J - Try a Gazette t Won t A cl t They Drlni Results, ; " - TT. T , " . ; ' " ?- i" " V I - , ;..,- . .l . , The Pa per X Read by Gaston People Thofft All , 1 PUCLISIIED TWICE A WEEK TOESDAYS ANO FRIDAYS; vJ 'f-'H' f- ?'Vi.Kii,;J C. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Pr otectlon of Home and thej Interests of the Coanty;J.;f-n-5y.$i,'5tf;Year in Advance : ; tnlc Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. ,-r. lit ' j; '-...: NO. 8 wmmmmimmmmmm PEOFESSIONAL , 0AED3 - GAELAND & JONES Attorneys and .pouriselora ' - Orer Torrtnce-SfirrU-Company. Gastonia, N.-C :- , S.B.SPAItROW . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , : DALLAS, NrC.y - Offlca uptalrs orer Bank of Dallas JOHN 0. CARPfcNTER - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS," N; C.V" Office over Sank of Dallas. ; DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER,- cj p DR. D. E. IIcCONNELL, DENTIST GASTbNIA, N. 0. Offlca First Floor T., ItV C. A. BM'l ' , : - Phone 69. r DR. T. A. WILKIN S DENTIST . ; GASTONIA XO- i Office in Xdams Building Phone 111. S MBS. JOHN HALL TEACIlER 0F 7 PIANO AND ORGAN. DR. P. R. FALLS DENTIST , Gastonia, N. C. Ofcce Upstairs Boyce-Falla Building. . Phone 86. L Tor Referetic-ee tuning- list of Steinway PROF. J. M. MASSEY 0 Piano tnningr ' and Repairing specialty; satisfaction guaranteed -fSSlsi Caslonla, N. C. V. H. Overcarsh's School ol 'Piano and Voice. V ' - The method' I use- in teaching: - Piano and Vocal are . the same as used in the Northern and European conservatories, having studied with some of the best teachers among whom was the eminent pianist and teacher. Rafael Joseffv. - - ' KTondavs and Thursday in Gas- tonia, other days Charlotte, N. C. . Write for oamohlet S9clmo W. H. OVERCARSH ave you read the l"TRAITOR.,'l .Get it at the Gastonia Book store r . The Han of Money. soon discovers the advantage Of en - trusting his affairs to a trust company. It takes an immense burden off . his shoulders and.attends to every detail with intelligent fidelity. The f. Soothera SecDritiea. Trokt Co. acts as trustee, 'guardian, executor for the millionaire or the man of moderate means. Its services are at your Call for anxjiumberof purposes. . If you are contemplating any Step involving money affairs it would be wise to call and see if the trust com pany cannot help you considerably. WANTED ::3.C::j Flat -pieces to launder this week. Prices vright; work the best. . V. A .'. - n nEVSNOTESl State GencnJ More troops were sent ' Wednesday to the race riots on the Eastern coast of Virginia. It is thought the situs tion is now under control. " . . . Julius Teicn. a sillcnreaver of New Vork.shot and killed his bride of two months and then committed suicide in a fit of insane .jealousy tWednes ' HarveV A.'Cassidy. 'an actor well- known in the South during the : Past two seasons, has been missing : from his home in Philadelphia since last Thursday. - v; jl ; Rev. Mr. So well, of Camden J N J,, a brother of S. N. Sowell.of Rock Hill, fell from m street car lastSatnr day and sustained injuries which caused his death. . ,."." j , Six houses in the same section of I Asheville were entered bv burglars xncBuay diui idu m oniaucr vi wir cles of value taken. The police Tare mystineaana nave no ciue. - ? ' The ministers of Coffeyville, Kan sas, nave formed a union ana win charge a fixed price of five dollars for conducting funerals of ; persons not members ol their churcnes. j ThrIittle one vear-old daughter of' Mf.. and Mrs. J. W. Queen, of Boiling Springs, -was burned to death last .Wednesday1 in the fire which destroyed their,home. It is said that more thari1 2000 New Yorkers have sold ' their automobiles', reoresentimr an apgteeate' value ' of $15,000,000, during the finaicial panic of the lastlew weens , . i ; i Robert K. TSvlor. Salisbury agent for the Robert Portner Brewing Com- anv. has been found short 3io in is accounts.; and failing to make hnni?- hna hn sent tA Jail. , . --i , A Charter was granted Tuesday to the Ridgeview Cotton MiU of New ton, wun a capital ot iuu,wu autn orized and $21,000 subscribed by H. S,-5niith,' W. I SetzeranA otnersi Hugh A. Leonard, formerly agent of the Southern Railway at Salis bury, who got away with $1,320 of the railroads money last February, has been1 captured in a mine in Idaho. -A - paymaster - for 4 the ' '' Schatrm & Uhhnger Company Machine Shops in Philadelphia was held up near the snops weanesaay ana roboea or o, 000, which he tvss carrying in i satchel. , , t The contract for the plans for the new hospital to be erected at the corner of Church and Seventlr streets, Charlotte, has been awarded to P. P. Milburn & Co., architects, of Wash ington, d.. c..i-i s A party of distinguished European cotton manufacturers and dealers will make a tour of the cotton fields and mills of 'the Umtpd States ; in October, and will probably - visit Charlotte. . , State Senator I: Allen Holt.of OaZ Ridge, has announced himself as a candidate lor Congress .from tne fifth aistrict to succeed HonW. W, Kitchin. His only announced op ponent is Solictor A. I. Brooks; of Ureensboro. ' I? Ex-President Grover .Cleveland. who has been ill most of the summer at Iiis home in Princeton, N. J., has so far recovered as to be able ' to travel and will go to his summer borne this week. : - t f! Three registered mail sacks con taining about a quarter of a million dollars were stolen rrom aKurungton train between Denver and Oxford, Nebraska, last Sunday night; and no trace of the thief has yet been found. J. Allen Anderson, under sentence of life imprisonment for the murder of iThos. F Drake, escaped from the Anderson county,' South Carolina, jail Wednesday. A reward of $1000 is offered for his capture. -t f An electric car on the fourth floor of a car barn in New York suddenly came into contact with the current and ran through two brick- walls in to a six-story, tenement house,- but came to a stop before injuring anyone- . L: Coroner C. A. Separk has issued warrants for the arrest of Chief Dis" patcher B. P. Ketchum and Victor Parvin, of Durham, Conductor C. M. Oakley, of Greensboro, and Engineer W. W. Rippey, of Burlington on a charge of etoss netrliirence and care lessness which resulted in the death of two men in the wreck at, Auburn,' August 6th. nv';: !. Robert A. Pinkerton. head of the Pinkerton detective agency, died on shipboard last Monday, while on his way to England and Germany for his health. He was a son of William Pinkertonroriginal founder. ot the agency, and his death leaves the entire management, to his . brother, William Pinkerton, :V s-aj; ' - TheV Hope Jdflls - Manniacturing Company, operating, four cotton mills, 'at Hone Mills. ' Cumberland county, has pooled its holdings with the Abefoyle " Manufacturing - Co.. of Philadelphia . and Chester, - Pa Capital of the new company is $1, 600,000.. The capital of the Hope Mills company was S312.000.and $150. 000 preferred stock, . with a bonded debt oi $100,000. .. -.--; u : Frederick Dettmerinsr." a German 80 years of see who has -lived in Greensboro for many years, attemot- ed to commit suicide by hanging himself in an old mvevard is that city Wednesday. He Wss foand and cut down, however, by the sexton, m ume iu save nn we. uomesnc trouble growing out of his recent marriage and his children's objection to it the cause of his act. - ; CAM crTCAKXS. r : To all those whose . tvtnrjalliy and services were sokindly tend ered in the hour cf enr bereave ment, I cc::.i ti h'.::d cy s:cc:: j. r. . YORK AlTD Y0RKVILLE What'i Dote Amonf oar Nelh bori Jast Across the Line.' YofWQleEnqnlrtr. 20th. . t j ',;' ! ' - Miss Hazel Grist spent Sunday in xseinei wun relatives ' ana friends. Miss Josie Fewell, " o Rock Hill, is the truest of Misses Bessie i n d "Mary Williams. Mrs. O. E. Grist and children are spending a few. days at White Diamond Lithia springs. :Misses Mary and Delia Do well, "of Caro leen.' N. C. spent Monday as the. guests ot Mrs. H. C. ' Glenn Messrs. ' Walter Fanning, o Henrietta, N.x C, and : Leon Gaffney, of Gaffney, are guests of Mr. Glenn Allison. Dr. J, B Bowen spent Sunday at Morgan ton. N. C..:and on yesterday accompanied by' Mrs., Bowen, left for a visit of two weeks to New York and other cities north Messrs. Aldrich & Gravis, of Cleveland. Ohio, have installed mining machinery on a prospect between King's Creekr ano tne White Diamond Lithia springs and expect to do some extensive development work oq what they think is a first-class mine. 1 A hecro woman named Kelly Jackson died in the jail yester day morning of heart failure. She was committed during the morning at about 10 o'clock S for innacv. and was very , violent. She died in a. few hours. The physicians say her death was doe. to heart failure. There was no inquest; v. '.' The '. annual picnic at Gold Hill was held last Friday, near the residence of Represntative S. H. Epps. There were pres ent 800 or 1.000 people. Con gressman Finleyand Mr. Thos F. McDow were; the speakers. The day was spent pleasantly and was very much enjoyed by everybody, '?':( . p. . rj: ; Mr. John F. Oatea, Jr., son of Mr. : John F. Gates. Sr.; whose death occured on August 6, died at his home in Chester yester day j afternoon, f after a, pro tracted illness. His death was due to pulmonary trouble. The deceased was in -the -53d year of his age. For some years past be bad been engaged in the hotel ; business . with ' Messrs, Gresham & Jamison, the well known proprietors of. railroad eating houses. The deceased leaves . a mother, brother and three sisters. &n ;"!- V' ? Tbs4 was a rferious ' freight wreck on the southern railroad at Gikbore's creek, about three rriiles north of Chester, yester day morning. The engine and fifteen cars went off the ' track within about thirty feet of the trestle. Wells Blandon. a brake man jumped to - save himself. and was instantly killed , The fireman was seriously hurt, and two other men - were injured. The track was blocked all day yesterday as the result of the wreck; but trains are now run ning; again as usual. - Ltwn Party. ' Miss itelia iRhvne will enter tain a large number of her friends at a lawn, party at her home Friday-night. Falls'Jenklns. ' ' i ' Mr. Ji C Falls and Miss Ma mie Jenkins were married last night at 8 o'clock at the . home of M the bride's, brother, ; Mr. Arthur Jenkins, at the Lbray, Rev. J, . A, Hoyle performing the ceremony, ' , AR. P. Picnic v The sabbath School picnic of the Associate Reformed" Presby terian i church ' will be held; at All Healing Springs" .to-morrOw instead of Tuesday as first de- decided. ' The picnicers ' "will start from the church at 9 o'clock to-morrowTnorningv , t - Befonla Defeated. ... i i , ' , ,The Union baseball ttam w6U a victory over the Begonia team at Union Monday evening. The! score was 5 to 6 and ten. innings were necessary , to decide the game. ..The game was interest ing throughout, the pitching, of Riddle and the batting and .Base work of ' Horsley . deserving special mention. Batteries for Union were Riddle and Sparrow; for Begonia Meek and Brandon. Increast la EereBoo. in spite of the "decrease in taxes, the revenue this year for taxes will - exceed that of last year by $3,500 ior ' more. . , The total retnrned prpperty for tax. ation this year is. approximately $2,000,000 an increase of about $400,000 over the amount return ed last yeaf. The total revenue from - taxes - this- year will be close tcr $30,000, and the receipts from the water and lijht rentals t - r ---' p- 'if r-" CLEVELAND CULLINGS Hams ot Interest From in Ad- . jolnlnf Coonty. ; V Clwland Staf. 20th. -i '"" ' E." lV CamobelLrEsq..! 4 o King's Mountain, was a Shelby visur ruday. Mr. ana Mrs. C. F il unter. of : Cherry ville. wet : Sin 1 by visitors last week. Mr A. T. DelUnger. Cherry vilk tectriciaoi was in the city last week, Mr... and . Mrs, Jt H. Hurt have returned from. a visit to friends in Gaston county, Mr. D. H. Alexander, of Cherry ville, No. 2. - was a pleasant Star caller. Saturday. Miss , Iva Smith, of Rock Hill, is an at tractive. visitor .at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. ; h B. Murray. Judge J, L. WebO , returned Thursday from holding court in the counties of Moore and Nash. Miss Brvte Rudisill. j one o Kings Mountain's fair daughters, spent Thursday here the guest of Mrs. Will Harris. Mr. W. L Plonk, of Kings Mountain who is one of the valued members of the County Board of Education, was in Shelby Friday. . ' Mr. Stough; Wray. who has been spending the summer, here, leaves to-day for Mauder Ukla homa, - where he is engaged in cotton buying and ginning, Hon. E. Y. , Webb spent last week in Madison county, return iog by Newton, where he at tended the unveiling exercises of the monument to the Con federate -dead.-Tbe Cleveland Guards, or as . they are officially known. Company G. First Regi ment. Cant. Max Gardner com manding. arrived here Saturday night about 11 o'clock on their return from Morehead City and Jamestown. y-4 : i The following party from Shelby leave to-tay via the Sea board for Jamestown: Mr. and Mrs.' T. Paul Webb, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Mull, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Holland, Misses Elva Wray, Wray Snttle and Mr. Joe Wray. ! Miss Frances Suttle, of Asheville will join them; in Norfolk. - I , We note that Mr. ' J. A. Mc Callum. of Gibson, has made a fine profit from the culture of cantaloupes. He planted two acres of this delicious melon and has shipped 1300 crates, making a clear profit of $750.00. The season is not yet over and! he confidently expects to increase his bank deposit to $10UU as the net proceeds from the two acres. Trip to the Noon tains. Messrs. R. Lee Falls, C. M. Faires. J. E. Russell and A. K. Robinson returned" last Friday from a two-weeks' trip to? the mountains in a wagon. During this time they visited- Blowing Rock. Lynville Falls, Grand father Mountain and other points of interest. They struck no fruit until , they- got below Marion, where they found some peaches. A Lynville Falls they, report that there was a frost nearly two weeks ago. Funeral o! Mrs. Meacham. : The funeral services; of Mrs. J. B. ' Meacbam. of Pineville who died in St. Peters Hospital, Charlotte, ; Tuesday, morning, were conducted in the Main Street Methodist church Wed nesday afternoon by her pastor, Rev. C; i M. ; Pickens: of Pine- ville, . assisted by Rev. J. ; C. Galloway. The , remains were accompanied here from Char- otte by the husband and a num ber .'of relatives. The pair. bear. ers were Messrs. D. E. McCon nell, H. F. Glenn, A. M. Dixon, h. C. Pegram, S. S. Shu ford and W. Y. Warren The flotal offerings were profuse and. beam tiful and the jmouudL aboye the grave was covered with those so typical of th4ife just ended. ; . milyeonion. - . ""-l Thi rennion at the old home stead of the late' JaeoVHRhVrie; now occupied by.Mri WN. well, on August Zlst, was a jdeiightful occasion fahd ; was greatly ien- royed - by" air the -relatives Sand Friends - nrekentr "; The ' rnorriin? hours were made pleasant : with mtuir1 h'v ', Mralr tl.'. C'". Elmor. after which all marched to "the grove nearby, where dinner was served on tables prepared for the cccasion. " Mr. rHaynes , was on hand with hisamera and got :a good picture of ; the company. There were present 77 children. grandchildren and. great-grand-; children, as well as iu. or more friends and neighbors..; In the afternoon emlonade was served. Mr.,and Mrs. W. J- XrowelLi of Charlotte, and - Miss Brown,' of Columbia, were , visitors from a distance. ' - . .' ! r1 Sabscribe for the GASTONii ' CSIE&BYVILLi: GHAT. Terse News" Notes from Gaston's : Nbrthernmost Town.,, Cherrrvlllt Baxle. '. , ' ; : . Attorney' J. ,G. Carpenter jour neyed through our growing town Sunday. J.D.Neill,a successful citizen of Gastooia, spent a jfew days here , this . week r with j bis mother, Mrs. Fannie Neill. N. B. Kendrick, J. Bv Houser and Claude Harrelson, all representa tive citizens of Cherryville, were Dallas visitors . Saturday. Miss Mamie. Beam,' an attractive young lady -of, Groverr is ;the guest of her cousin. Miss Emma Beam, John K'ser. a prominent mill owner of Kings Mountain, was in town .yesterday. Miss Alice McCoy returned yesterday from a pleasant visit to Lincoln ton ohd other points east D. P. Rhodes and family, of Lin coln ton, visited old friends here Saturday and Sunday. R.i A. Counts and wife, of Bessemer, were interesting guests' in the city Sunday. Mrs. John Ken: drick, of Shelby, visited relatives here this and last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rudisill, Miss Julia . Rudisill and her .friend, Miss Mary McDougle, left yester day for Jamestown where they will spend the week in sight seev ing. Miss Belle Miller, a charm ing young ' lassie of Lincoln county, is the guest of the at tractive Miss Vida Mauney. this week.1.'. . , . Sidney Beam was in town Sun day on a visit to relatives. . . The Carpenter reunion and picnic will be held at the home of Noah Carpenter, Esq., hear Lander's Chapel on . Saturday before .the 2nd Sunday : in September. - This: is a yearly occasion, and, is always, looked forward to with great interest. Everybody is invited to take part and bring well filled baskets, The show has come and gone an dthe majority- of the people were very well pleased with it.' The manager of the show esti mated the crowd here :at 300O people. ; Wagon ,' and buggy loads were coming in the whole forenoon from every direction. The throng the largest crowd tnat ever assemoiea in unerry ville was fairly law-abiding and peaceable, only a few arrests be ing made. ; ' 4 The series of meetings in pro gress at Cherryville Baptist church. ; is being .. attended. : by large crowds and - much interest and enthusiasm is being 'mani tested. Rev. R. L. Pruett." of Charlotte: is a wonderful divine and is 'delivering masterful ser mons sermons that are both interesting, and helpful and doubtless will .remain in the hearts of his hearers for all time to come. Jie. is doing a great work and even larger, crowds should ' flock ' to , hear; him. Services in the afternoon begin at 4:30 and at night at 8:30. Everybody is cordially invited. . .; ' ' 1 1 i i nil . Hi Twenty few Llthts. As a result ' of the 'inspection made of the town this week by a committee ot the .aldermen, eighteen or twenty ' new arc lights will be added to the street lighting equipment; " The cost of lighting the streets when the new lights - are ? added will be approximately ' $3,700. ; ,;; Sent to tht Eosds.H :- - n Rethi'bhildersiof , the River Bend township, was on trial be fore Magistrate W. I. Stowe Wednesday on a charge of aban doning a crop ..belonging' to J. M. Skidmore. He was a crop per on the. larm oi Mr.. j. ;m Skidmore, who had. advanced Childers and his' mother about $40 in supplies and Cash. ' About July 1st Childers left, his: crop and went to Dallas to work in one of . the mills and later Came to Gastonia and worked inlhe Old Mill. His whereabouts "Was all this time unknown to Mr. Skidmore,1 who only succeeded Wednesday in locating Childers. Papers were issued by Magistrate A. P. H. Rhyne' at Dallas and Childers was arrested by Con stable J. M. Kendnck ! a n d brought before Magistrate Stowe for. triah The penalty for this offense is a fine of $50 or 30 days on the .rokds. .- The prosecutor. Mr. Skidmore. was - not inclined to be severe on Childers on ac count of ' his youth and for his mothers ' sake.' - and offered to withdraw the charge if the de fendant 'would give a cote - with good security lor the amount be bad advancedf but Cbilderr rr- used to accept this c . . ; and war sent? the cour Seoatoi iea ) wo call -a vho want to i !ency. We are prepared to extend our customers evtry accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant,' If you have -, . . .... .. i . - . -. . , i no account with us we invite SAVINGS i Wd pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : : : : ; R. P. Rankin, President ' ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS We make a specialty of the Royal Wor cester Corset. It's the standard of quality as every woman knows. When you have a Royal Worcester you know you have the very best that skilful artisans can make i.i the shape of a corset. Don't take any other. From $1.00 to $3.00. ! We have the Dowager Corset, made by the Royal Worcester Company, which is for stout ladles. The price Is $3.00. Don't forget the place. THE Y EAGER MFG. CO. GASTONIA, N. C. ' Subscribe for THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. ; 't Every summer you read of somebody's barn being struck by lightning, no insurance total loss. Here is the remedy Cortright Shingles are not only lightning-proof and storm-proof, but they are easy to put on, never need repairs, and last as long as the building itself. Adapted for residences, churches, schools or any other kind of building. Drop in and see samples, or send for 6-page book, "Rightly Roofed Buildings." LONG IN : Exclusive Agents tAD WHAT THIS F0NT1CELL0 LITHIA WATER (Spring Chesterfield Connly, Va.) iiiWUHam P.'Drewry.M. D.- Superintendent Central State Hospital, Petersburg, Va. : "I .have an abundant - proof of its . ' - therapeutic value in the treatment of various diseases, especially ( : those of a uric acid diathesis. - In indigestion and diseases of the ' ' bladder and kidneys 1 have prescribed it, with the most gratify ing results."-- m . -. . -v . SOLD BY , .'. ; ". (i J - iM :lh r WILLIAMS DRUft. COMPANY f THINK A tl t-vDon't you kow that Gastouia'is jtrowine rapidl7j' If notKCt cut and look over the city and you will decide that she is making rapid strides 'in every direction. c ... You most certainly know what a large increase in pop- ulation will do for real estate values.' . v - ":Ji ' ' -' ' Then pet busy and invest in some nicely located prop- "ch we are offering at Sts erow. tsen . uintbnia Insurance' E you to open one. DEPARTMENT A. G. Myers, . Cashier. Gastonia, N; C. DOCTOR SAYS ABOUT . MINUTE v V ft very reasonable' price, and BROS