t Gubcdribo t Now .. , And Get a Oovlri:V Bank T 1 1 li-- 4 II II t: :s; U ii ILt PUBLISHED TWICE A WCCK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. i, 4 A Alt IUttl uttu AttAti aaa HitUHi,Uixit' 11 " 1 1 " ' ! ' ' 1 , ' ' 1 ' " ' ' ' " i i.i i , i i i i i i . Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests ot the County. J AS, V. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. 41.50 a Year In Advance. Ingle; Copy. 5c. vol. Nxyul. OAOTOtf lA, N: C.; TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1907. ' NO.ai i We are prepared to extend our customers every accoramoda tiou and courtesy their business wiU warrant. If you have no account with us, we invite you to open one. . , ; f .: : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest ou saving's deposits at the rate of i and - t . '.. . .. .. , . compound the interest quarterly. . .. : ' ... . f : , .... , - R. .P. .Rankin President iv A. G. Myers, -: Cashier. The Little-Long Compi's . Spring Opening . ' . and ;" - ' - A Free Trip to' Charlotte Whether you know the season or sot, a walk through our three big stores draped in the fresh bright new fabrics in both ready to-wear garments and dress materials would convince you at ' once the happy spring time is here, ' The new silks and wool-' ens have a beauty and brightness that can not be described To say that our coatsuits. skirts and shirt waits are prettier than ever shown here before is a mild expression. .. .. We can't say too much about our millinery, for it's a recognized fact all over the Carolina and into, other states that we are the Fifth Avenue milliners of this section, . ,. ' .. , The men '8 and boys', clothing, furnishings, shoe department.' Jewelry, china, carpets and other departments are as fully equipped. . ' .' , .. .. f Railroad fare paid both ways on purchases of $40.00 or 'more within a radius of fifty wiles. ' - .. . The Little-Long Co. Wholesale & Retail. Charlotte, ' - j - - ' r N. C -' - ' : - Apr 26c6w THE WONDERFUL FIRE-RESISTING PAINTS Rao finer and buildincr materials known as GIBRALTAR.: manufactured by ' the Gibraltar Paint & Roofing -Corporation, Norfolk, Va., and now being tested by fire throuebout North Carolina and endorsed by press and tire departments everywhere: tested at Gastoni March 30th. before hundreds of people; are on sale by the Gastonia Hardware. Company, Gastonia, N. C: i muin ur jut an purposes in an colors lor uecoraiions iubiuc boh uuisiuc . work; roofing paints for tin and iron. Guaranteed five years. For shingles ; best on earth: is a creosote and asohaltum mixture: shineles Cannot rot or decay where it goes; looks like slate and resists fire;;" the very thing for farm buildings, factories and fine homes Prices reasonable. Inquire for color cards. - - - - - . GASTONIA Gastonia, - - HARDWARE COMPANY v- . N., : v Julylc3mo. c. G. A. GRAY, Pre. ; J. t. ROBINSON. V-Pre. ' & S. MORRIS. Sec. ftTreas : ; Gaston Metal & Roofing Company - INCORPORATED , DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING IN ROOMING Don't Fall to See Us Before 'MAKING yOUR CONTRACT Phone 217 Davis . Bock IF YOU OWN A Cameron ... -.--,....1. a- : ,, , ;: f . Steel Rangpe Tt TOU have a perfect f ; baker, a labor . ; saver, -a fusl : saver and a rang-e th .t:; will last a life time, with but a few simple repairs. l Larger Ovens Larger Flues Can Attacn Reservoir Wi3 Barn Anj Fuel - '.. : V- j. : - ; Beautiful in appearance v ; " -r Cooks Much Quicker Treat yourself and family to a new "Cameron."" . GASTONIA FURNITURE CO. SALES ACENTS ' CASTONIA, K. C '2172 I12LIEYE3 ALL - PAUi; THAW JURY FAILS TO A0BEE. LonDrawn0oi . Marder Trial 'In New ,Xfk Colminatet in ; Failort' ! Jury lo Arer- Seven lor Conviction. Five lor Acqalttal-May Ask lor . Bail. 1 Perhart the InnceRt criminal trial a the history of the United States came to an end (last Fri day in New,York cityWhen the lurv u the case-of the Stater vs. Harry K. Thaw for the murder of Stanford White, after being: out-47 : hoursV reported that it was unable to aeree. seven stand- ine for conviction of entity of murder and five for acquittal on the ground ot insanity. , ; Following is the Associated Press account of the jury's re port to the court: i: v i Hopelessly dividedseven for a verdict of murder in the first degree and five for acquittal on the ground of insanity the jury which since the . 23rd of last January bad been trying 1 Harry K.! Thaw reported to day after 47 hours and eight minutes of deliberation that it could not possibly agree upon a verdict. . The twelve men were prompt ly discharged by Justice Fitz gerald .who declared, that he too believed their task was hopeless Thaw f was ? remanded y to the Tombs without bail to await a second trial ' on the eharge of having . murdered i Stanford White, the noted architect. When - this new , tnar would take place no one: connected with the case could to night ex press an opinion. District At torney Jerome declared that there were many other persons accused of homicide awaiting trial and Thaw would have ' to take his turn -with the rest. As to a possible change of venue, both the district attorney and counsel for Thaw - declared that they would make no such move. Thaw's attorneys tomorrow will have ; a conference with the prisoner to decide upon their next step Tbey .may . make an early application for bail. Mr. Jerume said he would strenu ouslfc oppose it. ile added the beuet that as seven of the jurors had voted for guilty, his opposition would probably be successful In that event Thaw has another long summer before him in the city prison, for bis case on the al ready crowded criminal calendar cannot possibly be reached un til some time next fall. DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Sick Headacne, Malaria. Billiousness. Torpid Liver and Jaundice are quickly relieved and permanently cured by t-atner Wiluara a Indian Herb Tablets.; They act directly on the - Liver and Digestive organs. causing- perfect assimilation and Digestion of the food. Cleanses the Stomach. Regulates ; the Bowels. They are only 20 cents per box, and your money cneenuiiy retunded it not as we represent them.. For sale only by Frost Torrence & Co. Gas tonla. N. C, 6 iv. . Price to be Permanent. The Gazette announced last Tuesday that the Gastonia Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy ; bad' offered a prize to that member of the graduating class of the ! city graded schools . who : should write the best essay on the sub ject "The Civil War and Its Cause." It gives uspleasure to earn that . this - prize has been established as a permanent one and will be awarded, annually on commencement day. It" is more than probable that sharp competition will arise ; among the members of the class to win this prize.1 1 -?; h .;; - , Leased by Locas Company. V The Lucas Company has leas ed the new Boyce-Falls building now under construcion on Main street adjoining , The Gazette office and will occupy the same by August - 1st. Another firm. the name of which is witheld for satisfactory reasons, has practi cally leased the Heath building,, to be vacated by the; Lucas Cam pany, though the lease has not as yet been signed.' Mr. Lucas, manager of the Iucas Company, informs The Gazette that, he will make a - change ' in ; the character of his business. - When be gets into his oew,quarf era ' he will make a specialty - of ladies' goods. In addition to this : be will carry an up-to-date 'line of shoes and boys goods. Thugb one of the newest establishments of its kind in town, the Lucas Company has "built up a big trade, which is rapidly increas in? in DroDOttions. : Mr. Lucas is an experieuced and successful merchant and knows, the busi ness thoroughly. .; The North Carolina Bankers Association meets at Durham the 22nd. -" ' . . ' . FIRE AT MOUNT HOLLY. Dr. E. C. BoTette'i Residence .4 Borned Sondav Loss Aboot - $1,709 With UC0 Insurance. i. Fire which originated on the roof totally destroyed the resi deuce of Dr. E. C. Boyefte at Mount Holly ' Sunday afternoon between i 1 and 2 o'clock. Just how the flames originated is not known positively though it is believed that the roof caught from ' a spark from a stove, flue outside , Most of the furniture and household . goods were r moved from the burning build ing but - a large part of it was badly damaged either by fire or by being broken in attempts to save it. The total loss on build ing and contents is estimated at $1,700 to $2,000 with $800 insur ance on the bouse and Muu on the furniture! -r -1 The structure was a five-room cottage and was i comparatively new. haing. been built a few years ago by Mr R. B. Babing ton, now of Gastonia. It could not be rebuilt at the present time, it is stated, for less than $2,000.- Dr Boyette had alreadv planned to build a four room ad dition to it, though the material had not been placed. Dr. Boy ette has secured rooms tem porarily in the Farror building and moved his family into it yesterday. He will probably re build, though bis plans have not as yet been made known. Every woman appreciates a beau tiful complexion, so much desired by men. Such complexions come to all who use Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Adams Drug Co. Oastonian Interested. The Charlotte Chronicle says: Formal organization of the Whit nell Cotton Mill Company was effected at Lenoir last week, the following officers being elected : President, G L Barnhardt; vice president, G. W. K Harper, and secretary and treasurer, - J. L. Nelson. They and Messrs. J. 0. White, J H Brail and Geo. 1. Hooper ' are the directors. The site, for the plant has been chosen at Freeland, three miles south of Lenoir. The company is incorporated for the purpose of building a yarn mill of 5,000 to 6,000 spindles. The capital stock is $100,000. Negro Woman Suicides. In Lincoln County Superior Court last week F. N. Har well, a white man fifty or more years of age, was tried on a charge of having illicit relations with Adelaide McDowell," "a negresss. lie was hned ?4UU and costs and requited to fur nish the woman $50 with which to leave the State, the decision being that she should leave North Carolina for good. She left Lincoln but returned Friday or Saturday and committed suicide. This information is brought by parties who came from Lincoln and who were in Gastonia yestetday. The par ticulars as to just where, when and ' how the deed was com mitted are not known. Lincolnton's New Mill. Charlotte Chronicle. The Rhodes Manufacturing Company, of Lincoloton, - has completed its mill recently re ferred to. It has erected modern buildings and installed an equip ment of 5,000 spindles and 150 looms for the production of heavy cotton cloth.. Manufac turing will begin as soon as the Southern Power Company's transmission lines now, under construction; are completed to Lincolnton. The Rhodes Man ufacturing Company is capital ized st $100,000, and J. M. Rhodes is president. . May 20th has been named as the date for the unveiling of the monument to Ensign .y Worth Bagley at Raleigh. ; ; y; TO HAVE STORE IN CHARLOTTE Mr. T. T. Lucas and Nr. James ' : N. Bell Form Partnership- Will Do a Retail Shoe Bos! ; ''ns8.'y"N-y -;' " : , The Bell Lucas Company is the name of a firm just or ganized to do a retail shoe - busi ness in Charlotte, the firm being composed ot Mr. I . I . Lucas of the Lucas Company here, and MrJ.. N. Bell, of Charlotte They will be ready to open for business the first-of Mav at 202 East Trade street, Charlotte in the building adjoining the Charlotte 1 Drug Company corner College and Trade. Mr Lucas went to Charlotte yester day to confer with Mr. Btll and the latter will leave this week to buy a full line of shoes. both ot these gentlemen are well known in Gastonia. Mr Lucas came here from Char lotte and opened a business which has grown in volume steadily since it was opened Mr. Bell was for several vears i resident of Gastonia being i member of the Gastonia Furni ture Company Recently he has been on the road for a whole sale bat bouse. Both of these gentlemen are experienced busi ness men and will no doubt make a success ot their new enterprise. Death at Modena. Mrs. Mamie Beatty, wife of Mr. Henry Beatty. died at her home near the Modena Mill Sunday evening at 6 o'clock The funeral was conducted yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the remains interred in Shilob Cemetery. Mrs. Beatty was a daughter of Mr. Lock Shelton and was about 24 years of age. School Closing The Lowell High School, of which Prof. E. G. Carson is principal, will close Friday, the J9th, with a picnic, which will be held about a mile from Lowell at a point on the Catawba river where the old Pin Hook Cotton Mills formerly stood The loca tion is ideal, the scene romantic, and those who attend will be amply repaid. All who have been in attendance on this school and all friends of the school are expected to come anc1 enjoy the occasion. y; --;-y v j y: .ry;' - Sv--jf s , km rnr. . A Cream.ef Tartar PowiSer, . - free from alum or phs ' ' phatlo acid ;-. :' : : ; L.kA3 I..m3 C...j Ewdl KILLS CATARRH GERMS. Stomach dosing cannot kill these germs; a direct local treat ment is absolutely necessary, and for this purpose nothing else equals Hyomei. Breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit Hyomei reaches the most remote air cells in the nose. throat and lungs, giving imme dtate relief and enectmg a per manent cure in the worst cases of catarrh. A complete Hyomei o u t fi costs but $1.00, and J. H. Ken nedy & Co. give a guarantee with every outfit that the treat ment will cost nothing unless it cures. A9-12-16. Child Burned to Death.' A distressing accident occured at the Old Mill -Saturday after noon whed Lester, the four-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mauney, sustained burns which resulted in .death a few hours later. The child was, standing near a fire in the house when its clothing ignited. ; Terrified, it Tfin into the yard. - A stiff., wind was blowing which only served to fan the devouring flames into fury and rendered rescue impos sible. ; The child's clothing was burned from its body and the body itself was terribly lacerated. Drs. Reid and Sloan were sum moned and did all that was pos sible to relieve the little .one's Sufferings. After several' hours of excruciating agony the child succumbed to - its wounds and died between 9 and 10 o'clock Saturday night: The body was taken t o Lincolnton Sunday where the funeral was conducted at 2 o'clock' in the afternoon by Rev. D. T. Johnston.: . - A $650,000 Cotton Fire. ; Cbicasha. I.T,yApril ilte The cotton compress here, to gether with a vast ' amount of cotton, was destroyed by hre to day, causing a loss estimated at $650,000, fully - insured. T h e compress was the property of the Traders Compress & Ware house Company, owned by Neal P. Anderson, of Fort Worth, and R. K. Woolen and L. M. Potts, of Chicasba. ; . . : v ': At the re-dedication of Car negie Institute at Pittsburg, Pa Saturday honorary degrees , were conferred on a number of promi nent foreigners. V ; DRESS GOODS . Voiles in plain and shadow effects are the most popular.' ' Panamas are good in blark and fancy checks in colors. . We have a splendid selection in these and trimmings to . : match. : : : : : : ; : : Yard-wide Taffetas t any price. A line worth . your v attention. Prices $1.00, $1 25, $1 50 and $1.75 per yard. WASH GOODS Ginghams 10 to 15 cents per yard. Linens in small checks Fine for boys waists at . -15 cents per yard. Lawns and Molls at all prices. . Cotton Pla'd Voiles at 15 cents per yard. YEAGER-McLEAN MFG. CO. N. C. Gastonia, IR OOFING ' ' ZZ3 Slate, Tin, Iron, Steel, Ruberoid, Tarred Paper, Asphalt and Gravel i ; LARGE STOCK. Prompt, Good and Cheap . .. LONG BROS. 1 GASTONIA NORTH CAROLINA jga&j&j 'f)- J J J f J J J 'J i i 4 it "4"! ia'l J? The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. .. Capital - - - $100,000.00 Surplus - - - - - - $20,000.00 DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J. K. Dixon R. R. Ray H. M. McAden T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. 6. White Geo. A. Gray . Our seventeen years of successful banking experience demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds with. r : : : : ; : : y : - ; We invite you to open an account withus. : .: L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier se f ff f-f fy -f 4 ' ffj: $4 44 4 , D R. J. Ms H UNTER??Sist ROCK HILL, S.C. ; y : Consultation FREE Makes a Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, tnronic uicers, ocroiuj mu Rheumatism; Diseases of the, .Genito-Uriaiy; Organs and,Rectom, v.'. Treats' without the knife, loss ot hlood and little paia to patiept. j;' DFPPPP.NCRB 'TO A FEW CASES TREATED' JL A. Clark Cancer of nose. Sock Hill S C: Mrs.J J. WllHanrencer ol Uce. Tinah. s C-Mrl S fcNlso"carof "aw Ogden. S. C: W. A. Mullinaa.caoerof fc. KmnJ Ck S ejVwfstrSSpncer ole. Lowell. N.C : Mrs. BjuotT MeCraw. canci oJ Latt imore, N CFrn k Uttimore. cancer ot face.Cleland Mill., N.C: J K J jo.er. cancerol lip. Lowell, fc. C; Mra.M. B. Harrell. cancer o( lace. Kl en-or. N. C: Uf.U.y.. GlaSo.ca"?ero Jorebeaa. Shelby N. C-D. H. Cobb. cancer J'P-SS. C: J. K. HambriKht.TarocoM nicer of lear. BlacburS. C:aGn.M N.C: J. N.Clonta. cancer ( the tonaue.Tirjah. S.C: Hra.N. S. Adm. caor " ' '7 Lowell. N.C: C. W. Greea. cancer oi neck, Mooresboro, N. C.l .",!; 7 s , ,"r' crofula.jGaffner. a C; W. V. Trcy. cancerolneck. Gaffney. S.Cj J B. Pon k . r . y , c ulcer of lec. Mooresboro. N. C: Mra. H.T,McCraw. cancer of S '"'l'- 'liV V i Henrietta. N. C: L- A. uoliaoa, cancer oevi utoki N.C- MrM.kiM rheumatism. W. Biidjrta. rheumatiam. Mooresboro, 1? Yen Want Gaston County News Snbscrlis far C II Yon Want Neat. Up-ta-Data Ststione ry ta r'-'-e t r i.

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