Mm v - a k m Tr m rrr Oavlnjja Dank j OFFER t-l Then Act ;jrhen:AQtH;:;.;; PUDLISIIED TWICE 'A- WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ':':w'3 v' 'K AAA i llll a 4 I. .... tU JAS. V. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests off the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. Single Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. OAOTONIA, N. C, FRIOAY, MARCH 29. I907. NO. 2 ' '.J?- 1' !. A U i: THE CITIZENS. NATIONAL BANK USES every possible means to protect its de- -positors, carrying burglary insurance, bonds on its officers and clerks. We offer a very safe "-'. place for yonr money. ... : ,. . , f . If yon haven't an account with us we invite you to bejrin one. .V .'. ,. . OF FICER8 1 R. P, Rankin! Pres. C. N. Evans, Vice-Pres. A; G. Myers, Cashier. 4 per cent paid on sariafs deposits. M2!Apr? 1 . 4 V f. Do you own a home? if not, it will pay you to see us How easy it is to become independent by laying up a few dollars each week or month and investing in. a home. In later years you will then be prepared for any emergency. We have some nice, new, medium priced cottages, but if you want to set one of them, better come today and see us. You know how difficult it is to rent a bouse in Gastonia. therefore, why not let us sell you one and you will feel much better than if in a rented bouse. s .'. .. .. - .". We have a plan that we feel-will interest you if you will come to see or drop us a card so that we can see you. .. .. Gastonia Insurance Realty Co. G. A. CRAY. Pres. J. L. ROBINSON. V-Prea, S. S. MORRIS.'Scc. TrcM , Gaston Metal & Roofing Company INCORPORATED DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING IN ROOFING Dont Fall to See Us Before MAKING YOUR CONTRACT Phone 217 Davis Bock The Little-Long Company's Spring Opening ' . AND ' A Free-Trip to Charlotte '!,-- ' . - " ' ... - . Whether you know the season or not, a walk through our three , big stores draped in the fresh bright new fabrics in both ready ' to-wear jjarmenta and dress materials would convince you at once the happy spring time is here.' - The new silks and wool ens have a beauty and brightness that can not' be described. To say that our coat suits, skirts and shirt waits are prettier than ever shown here before is a mild expression. .. .'. We can't say too much about our millinery, for it's a recognized fact all over the Carolinas and into other states that we are the Fifth Avenue milliners of this section. .. . . The men's and boys' clothing, furnishings,-.shoe department, jewelry, china, carpets and other - departments are as fully equipped. . , .. . ; Railroad fare paid both ways on purchases of $40.00 or more, within a radius of fifty miles. . , .. .'. The Little-Long Co, Wholesale & Retail. Charlotte, N. C. -Apr.26c6rl. A Tabercnlosls Hospital ' " Charlotte Observer. .. One of the most meritorious of the many bills ratified by the last " Legislature was that providing for the establishment and main, tenance of a tuberculosis hos pital at some point in the State where those, afflicted with the .- disease- maybe treated at cost. The bill, which was introduced in the House by Represeutatvr : Gordon and in the Senate by Senator Holt, was fathered by. . Dr. J. E. -Brooks, of Greensboro. It calls for the. appropriation of ;$15,000 for the establishment of such an. institution and $5,000 yearly for its maintenance. A board of trustees, consisting of . 12 prominent legislators, was ap pointed to take the matter in hand and see" to its aeeomplish- inert. . . TLe siitistics show that the treat t Lite plajue has a strong hold on the State. As the con- dittons now stand, only those afflicted who have wealth, - can obtain treatment tn the samto- rinms. ,The charges range from $50 to $100 a week in the hos pitals where the treatment' is in the hands of highly paid special ists. It is the plan of those who drafted the bill, to purchase a tract of land at the-most suitable place in the State, erect a number of cottages there, secure the ser vice of experts and then throw open the doors to any and all who- desire treatment. The charges will be no more than enough to defray the operating expeuses of the institution.1 The trustees have alt of this work in -charge. " They will fix upon a site and make necessary arrangements for the erection of the- cott.-Esr; ' Further "details will be announced later. A Special Message to Young Married Men; , ARM CRUSHED.''" r. Dorl CraU Victim ot Pain V Bone Broken and Mashed and n..k ft.itlw Mndld. I Mr. Dorie Craig", an employe of the Page Company, was the victim of a most distressing, ac niAmt Wdnesdav afternoon when he had the misfortune to have bis right arm broken, the. bone crushed and the flesh badlv -The limb was cauebt by a set screw while Mr. Craig was engaged in work at one of the machines in the shop. The injured man was at once removed to tne omce oi ur. v,. R. Adams uo-town and the wound was dressed, Drs. Sloan and Reid assist inc. Though verv badlv mangled. Mr. Craig refused to have the arm ampu nA tinntno- that it can be Sav A Mr Praia has manv friends who learned with regret of the accident he had sustained and who hone that he will entirely recover from the effect of it. COSTS NOTHING Unless CURED. Liberal Way In Which Ml-o-na Stomach Tablets are Sold by J. H. Kennedy A Co. If a friend should tell you that i he would oav the doctor's ' bill for vou utless you were cured. would it not impress you with bis physician's skill? It is in I this way that J. H. Kennedy & Co. sell Mi-o-na stomach tablets, for they guarantee to re fund the money if Mi-o-na does not cure. Use Mi-o na stomach tablets if you have any of the follow ing symptoms: backache, head ache, sleeplessness, nausea, dis tress after eating, specks before rthe eves, despondency, nervous ness, loss ofappetite, dizziness, cams in the side and limbs, or gulping up of undigested food. and you will soon be cured and able to eat a heartv meal with out fear of pain or distress Mi o-na costs but 50c a box, nothing if it does- not cure. J. H? Kennedy & Co. are the local distributors. - Border-Line Cock Fltht. x A chicken fight took place Tuesday somewhere near the South Carolina line, between I the fanciers of the two States, and it is reported on good ! authority that the North Caro i Una chickens licked the sand- laDDers to the tune of 7 out of 15. As no one from Gastonia was present to witness the fight, this score is not verified, but at any rate some Gastonia folks know all about it. ' Drop a postal card to the Alaska Packers Association, Advertising Department, Rich mond, Va., if you use "Argo" t and get their Argo Red Salmon Cook Book with 39 ways of pre paring Salmon. While on his way from the store where he worked Saturday night, Ed Davis, a young Wil mington man, tell against a fence beside the sidewalk and broke his necTf He was dead when picked up. A coroner's jury held that he met his death I accidentally. The office of the collector of I internal revenue for the Fifth i North Carolina district, which j for the past 15" years has been located at Asheville, will at an early date, be removed to States- ville, the home of Collector Geo. H. Brown. Capt T. M. Thompson, one of ! the most venerable and highly ; i respected citizens of Soulhport, died at his home after feeble health for a year or more. He was one of the old Cape Fear pilots and during the Civil War was : engaged in the blockade service between Wilmington aud the West Indies. - The first distribution by the general education board since it receivedkJohn , D,; Rockefeller's most ' recent - contribution ot $32,000,000 was made at a meet ing of the board Tuesday, when i conditional gifts -totaling: $625.- 000 were made to five education al institutions. . rne money was divided as follows Yale University $300,000; Princeton University $100,000:- Bowdoin j CoIIeee, Brunswick, Me , ; $50.- 000; Colorado College j Colorado Springs, $50,000; Millsaps Col lege, Jackson, Miss., $25,000. After making these appropria tions toe board voted to give a total of $42,500 to' colored schools, the names of which were not made public lest the help of the board should tend to discourage guts to these schools from other sources. BITTEN BY MAD D00. Two Girls, a Man . and One Bo Victims el Rabid Dot-Taken fo Charlotte Where Mad Stone M?our Gastonians went to Char lotte yesterday to test the value of the mad stone. They were Misses Bstelle and Kate Jen kins, the young daughters of Mr. Joba Jenkins,, who lives near the Loray Mill, on the north side of the railroad; Mr. James HoweU and the young son of Mr. B. W. Spratt, who lives in the western section of town. ; All four were bitten Tuesday by a rabid dog belonging to Mr Howell, which was later killed. Wednesday Mr. Spratt took bis young son to Charlotte . and the madstone was applied, adher ing for fity minutes. Yester day morning the two girls, Mr. Howell, Mr. Spratt and the latter's son went to Charlotte for the same purpose. The young people were air bitten on the arms, none of their wounds being very serious. The dog also attacked a cat and literally tore it to pieces Faster and faster the pace is set, By people of action, vim and get, So if at the finish you would be. Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Williams Drug Co. WALKER TO BE HANGED. Neiro Who Killed Fayetteville Policemen Convicted oi Murder In First Decree To be Ex ecnted April 15th. The jury in the case of the State vs. Tom Walker, a negto, for the killing of Chief of Police Chason and another policeman in Fayetteville a few weeks ago rendered a verdict Wednesday ot guilty of murder in the first degree -and the judge sentenced him to be banged April 15th The crime with which Walker was charged was a particularly atrocious one. He shot and killed two officers and wounded a third in an attempt to escape arrest tor operating a blind tiger. He made his escape but was captured the next day. Tuesday Walker made a des perate effort to kill himself by beating bis brains out against his cell wall. His bead was badly bruised and battered but the attempt was unsuccessful. The jury was out only 22 min utes. There was no disorder. . ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO. Twentythree students of the engineering class ot Clemson Colfege, S. C, spent last week visiting the great iron foundries in and around Birmingham, Ala. : ELECTION ORDERED. City Council Fixes Monday, May (lb, ss Date lor Municipal Election Mayor, rive Alder men and Five School Commis sioners to be Chosen. At a called meeting of the board of aldermen in the city ball Tuesdiy night at 7 30 o'clock,, the following election ordinance was drawn up aud adopted: ' (1) The board of aldermen of the town of Gastonia do declare, enact and ordain that an election be held on Monday, the 6th day of May, 1907, at the city hall in the town of Gastonia, Gaston county. North Carolina, for the purpose of electing a mayor, five aldermen and five school commissioners. (2) That M. H. Shuford be appointed registrar of the said election, that T. L. Clinton and W. I. Stowe be appointed judges of same. - (3) That notice of said election be published as follows: NOTICK OF ELECTION. North Carolina, Gaston County, "Town of Gastonia'. Notice is eiven hereby that the board of aldermen of the town of Gastonia have called an election to be held in the town hall on Monday, the 6th day of May. 1907, for the election ot a mayor, uve aldermen and five school commissioners. Notice is further eiven that M. H. Shuford is appointed registrar of said election ana the books of registra tion will be open at the town hall for lour consecutive Jsaturaays next proceeding the said election, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 o'clock p. m. This, the 26th day of March, 1907, by the order of the board. oierneaj J. K. Dixox, Mayor, H. B. Moore. Clerk. I T S U RP ASS ES any we have ever bad before; that's the only way we can describe, our stock of millinery for the Spring and summer season.' We have prices and styles to suit alV our customer; all we ask is that you visit our store. You will then be con vinced of the truth of out statement. : i : ' t We are just as safe in saying that our dress goods department is complete in every respect. We are showing a line of hand some pompadour mulls, chiffon batistes and plaid voiles. : Beautiful is the word to describe our line of mercerized and silk hosiery in drop stitch and gauze. : : : : ' Fancy parasols in plaids, solid colors with polka dots and Persian borders. : : : : : : ; : : See us before you buy. . YEAGER-McLEAN MFG. CO. Panama Canst Erie Canal. Machinery is digging the Panama . . . . . i ... .. canal ainousanu units quicKer man the shovel dug the bne. Machinery produces tne l.. & m. Paint at 50 times less cost for labor, than if made bv hand. The L. & M. gives the best job in , the world, because L. & M. Zinc hardens L. & M. White Lead and makes L. & M. Paint wear like iron for 10 to 15 years. It only requires 4 gallons of this celebrated paint and 3 gallons of Linseed Oil at 60 cts per gallon, to paint a moderate sized house. 11 any detect exists in l.. ec w. Paint, will repaint house for noth ing. Sold by Garrison & Detter, Besse mer City, N. U. F15.22-M29.A5-MV1U. EASTER GREETINGS Forest City is to have a news paper. Mr, U. W. Kollins nas organized a company for this purpose and it has been chartered with a capital of $3,000. Fire swept the Spartan Mill settlement in Spartanburg. S. C, Monday morning and de stroyed sixty-one houses. The oss is estimated at $75,000. There were no fatalities. Just received the prettiest and dain tiest lot of new and novel designs in Bracelets, Waist, Sets, Neck Chains, Lockets, Crosses, Combs, Hat Pins, Barretts, Bar Pins, Pen dants and in fact anything suitable ' for EASTER GIFTS for your wife, sister or sweetheart. Just the thing to set off new Easter Hat or Gown. Torrence-Morris Co. Jewelers & Opticians. 5C f 1 f f f f f f i 4 ir 4? 4 4 4 Ar 4 fr 4r 4 fc it L. L. JENKINS, Pre. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier "fr THp Pirct Nfifinnal Rank spect YOUR IVE it food that will not irritate or "retard the performance of its natural functions, and it will reciprocate in a way agreeable and comforting. No" single ingredient contributes so largely toward wholesome, nourishing, agreeable food as Royal Baking Powder. Royal Baking Powder's active ingre dient; Grape 'Cream of Tartar, is the rrfost healthful of the fruit products. -This is why Royal Baking Powder makes the food finer,, lighter, more appe-tizing-and anti-dyspeptic, a friend to the stomach and good health. GASTONIA, N. C. With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in tour history. :: , : : :t We Invite vou to open an account with us. L. It. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J. K. Dixon - i DIRECTORS R. R. Rav H. M. McAden G. A. Gray 4 T. L. Craig 4 Andrew E. Moore 4 J.O.White . : Imitation: Baking Powders CoiitalD Alan ' "Theuseof alum arid salts of alumina In food should be PROHIBITED. The. con stant use of alum compounds exerts a ; deleterious effect upon; the digestive organs and an Irritation of the internal organs after absorption. . . ...j j . "EDWARD S. WOOD, M. D. - "Professor of Chemistry . " , " "Harvard Medical School, Bostoa." v ' aOYAt fcAKINS POWDOT CO NEW YORK - - - - -tfr -- ft. .at- -tfr - alt & mt WW T r "y" 9 9 9 T DR.JM. HUNTER t"speci ali ot ROCK HILL, 8.C. - Consultation FREE Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula and -Rheumatism; Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs and .Rectum. Treats without the knife, loss of blood and little pain to patients REFERENCES TO A . FEW CASES R. A. Clark. Cwicerof no. Rock Hill S C: Mr. J 3. WrtHm. i". K. ' TREATED 1 r oi fp. Tlrrafi R. C: Mrs. S. R. Nelson, cancer of (acr, Oedcn. S.C: w. A. MnUinaa. canw of (ac. King CreekS Cj W.W. Stroup. cancer of lace. Lowell. N.C: Mr,, H.rNorr XcCriw, enncrt ( ' forehead. Caffoey. S. C; S. B. Hanna. cancer of neck. Gastonia. N. C; r. y. (.ria cu-.r t cancer of lip. Lowell.N. C; Mrs. M. K.Harrel I. cancer of face, Ellen wo. N. C; i f. L Glaaco, cancer of forehead. Shelby N.C: D. H. Cobb, cancer of lip. Smyrna. S, 4. : J. Harabrieht.Terocose nicer of lea. Hiacasonrar . v.. ureen. cancer m lace.ain,. N.C: J. N.rionta. cancer the tonaue.TiiT.C! lira. N! S. Adai. eanrrr ci . croful,Gaifney,S.C: W.N. Tracy, cancer of neck. Gafioey. 5. C;J. B. H.ntn nicer o( leg, Mooresboro. N. C: Mr. H.T. McCraw. cancer of face. Cliff-. .ie. h t,J. McMabon. rheumatism, Henrietta. N. C: L. A. Uoliaod, cancer neck Hem iciia. K. s..: W. Bridges, rheumatism. Mooresboro, N. C. - B If Tea Want Casfoa Cengfy r'e'wi r--rr:' s f :r 7' ! If Yoa Vast Keif. L'ptJ3 i ry r r - i ;,3