A i4. . . it . i .- R 13 AD OUR I Go vns Bonk ESTONIA rrn rrr,rr i read ou;; OFFER v Then Act PUDLISIIED TWICD A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. JAS. VV. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County $1.50 a Year In Advance. Single Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. GAOTONIA, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 2, I007. NO. 27 Mze "t.' ... ' . THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK USES every possible-means to protect its de positors, carrying burglary insurance, bonds on its - officers and clerks: We offer a very- safe place-for your money. V ' , .V .. If you haven't an account with as we invite you to begin one. .. ' , A .'. O F FICER S R. P. Rankin, Pres. C. N. Evans,. Vice-Pres. A. G. Myers, Cashier.' ;- 4 per cent paid on aavfafs deposits. IA Special Message to You n g:M a rried Men see us few Id Do you own a home? If not, it will pay you to How easy it is to become independent by laying up a dollars each week or month and investing in a home. j later vears you will then be prepared for any ,, emergency. ' o We have some nice, new, medium priced cottages, but if ft you want to get one of them,' better come today and see . us. Yon know how difficult it is to Tent a house in Gastonia. therefore why uot let us sell "you one and you will feel much better than if in a rented house. .. .'. We' have a plan that we feel will interest you if you will come to see or drop us a card so that we can see you. .'. Gastonia Insurance Realty Co. G. A. GRAY, Pre. J. L. ROBINSON, V-Prct.': & S. MORRIS, Sec. A Treas Gaston Metal & Roofing Company INCORPORATED DEALER AND CONTRACTORS ! gy-ffiii..'i. I "I I H I !! 111" I i i hi mi - II I . I ... , .. I T 1 1 i j i FOR EVERYTHING IN ROOFING Don't Fall to See Us Before MAKING YOUR CONTRACT Phone 217 Davis Bock' The Little-Long Company's Spring Opening AND y A Free Trip to Charlotte ' Whether you know the season or Hot, a walk through our three . big stores draped in the fresh bright new fabrics in both ready-to-wear garments and dres materials would convince you at once the happy spring time is here. The new silks and wool : ens have a beauty and brightness that can not.be described, s To' say that our coatsoits. skirts and shirt waits are prettier than ever shown here before is a mild expression. .'. , " We can't say too much aboutour millinery, for it's a recognized , fact all over the Carolinas and into other states that we are ' the Fifth Avenue milliners of this section. .. .. ., The men's and .boys' clothing, furnishings, shoe department, ' jewelry, china, carpets and other departments are as fully equipped. . ' .'. . , " , .Railroad far paid both ways on purchases of $40.00 or more, within a radius of fifty miles. .. ."...' .. ... ;, The ; Little-Long Co. Wholesale & Retail. Charlotte, - - .' - - - N. C, - " ' Apr.26c6w ' When Cleveland Said, "By Gosh. ':' .1 - She Pops!" , "All the inheritors of the mantle of - Oklahoma Payne claim credit, and many men in Kansas arrogated to themselves a certain importance," r, ps & Emerson Hough, in AppK ton's Magaziqe. "A long-legged friend of miner who may becalled Bjll Jennings as well as anything else, always insisted that, he was responsible for the opening of the Cherokee country. .'I went down to Washington,' said he,. 'tdsee Cleveland about it, .1 went up to the door of Cleve land's bouse right at. the front door and I knocked.'and I heard Cleveland holler out to me, "Come in!" I went in, and there was Cleveland settin' in the par lor, with all his Cabinet there too. I says to Cleveland, "Cleve lizi, then Injuns has got to go, and them cowmen too.. I put it to him right plain. Cleveland, he listened, - and by . and by he got up and come and put ' his hand on my shoulder, and says he, "Bill, by gosh, she popsl?'" y Piano Recital at Darenport. The following invitation has oeeu received in Gastonia: Davenport Collate . . '. Piano Seciul' . ; " of v Ann Atm Craadall : '' ; Minnie Lewii Downam . !-' Mondav Bveninc i April Fifteenth. Nineteen levea Leuoir. North Carolina. '. Miss Downom ' is' a daughter 6t Rev. J. M. Downum, ol Gas tonia, and her inan? friends will be glad to hear of her success in her college graduation . Ac companyingthe invitation is a very inviting program of music. Subscribe for The Gastonia Gazette. V .v ALBION BUYS AUTO.- s Oastoaia . Wholesale , Grocery Firm to . Use Cadllac for . Travellnt: Salesman First Concern la' Thla Section Try Thla Experiment. Gastonia is generally in t leaot-fihe can at least be counted on to: keep abreast of other progressive towns Her latest claim to this distinction lies in the fact that a Gastonia firm is the first in this section, so far as known, to put into service an automobile for the use of its traveling salesmen. The concern referred to is the Albion Grocery Comoanv. -V.:" Says The Charlotte Observer of Sunday:'" The Albion Grocery Co.. of Gastonia, yesterday pur chased from the Osmond L Barrioger Co . a convertible Cadilac touring car to be used by Mr. Williams in covering the territory between Yorkville, b C, and Hickory. The car is equipped with an odometer so that they can keep an accurate account of the expense per mile and in this wav learn just how much they are saying in railroad fare and buggy hire. This is the fi st t rue in North Carolina that an automobile has- been used as a competitor of the rail roads and the success of the ven ture will mean that a number of firms will adopt the same method of transportation tor their rep resentatives." Mr. A A Williams, the firm's traveling representative, - left Gastonia Saturday afternoon in the machine, bis objective point being Maiden. From that point he started yesterday on a trip including a number of towns Lenoir being as the farthest north. He will cover his terri tory, from Lenoir to Yorkville and from Belmont to Gaffney, in the auto. It is an experiment on the part of the company and its workings will be watched with interest by other firms. There is nothing nicer packed than Afgo Red Salmon, and yet the price is within the reach of all. . n L fU a be BESSEMER BRIEFS. Bear Prince Opera Company. 'Birds of a Feather." a musi cal cocktail, will be the offering at the cpera house the night of Wednesday, April 3d. A comic opera for the young and" old Twenty of. the latest musical numbers, and each a hit. The best -chorus and solos every body is singing. Hobbs and Dobbs, as the two birds, and their various love af fairs, affords the plot to toe opera. Then there is "Anna," the soubrette; "Col. Bounoer," "Penapela'Ann." and other characters, aided by the famous beauty chorus. - ; If you, have that tired feeling, come and ' see the birds, bear them sing and see them dance. You will pronounce it the best entertainment of the season. "Birds of a Feather" ran in New York for 200 nights and in Chicago for 150 nights. Man ager Cavis is to be congratu lated on securing this well known 'attraction. Seats on sale at Torrence's Drug Store. NOTHING COMPARES to Father , William's Indian Herb Tablets for all diseases of the LIVER KIDNEYS, -STOMACH and BOW ELS. Frost Torrence & Cov It causes a vigorous action of the LIVER, digesting the food and caus ing a regular free movement, of the BOWELS, cleanses the KIDNEYS, purifies the BLOOD, makes you well, keeps youWell. It only costs you 20 cents to try it. ; Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfied. 2. No Mtn. Island Team., '1 It ' is to be .--regretted that Mountain Island will not be in the county baseball ring this season. -.Unless ; the baseball cranks . in that '' neighborhood wake up ' Mountain Island. which has in past years become famous . on "account of the prestige of i her team, will not be on the map this season. Mr. Rube Jenkins, who pilotted the Mountain Island - boys both to victory and - to defeat last seasonijs -authontyifor4he statement that there will be no Mountain Island nine this year. On the other hand,v it is stated that Mountain island will have a team and a good one too, and as for Reuben, they say that his blood, which is thick with base ball germs, has . not yet been sufficiently warmed up to muster a team. About three good games will put Reuben in fine shape. ;' :: :-v Argo Red Salmon' is rapidly" becoming a household word in this locality. At all grocers. Bessemer City, March 30th. r. k. ti, uarren. wno has oeen spending a few days with rela tives at Arden, returned Wednes day, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Lawrence Froncberger, of Char.otte, who have been,tbe guest, of Mr, and Mrs E. L. Froneberger, have re turned home. Mis. J A. Smith is at St. Peters Hospital, Char lotte, for treatment. Miss Julia Irwin, of Rutberfordton, is the guest of Mrs.. J. H. Wilkins. She will return home Saturday. Vf iss May Wooten, of Waycross, Ga., is visiting her : sister, Mrs. M I Sholar Rev. and Mrs W. H. Hardin, of Gastonia, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs C. E. Whitney. Mrs. S. J. Durham is quite ill at her home. Miss Williams, a trained nurse of Charlotte, is attending her. There are many tonics in the land, As by the papers you can see; But none of them can equal Hollister's Rocky. Mountain Tea. Adams Drug Co. . Parker-Doling l r At the residence of the bride in Est Gastonia Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock Mrs. Agnes Dulin and Mr. James K Parker, of Blacksburg, S C, were united in matrimony by Magistrate T. H. White. Gastonia will be tbe home of this happv couple. New Manager lor Falls House, Mr. H K. White, who has been for sometime with Gresh am's eating house at Florence, S C, will take charge of the Falls House Thursday, relieving the-present manager, Mr. J. A. Bovett, who goes to VVavnes- ville to take charge of the Hay wood White Sulphur Springs Hotel. Mr. . White is ' an ex perienced hotel man and has been for several years connected with the famous Gresham eating houses throughout the South. A Birthday Dinner. Mi. and Mrs W. N. Davis en tertained a few of their friend i yesterday with a big turkey din ner in honor of the latters birth day. Those who enjoyed their hospitality were: Mrs. O W. Davis, of Gastonia; Mr A, N. Harmon, of El Bethel; Mrs L. E.- Powers, of Rutherford ton; Mrs. B A. Baber, of Shelby, Mrs. J. W. McDowell and Miss Laura Baber, of Henrietta; all save the two first named being their guests for a few days. Mrs McDowell and Mrs. Powers re turn to their respective homes to-day. ine occasion was a most delightful one and was greatly enjoyed. by all present. ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO ARGO. , ,, , Souvenir Letter of Oastonia. Something new and novel in the post card line is the "Souve nir Letter of Gastonia", just gotten out and put on sale Sat urday by the Torrence-Moms Company.jewelers and opticians. t contains eight halftone cuts of Gastonia views, post card size, enclosed in an attractive green cover," the latter contain ing place for address and name of sender. The inside of the cover has a Gastonia date line. provision thus being made for the' sender to write - a letter. When this is done a two-cent stamp is required, whereas a one-cent stamp is sufficient when mailed without writing on the inside. The "letter" retails for ten cents. The views shown are as follows.ln the order in which they appear: Birdseye view of eastern section of town; Main street, business section ; Main street, residence section; York street, looking south,- York street, looking north; M a i n Street M. E. church. South: irst Presbyterian 'church ar d manse;, first Baptist church he booklet was printed by the Gazette Publishing Company. . ALFALFA. Advantage of Spring Sowing Preparatioa a n d Seeding When to Cat. Wood' Crop Special. Alfalfa Can be sown either in the springer fall.- A satisfactory stand secured from spring seed ing will get well set and give full crops tbe following year. While late summer and fall seeding are quite generally practiced, it is not advisable to put off until fall if conditions are light for spring sowing. Quite frequeutly hot dry weather will prevent the proper prepara tion of the ground in tbe late summer and fall and also cause the seed to fail to come up well. Good conditions cau nearly ! always be secured for spring seedings aud it is not wise" to depend on fall seeding altogether provided proper preparations of tbe land can be made and sea sonable weather tor seedin? in the spring prevails. To have best success with Alfalfa, land - should contain plentv of vegetable matter or else be liberally enriched with stable manure. The application of lime is also very beneficial. The land should be deeply plow ed and have thorough prepara tion harrowed and harrowed so as to make a fine firm seed bed ow liberally of seed from 20 to 30 pounds per acre and cover ith a light harrow or brush harrow to an average of as near half an inch deep as possible. The last of March' is the best time lor seeding in the spring in this section although Alfalfa can be sown anytime during March or up to the middle of April. Spring sown alfalfa should be clipped just before ready to bloom, having the sickle set rather high. If the growth is not very heavy the fitst cutting is left on the ground: if quite heavy it can be cured and used for bay. Tbe field may bt mow ed again once or twice during the summer. Mowing is also the remedy given when the leaves turn yellow. Mm, I v i i .it : v.. A Cream of Tartar Powder. - free rrom alum or phot ' phatlo acid . Read the Cameron Range Talks. The attention of our many readers is directed to the strik ing advertisements of the Cam eron steel, ranges, now appear ing in this paper. The Gastonia Furniture Cotnpanv has secured tbe agency for these famous ranges in Gastonia and will be glad to show how the Cameron works, acd to give any other in formation desired. Range building in many in stances has followed too closely the old methods with but few new improvements. Therefore, the Cameron steel ranges are very much in demand among housekeepers everywhere on ac count of the many modern and up-to-date improvements that they carry.- For instance, we learn that the Cameron steel ranges have larger ovens and Sues than any other ranges made. This makes cooking quicker and better and does away with the flues "chock ing." Soft or hard coal can be burnt with as good results as wood. The Cameron is also as bestos lined and takes less fuel Don't fail to see the Cameron. IT S U R PASSES any we have ever had before; that's the only way we can describe our stock of millinery for the Spring and summer season. We have prices and styles to suit all our customer?; all we ask is that you visit our store. You will then be con vinced of the truth of our statement. : t ' : : We are just as safe in saying that our dress goods department is complete in every respect. We are showing a line of hand some pompadour mulls, chiffon batistes and plaid voiles. ; Beautiful is tbe word to describe our line of mercerized and 4 silk hosiery id drop stitch and gauze. : : : : : Fancy parasols in plaids, solid colors with polka dots aud Persian borders. ::::::;:: See us before you buy. YEAGER-McLEAN MFG. CO. J ROOFING ' ZZ3 Slate, Tin, Iron, Steel, Ruberoid, Tarred Paper, Asphalt ani Gravel 1 LARGE STOCK. Prompt, Good and Cheap . LONG BROS. GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier GASTQNIA, N. C. New Residence Section. A deal has just been closed by the terms of which the Gas tonia Insurance & Realty Co. has acquired, posession of a tract of land on York. Chester and Fourth streets from Mr. W. N. Davis. This tract, to gether, with the tract . recently purchased from Mr. R. L. Davis on Fourth and South streets, will be divided into .25 residence lots. The company cow has a force of hands and teems at work grading and otherwise improving this terri tory - and will spare no expense in developing this property into a high-class residence section. Sewer lines .will be built throughout, connecting with the town line, shade trees will be set out and, a within a short time, this section will be one of the most desirable for residence purposes available in - town. Tbe place is also very close in, being only four blocks from the town park. ' The Gillespie Company, the concern that is ; doing " the big work . at'Whitney, is going to work night and day a from now on. During the winter night work was . suspended.'- An electric plant will be installed for that purpose, -r Rev. Dr. J. R. Howerton, who recently resigned the pastorate of the First Presbyterian church at Charlotte, has accepted the chair of philosophy in Washing ton and Lee University, Lexing ton, Va. t - v '. : - 4 t The First National Bank With sixteen years successful banking experience, capital, surplus and profits of over one hundred and' twenty-five thousand dollars and deposits of Over Half a Million we are in a better position to serve our customers than ever before in our history. : : : : We Invite vou to 'open an account with u. DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J. K. Dixon R. R. Rav H. M. Mc Aden T. L. Craig , -J Andrew E,' Moore J. O. White ' G. A. Gray " , j DR. J. Ma H UNTER 7"speci aligt ROCK MILL, S. C. Consultation FREE Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers', Scrofula and Rheumatism; Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs and Rectum. - Treats without the knife,' loss of blood and little pain to patient. Preferences TbAT fevVcases : treated R. A. Clark, Cancer of nose. Rock Hill 8 CMn. J J. William, eamwr of face.Tirji'i. 8. C: Mra.S. R. Nelson. cancer o lace. Oadep. S. C: W. A. MnUinaa.cancM' oi lace., kmc a rvk S Cr W. W. StrooD. cancer of face. Lowell. N.Ci Mra, Barborr IfcCra w, c iw, t( orrhriuf Cafiaer. S C: S.B. Hanna. cancer ol neck. Gaatonta. N.JL: O. V. t.f . t -f cf nose. Lattimore. N.C: Frank Lattimore .cancer ol laccCtovland Mill. N.C: .Tlr i. Vl r- Mm. VI. R. Harrell. cancer ol lace. El Ira oro. N. r.lmaro. cancer o fofebead. Shelby N.C: D. H. Cobb, cancer of lip. Smyrna. Hambright. verocose nicer of lee;. Blacksbnra S. C: R. C. oreen. cncet ol face. W. N. C: J. N. rlonu, cancer f the toocue. Tireah, S. Ct Mrs, N. &Adm. canwr ol , Lowell. N.C: G. W.Green, cancer ol neck. Moore.boro. N. C.: Wi Carrie , acrolnla, GaffneF. S. C: W.tojTracy. canr of neck. Garlner. S. C: . B. H.mti, k, t ulcerollea:. alooresboroj k. C ! Mra h IT. alcCraw. cancer ol lace. C nl - -. hL:l. McMahon. rbeutnatism, Henrietta, N. C: L. A, Holland, cancer neck litui .;a, N. C.; W. Bridge, rheuDatiam. Mooreaboro, N. C. , : i. H. .C; h'm. O. r. .S. C: . K. II Yob Want Caston County !TwaSrrr" f r T' ; It Yoo Want Neat. Uto-Cgfa iil- ?ryT r

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