J. U4iUMUUUiUt T ' Two younjj ladlta wHI J get free trips to the Jamestown Cxpoltloo." - J Have you votod? , - i t II II I : I .. n -- ---- i PUSCisiIED TWICD A WEEIC TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, at A aWttoassVPJJaAaaVpappVpaS it i t t '. i M M t .. .1 JAC. Y. ATKINS, Editor end Manser. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. w.'-iv $1.50 a Year In Advance. Sin file Copy St. VOL. XXVIII. GAOTpNIA, N. C, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1907. NO. 30 pr.ori:c3ioirAL oaed3. GARLAND 6 J0NE3 : Attorneys and Counselors (Ofllca over Eureka, Hardware. Co) , Gastonia, N. C. s. bspXrrow ATTORNE Y-AT-L AW I DALLAS, N. C, Offlc, upstair over Bank of DalUa JOHN : 0 CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. d . Office over Bank of Dallas.' v DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST f CLOVER, - - - s. c. DE. D. E. ZIcCONNELL, DENTIST .GASTONIA, -N. C. Office Firat Floor T. M. C. A. BWg . Phone 69. DBS. FALLS & WTLKINS DENTISTS' GASTONIA ,N. 0. Office in Adams Building ";. Phone 86. " ' v MBS. JOHN HALL TEACHER; OFPIANO AND ORGAN. Real Estate, Loans and Investments M.J.HACER ALEXIS, n.c ' 1 Will sell farm and town property of all kinds. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. ' Having qualified aa adminlstratratria of : J. L. Wilioti. deceased, late of Gaston ' county. North Carolina, tbia ia to notify all peraona having claime against the estate ' oi the said deceaaed to exhibit them to the undcrsiaped on or before the , llik day si May. 1901. J" , Or thii notice will be pleaded in bar of , their recovery. All peraona indebted to aaid estate will pleaa make immediate payment. a Lax a C. Wilson, Administratrix. TWa 10th day of May 1907 J14c6w. f i ; , MORTGAGE SALE. - By virtue of a power of sale' contained ia a certain mortgage deed executed to m m - the 16th dayof November. 190.' by "H. B. Webber and Callia Webber, hia wife. and which aaid mortgage: i recorded in the Kegiater'a office of Gaaton County in Book 32. page 294, I will on , MONOAT NAT TBI 27TB If 17. wflhln legal hours, at Crowdera Mountain , Cotton Mill, aell to the highest bidder for ' cash, the following land. Wwit: ' v Beginning ate, rock on the East aide of road; thence 8.66W. 3 40chaina to a rock: Matta corner; thence 8.24 B. S JO chaina to Mutts corner: thence along hia line S 66W. , 21.00 chaina (Passing Mutta corner) to a rock, thence S.24B. 17 JO chains to a' rock on Flumes . line: : thence along hia line - N.8SB. 8.00 chaina to a rock on hia line: thence North 2.00 chaina a rock on brow of hill: thence N.66B. 18.00 chaina to a rock; thence N.27W: 21.75 chaina to the beginning containing 39 acres, more or leaa. , . K. H; Gaikbtt, Comr. . Mortgagee. April. 20th 1907 . MMplmo. LOST On February 26 in Gastonia depot or on train between Gastonia and Clemson College, S. C. leatherback ed pocketbook containing two $5.00 , i , , i , , . t . Dins, uuc Dili in ravor oijesse xi. Harden from W. A. Harden - and other papers, also photograph. ; Re ward for return to Gazette office or to : Jesse H. Harden, Lowryville, S. C. m7plmo. , Your Hold aitVs) Skein of Life is as insecure as its rapid rtraningr off is certain. : : ; The productive value of . - your life should be, secur ed. A policy in The Matail Benefit Life Insurance Co. ' - al Kawmra K,w Jamr4 will provide the necessary and highest security. : . , Lower Rates than in other Trustworthy Companies Southern Securities 4 Trot Co. ACmS r . ' 0astetJaJf.C - WEIGH Year Family Wash f . Our system of washing by the pound is economical; saves yon time and wasn-day worries. , ' n9wflske Steam Pbone N. 13 ruauoury i J7clmo.fZ3 I HEWS NOTES State 4 General Ten new doctors received diplomas at the commencement of the Univer sity of North Carolina Medical De partment last week.. ;v -. I, Edward A, Nelson, the' Wilming ton railway clerk who stole $10,000. has been . sentenced to serye -18 months in prison,- ."r-f.; Ground was broken last week for the n e w Shearer Music Hall; at Statesville Female College. It is to COSt $12,000. ; i:-', i' '-.Fire last Thursday night destroyed the American Spinninsr Company' waste mill at Greenville, S. C." The loss is not stated. y ... iJ - . Jacob Schalch, 38 years old, a coat- maker, committed suicide at WtJ- i minzton last Thursday bv cuttinir his throat from ear to ear. , , Hon. 1L Ai Dourbton. - ex-Lieu tenant Governor and State Senator from Alleehany: county, has an nounced, nis candidacy for the governorship.;' -;-.:-.'. A handsome monument to the Confederate dead erected at a cost of ,500 was unyeiled Friday at Lum rton. Governor Glenn was the orator of the day. . , Burrlars broke into the Dostoffice at WinfaU and carried off $400 in money and $100 in stamps. They were track ed by bloodhounds to Elizabeth City but could not bo caught.. .. . Major B.' F. Dixon, State auditor gave out tne statement Saturday that he was not in the race for nomi nation for Governor or any other office except that of auditor, which he now holds. : At Waxhaw Thursday night the big general merchandise store of Heath. Morrow & Co. was destroyed by fire. It is bjlieved the fire was of incendiary origin 'and bloodhounds were put on tlje trail. T. E. Swiceeood. a Spencer man. bought last week from a local mer chant a sack of wheat. On opening it he found a handsome lady's gold watch. How it got there is a mys tery. Hon. Locke Craig was the orator at Shelby's Memonal Day celebration Friday. The feature of the day was the unveiling of a mon ument to the Confederate soldiers. It was erected at a cost of $2,500. There was great reioicine in Mad rid last Thursday over the birth of a male heir to the Spanish throne. The royal infant bears the title Prince of Austria. Twenty-one guns were fired as a salute to honor the event. . . Forty students of the State Nor mal, colored, of Winston-Salem have begun work on the construction of the Raleigh & Pamlico-Sound Railway, near Raleigh, for the sum mer vacation at a dollar and a half dav.-1: . ,.- " The sixth session of the Summer School of the South, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is announced to begin June 25th and end August 2nd. Seventy-five; instructors, 150 courses of study and 70 public lec tures, reading and music tecitals are announoea. The embalmed body of a man who l oiea in Asneviiie two years ago has been identified to be Sydney Lascal- les, of Australia, whose career as the bogus "Lord Beresford" created sensation in several cities in this country. His body has been lying in a local undertaking establishment awaiting positive identification.- Mrs. Bina Patterson, a sister of Rev. Walter Lingle. a brilliant Pres byterian minister of Atlanta, com mitted suicide Friday , at her home at Mill Bridge. Rowan county, cut ting her throat with a razor. .She was once treated for mental trouble and was doubtless suffering from temporary insanity. . - .. .. ... i. ... ..... . . . . . A train" Dulling six coaches loaded with Shriners who were going from Los Angeles to their homes in the J East, was wrecked five miles south of Surf. Cal., last week.- Four of the coaches were smashed to pieces. The wreck caught fire but was put out by the occupants of -the other coaches. Probably a Bcore were killed and injured. , Mrs. Carrie Nation, of Kansas, cel ebrated the world over1 as the lady who smashes saloon fixtures into bits wun her hatchet, will be in Sal isbury soon. Mrs, Nation was on her way to Washington. She amused herself while on the train by trying to slap cigars out of the mouths of the men. She says that she has heard of Salisbury and will be there soon. Capt. CM. Etheridge. retiring city treasurer ot charlotte, was found to be short approximately $1,000 ia his accounts with the town. His term of office expired last Wednesday and the matter was kept quiet for a day or two, the first pub lic announcement of the defalcation beirg made in the. Charlotte after noon papers Friday. The loss has been made good to the city, it is stated, and Mr. Etheridge will prob- ably not be prosecuted. He had held the office six years and enjoyed tne nignest esteem 01 everybody. He is well along in years and it is aaia tnat fits wrongdoing Has com pletely broken him down, . . uowa at unester tne otner dav there was a municipal election held. Hon. R. B. Caldwell, a leading attor ney of the place, and closely identi fied with the . Commercial Bank of Chester, was elected mayor over Hon. W. H. Hardin, the incumbent. Mr Hardin is a safe, rood man. bnt an element has arisen there clamor ing for greater progress, - and the maiontT yielded to the clamor. Mr. Caldwell ia a vonn? man full of en ergy and good busineaa indtrnient. ed during his , administration. A movment is on foot to sell the water and lighting Plant, which ia nrninl by the city and to expend a contider- aDie amount in street improvement. FINALE CF WELLS CASE; The Money Wat Pali Over by fha Gastonia Parties Sator 'j day-The Grtnd Tela! It f75y- C23-A Bard TonlM Celt i Comes to Eod.""' V The following from Sunday's Charlotte Observer will be of interest to many Gazette readers; The finale of the famous cases of the W. L. Wells Company, Vicksbnrtr. Miss., vs. the Gas tonU Cotton Manufacturin Companyand the Avon Mills o Gastonia was . reached . on , yes terdav. when these ? two com oanies paid over to Mr. Charles W. Tilfett. as attorney for the Wells Comtaav. the sum of $55. 000. This together with $20,001). heretofore taid. makes a grand total of $75,000 paid in settlement Of these judgments; ., ' . This is an end of some of the most important and long pro tracted litigations that nas oc cured in the ' courts : of this State 1 for. many years. In November,: -1901,' the Wells Company began . suits against the two Gastonia Mills in the United States Court at Char lotte. The cases were tried at the June term. 1902, and a verdict was. rendered by the iury in favor of the Wells Com pany, under instructions from Judge Boyd. An appeal was taken to the Circuit Court of Appeals at Richmond, and tbey had a most remarkable history. They were argued four times in the Circuit Court cf Appeals and once in the Supreme Court of the United States. The re suit of the appeal was that the court held that the judgments should be confirmed, provided the Wells Company would sur tended $10,000, and, otherwise, there was to be a new trial. The Wells Company decided to sur render $10,000. and the iudg ments accordingly were affirmed. Li After this the Gastonia mills got an injunction from Judge Pritchard against the Wells Company forbidding it to collect the $52,000, provided the Gas tonia mills would pay in the balance into court. This in junction proceeding was beard by " Judge Pritchard, and at the hearing he dismissed the equity suit and directed the Gastonia mills to pay the full amount of t h e judgments. This was done on the day and the matter brought to an end. This leaves still open a claim which the Gastonia mills have against W. L. Wells, but in order to assert their rights they will be compelled to bring suit n the - courts - of - Mississippi where Mr. Weils resides, rue litigation may, however, break out any time afresh, but it will be in a distant state. Better: School Facilities. County Superintendent of Education F. P. Half, of Bel mont, was in town last week and talked interestingly to the Gazette reporter about school matters over the connty. In last Saturdays's election, the new town of East Kings Mountain voted a special tax of 15 cents on the hundred, the vote being unanimous. : A modern school building will be erected -at a cost of $2,000 and will be ready for use by fall. As told in The Gazette sometime ago an addi tion is to be made to the school ilding at Mount Holly at a ost of $1,000. Other expend itures for improved school facil ities in the County include the following: A $750 addition to the Belmont school, a - $1,250 addition to ; the building at Cherryville and the establish ment of six new. schools at points in the county to be named latter. A cumber of the county schools will issue attractive cata logues during, the summer! Prof. Hall looking closely after the school interests of Gaston. ; '.--.'y : ' ' im. -.rj.. ...A Craam ef Tartar PowStV frM from alum or ches- -' ' phatlo acid ,j j; i :c si I ! 1 -. 1 TMESSEIBY DISTRICT.- The Past Year Has Been t Nest Successful ' ' OneInf erestioi a able auu iikuii nuuui iua McAdejiville, May 11 The Shelby District of the Western North "Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; embraces all - the Metho dist churches ' in Gaston and Cleveland counties with tl e larger number of those of Lin coln and one in Mrcklenbur?. There are in - this tenitory 74 Methodist churches , valued at $150,000. These have a mem bership of nearly 9,000. There are 80 pastoral charges, seven stations and 13 circuits. These charges all have a home for their pastors save two. These paij sonages are worth On an average $1500 Including the confer ence appropriations the pastors received last' year an average salary of $716. These churches paid to support Home and Foreign Missions nearly $3200 and for all purposes about $35,000. There are 74 Sunday schools, one tor eacn cnurcn. inese have a membership of 6764 and collected for various objects $2500 last year. The Eoworth Leagues and Woman's Missionary Societies have also contributed mncb toward making this one of the very best years in the history .of the district. There were added to the Church 1300 people of whom nearly 500 came in on pro fession of faith. We thank viod for. this ingathering of souls but we are not satisfied with this and therefore expect to work diligently and prayer fully for a larger number this conference year.' Messrs. J. C. Puett, A. J. Rankin, J. A. Anthony and J. A. Glenn are the lay delegates elected to the Annual Confer ence at Salisbury. All the vis itors were delighted with Dallas. J. Frank Armstrong, Sec. "My Wile'e Family Manager Cavis of the opera house has arranged for the early appearance and engagement ot that merry musical farce comedy success, V My Wife's Family ', written by Stephens and Linton. Local theatregoers will recall the wonderful satisfaction this play scored when seen here last year. This season many up-to- the-minute musical numbers and, comedy lines have been in troduced by the authors, while costumes worn by the ladies of the company are dreams ' of the modiste's art and are sure to be a delight to the feminine eye. May 15th. The Borce Bennjon. At the home of Mrs. Rachel McElwee Boyce last Thursday was a : happy gathering,"8 a re- uniosi ot sons and daughters, as many as could assemble to- getber at that time, ihe oc casion was Mrs, Boyce's birth day: she was 75 years old Thursday. The occasion could bring nothing other than joyous remembrances. For many years she . has been a queen in the home: and along with her hus band, the Rev. Dr. E E. Boyce, one of the saintliest men . this community has ever known, she has caused this - home to be a source ot blessing and power unending. Those who attended were: Rev.' James Boyce, pres ident of the Due West- Female College, of Due West: Mr, and Mrs. S. N. Boyce and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. - Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Meek Boyce. all of Gastonia, - and Mrs. Margaret McElwee of Kings Creek, S. C. YonnjT Licentiate Preaches. xvi r. j. it. nooicn, oi aic Donongb, Ga., a member of the graduating- - class j of - Erskine j. neoiogicai.beminary , and. . a recent, licentiate in the ministry of the Associate Reformed Pres byterian. Church delighted the congregation ot the Gastonia A. R. P.. church twice Sunday with excellent .discourses. At the morning' service.-his -text was Ye are the - salt of the earxn" ana at nigni ne preacnea from the text "The stone which the builders rejected, the' same has become the head of the cor ner." Mr. Hooten is a fluent and easy speaker- and was heard with pleasure and profit by good congregations both times.- He has not yet been assigned to work for the summer but will probably be placed in charge of a ; church at an early date. Gastonians enjoyed his . dis courses and hope that they will have the pleasure of listening to bin again. Subscribe for Tax Gazstth. U Vflll PRESENT UNIQUE BILL Indlfent Drunkards May Be ) Cored st Stale's Expense Oklahoma Citv, May 11. One of the first bills to be presented to Oklahoma's initial legislative body next fall will be unitjue in its way, but, at the same time. it. will certainly , prove of vast benefit to the new state. The legislature will be asked to create a fund to be used solely for eliminatiog.sojfar as it is pos sible. habitual drunkenness. Indigent ', whiskey drinkers will be treated as sick men an they will be bundled off to tin- McKanna 3 day v liquor cure Sanitarium in this city to be made well again, and cured permanently fruin the desire to drink. " The state will be asked to foot the bill. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. William D. Barringkr. Gastonia Lodge No. 309 A. F. & A. M. Whereas. It has pleased the Su preme Architect of the Universe to call Brother William D. Barringer irom laDor on carta 10 rest ana im mortality in the Grand Lodge above where tne Supreme Grand: Master presides, therefore Resolved, That in the death of Brother Barringer, the members of this lodge fully recognize that tfley have lost one of their members who at all times was imbued with the pure principles of the order; he was worthy and well qualified, and duly and truly prepared for admission un to the Celestial Lodge above where our Supreme Grand Master presides; and he will be properly vouched for by his , Lord and . Master, whom he loved and served on earth Resolved, That the sincere and heartfelt sympathies of the members of this lodge be, and are hereby ex tended to the bereaved widow and family of our deceased brother, whose loss we, with them, deeply mourn Resolved, That these resolutions be recorded on the memorial page of the records ot the lodge and that same be ppblished in The Gastonia Gazette and that the secretary de liver a copy properly engrossed to the widow and family of our deceased brother. A. G. Myers ) R. L. Swan Committee . J. H. McDowell J . Jamestown Ter-Centennal Ex position. Norfolk, Vau April . 26th-Nov. 30lh. 1907. Southern Railway annonnces ex tremely low rates to Norfolk, Va-, and return on account of the above occasion. The following round, trip rates will apply from Gastonia, N. Season Tickets 17.SS Sixty Day Tickets..-... 14.70 Fifteen Day Tickets 13.10 Coach Excursion Tickets . . 7.60 Coach excursion tickets will be sold' on each Tuesday, with limit seven days irom data of sale, will be stamped "Not good In Pullman or parlor cars." Other tickets will be sold daily April 19th to Nov., 30th inclusive. . The Southern Railway will afford excellent passenger service to and from Norfolk on account of this oc casion. . y . , ... . For further information, and Pull man reservations address any Agent aoumern nauway or write, . R. LVernow, T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. Confederate Veterans' Reunion, Richmond, Va., May 30 June 2nd, 1907. For the above occasion Southern Railway will sell tickets to Rich mond, Va., snd return at rates named below. Shelby-.-. . $6.95 Uastonia 6.35 Charlotte ...-... 5.90 Concord .... .. 5.50 Salisbury ... 5.05 Statesville 5.55 Hickory 6.15 Greensboro, . . 5.05 W--Salem 4.60 Durham " . ... 3.35 Raleigh ; , .. 3.40 O.iford 4..... . . 2.50 ? Approximately tow "rates from other points. Tickets on sale May 26th to June 2nd inclusive, with final limit June 11th, 1907.' ' The original purchaser may secure an extension of limit until July 6th, 1907. by - depositing ticket with Special Asrent at Richmond, Va.. on or before June 11th, and paying fee of fifty cents. The return portion of tickets sold from points South and West of Dan- yule will be honored from Richmond. or MortoiK, va., at tne option oi passenger..; When they are honored from Norfolk they must be validated at Norfolk by Special Agent, L. A. Shipman, No. 4 Grandby street, and must be used leavine Norfolk on or before June 11th, 1907, unless exten sion of limit is desired in . which case ticket should be deposited with Mr. L. A. Shipman, Special Agent, Norfolk and a fee of 50 cents paid.. .: : Southern Railway will operate their "Annual Confederate Veterans' Special," consisting of ' first-class day coaches and Pullman cars to be handled through to Richmond with out change. This Special will ' leave Charlotte at 7.00 a. m. Wednesday, May 29th, and is scheduled to arrive at Rich mond about 5.50 p. m., . same date, giving a day-ligut run. . Veterans, their friends, and the general public may use this train. Excellent ' ser vice on regular trains to and from Richmond to Norfolk. Rare opportunitv to visit Rich mond, and the . Jamestown exposi tioa at small cost.. Ask your agent : for rates from your station. i-or lurther inlormation, and Pull- i man reservation write, ' K. L. VER vow, T. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C v V'f'.(-:r;t' "'Y'"-' .-r.-.-.-ijf-r-r'-. t ; - - - . ;We are prepared to extend bur customers every accommoda tion and coertesy their business will warrant. If you have .no account with ns we invite you to open one. : : : SAVINGS . DEPARTMENT We pay interest on sayings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : ' : : : f R. P. Rankin, President - DIM White Linen We are now showing a lot of white linen Shirt waist suits. The styles are the very best and the articles are beautifully made. We can save yon lots of time and worry at the dressmakers if you will let us show our line of White Linen Shirt Waist Suits. Our Brown Linen Shirt Waist Suits and Brown Linen Jumper Suits are beanMes. too. Silk Gloves We received by this morning's express a beautiful as sortment of long silk gloves in black and white. These are very much in demand and you had better supply yourself before the sizes are broken. Ask to see them to-day. v Belts We have them in every of belts is complete. Don't YEAGER-McLEAN MFG. CO. ? The First National Bank I GASTONIA, N. C. T Capitsl Surplus DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean R. R. J. Lee Robinson H. M. 4 J.'K. Dixon : , : ,-, ,:.. - :v.:.,,:,y, Our seventeen years of successful banking experience j demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds "f ' with.. ; : : : : ; : : i , t- .'fr 4. " ' ; afa We invite you to open an account with us. : J j " - .. . . . L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier 4 ..: j ' St f f f f f f 4 f f?f "f "f f A f f f (f5ll t HOOFING blajte, Tin,; Iron v Steel, Ruberoldi; i . Tarred Paper;; Asphalt and Gravel .f . .... . . t x : .. r, . .. .. . ... . f ' ' I LARGE " V3 Prompt, Cheap JJ I ' GASTONIA, LON G A. G. Myers, ' Cashier. Shirt Waists style and color. Our assortment i fail to see them. aH $100,000.00 $20,000.00 I T. L. Craig J Andrew E. Moore , Ray McAden J. O. White Geo. A. Gray 5 STOCK. Good and . -1 T? i ';' '' V t : f .