1007 if ivri -. j ! to b Gaston!' banner fear. Road The Gazctt and ke up. Twlc--wck, 91.30 th year. , maawha dssath ku.m... GU la U Saturn 4. ! reaching tha ittsli .1 . PUBLISHED TWICB A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY? u niHHbU, 1i ,-t.V,f t' JAS. W. ATKINS Editor and Manager. ' Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. S!ntflf rAliv . A ( VOLXXV1H. " . "' , ' w ' - GXqTONI: N:C- 1 jmjSsiBfcajBWeaeBas J juats aiuai nut DLuivm, r PROFESSIONAL CARDS GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors (Office over Eureka Hardware Co aastonia,;N.C7;"7 s. b; SPARROW ? ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 7 DALLAS, N. C. Office upstairs over Bank of Da.Ua JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY AT-LAW, DALLAS, N. C, . Office over Bank of Dallas. ; DR. P. A Pressly . DENTIST CLOVER, - - - - - S. C. DR. D. E. UcCONNELL, DENTIST " . -. GASTONIA, 7N. C. Office First Floor T. M. C. A. BMI'f -Phone 69. -' DRS.. FALLS & WILEINS 7 " DENTISTS GASTONIA ,N. C. -Office in Adams Building 7 7 Phone 86. MRS. JOHN HALL TEACIIEROP 7 PIANO AND ORGAN. .For Reference see tuning list of Stein way PROF. J. M?MASSEY ' Piand" tuning; and ' Repairing a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed Gastonia, N. C. . Method! Method! Method! ; Let me teach 'you the" method tf "playing the piano as taught, hvjrte best teachers in thf Europe,., Jh&rftjmi" the great players an At Italian yocal method also lauuCT Small Credence Giyen Jones Voluntary Confession M a d Monday Was Glten lor a Par T poie the Opinion ol the Major HT-IIow tha Poblfc Retards the $5,CC0 Returned. Charlotte Observer. . ' Franc J o n e s' ante-mortem statement- delivered on the wit ness " stand in Federal Cour Monday afternoon a few minutes prior to the imposition of sen tence ' by Judge James E. Boyd was the , talk of the city yester- "Was he telliue the truth or was the self-appointed and vol u utary confession a fabrication pure and simple" were the qnes tions most freauentlv asked. ' The vast majority of those who were heard to express themselves declared that the story was conglomeration of plausible false hoods designed to r. do nothing else than secure a light sentence by turning State's evidence. That be implicated others is ev idenced by the arrest of Boyce Bell Monday night and : that he secured what besought, a light sentence, is evidenced by the six year term imposed by Judge Boyd. ; Few believed the harrowing "invalid and demented father life and death' f story and hold rather that it was the instrumen tality of an able-and astute law yer who -fully appreciated its worth and utilized it to the limit. As to the amount of the losses detailed by the' self-confessed thief, few of those in a position to hazard a guess, believe that it could not have been near so great." "He might have lost as much as $40,000 but hardly more, even counting that terrible March slump in stocks," - re marked, a broker to a friend on the streets yesterday. .-., ; As to the rest of the -story. than which there has never be fore been nore plausible and pleading orx'w heard in a court of justice in Charlotte,- few give it CHERRYVILLE CHAT. Terse-News Notes from Gaston' '-Northernmost Town. ; Breatbie Brown, an industrious employer at the Howell mill was painfully hurt Saturday. ; He was 1 using a foot adz ' and : it glanced to one side hiting the Ltop of his foot. Machinery is arriving for the Cberryville Bottling Works and they will soon be ready for busi ness. ;.''C:'-:":-,::--';-.v '. J. B. Costner, who has been employed in the navy yard at Portsmouth, has returned home. His hosti of friends nere were glad to see him looking so well Carl Summer met with a pain ful accident Saturday at the S. A. L; station. While attemping to load some soda water crates he made a misstep and the crate full of soda water fell on his foot causing great pain.. He was getting along nicely when last heard from.' - Matthew Reynolds died at his home 2 miles east of town Tues day morning after a lingering ill ness of brights disease. He was sixty odd years of age and is survived oy nis wite. tie was a good hard-working citizen and the ? community" loses - a" good neighbor by his death. Mrs. Carolina Carpenter died at her home in the Pan-Handle section of Gaston county last Thursday at the ripe old age of 79. She was the mother of seven children and universially popular and beloved by all who knew her. She was an atten tive mother, prudent wife and a consecrative Christian. Her husband preceeded her to the grave 24 years. . Her remains were laid to rest in St. Paul graveyard, where a arge concourse of relatives and riends gathered and .paid their ast respects to her. Rev. B. A York, her beloved and able pas tor, conducted the funeral ser vices. We extend sympathy to the grief stricken relatives. . il NORTHERN PAPERS UNFAIR Commissioner Bolin, ' Says that Northern 's . tern Newspapers arj 1 in Their Criticisms Inis Wit! be Complete I-Jameitown VIII Ec Frty ut Shows. y; Ccnm-'onijence of The OaieU '. N. 'irfolk, Va.; June j ecu 1 1 vp Commissioner I the Ohio commission i Jamestown ' Exposition made an interesting x the members of the . coc regarding affairs at the. tiort. Mrs Bolin has bee; grounds for the past two in daily touch with ev going on. - ; Mr. Bonn says: "Th YORK AND 1Y0RKVILLE paper reports which ' a puplished in the North ( seem to me to be ' very and I know in a great rx stances the long bow ; h drawn pretty freely. ; 1 site woik of . the ti building is now, I believ plete in every detail tha quired to make the prop ing. All the buildin been completed and t about the plaza as well.! " The greatest delay is government pier and th! bly gives a more incomf feet to the exposition' t! thing else because' t! pany's office, tool s! other temporary struct: still needed. Work on has reached a stage not every stroke shows. Th on the land end of each the pier, are completed all the staff decorated 1 very beautiful tinisne( balustrade and lines : arj along one arm of the i the towers are being erf the sea end of the pie pier when completed wi greatest feature of this other exposition, belie should be fully accomp all details by the rst of "On the 30th of Mayl c n !; 'e e b ,h fa se Id 'n ie $ ir What's Dgin Anjoni onr Neih f , bors Jnst Across the Line Yorkville Buauirer. lth. ' I Dr. Tom Whitesides died at his home at Blacksburg ': last mgnt ot neart disease. He had been ill for quite awhile, but his aeam was unexpected. The work of the Southern Power company at Ninety-Nine Islands is progresing quite satis- tactoruy.'and is being pushed with all possible speed. The laying of the railroad track from the line of the Southern to the daui has reached to a point witmu a mile and a half of the power bouse, and the work of track laying is expected to be completed b7 Thursday or Fri day of this week. All of the necessary grading and. excava tion work ior the tail race is ex pected to be completed within the next six weeks or two months. The election on the Question ot exempting new manufacture mg enterprises trom taxation is to be held to-morrow week. June 26. There has been very rule talk about the matter and as yet there are no indications that there will be a great deal of nterest. bo long, however, as the town continues to hold its tax assessment down to about the same figures, no matter how extensive the property additions may be, it does not seem that there is very much use for the people to put themselves in a position where they Would be unable to regulate matters even they should become a mind to. The people of Yorkville were very much shocked yesterday afternoon to learn of tfie sudden death of Mrs. Mary C. Gordon, wife of Mr. John F, Gordon. Mrs. Gordon was stricken with fever on June 10. She had been eehng badly for some days pre vious j but took her bed on that dajL and showed very little sigis of improvement until Sun- We're 'iwpared to extend our enstomers'every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. ; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. ; : : R. P. Rankin, President IdTIZEHS I I wim I A. G. Myers, Cashier. A NEW LOT of TRIMMED HATS A big reduction on Hats from now until all are sold. .". .. Come and see what bargains we are giving. .. YEAGER-McLEAN MFG. CO. r.f ...ij b'jqai -t-j ol W. H. 0VERCARSH, Studios Gastonia and 60S S. Charlotte, - - N. C. Tryon St. J17clmo. POST CARDS t 4 The largest and best as- 2 sortment in town. .. .", Gastonia views-the latest t and best. " .. . : , Drop in and look at them. - r Gastonia Book Store y 4 ''" ' JlOclmo. "T .' -. Ratio Dividends Received to C- Premiums Paid, 39.9 percent Record : of Policy No. 80,665 Issued in 1875, at age 38, for $10,000. . . , - 15 Payment Life Plan ANNUAL PREMIUM : :' ,$430.10 IS Fall Premium . ..... S6.451.50 2,571.70 , Dividends Net Cost T. . . . -. . , .. . . $3,879.80 ; The Cash Surrender Value of the Poller at the end of the 31st rear is $6,694.20; the result being that the insured would receive $1.72 for each $1.00 paid, be--' sides having: had 31 years' insurance for ' $10,000. - ' Mnfoal Beactit Llf Insntanct ' Co. ' Southern Securities t Trust Co. . ACEHTS" Cisteala. H. C . - Notice to Creditors.- - Havinr qualiEed as administrator ol the estate of Margaret M. Farrar. deceased, this is to notify all persona having- claims ; against said esta'e to present the same duly -authenticated to the undersigned on or be- Jaae 3d 1908 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of anv recovery thereon. 1 All persons indebted to am csiaie win v'usc mace payment prompuy 10 ine unaersigned. -s. . . C. A. Fa k bar, Administrator, This June 3d 1907- . Jytfcow, 1M inet v-nine out of every bun dred people believe that he took all that 'he could get hu hands on; a sum ' Variously estimated from $25,000 to : $40,000. The public instead of commending Jones for returning $5,000 is laughing and abusing him for it. That he bad- his figures well balanced in mind is ' shown by the; way in which everything evened up. If be lost between $70,000 and $75,000 and the amount of his shortage at the bank was about $80,000, then he would only have bad about $7,- 000 to get away with. It all hinges on' the amount of his losses, concerning which amount grave , doubt s is ? held. It is enough to say that the public does not believe Jones' state ment," holding rather that, he wilfully misstated the lacts in the case or that his utterances were the expressions of a dis ordered brain. Those charitably iUned s take the latter view: f "nelminplv - maiontv ' mm- Frost Torrenc Druegists of Gastonia." cUs for " Hindipo," the new''' , July A Sad Death Personal .1 Notes, 1 Charlotte News. Crowded out of last Issue.) . Stanley, N. C, June 17.July, the month of celebrations, is al most at band, and Stanley is not coin? to be behind in that re spect. Afeeady preparations are being made for the annual pir nic, tournament and old soldiers reunion to be held on the 18th of July. rne committee on arrange ments has received a letter from Governor Glenn, stating his ac ceptance of an invitation to make an address on that dav. There will be plenty of f amuse ment offered in the shape of a good baseball game, horseback tournament band i concerts, etc. The SeaboafV wilt offer low rates and a l&tzt- expected this y Mr. and . Mrs will return to-day. tended bridal tour Mr. and Mrs. Fra son ,of China Grove; " Mr,.W. (J. : Rutle ","-et Guy. X is being Torrtc and Vitahzer. Cures Nervousf Debility, Insomnia, Restores Lost vitality, tnajt tney are selling: under a positive guarantee. ' ' Its merits are becoming the talk of the town and everybody wants to. try it, and why not? It costs noth ing if it" don't do you good not one cent. - , Tbev don't want vour monev if it does not benefit you, and will cheer fully refund the money. Try it to day. -w.-:v,v I -- . .The Oasatte for flrst-clasa printing. ' Notice o! Election. ' Noith Carohsa, Oaston County. . , . : , . i The Town of Gastonia. ' -: - - Notice is given hereby that the Mayor and the board of aldermen of the town of Castoni t have order an election to be held at the Town Hall in the Town ot Gastonia, on Tacsday tha 2ai itj of July, 1907.--forthe purpose of authorising the issuance of the interest-bearing bonds ol the Town of Gastonia to the amount of Seventy-Five thousand dollara. Notice is also given that there will be a new registration and that Huih Long has been appointed registrnr and will be at the Town Hall for four con serntive Sxturdtys next preceeding the said election from the hours of 7 a. m. Sotac hours of 7 p. m. for the purpose of register- A New Series. July first the Gastonia Mutual Building and Loan ' Association will open its sixth series of stock. Recently Mr. E. G. McLurd was chosen secretary and 'treasurer of the - association to succeed Mr. C. B. Armstrong, resigned. Mr. McLurd can be found at the Gaston Loan & Trust ' Co's. offices and will cheerfully furnish any information desired regard ing the new series of stock. As a home builder nothing can com pare with a good building 'and ioan association ana uastonia bas ohe. It is enabling scores of working men and wage-owners to own bomes. u you are not now - carrying stock see Mr. McLurd and start" in - with the hew series, -vr v,; - " T' '; In an interview riven out bv State Snperintendent of -Education Jovner at Raleich vesterdav he savs that there is a great demand in the State for men teachers and that these de mands cannot e west eir ex- v xomp ing er- be filled.' There in a ,n all tfie qualified votersof the said townl?,.LlaeJt'ni "j01" Bi order of the board of alderman. J the colleges t the State to add de- Tbis the z;nd day of May. 1907. . I parxmenis oi eaucation as Trinity has done in order to tram men for C. E. Aivsto!c. Mayor , A vti. . Herman, the - Mr. and Mrs.1 B.T, which occured Friday nigV , Mrs. C. A. Little and cbiK Misses Pearl and Mabel iiicicory, attenoea tne iun which was held Saturday m ng. : 3.; -, Rev. W. C. Sheaffer.. Jr.. Charlotte, preached an interest ing sermon at CihfistSXutherari church here yesterday . morning. : Misses Katherine and Ruti Mason, of Dallas, are visiting a' their cousin's. Miss ' Katie Can penter. ve ,i- t is re fit recognizea , py, tnose v seen them and pretend 1 to be of the very finest ever been shown at an tion. Mr.' Buchanan t, band man of Governor; of the Louisiana Pure: position at St. Louis, tne otner 3 ay ana nept this in many respects interesting and well-pl posrtion that Has e shown to the people, that it is now further than the one at Buffalo! ing the same period opening date.' WI bope that you yourselves many times tion to contradict the iust criticisms of the ntw- The organized Baptists' 'or the North and South met here at the Jamestp exposition , tor the first ?' the war. -This siai".,oi ine xposition lird re titles of fci two erasp if the 1? Sllu. great gov may do at establis fratf :; ' sec - " -vwrt the; tunity; nortWrn newspapers- - continue the tactics which they? have adoped of criticising the expos!- -a: without t)rorer or careful on, I fear that the -ke it asfurth. If ""'""witinued eci Htn the mencans - ... v,at eood icH the exo55lti6n : might Tse do will be thwarted is we should all regret to -1 & Company are - building oil refinery in Charlotte Gordon was a daughter of Mr. Frank H. Youngblood, and was married to her husband On Jan uary 12, 1888. At the time of her death, she was aged thirty seven years and seven months. She is survived by a sorrowing father, a heart-broken husband and the following brothers and sisters: W. T. Youngblood, John F. Youngblood, R. L. Youngblood, Cbes J. Young blood 'Mrs. J. F. Allison, of Kings Mountain, Miss Nannie Houngblodd, of Atlanta, and three half-sisters, Misses Maude, Ella and Agnes. r a you can t ten a woman's age after she takes Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Her complexion is fine. She is round, plump, and handsome; in fact she is voung again. cents; 1 ea or Tablets. Williams Drug Co. A Cominf Marriage. The following is from The Spartanburg Journal of the 17th inst: "Invitations have been re ceived iqSpartanburg to the weading of Miss Prudence Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers of Gallatin. Tenn, and Mr, Henry Mathis Cleveland, formerly of Spartan burg, but now of Gastonia,' N. C. Wednesday evening June 26, at 7 o'clock at " Belmont." the home ot the bride. Miss Myers is a sister ot Mrs. Robert (Jleve- and of this city. Mr. Henry M. Cleveland is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. B. Cleveland and is a well known and popular young man." ..... - ' . , V 4 4 4 The First Ndi(ma!l;Banli GASTONIA. N. C. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 $20,000.00 DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee RobinsOn j,' K. Dixon iUAtAMi ir ml.' v 4 4 4- 4 R. R. Ray H. M. McAden T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. O. White Geo. A. Gray ' Our seventeen years of successful banking experience demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds with. : : : : : ; : : : : We invite you to open an account with us. : : : L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier 'A A CARD. Please let this issue of The Gazette speak for me and ex press my sincere thanks to my many friend. who so kindly helped me to win firs prize in the contest just clos' """"-'-v little courtesy was si predated by w . Mt. Holly; N.'-C.:'i June 2lth, 1907. . ' The Icemorlee Cotton' still Com pany, of Monroe," is fitting np a nice park for its operatives. ; , ' ? - Pennsvlvania soldiers who -died in the prison pen st Salisbury during the civil war are to have their memory honored bv a monument to be erected by their State at a cost of 52,000, which sum has been appro- mated by tne Pennsylvania lgis ature. -- ' -- , - . . , Subscribe for The Gazette, i i IIov; is Lifo Sustained? By healthful food and healthful exercise. When ever you -move then ars tissues to die. What will be hs character of the new ones). It all depends upon Wr inpplyingyour blood with the proper food. "TZAT FLAIIE CELERY H"1 li 1 mm 7- make blood to uy hc.M i new tissues' In t of ri " 1 . It rewttUtes the bowels tones the system e . everybody sad should be eaten every of Dleattwa mmi Utmdy Ea ma fw a fw ssastM; tr cast sstlsi 1 n sK .. Jl MAGAZINE READERS Dint Ukakxxnx.?y'4v;ri- cautiMr ill iurated food ttorn i rn aad rtkUboulUUonuaaal xOu aU tsFatWst. , ;. . r CAXBSSA ClAFT j devetod aadi'aionlh to ft at- ( lutic ' reptoductioa of the bert work f amaawS and prolwaionsl nKntnanrJiMa. SOAP Or A TB0U8AHD W01TDIX8 a book ol 75 page, riunaiaint ' paotagmph " ot $1.00 a year 120 aoUcd futantqm (pots aadOlagoe, ' Calilonia $0.75 Zy; i- : Total . :. $3.35 All , for .7. .".! . 7 ; $1.50 ; - : ' Addtesi aB orden to w SUK SET' MAGAZINE nsjBafcg;-y? sn Insurance Commissioner Vbun has accepted an invitation to spea at the annual., convention"-of the South Carolina Insurance Asrent's Association which meets in Colum bia this week. The insurance- laws of North Carolina are much favored in South Carolina. " -v- - v Miss Louise R. Bas'com, of High lands, was the only North Carolina girl among the successful candidates for the degtee of A. B. at Welleslev College, Wellesley, sfassM this year. She ranks among the leaders in her UNI V ERS-ITY OF NORTH CAIOXINA. 71789-1907 ' Head 'of the State' Xdueatloial System, DEPARTMENTS. 1 " J College. EnKlneerlj, t ; . Graduate, - .Law, c.' .. Medlclae, Pbarajiacy, 1 library contains ii.OOO Volumes. " New water works, electric lights;' v central heatinj, system. New ; dormitories, gymnasium,- Y. -tt V? . ; M.. C,A building, library. 4 , TJl STUDENTS 7 ';7:fU:7-7 -7 ; ,;:i7S 7; 7: J4 FACULTY. 7 , The Fall term begins' ' ;, " 7 Sept. 9, 1907. Address" J : FSANCIS P., YBNABLK. PXBSIOEST t iv , CHArm, nnx.x. c. " 7. The -Oasatte for ftrst-olass prtntlng. - NOTICE TO, TAXPATHS I will be at the citv halT in Gaston la, on Saturday. 'June" 73. one day1 only, for the purpose ol ltstiB'p'v,r- erty for Gastonia townshir 110 gastonia, This is my 1 B-l I erty of Ga: tor, listinsr and all persons t .i r property in Gastonia town.s ' , i side of Gastonia. are urej t 1.. t same on the above ddte. , 7- W. A. FALLS. - List-taker for Gastonia T t i r, i J. KkANtuf. Cletk. teaching. class in scholarship. ; Outside f GastorJ-t.