4. 44. 4. . Two young la v, '.!! get free trlpj t t i Jumeatown Cx po ".!in. Have you voted? . J EETTEi AnanJ-oma !Je!,!;,ia a4 olid lolj'wtttth re th secend prUta. ,... Vote to4ay - i 1 4 : PUBLISHED TWICC A WEEKTUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 4-4.4 4.i.m 14. 4.4444,444.4. JAS. V. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home ond the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. " Single Copy 5v VOL. .XXVIII.. GAOTON1A, N.C., FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1907. TSO.40 C A t: pnorrcsiONAL caed3. r GAr.LAITD & JONES Attorneys and Counselors (Office" over . Hureka, Hardware Co ) , ,Gastonia, !NY C. S. B. SPABItOW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. C. Office upstair , over Bank or Dalian .JOHN 0. CARPENTER '' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS,1 N.C., - Office oyer JJankvoDallas. - . DR.JP. AlPr?sly . . DENTIST ' CLOVER, - - ; ' S. C. DR. D.E. McCONNEIala, . DENTIST gastonia; n. c, -Office Plrat Floor 1 M. C. ABWg ; f , Phone 69. ,. . DBS. FALLS &r WILKINS . .DENTISTS GASTONIA ,N. C- :. Office in Adams Building - ; - Phone 86.: - MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO V AND ORGAN, Real Estate, Loans and Investments 11 J.HAGER , ALEXIS, H. C . , v Will sell farm and town property f of all kind. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. . Having qualified as admitaistratratrix of J. h. Wilson, deceased. late - of Gaston ' county. North Carolina, thi. is to notify all persons having- claims against the estate oi the said deceased to exhibit thpm to the undersigned on or before the llh day oi May. 1908. Or this noticerilt be. pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said -estate will please make immediate payment. - Lena C. Wilson. Administratrix. This 10th day of May 1907. ' : J14c6w, - - ' - . LOST ; On February 26 in Gastonia depot or on train between Gastonia and Clemson College. S. C. leatherback- ed pocketbook containing two $5.00 bills, a due bill in favor of Jesse H. Harden from V A. Harden , and other papers, also photograph. Re ward for return, to Gazette office or to Jesse H. Harden, Lowrynlle, b. C. m7plmo. Your Hold Skein of Life is as insecure as its rapid running off is certain. : : '.The productive value of your life shouldabe secur . ed. A policy io The Mutual Benefit '- Life Insurance Co. I Nswarkv Hew Jersey,! , will provide tbejiecessary and highest security. : : Lower Rates than in other Trustworthy' . Companies " Southern Securities Trust Co. AGENTS Gastonia, N.C ORDER ICE COUPONS iy telephone. v We have -ar ranged to deliver Ice- Coupons .: by Special Messenger frotrr this date. On account of so - many errors in accounts made by our Drivers we have this day gone on a CASH basis. Our; drivers will no longer be allowed to deliver Coupons but a message by driver or to Phone - 316 will bring coupons promptly. We have-.inaugurated this system 'fts a protection. ' to our Customers as well, as ourselves. Please note that :COUPONS are sold for SPOT CASH. We will appreciate our Cus tomers reporting any trouble to Phone - , 316. Caslonia Ice. 4 Coal Company ltie wadesboro Messenger says that early planted cotton is dying in a.l sections of Anson county and rcf ".Tting is necessary. . The cold weather end inferior seed are t';or :'.t to le responsible for the NEVS NOTES ". State General Asheville is expecting 700delejratea to attend the meeting of the . Amer lean library Association May 27 29. Beginning May 27th 85,000 cotton mill operatives in Southern New England will receive an . advance of ten per, cent in wages. ; : ; ; 1 Two thousand conductors "with their families attended the meeting 01 the Order oi Railway Conductors ' at Memphis the first of the week Mayor Roddev. of Rock Hill, a noanced Monday that after this he would fine persons who pet dank on Sunday S10 instead of $5. which is the fine for week-day drunks. v Vr: Kemp Phimmer Battle, alumni professor ot pistory in tne Mate University, has resigned his position iu enRatfC in aisiongm wriwnij, buy in? been eranted an annuity of SI. boo trora tne Carnegie luna. Hon. Lock Craig. aJ successful attorney of Asheville. was in Char lotte - Tuesday .and announced. through reporters for the Charlotte papers, that he is in the race for the governorship. ' . . A number of electric cars "were shipped from High Point Saturday for use at the Jamestown Exposition. They bore the following letters: N. N. & Oi' V., which means Newport News and Ocean View, and will be a big advertisement within themselves for High Point. There are 198 cases on the docket of Durham Superior. Court for dis posal at the present term. - Two of these are murder cases, eight for selling whiskey. 32 for using deadly weapons, 29 for larceny and 22 for carrying concealed weapons. The I Business Men's tea gue of Hot Springs, Ark., Tuesday endorsed a plan asking the Federal govern ment to assume control of the muni cipal affairs of the city, similar to the system of government at tne national capital. So-called "reform" politics had torn the city-into fac tions and the best interests of the city are imperilled. ; ;' - -l , -. ; Sixty firemen, practically every man in seven companies, - were over come by smoke in ., fighting a nre in the' Remington Typewriter building in New York. The fire originated in a cellar which was filled with desks packed in excelsior,: oil and carbon paper. Newbern was shaken by a dy namite explosion earl y Tuesday morning.. Two western union l el egraph linemen were shooting at a target when a bullet hit a small building which c o n t a i a e d 1,600 pounds of dynamite The house was about two miles from Newbern. The men were not seriously injured. r About May i 15th i the Southern Railway will drop a large percentage of the clerical force from the , ranks in pursuance . of -the "economy'' scheme of the .road. Railroad men. say that the travel is- so much less in summer than in winter.: The an nouncement came as no surprise. Seventeen violent deaths is the record for fonr days in the immediate vicinity of Marion. Thirteen of tnese were killed by the premature ex-; plosion of a blast. , Tbey were en gaged in construction work on the South & Western. The other four were homicides. An association of the presidents of female colleges in North and South Carolina is to be organized this summer or early in the fall. The organization will have as its object the consideration , of problems in connection with the education of young women. - ' - William E. Corev. president of the United States Steel Corporation, and Miss Gilman. the actress, were mar ried at the Hotel Gotham, New York, a little past midnicht Monday nieht. 1 be ceremony was witnessed by a iew intimate iriends. I be decora tions were said to have cost about $5,000 and-the banquet was one tf the most sumptuous ever served in the city.' -r" "?';;?.. - C. Holland, assistant asrent and telegraph operator at Raeford, and before tbat the agent at Hop Mills, was arrested on the charge of steal ing a watch, pistol- and , razor from the grip sack of Clarence Pemberton at Raeford. He . plead' guilty and was placed uner a $100 bond which he failed to give and was sent to jail. -''; Bora. ; iryi-'k;-, To Dr. and Mrs. -D! E." Mc- Connell, Wednesday, May 15, a son. ; ' McADENVILLE MATTERS. .Correspondence of The Gazette. . . McAdenville, May 16. Sam E. Wilson, who left a few days! ago, has secured a position with the Big 4, at Paris, 111. Mr. W. H. Bras well and Miss Maggie . Sellers were happily" united in matrimony Wednesday afternoon. It was a very unex pected marriage. We wish them long and happy life. Thi? is Mr. Bras well's third matrimonial venture. - V v;.n- W. P. Wilson left Monday. fo Detrver,-Colo. . where he will make his home in the future. McAienville has an np-to date ball team this 1 season, and ex pects to break all past records. They have secured the -services of Messrs. Price and Taylor; two weil-known players. :.. It will take a good team to stand - before them, so "look-ont Loray". we I are coming! Mr. J. F, Cloud, our - popular outside foreman, is, making- a name for himself as a fisherman. He cauLt twenty six in a bas-i ket cr.s day this week. '; EOTO-STEWAHT WEDS1N0. Eeautilol Ceremony Tuesday Afternoon at Fort Mill, S. C. 'Popular Coople Weds on tErlie'a Elrthday-WHI : Visit i Exposition. Charlotte Observer, 15th. . 1 A joyous climax to the seven teenth birthday of the beaumu young bride was the . lovely wedding of Miss Helen Kath leen Boyd, of Fort Mill. S C and Dr. J J; Stewart, of Mount Holly, at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence of , the bride's parents, Prof and Mrs. J. H Boydrat Fort Mill, S ; C. Entering the tastefully decorated parlor to tne mniiing strains ci the wedding march rendered by - - a . a . the deft fingers of Miss 'Louise Parks, of the Presbyterian Col lege, ( were the young people wedded. Rev, J. H Thornwell, D. D.. ot Fort Mill, and Rev. R. A. Miller, D. D., of LowelU performing the ceremony. : ; Attendins: the bridal couple were Misses' Mary, Boyd, sister of the bride and maid of honor, and Mamie Robinson and Florence Boyd, - bridesmaids, with Messrs.' Herbert Stewart of NewtoniS brother of " the groom, V best, man: . Thomas Hayes, of Charlotte, and John Holland. Groomsmen. r , - I" The bride t was : charming. arrayed in white crepe de cbene over taffeta, and carried bride's roses . and . asparagus- ferns. After the ceremony Dr. and Mrs Stewart left for Jamestown to visit the exposition. , . . The bride is the possessor: of many friends in the home com munity and outside, their num ber being equal to that of her acquaintances: , Her charm of manner and ' ' disposition have made her exceedingly popular. The groom is a young physician of ability," talents and high standing.?; All possible happi ness is wished for them by the scores of friends who trust tbat every day for them shall be as happy as was yesterday. . Mayor Dorsey, of .Athens, Tues day sentenced J. H.Arnold.a preacher to six months on the rock pile for unmercifully beating his son. . The punishment was administered to the boy because he played -ball on Sun day- ; . .ir;- Braswell-Sellers. f . Wednesday afternoon Miss Maggie Sellers and Mr.. W. H. Braswell, of McAdenville, were married by Capt W. I. Stowe at the latter's ; residence on Main street. The young couple drove to Gastonia and arrived here just as Captain Stowe was preparing to hear a civil case atv the city ball. The modesty of the couple forbade their taking the vows . in public so the magistrate told the parties to the civil ; suit - that court would have to wait a few moments until he could ' tie the knot as the contracting parties did not wish to wait till court was over They drove to Cap tain Stowe 's residence and the ceremony was performed in ,a few" moments The happy couple then drove to McAden ville where, they will reside., - it with alum food br'lhe m ma RSSI i v Have" a deliciout, pure, hdmemade muffin, cake or ae in. Toie '.sure, of the purity, yoii must.uie v V "rA"iriit.l I i .-J MEMORIAL MABKERS. Daafhlers of Confederacy Mark ..Veterans' Graves With Gaston ' ; Connty Granite, v-.j'iv.4:' f; The following is published by reauest of Mrs. J. P. Culp, chair man of the memorial committee of the Gd&tonia Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy: It bas been tbe'dutyand pleas ure of the Gastonia Chapter of the Daughters of the Confede racy, to place simple markers of Gaston county granite to rach of our honored Confederate dead who lie .buried in . the city aud Shilob cemeteries. .' We ; beg your- acceptance of these markers ' which bear the three letters "C S. A " and are placed over the i: graves of the following Confederate soldiers C CITY CEMETERY. 1. Mr. vietters, who died here with smallpox. 2, Thomas Wilson. 3. George W - McLaughen. 4. John F. Wilson. Co. H. 23rd Regiment N C. Volunteers. 5. . E. J. Robinson. 6. William Bell. - 7. H. E. McSwain; 'K - 8. David Jenkins, Co. A. 11th Regiment C Volunteers. 1 9 John Anthony Huss. 10 Ebenezer Erskine Boyce.' 11. John W Gleen, Co. H. 23rd Regiment N. C. Volunteers. 12. , Robt. L. Johnson.Brem's N. C. Battery. I - - 13. Jacob A. Carpenter. 14 H. P. McArver. 15. -; James H. Faulkner. 16. - Capt, James Daniel Moore 26th Regiment N C. Volunteers. 17. James -Pope Glenn. Co. H. 37th Regiment! C. Volun- teerSrVis xtiiK:;gzvt: ' . t ; 18.S Oliver Davis.; ; 19: ' Capt. ; James C. Todd, Co. G. 38th Regiment N. C Volunteers. ; 20. .Charles Besau, (col. J Sth S..C; Regiment Jenkins' Brigade. 21 W.. M. Wilson, Co. H. 23rd Regiment N. C. Volunteers. Six at Shilob. WHAT IS CATARRH? Catasrh is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, throat: and lungs, with many annoying symptoms; in his climate thete are "few who do not suffer" from this disagree able disease, often in a chronic and dangerous state. : The one scientific and com nonsense treatment: is Hyomei, a combination of healing and germ-killing balsams which is breathed through a special in haler that comes with every out fit. . ' - A complete " Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00, and?. H. Ken nedy & Co. give their personal guarantee with every package that money will be refunded un- ess the treatment cures. MylO.14,17. ' An Associated Press dispatch from New Orleans Tuesday says: Advices from Baton Rouge say cotton seed is becoming so scarce the, farmers who have sold the seed to oil mills are begging a chance lo buy it back. As many, as three plantings, made necessary by phenomenal rains in some sections, have bi ought the planters to the verge of seed famine. i t- ifii t"i ii-' it i i t.t mm ar Wl! Wan ; 'l:3!j TKcy mi You remember the hunger tyouj tia4 -T-Home cooking counts11 for. mnch ; , in the child's health; do not imperii. :te'of poorlbaking povrder. t-re IV 111 4 I IZ iJ U BIRTH OF THE NATION. AlI'Roids Lead to Jamestown Where Great Historical Event Is to be Celebrated br Mani! ; Icent Exposition. . Correspondence' of The Gasette, ' 'v Norfolk, Va., May 15. The meinorialization of the birth: of the nation, at the . nation's birth- p.ace, in a' manner commen surate with the solemn dignity and impressiveness of tbat great event, is the purpose of the Ex position now iu progress upon tne shares ann waU-rs of Hamp ton R a.'s. . . Over the scenes of old, a city bt-autilul has been . reared to those who in the long ago laid the foundation or this majestic nation. Virginia is not the rich est State in the Union and Nor folk is not the largest city; but they have! both given ungrudg ingly to this lofty enterprise. from its inception tnree years ago it has grown' by leaps and bounds to truly tremendous pro portions. Representing a con structive cost of from eight to ten millions of dollars, it has special features which, regarded as an asset, as they properly should be, would bring the mon ey valuation of this great enter prise to quite three hundred mil lions ot dollars, eclipsing any similar event in history. ' It mat ters little that this sum was not actually expended by the man agement. Whatever is mediate, contributory or accessory to the scheme, whatever the exposition otters for the pleasure and in struction of its "visitors, is legit imately a part and parcel of the whole, aud the ' participation of the nations of the world with their naval and military rep resentation is sufficient to justify the'claira tbat this is the world's greatest exposition. A traveler from the most dis tant point would be amply re paid by a visit to Norfolk this year and the vast host from the interior who have never visited the seaside may make this trip serve a double putpose of in struction and delight, eittier of which is worth many times the t'ouble and expense. Ail : roads lead to Jamestown this summer and the indications are that they will be well trav eled. The- confusion of the opening weeks has given place to order and system, The ac commodations are entirely ad equate, and extortion and dis. comfort need not be feared. The great opportunity ot a life-time is to be found in the Jamestown Exposition of 1907, and it is available to people of the most moderate means. The Last Week. Next week is the last week of the graded school year. Final examinations begin Wednesday. Sunday morning, the 26th, the annual sermon will be preached in Mam btreet Methodist church by Rev. E. L. Bain. Monday evening in tne opera house the graduating exercises will take place and the annual address will be delivered by Prof. M. C. Noble, of the University. 0 Jf 0 u usually vant no UW-Sa iomethinf from ' the pantry i i-l .biscuit readj whea thr; V ::'0-,A.:! .?' ft X3 J'wU lew We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If .you have no account with us we invite you to open one. ; j SAVINGS DEPARTMENT " .; ' ; " , '-.;,.' - , ' , ' , ?...;", ". , .-, r , r ,-: X ' 4'S ,' ' , ..- ,v'; , - ; ) ' ' V''-'v '' ' ''. ':" V -f" SJ""''.' )-; :' ' - ' ' "' ' V' We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : ; : : CITIZENS R. P. Rankin, President DANK e White Linen We are now showing a lot of white linen shirt waist suits. The styles are the very best and the articles are beautifully made. We can save yon lots of time and worry , at the dressmakers if you will let us show our line of White Linen Shirt Waist Suits. Our Brown Linen Shirt Waist Suits and Brown Linen Jumper Suits are beauties, too. ' Silk Gloves We received by this morning's express a beautiful as sortment of long silk gloves in black and white. These are very much in demand and you had better supply yourself before the sizes are broken. Ask to see them to-day. Belts . We have them in every style and color. Our assortment of belts is complete. Don't fail to see them. YEAGER-McLEAN MFG. CO. X -f .4 4 j The First National Bank GASTONIA N. C. Capital Surplus 4 - - - DIRECTORS L- L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J.'K. Dixon R. R. H. M. 4 Our seventeen years of successful banking experience demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds with. : : : . : . : - ; : : : . : We invite you to open an account with us. ; j r; 4 4 L. L. JENKINS, Pres. C-f. J aV J,' JJJJ,JJ,JJ,J,'J,JJ,jjj " What, neyer leak? exactly ; never leak, never need repairs of any kind.- andJast as Ion? as the bnildina- itself. : : Neithermeltinir :now, nor 1 the worst driving rain can possibly tnars covereu witn -ortrigni Aietai sningiea.; rreuy.gwu icwuuucuu. tion, is nt it? In addition, we might add that they're ire-proof and lightning-proof too. Think of it t and yet they're not as. expensive as other forms of tooting. Stop in and we'll show them to you. Send for 56fazbkW M&NG Exclaslve Agents (Boys who are in the habit of killingour song birds with air- ; gnns and sung-shots, are prob ably not aware that such sport is Lin violation . of the State law, and anv person who sees them ui a bird can have thera arrested and fined for every L'ecse. , ; - The Gazette for f.rst-c!a rrtnttr.t. 9 A. C. Myers, Cashier. Shirt Waists i 4r 4r 4 4 4 ac $100,000.00 $20,000.00 T.L.Craig Andrew E. Moore J. Or White ' Geo. A. Gray Ray McAden 8. N". BOYCE, Cashier reach- the interior of the building ::BE:S Gastonia, N. C. . After a man has spc whole life as the devil nris :t 1 i. - dosen't look tease: that be can lie to t- his deatlbe J an i c heaven. In c r c; ti!kcfd:;"' 1 ::: : i . T. . . i