I - Mi4iiiiit4.A4.4.i.4-t, I 12 O AD OUR t OPFCR ' i 1 i XT E I read oun : QovInjiaElnU v opfer i -Then Act s i t Then Act 4. I'llllllHlHttt' t ai.a1 PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 44.4-- JAS. W. ATKINS, EMorand Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. VOL. XXVIII. GAGTONIA, N. C., TUESDAY, MARCH 19, I007. NO. 23 Gaze THE CITIZENS .NATIONAL BANK ' Capital $53.CC0.M " t ' ' . We invite your banking i business , and promise you in return every consideration. --.. that is consistent' with sound banking. . ' ' ; We make loans to customers carryme sat isfactory accounts at 6 per cent. - Tour per cent interest paid in our savings ' department. - V1.M1 ii We Have a. Very Attractive Business Proposition :': To Offer You We represent several fire . insurance: and a life insurance g company that have ' agreed to loan back to Gastonians on Veal estate security, all premiums collected in our cityv .". This is a very attractive proposition which wewouHbe very jflad to discuss "with any one interested. .". . If you need anything in the insurance line, call No. 89 and let us send our man to see you. V, Gastonia Insurance Realty Co. O. A, GRAY. Pres. J. L. ROBINSON, V-Pim. 8. S. MORRIS. Sec. A Treaa. J Gaston Metal & Roofing Company INCORPORATED DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING IN ROOFING Dont IFall to See Ua Before : MAKING ' YOUR . CONTRACT Phone 217 Davis Bock " THE "season; s : LEADER ; . IN Spring an d Summer Shirts All the leading styles and colors, with cuffs attached or detached. Made the old way or coat style. Plaited or plain bosom. Robinson Bros. Eclipse Shirts. Amonf Ihe Animals. . Kansas City Journal. : A story is told of "a; Cherokee woman who . has married 1 six times, and haf never gotten :t of the animal line. Whi t " sbe was a cirl.she was known as iss Mollie Panther. She mar ried an Indian named Coon, and when that' gentleman -was transferred to the happy hunting grounds she soon became Airs. Fox. The Fox did not last . always, Snd when he entered the last chase the widow married a mild, placid man named Mule, who never had. any kick coming ucti'l be harnessed up to draw his load across the Great Divide After a period of mourning-the wiiow sain entered the realms - cf r:;.::! -ciiial bliss, and became I.Irs. Y.'c'f, r " i wlien his 'scalp v. 1 1 3 1 . : C.;t Y:'.1:t, l'.czz with his corporeal remains,' -she became the wife of a man named Tieer. an d 'when Mr. Tiger 1 changed his stripes for- a pretty - 1 t ' .t- - A- T J wniie rooe in ue orcat ocyunu she selected another husband by the name of Rabbit. " Capt, J. A. Cooper, president of the First National Bank of Statesville, suffered a stroke of paralysis last Tuesday and is in a serions condition. ; 4 , " 1 Constrnctiou"" work on the Sotthbonnd Railroad will be suspended after April 1st. It is stated that the project, may- be abandoned altogether..' Difficul ty.in obtaining right-of-way, . a tight money, market and the re cent stand of the Legislature are given as some of the reasons tor ttis move. ... . TO MEET IN GASTONIA. foman a tioat nusion society ol Western North Carolina Conference to Hold. Annual Session Here In May-Annnal Sermon bv Rey. E. L. Bain; -Woman's Home Mission Society . of the Western N North Carolina Conference ot tn e Methodist Episcopal Church, South, will hold its annual sea- sron in Main Street church here the latter part of May. The exact date has not . been an nounced but it will include the fourth Sundav ' of the- month. This is a fifth or six annual meeting of this organization and the first one ever - beld in Gas m t toma. Ivast year a session was heli in Greensboro, r There will be between thirty and fifty ' delegates . present and they will be entertained while here by the members ot the local society and other members of the Gastonia congregation. Mrs. Frank r Siler, of AsneviIIe, Is president of the society; she is also recording secretary of the Woman's Home Mission Society of the Methodist Church in the South.: The delegates will - find a warm welcome awaiting them here and Gastonia will be the eainer by having these const crated Christian women as guests for a few days. Rev. B. L. Bain, pastor of Main Street church, has been invited to preach the annual sermon betore the society and has accepted the invitation. a It willbe preached on the morning of the fourth Sunday. ' ACTUALLY CURES CATARRH. I J. H. Kcaoedy A C's. . Faith la Hyomel Is ie Stroatf They Sell It Under Guarantee. It is one i thing to claim, another thing to back up the claim by a statement tnat it it is not proven true there will be no charge: for the service or the goods. It is in tnis way tnat J. H. Kennedy & Co., sell Hyomei, for they have so much faith in its powers to cure all forms of catarrh and bronchial troubles, that they give an absolute, un qualified guarantee wun every outfit that if the remedy does not cure, the money will be re funded. Hyomei is based on nature's way of curing catarrh. It con tains the concentrated healing oils and gums of the pine woods. prepared in such form that , they can.be brought into your own home."!! gives the health ad vantages of the Adirondacks in sucb forms that you can 4, be cured of catarrh and affections of, the Lose, - throat and lungs i while at home or 'at work. A complete Hyomei outfit i costs-but $1, and extra bottles, i if needed, may be obtained for 50c. -v . witn ilvomei you can cure catarrh pleasantly and easily at small expense, with no risk of the treatment costing a cent Lecture by Dr. Kennedy. f j Rev. Dr. G. Kennedy, of Allegheny, . . Pa., who is at present- supplying the pulpit of the Gastonia . Associate Re formed Presbyterian church, will deliver an address rbefore the Young Peoples Christian Union at risgab cburcn Saturday after- noon at 2 o'clock.' A cordial TOWN AND COUNTY. There -was a singing t Long1 ureeic Baptist cnurcn Sunday, par tictpatea in bv tne choir and mem bers of the cone reeation. This church has just recently purchased a new organ. . , Nearly everyone of us ia figuring on having a fine time just ahead when we get all fixed, and this vi ion is fust ahead of us when we fall asleep. To live in the now and emov the present ia the work of philosopher. . . ' , Mr. and Mrs. J: C. Hovle'a little girl came very near being burned to death one day last week. She caught nre wnile ner mother was washing but her mother got the fire out be fore the child was badly burned.- Crouse Cor. Lincoln County News 15th.- . .. ' A subscriber writing ns from the far west is certainly a fine specimen ofabratf. He says: "ihis is. in deed, a wonderful count! y. Every hamlet is a town, every town a city every farm a ranch, every barnyard a corral, every mound a mountain, aud eyery man a liar." Yesterdav felt like sure enouarh summertime, r There were a good many out-of-town - people in uas tonia, not a few v of them being farmers who are lavmsr in their sud- plfof fertilizers for spring planting. Main street 'was a busy scene all day Ion? . and the . merchants did a good day's business. . Read the annsuncements of your merchants in this issue. Aiany a dollar has been -saved by a careful perusal of a merchant's ad. When a business man advertises for your patronage henot only has a line of goods that "speaks" but mere may be some article or articles listed that you desire and that it may be advantageous to buy at this time. The Bank of Clover is thirteen- and-a-half months old to-day, having: commenced business February 1. 1906, and the deposits at the close of business yesterday exceeded 190,000. The , management - is more - than pleased with the success of the in stitution as it did not calculate that the deposits up to this time would exceed $50,000. Clover cor. York-i ville Enquirer, 15th. . Men have various ways of carry' ing money, urocers, -butchers and miners carry u in a wad. mnicers in clean bills, laid full length in a pocketbook. Brokers only fold the bill once, doubling the money as it were . me young- business man carries it in his vest pocket. Farm ers and drovers in their inside pock ets, whether it be iSO or 15 cents. Printers usually carry their money invitation is be present. extended to all to Argo Red Salmon can be sevr ed on any table. It can be serv ed as it comes from the can, or prepared in many palatable dishes: The outlook now is that the new opera house and Masonic hall will be ready for occupancy within week or ten days. At present the contractor, Mr, W. T. Beamguard, is devoting most of his energies to com pleting the new Home of the Masons, and it is the hope of the fraternity that they will be able to hold their first meeting in it on the night of the 21st inst., on which oc casion a number of visiting breth ren from the surrounding towns Will very likely be present. The new. quarters when completed will be among the most- commodious, handsome and convenient in this part of the state. Clover cor. York ville Enquirer, 15th. The rural routes were established for the benefit of rural homes, or in other words the farmers. They have proven a greater benefit and blessing to the farmers than was anticipated bv the most sanguine. A farmer who has once enioved the advantages of the rural mail service would hard ly know how to live without it. It did not come to the farmer, however, until he had many times earned it. The farmers are our heaviest tax payers. What property they have is in plain sight and. is taxed, while the citv gent, at least many of them, who deals in notes and bonds is en abled to hide his wealth from the as sessor. For a nuarter of a century the mail has been carried to the city home, not once,- but many times each day. Finally the big heart of Uncle Sam has reached out to the men who feed the world. Are you tired, fagged out, nervous; i sleepless, feel mean? . Hollister's Rocky Mountain ' Tea strengthens the nerves,, aids digestion brings refreshing sleep. 35 cents. Tea or I Tablets. -y.!?:-' . . . Adams rug Co. 'w' . - Baised $1,225.50. r . At the conclusion of i the reg ular preaching service Sunday morning in Mam Street Metho dist church the sum of $1,22550 was raised by popular subscrip tion within a very few- minutes. Only $1,000 was asked for but this amount was oversubscribed, this - notwithstanding the I lact that a large number of the mem bers of the 5 church were no; present. This fund is to meet the expense now being incurred in the beautifying of the grounds and remodeling the - parsonage. As announced Sunday morning the improvements to the parson age include raising the building 18 inches above its present level. re-rooang,paintingand a general overhauling-.5 With the excep tion of placing the granite gravel on the walks, the ' work on -. the grounds is practically completed. When a good stand of grass is obtained, the granite curbing placed , and "walks graveled, these grounds will be surpassed by none in town for beauty. School Closing. 6 . The school taught by Miss Sadie Gates at the Oates school house near Bessemer City will close the present term with ex ercises Saturday beginning at 10 a. m. An interesting program consisting of recitations, declamations, music, etc. has been arranged for the occasion County J5upt. F. P. Hall; cf Belmont, will probably be pres ent and deliver an address. - Gaston's Old Soldiers A lui tf tlx CMtrUMtlM Tkl Unity M4t to U tie Cms if Tk CmM- - mej, UmtM tnm lu)rSrtts First iitkttlc lid frer Mitee-ls Hearty , ; Cta Ittt U TUk 4 Ufer Ut ttU It. By L. M !Hf foMa Abbreviations. For the sake of convenience and saving space the following abbreviations are made in the list below: cm commissioned Co company e enlisted d died dg -discharged dt detailed ' k-killed w wounded m missing p promoted pr prisoner r resigned tr transferred. Wacaster, Levi, Co. E. 34th 31, '61; w at Get- Regt, e Aug. tysburg. Wagstaff, J. R., Co. C. 37tb Regt. e Aug. 15, '62. Wagstaff, Jas., Co. H. 37fh Regt. Wagstaff, John, Co. H. 37th Regt. Wallace, Batt. Lieut. Wallace, A. 5th 12, '62. H 23rd w re- - - f - w- . - . -4-3. 5 Lt t mi fr- uu .' - 'A Cream of Tartar Powdarv ' freo from alum or phoa- . phatio acid . . Daniel, Co Art. e May H. M Co. Reet. e June 12. '61: d of ceived at Gettysburg. Wallace, T. J , Co. H. 23rd Regt. 1 July 18. '61; w at Sharpsburg. Wallace, J. L.. Co. H. 23rd Regt. e July 18, '61; w at Chan- cellorsville and Sharpsburg, Apr. 9, '65. Wallace, D. S., Co. H. 23rd Regt. e Sept. 21, '61; lost arm at Hatches' Run. Wallace, D. H., Co. H. 49th Regt. e Mch. 22, '62; d of dis ease at Richmond, Dec. 21, '62. Wallace, Monroe, Co. H. 49th Regt. e after Mch. 22. '62; d of disease Sept. 23, '63, at Cul pepper Court House. Walker. J. W., Co. C. 8th Batt. H. Art. e Mch. 8, '62. Warlick, Henry, Co. B. 23rd Regt. e May 23, '61; k at Seven Pines. Warlick, Lawson, Co. C. 38th Regt e Mch. 5, '63; w at Get tysburg. Warlick, Fink, Co. C. 8th Bat. H. Art. Warlick, Simpson, Co. C. 8th Bat. H. Art. Warren, John, Co. E. 34th Regt. e Aug. 21, '64i Warren, Forney, CoteM. 16th Regt. e Mch. 17, '62; w May 3, 63, at Chancellorsville. Warren, W. G., Co. H. 23rd Regt. e June 12, '61; dg Dec. 12, '62. Warren, J. T Co. B. 28th Regt. e Mch. 29, '62; dg Sept. 25, '62, for w at Cedar Run. Warren, Geo., Co. H. 37th Rest, e Oct. 6, '61; died or k in service. Warren, W. C. P., Co. H. 49th Regt. e after Mch. 22, '62; w in finger at Drewry's Bluff. Watts, Jas. J., Co. I. 11th Regtre Mch. 15, '62; d July 3, '62, at Wilmington. Watson, Pinkney, CofH. 37tb Regt. e Oct. 6, '61 Corp.; k May 27, '62, at Hanover Court House Webb, George, Co. B. 28th Regt. e Mch. 29, '62, k Aug. 29, '62, at 2d Manassas. Webb. Jas., Co. C. 71st Regt. (Jr. Kes.J , Weir, W. E., Co. H. 34th Regt. Wells, A.N , Co. I. 26th Regt. Chaplain of Regt. ' . Wells. Hugh. Co. M. 16th Regt. West. Wm. F., Co. C. 10th Regt. Art. e Aug. 13, '62. West, J. L , Co. A. 11th Regt. May 15, 62; dg May '63. West, L.S., Co. M. 16th Regt. e May 1, '61; d Sept. '62. . West, David P., Co. H 37th Regt. e Oct. 6, '61; pr in '64. White, Jas. G., Co. B. ; 23rd Regt. e May 15, '62; pr at Get tysburg. - ' ' ' Whhe, T. H., Co. E. 34th Regt. e May 3, '64; w May 5, '64, at Port Royal and near Pe tersburg and Wilderness.- White, Jas. L., Co. C. 55th Regt. e Mch. 29, '62; -k July 1, '63, at Gettysburg. : White, Mr W., Co. B. 60th Regt. e Apr. 5, 62. ;rr . White, E. B., Co. M. 16th Regt. 2d Lieut, cm May 1, '61; rJnly '61, -: White, David B., Co. M. 16th Regt. 2d Lieut, cm Apr. 28. '62; p from Corp. ; k June 27, 62, at Gaioes' Mill. . J White, Henry F., Co. M. 16th Regt. 2d Lieut, cm Aug. '62; p from Sgt. w May 31, '62, at Seven Pines. , . . --. White, A. S., Co.. M. 16th Regt. e May 1, '61; p com Sgt. Aug. 62. . . r- - V V V V g V 0 The advent of Spring finds us prepared for the largest millinery season in the his tory of our establishment and you know what that means. Our buyers have picked .the .centres of fashion for all the latest things in beadwear for ladies. Every thing that can appeal to the taste of even the most fastidious will be found in our establishment. More about the new styles and materials later. This is just to remind you that we are better prepared in every way this season than ever before to take care of your wants in the millinery line. :X1 A 1 Yeager - McLean Mfg. Co.f 4$ 7 L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE. Cashier I The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. : : : ; We Invite vou to open an account with us. DIRECTORS Jjp L. L. Jenkins 4 A. A. McLean j J. Lee Robinson T J. K. Dixon T. L. Craig R. R. Rav Andrew E. Moore H. M. McAden J. O. White G. A. Gray f ft "f "t f f f f "f "1 f t f f f f f ! t f l f 34 ROOF NO Slate, Tin, Iron, Steel. Ruberoid, Tarred Paper, Asphalt and Gravel 1 LARGE STOCK. Prompt, Good and .4'- Cheap LONG BiROS; GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA DR. J. M. HUNTER sIialist ROCK HILL, S. C. - Consultation FREE Make a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, Chronic ulcers, scroima ana Rheamatism; Disease! of the Genito-Urinary Organs and Rectum.. " Treats without the knife, loss jf blood and .little pain to patient. ....... REFERENCES TO A FEW CASES TREATED R. A. Clark. Cancer of bom.RocIc Hill S C: Mra. J J. William, caocerof (arcTirrnh. S. C: Mra. S. fe. Nelaon, caaccr o face. Osden. 8. Ci W. A. Mttllinas, caocn of Uc. Km CreekS C: W. W. St roup, cancer of face. Lowell. N.C: Mra. Byrhorr IcCrw. cancer vl forehead, daffoey. S. C ; & B. Hanna. cancer of neck. Gastonia. N. C : p. F. Cri. cn r of XI . f .tiiinnr. raMMt nl l.r ' Unfl Mill. M. l : J. K. r lOWfr, cinrtf lio;Lowe'lf.,N. C; Mm. M. E. Hartell. cancer of face. Ellea oro. N. C: Mra . t l.jro, nwnM .uvttujt.v. "'"t.."-" "A 1. ,T ' A V- ' -LI' V- v Hambright-Terocoae ulcer 01 it, bibcimtotx v.. v-. , '-v' N. C: J. N. lonla, cancer af the tonane. Tiriali. S. C: Mra. N. b. Adam., canrer ot .w l.irr Lowell. N. vt i. w. vrreen. cancer 01 uuicifi, ... v . -- cu a;Ganer. S. C: W.V). Tracy. cyn ceck. Garlne nicer of lex. Mooreboro. k. C: Mra. H. T. McCraw. cancer of face. C iflile. .V C : J. '. MrM.i, rtrnm.!! brarwni. N. C: L. A. Uollasd. cancer nctk iicniwiu. .V C.J t W. Bhdaea. rheamatiam. Mooresboro. II Yflgtnt Castoa Cggfy f7ewgf'-" ' f II Yoa Want Keit, UH ' "! ' '

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