I Try a Gircltc . ?. The Paper X 1 Head by Gaston Pcoplo J :Thni All J . They Grin Results PUBLISHED TWIQD A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS E. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home sad the Interests of the County. 11.50 a Year In Advance: tingle Copy 5c. VOL. XXVIII. GASTONIA, N. Cn TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, IOQ7. NO. n PROFESSIONAL CARDS GARLAND & JONES ; Attorneys and Counselors ' Ovef Torrenct-JJorrU Company.- - Gastonia, N. 0. " 1 S. 3. SPARROW ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , DAUiAS,N.O. . Offlca . upatalra ever Bank "o-XaHaa , V JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW t DALLAS, N. C, . Office over Bank of Dallas. DR. P. A Pressly V V DENTIST CLOVER, S - S. C. DR. D. E.'UcCONNELL, r DENTJST-. , GASTONIA, N. C. OfflcsFlrst FloorT. M. C. A. BW'I . Phone 69. ' DR. T. A, WILKINS DENTIST ; -GASTONIA ,N. C. Office in Adams Building Phone 111 " . 1 MRS. JOHN HALL I:' TEACHER OF PIANO, AND ORGAN.: , DR. P. R. FALLS : DENTIST Gastonia, N. C." Office Upstairs Boyce-Falls Building. - Thone 86; 'i 1 - For Reference aeetoning list of Stelnway PRO?. J. M.MASSEY , Piano tuning and Repairing'' a -specialty; satisfaction guaranteed 1SIV. CastoaIa.N. C.f W. H. Overcarsh's School of -" Piano and Voice. ' V, . .. -. ' H? . If -.. , r1' fHRMawM-1 .-; '". " . The method I use in teaching: Piano and Vocal are. the same as used in the Northern and European conservatories, having studied with some of the best teachers among whom was the eminent pianist and ' teacher, Rafael Joseffy, Mondays and Thursday ia Gas tonia, other days Charlotte, N. C. . Write for oamDhlet ' .i S9clmo W. H. OVERCARSH IIE7SnOTES Jf i; ,1 'i. State $ General .'SnOOTINQ AFFAIR. ' Dr. . J. F. Ensor. postmaster' at Columbia, S. C, since 1897, died Friday afternoon after a week' r ill ness from paralysis, r- " , Alex" Davis, ': negro 40 years of age. was struck and .killed by train No. 36 near Salisbury Sunday as he was crossing the track in a buggy. " Ftre at Monroe Thursday destroyed the ginning and woodworking plant of John Shute & Sons.' entailinr a loss of $10,000 with no insurance. The fifty-third annual convention of the International Typographical Union convened at Hot Sonne's ves- terday morning with more than 1500 delegates in attendance. The annual convention of the North : Carolina Furniture Dealers' Association ' convenes to-dar at Tarrymore Hotel on' Wrightsville beach and will continue through Thursday, N The Southern Railwav Comuanv has made certain concessions to the State of Alabama in the litigation now pending, and its franchise to do business i. in the State, has been re stored. " r - Essex, Ontario, a town of 1,500 population, was practically destroyed Saturday by the explosion of a car of dynamite. Ten , people are dead and : scores i missing as a result of the explosion..v:;.i-i'&;-v;''.'- lake Gant. a saloon-keeter in Alexander county, shot and killed Bill Stafford, - white, Friday! after noon. Stafford was drunk and had refused to leave the saloon when or detad to do so by Gant. "i James WGillman. former mavor of - Jonesville, S. C was sentenced to 15 years in the penitentiary for killing S. M. Gillmore. On hearing the sentence the defendant, fainted and medical attention was necessary toceviv him. - j - , , . r Mr. Moses- H. Cone, of Greens- i boro, returnea Saturday morning from a trio around the world and was tendered a banquet at the Guilford Benbow hotel ' Monday night by the i Greensboro Cnamber ol commerce. A Miss Riley, of Atlanta, Ga. was o in the day. She drifted beyond.her dept and was only brought to shore alter leroic efforts by Freeman Yopp. the life-saver' employed by the Tarry more Hotel. -. - , " - - .- Up to Saturday night more than 4,000 telegraphers in 50 cities from Ohio to California had gone on a : strike. In Chicago only the men at i the leased wires remained at work Sunday and the city was practically cut off from the out sidej world by wire. :; v Mr. Robert : IloIIman. of ; Uto : Ozark, Shot In (be Head by . : Mack Confer Ganter In , City Jail to Await Trial. - ; A deplorable sbootinsf affair in which Mr. Robert Hoffman came near loosing: bis life took place at the Ozark Mill Saturday night. -Mack Gunter, one of the night overseers at tbe Avon Mill, together with- Superintendent John McPalls and Will Kimball, also of the Avon Mill, after im bibing freely of corn juice or some otber juice of the same na ture,took ia the town Saturday night in a buggy-They traversed tbe Loray Mill neighborhood at which place tbey created a dis turbance by firing revolvers etc., later going to the Ozark Mill where they ' drove against an iron stake and came to a sudden halt just in front of Mr. John J. Pressley's residence where Mrs. Pressley was at the point of death. Seeing Mr." Hoffman on tbe porch Gunter .fired at him, the bot taking , effect in Mr. Hoffman's head and inflicting an ugly wound which came very near . being a fatal one. Mr. Hoffman was at tbe Pressley's for the purpose of remaining a part ol the night with Mrs. Press ley who was critically . ill and who died a short time after the shooting:. . ' , . --v .., ; There are many conflicting rumors as regards the shooting, as those who witnessed it' give conflicting-reports,' Gunter was arrested and .placed in the city lock-up where he will await trial which nas been set for Wednes day morning. ,.. i ' Dr. J. M. Sloan dressed . Hoff man's wound, withdrawing the ball, and Jbe : was able to be up town yesterday morning. . j comnfttza MORROW, v Will Conyene In Dallas at 10 - O'clock Ray. A. S. Anderson Will Preach Opening Sermon. The" Gaston County Presby terian Sunday School Conven tion -will convene , to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock in the Dallas Presbyterian c hurch. TieJwllowing is the program. ? , .WKDNBSDAY,' AUGUST 14. ' 10:30 a. m. Opening sermon. Rev. A. S. Anderson. ' Address of Welcome. Rev. : Cor nelius Miller. i , ... .-v. c Response." Rev. J. B. Cochrane. ' Election of officers. Recess. , - 2 p. m. "The Elder in the Sunday School." Rev R. A.. Miller, J, R. Henderson. "The Troubles of a Country Sun day School aud How to Remedy Them. Rev. j. M. Forbis, J. T. R. Damron. "The Duty of Parents Toward, the Sunday School." Rev. G. A. Spar row, ur. w. s. Adams. Opening Question Box. r 8:30 p. m. Sermon. Rev. C. H. Little. s; i;.' y 2 ' ' THURSDAY. AUGUST 15. 10a.m. Devotional Exercises. Rev. J. J.Kennedy. ' t " How to Secure Punctuality." Rev. A. S. Anderson, Paul Murphy. . " What Are the Characteristics of a Good Superintendent." Rev. J. B. Cochrane, J. Q. Hall, E. L. Wilson. "The Characteristics ot a Good Teacher.". Rev. Cornelius Miller, C. E. Neisler. Recess. 2 p. m. V Bible Study at Home." Rev. J. J. Kennedy, J. J. Shannon. "Should the Teacher Confine Him self to the Questions in the Quarter ly? Should the Quarterly be Used in Answering Questions? Rev. R. C. Anderson, Rev, Frank Rankin. barely rescued from drowning i surf at Wrightvule beach Sun- , - 7 v t CALL ':ND. " - J' ; EXAMINE r , OUR i Sheet Music i I Gastonia Book Store I ? 4 '. " j ."" ... i " '-" Ratio Dividends Received - to Premiams Paid. 39.9 percent Record - of Policy .: No. 80,665 - Issued in x875, at age 38, for $10,000. . IS Payment Life Plan " ANNUAL PREMIUM : ; $430.10 .15 Full Prctaiuma , . . ... S6.45L50 Dividends , . . . , ... . . 2.S71.70 , Net Coat . ." I ." . . . , ,$3,879.80 : TheCMh Surrender Value of the Policy - at tbe end of the 31st year U $8,694.20; ' the remit being that the insured would . receive $1.72 for each $1.00 paid, be ' sideahavinc had 31 years' insurance for $10,000. - . Hstnil Benefit Life Insaraaca Cs. . Southern Securities Trust Co. iOEKTS - v CastMla. n. c WANTED i;C3,CC0$ Flat pieces to launder ! . The British government is prepar ing to build a monster battleship of 30,000 tons displacement. It will be 50 per cent larger than the ' famous ureadnougnt ana will carry is guns of 12-inch caliber. United" States Commissioner of Corporations Herbert Knox Smith, in a recent report, declares that the Standard- O tl --Company charges enormously lower prices for its pro duct in foreign countries than it does in America..;. . , .' :v Three- lawyers who said thev would advise clients to sue the Southern railway for tne jsuo. penalty fixed by law tor charging more than two and a quarter cents a mile, have been cited to appear before Judge Pritch ard at - Asheville. One of the num ber was B. C. Beckwith, of Raleigh. A bank ' has been v organized at Grover, ; Cleveland county, with a capital of $10,000, : The officers are J. F. Jenkins, president: D. C, Ross, vice president; r, Turner, cashier. The bank will be open for business by September 15th. 5. Mr. E. Randolph Preston and Miss Julia Jackson Christian, two popular Charlotte young people, surprised their friends by getting married in Salisbury Thursday nieht Mr. Preston is a young attorney and the bride is a granddaughter of General and Mrs. Stonewall Jackson. Ir ' L; P. Clyde, a newspaper editor of Chatham, Va disappeared two weeks aeo while on a business trio to Petersburg and Staunton and has not been heard of since. .He left his wife and - young child,' who have awaited his return in vain, i ?- A charter has been issued to the New South Investoment Company of ' Salisbury,- recently organized with n capital of $5,000,000. ; The incorporates are Cornelius O. Connor, of New York; Dix W4 Noel and F. H. Payne, of Philadelphia. The home of J. A. Wild in Ashe ville was entered last Friday night, chloroform administered to his daughter and a watch stolen from his son. : The burglar also evidently attempted to set fire to the bed in which Miss ' Wild was sleeping. The culprit escaped,' and blood hounds failed to find him. ' - , Boslness Chasfe. ' The Carolina Fruit Company, Mr. J. D. Moore proprietor, has purchased the business of "Messrs. A. R. Rankin & Co. and will consolidate tbe two businesses. Mr. Rankin has accepted a po sition -with the Carolina Fruit Company, and went to work yes terday. The building: on Main street occupied by the old firm will be continued in use; by tbe new owners, v The Carolina Fruit Company has built up a large business in fruits, vegetables and other produce and this latest ac quisition will enlarge their bus iness considerably. ,". " NOTHING COMPARES to Father ' William: Indian Herb Tablets for all diseases of the LIVER, KIDNEYS: STOMACH and BOW ELS. Frost Torrence & Co. , ; It causes a vigorous action of the LIVER," digesting the food and caus ing a regular free, movement of the BOWELS, cleanses the KIDNEY, purifies the BLOOD, makes you well, keeps you well. ' It only costs you 20 cents to try it. Money , cheerfully refunded if not Satisfied. 2 New Hill lor Kinfs Mountain. The following is from The Kings Mountain Herald of last Thursday : , M For 6ome time Captain Dilling has been laying and completing' his plans for another cotton mill to be known as Cora No. 2. . This mill will contain 10,000 spindles thus doubling the present capacity of thef Cora. The , bricks and lumber have been purchased and are being placed on the ground preparatory to - commencing work. - The bricks were bought of Carpenter & Falls here, and it will take 300 to 400 thousand. C. B. Falls will lay the bricks. We think J. T. McGill will furnish the lumber ? from his plantation and a saw mill will be placed there to cut it. The machinery will be on hand aSd reaay to. install just as soon is the building: is completed." - LINCOLN LOCALS. Lincoln Connty Newt, 9th. Miss Kate Burgin left yester day afternoon to visit friends in Gastonia for several days. Miss Cora: Clark, who has been visiting in Dandridge, Tenn., returned to Lincolnton Tuesday.' -, Mrs. J. P. Parks, of McAden ville, is visiting at tbe home of her father, Major W. A. Graham. Mr. John M. Rhodes reports that the wires are placed and the "juice" ready for bis new mill and that the machinery will be set oing at an, early date. , - , ' Mr.-Zeb Holler, of Davidson College, has been elected princi pal of the Denver High Schodl. Mr. Holler is a young man of excellent character and bis fine record at Davidson College gives promise of a brilliant future. The Denver School is fortunate in securing: his services. Mr. John M. Rhodes spent Monday and Tuesday in Cherry ville attending the annual stock holders' meeting of the Gaston ManufacturingPompany and the Cherry vilie Manufacturing Com-' pany; The business of these two large mills was found to be in excellent shape and handsome dividends were declared and paid. - Major VV. A. .tiraham was painfully, but not seriously, hurt by a runaway accident Monday afternoon, . The Major was re turning: home from Lincolnton when a part of the harness gave way and bis . mule . became frightened and ran away; Major Graham was thrown $ from his buggy jmd badly bruised just at the entrance to his own. grounds. No bones were broken. . Rock Hill's Sidewalk Plan. - Yorkville Enquirer. 0th. The plan originated by Mr. John Anderson some- time ago to secure cement sidewalks for the town of Rock Hill is work ing nicely and at the rate the work of cementing is now pro gressing, it will not be a great while until the side walks of the entire city are. beautifully paved. Mr. Anderson's , plan provides h BITULITHIC PAVEMENT.-.. , Committee Visits Spartanbnrf . '' and AahevIUo and will Recom mend Bltnlllhto Pavement for ' Gastonia Beport will be Made To BlihL-'li-.nV 2. The committee, composeoof Aldermen R. M. Johnston, V. E. Long and S. M. Morris," will make its report to the board of Aldermen to-night recommend ing that bitulithicv pavement be used on the streets in Gastonia. The committee visited Spartan burg, SJ-C ; : and Asheville, where: both vitrified bridc-sna bitulitbic pavement have been used. At both places ' the latter seems to be tbe most successful as both of these , towns are now using bitulitbic pavement alto gether. At "Asheville the ' com mittee witnessed the construc tion work. and are highly pleased with the bitnlithic pavement on streets. ' :: :" It is very likely "that the re port of the committee . will , be accepted and arrangements will be made to .begin work on the streets at an early date.' Last week a representative of the Atlantic Bitulithic Company was here Ifrom Richmond, Va., securing data for submitting a bid for the work here, provided such pavement is accepted by the board. ...... It is tbe intention of tbe board of aldermen to get to work on the streets and nave them well under way before the rough and unsuitable weather of winter sets in. ' ,; " ";- - this week, the best, . Prices right; work N SnowIIake . Steam Laandry Vr. Boyte in Medical Faculty. Monroe Enquirer, 9ti, . ' ": V Dr. E. C. Boyte, formerly of Monroe but 'how of Ml. Holly, h3s been elected t'.; North to a chair' in Carolina Medical l-'.ts.ani will move . ' , ..... . t Death ol Mra. M. S. Torrence. . - Mrs. M. S. Torrence died at her home south of Gastonii last Thursday morning. Her death was " the result of a stroke of paralysis, although she had been in failing health- for some time. Mrs. Torrence.was the widow of Mr. H. A. Torrence, who died some years ago, and leaves one half brother. Mr. C. P. Robin son, of Gastonia. and one " half 1 sister, Mrs; S. A. Crawford, of McConcellsville, S. C. She was an aunt of Mrs F. G. Wilson, Lee and . S. A. . Robinson, Funeral services were conducted Friday at , Olney Presbyterian church, of which the deceased had been a faithful andconsisU ent member.; In her death the ;-ity EtiL'crs the loss... of a ' Camp Meeting". ' The annual camp meeting at the noted Rock Snrings ; camp ground began Friday and will continue for a week or more longer, r Large numbers of peo ple from Gaston. Cleveland. Lin coln and Mecklenburg - counties assemble. here every summer for these services. This year the preaching will, be done by Rev. Dr. J.- H. Weaver, Rev. Frank Siler and Rev. Dr. J. C.Rowe. For nearly a hundred years there has been a big camp meeting on this historic spot in : Lincoln every summer: Among the Gas tonians . who have gone to Rock Springs or who expect to go are: Mr. Guy Killian, Miss Edith Killian, Mr. H, D. Shelton, Mr, Chess Abernethy, Mr. Charlie '4 and . sons and Dr. .C. E. anv--. '.' : . . cor :ribe for Ths Gazbttb. that the city pay a part and that the property owners pay the bal ance, the ; property -owners hav ing a long time in which to com plete their payments. :";f. Miller Family Reunion. Charlotte Observer. 8th. - - 4 Yesterday at tbe home of Mr. I J. R, Miller, in York county. South Carolina, 'four: miles west Pineville, a pleasant home-com ing of the ; Miller . family was held . There were present Mr. John Miller's ' family, of Pine ville; Rev; R. A. Miller of Gas- ton county; Miss Katie Miller and Mrs. Mary Campbell" of Clover, S. C and, "Uncle George," the : only remaining servant ot the family., Also there" were present the sons-in-law of Mr. J. R. Miller and their families: J. C. McNedyrJJr. C. Mr Strong, of Charlotte, aud En gene Henderson .of Hopewell. About thirty were there in all.. Dinner-was served on the lawn. The day was spent in pleasant communion.- ine senior -members of t the family are, most of them, in the sear and yellow leaf, but death . has not yet broken the circle.' -, .: 1 GASTONIA WINNER. Gastonia Won Two and McAden ville one Game ol the Week! SeriesThirteen Inning Game The second game between Gastonia and McAdenville which was played at the Loray park Friday afternoon went to the latter with a score of 4 to 3 after 13 innings of hard playing. The winning run was made by Pressley, of tbe Lincolnton team, wbo sent the leather over the fence in the thirteenth inning giving McAdenville tbe game. Morton of tbe home team also sent a ball over the fence injthe fourth inning. Score: R H E McAden ,001 000 101 000 1-4 7 3 Gastonia 101 100 000 000 0-3 5 4 Batteries : Coolie and . Ham rick; Brown and Swink. ; - , Saturdays game which was played at McAdenville was won by the Gastonia . team ' without any. difficulty, Brandon, of Charlotte, who went in the box for McAdenville, was relieved by Taylor who fared but little better, Bentley, of the -Virginia League, and four players of the Lincolnton team played with AIcAden ville. Laval did the work in the box for the Gastonia team while Swink did tbe re ceiving The score was 9 to 4. The feature of the game was the heavy batting by both teams. Fisher got two hits and Bentley three, one of the latter being a three bagger and bringing two runs in. McAdenville claims Bentley as a home player. He was born, and reared at McAden-1 ville and has spent almost his entile life there; though the present season he has been play, mg in the Virginia League. Three New Mills. ' Lincoln County Newa, 0th. Cherryville has three new cot-1 ton mills in process of erection tbe Melville Manufacturing Com pany, the Gaston Mill No 2, and the Howell Manufacturing Com pany This . makes . six cotton mills for Cherryville. . May Move to Hickory. Hickory Mercury. ' Rev. Bavlus Cade, of Lincoln- ton, and Rev. W. H. Reddish, of I Gastonia, Were in the city Mon day night.- 3The object was to raise a stock company for pub lishing tbe Piedmont Evangelist. There is some talk; of its, being moved to tiickory.. . 7 Hayora CitttC,:'x:- ,f ".There was si lively time in the mayor's court yesterday morn ing, ur. J. w. lnornourg was before the "mayor on three charges. - Mr. ;u Thoniburg - whs represented by Attorney F. F. Griffin and plead not guilty to the following charges: Not re turning bis dog for taxation,' al lowing a vicious dog to run at large and for not keeping a muz zle on his bull dog. The case as regarding tbe dog not being re turned for taxation Mayor Arm- 4 . 1 strong imposeo a one ota t,o"?yi and cost to which tbaTceicuaant took "appeal.- Tbe - remaining two charges were continued nn til Wednesday. , ,-:-..;,-;.;:;r.: We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will wan-ant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : ; ' ' ' . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and "compound the interest quarterly. : ; : R. P. Rankin, t President- CITIZENS 1 loi IH fl n ra,I.tl, DAt!K A. G. Myers, Cashier. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS We make a specialty of the Royal Wor cester Corset. It's the standard of quality 88 everv woman knows. When vnn hnvp n Royal Worcester you know you have the very ' I ' a l . ; oesc tnat skilful artisans can make In the shape ol a corset. Don't take any other. jFrom $1.00 to $3.00. We have the Dowager Corset, made by the Royal Worcester Company, which is for stout ladles. The prlce'is $3.00. t Don't forget the place. THE Y EAGER MFG. CO. GASTONIA, N. C. RANGE QUALITY. "Of the making of many ranges there is no end." There are all kinds of ranges good, bad and indif ferent and then there's the. best. There's only one best and the way it's spelled is F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E. We have handled several makes of ranges but the one that.gives all-round satisfaction is the FAVORITE. Our personal guarantee of satisfaction goes with every one of these ranges we sell. ' - If you have not a range already, yon are includ ng in your plans for the future the purchasof one. When you do buy you want the best, so come in and let us show you the Favorite and point out to you tbe superiorities it has over the other kinds. We shall take pleasure in showing you even if ready to buy right now. you ""are not LONG BROTHERS Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Roofing. , SAVE MONEY ONVOUR ;;:"5irMAT?TRESSEJ5. Don't grumble at your, old mattress just because it's gotten knotty and uncomfortable. We make - ' s for less than one-third of their original cost. Our factory is now in operation and we respectfully solicit a trial order from you. Satisfaction is guaranteed. If you nave a mattress ia .. tbe house that is not jriving you good service send it to us and we will return it as good as new. Phone Z. B- Harry No. 244 for prices and par ticulars. . " " :-.: . THE GASTONIA MATTRESS COMPANY. Makers of Cotton Felt and Combination Mattresses. ' ..- ' - : -r 1, GASTONIA, N. C -...:-,'.' ' - - HEAD WHAT THIS DOCTOR SAYS ABOUT F0NTICELL0 : LiTHIAATEI (Spring Chesterlield Connty. Va.) ? ; ( ' Geo." Ben. Johnston, M. D., Prof. Surgery Medical Collejre ' of Virginia: I have Hever used any mineral water so extensively as the Fonticello, and ft has given uniformly good results. I " prescribe it in kidney and bladder troubles very largely, asd : in stomach and nervous disorders, with splendid ciect." SOLD BY . williams Diua cc::?A:;y

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