X 4-4-4-4-4.4.4. 4. Try a Gazette t Wont Ad t They Brlria Results iJ ' ' " II - fH r 4. .4. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEKTUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. anuuutmu444uut JAS. W. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. ' $1.50 Year In Advance, Single Copy 3c. VOL. XXVIII. . GAOTONIA, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 28. 1907. NO.H2 n n .' T"" i , PROFESSIONS CARDS OARLANQ & JONES ' Attorneys and Counselors (Office over Eureka Hardware -Co ) i , Gastonia, N. 0. ' newstjotes State 4 General s;b. SPARROW J-; ," ATTORNKY-AT-LAW ' ; 1 DALLASN.C,v' Office upstairs over Bank of Dallas JOHiST O. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT.LAW DALLAS, N. C, Office jver Bank of Dallas. DR. P. A Pressly ; DENTIST. . , CLOVERv I DR. D; E. McCONNELL, ...DENTIST' -J :. GASTONIA, N. C. .r Office First Floor T. M. C. A. BlrVf " Phone 69. - DRS. FALLS & WILKIN'S DENTISTS - -V7 GASTONIA ,N. C. ' Office in Adams Building , Phone 86 - ? . MRS. JOHN , HALL TEACHER - OF PIANO AND ORGAN,, s For Reference see tuning; Hat of Steiaway PROF.J.M?MASSEY , Piano : tuning and Repairing: "a ' specialty: satisfaction guaranteed pn3eV. - Gastonia, N. C. Method! Method! Melhod! Let me teacb you' the method of playiugthe piano as "taught by the best teachers in this, country and pEurope. - The only method taught by r .The great players and teachers The - Italian yocal method also taught. - ; - WH.-OVRCARS& " - .Studios Gastonia and 60S S. Try on St. ''- Charlotte, '-' N. C. J17cImo. f T K 4. 4. 4. POST CARDS ; v The largest and best as- sortment in town. .V- .'. Gastonia views-he latest ? and best. . .", .'. t . t" v Drop in and look at them. ? Gastonia Book Store JlOclmo. Ratio Dividends Received to Premiums Paid, 39.9 percent Record oi Policy" No. 80,665 ' Issued in 1875. at age 38, for $10,000. ; , ", IS Payment Life Plan ' '' ANNUAL PREMIUM : : .$130.10 is Pulltreuilunii . . ... . , I. $6,451.50 Dividends 2J571.70 Net Coat , $3379.80 ', TheCasJi Surrender Valne of the "Policy at the end of the 31st year is $6,694.20: . the result being- that the itnured would receive $1,72 for - each $1.00 paid, be- sides having had 31 years insurance for. Mutual Benefit Life Insnranca Cs. Southern Securities 4 Trust Co. AGENTS ; - Csilenla, If, C " " Notice to Creditors. Havinn quali6ed as administrator of the estate of Margaret M. Farrar. deceased, this is to notify all terson having claims against said estate to present the same duly authenticated to the undersized on or bc lore , .. . . r aaa 3d 1908. . or this motice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon A11 persons indebted to i said estate Will please . make, payment promptly to the undersigned. " . . C. A. Fabbak, Administrator. Lane Brothers, railroad . contrac tors, have accepted ' two-months contract to rebuild the railway yards at High Point. . ; xJ:--' Calvin Honeycutt, father of Miss Ella Honeycutt, who was killed by a Southern train near Concord last week, says be will sue the (railroad. - Miss Pearl Forrester, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Forrester. of Anderaott, S. C, died of lockjaw Wednesday ; after step ping, on a nail. ; Seven people " were killed,, four fatallv intured and the lives of i score of firemen- imperiled Tuesday in the collapse of a bis; tenement house in few York , , The Auditorium Rink, Inc.. has SC. I been chartered by the Secretary of oiaic vo uu UUBU1C39 in niga ruini. The capital stock is $5,000 and ' the concern will conduct a skating rink and general auditorium. , 'Judge Boyd - has called a special session of the Federal Court to be Held in Ureensboro tne nrst Monday in September.- The case of L. E. Davis, the Wilkes v blockader. , will be disposed of at this session. ' Rev. R; B. Neighbour,' pastor of a Salisbury church, who is holding a tent meeting in Charlotte, is quoted as saying, in a sermon on tem perance, that whiskey will be out of Salisbury within two years. Only about fifteen per cent of the farmers of Great Britain own the land they tilL They buy their butr ter from Denmark, cheese from" the colonies, fruits and -beef from Can ada and the United States, 4 ; , The daily consumption of milk in New-York City amounts to 1,600,000 quarts. This great quantity of milk comes from thirty thousand dairies, from forty to four "i hundred miles away from the city. The number of cows represented is about 250,000. a ' The.Sonthero States stand second among the six geographical divisions of the country in the number of na tional banks 769 organized during the last five years. Certainly very encouraging evidence - that : the South is doing well in, a financial way. , v Before Judge Pritcbard at Ashe ville the railroads are to have a hear ing on toe passenger rates,, the. ' mo tion to restrain the State from put ting the rate into effect to be argued. The railroads claim that the two cent fare - is, in effect, confiscating property without due process of law, ' The Agwdas Achim Social Brother hood is a new organization in Charlotte.- The society is composed of local orthodox Jews, their princi pal doctrine being the Old Testa ment method of killing beeves, other animals and fowls. A charter ill be applied tor. The latest dispatches from New York are to the effect that Harry K. lliaw a conditian, alter a year s confinement, is such that he has Lbeen ordered to take daily exercise in the prison yardi The - hot weather and his close confinement have combined-to break down his health- v, ..- , " y -The Pine Beach section, adibinlnsr the Jamestown Exposition on Hamp ton Roads, was swept with a $300. 000 fire Wednesday. - The Arcade Hotel, Berkely Hotel, Outside inn, Powhatan Hotel, Royal Pine Hotel, Hampton Roads Hotel and a score of other large buildings . were in cluded in the rums. The fire, which had a mysterious origin in the Berkley Hotel swept the entire block. Forty or fifty buildings . were de stroyed and several deaths were re ported. ' - It will doubtless interest hundreds of our readers to know that Prof. W. F. Massey, so long and so success fully" identified with The Practical Farmer; has severed his connection with that paper and will hereafter write regularly for The Progressive Farmer, of Raleigh, N. C, Certainly no man in Southern agricultural work has won " a . greater following than Prof. Massey andas his "life work has been in the South, he - will hereafter contribute only to Southern farm papers. His letters will appear in The . Progressive " Farmer each week. ..." BTTLECSOUND BOOZE. Kings Mountain, Scene o! Famous Battle, Infested With Marks of Fire Water-Officers Make An V other Ban!. Entrapping Wild cat Distiller at Bis Work V : ; Kings Mountain, neraJdea in sonz and story as the scene of one of the great battles of the Revolution, one of the spots of great historic interest in v the Union, seems to bave become the rendezvous of wildcat dis tilliers. In recent months not a few illicit corn juice mills have been discovered nestling- in the nooks and crannies of its rough and ragged sides: ; The making of fire water is the chief industry on Kings Mountain.- This will not long be true, however, if the officers keep up the rigid search for law-breakers which has been going on for some months.' . For many years illicit distilling, has gone on in this locality but the days of the wifdeat distiller of Kings Mountain are numbered, it would seem. - - V ; The latest capture was made Wednesday when Sheriff Shu ford, Deputy J;' M. TKendrick and Policeman Wiley Carroll secured a still, four kegs of whis key and one or the di&uiiers, a man named " Crompton. The whole outfit was taken to Dallas where Crompton was commited ! to jail pending trial at court for violation of tne Federal statutes The officers took the men by surprise. There were : two of them and both set out on a dead run when they realized that they bad - been discovered. ;; One escaped ; the other was caught They gave the officers a lively chase, though ; it did "not last long. Several shots were sent after them. The outfit was lo cated on the Kings 1 Mountain Yorkville road about five miles from the town of Kings Moun tain and half a mile from the South Carolina line. v Wnen the party was neanng Dallas, . Crompton made a des perate attempt to escape .but was captured Sheriff- Shuford. Deputy Kendrick and Crompton were riding in a surry. 5 Cromp ton made a leap and started on a dead run for liberty ?;: Mr. Ken drick also jumped but in doing so fell to the ground and bruised himself slightly. Sheriff Shuford also jumped and struck his face on a crowbar: sustaining there from some slight bruises. Attef chasing their man around a few mill houses they had htm again in thfir grip and took him on to the jail. : Crompton is a btatesvnie man and has been wanted there for sometime on a charge of violat mg tne revenue laws, it was known that he was somewhere in this section as the Statesville officers had notified the officers here. Just how long she had been doing business . on Kings Mountain is not known. YORK AND YORKVILLE CHERRYVILLE CHAT. What's Doing Anion our Neigh bora Just Across the Line. Yorkville Bnquirer. ?5th. ; -Mrs. Thos. W. Wilson of Gas tonia, is th( guests of Mr. - and Mrs . R R McCorkle.. Mr. Wil- son r'n" down"1 Saturday and spent S .d4y returning to Gas ronia yesterday. ; i Mis Wilma O'Farrel returned to Yotkville from Gastonia - Sat urday afternoon and left last night for ' Gainesville. Fla.. where fbe has taken ' a position with the Tyler Lumber company as stenograpber. Mrs. W. L. Jackson, who lives on the southern outskirts of Yorkville. has an unusually fine garden this year. Qn yesterday she took from it a cabbage which with all the leaves , on weighed Impound j, and stripped to the white bead, weighed 13 pounds. Col. R. W. Hunt of the South em, is not a bad fellow by half. He fixed that Blacksburg connec tion as soon as it was properly called to his attention. ; and he will do the ' same thing in all similar cases; Col Bob is pretty nearly all right. Dr. J. I. Barron has given to Mr. R. S. McConnell an ancient musket of British make that is reported to have seen service in the battle of King's Mountain. Dr. Barron ' does ' not know a great deal about the history of tne musKet, except mat it was picked up somewhere by bis un cle, the late Dr. Robert Lthan. This June 3d 1907. Jr9cow. The Gasetts foe. first-class 'printing-V Notice of Election v ; North Caiolina, , - ': . Oaoton County. . " - ."s. ' .- ; ,. -, The Town oi Gastonia. - . , Notice is given hereby that the Msyor and the board of aldermen of the town of Gastonia have order an election tole held atlhe Town Hall in the Town oi Gastonia. on - Taesday th 2nd day el July. 1107, for the purpose of authorizing; the issuance of the interest-bearing bonds ot the Town of Gastonia to the amount of Seventy-Five thousand dollars. Notice is slso given that thrrewill be a new registration and that Himh Long has been appointed registrar an 1 will be at the Town II aU for four con fcn:tive Patnrdays next preceeding the said n from the hours .of 7 a. m to the ho;r of 7 p. tn, for the purpose of reister ir.t p i t r .. ' ''rd voter? of the Said town. Liacolntoo Gets. Tha Gans. Cherryville Eagle. ' - r- ' A phone message from Con gressman Yates Webb, at Shelby, Saturday .;: to . Mayor Love an? nounced the fact that Secretary of War Taft has consented to give the town of Lincolnton two 8 inch guns;' shipment of same will be made immediately. These guns are about 15 feet long and weigh 2,600 pounds each. They will be shipped to Lincolnton on a fiat car and it is hoped, they will arrive 1q time for the 4th of Jnly celebration. ? The guns will he mounted on the court square and will make quite a handsome Ornament to Our town. Irrigation Past and Present. ' The progress of irrigation from the days of antiquity to the pres ent time, the development of forestry and ; t h e practical achievements, k of these : and kindred movements, will be re presented in Sacramento in Sep tember by magnificent floats re splendent with allegorical figures and groups, - Simply as a spec tacle ot color and torm, tne irri gation . pageant-.'' promises to eclipse the glory of the - older American displays mentioned. and certainly will exceed in significance ; and gorgeousness anything of the kind ever at tempted on this Coast. Governor Husrhes. of New York. has ordered the extradiction t North Carolina of Charles Johnson, col ored, who is" charged with, the mur der of Fannie Bell Jordan, in Meck lenburg county. May 3i; 1906. Po liceman C. A. Pitts has gone after ; Johnson.;- . "X:,:,-;. .-.t, . and Dr. Lathan's information was that it was among the guns captured from Ferguson's troops. The home of Mr. and MrsV Sam M. Grist was the scene of a beautiful home wedding this morning, when their daughter, Miss Nannie became the bride of Mr. Henry Crosland of Ben nettsyille Promptly at 9 o'clock to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, ' skillfully r en- dene i by Miss Mabel Gaines, the maid of honor. Miss Eunice Grist, entered with the best man, Mr, Carlisle Breeden of Bennetts-ville.- The bride and gooom en tered together and - took their places before Rev. I. G. Murray of the Baptist church, who per formed the ceremony in an im pressive manner. The bride was dressed in a handsome suit of blue voilevaMjd carried ; a large Douquet oi Dnue's roses., roe maid of honor wore white point d'esprit over taffeta and also carried white roses. Immed iately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Crosland left for a trip to the mountains of western North Carolina. They will make their home in Bennettsville. where Mr. Crosland is a member of the McCall-Weatherly i firm He is a young man of sterling worth and splendid business abil ity. Mrs. Crosland is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Grist xi Yorkville. She is bright young lady of charming personality and she leaves a host oi menos in York vine wno re gret to give her up. Terse News Notes from Gaston'a ' Northernmost Town. - Cherryville Bagle. 26th. . , - , -There was a family reunion at the home of M L. Bakers' north of town last Sunday in honor of his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Helms.- Quite a targe crowd of friends and relatives were ores ent and report a nice time. Within another fortnight the cotton manufactories of Cherry ville will be running by elec tricuy; The Southern Power Co. will charge the lines Sun day. ; With our easy- access to power and : natural - resources great things await Cherryville. She will continue to go for ward by leaps and bounds. kittle Edgar Crosby was acci dentally drowned Friday after noon in the Cliffside pond. Mill Mo. 3. He was a bright lad, 11 years old. and n.s mother be ing a widow renders the affair sadder still. Making a mistake while walking along the bank, be fell into water 12 feet deeD and before he could be rescued he was drowned. The annual stockholders' meeting of the Melville Manu facturing Company was held in the mill office Tuesday. AH the old officers and directors were unanimously re-elected and sig nified that they were well pleased with the conservative manage ment. Among the out-of-town attendants were: R. B. Sullivan and Logan Houser, of Lincoln : Jacob Black and Jacob Mauney, of Cleveland, and Noah Stroup. During a severe electrical storm last Thursday evening the cotton gin belonging to the Model Ginning Company was struck by lightning and ignited4 and bad it not been for the heroic work of our fire-fighting citizens it would have been in ashes. : It struck one of the dust flues and went down into the condenser, setting it on fire, Damage amounting to three or four hundred dollars was done. On Sunday last a tremendous rainfall fell over this entire sec tion. ' It rained for over, two hours in torrents, swelling the creeks, and branches out of bank. We "are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda. tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If yon have no account with us we invite you to open one. 1 : : t SAVINpS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of i and compound the interest quarterly. : ; : : R. P. Rankin, President CITIZEUS DUE A. (i. Myers, Cashier. TABLE LINENS There is nothing more appro priate for a wedding gift than nice table linens, especially when you can buy Damask and napkins to match in such beau tiful patterns and elegant qual ity. : : : : : We want to show you our line before you decide on your wed ding present. : : : YEAGER-McLEAN MFG. CO. Death at the Modena. Tom Chne, aged about 25 years, aa operative, at the Mo dena Mill, died Tuesday at his fathers borne near the mill and was buried at Sbiloh Wednesday, funeral services being conducted bv Rev. J. Lr ViDoerman. cas tor of the East ' Baptist church. Death resulted from an attack of malarial fever. " The Editor's Litany Baltimore Sua. '.'--- ,; - hand- From cheap politicians, , with . 6nake so glad, . . , Who try to work ia a nice juicy free ad; n . - Fronvstranded Impostera who seek . for a loan; .. . . ' From dear "Old Subscriber," whose . card is a groan , . . -Good . Lord, deliver us! For the graft of free "tickets to see all the shows, . For an - occasional chance to get even with foes, . For reporters with brains -and with feet that -have winjs, - For r-"- ' r"-. t -:r i iocs and wash- At Washington. Pa.. Tuesday Wil liam Breene, a laborer, was informed by Jtus lawyers tnat be had inherited an estate worth $100,000. ' He fell unconscious when told of the news and died half an hour later in a hos Sital. On the same day at South Torwalk. Conn.. Frank Randle. when told that he had fallen heir to 140,000, went insane - and drowned himself. - . . . , fl?:"i THE OFFICE OF FOOD The office of food Is to supply heat and energy to furnish the vital materials for growth and repair. lUuda-if LuiJULa O W As It Is made from the whole grala of wheat, with celery, will furnish the elements to supply, heat, energy, growth and repair. Persona could lira a long period of time with vigorous health upon nothing but this Pood. - - - . - -. '- . . ', ,. PalaUibl NatrlUous Easy of DleaUoa and Eaady to Eat S. CMkestntitot. M-sMtTtafwifessrfrM;sfchsoa!aBn. f 5 a r -- Jkr In.huv .11 ........... mm f , , r t AH troer 3 EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY. Frost Torrence & Co.. the reliable Druggists of Gastonia, are" having calls lor " Hind-ipo," the new Nerve Tonic and Vitalfzer Cures Nervous Debihtv. Insomnia. Restores Lost Vitality, that they are selling under a positive guarantee. Its merits are becotninar the talk of tne town and everybody wants to try it. and why not? It costs noth ing if it don t do you good not one cent. Thev don't want vour monev if it aoes not oenent you, and wui cneer fully refund the money. Try it to aay. ., r ,. e . ... ,- . , - -1 Personnel of National Irrigation Congress. The character and personne of this year's meeting of the Na tional irrigation. Congress at Sacramento will be distinctly striking. Constructive states manship will be represented by some of the best known and ablest men in public life, from every part of the United States These men take the deepest per sonal and patriotic interest in the solution of the problems in volved in the vast work of re clamation before the nation. The list of delegates, thus far appointed may be described as in itself an epitome of all that is best ' and most potential in the political, social and scientific life of the country. Forestry People Interested. The close connection between irrigation and forestry is appre siated by the directing spirits of the Irrigation Congress work and forestry is to take a more prominent part at tne coming session ot tne National Irrigation Congress in California this year than heretofore. This will in terest the ; community' in our Eastern States where their Ap-' palachian and White Mountain forestry problems are of consider able interest just at this 'time. The present year's assemblage of delegates from . all over the United States, and probably several foreign countries.- inter ested in the allied development lines of irrigation, ; reclamation and forestry will give- opportun ity for not only those interested in all these projects on a 'large scale to get to-gether, but all those individuals whose personal interest is .with any one of these matters, even in a small way. All interested should make an effort to be present, and at the same time see California and take in some of the excursions and view the various opportuni ties..! or development of the char acter considered at tbe Irrigation Congress which California- af- -i 4 4 The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson jf K. Dixon . R. R. Ray H. M. McAden T. L. Craig. ... Andrew E.JVfoore J. O, White r Geo. A. Gray , , Our seventeen years of successful banking experience demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds' with. : : :. : : ; : : : . : We invite you to open an account with us. : : : L. L. JENKIN S, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier K t x t V Snpt. Goodwin is Exhonorated. Raleich. NC. June 26.As a consequence of many letters of inquiry governor liienn maae statement to-day as to the status of the ' charges e made i some months ago against Superinten dent E. McK. Goodwin and his management for the state school for the deaf and dumb at Mor gantonr it being to the effect that a careful investigation and sworn testimony failed to show any criminal misconduct or neg lect of duty by Supenntendent Goodwin. The statement also denies that mistreatment led to the - suicide of Miss pell, of the faculty, but that friction among the faculty was found and that the directors had been asked by the governor to see that this was eliminated. The statement says further that the' institution is doing a great work and deserved to be upheld by the people" of the state, ' '--',' . .'.- .' .'. The governor made no : refer ence to' the matter out it is known 'that the directors have dropped a' 'number of .persons rom the r faculty ; who were avowedly hostile to Superinten dent Goodwin 2nd his manage ment.. ' - ' .. The Gasetts for flrst-lass prinKnf. I A Roach and Rued War.' 1 Charlotte Observer. -l . Aii ' Mr. J. H. Ham returned yester? day from Hardin where he went to deliver to Mr. Earl Carpenter a Maxwell touring car; Mr, Ham -took the car through the country, via Gastonia and Dallas; and at times he had a rough and rugged way. .Some of. the hills in Gas- r ton county '. are almost straight ' up and down." ,v-r" ' : IIAGAZniE READERS sxnisrr MAOirnrx bmaMj Olatfratod. toad onr . nd attitU. txx CALiania sad ailksFsiWssU v lr.53 ayssf mhd sack atsadi k as. hjbe teprsoactioa af Iks bl xoad or a xaous iro trcsrrt 3 a ieok of 7) pp soMuButs 120 calami pi-Mar!-- pKMmgm spat in C'.iXjrsis sad ONgsav . AU fc r . TsaJ

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