t . TryaC 1 Want Ad 1 1 T iv v . , e . t Head by Gaston People J 1 i -i l Li Lf -v. ... a Y: c J. "il : .: xj' a 1 They Btlz Kti-Ils , 4 - Thr. All t PUCUCIIED TVICE A VnCK-TUnSDAYS AND FRIDAYS., . E. D. ATKINS, Cicr. s U. Devcted to the Protection of Home end the Interests of the County,; V $1.50 a Year In Advance. Infile Copy 5c, VOL XXVIU. OAOTONIA.I N. CFRIDAY, AUGUST O. I007. NO.4 'i A . PltOFECSIONAL GAED3 rK00OH0M000 ' GARLAND 6 J0NE3 ; Attorneys and Counselors - Ovar Torrenca-Morria Compaay. :, ... Gastonia, N. 0. ' - N ortli Garolinai Veek at Jamestown-Exposition;,; B.B. SPARROW " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW : , , DALLAS, N.O. Offlca uoatalri over Bank of Dallas ! GOVERNOR GLENN 'AND WILL' PARTICIPATE OTHER IN DISTINGUISHED THE CELEBRATION. MEN JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNBY-AT-LAW - .'" DALLAS. N. Cm . Office over Bank of Dallas. ; OR. P. A Pressly DENTIST . : CLOVER. - s. c, 1 DR. D. E. UcCONNEUa, DENTIST ; :.. OASTONIA, N. 0. ' Office First Floor T. U. C." A. BW'I Phone 69. DR. T. A. WILKINS: DENTIST fc OASTONIA ,N. C. Office in Adams Building Phone 111 URS. JOHN HALL TEACIIER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. i DR. P. R. FALLS DENTIST Gastonia, N. C. Office Upstairs Boyce-Falls Building. Phone 86. Folk of the Old North State Will Practically Own tha Expesi ' tion-Grand .Military: and Naval Parade! to Be Re- , . ; viewed by the Governors of Three States and V Famous Army and Navy Ofacers The : '' North Carolina iBuildino. ;,. -For Reference tuning Ustol SUinway PROF. J. H. IIASSEY Piano tunine and Repairing a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed PnoneHsi ' Castonla, N. C. W. II. Overcarsh's School of Piano and Voice." The method I use in teaching: riano anaocai are ine same aa used in the Northern and European - conservatories, having; studied with I some of the best teachers among1 1 ' whom was the eminent pianist and teacher, Rafael Joseffy. Mondays and Thursday in Gas tonia, other days Charlotte, N. C. - Write for oamohlet ' S9clmo W. H. OVERCARSH ,E0INNIN0 An. 13 and eontlna Ing ta Aug. 18, tha peopl of North Carolina will practically wa tha Jamestown Tercenten nial exposition. That wUKbe North Carolina week, and during that time especial pains will fee taken to enter tain and amuse the people of the Old North BUte. Amt. 15 will be North Carolina .day," 'Which will be royally celebrated. . Governor Glenn and bis stalf; the member of the North Caro lina commiMlon and other distin guished men will be la attendance, to gether with the military and naval forces of the stat. and a bend of Cher okee Indians from' the reservation la North Carolina to make the programme Interesting-, .j Governor Glenn will- make one of bis characteristic human .Interest speeches; v " . A reception win be given at the North Carolina building; ; to be attended by many . men, of 'prominence la : jnblie Ufa, together with every rltlsea-o the state who may be there and the bulld- Jig will be elaborately -decorated In oaor.of the oeeaslon. ) Electric lDum InarJen, fireworks - and', other special features will he, la 'evidence open this gTtoccisleifcV:?-" -w, ;-.-.''t The detailed, programaM for the week Is as feHowa:- " The b!?Icial Programme. Aug. 11. Oorwrnor GUan, ataff and ffl dal party will arriv.vl guiboard Air Una , railway t portameatlt about CiSA p. tn.: They wttl be nwt at tha 'atatloa by a coramltta from tha North Carolina ao clety of Norfolk, wha will oaoort than to their hotel In Norfolk, when thay will be tha gvaeta of tbf Kh Carolina aooloty. , every walk and drive, and the cool shade of the Canoa Trail la moat entic ing these fine summer days. The ex hibits, are Interesting and Instructive In the extreme, and days may be well Spent In their' study. The Old North State's i resources , appear to' great advantage la the several exhibit build ings, and these alone am well worth -a visit to the exposition. The exhibits of Virginia, South Carolina, . Maryland and the, score or more of other states ire grand and comprehensive. ' The War Path Is a round of Instructive pleasure; - the . electrle 'uiuinlaatlen a fairyland, and altogether,, once- seen, the Jamestowa. erpoaltlon give a pleasant impresakMv never .tov.be for gotteiu r. , " w ; .-" 't--r "A BUSY WEEK. ! Aufost 12 to 19 the Jamei- tova ExppsUlon to be Record iCreiker, ' Correapondanea of The Oaietta. . r. ! Jamestown Exposition. . Va.. Aae. 7. With one .great state Of the Union claiming an entire week, and another a day, rand eery day of that week crowded WUb. events- of national 1 im poitance, with a royal prince as a' cnest, the ,::week;i beginniox Angnst .12. at the Jamestown Exposition will be one of the greatest of ' the ' season aud ' the indications are that, the attend, ance will be in accordance with the importance of the events of the week. On Monday ; August 12, the national meeting of the Haymaker's Association will oc cur and delegates from : every state and territory will be in at tendance; -, On the same date the Southern- Amateur Journal ists' Association will convene at the Exposition and some of the brightest ; literary 4 amateurs of the South will be present The i reunion c of the Jacauean-Am- bler arid. Carey family will te- 1 gin pn Tuesday Aug. 1 13, for a two' days session This is one of the oldest families in Ameri I Ca and its connection -with the story of Jamestown is of deep historic interest. - Descendants from all parts of America will be present,. v . - . . ABgns; u, is raassacnuseus NEVS!yOTES State 4 General John WUkins, a brick layef, was Instantly killed by a train at Dur ham Saturday,. K- Frank Curtis, of Canton. N C. son of ex-Mayor J. M. Curtis, died suddenly Saturday of apoplexy of the brain. : , Governor Clenn spoke at . Edenton Sunday nijrht in the . interest ; of an election soon to be held on the pro hibition question, 'f,'--,;,;;;: ; The railway companies of Virjrina have decided to comply with the law reducing: the passenger j-ate to two cents per mile,. . , , v ' Anenstus St. Gaudens. America's foremost sculptor, died at his home in.Cornish, New Hampshire,; Satur day uifcht after a Ion illness. ' Six charters were granted by the Secretary of State. Saturday, the capital stock of the several : enter prises agregating $775,000. ' 4 The' farmers of Mecklenburg coun ty Saturday organized the Mecklen burg Warehouse Holding Co., capi tal $100,000, and will apply for a charter at once. The, more than two thousand fourth-class postmasters of North Carolina will meet in' their, annual convention in Raleigh October J3 andj(4. ;"' '"yi ';lM:-:,-;:s , A census recently taken at Canton, Havwood countv. shows" that1 the population of the town has increased from 350 to 1Q80 in the last twelve months, , , - Governor Glenn's . Proclamation. from!, the executive department of the 'state, of North Carolina at Balelgh recently eame- the fojfejng proelama. tlotf to 4he people of North Carolina kndvthe .United States generally con tern Ing the Jamestdwn expoaitloa and thft poasiblMOea of thla pertinent cele bration advertlsmg the , resources of America,' .especially the. eouth; .. Proai tha - aubstanUai. eonatruetlon of tha ahtbltlon buUdlnga at tha Jameatowa axpoaltlon and from tha ttafolSaent hlblta hi aald bulldirica X have avanr rea- aon to believe and do believe that the ex position wlU be a- areat cueoeaa and will advartU tha reaouroea Of the aouth bik tarlally. asrlculturaUy and educationally they have sever . Before been advert tleed. I therefore a voveraor of the atate f North. Carolina earaeatly hope that at) the eltlsena-of our aula will take an aa- tie part, aad Jntareat In making the The annaul convention of the State Day and Boston Day as well and ! Firemen's Association .convened at the Old Bav State is oreDarino-1 Wilimington yesterday with a good T t CALL - AND " .... ? .. EXAMINE J ::r:. ... our ; I ; Sheet Music ! I Gastonia Book Store i T i.: 1 f . . . Ratio Dividenda Received to Premiums Paid, 39.9 percent Record of Policy No. 80,665 Issued in i875, at age 38, for $10,000, 15 Payment Wfe Plan , ANNUAL PREMIUM ; ; S430.0 15FnllPremlama . . , . . . . $6,451.50 Dividenda , . 2.571.70 Net Coat ..... . . ' . . , $3,879.80 The Cash Sttrreadrr Value of the Policy , at the end of the Slat year to $6,694.20; the reanlt beiaa that the insured would receive $1.72 for each $1.00 aid, be- ' aidea havina had 31 years' insurance for ' $10,000. ' . Molaal Benefit Life lanraacs Ca. Southern Securllies'Trust Co. 1CEKTS ; . - Gasteata, If. C WANTED 1' . aw -. .. II l 4h-Ai mm i V. - .J ... NORTH , CAE0XUTA BT7ILDIN0. I Flat this week, the best. . pieces to launder i Prices right; work SnowIIake . Sieam rhone Laondry OScal warning. has been issued 'Trom Washington to all persons, es pecially in the West and Northwest, to lav in a supply of fuel so as to rreelnde-the possibility of a fuel famine such as occured last winter. :-r Tzz Gazstts. I Aug. 14.-fcAt IS a. m. the goveraor aad party will be driven over the city of Nor folk in automobllei '-bearing., the colore ( xna atate or Mortn rouaa. 1 By. m. Upon tha arrival of the aovern or of North Carolina at the ezpoaltlon rounda ha will be received at the aatea by a reeptie eomraltte;t eonatetlBg of the efBelala -ot the Jameetown Bxpoaltien company- and eaeorted to tha North Caro lina State building, where be will remain durlne- North. Carolina. Week. v. , , 4p. nv-Tha goveraor and offleiaj party wui viait the- Morta -Carolina einioiw ia the varioua exhibit palaeea,where they wlU be received by merabera of the North Carolina eommlaatqiu. . - v AO j. it. At U a- m.the governor of North Carolina will leave the North Caro lina State building, accompanied by hia ataff. malnbera of the North Carolina conanlaaioii and a military eaeort of the North Carolina, state, traopev arriving t tha. Aadltorium buildlna- at u jq -. where the following ezerdaes will take vlaoat , Audltoriaai, a. ra.-Opening prayer by the Rev. Mr. Chaltabera. MualoXy iha North, Carolina Third Reg iment band.-' Hon. O. S. PowelL prealdent -of the North Carolina eomralialon and maater of eeremonlaa,- will- preeeat Ban.- av-Oeorga . Tuoker,. prealdent ox tha Jameatown E-x-DosltSon company,-who wUV dell vac 4he addreae of welootna on behalf at the ea-v. poaition. j f. " ' Mnale. . " " . ' .' ' Addreae by lieutenant Governor Franv aw u. wiaatoa oc ixorto tarouna. - Mnala. Addreae by the IToa, Robert B. Glenn, governor of North Carolina., ,. . Muate. ' Revlaarin Stand. S . , m, Review of eoldiere aad aallera by Oovemea Olena of Nerta"Carouaa, aaatated by tha rovernor. or Virginia, aevernor r aiaaaacnuaotia,. Major eneral P. T. Grants Admiral Har rlactoa and other, antay and na repra,. aentaUvea. .- ., .. .'.v , l:k to 11 Pl tn. Reception to the rovanv or f North Carailaa by tha North Caroli na atate commlMiea at th- North Caroli na State build,!!., u ' . Coir.j;!ct9 In- vcry Oetafl. r. When the thousands of Tar Heel 1 visitors .enter the portals of th ex position they will find awaking then a most beautiful , eolonlal. Uy, com plete in every detail and with eacte nook and rnar-reptetat-wlthattxae-Uons of every variety and kind. -There will be many great battleships and vee!e et every dffscrlptloa 17 the harbor I ; 'fcanrptra Jloai.s, In .view, from tie -.exjotltisa i.s-rnr, tbert wi:.r be rt'ary drfHs sad psndeK Jamestowa expoaTOOtt a great auoceaa, for in doing ,ae thay not only will be buUdlng ;up '"lr1nla. and the aouth generally, but five great Impetus to a full advertisement of he reaouroea of North Carolina. . , On Aug. It North Carolina will have an texntbltlon dart and I earnaetly dealre av. .err North Carollnlaa poaalbla to ba there .and aid In making this atate occaalon a igMatMeeasa. (. - 1 - R. B. OLENN. Oovernor. " North Carolina Building. - t The Korth Carolina building at the 'Jamestown exposition, la of, colonial .architecture and was erected at a cost of $38,000. - It is an imposing structure; constructed noon a plot of ground 185 by UD feet In size, situated on wlllouguby , Boulevard. . east, and overloeka , the , to send thousands down to dedicate the State building which is a replica of the Old tate: House' in Boston., Gov ernor Curtis Guild, Jr., and staff will be o( the party, and Gov ernor. Swanson of Virginia will tnake : an address of .welcome. Reception at the Massachusetts building: and concerts by the Mexican Imperial Band will be a part of the program. ' On Anpiist 14 . the Kafinnal tJniformed Rank of the Knights of Maccabees will observe'- Mac cabees Day at the Exposition. The Rank will be in session all week and it is expected that . at least three thousand, members will attend. The headquarters of the Maccabees are in Cleve land, Ohio, the head of the order being Major General Sletzer. The retail merchants of Virginia will meet on the 14th also. August 15, will be North Carolina Day. .The Old North State has the entire week but the 15th is the special day and Raleigh day also. The First Brigade, North Carolina Mmtia will be encamped at this time and the Tar Heel state is arranging a program ; of great magnificence. , Governor Glenn and staff will be . present and there will be military parades and fireworks and receptions. The Jolly Jokers' club of Ameri ca, an . organization of 3600 members from everv state, jmeets Aug. 15, for a three day's session.' The observance of their motto "Always look on the Bright Side" will add happiness lo the day. ' August 16, the National Real Estate Association will meet at the Exposition aud on the 17th the reunion of the Frances Lewis family will take, place. Both of these meetings will at tract from many states. On the 18th , of August the Cruiser Fylgia will arrive direct from . Sweden and Prince Wil helm the grandson . of gracious King:. Oscar, and sixty, cadets aboard. The following, three days will be given over to the -entertainment of the Prince, bis attendence. The- -inter-State tour nament will begin Wednesday f; f Robert Owens) - keeper, -of ' the Rowan county. pestbouse died last Friday as the result of pistol wounds inflicted the . day previous by an unknown man. ; Richard Mansfield, the famous actor, is seriously ill &t take Saranac. New York. He ; suffered a nervous break-down just after his return from a trip to .Europe. ' Fred Ujrle, of Asheville, was acci dentally shot and killed by his friend. Wilev Johnson, at Spartan burg, S. C. Johnson was cleaning his pistol, and thinking it was un loaded, playfully pointed it at Ogle with ratal result. - President - C. C Moore, .of the North Carolina Cotton Growers As sociation, is , authority for the statement .that twelve new ware house and holding companies were organized during his recent trip .over tne State., The Southern Power Comoamv on last Saturday purchased the Horse ford Shoals water power pioperty on tne Catawba Kiver lour miles north of Hickory. This will add about 3, 000 horse power to their present capacity.- A meeting: of the botfrd of home missions of the Associate Reformed Church will beheld in Charlotte to morrow. A new mission church will 1 orobablv be established in the south ern part of the city. ' Charlotte has I now three A. R. P. churches. A oartv of tourists including S. B. Chapin, a millionaire broker of Chicae-o. ran over a bov near. Deer- field, Illinois, and in revenge ,the enraged citizens : forced them -to stand by while their costly machine was reduced to asnes ana tunk in a i bonfire. . n " An election was held Tuesday in Winston-Salem on the question of I issuing $150,000 in municipal Donas for improvement of streets and the water and sewerage- system. The bond proposition carried by a plurali ty of 351, This increases the bonded indebtedness of the city to $660,000. '' The "fish trust" is the latest mon odoIv to fall into the draz net. Sat urday, in United States District Court at Chicago, indictments were I returned strains A. Booth. & Co., known as the fish trust, charging violation of the. law prohibiting re bating. ; The State of Alabama has revoked the franchise of the Southern Rail way to do business in that State, i This action was the result - of the removal by the company of a case fiont a State to a Federal court. A State law which has never been re- r broad waters of Hampton Hoads. The. arrjval being the signal for the voked or declared unconstitutional 'bulldhig war designed, by fflmmerman tJnBn Jj tke Swedish week imposes this penalty for such an ' Leister, ' architects, : of Wmston-Sa- fifjf, oTtlnif. act on of any COIPortiOB 7 i.mTu r -m ..a k. : i . 1 here will be many additions IDUJ. XI, V.. M1U TT U.W WUU UVM. , . W. I T ten lot. rntrtni. f rrvknrv h. a I to inc. American neei or Daiue- Tbe bunding la three stories high and I ships in Hampton .Roads during contains fourteen commodlobsr apart i ments, .a hallway- on each floor and a number of closets and bathrooma, ; :The VariderljHtilloorh . - To the right on catering the r main fcaU la; theCTanderMJt room, so called for. the reason, that the- beautiful, -and ex-; penslvf. mIsslpA, furniture 1 contains was presented by MrsL.Ceorge Vandal1 but Thla furniture was made by the members : of tha-BOtmorr lBduatrlal craa,;cmpoaed of -theHtUdT4nef the the week and there will be mili tary parades and drills of every kind. The warpath .attractions will be at theif ;bestt4:the ' ex hibits and building-; are' all in place1' and " f .complete and , -tbe government pier; presents one of the, sgrnoest scenes., ot-: arcni tectural magnificence ever seen, while the - illumination- of the buildings is . a sight never to be crao, cowposea oi ine-eauuren'et uio t , -workmen employed orf, the VanderMlt I orKQen., ; Joat back-oC this room 4s another re- cepUon room finished After tn miaaion style, -with .hardwood-walla, Uke, the TanderblU room. The furniture la Uus apartment: la. :glft from the White ItogjfaraWMapanyJ.-.rTi m the lower -hall Hangs a hoard of North Carolina pWe" upon "which is parted; the. following "toaci:-1-',-;--- Barfs' tar the land at the long leaf pine, ghe.imsaeland wbera. the aua doth r tha ' weak grew-troag. aad tha trant' amr mmti"' ; . Bare'a to "Down Horoa.t -The Old North atate.-. ;, I--' ' .Wha The glutton Is always . thinking, ef what he la going to eat, the dyspeptic of what he has Just eaten. - Tie Oaacite low Liai-t.a printing. ; Mr. R. J. Sifford has resigned as bookkeeper for the Gastonia Hardware Company, his resigna tion to take effect September 1st. He will go on the- road ; for the Goldberg Brothers Company, of New York, wholesalers of house furnishings, 'matttngs, rugs etc. His territory win be the western sections of North . and South Carolina. "He will, continue to reside in Gastonia, making this his headquarters. The many friends of Mr and Mrs, , Sifford will be glad , to. learn that they are not to leave Gastonia, . Mr, Siiford will be succeeded by Mr. Fred A. Cathey, v A Profressire Paper. Southern Pnbliaher. v- . - Emmet Atkins, -. brother of James Atkins editor of The Gas tonia Gazette, has beem added to the editorial staff of that pro gress! ve paper. c Thosej Atkins boys are all bright young men. and the readers ot rioe. Gaxette are to be congratulated .upon that latest addition to the writing force of the paper; . I Creditors' Meeting .,, Mr. L. J. Jenkins, receiver! for the Vermont and ; Whetstone Cotton Mills, Bessemer' City, is a a. 9-.--.aai. 9? in unarioite to-aay ancnuing a meeting of tbe creditors' com mittee of these mills. ' Among other things to be considered at this meeting will be the matter of advertising T the; sale of the mills in a number of papers. The sale of these" mills will .be made at Bessemer City on Wed nesdav. August 28. ' Receiver Jenkins s,has been distributing fa,r and wide; through the mails circulars setting forth the date and terms of the sale and de scription of the property offered. We are prepared to extend our customers evj-ry accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you hat no account with us we invite you to open one. " : s SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. ' ; : ; . A ; R. P. Rankin, President - CITIZENS HaeweanMeiMn.HM DAtlll A. U. Myers, Cashier. ' ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS VVor- II fl 1 We make a specialty of the Royal cester Corset, It's the standard of quality as every woman knows. When you have a Royal Worcester you know you have the very best that skilful artisans can make In the shape ol a corset. Don't take any other, rom $1.00 to $3.00. rV - We have the Dowager , Corset, made the Royal Worcester Company, which Is stout; ladles.. The price Is $3.00. Don't forget the place. THEYEAGeK'MFG.COw by for GASTONIA, N. C. DP 'HiHifliwi mm mssm I Every summer you read of somebody's barn being struck by lightning,' no insurance total loss. Here is the remedy Cortright Shingles are not only lightning-proof and storm-proof, but they are easy to put on, never need repairs, and last as long as the building itself. Adapted for residences, ' churches, schools or any other kind of building. Drop in and see samples," or send for 56-page book, " Righdy Roofed Buildings." LONG BROS. Exclusive Agents Gastonia, N. C. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR MATTRESSES. Don't grumble at your old mattress just because . it's gotten knotty and uncomfortable.. We make r Old Mattresses As Good As New for less than . one-third of their' original cost. Our factory is now in operation and we respectfully solicit a trial order from you. Satisfaction is guaranteed. If you have a mattress in tbe house that is not giving you good service send it to us and we will return it as good as new. , Phone Z. B. Harry No. 244 for prices and part ticulars. ' 1 THE GASTONIA MATTRESS COMPANY. Makers of Cotton Felt and Combination Mattresses. ' - ' GASTONIA, N. C. 1EAD WHAT THIS DOCTOR SAYS ABOUT. F0NTICELL0 , LITHIA WATER - (Sprlntf ChesterfJeid Couniy, Va.) r. . ., ' Jacob Michaux, M. D.. Prof. University College, of Medicine, - Richmond, Va. : I have used Fonticello Lithia Water in a large ;l" number of cases of dyspepsia, liver troubles, acidity of the urine -C irritable conditons of the bladder and kidneys, gravel, gout, rheumatism, inflammation of the stomach and bowels, and ner ! vovs prostration, with the most satisfactory results. As a table water it is nnsurpassedA - . WILLIAMS DSUQ COMPANY Captain Josiah C. Minus, a - grad uate of the. Citadel and -. of West Point Military Academy. " has been detailed as Professor of Military Tactics, at Clemson to succeed Captain Clav, who resigned at the end of last session and made an un favorable report of the conduct of Clemson students. . The War De partment will continue the military department of the college, as though Capt. Clay had made no such re port. ; - ' : ' William J. - Cleveland, ajred i l years, who had .lived as a hern t near Asheville tor the past 23 years, committed snicideby 8 wallowing c.ir bolic acid. Mr. Clevelaml c-"ie I this State from Salem, N. V.. f ' was reputed to be very v-.... Despondency overi!l tea:: posed to have led Lsn to i 1 act. " - - -Sa!rscn:. GAr-..;r-. i : V