' ' - V.W 1 4 4 i V. i i .r" II J 1 1 i ' rii: ao on..- .:ivlr V- P-:n" ' C i I ' . - ' , . Th n At I READOUli - I i steel jJ-c A ' ii t pucl:ciii:d twice a week-Tuesdays and Fridays. :-4-."" .;. .- ' JAG. W. ATKINS, Editor end f!anecr. Devoted to the Protection of Ilonie and the Interests of the, County. : . $1.50 a Year In Advance,' Single Copy 3c, VOL XXVIH. OACJOfSIAi N. ?.; TUEQOA Y, JVI AflCH 20, 1907. V ' ' . 1 - J : NO. 2fi 1 - mmm TUB, BANK CITIZENS NATIONAL Capita! ::3.c::.-. With a strong Board of Director! and the best of equipment, w are prepared "to offer' the beat there is in banking. Not the largest bank in the Connty, but a very satisfactory and aafe one to do your banking. .'. ,. V. '.' We pay interest on time Certificates of Deposit at the rate of 5. , v . '. . .. : , PIRgCT6R3r' R. P. Rankin W. T. Love J. A. Glenn C. N, v . V C. B. Annstronj?- J. M. Sloan Evans A. C. Myers CUTLCC3SIEMS E2IC3T. 'i School closinc.; Small bul Determined Crowd AN Interesting Program Arranged . , . . ...-,. , S A Special iM essage Young Married Men m Uo you own a home? If not, it will pay you to see ns Hotf easy it js to become independent by laying up a few g dollars each week or month and investing in a tome. t In t H later years you will then be prepared for any - emergency. We have some nice, new, medium priced cottages but "if o yon want to get pne of them, better come today and sec us. Yott know how difficult it is to rent a house id Gastonia. therefore why not Jet ns sell yon one and you will feel much better than if in a rented house A A , A We ha ve a -plan that we feel will interest you if you will come to see or drop us a card so that we can see yon. A .--f-" '- it jrin,,r.;w-' Amy . drifts '.i.frKfa n'-y.'-l .W- c-W'1 -t:j ,' - -: ,.;,. ''. Gastonia Insurance. 4 Realty Co. G. A. GRAY. Pre. v J. L. ROBINSON. V Pres. 8. & MORRIS. Sec. a Treaa, 1 n , i ' - . r . - - , ' 5 1111" V : Gaston llictal " & Rcofing Company. CVViUf INCORPORATED 4 DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING IN ROOFING Don't Fall $o See U Before - " i MAKING YOUR CONTRACT :. I.' If, PIoneI7 Davis Bock TheLiUleLong Company; Spring Opening i'-; A Free Trip to Charlotte , . i . Whether you know the season or not, a walk through our three -bijf stores draped in the fresh bright new fabrics in both ready- to-wear garments and dress materials wotjld convince yon at once the happy spring time is here. The new silks and wool-,' ens have a beauty and brightness that can sot be described, ' To say, that our coatsnits, skirts and shirt waits are prettier than ever shown here before is a mild expression. . i We can't say too much about our millinery, for it's a recognized ? , fact all over the Carolinas and into other states that we are 1 ? the Fifth Avenue milliners of this section. " , . - ' The men's and boys' clothing, furnishing, shoe department, r 1 jewelry, china, carpets and other departments are as fully . equipped. ,A - .. . ..' , . , .' ' Railroad fare paid both ways on purchases of $40.00 or more ? within a radius of fifty miles. - .v" ' ,. The Little-Long a Col . Wholesale & Retail. " Charlotte, - A. ; - -5 N. C f To Esild a Tarcpike Frora Elkin - 4 to Sparta.-.-.,--";'.,: Wilkeaboro Patriot. : ' " :J, The citizens of Elkin, . with their brass band, turned out en masse Tuesday evening to greet ex-Lieut Gov. Doughton, who was returning from RJeigb to Lis home at Sparta This was a token of appreciation of bis eL'orts in securing- State con victs to build a turnpike frofTi IZIkia to Sparta. . The convicts now employed on the Jefferson re ?.d will . when - that - road is isLed be transferred to the 1 ; 2Tta road. . . - T! : closing exercises of the " ;:1 department . o f . the , :ty will be held at Chapel :'-y Mb. Dr. Geo.- W. ' Cr-' will deliver Graver Page, white,!; aged abont 19 years, was shot and in stantly killed Saturday night nar Concord by. Henry Walker, to whose wife the dead man bad made improper proposals. Page, iu company with Walter Black' welder, started from Concord to the : home of - a woman of dis- reputable-character in the coun try. They were drinking and stopped at the home of Walker, who was attending his duties as night watchman at the mill store. Walker's wife was in ' bed sick. The two men entered her room; and were there when Walker and a companion " arrived on the scene. Black welder 'fired sev eral shots at WJker.- none of which took eflect, and Walker ! then shotTa; to death.' . feed C3s;!!sl Meetlcl and Dis cuss Ways and Means at Sa caricl InsiUatioa Another I Heetlnl April Second. Vr . i .-The presence, in town of sev eral attractions ; Friday night probably kept some away from the hospital meeting at the city hall; at any rate the - gathering was small, , This is not saying, by any means that there was a lack of interest or determination ab the part of those present and it it highly probable that, as a re sult of this meeting. Gastonia will have a hospital. A temporary organization was effected by the election of Dr. S. A. : Wilkins, of J Dallas; as chairman and Dr. U. N. Glenn, of GaStonia,Tas secretary - Dr. Glenn-then - explained the 'plan as it had been Dreviouslv dis cussed by the county medical society The sum needed to erect a building and equip it properly will be $10,000 or $12, 000. Of this amount he felt sqre the ..physicians of the town and county would raise $2,500. The plan is to organize a stock com pany, the sbates to be small; say SZ5, and place the stock wit n a large nnmber of citizens. Thus the foil amount could be raised without drawing heavily on any one man or any few men. As to the support of the hospital, he believed that at the expuation of two or three years the insti tntion would be self-sustaining. The deficiency of the first - two three years could be -met either by assistance which, it is believed, churches, .benevolent organizations and charitably in clined citizens would render, or by making the original stock such an amount that; after the buildings are !e r e c t e d and equipped there would te a suf ficient surplus for this purpose. ;, Mr. Wiley Kankin was called on; and lent bis endorsement to the plan. He prefaced his remarks with the statement that he I was not familiar with the hospital business and hence was unable to figure on the possibil ities of " making the stock dividend-bearing. : He was of the opinion that the buildings, e-q u l p m e n t s and the real estate' purchased ;.at a ? cost of $10,000, would be worth; always at low figures, 80 per cent: of the investment or $8,000, , even should the hospital itself4 ever prove a failure, a " contingency be was not wi.Iing to admit." In that case the stockholders would be sate tor. a large per cent of their investment. He thought: that Gastonia was as well able to build and support a first-class - hospital as a large number of other towns : no larger and with much less busi ness and wealth than Gastonia. Mr. C. B. Armstrong, Mr, T vv. vviiauu, ui. neuiy r.- Glenn and others spoke in favor of the project. Dr. 1 M. Reid was in favor of a hospital but believed that sufficient funds for its support for at least two or three years : should " be in sight before the enterprise was undertaken.; It was the opinion of some that, - with a building once erected and equipped, it could be. .supported somehow until it could be placed on a self-sustaining bas's, but Dr. Keid did not snare this view. He thought the snpport. should be guaranteed Jbeforehand; 2 R Dr. L. N. Glenn i and Dr.' Wilkins told of their visits to similar institutions at Charlotte, Salisbury, v Statesville, Rock Hill, Asheville and elsewhere and impartel to their listeners the information gleaned at those points relatiye to the cost of such an institution.; a ; v - A A t committee composed of Drs. H. F. Glenn, L. N. Glenn and J. M. Sloan was appointed to make further investigations as to the details of cost, . etc.; of a hospital and report to another mass meeting which is called for April 2d. It is believed that at ' this- meeting some "definite steps will be taken and that the enterprise will be launched. ;; . l . ,: , Richmond, ,Va., has. appro priated $5,000 and given a site for a monument to Edgar ; Allan Poe on condition that , the Poe momimen ("association raise $5,- 000 additional. Thomas Bailey Aldricb, the well known author, died day t his home in Boston was born in Portsmouth Xovemoerii, l&ib, and was a graduate of Harvard;.: He was connected in au editorial capa city with a somber of newspa pers at dilfcrnt times and edited the Atlantic Monthly at Bor' from to lSJu. lie was lor Closioi. o! Schoal at EhynesTlIle Saforday. - iTIfe 7 school 1 ' at; Rhynesville will close next Saturday, March 30tb, with an exhibition.' , Fol lowing is the program , to " be rendered, the exercises to beghs at 10 o'clock : , " u?. ' Sonr. "Ho! Ho! Vacation Dava are Here," by the school. - 1 Oneoinjf address, Kufus Cloninjjer. Dialogue, "Jonathan's Daugh ters," four airls. Recitation, "Going Back Down to Grandpa's," Lathan Friday. . r' Dialogue, "On a Dry-goods ;Box, seven boys and one girWn yi ' Recitation, "Uttle Floe's' Letter. Lelia Friday. - ..-.t--; Dialogue, " President of the School Board." six boys and three girls. : Recitation, The;. Models Uttle Girl," Bessie raysour,A , ,. . 1 Dialogue, "The Census Taker, four boys and one gW.'4 -- ''' Recitation; "Our Flag." Clyde Friday. - - ; . - - Song, "Flag ol The Free,"- by school. - - ' Dialogue, "The Dolls' Hospital," six girls. v r & Barlev Pavsour Dialogue, "Tardy Tim," five boys . Motion Recitation, Joe Wilson, . . Dialogue. "Missionary Work at Home," one boy and one girl. bone, Yankee uooaie." Recitation. "The Bridal. Feast" Bessie (Jansler. " Dialosrue. " Heloin? Mama." three girls. ' , Dialogue, "Jelly for The Minister," inrcc Kins. .s The Rainbow Drill. Seven eirls Song, " Maryland," by the school Prof. L. M. Hoffman and perhaps others will address the audience in the afternoon. The Harden Band will furnish music. All are cordially invited and re quested" to bring" well filled baskets. EFFECT OF. THE FOOD LAW. Driving Many Worthless Catarrh Medicines Out of Existence. The Pure Food and Drug Law, which went . into effect the first of January, has al ready shown the good Uhat Twill follow its enforcement, 2 ?i I Many worthless remedies, that have been advertised,! for; the cure ot cat arm, a disease tnat is- universally prevalent,- have been r driven -out of existence by the Pure Food Law. Toe elxect ot this is to increase tne sale ot remedies tnat are valuable and that fulfill the pro visions of the law. Hvomei. for example; f isremeeting I with i a larger sale than ever before, and j; ti Kennedy & company are still selling it under a guarantee that it will cure catarrh or the' money will be ; refunded. Hy- omei is a scientific treatment that, is recommended tby the best pnysicians. it cures Catarrh without stomach dosing. through Inhaling . medications thargo right to the affected SPOtS. --',,i'.-'.; ..'. By breathing Hvomei three; or four times daily through the neat pocket innaier tnat comes with every outfit, its medicated. healing air .penetrates to the most remote parts of the ; nose; throat and lungs; searches out and kills all catarrhal germs, and Soothes and heals any irritation in the mucous membrane. The complete Hyomei outfit costs $1.00, - extra 7 bottles i f needed, 50c, and is sold by J. H. Kennedy & Co under the guaran tee that u - will cure or costs nothing. M12-28. V TOM AND YORKVILLE. ; A r, ! s-.y i;i's-r?TTa-;;H.'y-'- I WhatVDoJni Amenf ear Neifh dors Jlast Across the Line. ; Vorkville Bnoulrer. 22d. . k ' " , $ ' : Mrs. George Sberer is visiting relatives and friends iu Gastonia. . Miss Willie Bradley,, who has been living in Yorkville with her sister, Mrs. Frank Happer field,; has returned to Gastonia, her former home, to take a po sition in one of the dry goods stores. : - -'.'Xrj .v.: ;?;; Judge Williams rweht up to Clover last Tuesday on business, and has been expressing himselt as astonished at the evidence of f progress that is being shown by that thriving little town. His surprise came from the fact that the work being done" was ol so much reatervolurae and - mag nitude than he bad realized.-' . '" There1 was a fire in the" picker room of the Neely Manufactur ing Company Wednesday rafter noon caused by a match in the cotton. ; It was discovered early and extinguished before i there was very much damage. ' The loss was about $10. Messrs. J. J. Kellei & Co. have the main warehouse build inof the W. I. Witherspoon company well under way, . The work has been delayed some what for lack of materials; ! The people of Bethasda church have always been noted for their kindness to their pastors, but at no time has this kindness been more marked than at the present time. In addition 1 to raising their pastor's salary more than twenty-five per cent recently, on Wednesday of this week they presented him with money . wito whicn to ouy a new horse. -This kindness and tboughtfulness which have al ways marked the people of Be tnesda cnurch, accounts ,in a large measure for long pastora tes which the church has enjoy ed. In 113 years the church has had only eight pastors; the last of whom is still serving the church. '- Areo Red Salmon is an ideal food. Thompson' Dietetics.one of the standard, works on foods, gives Scammell's tables as fol lows: The percent of muscle buHding material in beef is 19. eggs 13, Salmon 20; As a brain food;? beef 2, Eggs, (white) 1- 28, (yolk) 2. Sal mon 6 and 7. Bora. ?! To Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lind say Friday; March, 22d, 1907. daughter. - ' To Mr. and Mrs. S. A. New ton, Thursday, March 21st 1907, a son. EASTER ; ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY of this week, the 27th and 28th We will show the newest creations in spring styles in millinery and dress goods and we want you to see them. Our hats have -a "smartness" and originality of style peculiarly their own. We aim at exckisiveness of design and are confident that we now have one of the handsomest and most original es sortments in town. If you arc looking for something stylish, "chic" and nobby in millinery favor us with a call. .. .'. Yeager- McLean Manufacturing Co. Thirty Thousand Daily. A - The Piedmont Brick Com pany. ot LfOweu, is getting in readiness to resume the manu facture of brick, the plant hav ing been idle sit.ee last fall. New dryers and fans are being put in and the plant enlarged to ; such an extent . that thirty thousand brick can be turned out daily. Work will be re sumed just as soon as the new machinery is installed. On ac count of the large amount of building in progress! and con templated in the county there is an extraordinary demand . for brick at this time. . - Spencer's magnificent new Y. M. C A, building, the gift to its employers by , the Southern Railway, - was formally opened Sunday by President W. W. Finley. " ''"x The First Presbvtetian church of Chatlotte Sunday decided to extend a call to Rev. Dr. W. W. Kincaid to become pastor of that church to succeed Rev, Dr, J. R. Howerton; resigned,: Dr. ;Kin- cam was . formerly pastor ot a Church in Minneapolis and f also in Honolulti.1 -s :' icb, the t fvJ i : d Tues- t fS: r J t 'V i as aj ' A Cream ef Tartar Pewctsr, not ct r'l r'oc-b"!vcrcfnany books cf f : i Faster and faster the pace is set. By people of action, vim and get, . . So if at the finish you would be. ; ; Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain .Tea. , " . ' ; . Adams Drug Co. Lively Chase Alter Nero. : ; John Williams, - colored. figured prominently, in several events tt Saturday v ? Williams wanted a wheel and he knew no better way than to steal one, ,so be made way with one belonging- to L Mr. : Lathap Falls, who was working "on Mr. ; Eli Line- berger's house- South-of . town. Finding - Ijis wheel.. one,v Mr. Falls phoned for a? warrant and Constable - Madison ;;Kendrick soon bad both the negro and the wheel.:-A'tcr, a hearing before Magistrate Thomas H.! White at the. city hall Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock,- Williams was sent to jail in default of $50 bond. After taking the negro to Dallas', Mr. Kendnck- - allowed - the prisoner to get out of bis -buggy first, and while 'Mr. Kendrick was auenjog' nis-animal, tne negro took to his heels. After a chase for a mile or two with out gaining on 'the officer the negro led Mr. Xendnck into! a ditch, - Findiog himself some what Relayed it the, chase by this accident, the constable borrowed - a , neighbor's horse and soorf had his prisoner by the coat collar and. the cnlprit was landed behind the bars .without 3C .f ..f .-. 14 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4-4 J K4 L. t. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOVCE, Cashier 4 .... .- . - ... -. . , -4 ! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of s Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. : - : : ' : We Invite vou to oDen an account with u. t . . DIRECTORS 4 L. L. Jenkins 4 A. A. McLean,. 4 J. Lee Robinson 4 t" v n;.An ' ! St 4 4 4- 4- 4- 4.4-T4 4 4 4 4 4- 4- 4 4 4- 4 4 R. R. Rav H. M. McAden T. L. Craig : ' . Andrew . Moore J. O. White, G. A. Gray - 4 4 X 4 4 4 4 4" .4 4-4-4-4 4 4" 4-4" DR. J. M. H U N T E R THs p ei a li st ROCK HILL;S.C. - Consultation FREE ;': Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors. Chrome uicersbcrofuU and 'Rheumatism;" Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs and Rectum. . ; Treats without the knife, loss of blood and little pain to patient. REFERENCES TO A FEW CASES' TREATED A. Clark. Taticer of sose. aock Hill S C; Mrs. J J. Willfans, caoccrol Io.TIrh, s, in. rinm of face. Lowell. N. 1 S. B. Hnn, cancer of neck. Gastonia, N. C : O. K. fin 1 VIra. S. R. Nelson, cancel of face, Uffden. S. muW E w w wrmt . i a tt ' o r. nose. Lattiaiore. N.C: fran cancer of lip, Lowell. 1 a Vf u 1 I I a J L' in.'. I facriUweTli N.'cT Mn''bjboti' ilcCraw. cancer'uf I, II .! U V UIV V VI L JU II,, - V' 1 ' . ....... . k Lattimore. cancer of face,Clelan1 MiUa. N.Cj J.K. Kkr' Mrs. af. K. Uarrell, cancer ol lace, tlifo oro. , Vi 'a. K. i , aimmm niHwnl farehpad. fchelbr N. C: D. H. Cobb, cancer of lip. Smjrni.S. C: J. K Hambright. verocose ulcer oi irg. niacK.iDnra: . v: n, orcen.caocciw ire. ..'' N. C: J. N. ClonU. cancer f the toagoe. Tirxah, S. C; Mra. N. S Adam.. cncr vl - ... ,rr crofulk,Oarfney,a'C: W.V. Tracr. cancer of neck, GaHneyS. C; J. B. II vi.i . k,,i,i nicer of Jelf, Mooreaboro. N. vi Mra. n i. Mixriw. nmi oi ice, v ' t McMahon. rbruraatism. Hcnnetta. N.C: L. A. Holland. cancer oeck liroiici. i. W. Eruie, rhcumatiim. Woore.boeo. K, C. . in. t r-t, I'm- farther trouble. -: - - ' - - - '