Two ; i ! ': m "1 J tt free t f ' o f ' . Ja r' i ' J n. J ' Hjve ) v J vet " J? At .il:-, .U. ii : 1 1....N li .-.A -v. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FK I DAYS. Devoted to the Protection of Home end the Interests of the County. JAS. W. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. $1.50 a Year In AdvanceSifisrCopy Cc. OAGTONIA, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 31 IOOT. VOL. XXVIII. NO. PKOrrcaiOlTAL 0ARD3 GARLA1ID & JONES ' Attorneys and Counselors (Ofllca ovr Eureka Hardware Co ) -Gastonia, N. 0. S. B. BPAEEOW . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. a Office upstair ovsr Bank of Saltaa JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N;'C, ' . Office over Bank of Dallaa.'- : D 2. P. A Pre s sly ys vs DENTIST CLOVER, f-. S.C, DR. E. UcCOimEIA : dentist " gastonia, n. 0. ' Omca First Floor 'Y ' M. C. A. BUVg ; . Phone 60. :" ; ; DRS. PALLS & WILKINS ' - dentists ; jgastonia ,n. 0. Office in Adams Building H,- ,. Phone 86. J J ; UR3. jomr HALL TEACHER OP PIANO AND ORGAN. ' For Relereuce-aee m n i ag list of Steinway PEOF. J. II. MASSEY ; Piano tuning and Repairing : specialty; satisfaction guaranteed "Bafts.;- . Gastonia, N.C. ADI1INISTKATRIX NOTICE. " Having Qualified ai adminiitratratrix. of J. L. -Wilson deceaaed. late of Gaston county. North Carolina. this ia to notify ail persons bavins claim against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to, toe undersigned on, or before the Or this notice will be pleaded in tar of their recovery. All persona indebted to aaid estate will please make immediate payment. . .,,,. -r - C. Wilson, Administratrix. This 10th day of May 1907. , . , f . SHEET MUSIC We bave. in- stock all ' the latest popular songs. We take orders for any sheet music and secure same for you promptly :X5ive us your orders for anything in the sheet music line.- i 'v.- r :''' i - t 4. t t Gastonia . Book . Store t J ' ''"''' JlOclmo. -j; ?'44-44't4- -M-H- -HHI444 Ratio Dividends Received Ho Premiums Paid, 39.9 percent Record of Policy No. 80,665 . ' "', ' Issued in 1875, at age 38, for $10,000. " .- IS Payment" Life Plan - . ANNUAL PREMIUM . : ' $430.i0 " 15 Full Premium . . : . .. S6.451.50 i Dividends . . ,-,,,, , . 2.571.70 ,Net Coat . . . 1 . . $3,879.80 , - The Caah Surrender Value of the Policy - at the end of the31st year ia $6,694.20; the reanlt beina that the insured would ' receive $1.72 for each $1.00 paid, be- ; ' aidea having had 31 years' insurance (or $10,000. ' i - ' . Mutual Benellf LUa Inauraace Co. ' Sontaern Securities C Trust Co. ' A6CHTS ' " 5 ' '-. Gtttoaia, H. C : - SALE " for cash to the highest bidder, -Saturday, June 8, 1907 beginning at 10 o'clock a. m, at the , late residence'of -Caleb Bradley, his personal property as follows: About - IS cords of wood; about 9 bushels wheat; about 27 bushels cotton seed; - about 35 bushels corn; about 650 bdls fodder; ' One" orie-horse wagon; Household and Kitchen Furnitute; and Farming Implements.- - .. fj7c.1 r Notice of Election,"; Noara Caxoliwa. ;.-y-.:" --; '. G.ston County. ' LZ'S. - -The vTowa of Gastonia, .... Notice is riven hereby that the Mayor and the board of aldermen of the town of Gastont t - bave order an election to be beld at the Town ' Hall in the Towa ot Gastonia, on - ToeJ7 the 2n 47 Jl7, 1M7. forth purpose of authoritine; the issuance of the interest -bearinc bonds of the Town - of Gastonia to the amount of Seventy-Five t iuk'" 1 dollar. Notice iaalao riven that tHcre ,.1 be a new registration and tbat Long; hat been appointed recistrar and will be at the Town Hall for four con rerv ' ve 5" tnrdsys next preceedina the aaid eleiiou horn the hoars of 7 a.m. to the hnur nf 7 p. rn. for the pnrpon of reaiater ii if a .1 t' e o Sed vwera of the aaid town. f: v r- r r e hoard of a!drmen, ', 1 1. s i e 1. 1 c.. t c( .ay. I.u7. C. P. A rovc. T'aror State 4 General Charlotte will make an effort to trr the next annual reunion of the Confederate Veterans, , , Russell Hewlett, ( , BeYcn vears. died Tuesday at Wilmington from blood poison following in juries sustained in jumping from i street car f r; The T.inroln Countv Kews "s an nonncea that a pie-eating contest will he a feature of the Fourth of July celebration at Ijncolnton. mThe rnrttest will take place i on Main street- - Stanley Ferris, age 14, whose home ia in Rridcewater. was run over and irin..t Ko an narine in the Southern Railway vards at Asheyille Wednes day. Ferris attempted to jump from one engine to anotner ; ana ici neatb the trucks. x:'ii be- " The race between the "Confederate Veteran's SDecial" of the Seaboard Air Tine and Southern Railways, was won by the Southern train which arrived iff Richmond several ...hours ahead of the Seaboard train. ; Both trains started from Charlotte. Saturday afternoon during a fierce thunder storm at Newhonse, Cleve land county, Miaa Lola r Green, aged 14, daughter of Mr. , IV, M CU-ern wan struck DV a bolt Ol lightning and instantly killed. She was standing in the rear hall door at nerftome. y- - - Speaker of the House of Represent rativpa Joaeoh 6. Cannon delivered the address at Guilford College com tninrntnr WedneBdaV. Ht Wil tendered- a l- reception Wednesday night by the Merchants ana Mann? f acturera Clulu of Greensboro... Mr Cannon, it ia said, is a native oj North Carolina. ii;- Prof. J. T.' Faust was Tuesday elected president of the State Nor mal and Industrial College at lireens hnm to aiipceed the late Chas. - D Mclver. ;: Mr. Faust - has held tne chair of pedagogy in the college- for the past nve years ana nas oeen nf h inRtttntion since the death of Dr. Mclver. - Hon. JoseDh G. Cannon, speaker of the House of Representatives, was the principal speaker at uuuiora College May 29th, the occassion be in 9 the annual commencement and the laying of the corner .stone of the new dormitory speaker cannon ai so visited the Cannon tana near Guilford College where he was born i 71 years ago. " . - . vl Architect Frank P., Milburn. ot ''. . ' ... - I Washington,? has been given the contract for erecting the 12-story sky-scraper which will be" erected r j . i a----- nl...inf. on the spot where the old Woodall & Sheppard drug store now stands,, by the Charlotte Realty Company. It is to be the first steel structure; in North Carolina and will cost about $200,000. ; The site cost $92,000, , 'BoatSwainstS Mate Griffin - waftf seriously ininred . by -the falling of the - topmast'' on w the - battleship J Virginia Wednesday at Norfolk, va. The ship was being cleared i for action and the accident was caused by the breaking of a fidpin which holds the ponderous mast in place. An investigation has been ordered to, ascertain who is responsible, v At me recent commencemeni 01 Davidson College, 'Dr. J. M. Mc Connell.of the University of Vir ginia, was chosen professor of his tory and economics and Dr. J. W. McConnell, resident physician of the Baltimore Ear and Eye Hospital, was elected to the professorship of physical training.A substantial raise was maae tn au tne proiessors salaries. - The material for the North Caro lina educational ' exhibit at - the Jamestown -"' Exposition 1 will be shipped from Raleigh the latter part of the week. It will be placed in tssition by Prof. C. L. Koon, of the tate Department of education. Among the towns to be represented are Salisbury, Henderson, Edenton, Durham. Wilmington. Wilsofl and Goldsboro. There will be exhibits both in the- education building and the State building at t, he exposition. Mrfl. B.'- Varner. editor of The Xexington Dispatch, has announced that be will not) be a candidate for re-election to the position of - State Commissioner of Labor and Printing. to far, there are three avowed candl ates to succeed him. They are Mr. William W. Wilson., now assistant insurance commissioner; Mr, John Sherrill, editor of The Concord Times; and Mr. M. L. Shipman, present clerk to Mr. Varner. ; it is said that Mr. Varner's declination to stand for re-election is because of his expectation of being ' elected president of the National Editoral Association.. Woman Drank. It is something, unusual to see a woman in court especially on charge of "drunk and dis orderly". Yesterday . morning Mayor Armstrong was confront ed with such a case, the defend- ml being Mrs. Lillie Foster,' of the Trenton Mills. Mrs. Foster had taken a drive - in one of Davis & Son's fine turnouts and would not disembark when her ride was over. The idriver left her in the -carriage and got down himself. Thereupon she drove off and was later arrested by Officer Wiley Carroll near the de pot. ; After being arrested she became furious and repeated the entire catechism twice over and otherwise made it known that she was a pastmaster in the art of expressifin. She was taxed with a penny and the cost and told to -0 hotne to ber children an-i hub-r-j, ll? latter ttinz ij;H.:v::C00IAL.,:-; i An event of more than usual interest in Gaston is the tp Droachini? marriaee of Mr. W. T. Love, of : Gastonia, and Miss Elizabeth ' Horton, : of Lenoir, which will'take place July 3d. Announcement of the. coming nuptials was made Tuesday at an announcement party given to the bride-to-be and a few friends bv Mrs.-Andrew E. Moore at her handsome new ; home on East Franklin avenue. ;VTbe in vited guests numbered only 'six-j ' In an interesting contest each truest represented some town or place appropriate for a bride and groom to go to. , vTbe contest was conducted by means of baucT painted bell-shaped cards each containing a suggestion of such a place At the conclusion ' of the contest the doors leading to the dining room were thrown open In .the centre of the grcttily decorated table sat a owl of frappe while .sixteen ribbons, originating in a large bell over the centre of the table, each dropped to a position on the table, a glass of frappe being at s the end. At one of these places was a small dainty loving cup, the gift of the hostess' to the guest of honor, i Miss Hor ton took her position at this place and each otthe remaining guests selected her own position. Bach drew a ribbon and found attached to the end which was submerged - in the bell a card Searing on one' side - a v verse telling her fortune while on the other side was the date M July 3, 1907." ; To one of , the ; ribbons was also attached a .ring which was secured by Miss Virginia Egerton. In a similar manner Miss " Hilderbrand secured the button and Miss Edith Fayssonx the 'coin, y The guests then drank tp the health of the bride and a. number of impromptu toasts were given, to which Miss-Horton responded. The occasion was a -most delightful one. 1 The guests were Misses Eliza beth Horton, Virginia Egerton, May Delle Barre, Mary Burnett, Mary -Gray - Sandifer, ' Lottie Blake; Emma and Laura Page, Zoe and Salenah Lathan, Ethel Gray, "Xowry - Shuford," Nell Smyre, Edith Fayssoux, Edith and Rosebud Adams,- and i Mary Hilderbrand.- ... Miss Mollie Erwin, of Asheville. and Mrs. ' Charles - D. . Mclver, ' of Greensboro, have been selected by the North Carolina Jamestown com mission as tne two. iaay managers at the exposition. The remains of Mrs. Ida Saxton McKinlev were laid to rest in Wood- lawn - Cemetery, r Canton, Ohio, Wednesday beside the body of her distinguished husband, the late President William McKinley. The funeral services, which " were very simple were conducted according to the ritual of the Methodist Episcopal church at the old McKinley home at Canton.' The services were at tended by President Roosevelt, Vice-President Fairbanks. Secre taries Root, Cortelyou and Wilson, uoyernor Hams . ana tix-uovernor Herricki of Ohio. The pall-bearers were Judge Henry W. Carter, Jonn Mafces the finest, light-est-bestfkvored biscuit, hot-breads cake and pastry ; Renders" the food more and wholesome BOYU J(: V 3 PCWCM COKEW YORK. TTEASUSES OF THE DEEP. ' Sitting the Sands of fhe Catawla . for . Gold The "Klondike" Eons from Sloan's Ferry ! Rock Isltad-Ora Worth t2U Toa. , -, . , - J Tbat there are treasures in the deep no one doubts, but the fact that the Catawba river is being dredged by a corporation of the State of New Jersey for v gold makes us feel that the treasures are nearer home. -The firm of Brown & Nobles, which is in corporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey, have their river and harbor boat " Klondike" on the Catawba river, plying be tween Sloan's Ferry and Rock Island, a distance of three miles, dredging for gold The "Klondike" is fitted wjtb a steam dredge ' which gouges out great quantities ot sand from the bottom of the river and de posits it in a sluice boat where the ore is separated from the sand and then shipped for re finement. -,'. .--. ? Several years ago the ; river was dredged by another com pany whose boat, the1 Old Klon dike", was washed away . by the freshet of five years ago. Since that time until about two weeks go gold operations on the river were at a standstill. Tne new "Klondike" is 30 bv 80 feet nd has a 100 horse-power boiler for its motive power. The sluice boat is eight feet long and is what is known as a self-dumper. The ore, it is said, is worth $20 per ton and , the present exper iment promises 'a - good paying investment. Wood is now being used as fuel in the boats, but as soon as the new macadam road is finished coal will be substi tuted. ' . INDIGESTION A CRIME. r t . 1 1 1 It is a' positive crime to con tinue suffering with the ills of indigestion, such as headaches, backaches, heaviness, nausea and distiess after eating, specks before the eyes, despondency and nervousness, now that we tell you of , the good Mi-o-na stotnaoh tablets will do. Mi-o-na will strengthen all the organs of digestion, so that you will get from your food the nourishment that - is needed to support the vital forces and strengthen the nerve powers. Ask J. H, Kennedy, & Co., to show . you the guarantee they give with every , 50c - box of Mi-o-na. -M31J4 7 A Cotton Mill ai Stony Point. Charlotte Observer. , btatesville May it is understood that Mr. M. K. Steel and sons, who operate cotton mills at Turnersburg, 12 miles from Statfjsville,, and who : bave been looking about in tbis and other counties for a location for another mill, have about decided to build at Stonv Point.- AIex ander county. The mill men bad at first thought of locating their new mill in Yadkin county. ; dij jestible ?r;WETM0SE MEMORIAL. New School Building, the Dllt of Jada W. P. Byoom, Dedicated I at Lfncolnton 'TassdayRtv. W. H. Hardin Preached Dedlca lory SermonJ ' Rev; W. H. Hardin .retained Wednesday night from : Lincoln ton where be went to attend the dedicatory services of the Wet more Memorial School. The school - building is the. gift of Jngde W. P. Bynum; of Greens boro, and was erected in honor of the late Rev William R. Wet more, woo was for 42 years rec; tor of St. Luke's Parish. The services took ' place ' Tuesday morning at eleven ' o'clocok. Bishop Junius M. Htmer, of Asheville, ; read the memorial and made a short address which was followed bT the dedicatory sermon by Rev. W. H. Hardin, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church, Z Gastonia. After f the morning exercises the .' large crowd in attendance went to the lawn in front of Judge W. A. Hoke's residence ; where dinner was served by the ladies of the Episcopal church of Lincolnton. In the afternoon Rev. Harris Mallinckrodt,-' rector of St. Peter's church, Charlotte, made an address tefore the Woman's Auxiliary. Mrs. Mallinckrodt also spoke in behalf of the auxiliary work and Miss Emma Hall, of Charlotte, addressed the assemblage on the Thompson Orphanage. " The . Wetmore Memorial School will be opened in' the fall and Rev. D. T. Johnson," rector of - the Episcopal church in Lincolnton. will be in charge. The school building is a parish house with a library room,, gym nasium and school room. The building was consecrated by Bishop Horner. - , 5 In company with Bishop Horn er, Mr. Hardin drove to Moun tain Island Tuesday afternoon and confirmed a large class of communicants; later going to Charlotte where the two parted. Bishop Horner going to St. Ma ry's Raleigh, and, Mr. Hardin coming home. , NEW PARISH HOTSB. ; A contract has been let for the new parish bouse in connection with the work at High Shoals and two - deaconesses from the Deaconess Home, of Philadel phia, will take charge of the work there in the fall. : It's too bad to see - people go from day to day suffering from physical weakness when Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea would make them well. ; The greatest tonic known. 35 cents Tea or Tablets n V . Adams Drug Co. RESOLUTION Of RESPECT f: At a regular meeting- of Gastonia Lodge, No. 53. Knights of Pythias, on the 20th day of May;; 1907, the undersigned committee was appoint- ed to draft resolutions relative to the death of our brother knight, J. J. Falls. ;;s-,vJ-:v Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call from our midst our be loved brother. J. ' L. Falls, and whereas we desire to offer a testi monial of the high esteem, ia - which be was Held by tne members ot our Iodze therefore be it resolved t. 1st. That while we bow in humble Submission ta the. divine will, we mourn the loss of a brother, who was true to every Pythian obligation, who was:. brave, tnoaesi, generous ana loval. and who so Hved that he won the esteem of all and brought , honor to our order. ' .:. . 2nd. He was a faithful friend, void of Hypocrisy or anectatlon, gene rous without display, a patriotic -and a useful citizen, a man whose heart beat true and noble, the true and the good. . - i '.. 3d. That we extend to those to whom he was near and dear- by the ties of relationship our heart felt sympathy in so sad a bereavement. 4th. That a coovof these resolu tions be spread upon the pages of the minutes of the lodge and that copies thereof be sent to the Carolina Pythian, Tne uastonia tiazette. ine News, the Associated Reform Pres byterian for publication. Geo. W. Wn-sosf . '.: ' S. A Robiksow Committee.' - J.' W. Carkoliv CaL Fry tt TakaTharte. ; Coi.lG. Fry, of GreensborOi formes managet of : the Hotel Guilford-Benbow, has leased the Falls House for a 1 period Tof 12 months and will be here" June 7th to take charge. He will be accompanied by hnr wifeand daughter and son; the latter will have charge of the omce. ' Col onel Fry has been, in the hotel business for a number-of year and is known throughout- the South as a successful hotel mad. He is a first cousin of Mr. Met Fry, of the Hotel . Jefferson; Richmond,' who is also ex-presi dent or the Virgipiac Hotel: As sociation and a hotel- man of great . prominence. Col. Fry and family will be -welcomed to Gastonia.-,- ,-. ai amen n aa. I an " f ' Subscribe forTtrsGAlSTT'-:, We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. . If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. . : ; : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings, deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : : ' V R. P. Rankin, President muii SPECIAL All this week on all LINGERIE Our assortment of Lingerie Waists would do credit to any town twice the size of Gastonia. If you want a really stylish dressy waist, with best workmanship; best quality Persian lawn and trimmed in a fine quality of Val lace, we' " have just what you want. As everybody knows, the PETER PAN waist is at its; best this season. Buy now while they are new and stylish. . These we are showing in Linen and Persian Lawn. MILLINERY Perhaps you've been putting off getting that ' summer hat because it looked like summer wasn't coming.- It's here alright at last and you'll need to attend to this delayed purchase at once. When you think of hats you think of Yeager's, of course. We can suit you in style and price, Let as show yon. YEAGER-McLEAN MF& C0r The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. Capital Surplus DIRECTORS U. L. Jenkins ' A. A. McLean J. Lee' Robinson jj K.Dixon t R. R. H. M. Our seventeen years of successful banking experience demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds 'nriffi ' . .. vviLU ; . .... y m f . We invite you to open an account with us. : : ' r L. L. JENKINS, Pres. Jt J- J IF Y0U 0VT1A have a perfect a labor , " saver, a luei - 4 saver and at range thit ' - . wiuiasiauioome, wiia bttt af ew smijpfe repairs. atw Oreai 77 Larger ,FIaer - ; t&a Attach ceserrour ipffil. Xsrat Anjr Fael t I -v -: - tetcurai u t - . WT aa 1 . T v i- ' i . f Treat yourself and family Ca eroit i GASTOrOA TURTClTUn 3AIX3 AUIXS t A. G. Myers, v Cashier. PRICES ready-made waists WAISTS J1C0.CC0.C3 J20.CCO.CJ T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. O. White Geo. A. Gray : , - Ray McAden 'aaW'r 'aU", S. N. BOYCE, Cashier w w wjS t lv ifcfc ,: . ; .... .. to a new " Cameron." ' CO. CKZ7' : F H ' r 1 5R:j - r a ' a: