iw-ri,..,.. - r , . lt ,. . ..n , i yi -n i-imiiji lii I, nTii-nwniii..)int,iJt ... . . ' " -.. . A ...... llllllllilll i in ii Try a Gazelle i Read by Gaston Pee; Is $ Thnt'tvAII t 4 s, . I A. T T m ? A, , 1 t J V ; 1 1 r - a , A, :, , 1 II' f . M ' - t l El-' .. ' ' .11 " JF ' ,' r I I! I if' " ; ? pusliched twice a wees:- .Tiincntve iiun i-mn iwr -I" . . - , , ... ' ' A E.D. ATKINS Editor. ; I Devoted to the Protection of Uoc:s end the Interests of the County,. t flJSO a Year In Advance. S In gle Copy fic. i VOL. XXVIII. GASTONIA, N. C.; TUEOOAY AUGUST 20, JOOT. NO. 7 f r PROFESSIONAL 0AKD3 GARLAND 6 JONES Attorneys and Counselors Over Torrenc-MorrU Company. Gastonia, N.-O. ' - "TbTb. sparrow attorney-at-law - dallas, n. c. ; nnstAlra over Dank of DHa JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY'AT-LAW - DALLAS. N. C. '. ' office over Bank of Dallas. , DR. P. A Pressly- - r . DENTIST... ; . CLOVER. f - - - S. C. DR. D. E. UcCONjn&LL, - DENTIST " ' GASTONIA, N. C. Office Flrtt Floor T. M. C. A. . BM'I Phone 69. , . DR. T. A. WILKINS - . DENTIST - - .GASTONIA ,N. C, Office 4n. Adam's Building Phone 111 . MRS. JOHN HALL TEACIIER OP PIANO AND ORGAN.. DR. P. R. FAILS v DENTIST .... V . w - Office Upstairs Boyce-FallsBuildins:. :Phonje86. For Reference-tee tunina list of Steinway ' PROF. OI. MASSEY " Piann tummy and ReDainnsr a specialty;, satisfaction guaranteed - W. H. Overcarsh's School of Piano and Voice. 'The, method I use in teaching Piano and Vocal are the same as used in the Northern and European conservatories,- having studied with some of the best teachers among whom was the eminent pianist and ' teacher. Rafael Joseffv. - Mondays and Thursday in GaSt tonia, other days Charlotte, N. C. Write for namohlet S9clmo W. II. OVERCARSH - k . -II 1 read the , t (tr n i it a nnl ; l ii A i l U K I TW .i " 1 ' ' r Get it " t - " at the - - s t- - - I Gastonia Book Store v The Man of Honey. soon discovers the advantage of en trusting his affairs to a trust company. It takes an immense burden off his shoulders and attends to every detail wun lnieiiigent naemy. j.ne Southern Securities C Trust Co. acts as trustee, guardian, - executor -for the millionaire or the man of ' moderate means. Its services are at your call for any number of purposes If you are contemplating any step involving money attairs it would be wise to call and see u the trust com pany cannot help Von considerably. WANTE D :C3,C::$ Flat pieces to launder this week. Prices right; the best. work SnswHile Steam Lacndry 13 HEpQTES State 4 General The United "States- firbvern. meat will establish a new artil lery training: school at Fortress Monroe. ; Hon. Locke' Craie, of Ashe- ville,: spoke - Friday at Newell, the occasion beiner the picnic of the Woodmen of the Word. : President Roosevelt delivered an address Monday at' Province town, Mass., . at the celebration of the landing of the Pilgrims, .; All the . cotton mills of Dur ham joined in giving; their employes a barbecue dinner at Lakewood Park last Saturday. V The peonage . cases ' against contractor Kline, of Beaufort, came to a close last Friday when the jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. . ; . Because - she - refused tos lend him money, Agnes Doan, aged 38 years, was shot and killed by her brother, John, in Phila delphia Friday." The town of Mount Airy will vote September 15th on a propo sition to issue $15,000 in bonds lor the ..benefit of the graded schools:- ' f' Postmaster General Meyer is said to be strongly: in favor ot the' establishment by the govern ment of both a parcels post and a postal savings bank. ; . ' Francis Leban, freight traffic manager of the New York Cen tral railway, says that the giving of rebates, by; the railroads of this country is now a thing of the past. A fortune of $5,000,000 awaits a. cripple named William Young, wno can not be located, due is supposed to be sejling pencils or shostrings in some of the large cities of the country. , . Mrs. Susan Dills and her grandson, a youth of ,16 years named Cope, were killed by the caving in of a mica tunnel last Monday on tneir tarm in lanaaa township, Jackson county. :.. Five miners dropped to the bottom of a 400-foot . shaft at Soman, Pa.; Satntday and were instantly killed. The accident was due to a supposed defect in the hoisting machinery. The Pennsylvania Capitol in vestigating committee made its report to the" governor last week, naming 18 persons against whom it recommends that proceedings be instituted for irregular trans actions. Fire broke out in the Southern Railway's storehouse at Spencer early Sundav morning - and . did considerable damage, destroying many valuable records, as well as supplies and material. Michell Kirklntoll was shot and killed Sunday, evening by Frank Jenkins ten miles .. from Waynesvijle. Jenkins returned home unexpectidly and found Kirkintoll in the company, of the former's wife. Secretary Taft left Washing ton Sunday night on the first stage of his journey arround th globe. He waill reach Manila in time for the - opening of the first Philippine Legislative As sembly. Claud James, a white man who seems to have av mania for kill ing negroes, snot one negro dead and fatally wounded another at Winston-Salem Saturday night. James ; was . arrested Sunday morning and is now in custody. Rev Dr. Len G. Brouebfon. pastor of the Atlanta Tabernacle, has been called away f rom ' a meeting in New York City by the last illness and death of his father, Mr, Gaston H. rough- ton, which occurred at Raleigh Thursday night. r Three persons are dead and two probably . fatally injured as the the result of an automobile colliding with an express train Sunday near Great Harrington, Mass. The car was racing with the train and the motorist at tempted to cross the track in front of it with fatal results. Mrs. D;;-W- Kessler, wife of a prominent Salisbury man; and daughter of one of Salisbury's wealthy citizens was brutally assaulted and thrown in a creek about - seven miles from -Salis bury by an nn known negro. She climbed out Of the water and with difficulty made her way to the home of her father-in-law, where - she was visiting at-tbe time, but In is a serious mental and physicial condition as a result of the attack. Her assailant has not yet been can tered. .- ;,-: ;-. y.. " NEW tUMS3 COXCESN, Gaston Coanly Men Start Lumber , i Eosloess In Sampson Connty i Will Deal la North Carolina I tout Lett Piae Cipacify 53- C5 faat-- -i- 2 ..i '. .X'. The Cleat Run Lumber Com Danv. of Clear Run. Sampson County. N. C, one of ;the new incorporations recently chartered by the Secretary of State, is we might say a: Gaston County en terprise - as the - leading stock holders and officers -are , Gaston County men. The company has a capital 'stock of $50,000 and the stockholders are Messrs. K K; Rav, R. H. Merrith L, Webb and M. J,: Ray, of McAdenville, R. F. Rankin, of Mt. Holly, and H; W. Frv. of Sampson County: Mri Rankin is president,- Mr'. Fry is secretary and treasurer,; A modern plant will turn out flooring, ceiling siding, roofers, laths, moulding -and , inside trimmings with a capacity- of 50.000 feet - per day. . Both - Mr. Rankin and Mr. Fry are no at Clear ' Run, superintending toe work of placing - machinery and the otber details necessary to beginning , operations. The stockholders and officers in this new enterprise are all leading business men and we predict for it a good ' patronage from1 this section.,', ,7., ':.': ' ." V ' : J : . - . - . Business Change. ! Messfs Fi A:r Costner and J. D. . Moore have purchased the interest of J. E. Lindsay in the City Grocery , Company to take effect Sept. lsU , No .' change will take place on account of the deal as- Mr. Lindsay will - con tinue with the firm as before. The City Grocery Company, has always-, enjoyed a large trade and this change. will only enable them to do a Jarger business and serve their -.many., customers even better than, before, ? ; Real Estate. - : The7 Gastonia.' Insurance & Realty Company nas. sold a house and lot on .Fourth Street to Mr. R. h, McAlister and has purchased irora llr McAlister a lot on Marietta and .. Jrourtn streets. The- Company sold Saturday 1 the Anthony Titman place near , McAdenville to Mr. C. S. Henderson and Mrs. H. Ray. The 60-acre. tract of land on the old Dallas road was pur chased yesterday by the com pany from Messrs. Robinson and Hujtstetler. i "Heps" to Jamestown. Mr. T. N. Kendrick and about 30 or more local Heptasopbs will leave the the first' part of next week to take in Jamestown. Augnst Zoth. will be Known as Heptasoph Day at the Exposition and Heptasophs from all over the world will . be there. , The Gastonia delegation will probab ly leave Monday night or early Tuesday morning All those who wish ? to accompany the delegation will be accommodat ed ii. they apply to Mr. Ken drick this week. Mr. J, A. Harbin Dead. The following is copied . from Friday.s Charlotte Observer: . Statesville, Aug. 15 Mr, J Abner Harbin who had been ill at his home on. Race street, for several 'weeks, died Tuesday night at 9:10 o'clock..- . Foneral Fervices were conducted " from the borne yesterday afternoon by Rev. Charles i A Jenkins and the interment was at Oakwood cemetery. , Mr. Harbin was 63 years old and claimed to be the oldest native born resident of ' States ville. He was born near the place where he died but has not been a resident of the town , all his life. He was one of the loyal supporters of the Confederacy and served through the civil war. Soon after .the war Mr. Harbin located in the West and in 1863 married a daughter of a prom ment citizen of Illinois, coming back to Statesville in 1881. By this union were born a daughter and son. both of whom were buried before the wife and moth er died about two years ago. Mr. " Harbin was married the second time last . November to a Mrs. Wilson, of Gastonia, and m aKSHfttn A mm r ft aI wrtf Vvrf amav itrv owyvuu TT&av. auu vnuwiv-utu Messrs. John F. and W. L. Har bin,' survive.'.-:':-e'! - Mr, Harbin was : one of the best known citizens of the . town and will be missed "by the public at large. He was a member , of the Baptist church and a. good man and was ready to go when his Master called. i r : - ' ' . . . -A'-. Four deaths resulted from the Bubonic plague at San Fransisco last week.:;.. .', '.. -',, " . Tb' Oasett ' for flnrt-claaa prtntlaf. LC2 AY LOCALS. West End Sunday School En -, -. . ... . .k : Joys Picnic at Coanly Rome. N. w i Church V Bolls; Ola ! Bradley Uomestesd Buraed.-r- Perional Mention. ' " Cormpondenoo of Tb. Qantu Loray, N C. Aug. 19. Mr. W. U. West, engineer at the Loray, is away on a vacation which he counts on spending in the rural districts around Sptr tanburg and Greenville, S, . ' C uusHiUKi t i iHiiiiup - ajj ing with mends.:' Mr. West has hunting, , fishing ' -and - picnic not taken; a vacation in over two years and as be is faithful and efficient be is entitled to one. Vitmkvp be' wilt have a good time with bis mends.- Mr. J. a. Baber has charge Of the engine during Mr. West's absence. rS' fS Mr. j. g. McKinney is back at his post fixipg looms after an absence .ot two weeas .on: a vacation visiting jnends near Asburg, S. C, . Issi McKinney and the children are down there yet and will .remain a couple of weeks Ion per. The Sunday School from West End enjoyed a ride to the County Home Saturday.;, The greater part of the - school turned out (about 90 persons as near as we could count) with well filled bas kets. Mr. C. C Craig, the popu lar manager of the home, , made us feel at. home and arranged tables for the dinner under the shade- of the trees in the yard. I be County Commisioners are to be congratulated for being so fortunate as to secure : the ser vices of Mr. Craig to manage the affairs of this institution. No one visiting the home will fail to notice how nicely Jt is kept and -how scrupulously clean the surroundings are . and the in mates of the house seem to be contented and comfortable and look upon Mr. "and -Mrs. Craig as their best friends,- After din ner, at the request , of some of the inmates, we assembled, in the hall and Rev. J. M. Down ntn conducted seervices, alter which we were called out to a watermelon feast which was provided by Mr. Craig and which was enjoyed by all. Tbejnelpns were very, fane and some, ot our people took - especial ' care to save some of the seed for next year's planting, Uur people voted' unanimously that they had a delightful time and that Mr. and Mrs Craig were, on ac count of their kind dispositions. the right persons to have charge of the institution for the unfortu nates of our county. The young people were loath to leave the place where they had spent several hours so pleasantly but the time came when we had to start for our homes and all have pleasant memories of the picnic at the Connty Home. It is inspiring to hear the bells here every Sunday morning call ing the people to Sunday school. The new bells at the Piesbyterian and Baptist s churches help to swell the anthems of praise. making in all : six bells which ring almost in concert. i Several families have moved in during tne past week but your scribe has not learned their names yet Rev. J, M. Downum leaves us to-day to assist Rev. M. B. Cleg? in a protracted meetine on the Crouse circuit. Mrs. W. E. Alexanner and children : will leave to-morrow for Cateechee and Walh alia, S. C, where she will spend several weeks with friends and relatives. Mr. Alexander will' go down later , and spend a few days and return with them. The seats were, placed . in Franklin Avenue Baptist church last . week, and will be painted this week and as soon as they are dry there will be services in the church.i,,This will be about the first ; Sunday in September. The old Bradley Home near the Loray was destroyed by fire last Tnursday.L z rms ; was . the childhood home. of : the late Mr. Caleb Bradley and our Postmas ter Squire B. G." and RevV F W. Bradley; fThe bouse was" oc cupied by Sam 'McConnell,' col ored, and was used as a board ing - house.' i The , fire caught in the upper story and was too far gone when discovered to be ex tinguished. The furniture on the upper floor was all lost, but everything on : the lower floor was saved. ' The house belonged to Rev, F, W. Bradley and is a complete Joss as we understand there was no insurance. - ' " Two people were killed and five badly bnrned by, the ex- Elosion of a gasoline tank on oard a small . launch on the Seaconnet river in .Conneticntt Sunday night." All the 14 occu pants of the boat were hurled into tne water put ,i, were res 4 cued,;. ';- ; '- i " UitC0LN;tOCAjlS.,; Lincoln CountT Nawa. 16th.- ' - 5' i Mr. C. C, Hauss, of Route. 1, nas leu in care ot tne iews a a hen .' egg which measures ' 7 inches in circumference and inches long ways,V and weighs over. , three 1 ounces vThe -egg was laid by a two-year: old Ply mouth Rock. Who can beat it? Mr. L. L. Dellinger, son of Mr. Lawson DelUnger, of Iron, and a brother of our townsman, Mr. Robert Dellinger. who has 'been in the West for- nine year's, re turned from San Franbsco, CaI.V I vu.uw uvui wau ft tauwivV Vi Sundayand took his people, by surprise as they were not look have bim back and will -try to keep him. ;r; - , . ! Mrs. Robt. A. Love, . of Gas tonia, spent a few days this week with M- J- Tbos , McLean. Mr. J. C. McBrayer, bf High Shoals, attended the Lincolnton QnmtAt Ko1l rram 1stimeA'iV alfr. noon, Mri Charley ; Moore, of faetnnia ores a T I'ncftlntnn trtci.' tor this week. "" " Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Shives, of Mt. Holly, accompanied by. two grand-children, are visiting their son, Mr.. W. K. bhives.. Mr. Shives is a Confederate Veteran, and talks interestingly of bis recent visit to. the Re-nnion ,' at Richmond,, ' At Seven. Pines recently, Mr.. Shives. dug into the grave of, a North Carolina soldier and secured the. remains of a sboea which he is keeping as . BVUVCUtt. Mrs, Locy Ford Dead, Mrs. Lucy Ford, .age 59. died Friday quite v suddenly from heart disease, at her- home, near Bethesda. ..Mrs.". Ford , is well known., throughout, the -county and her death is; deeply regret ed. She is survived by a brother. Mr. - Joe : Ford. and;, one sister. Mrs. j; Math . Armstrong. : also , by two daughters; Mesdames W. i A. Leeper and ; Murray: Stowe and one son Mr. Thomas Ford. The funeral services took place, ! at Bethesda - church . Saturday at noon, tne services being con-. ducted by Rev. G. A; Sparrow. - i ..I., ii in ,nff i j 1 1 1 in, 1 1 . ,p Meaday! Court. - f't'u 'As' usual ' there " is sbmethiog doing m court lines at tne city i hall. Henry Carpenter was the first offender before the Mayor i yesterday. Carpenter was charg- with drunkenuess and the Mayor i judged him guilty and asked him to contribute $2.50 to the school fund in addition to pay ing tne cost. Beverly Black, a young white man, was before Magistrate T. H. White on two charges for assaulting his wife. Black plead not guilty but ac knowledged hir. guilt by the questions he asked bis wife who was the principal witness against bim. Jtle was fined $15 and the MT. HOLLY K2WS.7 Correspondence ot The Oaietta, Mt, Holly, Aug. 16. Onr new physician, Dr. Robert Rhyne, has arrived and is stopping at the Central hotel. Dr.. Boyette will move to Charlotte in a Short time, and Dr. Rhyne will fill his place Jhere.--Almost ; everybody in town went to campmeeting at Kock Springs last Sunday, and report a very pleasant trip. The Jones brothers, who have -been so ill; are very much better. Mr. Edgar Jones is able to be on the porch.'Among those, who ar rived home this .week from Cleveland. Springs were Mr. and Mrs.. E. R. Cannon and children, , Mrs. 'James Archer, Miss i Ada i Dunn, Mr. and Mrs.; C. E. Hutchison a n d : children and Misses Helen and Mary Rhyne. In the party who left for j Jamestown last - Tuesday were Dr. and Mrs. Boyette., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Costner ana Mrs.. Roy Spratte. Miss Mary Henderson 'Alexander, of Baltimore, .has gone home after a - visit - here with her cousins, Misses Jean md Bean Henderson. Mrs. Ed Dunn and children are spending inis wcck wun rciauvcs ittuiw colnton. Mrs. Jerome Clemmer. of South Carolina, is visiting here the guest of Mr. R; -F. Rankin. Miss Madeline Mil ler, of Shelby, is with Mr. and Mrs. James Archer. Mrr Excell Rozzelle. has gone to Hunters- ville to visit relatives.-M is.es Mary Nims and Fan Spratt are here from Fort Mill, guests of Mrs. E. W. RAnkin,-Mrs. W. H. B. Lineberger is spending this week with friends in Dallas. Mrs. vSehornic who has been visiting relatives here, returned to her home-in Charlotte last Saturday. Mr J Rbbert" L. Ran kin and bride, of Gastcia.spent Sunday here with bomi folks. Mrs. June Kale, of Alb-"-; andMtsriVK;. s.-cl ; bury,-r v'-: r-" ' Mr. . right .We ire prepared to extend our customers every accornmoda- Uon and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have "'"''..' " - ' no account with us we invite you to open one. : ; v ; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT i r ' , - . - v . . ' We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : :-;.'; . . . . .... . - - R. P. Rankin, President lip 77".' !f I H "v ' " ii. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS Wc make a specialty of the Royal Wor cester Corset. It's the standard of quality ; as every woman knows. When you have a Royal Worcester you know you have the very ' best that skilful artisans can make In the shape ol a corset. Don't take any other. From $1.00 to $3.00. i ':: ;We have the Dowager Corset, made by the Royal Worcester Company, which ii for stout ladies. The'prlce Is $3.00. Don't forget the place. THE YEAGER MFG. CO. t GASTONIA, N. C. 'A' r i A ; WH I TE ENAMELED MANTELS We have in stock five WHITE ENAMELED MANTELS which we must dispose of at once. They are going to be sold at cost or if necessary at less than cost. If you are in need of mantels, it will be greatly to your advantage to call and see "us. LOiN'G., ' "i i. READ WHAT THIS O0CT02 SATS 'Wrfii:l--"S F0NTICELL0 ' C LITHIA WATER (Spring Chesterfield Counly, Va.) George H. Quay, M. D i Lecturer on Diseases of the Nose J and Throat; Cleveland Medical College (O.), says: "During the ' past year I have frequently used Fonticello Lithia Water in cases ' of litbaemia and non-elimination of uric acid, commonly called dyspeptic and bilious attacks always with . gratifying results. ; I can give no stronger proof of myxonfidence in the virtues of ... the water than to state that 1 use it on iny table." . - ' 'SOLD BY . WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY THINK A , . Don't yon kow that Gastonia- is growing rapidly) If not, get ont and look over the city and you will decide that she is making rapid strides in every direction. ; -; Yon most certainly know what a large increase in pop ulation will do for real estate values. : " " ' . Then get busy and invest in some nicely located prop erty which'we are offering at a very reasonable price, and watch' profits grow , . Gastonia' In:urnncb V.::1:-: A. G. Myers, Cashier. i i 4 -i ,, BROS. ifc-M-W MINUTE o !: o o o u t ( (