, - 4. t Try a Gazette J t Want. Ad J They Brlnjl Resets . t 44t4.i.4.4.A...A44.i.ii.il The Paper . ... I . U ii 4 VI PUCUSIIED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. E. D.ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the. Protection of Home end the Interests of the County, $1.50 a .Year In Advance. Single Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII. GASTONIA, N. C, P RIDAY, SEPTEMBER O. 1007. NO. 72 PROFESSIONAL 0AED3 I LOCAL A.ND KSSCXAL . GARLAND & JONES ; Attorneys and Counselors ' Over Torrnc-MortU Company! . ' ' V Gastonia, N. C. s. p. sparrow""" ATTORNEY-AT-IiAW ; Dallas, n. o. Office' upstairs over .Sank of Dallas JOHN 0. CARPENTER y ATTORNEY-AT-LAW " DALLAS, N. C, . ' ' Office over Bank of Dallas..;" OR. P. A Pressly . V .." DENTIST , - CLOVER, - - ..S.C. Mr. E. G. Carson was a business j J . T - 11 vflp.J A . . . Visitor m tiowcii YcuncBuay. ; ,-K - , Dr. Jas. Hunter.' of Kinrt Moun tain, spent Wednesday in the city. Mr. D. M.; Jones returned Tues day night from a visit to his home at Abingdon, Va.t:V: ,cy . ; j Rev. L. T. Mann, of Waxhaw. was in town Tuesday andlWednesday, the guest of Rev. B. L. Bain.' , Mr. J. C. ' Campbell returned Monday night from a 6tay of several days at his home at fpneeton, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fennell have moved from ' Hickory to Gastonia THE COUNTY SCHOOLS. Aasplclons" Opening of - Lowell and Mayeswortn Schools Superintendent. Ball Attend- Inf Convention at Montreal '." Many Improvements In Build visits ssdi Equipment. 1';: u f Superintendent pf Education F. P. Hall left Tuesday afternoon to attend the association of coun ty superintendents which mef at Montreat at 10 o'clock Wednes day morning. In this associ ation Prof. Hall ranks very high. . lJ t cm . lauc house. . 7 1 He was selected last summer as -Mrs. J. C. Gallowav is expected home to-night from Mooreland. Ga., wnere sue nas been spending a month witn mends. Beard, proprietor of Jjouung works, naa arrangements to Yorkville, S. C. DR. D, EMIcCONNELL. - DENTIST GASTONIA, N. 0. . Office First Floor T.. M. C.JL BM'l Phone 69. ! DR. T. A. WILKINS .DENTIST GASTONIA N. CL Office in' Adams Building . . - Pbone 311 . - S.A. W0LIT DALLAS. N. C. TEACHER OP PIANO AND VIOLIN. Wednesdays and Saturdays in ' . Gastonia," N. C. . t DR. P. R. FALLS : DENTIST , . -' .s Gastonia; N. C. , Office Upstairs Boyce-Fails Building. Phone 86. : Por Reference aee tunina: listof Stelawar , , &Co. , . PROF. J. M. MASSEY . ( Piano -toning- and Repairing specialty; satisfaction guaranteed 7sm ' Gastonia, N. C. W. H. Overcarsh's School of - Piano and Voice. . The method I use in teaching Piano land Vocal - are ; the same as used in the Northern and European conservatories, having studied with some of the best . teachers amone whom was the eminent pianist and ; teacher. Rafael Joseffy. - Mondays and Thursday in Ga8 , tonia, other days Charlotte, N. C. Wnte for pamphlet S9clmo W, H. OVERCARSH , T Haveyou r read the "TRAIT0R'' 6et it at the T i j Gastonia' Book Store j -Mr. J. B. the Red Star abont- completed move his plant to PanXupidis at work, as a re sult of which there are some weddings' booked for the , coming winter. Watch out for the announcements. : '' ReV. J. J. Brown castor of the Presbyterian church at Fort Lawn. S. C, spent a few hours in the city ! Wednesday on his way to Charlotte. Mr. Puett Hoffman is- erecting a two etorv brick building adjoining the Hoffman house in Dallas. When completed he will move his store into it. . ".. . ;','.'; . . : ; Even if vou do not usuallv attend and enjoy concerts, attend the or phan children' concert. , You .will enjoy it and yon ' will, at ' the same time, be aiding a good work. i i Miss Nellie Roseman. who has been visiting Capt. J. Q. Holland ana oiner reianves, wem to ixweu Taesdav to visit relatives. She has been spending the summer with her brother at l4ncblnton.;;,:-' Miss Sallie Carson entertained on Tuesday evening at ner home near Linwood, in honor of her visiting friend. Miss MattiV Crate, of New Albany, Miss. The young people of the community - seemed to enjoy the occasion. a ., :.. -Mr. H. W. Shannon went to Cherryville Wednesday to attend the session of the Kings Mountain Presbytery, which was convened at that place. - Mr. Shannon is a stu dent of Theology at the Richmond Seminary and will 'leave in a few days to resume his studies.- -: ., Mr. John D. Lindsay has resigned his position with the City Grocery and is again connected with the Jno. F. Love, Inc., stores. Mr. Lind say was with the last named firm for nve or six years prior to two years ; ago.- He will be glad tosee his many i friends at his place of business. i --The Piedmont ' Telephone and Telegraph Company has been mak ing considerable improvement In the Bessemer service. A new office has been eqipped on the second floor of the new Robbins building, No e w fixtures have been added, making everything new and up-to-date., - It would be hard to find a purer, brighter, 'more attractive concert than that given by the children from the Oxford - Orphan Asylum each year. The program is varied and in teresting and the children do their part well. . To find a worthier cause man mat wntcn toe cmiaren repre sent is not easy. . ., . Miss Julia Galloway, after spend ing the summer here with her parents. Rey. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Galloway, has retnrned to Wrenn's, Ga., to resume her duties as first assistant : teacher in the Wrenn's High School. This is Miss Gallo way's Becondyear as a member of the faculty of this institution. -.:-, Mrs. II. D. Shelton and Miss Jessie Shelton left last Saturday for Hiddente to spend a few weeks at the Davis White" Sulphur Springs Hotel. ' Yesterday Mr. James D. Moore and Miss Mary Shelton left to Ioin them. Mr. MSore will go from liddenite to Raleigh to join Mrs. Moore, who 4s visiting her parents one of the committee to rec ommend a list of text books to the state, board, and this com mittee of experienced school men right from the field of action. CLORAT LOCALS; 1 CoirstMatUftc. of Th 0Mtt. v ; Loray, Sept 4. Mr. . Georre Hill, chief engineer of the Loray and Tucapau Mills; is taking in the sights at tbe Jamestown Ex position this week, Mr. tj. l. Chandler " spent Saturday and Sunday; with his father,- Mr. T, M. Chaudlcr, who was very sick at bis home at Greets, S. C. He reports his father improving. Mr. M. Mclntire will . go to Jamestown., next week. - Prof. George Gold, of Bessemer, led in the singing at the Loray Bap tist church Sunday evening. His daughter, Miss Maud, sang alto. Tne singing was pronounced ex ceptionally fine by those who were present.'-Mr. 'and Mrs. M. i L. Hull went down I to Lancaster did its work welL If theboardls Saturday, . returning Monday. seiecuonswcre unwise id some i a ucy - were un t oicasure inp instances, this is no reflection on that : committe, ; fot n several cases its -recommendation was disregarded. Gaston's superiu- endent is popular not only away from home, he is also ap preciated right here, especially a m o n g the. teachers of the of the ' c o n n tv. No greater harmony could exist than does exist between superintendent and teachers Superintendent Hall knows all tbe teachets and they know him. And no man in the county is a harder worker than tbe county superintendent of education.:. Por the past three ? ears he has labored' incessantl y n season and out. of season, summer and .winter; he has had no vacation. His labor has been especially hard this ; summer. During the; "month of August he did the woik that would ordi narily be done id two months. So many school bouses are being built this summer, tbe census work is on hand, and everything must be adjusted this season that comes up for adjustment during the year, No one would begrudge .Prof. Hall a vacation, and wetrust that he may find an opportunity of taking a few days off for recreation. ; The Dallas Graded school, under the , styperintendency of Prof. S. G. Lindsay, of Chapel Hill, will open its session7 next Monday the 9th. Prof. Lindsay is in Dallas -now making - every preparation necessary Tor the opening next week. He will be assisted in teaching by the fol lowing efficient 'force: t Miss Murill Bulwinkle, Miss Addie Randleman, - Miss Allie Mason and Miss Mabel Bulwinkle. Prof Lindsay says that another teacher will likely be employed a little later in the session. , The Belmont High School opens in about two weeks. The people of the town and com munity have bestired themselves and secured , the benefit of the high school funds provided for at tbe last general; assembly. Five teachers will be employed in the management of tbe school, at the head of which will be Mr. Frank Jackson, of Gastonia. The people of that community have acted wisely in making such ample provision for the instruction of the youth. No greater , monument of their energy andTTfcnterprise could be erected; this work will count for time. - Work on the school building will soon be completed. visiting relatives.-rMr. E.T. Harvell, formerly pi this place, but late of Hoskinl, has moved back and is fixing' looms here again. Mr. R. G. Short is tak ing a vacation this' week and is visiting at Caroleen.1 Mrs. J. C. McKinney and children returned from a trip of several week's and 1 I i in :ti .1 childhood claims and receives our I Rcnt an entirely different appear , Protecting the .Orphan r is'one of the offices of a trust . company. It acts as a guardian ; and safeguards the child's inter ests in every way. The ? little - one's estate is carefully and ably handled to its best interests. vTh . Southern Securities Trust Co. is prepared to undertake such a responsibility at any time. It also acts as trustee, executor or administrator. , .-' ; WANTB-D JC3,CC"5 Flat pieces to' launder h isteeekT Prices 'right ;'f work : the best. '- .. . .. .. . Steam Laandrj sympathy and support. Because the orphans', homes in North Carolina are performing a necessary and im portant setvice for tbe aelpless, homeless children of the State, they ne close to tne Hearts oi our people. Many people of North Carolina deem it a privilege to help maintain such institutions . and enlarge their use fulness They will give a concert in the opera house - here Monday night, Sept. 9th. - Mr. John F. Davis, the livervman. showed the reporter a few days ago a freak hen egg which was laid by one of his hens. - It is hardly half the size of the ordinary hen ere and is I rr1ii1nAa1 inatarl rf nvtif im bbA . in short it is about the size and shape of ones thumb. On one end is a character, which Mr. Davis says is a ngure 7. Tins, lie says, is indi cative of seven years . of plenty, which the Gazette hopes Is the proper interpratation. . - In the show window of the Wil liams . Furniture Company's store J " " . 0 - . . T " 1 . "1 J ' id uie viaie a - wiiaon oiuiaing there is on display a stalk of cotton which has been attracting much, at tention for the oast day or two. It is five feet and two inches in height, has thirty-two full-grown bolls, a large number of squares and a num ber of blooms.- It was taken from a cotton field on the farm of Craig & Wilson near townT It is a samole of the excellent Quality of the eottonJ grown on this farm. . . .. , .. Messrs. W. M. Baker and Coit M. Robinson, of Lowell, left Wed nesday for Davidson College to re sume their studies. The former is a member of the junior class this year and the latter of the sophomore class. In few weeks - Mr. Baker will deliver an oration, as all juniors are required to do, and be on that occasion will laud . the rapid and snDstantiai development of his native Gaston county. The- speaker will experience no lack of material, and this is a subject worthy of in- eririrx ertiusiasm." ' . ance. Stanley is also making im provements on her school facili ties, yet we are not thoroughly informed respecting the extent of these. ; : " The Lowell High school began" its session on Tuesday with an encouraging attendance. : Prof Howard Thompson, of Stanley, has charge of this school this year,' ' He, is ably assisted by Mrs. v Thompson, who teaches the- primary pupils, and 'Miss Annie Rntledge, of Mount Holly. Miss Rutledge has the intermedi ate department. Lowell has not yet secured the benefit of special taxation. - The school will probj ably be run as a private or sub scription scbool until Christmas when tbe public ., school will open, i, Prof.- Thompson is i a young man capable and ' ener getic, and we predict "fof him success in bis undertaking. . : The school at Mayesworth be gan Monday of this week with Miss Spillman, of Charlotte, as teacher. ' Miss ' Spillman - has taught formerly in Gaffney, V Chtrrch Notice. . ;' St. Michael's ChuVch. Mass at 11 A. M. every aectnd" and fourth Sunday and services every Sunday at 3 P. M. Rev. Father James, O. S. B., Pastor. ; ; Mrs. Mary Belle Duncan, wife of Rev. William Duncan, pastor of the First Associate- Reformed Presby terian church f Charlotte, died Sat' urday morning. She was a native of New Richmond, Ohio. , . ' , duration . visiting relatives friends at Asbury, S. C. . Mr. H. E- Moore rsold a pair of mules and a wagon to Mr. T. G. Sorrell yesterday. Mr. Sor rell and family have saved mon ey here and have bought a farm near Canton and will move to it in a few months. v There will be services in the new Franklin Avenue Methodist church next Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. V v There is" about two, thousand cords of wood on the yard here for the employes ' of the mill. This with the coal that will be used for fuel will; probably be enough to last through the win ter There is a large supply of stoker coal on hand also, in fact, about all the available space is filled up, so there will be'no coal lamtne tor some time to come and winter wiii receive a warm embrace when she comes. Mrs. O. C. Pearson is very sick at her home here to-day. Pocahontas Success. - Pocahontas, the latest perfume creation of Wnr. H. Brown and Bro. Co.,- has proven such a success - in Uastonia that tbe Frost Tbrrence Drug Co. re newed their contract for same when Mr. C. A. Birch, known throughout the south as.MThat little man with - the big house" was here yesterday. All who have not seen this odor should be sure to do so on their next yisit to Frost Torrence and Com pany. It Gaston's first Bale. V To Mr. J. D. Hall, of South Point township, belongs the honor of putting on the market the first bale of Gaston county cotton for this season. It . was bought by Mr. ' R. R. Kay for the McAden Mills, at ; McAden ville, Tuesday afternoon about 4 o'clock, the price paid being fifteen cents. It weighed 492 pounds and was classed as good middling. Mr. Hall's farm is near Belmont. On one or two previous occasions he' has claim ed the same distinction that he has this season. The second bale of the season was also pur chased by Mr. Ray, it being bou gh t Wed n esd ay from M r. P. S. Hendnx, also of South Point township, for fourteen cents. IV weighed 394 pounds and - was classed as good middling. In From California.: Mr. James F. Falls son of Mr. W. A. Falls, Sr., of Route. No. I, arrived from Los An geles, Cal., Wednesday morning for a visit to bis parents. - Mjv Falls left ; the county about eight years ago. ; For two or three years be was engaged in teaching in Texas, but- later he took a business course andUhas since been employed as a book keeper for a large business firm. Mr. Falls likes the West , very much, as is evidenced from', the fact that he has stayed away so long. His stay in, Carolina i will not, be as long 4 as his many friends - would c, desire, t :. When Mr.-Falls leftv borne- many, re garded him a veiy bashful, re served young man, yet-noted for his wisdom. His contact with tbe world has no doubt served a good purpose in cabling him to cast off much of this. youthful affection; for he went - away single and alone, and he returns with Mrs. Falls, a beautiful and clever lady whom he, in - his good judgment, has selected to meet with him life's "responsi bilities," life's ..trials' and en couragements. The .many friends of Mr. Falls tejoice in having him with bis bride visit bis old home again. . . ' v ' . BES0LUTI0WS. , Passed-by the Oaston County Rural Letter Carriers Assocla . f ion at Cherrrvllla Monday. .... . i ' - -' To the National Association of Rural Letter Carriers: We, tbe ' Rural Letter Carriers As sociation of" Gaston county, North Carolina, do . adopt the following resolutions: .Tbat the National Association of Rural Letter Carriers 4ake some action with the Post Office Department at . Washington, D. C, in regard to the form and style of mail boxes that are being used throughout the country. First, we believe that no box should be placed , on a route which opens on top, because, first, it is impossible to see into tbe box without getting at least a part of the body out of tbe vehicle, which is very disagree able in bad weather, also because we are more apt to overlook something deposited in the box for us to collect, from the fact that we can not see into all parts of the box under the above con ditions: Second, we further ask that there be some action taken in regard to the locks on boxes. We beleive that the present con ditions can be at least checked, if no more. We believe that the pad locks should be abolished. First from the fact that It takes both hands to handle the lock which causes us to drop our Hues and everything in our hands to handle same, which is liable to cause accident. Further, we find that in freezing weather the locks, being exposed, get full of water and freeze, which makes it impossible to lock and unlock, also causing considerable - delay in handling the mail. We , also find in case of the above named lock that it is always to unlock whether there is any mail to collect or not. We find that it is necessary for tne patron to keep his lock locked at all times from the fact it is not attached to the box. That is the only means he lias to keep those who are so inclined from carrying off his locki'fiWe believe that the Department should and will take steps to remedy: the above con ditions tf we can onee get them to see the reasonableness of our complaint. We believe some steps will be taken and tbe sooner the better for all concerned. Resolved, that a copy of the above be sent to the R. F, D. News. -4 J. W. Carroll, T. C, Smith, J Com. Oxford Orphans Coming. The Singing Class of the Ox ford Orphans Asylum will give one of their concerts in Dallas, in the auditorium of the Graded School building, Saturday night, September 7th, at 8 P. M. They will be in Gastonia and give a concert in the Opera House Monday night, September 9th, at 8 P, M. It is to be hoped that the people of Dallas and Gastonia will give them full houses and thus lend their sup port to tne good work wnicn is being done for unfortunate chil dren at Oxford. DOES THIS SUIT YOU? Frost Torrence & Co. the enternris- ing Druggists of Gastonia are having sued a large run . on "HUNUiru," tne new Nerve Ionic ana Restorer, and here it is so highly praised that they now offer to -guarantee it in every case to cure allforms of Kidney irouDies ana nervous uisoraers. r They pay for it if it does not give you entire satisfaction. ; If you use it. it Is ; their risk, not yours. A 50-cent box, Blue Lable Extra Strength. $1.00. will put life in a dead one. Sent by mall under positive guarantee. 3 Favorably Impressed. Mr.' Ed Little, who recently sold his furniture business here to the Rankin Fnrniture Com pany, returned Friday night from a two-weeks trip to Okla homa and the Indian Territory. He was most favorably im pressed and is thinking serious ly of locating about the first of the year in Tulsa, Indian Terri- tory. - i nis is a -giowing town oi about 12,000 in the; richest coal and oil region of the territory. He does not know what line of I business he will follow there. Mr. Little says wages are good and the necessities of life can be had much cheaper .than here. Corn sells for 25 ' cents per bushel and other products at just about half what they' bring in this part of Uncle Sam's domain. Mr. C. W. Boyd, of route No. 1, who accompanied - Mr. Xittle, has also returned and is serious ly considering moving to Okla homa or the Indian Territory. : Gastonia would" "regret to lose these gentlemen and thei families. v - : We are prepared to extend our customers every accotnmoda tiort and courtesy their business will warrant.' If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ' p ; We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. i ; R. P. Rankin,; President CITIZEtIS sMsWMIpPMaHpiBMHBMBMi tsMsinnMBtfBVflHBftnBVMHPH BANK A. G. Myers, Cashier. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS We make a specialty of the Royal Wor cester Corset. It's the standard of quality as every woman knows. When you have a Royal Worcester you know you have the very best that skilful artisans can mike In the shape of a corset. Don't take any other. From $1.00 to $3.00. We have the Dowager Corset, made by the Royal Worcester Company, which is for stout ladies, The price is $3.00. Don't forget the place. THEYEAGERMFG. CO. GASTONIA, N. C. RANGE QUALITY. "Of the making of many ranges there is no end. 'J There are all kinds of ranges good, bad and indif ferent and then there's the best. There's only one best and the way it's spelled is F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E. We have handled several makes of ranges but the onethat gives all-round satisfaction is the FAVORITE. Our personal guarantee of satisfaction goes with every one of these ranges we sell. If you have not a range already, yon are includ ng in your plans for the future the purchase of one. When you do iiuy you want the best, so come in and let us show you the Favorite and point out to you the superiorities it has over the other kinds. We shall take pleasure in showing you even if you are not ready to buy right now. LONG BROTHERS Stovea, Ranges, Tinware, Roofing.' Never Thought of Insuring Your Horse's Life, Did You? All good business men protect their buildings and stocks of goods with insurance. The same should apply to all who own good stock. Live stock insurance is also a great protection to tbe man buying stock on time, protect ing both himself and the seller. We represent the Southern Live Stock Insurance Co, of High Point, N. C, a company having a paid in capital of $50,000.00 managed by successful business men. - - V This company writes' two forms of policies, one grant- ing indemnity in case of death from any cause, the other from disease onlv. The rates are reasonaoie ana tne com- pany reliable. -. :; ' "'vr; r-'W-1 ' ' - ' ' This is a new line of insurance in this field and we have succeeded beyond our expectations in introducing it. - , . , IP INTERESTED. CALL OR WRITE. V - Gastonia Insurance . $ Really Co. ! Sabscrtbe for TUB GAZTITE.. The Gutt fer nrst-ciaas pcinUsx. LeeCIasow. . Mr. William Penn Lee and Miss Sallie Glasgow, both of the Trenton Mill, -were united in marriage at 7 o'clock Wednes day evening at the residence of Revf J. A. Hoyle,, who per formed the ceremony, -The Flint Manufacturing plact was pot-into operation tbe last of last week. The machinery r" i beautifully. Superintendent Wit! is one of the finest mill men ii county and his experience i i work will meao niuth t ) t The motive p-cr i furnished by ,the f:..'.' Conirac7-

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