora Allen Sater, on West Trade street. -Charlotte Chron icle, Tuesday. Miss Susie Hoffman ,of Gastonia, cmae over 3'esterday to see Miss Marie Cahill last, night at the Academy f Music. Miss Hoffman is the guest of Miss Dora Allen Sater, on West Trade street. Char lotte Chronicle, Tuesday. Chief of Police I. N. Alexander. Sr.', arrived home yesterday on No. 11 from Rock Hill, S. C , where he has been recuperating from an attack of stomach trouble. His ondition is ereatlv improved and his friends hope that this improve ment win De permanent. a Mr. C. M. Thorn, who has beeu IS Gastonia for several months as car inspector for the Southern Rail way, has accepted a position as chief inspector of the Carolina & North-Western Railway and will make his headquarters at Chester, S. C Mr. Thorn has made many friends in Gastonia during his stay here who will regret to see him leave. Mrs. Fannie Smith Dead. At her home near Mount Hol ly Tuesday Mrs. Fannie Smith, wife of Mr. James Smith, died of pneumonia, aged about forty years. Mr. Smith is himself desperately ill with - the same disease at this writing. Funeral services were held in the Presby terian , church at Belmont Wednesday and interment was made in the Smith family grave yard. Besides a husband and two children, deceased leaves two brothers, Messrs. Newton and Tom Allison, and . one . sister, Mrs. Laura Warren. Our Furniture days er. A SU2P2ISE WEDDINO. Claude A. Earr. The Gazette'a Local Reporter, and Mist Cora V- KlnralJ SMrnrlaTfilr Prlanifa by OettlnK Married -Ceremony Witnessed 4 fcy Only ' a Pew Frlends-OH on Bridal Trip. vJH ss-ljLiMr. Claude A. Euryt The Ga Vfzette's faithful local reporter, sou mia vuik iviuwHui, uuiu recently an expert typo on this taper, stole a inarch - on their riends last night. They were married at the home of the bride's father, Mr. J. J. Kin. caid, en Franklin avenue, at 8:30 o'clock last night and left on No. 35 at 10:30 for a bridal trio South. - Some of their close friends suspicioned. that Cupid was holding a surprise oi some kind np his sleeve (we don't Re lieve Cupid has any sleeves but we had to rig him up for this purpose) but no bint of the time had escaped him. Con sequently there was some sur prise among tbeirintimate friends when the latter were Miuimoned late yesterday even ing to be at the borne of the bride-to-be at 8:30 o'clock. Only a few werrpresent to wit uess tne ceremony, whtcn was impressively performed by Rev. R. C. Anderson, pastor of the bride. It was a very simple home affair. There were no at tendants. ', Following the ceremony con trratulations were extended the happy young ; couple and they left on a southbound train tor a week's absence. On their re turn they will continne to re side in Gastonia. The groom is well known in Gastonia,. where he has resided for a number of years. At the conclusion ot his course in Oak land High School he enlisted in the United States Navy and served four years, attaining the rank of gunner's mate and mak ing an enviable reputation. Since his honorable discharge nearly two years ago he has been, engaged in newspaper work. He was for a short while with The Charlotte Observer but has been connected most of the time since his return with The Gazette. The bride has been for several years a com positor on The Gazette force, in which capacity she won the es teem and confidence of all with whom she came in contact and her absence from the shop is a matter tor regret on tne part of all connected therewith. She is a young lady of many charms of . person and manner and has a large circle of friends with whom those of the groom join, together with the ua- zette, in wishing a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. Music Recital. Invitations have been issued to a recital to be given this eve ning by the members of the IStude Music Club in the rooms of A. D. Jones & Co., on Main street. The club is composed of the pupils of Mrs. B. T. Mor ris. An excellent program has been arranged for the occasion and the recital promises to be a delightful affair. To Fill Vacancies. 1 Mr. G. A. Gray and Mr. John O. Rankin, nominees for alder men from the fourth and fifth wards respectively, have ten dered their resignations to the citizens executive committee. To fill the vacancies thus created second primary will be held and it is probable that it will be called for next Thursday, the 21st. The committee has bad no formal meeting-as yet to name the date but theday above mentioned has been practically agreed upon. This mass meet ing or primary will also be for the consideration of any other business that may come np. JOAB'S LINIMENT pain. - 25 cent. relieves all Sale is About Better Y0URv?SPRlNg:.SUlT Have you decided where you will buy It? , We want you to see the extreme' "smart'' patterns that we are showing! v . : t ; : i Style, Fit, Quality and Color , are all combined in our FAMOUS V "Looks right when you buy It, stays right when you The first shipment has just arrived and you are cordially invited inspect them. : : : : : : : : ' : : JT.' M. ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO. WE WILL BUY 5 DillinK Mill, stock. 5 Saxon Mill stock. , S Woodside Mill stock. Citizens National Bank, 116 2-3. Cora Mill stock. 1.20. Clara Mill stock. 1.15 Lowell Mill stock. 1.85. Trenton Mill stock. 1.60. Arlington Mill stock. Graylfr. Co. . . Crowders Mtn. Mill stock. Gaston Mill stock. Mint Mill stock. Gaflney Mill stock. WE Wl LSELL 50 Monroe, (Ala.) Mill stock. ,1.12. 10 Gibson Mill StocK. l.uu. 50 Ozark Mill stock. 1.75. 5 Monarch Mill stock, 1.05, Imperial Mill stock. 50 Kings, Mtn. Mfg. stock, 175 Arcade Mill stock. If you want to buy or sell, write us. SOUTHERN SECURITIES & TRUST CO. J. A. Glenn, Pres. Gastonia, - - C. U. Glenn. Treaa. - - - - N. C. Your Eyes Ready? Now that the Holidays are over and the New Year beginning, we must get down to serious things again. The first and most important item your eyes. How about them? Are they in good shape for another year's hard work? Hadn't you better have us make a careful and complete test and if glasses are needed, have them fixed at once? - - - - - - - - - Torrence-Mor ris Co. Jewelers & Opticians to Close. Will only last Come To-Day for (Cirra High Art BELK sssx PER A HOUSE commencing Monday, Mar. Edsall 16 4 PEOPLE Vaudeville Features 4 P eoples opular rices "The 15 GRAND OPENING BILL 25 Cents MONDAY 18th 35 The Beautiful Comedy Drama Lighthouse Robbery," - II You Want Gaston Connty News Subscribe for The Gazette. 11 You Want Neat. Up-to-Date Stationery gee us -we Print it. Cameron ranges do not rust Tops fit all sizes of our ranges. Asbestos lined air tight better and quicker. Buy a GASTONIA FURNITURE CO. SALES AGENTS or you wi" liMyrZ: , ....... GASTONIA, N. t. Clothes wear It." to call and CO, THE SOUTHERN MONARCHS 18 - Winthrope Co. 16 Cameron Steel Ranges are the Best The Cameron Steel Ranges are perfect in every detail They are modern j ranges, built on new scientific princk pies, and are a lasting', comfort and pride to every housewife. The Grates, Bricks and -take less fuel. Cook - Cameron now 1 ' GASTONIA, N. C ,efv about ten r ?m