I I 3 it' SUPPLEMENT ThevGastonia; Gazette CASf ONIA, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1907. , 1 - . " ' ' , ' ' , , ' . . ' , ; . . " . ' ''.v.,' J.'."'"I;,:,,!..1.;'.,..' ;- , vv':; ; '' ' . : , ' V COMMERCIAL CLUB'S SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING. OIHcers and Five Members ol ' Board el Ooveraors Elected- ' Committee Appointed to' In restitute GastonU's Bailroad Facilities With View to Barln ' Them Bettered. The i e cr u 1 a r semi-annoal meetin? of the Commercial Club "was held in the ; clnb parlors Tuesday nieht at 8.30 o'clock. Two meetines are held yearly. the April meeting; being the one . at which officers and members of the board of governors are elected to serve for a full year - Following are the new officers President, Mr: T. L. , Craig; first vice president. J. O.White: secpnd vice president, J. H. Separk; secretary treas urer. J. K. Dixon, Jr. The board of irovernors consists of ten members, five being elected at each semi-annual meeting, The new members are Messrs. C. B. Armstrong. S. A. Robin son. W. W. Glenn. W. L. Bal this and J. H. Separk. The old members who bold over are Cant. G. F. Bason. Dr. F. G, Wilson and Messrs. E. F. Wil son. S. SShuford, 'and Dr. L. N. Glenn. The most important action taken, by the club was the ap- oointment of a committee, com posed of Messrs. T. L. Craig, C. B. Armstrong and J. H, Separk, to investigate Gastonia's railroad- facilities and make a reoort at a meeting of the club to be called at some future date. The object of this investigation is to set in motion a movement lookinc- to the securing iox Gas, tonia of better railroad facilities, especially as regards depot ac commodations. The, present depot facilities, both freight and enureiy . inauc- ARREST RUNAWAY GIRL. , Cbarmlaf Kios Mountain Bra nette, 16-Years of Ae, Ar - rested Upoa Instructions of ' Father Reported Married. SDt'tatfbnrr Spceiil, 8ih. to Columbia Somewhat of a sensation was created here to-night on the ar rival of the southbound train from Washington. ; The police, acting upon instructions trom the parents of the girl, arrested a beautitul young woman. Miss Gila McLaughen,of Kings Moun tain, Nf C. This charming brnnettei who seems to be not more than 16 years of age, irsaid to have run away from her parents and tbey requested I the police to detain her. The police were very re ticent, but from the young, lady herself it was learned that her parents had suspected that she was running away to meet a voung man. named Abbott whom she met while she was at Greens boro, N. C. Her destination is not known, but it is. supposed that she was en route to Ashe ville, N.- C. The romantic part of the af fair is the rumor, as yet a neon firmed, however, that Miss Mc xanghen and Abbott were mar ried secretly at Clover last week. Capitalized at I1C9.CC9. Raleigh. April 10. Two cot ton manufacturing companies were granted charters to-day. one the lireen Kiver. at Iake wood, f Henderson county, to make cotton and woolen goods and develop water powers, cap ital stock $250,000, S. B. Tan- net: and J. A. Durham, of Char lotte, and J. Or Bell: ' of Hen netta, stockholders; the other the Dowell Manufacturing Com pany, of Cabarrus, to make yarns and cloths,, capital stock $100, Giro Their Lives for Passeof era, YerltTille Enqu rer.,' ( 1 The murder of the young flagman, Millen, on his train by a ; negro ruffian v last Saturday afternoon is very well calculated to briug home to the general public a not too commonly ap preciated danger to which rail road men are constantly sub" jected. All kinds of people are to be dealt with on trains, and tbey include not a few drunken ruffians. If these . ruffians could be segregated to them selves, it would be easy for the trainmen, who could Aery well afford to leave them to fight it out among themselves. But the trainmen have to protect peace ful passengers and in so doing not infrequently give up their lives. Young Millen sacrificed bis life in answer to the call of duty.. Subscribe for THE (JAZETTE. THE WONDERFUL FIRE. RESISTING PAINTS Rftofinj and building: materials known as GIBRALTAR, manufactured by the Gibraltar Paint & Roofing; Corporation, Norfolk, Va.. and now being; tested by fire throughout North Carolina and endorsed by press and fire departments everywhere: tested at Gastonia March 30th. before hundreds of people; are on sale by the Gastonia Hardware Company, Gastonia, N. C. Paints are for all purposes in all colors for decorations inside and outside work; roofing; paints for -tin and,ironGuatanteed five years. For shingles best on earth; is a creosote and asphaltum mixture; shingles cannot rot or decay where it groes; looks like slate and resists fire; the very thing; for farm. buildinits factories and fine homes. Prices reasonable. Inquire for color cards. . . : -. GASTONIA Gastonia, - HARDWARE COMPANY N. Julylc3mo. c. Sale of Realty for Town Taxes On Tuesday the 30th day of April, 1907, I will sell at the door of the , cty hall in the town of Gastonia at 2 o'clock p. m. the following f real estate, for the purpose of collecting; taxes due the Town of Gastonia. : : : : : -: : : : To wrr: . J. D. Brumfield residence Airline St. Amt. Tax - $15.00 Albert Irwin (col) store house Happy Hill amt. tax 7.7S Sampson Faires (col) residence Happy Hill amt. tax.. 4.43 Eli Rhyne (col) residence near Modena Mill' amt. tax 12.99 W. A. Turbyfiil vacant lot amt. tax , 1.05 I. N. ALEXANDER, Tax Collector. ngiunewf. ar qnate and not at all in keeping S. M. Robinson, of Lowell, with the amount . of business and otners stockholders done by the railroads bere. This committee will make a re oort and outline a mode of pro cedure, the adoption of which it is hoped will result in increas ed facilities as regards depots and possibly other things as -well, S30.CS9 Profit. Catawba Conatr Mcwf . v We hear that our townsmen. Messrs. Yount and Shrum, have sold their cotton mill near Con cord at a profit of $30,000. We congratulate , these gentlemen uDon the splendid business trans action and hope they will take , stock to make a new mill pos sible in our town.: . , v The mill referred to is the Bala Cotton Mill, purchased a week or so ago by Mr J. H. McDowell, of Gastonia; ' Mr. John C Rankin, oi Spencer Mountain, and Mr. S. M. Robin- son, of Lowell. It has been re otganized under the name of the Dowell t Manufacturing ; Com pany. ;; w ; : i : A ' Cotton mill men here say they learn than on an. average the . mills in the State have about enough cotton on hand for the ' three months' use. " Chairman Russ, of the Bagley Statue Commission, says it now seems that the unveiling cannot take place May 20, but will most probably be May 28. Richmond Pearson Hobson, the orator of the occasion, -is now attending the educational conference at vPinehurst., ; The American Realty and Auction ' Company, of Greens boro, is also chartered. The Uses of Adversity. A poHricianHwho -was -once making a canvass of a county of Arkansas, stopped at . a, cer tain ' farmhouse for a drink of water, says Harper's. Said he to the woman who answered the knock: -' ; . "I observe that there is a great deal of ague in this coun try. A great drawback. It must unfit a man for work en tirely." Gener'ly it do," said the woman, "sun, wnen my man Tom has a right hard fit . of the shakes we fasten the dasher to him, and ' he the ' butter, inside of 'minutes." . G.'A. GRAY. Prea. J. t. OBltf SON. V-Prea. S. S. MORRIS. Sec. Treaa , Gaston Metal & Roofing Company ; r : INCOKPOK4TBD r DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING I rV ROOFING Don't Fall to See Us Before MAKING YOUR CONTRACT Phone 217 Davis Bock churn- brings fifteen sA ' dot Steals a Ride. Boatoa Herald, A sagacious dosr is able to beat the railroads and the anti- pass legislation if men cannot. A story , is told by railroad men about a doe which boards passenger trains on the Boston and Maine and, concealing him self under a seat, ' rides to Boston. After -a run about the streets of the city, frequenting his favorite haunts, Jie returns to the North station, plays his trick once again and lands home safe and happy. How he is able to pick out the right trains and why he does not get carried by his home station is a mystery. Special Message to Young Married Men Do you own a home? If not, it will pay you to see us. How easy it is to become independent by laying up a few dollars each week or month and investing in a home. In later years yon will then be prepared for any emergency. We have some nice, newf medium priced cottages, but if yon want to get one of them, better come today and see ns. You know how difficult it is to rent a house in Gastonia. therefore why not let ns sell yon one and yon will feel much better than if in a rented house. ' .. .. .'. We have a plan that we feel will interest yon if you will come to see or drop us .a card so that we can see you. . Gastonia Insurance 4 Realty Co. C00OOee808880OS888888e88O8800O88888e000088g 9