t 4.4.J.4.-M.....A4.4.i.-.-..i.4.i t Try a Gazette j t Wn nt Ad . A . A. IMiitiliMll Tl The Paper t a iiii X Read by Gaston People J ' ..A They Brln Results A. Thofo All !.-. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS; A 4.444 44444 UIU 4444444 E.t). ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County, $1.50 a Year In Advance. Single? Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. GASTONIA, N, p., TUESDAY, JULY M, I007. NO. fl7 Tin AS .ON v ; i j ii i i' . II.1 . PROFESSIONAL CARDS GARLAND & JONES . - Attorneys and Counselors ' Orer Torrence-Morrls Company. ,. Gastonia, N..C. - TO RE-SURVEY LINE. s. b. sparrow attorney-at-law . : : " Dallas, n.o. , . Ofllcs upstairs over Bank of Dallas JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW -y: ; - DALLAS, N. C, j i - Office over Bank of Dallas. : " DR. P. A Pressly, r- ; dentist.; "-"y;:. ..'clover,. - - - -K-: s.c. DR. D.E. McCONNELL, - DENTIST GASTONIA, NT C. : Offlco First Floor Y. M. C A. BM'l , -Phone 69. " . . DRS. FALLS & WILKINS DENTISTS GASTONIA ,N, C. -C . Office in Adams Building - ; ' - ' Phone 86. ' -' i- .MRS.-JOHN HAH. TEACHER OP PIANO AND ORGAN. . ; I II Mil II IH I )BHBBSB B For Reference see tuning list of Steinway . PROF. J. M?MASSEY "Piano tuning: and Repairing1 a r 1 specialty; satisfaction guaranteed phoeV " - Gastonia, N. C. .!,, . , ..... .,',f " . ., : - t Methodr Method! Melhod! Let me teach you the method of playing the piano as' taught by the best , teachers . in this country and ' Europe. The only me'thod taught by the.jrreat players and teachers The Italian yocal method also taught. Cipt. C C, WremhalJ, Under Direction : o( Chalrmeo el JSoards of County Commission era. WUI Locate Dlvldioft Lloe : Between Gaston and LlOCOlOr. ' ' ' : . ' Chairman John P. Leeper, of the board of county commission ers, was in, town yesterday en route to Lincolnton where a conference was held with Chair man Cline of the Lincoln board Of commissioners and two sur veyors, Capr. C. C. Wrenshall, of Lincolnton, . and Mr. Jacob Riser, of this county, relative to the re-survey of; the line divid ing Lincoln, and Gaston coun ties. ".. Capt. Wrenshall has been employed to make this re survey and will be assisted by Mr. Kiser, Mr. Leeper and Mr. Cline. The .work will require some days, possibly two weeks or more. 7- 7 .,' ' V For many ; years there has been a dispute over the location of the dividing line between the counties. Three years ago the line was run by, -Mr. -Jacob Kiser, coonty surveyor, but this survey, it is claimed, was not legal because the board of coun ty commissioners , of Lincoln were not represented in the surveying ' party, - Lincoln county refuses to accept that survey,: which renders the pres ent one Necessary. By jeason of the .dispute regarding the line there has 'for many years been a consequent dispute as to which county is entitled to the taxes-on certain sections of land in the disputed; territory. Re cently ari " agreement was reached between Jhe boards of the two counties that the taxes be collected as they have been for the past many years, the un derstanding: being tbat, upon the final establishment of the line, :the taxi matter would be straightened out by -one jcounty refunding to the other, any taxes collected on territoiy which the new surveymay oplace in the other county." :'u i;v'! 7 ' i "I It is probable that the sur vey will be begu n at the th ree-county-cOrner, the' poiut where Burke, v Lincoln and Cleveland LINCOLN LOCALS. Lincoln County News. 12ih, V Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Coffey re turned, from t Grover Tuesday where they 7 had been visiting Mrs. Coffey's parents. Rev. and Mrs. r. II. furneil. Mr. F. M. Sharp pulled up a potato vine.rom bis garden near YOUNO MEN'S DAY. I Mr. 0. C. Hnntinftob and Mr. A. C. Brldf man Made . Addresses Sunday la Behalf ol Yoonf Men's Christian Association. Sunday was young men's 'day in Gastonia, the services at the Presbyterian and Methodist YORK AND YORKVILLE the Eureka shop Wednesday on I churches being conducted by Tl.:. I r r tt :.' j f . which were 62 potatoes. This "Vemoves the dilapidated linen from the shrubbery" up to tbe present writing. :; ' Mr. James ' Underwood and wife, of the island of Guam, are visitinir'Mr. Ira Lioeberger. Mr. Underwood is a native of Meck lenburg, and met bis wife, wno is a'native of Guam, while serv ing with the United States forces in the far East. It tooic tnem 52 days to come from their home to the Old North State. , . Quite an attraction tor Lin colnton is the comfortable and SDacious public hall Mr. J. A Abernethy has opened over the Wamoum Department Stores A nice stage lias been erected and electric lights and fans in stalled, and some stage scenery has been ordered. This fills a long-felt want in Lincolnton, and now , that a suitable place has been orovided plenty of oleasant attractions can be ex pected which will help while awav manv an otherwise dull and uninteresting evening. A wedding of great interest'to this community took' place -in Waco Tuesday afternoon when Miss Jean Miller became the pretty and blushing bride of Mr. Jake Burgin. The news of this event was Quite a surprise to manv Lincolnton friends who were aware of the tender rela tionship existing between these two popular young people but were not expecting ine nupnat knot to. be drawn so soon. The marriage was a quiet home af fair, only a few of the nearest relatives and friends being'pres ent. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's moth er, Mrs. Mary: Miller. The hall and rooms were tastefully dec orated in green and white,: with potted plants. The. marriage vows were administered by the Rev. Mr. Parrisb, of Shelby, the ,' Aircnnncu counties join. In this event it couple entering tbe parlor to the "ccn W. u. 0 VLKtAKon, I wiU necessitate goin? over ? a strains - of Mendelssohn's wed- : Studios Gastonia and 60S S. Tryon St. Charlotte, - - N. C. J17cJnio. , , : --fff r J CALL , ; X AND . ,"; T EXAMINE J ; our I x Sheet Music ; Gastonia Book Store Ratio Dividends Received to win necessitate going over; a line ten miles in length before the surveyors strike the Gaston county -line, v If this plant is adopted the work will require about twenty days to complete. It is very desirable that this matter be amicably and finally settled and both counties will doubtless heave a sigh of re lief when the status of the divid ing line is fixed to stay fixed. - Gaston's Prosperity. Raleleh New, and Observer, , Prosperity is showing on the tax books. The Gastonia Gazette,- which v improves every week; says that: the increased assessment in Gaston county will exceed a million and a half dollars; Premiums Paid, 39.9 percent DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION, Record of Policy No, "80,665 v Issued in 875, at age 38, for $10,000. - IS Payment Life PJan, .. - ANNUAL PREMIUM ; ; $430.10 IS Pull Premiums , ' , , . V . . " $6,451.50 Dividends , , . -, v . . , . . 2,571.70 Ket Cost . ... $3,8790 The Cash Surrender Value of the Policy : " , at the end pf the 31st year is $6,694.20; the result beinir that the insured would . receive $1.72 for - each $1.00 paid, be- . aides havina had 31 years' insurance for $10,0.00. ' Mutual Benelit Life Insurioce Co. Constipation, Sour Stomach. Sick Headache. Malaria.' Billiousness. Torpid Liver ; and Jaundice are quickly relieved and permanently cured by Father William's Indian Herb Tablets. They act directly on the Liver and Digestive organs, causing perfect assimilation and Digestion of the food. Cleanses the Stomach. Reerulates the Bowels. They are only 20 cents per box, and your money cheerfully refunded : if not as we represent them. For sale only by Frost Torrence & Co. Gas tonia, N. C. ; 6 CLEVELAND CULLINGS. Cleveland Star, 12th. . .... , The charming . Miss Pattie Roberts is visiting friends in Gastonia this week. ;t : Miss Helen Jenkins, : of Gas tonia, Miss Bullock, of Raleigh and "Miss Latham, of Oxfotd, are charming ; guests - of ; Miss Helen Dover. " 7 Mr. - Summey O. Gantt and Miss Annie Huffman .were hap pily married Thursday night at the residence of the officiating magistrate, Esquire Costner, of Lincoln county. r , Mr. Hoyle Lutz and Miss Ma Ut Ellis were united in marriage on Sunday, July 7tb, at the res idence of the - bride's - brother, Mr. Ben Ellis, of Belwood. The .'-I ceremony blending these two Southern Securities 4 Trust Co. AGENTS OisloBla. H. C 1 ;' notice! Having qualified aa administrator of the : estate of Mary Margaret Mauney, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned, duly authenticated, oa or before the . , :. , 7 28Ui day ! Jane. 1908, : 7 7 or this notice will be plead in bar of any re covery, All persons indebted to sai.d estate - are requested to make payment to me with out delay. - . . A2c6w Thia June 27th. 1007..' " 1 i - F. H, Robinson, Administrator. WAN TED this week, the best. . Prices right; woik Snowllake . fhaat Steam Laundry A special term of the Superior Court began at Monroe yesterday for the trial of the lynchers of John V. Johnson. The offense took place in Wadesboro more than a year ago, and the trial of the case' was trans ferred to Union county. young lives., was impressively performed by Rev. L. E. Stacy. ' With r commendable; zeal and enterprise, . Company G, First Regiment, Shelby's crack mil itary organization is equipping for - the I use of its officers and men a cosy and restful reading room. -fcome -two hundred dol lars has already been raised, and they will equip their quarters with the latest fiction, magazines and .other wholesome, literature for the pleasure and improve ment of themselves. -7 ding march, which was well ren dered by Mrs. Plato Miller. A Happy Aufury ol the Future. Clevland Star. We congratulate our enter prising sister town' Gastonia up on the forward $Jep she has taken in voting sevefity-five thousand dollars for bonds for public improvements. The spirit of unity prevailing among her citizenship is indeed a happy augury of the future. DANCES AT 103. Old Han Perminter Cannot Re sist (he Temptation When .Band Strikes Dixie. Charlotte Chronicle. MI wish you would say for the benefit" of certain papers and people who seem inclined to doubt the age and activeness of Mr. James Perminter'?. said citizen to a Chronicle reporter to-day, "that as I understand it his age is a matter of record, and bis activity is too well known here for ady" kind of doubt." "That reminds me," said the reporter,: ."that some one ' said the old man is not only active, but that be was seen dancing at mond,: -,: ?-':, -: 7 .v?,;j v." Certainly," said the gentle man being spoken to, "l saw that and called the attention of several people to it at the ' time It was up there in Saenger Hall one morning at the band concert when - everybody was having a good time, and the band struck up Dixie. . Well, it -would" have made you feel good way down in your shoes to have seen our Mr. Bob Winchester, the in-spector-squirfel-feeder police man, swing corners - with ' old man Perminter and the two skio around the floor like 16-year-old ooys. - ,r .. . "And the old man can dance as well?" ventured" the reporter. "He certainly can, and get arround better than many men I know that - are. not oyer 60 years'. And while.; we , are talk ing about active old people I am reminded that the- man who wanted to kill all the old men at 60 years, DrI Osier, has. now come 'out and -given soup - tbe black eye. Well. I am only hoping that he will prove as far off in condemning good soup as he was in his chloroform opera tion oo old men. -You see such cases 1 as our dancing 103-year-old citizen, and a . number of others 'around here make Dr. Oslet feel like 30 cents. Mr. G. C. Huntitigton and Mr. A..C. Bridgman, inter-State secretary and assistant inter- State secretary respectively for the . Carolinas. 7, Sunday morn ing at the regular hour for preaching at Main Street Meth odist church Mr. Huntington made an address, presenting the Y. M. C. A. work to his hearers in an interesting manner. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the First Presbyterian church a mass meeting for men only was held, tbe principal speaker being Mr. Bridgman. , The large auditorium was . comfor tably filled . with young men who gave the speaker an at tentive hearing. Mr. Bridgman did not deal with tbe Y. M. C. A. work specifically but made an excellent address, warning the young men - of the dangers and pitfalls that beset them on every hand and beseeching them to be careful and. avoid them. At night in Main Street Methodist church a union meeting of tbe several churches was held.. , The auditorium was filled and the -speakers had an interested and earnest congre gation' to hear them. The Scripture lesson was read by Rev. W. H. Reddish, pastor of tbe First Baptist church. Prayer was offered by Rev. R. C. Anderson, following which Mr. Bridgman made an excel lent address, presenting in a concise and interesting manner the Y. M. C. A's. wonderful work. Mr. Bridgman was fol lowed by Mr. Huntington who made an appeal for the moral and financial support of Gas- tonians for tbe work that is be ing carried on by the associa tion in. the Carolinas. In conversation with the re porter yesterday Mr. Bridgman stated that during the past few months more than $250,000 had been raised in North Carolina Y. M. C. A; for the canse. No effort was made to revive the association here and none will be made at this time, it is understood. Eddins-Brumlield. Miss Bess Eddins and Mr, Carl Brumfield were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Eddins, in Charlotte, Saturday n i g h t at 8 o'clock. The wedding was a surprise to the many friends of the popular couple,' although it was but the culmination of a protracted courtship. Mr. Brumfield is well known in Gastonia, having formerly lived here. . Mayor's Court. Dave Nance and George Law ing, two white men,' were in po lice court Saturday charged with an assault on Russell Philips.' The difficulty took place at the Old Mill. Lawing was fined a penny and the costs and Nance forfeited a bond of $5. Yester day morning Tom Brannon and Jesse Sherly, of the Trenton, were before "the mayor 'on a charge of indulging in an affray. Each was fined $2.5.0 and tbe costs. Thomas Lytle, charged with drunkenness, forfeited a bond of $7.50. What's' Dolnjf Amon oar Neljh. - bors Just Across the Line. . Yorkville Enquirer, 12th, i ,- .' t The organization of the Lock more Cotton Mill Company has been effected as follows: T." P. Moore, president and treasurer; Joseph J. Wallace, secretary. Directors, Joseph F. Wallace, S. M. McNeel, J. M. Slroup, O. E. Wilkins, T. P. Moore, B. N. Moore, W. B. Moore. It is ex pected that the mill will be in operation by next spring,' possi bly earlier. . Mrs. T. T. Dividson, died at her home in the Delphos neigh borhood yesterday afternoon after having been confined -to her bed about three weeks. She bad been in failing health for several months. Her husband died ""about three years ago sne was ntty-tour years ot age in January last, and leaves two children, Mr. James Davidson aud Mrs. J. M. Befield. The interment takes place at Phil a delphia church this afternoon.' Mr; and Mrs. W. H, Herndon celebrated their ' tin wedding" on the occasion of the tenth an niversary of their marriage yes terday evening with a reception to their friends. More than a hundred invited guests called between 9 and 11 o'clock to pay their respects and extend con gratulations. Ice cream served in dainty little cooky pans to be eaten with tin spoons, and cake came in tin waiters. The "punch bowl" was a large tin dish pan and tbe goblets were pint tin cups. The presents, all in tin, were numerous enough to stock a store. Everybody present enjoyed the occasion immensely. Information was received here last Wednesday of tbe death of Dr. James M. Lowry, which oc curred at the home of his son-in-law, Rev. W. T. Matthews at Durant, Okla., on Tuesday. The dispatch that brought the news was addressed to Mr. J. E. Lowry, a son of the deceased, and went on to say that the re mains were expected to be in Yokrville to-day. ' Dr. Lowry was a native of York county, and was tor many years one of tbe most prominent citizens of Yorkville. He was born on tbe plantation on Fish ing creek, eight miles south of Yorkville that was owned by his father before him, and which is now owned by his son, Mr. J. E. Lowry. The date of his birth was ,Nov. 17, 1817, and had be lived until November 17 of this year, he would have been ninety years of age. Dr. Lowry spent his early manhood on the plantation, but some years after he was grown, decided to be a physician and went to the Charleston Medical college taking a diploma from tbat in stitution in 1841. Upon leaving college he went to Lancaster county and commenced the practice of medicine. He re mained in Lancaster only about a year, however. Returning to Yorkville in 1842, he marred Miss Louisa Avery, and after his marriage began to give his at tention more particularly to farming, finally abandoning his medical practice altogether, WW .-: a his medical career covered a period of only about twelve years. ' Dr. Lowry continued to live in Yorkville until 1900, when he went to Hickory, N. C, to live with his daughter, Mrs. Matthews, and when Rev. and Mrs. Matthews . went to Okla homa, he went with them. We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. . If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : : . . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 49i and compound the interest quarterly. : : ; R. P. Rankin, President CITIZENS TWEE DANK A. G. Myers, Cashier. MILLINERY Now since it is mid summer and the seasou for selling hats is more than half spent, although there is plenty of time for wearing them, we want to make it easy for you to purchase your ex tra outing or dress hat for your moun tain or seashore trip, consequently we are not considering cost. We want to sell them and we want you to share in the bargains we are offering our customers. Now is your chance. YEAGER-McLEAN MFG. CO. The First ' National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. sc'f',ttt"f"f"f"ttf"l"l'f,i'1.4,l"i-'l"l"i".'l'4'l"l'X Capital Surplus $100,000.00 $20,000.00 DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson J K. Dixon R. R. Ray H. M. McAden T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. O. White Geo. A. Gray Our seventeen years of successful banking experience demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds with. : : : : : ; : : : : We invite you to open an account with us. : : : L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier YOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT. Bat She Never Had Sulphur la Such . Convenient Form as This. Your grandmother 'used Sulphur as her favorite houtehold remedy, and so did her grandmother. Sulphur has been carina skin and blood diseases for a huudred years. Bat in the old-days they had to take dow- dered sulphur. How HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUKgivesitto you in the best pos sible form and yon get the full benefit. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR and OINTMENT, quickly cure Hciema, Tetter. Salt Rheum and all Skin Diseases. It cared an ugly ulcer for Mrs. Ann W. WUlett. of Washington, D. C in three days. - - Taken internally, it purifies the blood nd clears the complexion. Your druggist sells it. :-- - . . Sulphur Bsoklet free,' if you write HAN COCK LIQUID SLUPHUK COMPANY. ire. Baltimore. TJly 19. The Georerfo i State Senate ' has passed a bill prohibiting the sale and manufacture of liquor ia the State after January 1st, 1908, - The bill stands 'a good chance of passing the house also. . ... - , Durinir a celebration ' at Paris. France, Sunday aa attempt was mad to assassinate President Fal lieres. Two shots were fired at the president by a naval reservist, but they went wide of the mark. . Twenty-one members of tbe Lum ber Dealers Credit Association aud nine members of the Brick Dealers' Association were sentenced to six months in the work-house, and the brickmen fined $1,000 each by Judge Morns, in Toledo, unio. for viola tion of the State anti-trust laws. . WACO POST MISTRESS RESIGNS j Messrs. Charles Putnam a n d Rush Stroup Applicants tor the Plum Which! Pays About $3 per Month. Cleveland Star. . - V These are mighty hot days for a postomce fight, yet the good people of Waco are- now . in the midst of an interesting scramble for the postoffice at that : place by reason of the voluntary resig nation of Mrs. S. J. -Williams ! the present worthy and efficient encumbent. The contest for the plum, which we are, informed yields a juicy sweetness which is worth in the coin of the realm, about $8 per month, is between Charlie Pa t n a m and Rush Stroup. It is reported that while j Mr. Stroup has the endorsement of the retiring official, tbat Mr. Putnam has the "underholt" in the way of tbe county organiza tion, which endorsement in the distribution of "pie," is indeed apples of silver and pictures of j gold with the Federal pie dis pensers. . . - - ' . .'':: '' Have yoa totteo that '. '' ' ICE CREAM FREEZER yet? Recollect that last summer you promised yourself (and jour wife) that when the good old . 7 summer time got here again you were certainly Igofng i to get a new" one a larger one and a" . " better one? Just thought we'd remind you of it; the weather's beginning to get hot, you know. . Of course when you think of ICE CREAM. hREEZERS you think of. us. . , We ha ve them " in all sizes and at right prices the White ' Mountain, Arctic and Peerless. Drop in and see , ; them.";...'--:'-7' ;v -r ,7t -f-z ; . ;;-:7-;:7; 7 'S;, , . - r ."" 7 - ;; : ' 7: : - 7 7 ;i7 ;W ; -"ciS ;;7.7;;.. , LONG BROTHERS -" . T - - Castsafa. .'. -.1 ,, 7. -IT'' " W. C. Subscribe for Thk Gazbttk. t

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