I v FJOAD OUR j Bavlns Dank 1 : OFFER I ;? Then Act 4- . ' 4 t i T T 5TTE ' i 1 : , Paving U, -lie "... opupp,.;: , I PUBLISHED TWICB A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS JAS. VV. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. ? Ingle Copy 3c. ) VOL XX VIII OAOTONIA, N. C. TUESDAY. APRIL O, I0O7. NO.20 IONIA I '-'I 5 We are prepared to extend our customers every accotnmoda tiou and courtesy their business will warrant. If yon have no account with us we invite you to open one. . . : : - : . . ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT V We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of i and compound the interest quarterly. : : : : ' : : R. P. Rankin, President CITIZENS QAUK : . A. G. Myers, Cashier. Do you own a home? If not, it will pay you to see us. How easy it is to become independent by laying up a lew dollars each week or month and investing in a home. In later years you will thefi be prepared for any emergency. We have some nice, new, medium priced cottages, but if you want to set one of them, better come today and see us You know how difficult it is to rent a house in Gastonia. therefore why not let us sell you one and you will feel much better than if in a rented house. We have a plan that we feel will interest you if you will come to see or drop us a card so that we can see you. .. - J Gastonia Insurance t$ Realty Co. cesceseeseeseeseeee9e$eeceeoe939eeeoeeeesed9eee G. A. GRAY, Prei. J, t. ROBINSON. V Pre.. S. S, MORRIS. Sec" Treat Gaston Metal & Roofing Company INCORPORATED DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING IN ROOFING Don't Fall to See Us Before MAKING YOUR CONTRACT Phone 217 Davis Bock Jhe Little-Long Company's Spring: Opening , and; A Free Trip to Charlotte Whether you know the season or not, "a walk through our three bifc stores draped fn the fresh bright new fabrics in both ready towear garments and dress materials would convince you at , opce the hapriy spring time is here. The new silks and wool ehf have a beauty and brightness that can, not be described. '. To say that onr coatanits, skirts and shirt waits are prettier " . than ever shown here before is a mild expression. . '.. We can't say too much about our millinery, for it's a recognized ' fact all over the Carolinas and into ether states that we are the Fifth Avenue milliners of this section. , .. .The men's and boys' clothing,' furnishings, shoe department, ' jewelry, - china, carpets, and other' departments are as fully equipped. -- " . .-. . - .. Railroad farepaid both ways on purchases of $40.00 or more, " within a radios of fifty miles. . , - .v ... The Little-Long Co. Wholesale;: Retail. : Charlotte, - . . . . C. t - ' , - . - . Apr.26c6w : ' g a opeciai iviessage xp Young Married Men MUCH DAMAGE TO TRUCK. Monday's Cold Soap Hart Straw berry Crop 20 per Cent Loss to Other Track Greater.. - - Wilmington, April - 5, Tele graphic reports to the Trnckern Journal here indicate thar the damage to strawberries by. Mon day's cold snap will range from 10 to 20 rTer cent. .Many of the vines were strawed and , were thns protected. . The crop of the present year is estimated at 1,800 car loads, against 2,300 last year, the fall injr off being due largely to de creased acreage. ' - - Injury to beans, potatoes, peas and other truck by the cold was somewhat greater. v. There have "been only five deaths - from smallpox in the State daricg the past nx months. There are 16,000 weekTy news papers in the United States with a combined circulation of 31, 000,000 and there are 2.200 dailies with a' combinde,-circulation of 15 000,000, ' - '-u. An official report shows that, ai toe oeginning oi me montn ot March, there was a total of 673, 635 on the FetieraVoensions iisL Dnrinir February2,699 pensioners of-the civil war were, dropped from the roll because of death. While examining a large can containing refined alcohol at the plant of tbe O. W. Slaine Glass Cotnpauy atStatesville' Fridavi Mr. Fred Slaine onthonghtediy struck a match and a disastrous explosion l followed..; He was feaifully burned and is in a crit ical condition. -Mr. ; Baldy Guy Was i also painfully injured and several hundred dollars worth of glass was destroyed. ! ST. MAEY'S VICTOSIOUS. Defeats UolversUy a! Sooih Car olina la Closely Contested Oame. Scort Betnf 6 to 5 la ' Fayor el the Belmont Boy To Meet Meant Pleasant Tours- St. Marv'a baseball team de feated the University of South Carolina team at , St.x Mary's Athletic Park. Belmont, Satur day In a close and interesting came, tbe final score Dem? o to 5 in favor of the Belmont boys. The victorious nine secured tbe winnin? ran in the ninth inning Despite the bad weather, Dotu teams olaved fast and - snappy ball and at no time was the came lackine in interest. Ros ! seau's pitching for St. Mary's was quite " a feature,, whereas Jones, of the visitors, was bit hard. Very few spectators were ? A. At-. . 1 J present owing to mc cutw n dampness. - '' Score : - R II E St Mary's 6 14 3 University of S. C. 5 6 S Batteries: Str Mary's, Sullivan and Rosseau; Carolina, Jones Belser; umpire, Mr. Burns On Thursday of this week St. Mary's boys will meet tbe strong Mount Pleasant Academy; team. Fnllenwider, said to be the crack pitcher of the State. will be in the box for the visitors. Much ! interest is centered in this game, owing' to the excellent record of the Mount -Pleasant boys this season. An interesting contest is expected. The St. Mary's line-up will be as ioiiows: auinvan, catcner: Malloy. pitcher; Tracy, fiirst base; Funderburk, second base; Donnelly, third base ; Hogan, shortstop; Arthur, right field; O'Brien. W-. center field; Ros seau, left new. KILLS . CATARRH GERMS. Stomach dosing; cannot kill these germs; a direct local treat- and for this purpose nothing else equals Hyomei, ; Breathed through the - neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit Hyomei reaches the most remote air cells in the nose. throat and lungs, giving imme diate relief and tttectine a per manent cure in the worst cases of catarrh. A complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1,00, and J. H. Ken nedy & Co, give a guarantee with every outfit that the treat ment will cost nothing unless it cures. s A9-1Z-18. Services lor Children. Services of an evangelistic j nature, adapted especially to the needs of children, wiil be held to-day, to-morrow and Thursday afternoons at 4 o'clock in Mam Street Methodist church. Rev. R. M. Courtney, of Lmcolnton, will preach each afternoon and the hymns will be from the Young People' s Hymnal No. S. All are welcome to attend. .: TWINS GALORE. MecklenborJ Farmer Blessed With Twin Babies. Calves and -Celts.vv'":'?1:;i- Charlotte, April 5. While bis neighbors are stirred up over nu merons incendiary nres and are holding meetings in tbe effort to nod some wav to put' a stop to them, Mr.' Gooch Moss, wbo lives in lower Steele Creek town ship, this connty, is happy, ' Mr. Moss married a blithe some , young widow and he is now overwhelmed with sudden prosperity that has' visited his ranch, having, been blessed re cently ; with twin . babies, twin calves and. twin colts A full story has been mailed to Presi m . . n . . - nays inieresi in Kesiaorani. Mr. WrE. Todd; proprietor of tbe Star Bakery, has purchased an interest in Morns' - Cafe and will in the future be connected with tbe management thereof. Tbe deal was made the latter part of last week. It is the intention of the proprietors of this restau rant to make some improvements in the near future. Mr. Todd will devote a portion of his time to the restaurant and a part to bis bakery. Every woman appreciates a beau tiful complexion, so much desired by men. Such complexions come to all who use Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Adams Drug Co. Promoted to Conductor. A regular night yard crew was put on in the local vards rridav by the. Southern Railway. Mr. Belvin Thompson, who has been flagging: on the switch engine, was put in Charge as conductor of the crew. He is a on of our townsman, Mr W. L Thompson, and is one of the youngest railroad men on this division He is efficient in the service and his promotion deserved. is Rev. Dr. White Preaches. The congregation of the As sociate Reformed Presbyterian church enjoyed two excellent sermons, Sunday, morning and evemngi by Kev. Ur ti K, White, pastor of Ebenezer church. Mecklenburg county. His subject at the morning hour was "The Attributes of Jove," in the evening "Follow Me." Rev. Dr. White is a preacher o: more than ordinary ability and his discourses were listened to with marked attention. Union services will be neia in tnis church next Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock, conducted bv Rev. W. H. Reddish, pastor o: tbe First Baptist church. The Argo Red Salmon Cook Book gives thirty-nine recipes for preparing; Salmon and sau ces. Ask your grocer tor it. GOOD NEWS TO WOMEN. Father William's Indian Herb Tab lets, Natures Remedy.is becoming the : most popular Female Remedy in use. Pale, f weak, t Nervous, Delicate Women suffering from those weak nesses and diseases, peculiar to their sex, will find in Father William's Indian Tablets a wonderful TONIC and REGULATOR. It quiets the Nerves, puts on flesh, gives strength and elasticity to the step, brightens the eyes, clears the complexion and makes you - well and strong again. Tea or Tablets. 20 cents. ,. 4. Carriers' Reports. Following are the reports of the several rural free delivery mail carriers going out from tbe Gastonia postoffice for the quar ter ending ; March 31st: ; Route No. : 1, T. C. Smith carrier: Number of pieces collected 8,- 455, number delivered 19,476, total number pieces handled 27, 930, money orders sold 90. stamps canceled $146.63, stamps sold $169.79; 1 route No. 2, J. B. Carson carrier: : Number of pieces collected 2,445, number delivered 11,446, total -number pieces handled 13,891, money orders sold 1U7, stamps canceled $45.17, stamps sold $45.51; route No. J, J. ti. Dickson carrier: Number of pieces collected 2.- 009, number t delivered 10,818. total number pieces bandied 12,- 827, . money orders sold 71. stamps canceled $36.98. stamos sold 4.iu; route No. 4: Num ber of -pieces collected 4.638. number delivered 20.289. total number pieces handled 24,927, money orders sold 164. : stamos canceled, ay.3J, stamps sold $76.80 .'.';.-:.., British Vice Consul Here. Mr. James A Donnelly, British vice consul at Pensacola, Fla., was a distinguished visitor to Gastonia yesterday, being a guest of Rev. W.. H. Hardin, pastor of St. Mark's Episcopal church.. Mr. Donnelly was en route to his home at Pensacola from Southern Pines where be bad been spending: a few days with his brother. Mr, Donnelly and Mr. Hardin have been ac quaintances and friends for many years and it was to renew this friendship that the British vice consul stopped at Gastonia in response to an invitation from the latter. Mr. Donnelly was a welcome caller at .The Gazette office. He is a most pleasant and affable gentleman. He was very : favorably ' impressed with Gaston'a and expressed hrs reg- t at being unable to remain longer, but -official duties required his immediate return to Pensacola. 4 A torest nre in Anson conntv . . - last wee. ; burned, over several ! acres of ground and destroyed j several nooses. - . . y. ' u vv u J 1 kK-' y 0 C mm fJ r y ' A Cream of Tartar Powdt, ' free from alum or phoa . phatloaoid r ' - YORK AND Y0RKVILLE. What's Doinit A monf oor NeUh bors Just Across the Line. - Vorkrille Bnoulrer. 5th. . " ' After the burial of Tom Har ris near Hickory Grove recently, relatives kept guard over tbe grave" for - two , nights. v They feared that Somebody might try to steal the body. : Tbe many friends of Capt. E. A. Crawford will be glad to know that there has been mark ed improvement in his condition during the past few days, and that be is able to sit up some to day , '' Mr. Henderson Carroll, who left Cherokee county to make bis home near Chase City, Va , returned to his old home last week on a visit and was accom panied by a bride. Mr. Carroll is 86 years of age. The report published else where in this issue frum the Chester Reporter to the effect that Dr. J. D. McDowell is to leave Yorkville and settle in Chester, will, if true, be unwel come news to thedoctor's hun dreds of friends in Yorkville and the country surrounding. .' The railroad work from Kings Creek to tbe works of the South ern Power Company at Ninety- nine Islands is being pushed as rapidly as possible, but is being hampered somewhat by the scarcity of labor. A farmer from the neighborhood of Smyrna a few days ago said that he was being compelled to pay $1 a day for an extra plow band. The subscription books of tbe York County Southern Cotton Association Agency are to be opened to-morrow at the time and places mentioned in the of ficial notice published in another column. i,ne proposed corpor ation is to have its principal place of business at Yorkville and its purpose is to erect stand ard cotton warehouses, store, insure, buy and sell cotton, ad vance money thereon, or negoti ate loans especially for the ben efit of its members. The cap ital stock of the proposed cor poration is to be $25,000. divided into five. thousand shares Of the par value of $5 each, aud sub scriptions are to be payable 20 percent down, and 20 percent each, month thereafter, the sub scriber having the privilege of paying all cash if be so desires, and getting the benefit of 7 per cent discount on undue install ments. .' . There was a successful raid on a blockade distillery near the A. C. Stroup old place in Kings Mountain township last Tuesday afternoon. There were three of tne operators, two men and a boy, and while the officers had a pretty good idea as to who they are, it is not understood that their identification is positive enough to justify fbem in the taking out warrants. Tbe cap ture consisted of a seventy-five gallon still,. 500 or 600 gallons of beer and about two gallons of whiskey. The beer was destroyed on the spot, and the whiskey was brought away to be destroyed as the law provides. Argo Red Salmon has " Noorish" taste, the more eat the more you want. the you First Service at Loray Church. The first service in the handsome new Presbyterian church at the Loray was held Sunday after noon at4:30 o'clock when Rev. R. C Anderson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. preached to a good-sized congre- gaiion. mis service, was Dre- ceeded by bundaya school. which was organized with Mr. Edgar Lewis as superintendent. Until the arrival of Mr. A. S. Anderson, wbo has been chosen pastor of this church. Rev. R. C. Anderson will preach every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr.. A. S. Anderson is expected to arrive about the first of June. The structure, has been finished inside and out and the Lorav Presbyterians have iust cause to be proud .. of - their house of worship. ' v - .. ff "" 4 1 . tP I T S U RPASSES , j. .,. ,-i.-' '7 1 't , ,.",'.r JJj "V that's the only way we can II any we have ever had before; describe our stock of millinery for the Spring and summer season. We have prices and styles to suit all our customers; all we ask is that you visit our store. You will then be cou vinced of the truth of our statement. : ! : s ! We are just as safe in saying that our dress goods department is complete in every respect. We are showing a line of hand some pompadour mulls, chiffon batistes and plaid voiles. : Beautiful is tbe word to describe our line of mercerized and silk hosiery in drop stitch and gauze. : : : : ' : Fancy parasols in plaids, solid colors with polka dots aud Persian borders. : ' : : ': : : ': See us before you buy. YEAGER-McLEAN MFC. CO. J t MQQFiNG t I Slate, Tin, Iron, Steel, Ruberoid, Tarred Paper, Asphalt and Gravel LARGE STOCK. Prompt, Good and Cheap LONG BROS. GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA J J J 'J J J ,li'4 ti i 4 4 i i 44 "i 4 4 GASTONIA, N. C. Cspital Sarplus $100,000.00 $20,000.00 j-The First National Bank , 4 DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J. K. Dixon R. R. H. M. Ray McAden T. L. Craigr Andrew . Moore J. O. White Geo. A. Gray - Our seventeen years of successful banking experience demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds --with. : : : : : ;:::.':: 4t 5 We invite you to open an account with us. L. L. JENKINS, Pre. S. N. EW)YCE, Cashier J " J DR. J. M. HUNTER THE ALL-ROUND SPECIALIST A score of persons were killed Friday by a tornado which swept bver'300 miles across portions of LotiisianaMississjpprandA!a bam a. - v. , .. . ; . The State printer. E M. Uzell. says the laws enacted by the last Legislature will make a volume about one hundred pages larger than that of 1905. . ; Fire - at Marshville, Union county, Friday destroyed prop erty valued at $30,000" with about $15,000 insurance. - The .fire or iginated on the cotton platform where 300 bales of Cotton were stored, most of which went up ROCK HILL, S. C. . . Consultation FREE -; Makes Specialty of Cancers.. Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula and Rheumatism; Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs and Rectum. . Treats -without the knife, loss of blood and little pain to patient. REFERENCE" TO A FEW CASES , TREATED A. Clfk.Cncr aotte. RackBnt S C: Vfr. JJ. Wmitnis. oncwof fc.Tinah. C; Mrs. S. K. Nelson, cancer ol lace, UgOen, B. c: w. A. Mllinx. cacr of lace. Kmc' Creek S C: W. W. Stroup. cancer of (ace, Lowell. N. C: Mrs. Barhorv McCraw. cancer of forehead. GaSney. S C:&B. Banna, caacer of neck. Gastonia. N.C; D. V, drift rannrof bom, Lattimoie. N.C: Frank Lattimore. caacer oi iace.Clevland Mill. N.C:f.K. i-lower cancer of lip. Lowell, N. C; Mrs. M. B. Harrell. cancer of lace, Ellen oro, N. C; ftfra. ji. Y. Glasco. cancer of forehead. Shelby N. C: D. H. Cobb, cancer oi lio, Smyrna. S. C: T It. HambriEhtTerocose nicer oi lea:. Blacksbun 6. C: K, C. Green, cancer oi face. Moorehfo N. C: J. N. rkmta. cancer al tbe toosne. Tirzaa, S. C: Mrs. N. S. Adartn. csncer o( t'uiul.trr Lowell, N. C: G. W. Green, cancer oi neck. Mooresboro. N. C-: Mim Cam liitf-r. scrofula. GaSney, S. C: W, N. Tracy, cancer of neck. Ganaey. S. C: J. H. Hamrfk. rhrui nicer of lejt, Mooresboro, N. Mrs. H. T. McCraw. cancer of face. Clirtii'. . A. Uollano. caacer neck llcnrin. i. McMahon. rheumatism. Henrietta. N.C:LA. W. Bridges, rheumatism. Mooresboro, K. C, ; C:l. H. II Yao Wsnt Casfon Cocsf'y News ti r-r r I m smote, - . - ... , s"w-isirs1is s m m ZfMZ'.l.