1 : (0 M0KRISBQS- 5 What's the use putting off htiviiift hntnHnilbutfit (( suit, shoes, hat, shirts, un- y derwear etc. iou Know yuu have settled it that you are going to do it. .v You have also decided that Morris Bros is the place where you expect to purchase your equipment. In this you are right, but why not "do it 5 J 5 S now." This also applies to the ladles; and our store was never so full of attractive things as now White Goods, Lawns, Batltes, Dimities, FSllk Persian ancles, Moussellnes, Silk Mulls, pure linen walstlng and Skirting. Our line of Parosals and Umbrellas Is especially attractive. .. .. .. t We are now, and will be at all times pre pared to supply your needs In Trunks, Handbags and Suit cases for that James town trip that you contemplate taking. ,. We have many other things of smaller com pass and less value that would add Im mensely to your comfort on a trip of this kind. So dont overlook us when getting up your equipment. H MORRISBEOS. Department s Store THE GAZETTE'S Jamestown Exposition Contest 10 VOTES For Miss. District No. fNo. 1 Gastonia. No. 2. remainder of Gaston county. Kings Mtn. and Clover.) Address This couaoa, whea properly filled out aid brought or mail ed to Caateat Dept. of The Gazette, coaata aa 10 Votea. Not Good After Friday. June 7th. Old Soldiers OH. The special car carrying: Gas ton's Confederate veterans to the reunion at Richmond. Va., left Gastonia at -5:03 Wednesday morning, being; attached to No. 44. At Charlotte it was attached SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. NERVOUSNESS NemuMH makes peopW caiaarabU) aadamhappy 1 aey thwic soaaemiaj t -.v... . terribla is aoiai M p. IUL.I.I... .11 - happeau At aliat tbey toaa aad worry ad ara mot raatad. " Taer tira easily aad krra't aaneh a erjy. They think ataay thiafsara the saatttr with them 1 Coasaaaptioa, KisV ,-aey treable, or twenty ather dit cases. It', fast at. a. eh trouble, nothing' els ia the . J. acaAiraaa. - worid'Two aottlae oi Cooper. New Diseavery will pat th. . etoaaaca ia shape ia. three weeks. I kaow this beeava. I've seta it tried a thoasaad ' tisss. Thea all arrroeaarss will ctiaap pear. I kaew tbis tee, bsoaais I've seea it bappeaa theaaaad tisaca. Here's. let ter I got tbe other days ' "Mr aratesa wee badly raa dowa aad say atoaaaca mmd aerae as as tU abepe. . I eeadd a atiaC say food, - arse always tired aad weald afteafaal leiat aad drny' MI had heard ee amok of year New Psearesyaaedjeto. that takiMfaU oaatd aa he vary btiiaaad the baas, it I here received froai it baa beca traly wostderfaL I eat aa loader aerroaa, say appetite ead deetioa ere eod aad I pat ererytbaaf ead aleep weO," Mrs. W. J. Ukmmnr, Z.J Gatbxie ScLoaianHa, . -..e ;. . , . . i J -.; . TTe a!I Coeper'. New Diseorery. It o'l tirti, wora eat, narrow people t ry. T. ! Tr rr -r V-C ca . . - -- 5 i S i 5 5 5 5 S 5 to the Southern's special train which left there about 7 o'clock. Following- is a list of those who went on the special car: W. I. Stowe, J. B. P. Brown, J. Q. Holland, J. T. Spencer, J. R. Shannon, M. M. Sbuford, Henry Elmore, H. D. Glenn, J. J. Brannon, J. M. Cook, P. M. Gardner. R. A. Caldwell, J. F. Davis, T. H. White, R. A. White, A. M. Sinyre, Ed White sides, R. M. Gardner, J. J. Hucks, Hiram Johnson. W. H. Penney, F M. Ballard, R. N. Wilson, J. B. White, J. L. Tbornbure, P. R. Currence, William White. N. L. Allison, E. S. Costner, D. M. Arrowood, Moses Stroup, C. N. Black, C. R. Huffstetler, W. A. Mauney, J. T. R. Dameron, John J. Lewis, J. O. Murry, Mike Kiser, Peter Neal, Emannel 'Lewis, John Paine. R. C. Miller, J. A. Davenport, A. D. Davis, David Willard, Dock Walker. In addition to these quite a num ber of. other veterans went, some going- before, hand and some after the special. About Ready to Report The committee composed Of Chairman John F. Leeper, of the board ol county commissioners; Civil Engineer S. P. Stowe and Superintendent of Roads W. P. Eddleman, which was appointed at the last meeting of the com missioners to inspect the grading and other work done on the public roads by the Propst Con tracting Company, were in town yesterday. These p-entlemen have ' about completed their duties and will make their report next Monday - to the . board of commissioners which will meet in regular session in the court house at Dallas. .. SPORTS AT TBE WPOSJITION , Som BU Athletic Events to ; Occnr at Jamestown Bu lo :' tht Blf Shotr , v-y Crrreepopdence of The Gaaatte. ; Norfolk; Va., v May 29-Tbe eyes of the sporting world, during the 1907 outdoor season will be ceatered on the "James town Exposition. James E. Sullivan, piesident of the Amateur Athletic-Union of the United . States, who has been appointed honorary . director of athletic . events, is planning to have continuous sports during the entire period of the exposi tion. An ideal site has -been selected for the building of the stadium, in which the sporting contests are to be held, and the running track, when completed, will be one of the best cinder paths ever built. It wilL be 440 yards in circuit with a 230-yard straightaway course, and will no doubt be the scene of many re markable athletic performances during the coming summer Among the most important events to be given at the expo sition are tbe National Amateur Athletic Union track and field championships, which have been scheduled for September 6 and 7 In these games the world's great est athletes will be seen in competition. A feature of this year's championships will be the intro duction of the Greek style of discuss throwing a new event in American athletics . This will not take the place of tbe American or free style. It ' has been decided to give contests in the two methods. On July 4, the all-around championship, the "Blue Rib bon" event of the Amateur Athletic Union, will be held, and it is expected that several prominent athletes from all over the world will enter the contest. Arrangements are being per fected thereby the Amateur Athletic Union basket ball championships will be held out doors at tbe exposition during the second week in August. The tournament will be divid ed into three classes, as follows: 115-pound class 180-pound class, and unlimited weight class. These classes will be open to all registered amateur teams, and will brine to Norfolk the coun try's fastest players. The swimming and water pole championships of the Union have also been awarded to the exposition, and will be given during the week of August 5. The best of the European swimmers will be invited to take part -in these courtesies. .. .. . During the month of June it is planned to hold a Jamestown college championship meet, open to the colleges of the world. Assurances have already been received from several col leges that they will be repre sented, including the Univer sity of Michigan, Princeton, Georgetown, Virginia, Poly tecnic Institute and Tulane University. One week is to be set aside for a military athletic carnival, and it is the intention bf the authorities to have co operate with them tbe Military Athletic League. During the week of September 16 an open tennis tournament will be held. . EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY. Frost Torrence & Co., the reliable DniKjjists of Gastonia, are having calls for" Hindipo," the new Nerve Tonic and Vitalwer. Cures Nervous Debility, Insomnia, Restores Lost Vitality, that they are selling, under a positive guarantee. Its merits are becoming: the talk of the town and everybody wants to try it, and why not? It costs noth ing if it don't do you good not one cent. They don't want your money if it does not benefit you, and will cheer, fully refund the money! Try it to day. 1 MAGAZINE READERS 8tnf srr uxoAivn beaiaifuDriUualiafeLtMdl stories . en aadarticLebealCallioroiaaad X,- ati tbe Far We. . ' CAMIRA. CRAFT devoted each swath to the u- ' tutic reproducboa of the beat $1.00 wotkof aaMtcaaaadproieaaoaal ysat photographers. , K0AS OT A THOUSAND WOSPIRS a book oi 75 pages, coaUnunf 120 colored pKotographi of $0,7$ pirtamque spots ia California ' , aad Orejoa. . '"" Total . . . $3.25 All for . tf .... $1.50 - Address all orders to ' 1 SUBSET UAGAZRTB ; Flsed&aldisc ' " SaaF. FOR SALE Two Horses. "Also Wagon and baz-pv. Annlvat ASTOKlASaaJl RT STOII ataclmo Opposite City Hall LOST . On February 26 in Gastonia depot or on train between Gastonia and Clemson Collesre. S. C leatherback ed pocketbook containing two (5.00 bills, a doe bill in favor of Jesse H. Harden from W. A. Harden and other cabers, also chotoerarh. ' Re ward for return to Gazette office or to Jesse H. Ilarden, Lowrrrille, S. C. m7plmo. ' taERn71XL3 CHAT, Terse News Notes Irom Gaston's 5 - Northernmost To wo ;.. CberryvUle Bal.29U."; VV -ZZ-' 't, W. Iatta is here wirinsr in. terior of onr cotton mills tor the Southern Power Company. He is a f radaateof the University of North Carolina a n d--is a polished young: gentleman - The stockholders of the : Mel ville Mftr. Co.. have; decided to put in 2000 more spindles at an early date, giving the mill 5000 spindles to begin with. Edgar and John. Baker,, two well known mechanics of JUawn dale have moved to this place. They occupy one of Major Requa's . nice , cottages in " the northern section of town. We welcome these young men in our tnidst. . ,y .' .r ::. " Miss Bertha Ehrhardt of Phil adelphia, tvho has b en visiting her sister, Mrs, E; 1X7 Koho. was happily, married in .New Orleans, 1 a s V Wednesday, in Grace Lulhern church, to Joseph Current, a teacher in the Uni versity School for Business: J Work on the Howell Mfsr. Co. and Gaston Mfg. Co, No. 2 has begun in earnest and the brick work will be pushed as rapidly as possible. These will make three new mills ior Cherry ville in one year giving the town 6 cotton manufactories. This is a record-breaking year for Cherry ville. The plant for the Melville Mfg. Co. is completed and all efforts are being used tO have it in operation in a short time." It is designed to be operated bv electric power which will be transmitted by the Southern Power Company. The motors have, been installed r and the wiring of the plant nearly com pleted and machinery is being erected daily. , - u William Huss. son of David Huss, who lives near the Lincoln and Catawba line in Catawba countt, ' committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid Tuesday night. It is thought that domestic troubles was the cause of this rash act. He seemed in very good spirits until bedtime when he prepared to go to bed and toak the vial of acid from tbe mantle and drank it down and died in about 15 minutes. He is a man of a family and will be buried at Laural Hill to day. EDITORS ENDORSE TflE FAIR. Sonlhtfrn 7 Publishers Pleased with Jamestown Fair. Norfolk, Va, May 23, After a tour of the Jamestown Exposi tion in sight seeing automobiles, the members of the Southern Newspaper Publishers' Associa tion to-day placed their body on record as unequivocally endors ing tbe Exposition, both as a place of instruction and a resort for pleasure, and expressed ; tbe belief that it will be fully com pleted in every detail by June 10. At the conclusion of a lunch eon in the Swiss village, and altera dozen prominent South ern newspaper men, Exposition officials and others' had spoken, Major J. C. Hemphill, of Char leston News and Courier, offered the resolution, which was sec onded try Edgar M. Foster, of the Nashville Banner, the new president of the organization. The resolution follows: , f "The Southern Newspaper Publishers, Association, after making a careful and complete survey of tbe conditions at the Jamestown Exposition, desire to place on record in this ' formal manner their full appreciation of the magnitude of the nndertak- j ing and the marvellous success its promoters have accomplished in their patriotic ' work. . The Southern Publishers deny the accuracy oi the stories as to the incompleteness of the Exposi tion. They are satisfied that by the middle of June every build' ing on the grounds will be finish ed and every exhibit in these buildings will be in. place. They declare that it is the opportunity of the South to make . its re sources known to the' world, that it is their duty to themsel ves and to tbe country ta give their most loyal support ' to the great enterprise. They declare futher that between now and tbe middle of June, every intelligent and appreciative man And woman in the country. North as-well' as South, East and West, will find here ample opportunity for both instruction and pleasure.":: - - . ! ii a s. a, r- '- . , Carta Blood, Sklo Diseases, ' Cancer, Greatest Blood Fori i tier Free. ' . - If ' your blood is impure, . thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, car buncles, eating ores, scrofula, ec zema, jtchinjr, risioRs and bumps, cabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Soon A sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Drug gists or by express $1 per large bot tle, three bottles for J2.50 or 6 bottles for $5.00. Samples free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. ia especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. F-J18-8. . The Jefferson Standard Life" In surance Company, of Raleigh, has been charteied with ' a ca ital of New Catls t-r Lllry. - - Following is a list of . new books received at the Gastonia librarv on Mv 24ih: "Cruise of the 1 Shining Light," Dnncan; "HelneaV Eldridge;. "Lo n g Traill Garland; r Flyers", Mc Cutcheon;1? Half a Rogue". Mc Grath; "Port ofMissing Men", Nicholson; "Whispering Smith", Spearman; "By the Light of the. Soul", Freeman; "Puck of the Pork's HtieV Kipling ; " Birds' Christmas 1 Carol", Wiggin; "New Chronicles of Rebecca", Wiggin. - . - ' Rock Hill's bi new cotton tnill, the Arogon, is finished and will be put in operation at an early date, t w(ll be run by eUctric. power. ; ; .f ,: : , ....... REPORT OF THE CONDITION" - V.OH THE - " - farmers and Herphants " Bank, At Stanley v in the State ot North Carolina, at the close of business. May 18, 1907. ,.:- RESOURCES .. ' " Loans and dlecoont ", $13,366.69 Overdrafts secured Ihtrnitiire and Pixtnrea - 417.68 All other-real estate owaed. t 535.00 Deiii sad loans 600.00 Doe from Bans and Bankers .. 1.518.38 Cash hems u - 441J6 Gold coin - 50.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency... , , W0.X6 National bank aotes and other v .. - U.S. aotes u.. . 7-S0 Total $17,096.07 S 9.C00.O0 '1627 - 7.261 20 71.90 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock. Undivided profits, lesa current expenaea and taxes paid - Time CertiBcates o Deposit , Deposits aabject to check Cashier's Checks onUtandina;.. XTOTAI JLl-J $17,096.07 ST&TBOr 'KOaTB CABOLINA.l - . AstoN cooitnr ta ff r n i Pmun. Cashier of the above- named bask, do solemnly awear that tbe above statement is use to the beat of my knowledge and belief, s ' ' - B.L. PaoitAat. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 28th day of May. 1907. : O. B. Carpenter. Notary Public CoaascT Attest: " . ; B. F.CAareNTBa. - W. L.IBNKIN8. Directors. J. M. RbinhAkot J REPORT OF THE CONDITION Bank of Dallas, AT DALLAS in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, May 18, 1907. . IE30UIMS.. , Loans aad discoonts -, $51.01130 795.47 Overdrsita anaecured BsnkinK bonse, furniture and fiatnree .r . - Demand loans . Doe from Banka and B ankers. Cash nem. - Gpld coin , Silver coin.' including- all minor coin currency,.. .-,.... National bank notes and other ... U. S, notes 6.000.00 1,96J0 23364 1.08929 590.00 , 220J7. 873.00 Total . .$65,012.27 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock- $ 10.000.00 Undivided profits, lesa current ex-, pensea aad taxes paid. 270.03 Bills payable. 15.000.00 Time certificates of deposit. 18406.70 Deposits aabject to check -Due to Banka and Bankers Cashier's Checks outstanding Cash pver,,''-.-, . 19346.65 I '273.89 . 45.00 Total stats of nokth caouna,l gaston county : . .$65.01227 . I, M. A, Carpenter. Cashier of the sbove aamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ia true to the beat of my knowledge and belief.. ' M. A. Cabpentek. Cashier. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 28th day of May. 1907. - ' B, S. Lewis. NoUty Public. " CoaaECT Attest; . J. R. Lewis. . . , O. V Masow Director. ' h. L. Jenkins, .. Confederate Veterans Seonion, ' Bichmond, Va., May - 33 Jnne 2nd. 1907. .. . for the above occasion Southern Railway will sell tickets - to Rich mond, Va., and return at rates named below. ' - ' Shelby . J6.95 Gastonia Charlotte Concord Salisbury 6.35 .5.90 , 5.50 5.05 . 5.55 6.15 . 5.05 . 4.60 .'3J5 , 3.40 2.50 Statesville Ilickory Greensboro W-Salem Durham Raleisrh Oxford Approximately low s rates from other points. Tickets on sale May 26th io June 2nd ' inclusive, - with final limit' June Uth, 1907. The original ' purchaser may secure an extension of limit until July -6th, 1907, J by ' depositinjr ticket with Special Agent at Richmond," Va., on or before June 11th, and paying fee of-fifty cents. '.; ' '. , . . The return portion of tickets sold from points South and West of Dan ville will be honored from Richmond, or Norfolk, Va., at the option of passenger. When they are honored tram Norfolk they must be validated at Norfolk by Special Agent. Ia A. Shipman, No. 4 Grandbv atreet, and must be used leavine Norfolk on or before June 11th, 1907, anless exten sion of limit is desired in which case ticket should be deposited with Mr. L. A. Shipman, Special Agent, Norfolk and a fee of 50 cents paid. Southern Railway will operate their "Annual Confederate Veterans' Special," - consisting of first-class day coaches and Pullman cars to be handled through to Richmond with out change. ." -. " ' 1 -!': " -r.This Special will leave Charlotte at 7.00 a. m. Wednesday,. May 29th, and is scheduled to arrive at Rich mond about 3.50 p. m., same date, riving a day-light run. Veterans, their friends, and the general public may use this train. Excellent ser vice on regular trains to and from Richmond to Norfolk. ' L . v . Rare opportunity to visit Rich mond, and the Jamestown exposi tion at small cost. Ask yonr agent for rates from your station. . For further information, and Pull man reservation write, . R. I,. Vr"v0r,T. P. A. LT v-w TnEciD;Af:DvI:-::'; a ; 'I ; , (Being a lUtle friendly talk jTo the Citizens of Gastonia ond Surroundlnfi Cctmtry; ; We take this method of thanking you for your liberal patronage and co-operation in assistinir us to build up the best livery business ever know in this county. We hope to still further improve he business, uutilit will equal anything ia the South. . v ITO Our Lady Customers: We will always strive to please jyouin style, price and .quality. You know what you had in the shape bf livery four years ago and what" you have to-day. Take vthe case, ?adies., and render your verdict according to the evidence and merit. JOHN F. DAVIS t SON LEADERS IN' LIVERY Gastonia, N. C. saaaaaaHaaacsaakaaasBBBi CHOICE BUILDING LOTS We have only half ol our .newly developed property unsold and are selling lots almost. daily. , 7,v - These lots are located on South, York, Ches ter and Fourth Streets ind are oa sewer jand water lines. These ore undoubtedly the most desirable unimproved residence; -lots In the city. .. y. j- ' t 'vi..' j , . i j , ' - i Gastonia Insurance 4 Realty, Co. -G99Q9G' ' Gaston Metcl & Roofing Company: ' r ' INCORPORATED DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING IN ROOFING Don't fall to sec our new ventilators, the Gaston We also nave a nice line, of ' grates just In Phone 217 7 - REAL ESTATE ' Purchasers of Gastonia real estate are invited to consult our lists at all times. We always have aomoattractive properties at right prices. We are now offering the most attractive unimproved lots in town. , ' ..--',-. - - 1 lot corner 3rd and Marietta streets. 2 lots on 3rd street between Marietta and Oakland. , 2 lota on Narrow Gauge street between film and Third. Hot on Oakland street. 1 r: Choice of 22 lots in that beautiful block of gtound between 4th and 5th, and Marietta and Oakland, . $250.00 and up. . A bargain in house and lot.'- -Well located and in good condition on West Airline Etreet $1000.00. Terms made to suit purchasers. ? 4-room house and lot near Gray Mfg. Ca's. Mill; size , of lot:. 100x209ir price on application. - , . . r Gaston Loa n & Trust Co. ; Savings Bank" , Real Estate , : Insurance ' Get a Square Deal " Good Goods arid a Good Profit That's our idea of a square deal and we live up .to it "always, ; We make a slick line of Drinks. (Best in the world, our customers sav.) And we supply 'em to you any kind and at anytime, at an easy price, -quickly aad just right. Big profits in 'soft drinks; ask the man 'who sells 'em." See our addln the new's columns. ,r. r : .. : ' ihiVs(4 H. A, BEARD & CO.ZSZ? : RED STAR BOTTLING WORKS "Gastonia ' - - ' - North Carolina Ii What, never leak? exactly ; never leak, never seed . repairs of any kind, And last as long as the building itselt Neither melting snow, nor Xhe worst driving rain can ossibly reach the interior of the building that's covered with Cortright Metal Shingles. Pretty good recommenda tion, is' at it? In addition, we might add that they're fire-proof and h'ghtning-proof too. . Think of it t and yet they're not as expensive as other forms of roofing. 1 Stop in and we'll show them to you. ; t -' : ; ' Semi for 5gt lookUt, "Rightly Roofed RmMitgs," Fm. LONG exclusive Agents fTC2 C CC"w wC C C CtafaSaiC Cwwwaw 4 i. , ii Yen Vs't Cssfsa Ccr-'y thv-- TTlU t-rTTtf' -t i' - - with our customer! and others.) , Phone 52 ssseee94w4eeeoose999S99ssc990909 t t 1 wfWwftTTTT!sTwWwwrswwMW . Davis Block , , . , 4 , , , . ' Gastonia; N. C. r-' t I S i