-r-" '-"" r' i- ,-i -mS T-T . 11 e.,.i, ( GAST0HIA GAZETTE. liwit Entr TiMter ul Friday The Gasette Publishing CWnpanj. . JAJ. W. ATKINS, BMltoc ana Miwiw Admitted low the maUa t the roet Office at Gastonia. N. C at ttf pound Ytf at rertaga. AprU . IKS.- ' SUBSCRIPTION IWCS: On year tl.W Six month .. .3 Tour months M On montJt-.- li J5 ... V 14 FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1907. The Raleigh Evening Times did itself prond Monday by sending oat a very attractive 36-page industrial edition. Raleigh and its environs art shown up in a pleasing manner, the paper being profusely illustrated throughout. Con gratulations to The Times on this exhibition of push and enterprise. The Charlotte papers now have some more grist for their editorial mills. ' Some cold blooded, hard-hearted, norrow minded, unreasoning fellah has gone and writ a book to prove that the Mecklenburg Delara of Independence is not the genu-ine article. When Brother Caldwell and Brother Wade Harris get through with this villainous gent he'll look like thirty cents, we bet. some places and Have, groiyn pretty shaky on" ' othersr,-Mr, Taft, you know, is a prospec tive candidate for the presidency, presumably the candidate of the administration. Mr. Hitchcock, by the way, by reason of his position as first assistant post master general, has in his hands the disposition of the majority of chunks of Federal pie little hunks they are, in the shape of fourth-class postoffices so he is chosen as 4tribbest man to square Mr. Taft with Southern Republicans. He is described as a smooth politician but he will need all of his shrewdness if he accomplishes tne desired results. lie Has a pretty big job on his hands. Soon the college graduate he who knows it all wili be giving the statesmen, and all the rest of us for that matter, floods of advice, put up in pretty packages of oratory, as to how to run the government and everything else. It won't hurt, sonny. We're used to big an nual doses of it and somehow don't feel like summer's really here until we've taken it. It won't hurt us and it will do you good. You'll recover after while and so will we. Masquerade Party. Next Tuesday night from 8 to 10.30 o'clock there will be a masquerade party at Williams & Duff's skating rink. The patty will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Michael, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sifford and Mr. and Mrs. William King. To the young lady who wears the bst masqurade will be given a box of Huyler's candy while to the best masqueraded young man will be given a box of cigars. The chaperones will be the judges. There will be about 25 young couples present and the occasion i s expected to be a most pleasant one. The skating rink wul close tor the season Saturday night, May 4th. The Yieair Around Your Money's Worth Talking of what has been, we hear a lot these -days of advancing prices, and everything going skyward, but stop a minute to in vesti'gateT ' - The Swan Slater Co'a stock was never in fuller flower. $10 never bought more of style or tailoring than it does this spring at Swan-Slater Co'a. Nor $15 or $20 or $25. . The man who lets a store foist something on him that isn't up to the mark, because "everything is higheris missing his suit opportuni ties. He is not getting that great "money's worth" that Swan-Slater Co. finds it possible to give him. " x New Spring Suits $10 to $25. Swan-Slater Co. Hcad-to-Foot OatfKters for Men and Boys Every woman appreciates a beau tiful complexion, so much desired by men. Such complexions come to all who use Hollister's Rocky Moun- ain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Williams Drug Co. A conference between Mr. W. L. Hall, in charge of the Ap palachian and White Mountain Forest Reserve Survey, and a number, of influential business men is being held at Asheville this week to discuss plans and prospects fori the proposed sur vey. Mr. Hall left Washington Thursday for Asheville. Before leaving the capital, which he had just reached from Boston where he had been in attendance on a combined meeting of a number of clubs and associations interested in the work of forestry preservation, he told the Wash ington correspondent of The Charlotte Observer that the movement i s rapidly gaining ground. The South, he says, is rapidly awakening to the vast im portance of the movement. New England, he added, is already unanimous in its favor. This is indeed a matter of vital import to the South and the sooner our people are brought to a realiza tion of the fact the less cause will the coming generations of people in this country have for regret a t our stupidity. The ruthless commercialism that is denuding our forests with no thought of economy and scarcely a care as to the ill consequences to be suffered in the future as a result thereof, stands as a crying ndicttnent against an age and a people who can see nothing but the dollars their hands can reach. Prof. Noble to Deliver Address. Prof. M. C. S. Noblt. of tbe chair of pedagogy at the Uni versity of North Carolina, has accepted an invitation to deliver the annual commencement ad dress at tbe closing of the city graded schools May 27th. Prof. JNoble is a teacner ol even more than State-wide reputation and Superintendent Wray was suc cessful in that he was able to j secure for this occasion such a speaker. The commencement exercises will take place Monday nignt, May ita, in tne opera house. The annual sermon be fore the students will be preached Sunday,the26th in Main Street Methodist church by Rev. H. L. Bain. GUARANTEE? Stomach REMEDY You may ask why J. HftJCen- nedy & Co. are able to guaran tee to refund the money unless Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets cure when no other remedy for stom acb troubles is sold in this manner. If "the stomach is only given a rest by using a digestive, the muscles soon become weak, and it is necessary to continue tak ing a digestive tablet after every meal. On the other hand, Mt- o-ua used before eatiug,strength eus the stomach so that you will soon be well enough to give up tbe use of medicine. Mi-o-na costs but 50c a box, and makes positive and com plete cures. The best proof of its merits is the guarantee to re fund the money if it does not cure that J. H. Kennedy & Co. give with every box. A19-23-26 STJHCTLY CASH On and after May 1st, all work will b strictly cash on delivery. It is not because your credit is not good with us that we do this bat to eliminate the heavy expense of carrying on our books a large number of Very small accounts, ranging in amounts from 2 to 20cts. In order to do away with this we are forced to inaugurate a system that will afford equal treatment to all. If it is inconvenient for you to have these small amounts each week, you can make arrangements for one of our coupon books. Consider a moment and we believe you will give this action your hearty endorsement. lulio t: Snowflake Steam Laundry Gastonia, N. C. Coupons W. M. Morris A Co., Proprs. $3 and $5. SOCIAL. l ne friendly Matrons were delightfully entertained by Mrs Harry Rutter yesterday after noon. The regular members the club and a few invited guests were present. The in vited guests were: Mrs. A. A McLean, Mrs. W. F. Michael Mrs. J.. H. Adams and Misses Lois Adams and Laura Page Progressive trail was tbe leading feature of the afternoon. Re fresbments were served in three courses. 1 ne next meeting wil be with Mrs. J. H. Separk. The Sewing Circle was de HghtfulJy entertained Wednes day afternoon by Mrs. Robert A. Love at her home on Long street. The guests played pro gressive flinch. Refreshments of grape juice, cream and cake were served. SMALLPOX ATCR0USE. Zach McGhee, The Charlotte Observer's Washington corres pondent, writes his paper a most interesting letter regarding the approaching Southern tour of Hon. Francis H. Hitchcock, first assistant 'postmaster gen eral. The. prime object, according?-to this writer,-ft" Gen eral'Hitchcock's visit to this section of the country is to re pair, if possible, the damage done by Secretary Taft when tbe latter declared, at a big banquet i iu wnuauviu m J "fc v t burnt Republicans if Democrats held all the offices. The Southern Republicans, in North State at any rate,i. didn't take very kindly to this view of the situa tion. Since then' Republican fences in the Old North Carc " i 1- ave fancied . down in Town Just Across the Line in Lincoln Has Several Cases. A report came to Gastonia yesterday that there were twenty cases of smallpox at Crouse station, which is just across tbe line, in Lincoln county. This report seems to have been exagerated but had foundation in fact. A telephone message from Cherryville to The Gazette this morning brought the information that there were several mild cases of the disease at Crouse, possibly six or seven, around the factory of the Burke Manu tacturing company, me name of only one victim, however, could be learned, that of Mr. M. M. Burke, proprietor of the Burke Manufacturing Company In a card published in The Cherryville Eagle of this week, issued yesterday, bupt. b. P. Wilson of the Cherryville graded schools announces that. on account "of this outbreak of tbe disease,, the commence ment exercises will not be. held. An interesting program for this event had been arranged and its cancellation is a matter for regret to the Cherryville people. -Though it has been only a week since The Gazette announced its in tention of giving free trips to the Jamestown Exposition to two young ladies, much interest is already be ing manifested in the contest. Watch Friday's paper for the first list of candidates and their respective votes. In the meantime, when yon remit for subscriptions vote for your favorite among tne fair sex. Every issue of the paper also contains a capon worth ten votes by itself. Don't overlook these. There are many tonics in the land, As by the papers you can see; But none of them can equal' Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Williams Drug- Co. Eiht Cars Ditched. Early Wednesday morning i freight train on the C. & N.-W came to grief just north of the trestle over Bradley's branch above town. Eight loaded cars. seven box cars and one flat car were derailed and thrown into a ditch. Wednesday tbe passenger train made its round trip over tbe Southern's tracks via Char lotte. A track, about 175 feet long, was built around the wreck and is now being used It is expected- that tbe debris will be removed and the old track put in use again by Mon day. All of the freight was transferred, the damge to it be ing trifling. The cars were in jured very little and the entire loss is estimated at about $250. The Gasette for first-cUsa printing. -''Best cotton to-dav 11.10 cents. None has been offered on the local market. Several bales were sold yesterday. Add these to your phone list: No. 71, Turner Green, tailor shop; No. 135, R. F. Gardner, residence; No. 302, C. I. Loftin, residence; No. 311, Dr. T. A. Wilkins, residence; No. 320, J. A. Spencer, residence. BASEBALL. Mountain Island is in line for the season. Earlier in the game it was stated that the old reliable wouldn't put out a team this summer bat tbe germ got to working and the fans couldn't resist the call of the diamond. This team is sched uled to play the St. Marv's Col lege team at St. Mary's Ath letic Park, Belmont, Saturday, the 27th. The game will be called at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon. It will probably at tract a number of Gastonia en thusiasts. SATURDAY, MAY 4TH. St. Mary's will play Mount Pleasant Academy at St. Mary's Athletic Park, Belmont. The game will be called at 3.15 p. m. This promises to be a, good exhibition of tbe game and a good crowd is expected. DOES THIS SUIT YOU? Frost Torrence & Co. the enterpris ing Druggists of Gastonia are having j such a large run on "HINDIPO," the new Nerve Tonic and Restorer. and here it is so highly praised that they now offer to guarantee it in every case to cure all forms of Kidney i roubles and Nervous Disorders. l hey pay tor it if it does not give you entire saiisiaction. If you use it, it is their risk, not ours. A 50-cent box. Blue Lable ixtra Strength. $1.00. will put life in a dead one. Sent by mail under positive guarantee. 3 -The commencement exercises of the Dallas graded schools will take place Monday and Tuesday nights, j According to a statement made j by Mr. u. U. ftloore . eleven counties in the State mave organized warehouse companies for the holding of cotton, the aggregate capital being about $900,000. Subscribe for The Gazsttb Harry Pugb, valet for Max figman, leading actor in "ine Man on the Box" Company; from whom be is charged with steal ing $130 in money and a valuable diamond ring, has been arrested in Lynchburg. Va. I he dia mond and a portion of the money was recovered. Qosf Food For Children The best food for rrowing children, the aged and ' those leading a sedentary life is ., , big facts; iii IitUe letteirs with larger quarters and better facilities for handling and showing cjothing and men's furnishings, we have put forward our best efforts to secure the greatest values in medium and fine clothing ? : : - : ' ': : : . the values we are showing in men's suits at $8.50, $9, $10, $12.50 and up will make you sit up and take notice. ' we have a full Jine of serges ' add plaid effects in alt the popular fabrics. ' In fact everything that's new and popular. "faultless' shirts, "waterhouse" cravats. steadfast, skreemer, -amerlcan gentleman and manss "urfit oxfords. big line panama and straw hats. men s odd pants just received ' big . order men's odd pants, light and dark grounds, $1.50 to $6 00. youths' and boys' clothing ' we have looked after this department very carefully and have gotten together patterns., style and workmanship that will appeal to the particular customer, all fabrics and prices, big line boys' wash suits 75 cents to $1.50. some big values In boys' shirts, 25 to 50 cents.' ladies' and children's oxfords " the celebrated lines for ladies: "red cross," "american lady," dr. reed's "cushion" ? sole," "american girl,"... . : : . $2 to $3 50. bamilton brown, craddock-terry shoes and oxfords, $1.25 and up. we also handle " tbe celebrated piebler, hamilton-brown and craddock-terry oxfords for misses and the little folks, you'll fund jusjt the style you're looking for here and .now. the prices are , right, too. . ladies' skirts and waists new dress skirts in light shades and blacks, browns and blues are exceptionally good values in the latest new york styles, prices $2.50 to $16. an especially attractive skirt in black voile at ' Jii $7.50. specials in silk petticoats. just received direct from the factory, large assortment of the latest in silk petti coats, prices $5.00 to $10.00. these are dropt-priced. pure silk petticoats, $5,00 value while they last, at , ; . $3 24. the greatest line of silk and lawn waists ever displayed In gastonia. these are all the latest styles and in good variety prices.....! 50 cents to $5.00. our dress goods and trimming departments are complete and we are prepared to show you all the staples, together with the new fab rics, let us show them to you. special lot embroidery, values 7 to 10 cents a yard to go at5cts,- ladies' long gloves, -silk and lisle, ; 75 cents to $1.89. special eight-cake assortment of soap, value 75 cents to go at , ..25 cents per box. ' big line new .hand bags just . received,..- -25 cents to $2 75.. - ladies' embroidered linen collars,.; 25 cents, i millinery our trimmers are working day and night, s'.x days ladies' and children's hats, 'nuff sed. in the week, filling orders for m. m WHEAT FLAIIE CELEnY mm Being made from the whole wheat, with celery, ft contains more of the naentUl constituents of tbe grain. The large residue and the' natural wheat contained salts, both act physically oa the bowels. imparling ui necessary constant stimulus. PsteUMe-MetriUeM-Essf eff DfgeettM wm4 rey to Cat In M mm tm I Urn atmUm; srswss) Wlasa. CmUmmim. rati 159 a au vreeen 1 111 f we-are keeping constantly in touch with the fashion centres and cad assure you of the latest in headwear. . ' . .. , uptodate eatables maybe had from' our grocery department.- pOo.; i IOC gastonlaV 3 big department stores 3. " , " - north Carolina. KM II I D