it 3 ft T TJT- WE ALL )) jlu: jljlciu KNOW If WlVi! From 5 5 J l) p ro verbia 1 sq ua re Pa Says 5 "they look after a customer's interest as well as their own, 5 That is the Know What? Morris Bros. place to trade if you want the deal." 5, S Coope . f I i Hit: jtfd h I J ... I .1 111 III! - , , .Ill and he says it comes in migh- a vs j mm J uu ttuiii. -vr as va j Clothing and Shoes m a . as very rew people are judges if O of these two articles of wear- w J ing apparrel." if Ma Says P "its the best place in town to buy Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Hosiery, Dress p Goods, White Goods, Table I inn Pnunf Apnanac I awaanaaa, vr ta aa ,Vb puilVO) aUVw jf Curtains and a thousand p other things" . . jf We all say, for fair dealing, good goods and low prices P commend us to (( if v J MORRIS BROS. J J) Department Store 5 S 5 5 J J Cm We wish to call the attention ' of the public to a to a. scries of "short talks" byL. T. Cooper that are to be published in this paper. : ' C The Cooper medicines have made a remarkable re- 4 I cord in the leading cities of the United States during the U I past two years and young Mr. Cooper has been the sub- I ject of much newspaper comment. - ; km I . l I . Mr. Cooper has met and talked with thousands of I sick people in his visits to almost every large city in the country. C He is noted as a man of very few words and tells briefly in these articles "What his preparations are doing for sick people and why they "have been successful wherever introduced. G. Mr. Cooper's theory is that one half of all human ills is caused, by stomach trouble, and the wonderful suc cess of his preparations in the treatment of stomach disorders, kidney and liver complaints, rheumatism, etc., seems to have proven this claim. C Some time ago we secured the agency for these cele brated medicines. We have been gratified by the extreme satisfaction of those who have purchased them from us and advise every one to read these "short talks" as they are full of terse, common sense. Frost Torrence & Company Gaston's Old Soldiers A Cetsri f tie CnMMIm TUi Cents It Is In to ttc Cmu if Tk CnM tncj, Umfiki ftm lay Suras fW Arikitft List tnt Mate-At Rcirijr 41 Cwplcte u TIm n4 Uhsr Cm life It By L. M Hoffman Abbreviations. For the sake of convenience and saving space the following: abbreviations are rnade in the list below: ASK YOUR DEALER AND TELL HIM YOU MUST HAVE DR. FISHER'S Veterinary Remedies Preparations based on merit, and on that merit you'll never be without them after your first introduction. : : : : : Red Blister for Lameness. Colic Remedy for Colics. Antiseptic Ointment for Harness Galls, Rope Burns, Scratches etc. Dusting: Powder for Cuts and Open Wounds. Tonic Powders '.for Hard-Worked, Poor, Run Down and Unthrifty Horses and Mules. : : : : Don't take Remedies "just as good" because they are cheaper. You'll get something cheap if you pay a cheap price. Insist on getting Dr. Fisher's and you'll save money in the long run. : : C. H. Fisher Medical Co. Charlotte, N. C. For Sale in Gastonia By Craig & Wilson e-f-ar-l J-s-3m NEWS NOTES. John C. Spooner, who re signed from the Senate, has be come head counsel for the rail road under J. J. Hill, at a salary of $50,000 per annum. As Senator he made $5,000 a year. Twenty-four Greek laborers - started to cross tne Sacramento fiver in a boat at Pitt, Cal., Mon- ernoon. The boat cap- """""fT-two of the men i tSZi "a'trr -bodies mar-KtU . . : South Dakota, the mecca of married , i.u wanting- divorces, will be"- longer, because the Legislature passed a law making a year's - - residence in that state necessary before a divorce can be had. Heretofore the laws were such that yon might go from any state and get a divorce, in a few xmdtf .' The Santhent Railway this week estaUiished at Spencer an instruction department which is entirely new in IbeSoutb, there . being only two . institationQf -, the kind in the country. Alge . bra, geometry, trigonometry, mechanical drawing and kindred subjects will be taught for ,the benefit cf the road's employes in t-sTrcsccrshops. 'i Rev. Dr. Tbos. Lawrence, for sixteen years president of -the Normal and Industrial Colle giate Institute at Asbeville, has resigned and will be succeeded by Prof. E. P. Childs, of New ark, Ohio. Col. John Temple Graves, ed itor of The Atlanta Georgian, was assaulted in Atlanta Wednes day by J. H. CrutchGeld, who struck the editor from behind, knocking him to the pavement. Crutchfied, it is stated, was an gered because of statements -"jo The Georgian regarding assault made by tassa W' "twas later Mary liar It l indicate :'.t, ... torpid lirer and? iacj. v tiuc and Hollister'a Rocky Ifcmtaia Tea will make yon well and beauti ful. 3S cents. Tea or Tablets. Williams Drug Co. Noah Walker or Noah Mc Pnris, a white man aged 21, was arrested Wednesday at the plant of the Hans Rees tannery near sheville by Police Sergeant Jackson, of Spartanburg, S. C, on ac&arge of having murdered his sistio-Iaw " at Newport, Tenn. HeS" placed in the Asbeville jairoending the arriv al of Newport dicers. cm commissioned Co company e enlisted d 'died dg discharged dt detailed k killed w wounded m missing p promoted pr prisoner r resigned tr transferred. Thornburg, John Samuel, Co. C. 71st Regt. (Jr. Res.) Timms. Beni., Co. K. 49th Regt. e Mch: 15, '62. Timms, John, Co. K. 49th Regt. e June 1, '63; d of disease Aug. 1, '64. Torrence, W. B., Co. B. 13th Regt. e Feby. 3, '61; d Jan. 22, '63. Torrence, O. W., Co. M. 16th Regt. e May 1, '61; dg July 29, '62. Torrence, Leonidas, Co. H. 23rd Regt. e July 18, '61; p Corp. and Sgt. and k July 1, '63, at Gettysburg. Torrence, Hamson A., Co. H. 23rd Regt. Aug. 3, '61; p Sgt. and w at Chancellorsville. Torrence, J. D., Co. H. 23rd Regt. e June 12, '61; w at Sbarpsburg and Chancellors ville. Torrence, Lawson, Co. H. 23rd Regt. e June 12, '61; dot disease. Torrence, C. Coats worth, Co. H. 23rd Regt, e June 12, '61; d of disease. Torrence, C. ., Co. H. 23rd Regt. e June 12, '61. Torrence, R. S., Co. H. 23rd Regt. e Dec. 17, 62; w at Chan cellorsville. Torrence, H. A., Co. B. 28th Regt. e July 30, '61 ; Sgt. -w at Frazier's Farm and .Gettysburg and pr at Gettysburg. Torrence, H. A:, Co. B. 28th Regt.; w at Petersburg and Gettysburg shot through same eye and head in opposite courses. Torrence, J. N., Co. H. 49th Regt. e March 22. '62, Sgt.; w in arm March 25r65. Torrence. W. M.. Co. H. 49th Regt. e March 22, '62;:k at Mai- ""-Hill July 1, '62. Samuel Ww Co. C. V29, 62r in- 'CI on Ar Petersburg, unscrew . Treadway, Jno. Co. 0. ZTCx Regt. Sept. 16,"i61; d Aug. 25, '62. at Petersburg. - ' Trull, Hampton Co. D. 37th Regt. e Sept. 16, '61 ;p Corp; w June 3, '62, at Frazier's Farm. Trull, Win., Co. D. 37th Regt. e Sept. 16, 61. Tucker, Robt. B.t Co. H, 37th Regt. e Oct. 6, '61; d Aug; 7, ,'62. " ."" Turner, G. R., Co. H. 49th Regt. e March 22, '62-, d of di sease Dec. 30, '62, at Richmond, Underwood, J. O , Co. C. 10th Real. (Art) e June 7. '61. Underwood, J. S.. Co. C. 10th Reirt. f ArU e March 17. '64. Underwood, Jas. W., Co. C. 10th Regt. (Art) e March 15, '62. Underwood, Reuben, Co. C. 10th Regt. (Art) e March 15, '62 Underwood, J. R.. Co. C. 10th Reet. (Art) e Feby. 14. '63. Underwood. David, Co. C. 10th Regt. e Feby. 14, '63; w in hand at Bnstoe Station. Underwood. Wm.. Co. M. 16, Regt. e May 1st '61; d March '62. Underwood, Jno. D., Co. M 16th Regt. e May 1, '61. Usserv. Hampton, Co. K. 49th Reet. e March 15. '62. VanDyke. L. S.. Co. H. 23rd Regt. e June 12, '61, at Butcher. Vandyke. Wm. R.. Co. C. 55th Reet. e March 29. '62; d Jan. 4. '63. at Petersburg. Vickers. Wm.. Co. B. 23rd Reet. Vickers, W. A., Co. H. 49th Reet. e March 22. . '62; d of disease at Petersburg July 20, '62. - STATISTICS OF COTTON CROP. Number ol Bales Ginned dp f 2nd of March 12,716.000 Scarclfy o I. Labor Reported From all Sections. ' Memphis, Tenn., March 11. The National Ginners' Associa ton issued a bulletin at 1 o'clock today, showing the num ber of bales of cotton ginned up to March 2, to be 12,716.000. The report by States is as follows: Alabama. 1.231.000; Arkansas, 836.000; Florida, 62,000; Georgia, 1, 621,000; Indian -Territory, 381,000; Kentucky, 1,500; Louis iana, 931,000; Kentucky, 1,500; Mississippi. 441,000; Missouri, 46,500; North Carolina, 607,000; Texas, 3,903,000; Virginia, 15, 000; total 12,715,000. The re- ?ort which is signed by' J. A. 'aylor, president of the associa tion, says: Owing to the very fine weather in the west, cotton has been picked very much closer than usual and this has increased the crop at least 200, 000 bales, if not more. Our reports indicate there will be much change in the , atreage in Texas and the two territories, where there will be an increase of from 5 to 10 per cent, Scar city of labor is the report from all sections. We have reports from a large number of uncount ed towns that show very much lighter stocks than last year. Argo Red Salmon is cleaned and packed e ntirely by machine, and not touched by the ; human hand. . "". ...v - t ii .; Just "Fightlai. Mad. ''sts are enrich- very KEASCSrD BTTTC2 CSSUiTS Sammary 0 1 Important Laws ' fasserl by Recent Leflslature . Nine-tenths ol Laws 01 Pure If Local Nature The Import tot Tbints Done and Some ' ol Those That Were Left Undone. H- B. C. Bmnt la ChtrlotU Obwrver. 12th, The work of the Legislature is over and the representatives of the people have gone to their tespective counties. Oir the whole the law-makers' uf , North Carolina have done well. The largest number of bills, of any Legislature in the history of the State has been passed. ' Ninety pe r cent, of these bills were purely local and- of ' no- general public interest. : A number ,of public laws, were made. ; . f IMPORTANT PUBLIC tAWS , The revenue and machinery acts now in force were re-enact ed without much chanee. The State banks are exempted from the franchise tax. . Liberal appropriations to all State institution were made, and it is the first time since the war that such institutions have been adequately provided for. AH insane person will be cared for. - A number of new. institutions; such as the Reformatory, i the Eastern Training School, the Snray school, of Technoloey and the Samtonutn for Consumptives were established. The osteopaths were recogniz ed and given a charter and a board of examiners so that frauds may be excluded Tne new county - ot Lee was made from Mooie and Chatham, A shell, fish commission was established. . ' " The salaries of State officers were equalized, and all fees will be turned into the State Treas ury. This will make, very little difference in the pay now receiv ed by the various officers, but the method is more dignified The salaries of the: Superior Court judges were increased $250 This should have been-made. $1,000 or $1,500. It is a notori ous fact that any sort of a bob- tailed lawyer with any . sort; of ability and industry can make more than the judges who" pre side ovr the Superior Courts. The Attorney General is allow ed an assistant until the present term is out. McDowell county - was made dry and Anson left wet. The people of Scotland Neck will vote, on prohibition,. The other - counties and , towns are under the Watts and Ward laws. Passenger rates on all lines, except those protected in the now famous 60-mile limit, will be reduced t o lA cents per mile. This law goes into .effect after the first day of July. The parents of .small children will be especially interested in this bill as it docs not exclude oaoies under S years of ' age. " The rail roads o f North Carolina have never chareed fares for children nnder 5, but the- new bill con tains this provision; "For trans porting children lc years of age andlunder;" tne- railroads may not make any charge for the in fants and tiny tots, but they have the legal right to do it. This is thought to be an over sight. . Discrimination in freight rates will be prevented by the Man ning bill and penalties have been reduced more than half what thev are now. -The pbwers of the corporation commission have been greatly in creased. . - Compulsory pilotage has been re-established at the mouth of the Cape Fear. V WHAT" WAS NOT DONE. Here is what the Legislature did not do: The Holt and the Aycock anti-trust bills, which would have put t h e farmers' association out of . business in North Carolina : and bit . many things no one desired to hit, and would have crippled business, "gathering the bearded trust at a breath, and the flowers that grow -between,? were killed. These bills provided for affidavits from corporations and business men, saying that they were not violating the law. f Senator Aycock's bill to tax the cash surrender value of in surance policies was killed. The Justice i.bill giving the Attorney General immense pow ers, among others to summon any 'person whom he thought might be violating certain laws. passed the House, but was stop ped in the Senate, w-7 r No serious insurance legis lation passed. ? The State was authorized to pay two old claims, the Bledsoe and the Tucker claims against the insane asylums. The Swain claim against the. University, when Vance, Ellis and Worth were Governors, was left over. t-l ' - f "7; it "'' , Pptr.s!i Is ths connect lr.z !n! fcttweca 'tha . Veil nn4 heavy crcp. .-". v. Tho mo8 Important plant , ; food for vegetable, growth is - ' 4'A'V X VTrjick, Farming" is a val . 'nable pamphlet written by : eminent," fnea of scientific;, '.'training and national repu. tation. ; We mail it free to -v fanners who write for it , - OERSIAN KALI WORKS f ? ; NtH Yrk-j Nmimi StrM. r J; ' 1 ,, .',v. "' -i '" ' .' "y '. l The government 'will spend $25,000 surveying the mountain region of the State with a view to establishing the Appalachian reserved People io . Alexander and Wilkes are scared to death, it seems, that the? government will take away their lands, when it will do nothing of the kind, and of course could pot if it wanted e.":---xiy Subscribe for Thh Gazette. James 15. Fitzgerald, a South ern Railway machinist employ ed in Asheville yards, has fallen heir to :; $20,000 through i the death of an" oncle,-David v Mc Donald,: former chief , of detec tives of the Pennslylvania ' Rail road. "He was located ' in the yards at Asheville after a diffi cult search. COSTS NOTHING Unless CURED. Liberal - Way In Which, Ml-o-na Stomach Tablet . are Sold, by J. H. Kcaae4y A Co. If a friend should tell you that he would pay the doctor's bill for you unless you were cured, would it; not; impress you. with his physician's skill? It is in this way that J. H. Kennedy & Co- x sell Mi-o-na . stomach tablets, for they guarantee to re fund the money if Mi-o na does not cure. - Use Mi-o-na stomach tablets if you have any of the - follow ing symptoms: backache, head ache, sleeplessness. -nausea4 dis tress after eating, specks before the eyes.Mespondency, nervous ness, loss of appetite dizziness, pains in tne side and limbs or gulping up of undigested "food. and yon will soon be cured and able to eat a hearty meal with out fear of pain or distress. Mi-o-na costs but 50c a box, nothing if it does not cure. . J. H. Kennedy & Co. -are the local , distributors. v Fourteen new charters were " granted by the ' Secretary 'of State Wednesday. Professional Cards. : S. B. SPARROW , ATTORNE Y AT-LA W ' ; - DALLAS, N, C. Office up stairs over Bank of Dallas. ' B. CRAIG . PRACTICAL ELECTRICIAN : : - .GASTONIA. N. C, Office in Davli BlockrTphone, 217-A DR. D. E. McCONNELL, . . : . DENTIST." - , , Office first floor Y, M. C. A. Bld'g GASTONIA, N. C. , ' ' Phone 69 Your Hold . oa the Skein of Life is as insecure as its rapid -running off is certain. : The productive value of your life should be secur ed. A policy in The Mutual Benelit Life Insurance Co. ; l If cvark. New Jeney, will provide the necessary and highest security." : : Lower Rates than in other Trustworthy Companies, , Sonthern Secorifies 4 Trust Go, i AQCIITS Oatlonia, R.C DRS. FALLS WILKIMS, DENTISTS GASTONIA, N. C. Office in Adams Building; -Phoue86. MRS. JOHNJHALL TEACHER OF PIANO AND N ORGAN. . C. W, CAPP8 ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE v : NOTARV PUBLIC . OrnclaLa Building JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW- - DALLAS, N. C, Office oyer Bank of Dallas. M12clmo. Real Estate, Loans atid Investments . H..J, HAGER ALEXIS, H. G. Will seH iarm and town property v - of all kinds. Movcdcross the street ' CRAIG & HEAD Harness and repair shoo. old stand. Continuance patronage solicited. - ; 1 O 'pposite- ol your M8clmo FOR SlAilllE !btai c. . ..... trial which Is a,.; . coming from that source i,-- Lfrom the Bywaters case we learn that a powerful incentive : to crime is "the irresistable im pulse.'1 These old f riehds nnder new names may strut all they want to, but we can see nnder fine feathers the Told time com plaint, "fighting nad." Tax en Slot Photo Machines. The board of aldermen met in cular session in the city hall -siay - night. Very v little -ss was transacted. With t exception cf revising tax . finance No. 51, so as to cover 1 photograph slot machines, noth- Ling of importance was done. -Aj photograph slot machine a as been in operation in the amuse ment parlor in the Davis block for some time. The ordinance was so revised as to levy a tax of J10 on these machines. One of the best up land farms in Gaston - ' County, 231 acres, well timbered, - i between ' 3000 and .4000 cords . of wood, situated . " near the new macad ' am road itf, miles from "Alexis.; This land is : nearly all level and is ' ; a bargain to the lucky -, buyer. Can be divide " ' - ed into three tracks if desired, Has large new barn and 3-room ' tenant, house. $22.50 per. acre. For parti- ; "Oculars call or write, ; - M. J. HAGER The Real Estate Man''; ALEXIS, v - N.C. ' MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a power of tale contained in a certain ntortfnute deea, executed on the -18th dar of November, 1903. by R. A. Adamt and his wife. Sarah Adam, to W. H. Blanton. I will sell at tmblic auction to the hiicbett bidder for cash, within legal hour. at the court house door: in Vailas, North Carolina. .. ' ' -:';'.-' ...v';.'.?? Oa Saturday, March 16th, 1907, the followlns tract or oatcel of land, tn-wit: That Darccl or tract of jand trine in Gatton . county, described by mete and bounds as follows; BeKininff at a-chestnut oak. W. A. Manner's corner, aad runs South 14 West 125 poles to a black rum,- Ferguson's line; thence South 76 East 45 poles to a small . sonr wood; thence North 14 East 125 poles " to a small hickory on McCIure Via line; thence North 76 West 45 poles to the begin- nlng, containing thirty five acres, more or less. ..'---i(J:-,-K r;; Said' mortgage deed being recorded -in - the Register's office for Gaston county on the 24th day of November. 1903. in Book 53, -page 247 of mortgage deeds. ' This the Sth of February, 1WI ..: W. H. Blanton, Mortgagee. - If 15c5w. Per B. L. Campbkll, Any. - Commissioner's Bessie of Land. ADMINISTSATOX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as admiastrator of Caleb Bradley, deceased, late of Gaston County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against toe estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the uadersigneJ on or before the . - 26th cay a! rairnry. IMS. or this notice will bepleeded la bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said ro tate will plesne make immediate payment. John F. BlADLrrr AdminstTator. This 23d day of February 1907. -TAp2c6w North Cakouita.1 In the Superior Court. -Gaston County. J Before the Clerk.-mM. Da T, CtONlotl. H. W. CxonIgbi. and others. f '- , Bs Parte.'- : r By virtue of an order of resale, this dar -- made by the Superior Court Gaston County. - Nortn Carolina, la the above entitled action. 1 wiU again offer for sale to the hiehest bidder for cash at the Court House door in , Dallas, North Carolina, at noon on Satara'ay. Mart. l07. ' - , the following described tract of land, lying . and being in Gaston County, River Bend Township, adtointng the - lands ot J. T. Cloniger, V. A. Lineberger. R. Handsel!. S. D. Hand sell and others, and bounded as -follows, vis: - . - Beginning at a Post Oak. S. D. Handsell's . and A L, Abemethy'a corner, and rnna with -AbeTnethy'a line S16B 56 2-5 poles to a Pine Stump; thence S33K8 4 4 soles to a stak e on South side of branch, pear a Poplar, and Chestnut Stump; thesce N36B 4 poles to two Poplars on North side of the branch: thence N87B 11 poles to a stone on the eart side of . .. a road; thence S3E IS poles to a stake on R. Handsell's line, and o tne eaitoide o the - branch; thence with Handsell's line N87E 14M poles to a slake, v A. Llnrbenrer's corner: thence wiut. bis line mok m Doles to a' stake in Stanley '4.creek. J. T. Clooiger's corner; thence up the creek as it . meanders 69 poles to the Imouih o( a new channel: thence N20W QX poles to a stone: . thence N32W 49 poles to a stake on Hand sell's line, oti north side of branch ; tbence with Handsell's line N46W 82H poles to the beginning. Containing 59M acres more or les This being a resale the bidding will begta at 4 10.00. , This February 23rd 1307. A. U EnwiKKLK, M19c4w. Commissiontr. . -

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