y ReJ by Caatca Pcs;b ; Thut'n All ' : PUCLICIinO TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. ; $U0 a Year In Advance. inftf Ct E. D. ATICING, EcJtor. Devoted to the Prelection of Home and the Interests of the County. k VOL. XXVIII. OAGTONIA. N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 5, I907. . Try a C . i:.- . ' . V a u I ' , (! 1 t They L'cv-'.ts t py sc. mOITCCIONAL CARDS GA1TLA1ID s JONES - Attorneys and Counselors (Omca over Eureka Hardware Co4 Oastonia, -N, C. - .!. 3. B. SPARROW ATTORNEY-AT'LAW ' DALLAS, N. 0. Ofllc'a upstalraover Bank of Pallas JOIW 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS. N. C, Office' over Bank of Dallas,.". DR. P. A Pressly . . DENTIST' CLOVER, - - - S. C. DR. D. E. HcCONlTELL, , ", DENTIST . OASTONIA, N, 0. Office First Floor T." M. Cv-A. BW'l . Phono 69. DRS. FALLS & WILKIN S . DENTISTS GASTONIA,N. 0. Office in : Adams Building Phone 86. - MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF. PIANO ' - AND ORGAN. - ' ; For Reference-ee tuning hurt of Steinway J prof,j.m.'massey'. riano ' tnmn&r and .; Repairing a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed kwisV " Estonia, N.C.. - : Method! Method! Method! Let me teach you the method 'Of playinjr the piano as taught by the . best; teachers in this country and . Europe.. The only method taught by the j-reat playersand teachers The Italian yocal method also taught, W.H. OVERCARSH." ' Studios Gastonia and 605 S, TryonSt, Charlotte. - N. C. , JI7clmo. EEFC2TS EXAGGERATED, So Says Fastor LF, Armstroni o! the McAdeovillt Methodist Church Concerolol the Becent , Denominational Controversy In that Place. u : ; ;: v;; To tna Editor of tha Oasetu: . I believe the exaggerated ac counts of t h e Mcburch row" printed in last week's papers call for a signed statement from rue in order that Ihe world may become acquainted with some of the facts connected with .this deplorable affair. 1 The first paragraph of an ar tide printed in one of the county papers of Friday would lead one to believe that the whole trouble started ' a few weeks ago when the Methodists asked for a "di vision of time" in a Baptist re vival that they might' jointly discuss toe doctrines that differ entiate them. As a matter of fact no such thing was ever thought of for a', moment. -r. - - The. following : will clear up this I trujst: -'-'Bi-f 'k:---- About the first of March I an nounced a meeting to begin in my church the second Sunday in April. ; Several weeks later the Baptists' decided to conduct a revival in f their church i too, be ginning: one week earner, than our. date, When I heard of the probable conflict in dates I went to a prominent member of the Baptist congregation to see if the matter could not be adjusted, This, amounted to nothing and the ; second Sunday in April found a revival going on at both churches. X went to jthe Baptist pastor and ;' congregation ' and suggested that this was "not a g'opd way to impress the outside world and knowing nothing bet ter to do I urged that we have a "union revival meeting," This was met with a flatvdiscourteous refusal. :However" this, I think: did not cause .anydtsse'nsion,;, The. next paragraph is also very uniair to me -personally. One might easily infer that for the Methodist preacher to post his seirnon subjects in McAden ville would be to do a most un usual thing; when as'a matter of fact, I post the subjects of near ly all my Sunday discourses and invariably do so when preaching GOCIAL. "J POST CARDS ' . The largest" and best . as- S sortment in town.. W,'-, X Gastonia views-the latest t and"best. - .V - . -f Drop in and look at them. Gasfonta Book ' Store JlOclmoJ" T)-mH4H4444--H-M'l4l'4' ! Ratio Dividends Received to Premiums Paid, 39.9 percent Record of Policy . No. 80,665 .. Issued in 187S. at age 38, for $10,000. 15 Payment Life" Plan ' " ANNUAL PREMIUM ; ; $430.10 15 Full Premiums $6,451.50 Dividends , , , , . '2.571.70 Net Cost ,'., . , . .- . V . $3,879.80 The Cash Surrender Value of tie Policy at the end of the 31st rear 1 S6.694.20: the result htiu that the Insured would - receive $1.72 for each $1.00 paid, be ; aides havioe had 31 years' Insurance for $10,000. . . Miilaal Beaelil lift ' Insurance- Co. Southern Secariiies Trust to. AGENTS - ' Castoala. If. C ' - Notice to Creditors. ,. . Hvine qualified as administrator of the atate of Margaret M. Farrar. deceased, this is to notify alt persona 'having claims airainst said esta'e to present the tame "duly authenticated to the undersigned on or be- V;V.:'iBa 3 1908. -- ' or this notice wiU ba pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to aaid estate will please make payment urompuy io me unntrsijmea. .. , ' C. A . FARaA,.Adtninrfrstor. Thujant3d 1907. ....... . Jy9ctiw. a series of sermons as in this in stance. The writer continues. "Every body' was invited and of course the J Baptists and Methodists mingled," leaving the impression that this is a frequent ; thin?i though; ! ; am reliably informed therehastbeen butt Very f little " mingling".' of these congrega tions in the past ten years. Tart of the facts about the '"mingling" follow: The congregation at the Baptist church assembled for preaching: - but ' theyi? were dis missed by the pastor and he and thev repaired -- to our church. The disturbance of which the world knows followed. Of that I do not care to speak ' here and now further . than to say-it was shamefully bad. .: Now in" con clusion I would say (and I speak for the entire 'church) : We did not provoke it; we did not court it; we did J. everything; m oux power to prevent it. . In my , preaching I did not abuse or vilify any church, I simply stood in my own: pulpit and preached a doctrine sub scribed to by an overwhelming majority of the Cberistian world- to be a little more specific, more than- 600,000,000' against about 3,000,0001 HS,:r i,, rr; ' I wish to say too that no man in. this town or anywhere else regretstthis whole trouble more than I do and I am - devoutly praying that an amicable agree ment may be reached, so that from henceforth': , permanent peace, witn brotherly : love may characterize Us for all time to come." KUx 1?--' f.ir-u-J "J. Frank Armstrong McAdenville, N. C, July 2, 190 St. James Episcopal church at tenoir was the scene Wednes day afternoon at 1:30- o'clock of a brilliant social event when Mr. William Thomas Love, of Gas tonia, lead to the altar of Hymen Miss Elizabeth Horton, one of Lenoir's most deservedly pop ular vyoung women. The cer emony was performed by: the bride's pastor, Rev. John S. Moody, " rector of St. James church, in the presence of a large gathering of "relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The attendants were:, Flower girls, little Miss Hazeliue Love, of Gastonia, and ..little ' Miss Laura Blum, of Columbia, S C. ; Ushers, Mr." George W. Wilson, Mr. E. G. McLurd and Prof. J. S. Wray, of Gastonia, and Mr. George Moore, of. Globe. Mr. John C. Rankin, of Lowell, was best man and Miss Grace Hor ton, sister of the bride, was maid of honor; The bridal 'party en tered the church, which had been handsomely decorated for the occasion, to the strains of "Faithful and True" from Lohengrin, played by ; M i s s Sarah Jones, of Lenoir. . Men delssohn's wedding- march was the recessional. ' Miss Alice Boyden sang beautifully two ap propriate solos. The full Epis copal ceremony, which is a very impressive one, was used. ! v ' Mr. and Mrs.' Love were the recipients; of a large number of handsome and costly wedding f rifts, ; which attested their popu-arity- with : a larg:e circle of friends and acquaintances. . Tuesday evening- at the home of the bride a reception was tendered? the bridal party. It was a most enjoyable affair v After the ceremony "the bride and ; groom v left for Tate's Springs, Tenn., to spend several days. After August 1st they will be at home at" Spencer Mountain,; this v county, where the groom 'has large property interests. ; . xi .- y: . V Mr. and Mrs. Love :. are both well known , in . Gastpnia and Gaston county. The t former has been identified with the best interests of the county; all his life and enjoys the , respect and esteem of a large portion of the , CHERRY VILLC CHAT. Terse News Notes from Gaston's . Northernmost Town. ;. CherryviUe Haile. 3d" Messers. Glenn and Coon, two skillful machinists ;of Gastonia, re here enstalling the plant of the Cberryville Bottling Works. Dr. R II. Morrison leaves to day for Henrietta where he will join his uncle, J. F. Wbisnant, and ko to Chicago and other wes tern and northern cities. -'They will return via Jamestown. , The many friends of Jonie Rii disill, who has been in St, Peter's hospital at Charlotte for several weeks for treatment, will be glad to learn that be has returned to his home much improved; - Those who attended the corner stone - laying of -the Boiling Springs, High School, at Boiling Springs Saturday from this glace were: Rev. C. WPayseur, N. B. Kendrick and . family, Misses Dora Falls and Pearl Stroup, and Elliott McDowell and George Falls. They report a most en thusiastic ". meeting,!';"-, V yx't Another disastrous .. fire was narrowly averted during a severe electrical storm Tuesday after noon, mine midst ot tnedown pouring rain I lightning . ignited some bagging that was stored in the Vivian Cotton- Mill ware house near the mill and had it not been for the promptness and quick work of the operators and citizens the bagging; with a lot of cotton and yarn - would have gone up in flames, however , but little damage was done. ' Mrs. Mary Anna, wife of Ceph as J. Houser, died ; at her home near Bethpage Lutheran church Sunday June 30, 1907. Her ill ness, was : short i and fatal. She was born March 29, 1868, age 40 years, 3 months and 3 days. .At the age of fifteen she was corn firmed a member of Betfapjge church of which she was a con sistent member at, the time of her death. . She was the mother of eight childern, six living two dead. Her husband is still living. people of the county. The bride, who is a young woman of many attractive ways and accomplish ments, has for the past three years been a member of the city school faculty and has won the friendship of many-, Gastonians. v iThose who- were present from Gastonia were: Mr. arid Mrs Juo. F. Love,' Miss ) Hazeline Love, Mrs. E. C. Wilson, " Miss Zoe Latham, Miss Carlyle Ware, Mr George W, Wilson. Mr. E. G. McLurd, -Mr. R B. Babing tod, Prof. Joe S.- Wray and Mr. Ji White Ware. Mrs. George Patterson and sister, Miss: Plonk, and Mr,'. - Plonk, of Kings mountain were also present. GOOD DIVIDENDS. i HOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mary Mariraret Mauney, deceased, tv.is is to notify all persons havins; claims f gainst said estate to present the same to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the - - ; ...r ; ..-- : ; i ; . 28th Jay at Jnne, 1908, : ; - or this notice will be plead in bar of any re covtry,, AH persona indebted to said estate are requested to make payment to me with out delay. A2c6w - . 1 his June 27th, 1907, - ' - , ... . Fril. Robinson. Administrator. S" VACATION time, while you are tafcingr a rest in the tnountaim r.t t':e seashore, you want to keep '1 en what's doing at home. e s ore fe way to do it have - - ; V' ! The Gazette; only IS ; .!!. 0::r fhone uutn'-r tt Gaston's Pensioners.' 4 Gaston' county now. has on the State pension roll -of ; Confed erate soldiers and their widows 242, being an increase of 35 over last yearr - The pension" board, composed oi ijapt. vv. 1. btowe, Mr. B. F. Carpenter and Mr. R. A. White met in Dallas Monday to consider applications and to revise the roll. Previous to this meeting there were on the roll 207 pensioners as follows:' Sec ond class, 7; third class, 6 fouilh class, 103; widows, 91; total, 207. To this list 'were added 26 soldiers and 9 widows, mfiking the present " total :242. Fourteen applications, those of 12 soldiers and two widows, were refused. - - .:..- Charles Herbert, a yonnjr man from. Washington, D. C, who had been emrloved in the Columbia, S. C, Dnrk V.,',1, c--- rtel suicide at tie !,n;-r ! T-, : -y ly dnnlizg Yorkville Enterprises Pay Hand some Seturns. Yorkville Encinirer. , . . '' Yorkville corporations have declared semi-annual divdends during the past days amounting to $10,300, and there; are others to pass on the matter of dividends shortly. Vi- ;;-r ; The directors Of the York Cot ton mills on last Friday declared a dividend of 34 -per cent, amounting in: the aggerate to $5,200. The Neely Manufacturing company declared a dividend of 3tf per cent, aggregating $2,100. -The directors of the Tavora mill have not yet held their meet ing. The mill is understood to be making money; but : as to whether or not a dividend will be declared at this time remains to be decided. ; ;; V : : The York Marble Works has not yet declared a dividend. The First National bank yester day paid a dividend of 3 pet cent or $1,500 on its capital stock. The Loan and Savings Bank on yesterday sent out checks to stock-holders representing a div idend of 3 per cent, and these checks were - accompained by a handsomely printed statement, showing deposits on that day to be $200,586.30, loans an'V dis counts $196,858.07, and a surplus $23,000, the last item represent ee clear profit of the last three and a half years after paying out to the stockholders two semi annual dividends of-3 per cent each yt-ar. The Lindsay Chair Company, of I Hizh "Point, has been declared bank rupt and Mr. - Carl - Q. Chne, acting ; secretary ana treasurer oi xne com pany has been appointed temporary recetrer. Rey. R. L. Coit. of Charlotte, ha been arpoir--? as missionary Korea by t' :m mission c KINGS MOUNTAIN ITEMS. Kings Mountain Herald. July 4. f Miss. Lois. Torrence, of Gaston ia, was in town Monday. Jonie B. Thomasson spent Monday night with his parents at Gastonia.- Mr. R. Lee Falls of Gaston ia spent Sunday in our town with relatives. Mis v Eloise Cornwefl ti Dallas, is visiting Mrs. Frank Carpenter this week. -Mrs. Leslie McGinnis and lit tie daughter went over to Gas tonia Saturday morning to visit her sister, Mrs R. L. McAlister. J. Eb Rhodes and family went to Gastonia on last Friday to visit his mother, returning Sat urday evening. A south-bound train of more than usual : interest passed through our town on last 'Satur day. ome years ago . a poor boy left Norcross, Ga., and went to New , York to seek a job. This young man was a school mate of Captain Homer, Jones and , as would appear, still re membered ? the Captain. This man . has -become a millionaire in New York and had taken the idea to visit the home of his youth, and so he paid $5,000 dollars for a special : cat to ride to his old home in aui requested the Southern to send Captain Jones to haul 1 him through to Norcross. .This was the ? un usual" train that passed through our town on last Saturday. - At a meeting of the; board of trustees for our graded school, recently n held, the 'A following faculty was elected for the com ing year: Prof. H. E; W. Jones, of Danville, Tenn., principal; Mrs. Elizabeth McCombs, primary teacher; Misse- Marie Simonton, Bright Rudisill, Annie Long, of Mecklenburg county, Irma Willeford, Emma, Cornwell. From the above list.it will be observed that all the teachers are from home except the princi pal and Miss Annie Long. . LINCOLN LOCALS. Lincoln Couuty Newa, 1st. The County Commissioners met yesterday and, besides the regular routine business, drew the panel for both grand and petty juries for the September term of court. Mr. A G. Myers, Cashier, and Mr. Mr. W. . II Adams, Teller, of the Citizens Bank, of Gastonia, will visit Lincolnton on the 4th, the guest of Mr. -W. E. Grigg. ; a J v E. &. R. Love have a beauti ful window display in honor o: the Glorious Fourth. The contract for. improving the Graded School building has been let to Capt. W. W. Motz aud work -was begun, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey ward Hull, of New York, arrived yes terday for a visit to Mrs. Hull'i parents, Mr. ; and '" Mrs. J. A. Abernethy. Rev. Loy D. Thompson, ; of Stanley, will preach in the Meth odist church next Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. , The Hon. Locke Craig will be the guest of Judge W. A: Hoke during bis visit here for the 4th of July festivities. Mr. R. A. Love, and family. Mr. R. C. McLean, and family. and Mr. L. T. McLean, and family will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Love this week. Mrs; Minna Bynum, accom panied by Miss May and Rosette Bynum left Sunday afternoon for Appleton, Wisconsin,' to at tend the marriage of her son, Curtis Ashley Bynum to Miss Florence Helen Boza. They will be joined enroute by Mrs. Archibald Henderson, of Chapel Hill, : Mr. S. W. McLean, who re cently sold bis interest in "the business of McKee Sou & Co-., has accepted a position with Mr. E. C, Baker. ;: Mr.! McLean k is one of our most popular business men and the News is glad to chronicle the tact that : be has decided to remain here. ' . ; ' At the regular meeting ot the Board of Education' yesterday Prof. G. T. Heafner was re-elected County Superintendent, of Schools. The committeemen were appointed tor the various school districts, both white and colored, and settlement "made with the county Treasurer. A more complete report of the pro ceedings will be given later. A GENUINE DIAMOND RING FOR $2.00 GUARANTEED We are prepared to extend out?1? evefy ccommoda tion and courtesy their business will wrTran' ' w. yon', have no account with us we invite you to open one.'" , ". . J We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and '7r' 'v .: ':'',; ;'i;-".:i!. .f.;''.' r.-.-.v. ' .-"..y , compound the interest quarterly, v : : : R. P.. Rankin; President CITIZEHS DA A. G. Myers, . Cashier. VAL LACES AND INSERTIONS ; We have just gotten in a big shipment of Vai Laces and insertions to match. ffThis is the nicest lot for the money we have ever had. of this lot for 5 cents the yd. Any and It is fine for trimming muslin dresses corset covers. Don't forget our line of Belts. We have as pretty a line of these as you will find any where. And by no means forget the big reduction on all trimmed hats. YEAGER-McLEAN MFG. CO. GASTONIA, N. C. Capital Surplus I100.000.C3 $20.009.e0 DIRECTORS . mm ta . " " m m . witn a aiamona ring i re veal free how to secure a beau' tiful complexion. Diamonds and exqufsite complexion are both desirable.: An opportunity to every woman is now "offered for obtaining both. For 12.00 I offer a 12 Kt. Gold Shell f?lng,'shaped like a belcher, with a Tiffany setting, set with a f en nine diamond and will send free i with every order the . recipe and directions, for obtaining a fault-1 less complexion, easily - under stood. and simple to follow. ''It will save the expense of Creams, Cosmetics and Bleaches. 'Will free the skin"' from pimples, blackheads, etc., and give the skin beauty and softness. " The GENUINE DIAMOND BIND Is guaranteed by the manufac turer to be as represented, and should an- purchaser be dissatis fied, I will cheerfully refund the money. Do not let the price lead you to dpnbt the the genuineness j value of -this rinit, as the First National Bank; 4 4 f L: L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J J. Lee Robinson JK. Dixon v R. R. Raf H. M. McAden T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. O. White Geo. A. Gray Our seventeen years of successful banking experience1 demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds with. : : . : ; : : ; : i t , We invite you to open an account with us. : : : mmmmu mm mm M5a orjBQ vmsr. -.Employes Deal Mutes Only. From the New York Preaa. , . ' . . .Over on the East side a pros perous merchant engaged in the bottling industry makes a spe cialty of employing deaf-mutes ia his establishment These silent hands are j-eported to be more industrious' than is usually the experience with . unafflicted labor. On an average the deaf mute bottler earns higher wages than b "'vr workman and he is gf "more- economical than .e-' CotU in per cer -'"e faculties tb ,td to excel p those not so ' .a a point of .on-nearing non iher is reputed to able examale. . . or above guarantee protects each and every purchaser. , aend me $2.00 by mail and take advantage of this offer, as the time is limited. Send size of finger for which ring is desired. ; ; T. C. MOSELY 32 East 23rd Street".' New York City FREE OFFER Send me your same and the names of 5 reputable people as reference and Twill forward you a proposition to act as my stent and sell my goods In your local . T:C M0SELET . Department 15 32 East 23rd Street, : New York City That is another of their good features, an important one, as hundreds of fires occur annually from sparks settling on the, roof. - ; ' v - ' ' Better put them on the roof now than Irish yon had later. They're cheap enough.1 , Lasfa life-time. VNerer need repair, and they turn the appearance of any house into a home. .' -" - Come in and see the stock we carry. , - .' . . , , LONG; - BRO S Exclusive Agents' Gastonia. N. C. Tuesday 'was West Virrriniat dav at the Jamestown Exposition. Secre tary of the Treasury Georre B. Cortelyou made two addresses and Governor Dawson, of West Virj-inia made three. The treat coal ahaft in front of the West Virginia -bnildine was formally dedicated and presented to the exposition company. - 'William' Jennino-s rrvan and Buffalo Bill's Wild Vest showwiU be The body of Robena f was drowned in the Yad near Spencer last Koveu. found Monday near t' drowning. A recent l.-t washed the boJy hi,;h i-j a irs, ' .in r.v-. r ' r, v The direct Air Line i meetir? fit i or ! r- !t?' t " r rf t' . " t 4 i rnttee ot t i res: yt Church. :rib2 for Tns Gazette, j attractions at the next tate fair to be held in Ka!e?rh in Oct 1 t. ' . -: -: ; . M31-tf.