1111 t Gavln:'3 Cank J t : Then Act ' . t rheii Act i PUDLISIICD TWICE r TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, - : JAS. W. ATKINS, Editor and Manager.: A 5 A'Af-y.iiPtyottdto the Protection of : vou xxvm, AA -aaaaaaa (v'-r; ; caotonia, n.; c, ti,nd the Interests of the County. 1 $1.50 a Year In Advance. A Z T' NO. 24 GUILTY OF KIONAPPINO. BUILDIN0 NOTES, i . THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK : Capital $59(CC3. ' With a strong Board of Director! and the best of equipment, we are prepared . to offer the best " there is ia banking. Not the largest bank in the Coanty. bat a Very satisfactory and safe one to do youf banking; .'. 1 ,v ; - We pay interest on time Certificates of Deposit at the rate of 5. .'. .. .. DIRECTORS: R. P. Rankin ,t C. B. Armstrong W. TLove ,'- ' J:M. Sloan ... ; J. A. Glenn C. N. Evans A. O. Myers M?2?S A Special Message to Young Married Men Do you nw a horn e? If not, it will pa you to see us How easy it is to become independent by laying: up a few dollars each week or month and investing in a home. In later years you will then be prepared for any emergency. ' We have some nice, new, medium priced Cottages, but if ' you want to get one of them, better come today and see us. You know how difficult it is to rent a . house in Gastonia. therefore why not let us sell you one and you will feel much better than if in a refiited house. - .. . .'. ' .. We have a plan that we feel will interest you if you will come to see or drop us a card so that we can see you. .'. Gastonia Insurance Realty Co. G. A. CRAY. Pre, J. U ROBlNSON, V-Pre.. & S. MORRIS. Sec. lW i Gaston Metal & Roofing Company INCORPORATED Joshua uarrlaon tonvicied at Elizabeth Cily ol Splrlllnf Away Senator Beasley'a Son Given. Maximum Punishment ol Twenty Years. ;i. ? t After being out several hours the jury in the case of the State' .... t i . n- .. I. VS. naiusuu r ju , usquuiauK. County Supenor Court Wednes day night returned a verdict of guilty, thus convicting the rde fendant of the kidnapping of voung Kenneth Beasley, son of State Senator Beasley, who mysteriously - disappeared two years ago. Sentence was witbeld until a later . nour. rne ., maxi mum nunishment for this crime is twenty years In the State pen itentiarr. Solicitor Ward closed the argument, making an impas sioned appeal for the conviction of Harrison. The eloquence, of the solicitor was knarred by some applause and one of the applauders was punished for contempt of court. Juoee Allen yesterday sen fenced Harrison to 20 years in the penitentiary. The ' kidnapping ot - young Kenneth Beasley created one of the profonndest sensations in the history of the State. ? The following story of the crime, ta ken from the Elizabeth City cor respondence of The Charlotte Observer of yesterday, will prove of interest to many of our read- ers: ; STORY OP THE CRIME. " ?It will be remembered that Kenneth -Beasley, 9-year-old son of State Senator S. M. Beas ley, , mysteriously disappeared dyring recess Lat the afternoon session of the school he was at tending near his home at Poplar Branch, Currituck county, this State, Monday; March 13, 1902. The woods and swamps were thoroughly searched by hund reds of people, in a systematic manner being divided into com- ime with captains of each DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING IN ROOFING Don't I Fall to See Us Before MAKING YOUR CONTRACT Phone 2I7, Davis Bock The Little-Long Company's Spring Opening fc ': " AND . A Free Trip to Charlotte ' Whether you know the season or not, a walk through our three big stores draped in the fresh bright new fabrics in both ready-to-wear garments and dress materials would convince you at once the happy spring time is here. The new silks and wool- 5 ens have a beauty and brightness that can not be described. To say that our coatsuits. skirts and shirt waits are prettier , than ever shown here before is a mild expression. We can't say too much about our millinery, for it'sa recognized fact all over the Carolinas and into other states that we are ,: the Fifth Avenue milliners of this section. - , ; The men's and boys' clothing, furnishings, shoe department, jewelry, china, carpets and other departments are as fully equipped. . .. , t v . . Railroad fare paid both ways on pUihases of $40.00 or more ; within a radius of fifty miles. "7. , . u . . j The Lijfctle-Long - Co. ' ' Wholesale & Retail. Charlotte,-- - t- - . :. C. Apr.26c6w Nero Shoots His Wife. Kirt Mountain nermld, 21t . . , . There was a shooting affair about two miles below Cherry ville last Sunday night about 11 o'clock that will in all probabili. ty cause the death of a colored woman. .... .. .- ; For jealousy, , at thaf .honr John Robinson walked into bis cabin, deliberately drew his re- yolver and shot his wife, inflict ing a wound in her breast from . which it is believed she cannot recover As soon as the shoot- ing was done Robinson skipped for parts unknown,' aud despite the best effort of Sheriff Shnford and others his whereabouts ha not been detected, v - , ; . , ' Include six cans of Arga Red Salmon - in your next grocery Hit. It frill keep you fortwenty ycrrs. . : The cotton spinners of North and South Carolina held a meet ing in Charlotte yesterday. iVar ious subjects . of interest to the manufacturers were discussed, the principal subject being the devising of means for securing more rapid shipments of cotton from the Mississippi delta to the Carolinas.T Mr. M. . Smith, of Clover, S.C.r was in i charge of the meeting. : z "z : Dr. James Dinwiddie, for 17 yeais president of Peace Insti tute at Raleigh aud -chief stock holder iu the corporation which owns it, - announces that he will retire. The PrMhvtrian flinrrl, fia taking-- steps to' secute the property on" which " the Meth odist, Church now holds an op tion. If the Methodists do not buy, it is very probable 'that the lYeslyterians v,:!!. : been in a critical state of health ever since. , rzz ';. , "Suspicion was at once centered on Joshua Harrison. He was seen in a buggy that same after noon - traveling rapid lv with a child covered np with blankets which was recognized by voice. The mule and buggy were recog nized as Harrison's. The child was . crying and Harrison was talking to him in a soothing manner. Harrison was seen in Norfolk, at 2 o'clock, the Tues- day morning following the Mon day the Doy disappeared. He has a very bad -reputation in Currituck county. He has been tried for murder twice. He re quested that the trial be remov ed to Pasquotank county. The case began on Thursday, March 14th, and was concluded this evening. The defendant . was represented by E. F. Aydlette, of Elizabeth City, Ex-Governors T. J. Jarvis and Chas. B. Ay cock, and Hon. I. M. Meekins, while the State was represented by Solicitor HalletSWard, J. Hey ward Sawyer, W.D. Pruden. and W. JU. Cahoon. The . large court room has been overcrowd ed at every, session. At 1 10 o'clock to-night the jury render ed a verdict of guilty." Subscribe for The Gazstth. : A'general council of Protest ant Churches representing the Congregationalists, Met hodist- rotestant and united uretnreu, met' m "Shicago. Wednesday j to discuss the. formation of a gen eral , union of ; the Protestant Churches.:"V-;V-;- i'; ' TQXil l i" The pot portant fact much study, side line or . tion. -; On accf Mrs. G. A. I pulpit at Of. morning by I Gastonia. . ' -Rev. W. at High S: Ue will retu; conduct the r at the Gastoi -A spirit ment seems t town. Im where notic watchword, i go hand in on all sides, h -Mr. Pin! the Boogertov to town earl and purchase the J. M. i i asked as to plied that tbt tion;-w. t-1 Argo Red thing for ur There is not from the ca. , A ladv erf i sure cure for I dish to be n; gether with ; lace it in do. our. vbu can been broken a put in boilin pieces comiac ment has been many are the I were thought are now as gp- .;. ' . ..... . Register t a rushing bus few - davs me been issued to L W. Edward rison. ol oastc of Bethany, 3. Huffstetler, ol , A. Hand and montr BeniaC; den, and Ns Shoals; . John race, otuat Emma Stafford L. Paine and R G. K. Stafford of Mount HpJr5 mticri Beat UNTY. , ty is an inl and will bear conducted as lusive ocenpa- fzzeA a sickness of Mr. Sparrow's filled Sunday J. Kennedy, of '4 will preach Jay morning, otna in time to ening service ptal church. ' 4ial develop ized upon this t1: ia every- gress is the : and activity are apparent .fiieberger, of mrhood, came day. morning . -pencil from pany. When es, P. J. re Kfor publica- is just the J company. :tr to serve a grocers, has found Jies. If the t; be tied to string, then and left. one It he dish bad afterwards be without i the t This .experi- i proven ana Uehes which sqless which Hi .. lith is doing .kin the past enses have vipg couples: attie L. Gar--i M. Goforth, lary Latimer r City; Rufns 'ope, of Bel-ton,- of Har r V- of High ind Leona ;Wood and l i'Sboals; R. .Of Stanley; Ue Sanford, 't the eyes lans Drawn lor New Loray Baptist Church Transformer House lor Gray Mill-Other Bnlldini Items.. - -,'ri Ikon and specifications for the ' First - Baptist church j at Windsor have been completed by the Gaston Metal & Roofing Co. and have been accepted. The church will cost about $15, U00. - - Plans and specifications have been made by the same 7 com pany- for the ' Loray Baptist church.' The plans were sub mitted to the building commit tee yesterday. Mr. John Robinson will build quite a handsome addition to his residence on the new ma cadam road, near Pleasant Ridge. The building, when completed, will present a fine appearance and will face the new road. " . Work began yesterday on the residence of Mr. Robert Ford on York street. The building will be a ' nine-room two story structure and will - be built by Mr. Charlie Gngg. Plans for a transformer house at the Gray Mill are now being prepared by the Gaston Metal & Roofing Co. In order to take power from the Southern Power Company a new transformer house, will be necessary. This will be built near the mam build ing and will be one of the latest and most up-to-date build ings ot its kind in tne state. The house will be built of brick, with concrete floor ' and re-ne- forced concrete roof. It will be absolutely fire proof and will cost several thousand dollars. V Architects " are now workmp on plans for the remodeling and enlarging of the residence of Mr. B. T. Morris on West Main street. - ENJOY EATING. Good fair: ascents V .prugi:o. t r ... . . . Digestion Can be Mr. John v rpatnek re ceived Mondav i btother. Mr, Gary Kirkpatri any of The Oklahoman i a c spacer pub lished at OWat Oklahoma. It is the "New dition". and consists of 80 ia profusely illustrated and pt it are printed in color jtains much valuable inforn toi the rapid growth and dev i of this new State. In 1889 C City t ad not a sinrle inhabi lay it has 45,- 000 and is a jcit mildings and modenn eqmpi every kina, Mr. KirkpatricJ fy impressed with this we: a mon wealth. He went there ; ear ago. l nereis no i n our cuy, however induL ile claims of Christianity, $ uld want to rear his family f 5 there were no churchestc t influence, for be at once rec tnem as the guardians oHhe iuoi ula tof the com munity. What would .be the condi tion of this eomr""nitr t the end of the next ten ye? j if from this time until tnen tae cnurcnes were ciosear To what ettentwottld life . and property bevafef;i And yet, with an tne organized agencies ot tne churches, the !evil too frequently bolds high carnival, wnat mignt we not tfxoect if ?whollv divested of a i i n - : -Z- . luesc inuucuticsi ; A une aisiuiery company in Ken tucky turns out every seven days 1.208 barrels of sweet mash whiskev. The output for a year would be 62,400 barrels. The cost of all this to the manufacturer mav be fairlv estimat ed at $374,000 and they receive from. the wholesalers a profit of from SI to $2 per barreL The governmentcomes in for a nice little rake-off, but the fellow who has to pay it all, includ ing transportation charges, govern ment and local license fees, salarv of barkeeper, and rent of building is the man before the bar. and fot 62.- 400 barrels of booze he lets go of $24,- 761, 678 and tnen goes home and beats his wife because supper isn't ready..: , . . Readily ..j anu i EASTER wmim ON WEDNESDAY AND T H U R SDAY of next week, the 27th and 28th We will show the newest creations in spring styles in millinery and dress goods and we want you to see them. Our hats have a "smartness" and originality of style peculiarly their own. We aim at exclusiveness of design and are confident that we now have one of the handsomest and most original as sortments in town. suffering. .,. - - : JUet ns tell you now you can enjoy eating, so that the heart iest meals will set well and cause no pain, distress or uncomfort- able feeling of fullness. it you cannot eat ana emoy three, good, hearty, satisfying meals a day without any feeling of discomfort, your stomach is weak and needs the strength which Mi-o-na stomach tablets will give it. . You cannot afford to delay treatment, for the longer you allow the digestive organs to be weak, the harder it will be to get help. The remarkable curative and strengthening power of Mi-o-na is attested by tne guarantee, which J. H. Kennedy & Co., give with every " 50c box. We return the money if Mi-o-na fails to cure. If you find that eating well- cooked and properly chewed food is followed by heaviness and load on the stomach, by bloating, by gulping of acids land wind, by distress, nervous, neadacne, trouble to sleep, or by any other symptoms of dis ordered or weak stomacn, - you should begin the the use of Mi- naat once. It is guaranteed by one of the best known drug gists in Gastonia to cure all dis orders- of the stomach, or costs nothing. '. A guarantee like this means a good deal. M8-22 - If you are looking -.Kthing stylish; 'cric" and nobby.; ry favor ns with a call. Yeager- McLean Manufacturing Co. f 4 f f f f f f f i 4r lr ir Ac ir 4r ir "jM; ir X 5 L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE. Cashier 4 - ' " Monday was ex-President Grover Cleveland's seventieth j birthday. He spent it in the neighborhood of Georgetown, S. , where he is hunting. You can make bettei- food with Lighter. syeeter, more palatable f aridhoIe5om;' ; 1 III ROYAL fcAKWO MWDCn COr ItCW'VOHlCa -3 5 4 -3 The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of Over Half a Million - we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. : : : : We Invite vou to open an account. with u. DIRECTORS h. h. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J. K. Dixon T. L. Craig , Andrew E Moore J. O. White . G. A. Gray . .. aVC w ! w J R. R. Rav r H. M. McAden DRe J, Me HUNTER TM&8yXLiGT ROCK HILL,8.C. Consultation FREE Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula and Rheumatism; Diseases, of the Genito-Urinary. Organs and Rectum. '.Treats without the knife, loss of blood and little pain to patient. ' REFERENCES TO A FEW CASES TREATED A. Clark. Cancer of nose. Rock Hill S C:Mra.T J. William, eancerof fo.Tirh. R. C: Mr. S. R. Nelson, cancer ol lace, Oaden, S. C: W. A. Mnllinax. cancrr of lac. " lorebead, GaSner. S C; S.B, H anna, cancer ol neck. Catatonia. N. C: O.K.Grijct; C"-..r( nose. Lattimore, N.C: Frank Lattimore. eaacerol lace.Clevland Mill. N. C: J. I" hi cancer ol lip, Lowell. N. C; Mra.M. K. HarrelUcancet of lace, hllen ora, N niasco. eancerof forpttead. Shelby N. C: D. H. Cobb, cancer ol lio. Snrrna Hambriebl. Terocoae nicer ol lee. BlackabarK S. C: U. C. Greea.c-H-eiuf !-. M N. C: J. N. ClontSjCancer the lonruc. Tinh, S.C: Mr.N. S. Alm c,r.i ol Lowell, N.C! G..W. Green, cancer ot neck. Mooreaboro, N. C: l ' ncrofula.GaBney,S.C: W,N. Tracr, rancer olaeck. Garloey. S. C: J. H lfn.n- nicer ol lea. Mooresboro, N.C: Mrs. H. T, McCraw. cancer ollace. 1 1 ih.i.i. . McMaboo.rhnnatiaai. Henrietta. N. C: L. A. Holland. cancer neck lieu , . . W. Bridaea. rhenmaimn. Mooreaboro. N. C . .,. t:J.K. .C; I'ii. U V. a. 8. Ct J K. 8 II Yen Winf Cisfoa Ccr-fy f'ews f ' 8 II Yoa Viet he if, l'?t

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