TV ' ' - " : i . Try a Gazette ' t i Want Ad t J They Bring Results J The Paper f nil j v t Read by Gaston People J I v Tiior ;aii ,t PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. . . VLUA'IG li. .11: H. D.ATKINS, Editor. . V Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. ; $1.50 a Year In Advance. Single Copy Sc. j VOL. XXViliT" v GASTONIA, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1007. , : . NO. no i .'. - - - '. - - - '' - - - - 1 ' - - J-. n - - - I - II - i- i - I I I - I -n -ii -irm. -ii i - - I i - L - - - - -II- "L-IL -i. i. -I--' ' L 'li. - - l - - -'- - ----- -'"-'- I 1 (i.-.i.n.iJ-ii.-rx--ir--' - - . ' -. ' ' - - ' - - " - ' - - , - - -,L "7"-, L ' 1 '-' '- - - ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS ; GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors ' Ove Torrenca-Morrla Companjr. . , Gastonia, N. 0. : NEYSHOTES Slate 4 General S. B. SPARROW, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . DALLAS, N.O. Offlea upstairs over Bank of Dallas JOHN G. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS N. C.; -Office over Bank of Dallas. : DR. P. A Pressly ' ' . DENTIST- . CLOVER, - s;c. rTwelvie people died from heat in Philadelphia Tuesday and many others were prostrated. . , Dr. C. B., Stephenson, an aged and highly respected pbysi cian of Charlotte, died Monday and was - buried Tuesday at Fort Will, D. C - ; 7 " ' The National Association of the Blue and the Gray, orga nized at Atlanta, Ga., a year atro. held its first annual - re union at . Jamestown Tuesday and Wednesday. V - A movement has been" started to erect a monument to John H. Mills, the founder of the Thorn asville orphanage. - This is a worthy movement .and should speedily receive support. ' A.!ispatcb from Alexandropol, Russia, under date of Tuesday says thak- General Ahkhanoff, Madame Gileboff and the coach man were blown to pieces on that day by the . explosion of a bomb. .' Two . others were in jured. .' , Overcome by - intense heat, Floyd E. Webber, engineer of a fast westbound Lake shore pas senger train, fell unconscious in bis cab Tuesday and his train dashed ' into Cleveland, Ohio, without a guiding hand on the throttle, endangering the lives of hundreds of people. , Walter F. frear, tne new governor oi Hawaii, though born in waiuornia, oegan ois educa tion in Honolulu and has passed most of his life here. He is ji poet . as well as an ' eminent lawyer and a judge. Alabama is the only State in the union whose Legislature meets but once in four years. Then" its session is limited to forty days and the members of the Legislature get $4, a day. And at that the State seems to get along as well as ; Massachu setts and one or two other Com moh wealths whose legislative as- sembhes meet every year. - Secretary. Taft will spend most of his time with ; his family at . . t" . : l , J -. I n - n i rt t iviurrayuay unni ne ncuaiis lor UaSIOnia I BOOK ? MOre ; the Philippines. - Upon : his return in :: December one of : his first speeches will "be made at Boston, and it is likely that he will select that oppasion on Kalio Dividends Received to which to announce his views on th : snhiprt rf : railroads -and rremmms Paid, 39.9 per cent corporate wealth. - H. G Putnam, electrician and engineer at the Selwyn Hotel, Charlotte; while atteraptingr to cut a. live wire Wednesday, re ceived 2,300 volts of v electricity, His condition is serious and his recovery is doubtful. Bowden Black, aged 17, sub mitted in Wake County Superior Court Tuesday to the charge of manslaughter . and was giveu tweive years in the penitentiary; He killed Marshall Rowland at - DR. D. E. McCONNELL, - DENTIST GASTONIA, N. C. Offlc rirt Floor Y. M. C. AT BW'f Phone 69. DRS. FALLS & WILKINS DENTISTS"" " GASTONIA ,N. (j. f OlSce in Adams Building , " Phone 86. ' ; : MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO ' AND OROAN. For Referencetee tuning list of Stein way - PROF. J. M. MASSEY Piano ' tumnir and Repainne a i specialty; satisfaction guaranteed - Gastonia, N. C. r . r I CALL .. ' CVllllUC t mnlli 1 1 ftv T rkt in Sheet Music ; -'m r.- ' BESSEMER BRIEFS. Correspondence of The Gasette. " ' ' Bessemer City, July 18.Our town and ; community . was shocked Saturday morning when they beard that Mr. William Waller had died. - He had lived ; among ns for tbirteSn years and oaa uvea sucn.a noble, Christian life that he will be greatly missed. Very few knew he was sick and no one was prepared tor nis aeain. William Waller was born in York. ' England, April 14th, 1838. He came , to America twenty years ago. He was a miner in England and when be first came to America be was in the mines at Florence, Wis. Thirteen, years ago when the mines here were being worked he came here: ; He soon gave up marine and' went to : farming. In 1874 he was married to Mrs. Pell, who was for thirty-three years : ms constant companion as well as devoted wile, bne had six children by her former marriage. Mr, Waller had no children but he was father to hers and they mourn his death as tney would an own iatner. For fifteen years he has been ... . m a consistant memoer or tne Methodist Church, a most faith ful and regular attendant. He died Saturday morning' July 13, 1907,-at six o'clock. The fu neral was conducted at the home Sunday morning at -10 o'clock by his pastor Rev. Mr. Honeycutt. ;The body was laid to 'rest in the- cemetery here. He leaves a widow, six step children, one in Australia, two in England and three in Amer ica.. Of these two live here, Capt. Edward Pell and Mr. William Pell. The Uove the people had for him was shown by the large . attendance and many flowers at the funeral. FROM BBI0. GEN. LANE ' YORK AND YORKVTLLE AND r Record of Policy No. 80,665 Issued in. iS75, at age 38, for $10,000. ' 15 Payment Life Plan - ANNUAL PREMIUM : r $430.10 IS Full Premiums ...... $6.45150 Dividends .......... . . 2.571.70 Net Cost .$3,879.80 ; ; The Cash Surrender Value of tliePolioy at the end of the 31st rear is 19x94-20; ' the result beinic that the'insured wdtild ' receive $1.72 for each $1.00 paid, be- sides having had 31 years' Insurance for $10,000. ! Molaar Eenelit - Life fnsurance Co. - Southern Securities C Trnst Co. AGENTS Gatlonla. H. C NOTICE. . Ilavintc aualified as administrator of the estate of Mary Margaret Mauney, deceased. wis is 10 nomy ait persons navinv claims against said 'estate to present the same to the undersigned, dnlr authenticated, on or before the" 28th day of Jane, 1903. or this notice will be plead in bar of any re covery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment to me with out delay. A2c6w Thi June 27th, 1907. . -...v-- - "P. H VnDTVcnw A dtnlntatratrir .' ' WANTED $80,000$ Flat pieces to . launder this. week. -Pnces right; work the best.' .. .'. .'. Snowilake Steam laundry Phone ' 3 60 YEARS V EXPERIENCE mm :M.her aUI n OB puui . Tkadc Marks flf1 C0PVRIOHT9 Ae 1 vmu ttvkn tUrouffh Wunn A C f9iT tp-u notu, wit hootch, la U rc:::;:in:Jl:n:rica, A vnsorT.i rHrrfmtM wtfcir. 1rrt tT r n i t r"r f-te"t iiie fanntl. 1 wmi, f i ft ! " if' rvs,:"'-':'7Y::i- Holly .Springs last April.. Rev. Dr. P. J. Carraway, the oldest member of the Western North.-Carolina Conference of the Methodist Church; died Wednesday . at his' home m Greensboro! aged more than years.-; He had been a member of the conference iof 53 years and was for 20 years of this time a-' presiding: .:' elder. " He ,'w a s widely known throughout' the State. ; , Up to Wednesday - the vic tims of the disaster on the bat-' tleship Georgia numbered nine. Edmund J. Walsh was the ninth victim. '. Twelve others remain in the hospital injured and of this number two are ex pected to die.v " ; , - ' ,' .'- Judge Cook"wiU not ,be able to bear . the .Rowland habeas corpus case in Raleigh next week, having- court to convene in the r western section of the State. It is thought that Asso ciate Justice Connor of the Su preme Court or Superior Court Judge J. C. Biggs will hear it. A dispatch from London; un der date ot the 15th says : Re turns of deaths from the plague in India show the appalling total of 1,060,067 for the six months ending June 30. The -monthly total is at present increasing, however, the death roll for,June being placed at 69,064. The total for the ; first six .months of l7 already surpasses that .for the entire 12 months of .1904, when - 1,022,000 persons died. - This total is the highest ever recorded previous to , the present year. . -"V- EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY.' Frost Torrence & Co., the reliable Dni22ists of Gastonia, are haying- calls for " Hindipo," the new Nerve Tonic and Vitahzer. , Cures Nervous Debility, Insomnia, Restores Lost Vitality, that they are selling under a positive guarantee; ts merits are becoming the talk of the town and evervbodv wants to try it, and why-mot? It costs noth ing if it don't do you Rood not one Cent..-'.s ' .;W .: - V. ' ; Thev don't want vonr money if it does not benefit you, and will cbeer fully refund the money. Try it to day. ,; ; ' ' -1 Commanion Service. There will be communion service at the Lutheran church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. ' : . Clover Nil) Pays Dividend. V The Clover correspondent of The Yorkville Enquirer, writing under date of the 16th, says that the stockholders of the Clover Cotton Manufacturing Company met last Thursday. The report of Secretary-Treasurer M, t,. Smith was most satisfactory, A dividend of 10 per cent, was declared. The mill is now run ning l,wu spindles and is operating only in daylight. It is one of the best managed and most prosperous cotton factories in this section. " Distinguished Confederate firl : adier Oeneral Writes Interest InjS Letter to Gaston Veteran Holds the Old Twenly-Elihth In Fond Bemembrance. ' Mr. R. .W.' Carson received a few days ago a letter from Gen. James If. Lane, who was one of the Confederacy's ' brave and gallant brigadier-generals during the civil war. Through the kindness of Mr. Carson The Ga zette is able to reproduce the letter in toto. In General Lane's brigade were two Gaston county companies, Company B, 28th Regiment, and Company - H. 37th Regiment. ' Especially to the surviving members of these companies, as well as . to many other veterans, this letter will prove of interest. General Lane has held the position of professor of civil engineering and drawing in the Alabama- Polytheniq In stitute, Auburn, Ala., for many years but, as stated in his letter, he has been retired as an "emer itus professor." '.; Following is the letter: Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. July 13, 1907. Mr. Rufus W. Carson, . Gastonia, N. C. , My Dear Sir I was glad to bear from you, as I . always am from any of the brave men I had the honor to command in so many battles. The old 28th especially will "always have a warm spot in my heart. I hope all of its survivors, wherever theyjtnay be, are prosperous and happy. Kindly remember me to Col. Morris and others who may be living near you. For an old man; I enjoyed good health until recently, when I had an attack that deprived me partially of the use of my right leg and arm. My kind doctor says it is " a warrant of co-ordi nation," and that my recover will be very slow. My arm has improved more rapidly tnan my leg. . I was anxious to attend the reunion in Richmond, but could not do so on account of college duties and physical dis ability. After my long service in this institution twenty-five' years its board ol trustees did me the honor to retire me as an "Emeritus Professor" on half pay. At first it made me sad to think that my life's work is done, but I am becoming better reconciled. I write with diffi culty now and very slowly. My walking is slow and uncer tain though I use a cane. Wish ing you long life, prosperity and unalloyed happiness, I am Sincerely your friend, James H. Lane. Gen. James H. Lane, Profes sor of .Civil Engineering atid Drawing. Moore Cotton Mill. A charter was issued Monday by the Secretary of State to the Moore Cotton Comoanv. of Len oir, the authorized capital stock being $150,000. The company is allowed to begin business ' when $80,000 is subscribed. Th i s amount nas been : subenbed as follows: H. B: Moore, Gastonia. $16,000; M. G. Shearer, Lenoir, $1,000; J, M. Barnhart, Lenoir, $2,000 : F. P. Moor e . Globe $36,000; Joe C. Moore;; Globe. $25,000, - " - , Pastors Meet. The Gaston Lutheran Pastoral Association held its meeting in Gastonia Tuesday and transacted a number of items of ? business. Those present were Rev. C. K. Bell, of Kings Mountain; Rev. D. Rismger, of Dallas: Rev. R. A. Yoder, D. D., of Lincoln- ton, and Rev. John Hall, of Gastonia., Steps were taken looking to the employment of a colportuer who will work among the Lutheran congregations. The work for which he is to be employed will require six months or longer, The matter of pub lishing a monthly journal was deferred till a future meeting. Gastonia was chosen as the regular meeting, place and lhe bi-monthly sessions will be held here in the future. What's Doln Amonf ear Nelf h ; bora Just Across the Line. ' VofkvlTle Enquirer. 10th. Mr. Herbert L. Wright . of Clover, has a swift little gasoline launch on the Catawba Power company's big pond, and be and bis friends are having a ; good deal of pleasure out of it. Capt. and Mrs. W. B. Smith, Miss Emma Smith, Miss Emily Wright and Miss Madeline Paris of Clover, left this morning for Waightsville Beach on the coast of North Carolina. They ex pect to be gone about a week Mr. J, J. Hogue, formerly of this county, but for the past thirty years a resident of Texas, now . merchandising at ( Park Springs, is ' back on a visit to relatives and friends. James Childress, formerly of Hickory Grove, but for some time past a watchman and operator at the Wylie Mill, Chester, fell into the reservoir Sunday and was drowned. His body was taken to Hickory Grove for interment. He leaves a widow and three children. The large mule shed adjoining and forming a part of Messrs Glenn & Allison's sale stable fell with a crash, yesterday after noon, the fall being occasioned by the undermining of a wall along a ditch bank at lone end. Mr. W. Frank Smith, formerly of the Bethany section, but for many years a resident .of Fowler, Cal., is back on a visit to bis old home. He came last Satur day to visit bis brother-in-law, Mr. R. L. Devinney, a few miles south of Yorkville, and yesterday went up to Clover to spend some day j with relatives and friends in that vicinity. " Mr. J. F. McElwee of York yillereceived a telegram yes terday announcing the death of hi: sister-in-law, Mrs. Ada Mc Elwee, in Columbia, during the morning. The news came as quite a shock. Mrs. McElwee had been ill for some -days with pneumonia;' but it was thought that she was getting along nice ly. The deceased was the wife of Mr E. R. McElwee, formerly of Yorkville; but for some years past engaged in the insurance business in Columbia. Before she became Mrs. McElwee, she was Miss Ada Drummond of Asheville, N. C, where she was living at the time of her mar riage. Rev. W. H. Stevenson, of Clover, who suffered an attack of appendicitis at Winnsboro, about three weeks ago and who submitted to an operation in the hospital at Chester, was able to return to his home at Clover last Saturday. He is still very week, but is getting along nicely. The friends of Bramerd M. Dobson, U. S. N., son of Mr. T. M, Dobson of Yorkville will be glad to know that he has successfully passed all required examinations in the naval service and has, accordingly, received his commission as past assistant paymaster in the navy, having been promoted from the rank of assistant paymaster. Paymaster Dobson entered the service in 1904 from South Carolina, York county, having passed at his entrance a most successful ex amination. We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : t : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. ' : : . R. P. Rankin, President A. C. Myers, Cashier. I MILLINERY 1 Now since it is mid summer and the seasou for selling hats is more than half spent, although there is plenty of time for wearing them, we want to make it easy for you to purchase your ex tra outing or dress hat for your moun tain or seashore trip, consequently we are not considering cost. We want to sell them and we want you to share in the bargains we are offering our customers. Now Is your chance. YEAGERMcLEAN MFG. GO. c f $ f f fr f f f f f f 4 if 4 4 4 -fa? Subscribe . for Gazsttk . the' Gastonia Engineer. Green, The'item copied below from Wednesday's, Charlotte News will be of interest to a number of people in Gaston county. En gineer Green, was a first cousin of Mrs. W, I Stowe and Mrs. - R. J. Craig, of Gastonia, and -a second cousin of Mrs. J. B. Tbomasson. also of Gastonia. The item referred to is as fol lows: "Mr. Joseph M. Green, who died a few days ago a1 Newbern, N. C, in bis 68th years was well known in. this city, especially among the' older residents and railroad men. On February 16th, 1865, he was en gineer on the last train out of Columbia, on the old Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta road be fore the. entry of Sherman's army, and -carried hundred of men, .women' and coudren to this community to escape the Federal leader. He was with the North Carolina road after the war and general foreman of the shops at Raleigh shortly afterward. lie held consider able property interests In Colum bia." . Pilgrimage to the Battleground. Yorkville Enpuirer. 16th. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. F. Y. Pressly of Due West, who have been spending some days at Clover on a visit to their son. Dr. P. A. Pressly, made a'pil grimage ter King's Mountain battleground last Friday. - They were accompanied by Rev. Dr. R. M. Stevenson and -v Mrs. Stevenson. Rev. E. H. Hardin, Rev. S. H. Hay and Dr. and Mrs. P. A. Pressly, Rev. Dr. Stevenson had , Rev. Dr. La than's sketch of the battle along and alter looking over the ground they hunted out the lo cations -of the different divisions of the patriot army. The party bad a pleasant day of it until a rain - came up when it was necessary to retreat to closely curtained buggies. ; The (nfor matiOn is that, the new monu ment, the one erected by the Kings Mountain Centennial As sociation has suffered' seriously at the bands of relic-hunting vandajs. - ; The Jimezpo. Lexington Dispatch. It was bound to come. -They are calling it tne "Jimexpo." Protracted Meeting. A protracted meeting will be gin at South Point Methodist church Sunday night. Rev. J, H. iBradley, of the Denta circuit, Mecklenburg county, will assist the-pastor, Rev. j. H. Bennett. The services will continue for a week. There will be preaching every day at 1U a. m. and 8 p.m. Missionary Union. As announced last week a missionary union was 'held Fri day, Saturday and Sunday at South Point Methodist church. l ne program as announced was not carried out in its entirety on account of the absence of several of the speakers. Rev, R. M, Hoyle, presiding elder of the Shelby district,, preached three most helpful and interesting sermons on missions. The audience was good on Friday and Sunday but the rains kept many away on Saturday. Sun day morning oeiore tne sermon the pastor; Rev. J. H. Bennett, baptized six children. 3 In the .New York Supreme Court Tuesday Jndge Dayton denied a motion of counsel for Charles S. Berry, a private de tective, for the appointment of a referee to pass upon 'his bill for service in . a suit he has brought against Brodie L. Duke to recover $10,000 for services in the divorce action between Duke and his wife,' Alice Webb Duke. - - 4 The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 $20,000.00 J DIRECTORS L. L. Jenkins A. A. McLean J. Lee Robinson j K. Dixon R. R. Ray H. M. McAden t T. L. Craig Andrew E. Moore J. O. White Geo. A. Gray . Our seventeen years of successful banking experience demonstrates that we are a safe bank to place your funds ml fit ... We invite you to open an account with us. : : : L. L. JENKINS, Pres. S. N. BOYCE, Cashier Subscribe for THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. That it another of their good features," an important one, as hundred! of fires occur annually from sparks settling on the roof. .-,. Better put them on the roof now than wish you had later.' They're cheJp enough.5 Last a life-time. Neyer need repairs, and they turn the appearance of any house into a home., ; . ' Come in and see the stock we carry. - . " Exclusive Agents Gastonia; N. C. Subscribe for THE GASTOiriA GAHTX: 11 Yon Want Csston Ccnnt Kews Sr--" t f r li Yon Want Nest, U?-ts-Ci(8 Ststi: t i s t

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