Gas Gaze 4. t Try a Gazette -J Want Ad t They OrlnjJ Results T G N I A I! I v ' RbyCton People i U Ik ;1W J That's All $ PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. E. D. ATKINS, Editor Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. a Year In Arlvan r- f jyOL- XXVlll. '.,', " GA8TON1A, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, I9Q7. Nin r,f 1 THE UNIVERSITY OPENS. ' J PROFESSIONAL CARDS : COINO BACK TO TEE WEST.; : . GARLAND & JONES Attorneys and Counselors Over Torrenct-MorrU Company.' . Gastonia N. 0.. . 5 : S. B. SPARROW ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW' . . DALLAS, N. 0. - : Offlca upstairs over Bank of Dallas " MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO . AND ORGAN. JOHN 0. CARPENTER ; , ATTORNEY-AT-L"AW -DALLAS, N. C, ; Office over-Bank of Dallas. i DR. P. A Pressly SS- dentist ;r: .' ''"' CLOVER, - - - ;!( S. C. ' DR. D. E. McCONNELL, DENTIST GASTONIA, N. C. Office First Floor Y, M. C. A. BW Phone 69. DR. T. A. WILKINS DENTIST GASTONIA ,N. C. , . Office in Adams Building Phone 311 S. A. WOLFF . DALLAS, N. C. TEACHER OF PIANO AND VIOLIN. Wednesdays and Saturdays in Gastonia, N. C. DR. P. R. FALLS f:;S.. DENTIST - ' '. GASTONIA, N. C. Office Upstairs Boyce-Falls Building. Phone 86. Alter Visiting it 4 Their, Old is Lincoln County. Home. Messrs. .' - Bert nd Loots DelllnfsV Be tarn Texas and Nevada ;- Bather ; Remarkable V Colnci- .'; dence. j ,. .v '-;" . ' ' :" .n - Charlotte Observer, . " 1 Tea and twelve, years ago, re spectively, Messrs, Louis and Bert ; Dellinger, tons of , Mr. Lawson A. Dellinger, of Iron Station, Lincoln county, went West to try , their luck. " They have just been at home for a few weeks' visit and were in the citv last night en route to James town, which they will take in before returning' to their West em homes. '.! The latter l'ves at Miles, Texas, bejng a prominent man of his community. He was single when he left this : State, but fell a victim to the charms of a Texas lassie several years ago and is now the father of several children. His visit home this summer was' the first since he left his parental abode. Mr Louis Dellinger went farther West than bis 5'0unger brother and has rambled con siderably more, being still single. He has been up in British Columbia and Alaska, and en gaged in mining, besides wash ins dirt in about a : half-dozen of the United States. At pres ent" his abode is at Goldfield, Nevada, where he has mining property and deals in mining stock. He will accompany his brother to his Lone Star home and after spending some days there will return to Nevada by way of Sau Francisco, where he has business interests. Both young men like the West and have succeedad to a marked degree They say, however, that the advantages of the West are not as great as they were only a few years ago. All the best : government lands have been taken up. which was not the case but a few years back. Mr. Louis Dellinger says that he believes the South is begin ning to arouse itself to such an extent that it will soon offer more advantages to a young man starting out in life than the far famed western part of the con tinent. Somewhat of a CITY FATHERS MEET. Refular Meetin ol the Board ..7: Tuesday, Night Bequests for .' Street Improvements M r. Ratter Goes to Baltimore. : The board of aldermen met in regular session in the city ball Tuesday '. night ;.. for the trans action of town business. All the members were v present and Mayor Armstrong presided. The request made to the board by the J. M. Adams 5 & 10 cent show for a blanket tax rate for one week . during October was referred to a special committee, which means that the rate will not be granted, but the show will be allowed to come, here provided tbey pay the regular tax. Mr. J. S. Torrence ap peared , before the board and asked that Third street be extend ed several hundred yards in order to take in his property. He also requested that the town accept the new Columbus street which has just been opened up. The requests were referred to the street committee and a re port will be made at next meeting. Mr. J. L. Beal requested per mission to build a brick veneer residence on Airline street with in the fire limits. This request was also referred to a committee for a report at next meeting. - A request was also presented for a new street on Happy Hill, which was referred to the street com mittee. Mr. Harry Rutter superintend ent of public works was granted permission to go to Baltimore to inspect the new lighting plant of the Westinghouse Electric Company. Mr. Rutter goes at the expense of the Westing- bouse Company. The meeting adjourned to meet' again Thursday night 7.30 o'clock. tin! PROF.J.M.MASSEY Piano tuning and ' Repairing a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed phone 254 - Castonfa, N. C. DR. S. H. GRIFFITH. EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Specialist. Graduate University of .-Marylan'd Post-Graduate Baltimore Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital. Ex-private "pupil of the celebrated ' Oculist Dr.. Julian J. Chlsolm ol Baltimore. , Diseases of these special or . gans treated medicinally and surgically by latest and most approved methods. , Glasses fitted Accurately and Scientifically. Dr. Griffith will be at the Falls House in Gastonla on Wednesday, September 18th and thereafter on third Wednesday of each month for the purpose of practicing 'h i s specialty. Charges moderate. coincidence is connected with the visit of these . young men at tneir om nome. One came in on 'Sunday and the other the following day, neither knowing that tne otner was coming. At one point on ineir journey they were only an hour apatt, on difterent trains. Neither had seen the other since they parted-twelve years ago. Fire Alarm. The fire alarm went off early yesterday morning as a result ot a fire in the StarJSakery, wnicn was caused from a gas .stove. However, the fire was put out without any damage, before the firemen arrived. First Shipment. The Flint Manufacturing Com pany will make its first ship ment of yarns this week. All the machinery is now in opera tion. The product of this mill is yarn Nos. 40's and 50's. The Flint is Gastonia's newest cot ton manufactory and is starting with bright prospects for a most successful career. New Milliner. , Miss Ethel Hicks has been en gaged for the season as assistant milliner for the J no. t. L,ove, Inc.; stores. Miss Hicks has had eieht years experience in the millinery business and comes to Gastonia well reccom mended 5. .&mt Protecting the Orphan is one ot tbe offices of a trust company. It acts as aguardian and safeguards, the chiM's inter ests in every way. The little -one's estate is carefully and ably uauuicu iu us Desi lnierescs. . ."J.-:; jV-:.rrThe,..-Southern Securities Trust Co. is prepared to undertake such a responsibility at any time. It also acts as trustee, executor or aanunisiraior. l- The Gasette for flmtrclaae prtnOns. Business Changes. ; Mr. A. G. Ellison leaves Sat urday for Columbia, S. C, to ac cept a position with the South ern Cotton Oil Company. He will be relieved at the Gaston Loan & Trnst Company by Mr. u.,aiason Kooinson. mt, k.od insou will be relieved as book keeper at the City Gtocery- by Mr. D. V. Wiight. . r; 'Map ol Gastonia. Civil ' Engineer Summey C. Corn well has been surveying the various fctreets of town this week for the purpose ot making a map ot the' town of Gastonia Mr. Corn well is the town engi neer having been elected some time ago to survey the streets. Mn Cornwell several years ago made a map of Gaston county which is being extensively used throughout the county. Protracted Meeting. v . Rev. J. M Hoyle, the pastor, is conducting a most successful protracted meeting at the Loray Baptist church, : bavin? begun last Sunday night. The services will Continue through the com ing Sunday. Preaching services are held' at 3 p. m. and 8. p. m. daily. Already there have been" a number of professions. Pastor Hoyle will preach at Long Creek Baptist church - Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Had Two Wives. - a j. Ji. Arrowooa was tried in the mayor's court yesterday morning on a charge of bigamy . ana was senc 10 iaii to awaic a hearing before Judge Ferguson. Arrowood has been living in Gastonia for the past several weeks-with a woman he recently married: He acknowledged hav ing a wife at Mooresboro. Mr. Kendrick Alternate. ' a m mw -a. air. l nomas ss. Kenaxick re turned yesterday from Ander son, S. C, where hcjvcat to at tend the district meeting of the Improved Order Heptasophs The meeting was held in the Masonic Hall Tuesday night for the purpose of electing a deputy supreme archon and alternate for district No. 64 which includes South Carolina. There were a number of delegates in attend ance and Air. L,. iutman was elected district archon and Mr. T. N. Kendrick alternate. After the district meeting was held the Hampton Conclave of Anderson, entertained " the delegates to gether with a large number of visiting brothers with a banquet. ' LORAY LOCALS. . CorresDondenre of Tim Qasette. Lorav. N. C Sect. 11. -Mr Sid Hull, boss weaver of the Lancaster Mill, Lancaster, S. C, looked through the Loray, Mills Friday Mr Hull was on a visit to his brother. Mr. M. L. Hull. Mrs K C. Etters is visiting her jr thu Mrs.-Susan Miller, at JWi'ier this week. Llovi) Dunn, who has been as sist' t overseer of weaving here for several years, has resigned to accept a similar position with the Hoskins Mills, Charlotte. N. C. We are sorry to see LI05 d go but he is getting back near to his boyhood home, where he can r enjoy ; the - fellowship of home folks. We voiee the sentiment of a host of bis friends when we say we are sorry to see him go. Mr. E. T. Harrell has moved back among his old friends again. ' He comes bark from Charlotte, where he has been fixing looms, and takes similar position here. Work is progressing on the placing of the new boilers here. A force of hands have been busy on them for nearly three weeks It will -be some time vet. before they are ready for operation. Our chief engineer, Mr. Geo. Hill, has returned from his recent trip to Jamestown, where he took in the wonders of the great exposition. The new Franklin Avenue church was opened fo the public bunday evening. , Services were conducted by Rev. E. L- Bain, who preached a very appropriate sermon for the occasion. There will be services there again next Sunday evening at 3 o'clock, when the church will be orga nized. Rev. J. M. Downuin, the pastor will divide his time be tween the new church and West nd the remainder of this year. The Loray Presbyterian Church will be organized Sunday eve ning at 3 o'clock. Rev. A. S. Anderson has been very busy since he came here and has succeeded admirably in his 6rk. . There is a protracted meeting in progress in the new Baptist church this week. The pastor, Rev. J. A. Hoyle, is doing the preaching himself. Much in terest is being manifested and no doubt there will be many conversions and additions to the church. With three new and beautiful churches the morals of our town should be exemplary. E!ht Hundred Students Looked For This Year-New Library is Bein Occupied Oissectiof Hall and Infirmary Building Nearly Completed. Charlotte Observer. Chapel Hill, Sept 10. Tbe University of North Carolina opened its doors vesterday, and the campus is beginning again to assume its normal condition after its deserted aspect of the smnmer time. An unusually large number of-tudents are ex- pecten tnis vear, and it is con hdently predicted by some that before the year closes the regis tratiou will reach the 800 mark 1 t 1 in- new uorarv wnicn whs tnaae possiDie oy tne generous gift of Mr. Andrew Carneeie and by the loyalty of the alumni, has ')-' n completed an.l the book cav been moved from the oh Duiiding to tneir new quarters Uwmg, however, to the noo 'arrival ot some furniture tbe library will not be opened for few days. xhe new dissecting hall, to replace the one destroyed by fire in the latter part of June, is almost completed and will be ready in ample time so that the work of the medical school wil in no way be hindered. The infirmary building is fast nearing completion. The fur nishings have been ordered for some time, and the building will be ready soon for the reception of students. The proper cart of the sick, which heretofore has been an ever present problem in the old inadequate quarters, is now assured. The colleee Dhv sician will have his office in the building, and among tbe other new features are a kitchin and dining room, where sick students may secure food suited to their condition. There are now 70 national and 280 State, private and savings banks in North Carolina. . - - Begonia Victorious. The Begonia baseball team de feated the picked team of P. J. Lineberger on the , Begonia grounds Wednesday afternoon by a score of' 5 to 3. Meek and Brandon did the battery work for Begonia and Price and Line berger did the same for P. J.t's team. Meek struck out 9 men and allowed 6 hits, .while Price took in 14 men with only 5 hits against him. This was the last game of the season, the Begonia team having lostonly three games out of 12 played After the game, was over Mr. C. H. Parhani, manager of the Begonia team, entertained bis team and a large number of their opponents and fneuds with an ice cream supper which was greatly enjoy ed. .. - - ; Train Time. ' A Kansas editor since the ruling of the inter-State com mission cut off his pass, has dropped the time table from his paper and .prints tnis line: Trains are the smoke." due when you see The Omaha and' Texas Express train, on tbe Rock Island system, was raided Friday morninjr, near Mnrdock, Neb., by three masked men. 1 at roDDers went tnroujf n tne chair ear, robbing , every passenger therein, aecuring their pocketbookt and nurses, coverine the train crew with revolrers and escaped. - The Lawyer Had Sized His Pile. Phiadelphia Ledger. "What have you to offer to off set these charges?" asked the court severely. Not a thing, Judge," replied the prisoner, "not a thing unless you can get my lawyer to dmde. He seen me first." Georgia's Ooly Negro Legislator Resigns. Atlanta, Ga.. Sept. 10. W. H. Rodgers, of Mcintosh county, the only negro member of the Georgia Legislature, to-day re signed his seat in the General Assembly. He gave no reason for bis action but it is believed that tne passage ot the negro disfranchisement bill by tbe last Legislature influenced him. . Easy Victory. Lenoir News. 10th. The question of issuing $100,- 000 of 30-year bonds for the purpose of installing water works and sewerage and making street improvements was voted on yes terday and the election resulted r . a in an easy victory tor tne propo sition A very light vote was polled, owing to the fact that so many persons weredfsquajified by not having paid their poll taxes before May 1. V Our forms closed before the final count is made but the vote, for the propo sition is at least twice that registered against it. This is the grandest stride forward our town has ever taken-- and it is a cause of congratulation . that the sentiment was so unanimous in favor of the proposition. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WELL? Britrht's Disease, Diabetes, Rhea- inatism, Gout, Gravel, Dropsy, In flammation of the Bladder, Bad Blood and Nervous Troubles caused by Sick Kidneys. - Frost lorrence & uo. tne well- known Druffirists of Gastonia know by experience that liiwuiinj will cure an 'forms ot Kianey ana jvervoua Troubles, and will guarantee it in all cases.' Can t von afford to try it at their risk? It costs yon nothing if it don't do tne work. Sent by mall to any address, pre paid, on receipt of 50 cents. Six boxes, 52.50., , Under positive guar antee. '.-:!-:, ... .' ' - . . 5 John Eads, of Siloam, Surry conn-1 ty. was shot down and Killed by one of nu tenants. Nats an Don at nan, Saturday evening. . Eads had re monstrated with Donathan for let tin? his chickens run toose on the place damaging Eads truck patch CHERRYVILLE CHAT. Terse News Notes Irom Gaston's Northernmost Town. Cherryville Eaale. 11th. Mrs. Fannie Neill is visiting her son, J. C. Neill, at Gastonia this week.yMr. Darius Beam was in the city this week in the interest of The Gastonia Gazette and on a visit to home folks. Mr. M. L. Mauney, the popular cashier of the Cherryville Bank, was in L,incoluton yesterday. Miss Lyla Weaver, a charming young lady of Crouse, was in the city Monday shopping. Mrs Adahne Weaver, of Crouse, is visiting her son, S. B. Weaver, this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. B Leonhardt attended the Carpen ter reunion at Lander's Chapel last Saturday. Mr. Robert Van dyke, a good citizen of Kings Mountain, was in the city this week. Mr. Mirton Rudisill. teller of the First National Bank of Lincolnton, was among our visitors Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McGinnis and little daughter, of Kings Mountain, were visitors in the community last week. Mr. T. M. Hurt. who is now holding a lucrative position at Lincolnton, greeted his many friends here Sunday. Miss Lola Houser, who is taking a business course in stenography and typewriting at Charlotte, spent from Friday until Monday with her parents. Mr. J. L. Gates and Mrs. Liz zie Leonhardt were happily mar ried at the home of the bride just over, the line in Lincoln county Tuesday at 11 0 clock. Mr. William Hasting and Miss Victoria Costner, with their minds running in the same chan nel, hied away to South Carolina Sunday and were joined together in the holy bonds of wedlock by Esq. Mullinaxe., We extend heatty congratulations to this happy young couple. The Baptist congregation of Lincolnton has extended a call to Rev. S. W. Bennett, of Phoe bus, Va., to succeed Rev. Baylus Cade whose resignation takes effect November 1st. Mr. Ben nett is a North Carolinan and is highly recommended by some of the Lincolnton Baptists who know him. It is not known whether he will accept the call or not, but it is believed he will. WrVV. Ellineton. aged 54 waa found dead in nis room at ham Monday morning. Oliver Norden, of Fayetteville, 22 years old, committed suicide Sun day night by drinking laudanum. An Alamance county man 36 years old has entered school at Whit sett Institute along with; hi two boys, 10 and xi years 01 age. Mrs. Mary L. Rorschach, wife of a lieutenant in the United States navy, was muraerea in ner nome - at Portsmoutn, a., Tuesday morning by an unknown Durgiar. The two-cent railroad - rate . law passed by tne last - Pennsylvania lenslatnre has been declared un constitutional by the court of com mon pleas at Philadelphia. We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant, if you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : . R. P. Rankin, President CITIZENS BANK A. G. Myers, Casbier. tMi ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS We make a specialty of the Royal Wor cester Corset. It's the standard of quality as every woman knows. When you have a Royal Worcester you know you have the very best that skilful artisans can m ike In the shape of a corset. Don't take any other. From $1.00 to $3.00. We have the Dowager Corset, made by the Royal Worcester Company, which Is for stout ladies. The price Is $3.00. Don't forget the place. THE YEAGER MFG. CO. GASTONIA, N. C. WHITE ENAMELED MANTELS We have in stock five WHITE ENAMELED MANTELS which we must dispose of at once. They are going to be sold at cost or' if necessary at less than cost. If you are in need of mantels, it will be greatly to your advantage to call and see us. LONG BROS. FARMERS ATTENTION! 9 We are now ready to do your "ginning and will appreciate at least a part of your patronage We always pay highest prices for cotton seed. - OilOTill G o.ston la, N. C. - years. Dur-1 II (ORDEI? BLANK) T .... ---..190.. GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO. . - . Gastonia, N. C. GENTLEMEN: . Enclosed find $ -..-.for --copies of Tbe Gazette's Gaston County Industrial Edition. Please place my order on your books and deliver the copies to me when tbe paper is published' s ' V ': , r" - ' , - ; , - Signed . -.u If a regular subscriber put X mark here at

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