fMtlltlltlttlMUUU. 4. Try a Cszcltc 17(1 nt Ad 1 - Tl cy Crln Ilesults t ' UiUiUUitJI.Utt V(Q) 1 41 A; The Paper : f Read by Gaston People J J Thnra All 1 ' 2 . "'.'.-:. ,i ii'l 1 PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Devoted to' the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. i . D. ATKINS, Editor. $1,50 a Year In Advance. Ingle Copy 5c. GASTONIA, N.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1007. VOL. XXVIII. NO. 73 PROFESSIONAL CARD GARLAND & J0NE3 Attorneys and Counselors Over Torfencs-Morrls Compsoy. , Gastonia, N. 0., S.B.SPAKROW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. C. - Omc upstairs over Bsnk of. DaUa IIR3. JOHN HALL TEACnER OF PIANO .-N AND ORdA. " JOHN 0. CARPENTER f ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ; v dallas, n. c.,-; t Office over. Bank of Dallas.. t:0:dJLK A Pressly ; , . DENTIST ' s.c. DR. D. E. McCONNELL, " " DENTIST -GASTONIA, N,'C, ; Office Pint Floor T. M. C. A, BW'i - - Phone 69.; DR. T. A, WTLKINS dentist: ' , GASTONIA N. 0. OffictHn Adams Building ;Pbone'311- l ' S.A.W0LFF V. DALLAS. N. C . 7 : TEACHER. OF PIANOS AND VIOLIN, Wednesdays and Saturdays in Gastonia,N. C.' ; DR. P. R. FALLS I.!.,- DENTIST,. .r -" - Gastonia, N. C. ' 'Office Upstair .Boyce-Falls Building. . Phone 86.' ;For Reference-see tuning: Htof Stein wy , PROF. J. M. MASSEY Piano tunine and . Repairing a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed. RSis.' Gastonia, N. C. DR. S. H. GRIFFITH J EYE, EAR, NOSE and - THROAT , ,L Specialist. . Graduate University of . . - Maryland Post-Graduate. Baltimore Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital. : ' " . - Exprivate pupil of the celebrated - Oculist , Dr. Julian J. Chlsolm ot -.;'- Baltimore. ' . " ' i i . - - -.. -" . " 1 : : -i - .... . Diseases of thesespecial or gans treated medicinally, -and " surgically -by." latest and : "most approved- methods, ' " Glasses fitted Accurately and Scientifically. ' i : . Dr." Griffith will be at-th e Falls House in Gastonia on Wednesday, September 18th' and thereafter on third Wednesday. ; cf each month for the purpose Vof practicing: fa i s: specialty. Charges moderate. . 1 . .- 'I' Protecting the Orphan is oaeof the offices of a trust company. -Jx act as a guardian snd ?afeguards the child's inter- '.s la " every way. The little ' -ve's estate is carefully and ably ' r.i'ed to its best interests.-. The ..' .V ra rjccriliesTrnst Co. -c 1 to undertake .Inch " " ct any time. It : ?, cxccctcr or NEVSNOTES State d General . Roraey Story, captain of . the Carolina foot-ball team last year and one of the best known - ath lete in the South, died Saturday of typhoid fever, . ; ' ' WalterWellmanwbo attempt ed to reach' the North Pole in a balloon, has again failed to . ac complish his purpose, but ' will make another trial in 1908. "The Concorcf Wholesale Groc ery Company made an assign ment last week to to the South ern Loan and Trust Company; liabilities of $6,500 and - assets $4,000.; -V.-;. ,;;:iv The people of Oklahoma and Indian Territory are to-day vot tag on the adoption of a consti tution, which if accepted.", will admit the two territories into the Unibn as the State of Oklahoma. Fred Lipe, 17 years old, . who lived 15 miles . from . Salisbury, was killed Saturday. morning by being thrown violently from fractious horse that he was 'rid ing. 11. w. inompson, lormerly a stock broker at Spartanburg, S. C, was arrested near Greenville S. v C, Saturday night on charge of fraudulent use oft the U. S. mails. ' Tne Mecklenburg Progress - is the name of a new weekly paper published . at' - Davidson, the editors being tW. f B. r Gillespie and Dr. H. L. Smith. : . Collin Gillis, of . Asbeville, died in the surf at Atlantic City. N. J., Friday from heart failure He was a brother of the city editor of the Asheville Citizen, Donald Gillis.' " . On accouut of strikes in seve ral shops, more . than 70 fur manufacturers ' in i New York yesterday morning locked their doors; throwing 7000 men out of employment. ' ; Ji-F. Tbomassbn, special con stable for,' the Southern - Power Company at Great Falls, S. . C. was snot ana Kinea aasi , pnaay by Jeff Murphy, one of a party of negroes he was attempting to arrest. . . 'T Mrs. Minor Morris, ' who was ejected from the White House two yeats ago when she insisted upon seeing President Roosevelt, has become insane and is in a St. Louis hospital. Andrew Carnegie has not paid taxes on his New Yok property for three years, claiming the as sessment is too high. He has begun proceedings i n - the Supreme Court asking a reduc tion the assessment. Mrs, Carrie Myers, of Spring field, ; Mass., ' a ' professional aeronant, fell from a parachute 000 feet and - was dashed to death in view of 8000 people at Olean, J, Y., last Saturday. Pitcher Wilhelm. of the- Bir mingham Southern League team, has broken the record by pitching 59 innings without a run being scored against' him. r The monster steamship Lusi- tania arrived in New York har bor Friday ' morning, having made a trip from Queenstown in days, 1 hour and 23 - minutes. This was 6 hours and 29 min utes better than the trans-Atlantic record held by the Lucania, of be same line.7, . ; ' An excursion train on the Con- cordDivision of the Boston , and Maine railroad collided with - a freight train Sunday morning, killing-25 people and injuring a arge number of others. : The freight crew ? are supposed to nave misunaerstooa tneir oraers. The jury in. the case of Mrs. Ethel W. Blair, charged with the murder of her husband, C. W. Blair, a conductor on "the Columbia; Newberry and Lau rens railroad, brought in a ver diet Sunday convicting" her of manslaughter, with a recom mendation of mercy. Tne crime was committed last January.' x Dispatches of yesterday morn- ing stated tnat ex-rresiaent Cleveland was seriously ill at his home in Princeton, New Jersey, and that iis family have very slight hopes for his : recovery. While be may live for some time he is not expected to entirely recovrr Irom his illness. Train No? 10 on the Asheville nd Spartanburg division of the Southern was wrecked"' near Tryon last Wednesday night. The entire train -was derailed and the engine, tender, express nd t":e cars overturned. r!v; r - " ? :rz f'.'-btly SOCIAL. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Durant Shelton announce the appoach ing marriage of their daughter Jessie, to Mr Fletcher W. Fink October.tenth, nineteen hundred and seven, four thirty o CIOCK GastoniX N. C. Owing to the recent deaths in both families the marriage will be a quiet home affair, witnessed only by the relatives audi a. few intimate friends. 1 No in vitatious will b issued. '"'-.". :r; ' One of the prettiest a.ud most daintily appointed afternoon functions in Gastonia for some time was . ' an announcement party given Friday afternoon by Mrs. D.'A. Page and Miss Laura Page, at the former's "pretty home on North Marietta street for Miss Emma Page, the object of ; the occasion being Jo - an nounce the tiODroaching mar riage of the latter to Mr. Joseph Lee Rhodes, of -Montgomery Ala. . The nuptials will be cele brated November 12th. There was a little touch of . romance to the affair, the announcement be ing made exactly one year from the date on which Miss Page and Mr. Rhodes first met. -Assisting Mrs. D. A. Page and Miss Laura Page m receiving were; Mrs. J. A, "Page and , Mrs. C.: I. Loftin. .An interesting eame of -, progressive bunco" hearts was played in the parlor which was beautifully decorated with ferns and Pink roses, Fol lowing the: game; the . dining room doors jwere thrown open and the1" gtrssts were ushered in.. Here they enjoyed an eight course dinner. . The color scheme of decorations' in the dining room - was white and green, the colors ' of the U.SC club. of which the bride-to-be is a member. These decorations consisted of white and green hearts." Festoons, of white , and green hung from the ceiling to the corners ; of the table. The centre piece was a large green heart covered with t wane . roses and ferns. The, place cards .and favors were)t also i hearts on which were written, M Rhodes Page, Nov. 12, 1907.5 These bore two gilded rings interlink ed and to each ot ' these were fastened two little doves. Thue were a number of toasts, Mrs. J. A Page acting as toastmasfer. Miss Mamie Huss gave ;a t toast is behall ot the U. Ctub. The, bride-to-be responded vety graciously. Delicious frappe was served while the toasts were being given. The guests were:; Misses , ivmma i'age; Laura Page, Mamie Huss, Mary Gray. Sandifer, Susie Hoffman, Lottie . Blake, - Pearl Gallant, Ethl Gray, Mrs. J. A, Page and J. H. Moss Dead. Mr. J. H. Moss, aged thirty years, died fnd ay afternoon at 1,30 o'clock at bis home in Mci Arthur . Row from consumption after a lingering illness. Fu neraV services .were .conducted at the home Saturday ' afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. R. C. and A. S. "Anderson and the inter ment was -in Shiloh Cemetery. A wife and one child survive. Mr. Moss recently moved to the Mc Arthur Row from the, Lotay Mill. ' , -The Latest la Minstrelsy. ' The best singing heard ' wiih any minstrel : attraction, the latest novelties, ; - the : brightest music, the newest ideas in cos tumes ; and ; scenic features.' in fact an entirely new attraction throughout, new people, songs, stories, vt comedians, dancers and bea'dline vaudeville, features, everything reliable v and first--class,. every season with "J. " A. Coburn's s. . Greater Minstrels." Doalt miss them Wednesday night at the opera house, "; r ; . S1.G00 Accident Policy Free. Bv a singularly good streak of luck Mr. R. L. Swan, manager of : the Swan-Slater Company, the leading . clothiers ' of. Gas tonia, has secured 250 accident policies of $1,000 value, Jn the North American Accident" In surance, Company, of Chicago, and is making the unparallelled offer in Gastonia to give; one of these policies with every suit of clothes worth $10 . or upwards sold from hisstore as long as they last. The policies are good for twelve months-from the date of issuance. We predict that they will not last long for such an offer is not often made. Each policy is ' in a handsome leather card case which contains compartments for cards, bills and other papers. Mr. Swan is a most ' enterprising , merchant and if there is anything good goinz he is sure to get it for his c-rt? crs. LINCOLN LOCALS Organization of Lincoln Llthla Club Completed-Bsnkrurtcy .. Proceedings Bank President Of signs Personal Mention. Ltoooln Connty Kawt, 13th,- V.Mr. C. H. Shull was in Mount Holly Wtdnesday on business Miss Margaret Yoder is visiting Miss Lucy Hoover at her home in. tue , countiy, 'Miss jjessie ckhion, of Clover, b. t... was he guest of Miss Sue Lander this week.- Miss Sue. Lander left Tuesday for Due .West, where she will enter Erskiue College, Miss . Bertha Lackey, of Morganton, 'is visiting her parents, Mr. , and Mrs. J. M Lackey. Prof. B. P. Caldwell superintendent - of the' graded schools, returned Tuesday ,, a visit to his parents at 23 Jje West, S. C Dr. and Mrs. -R A. Yoder are spending severa days with relatiOs in Hickory. Mrs. R. C. G. Love, of Gas tonia, who has been tbe guest of Mrs. C. S. Little and Miss Flor ence Rhyne for several ; weeks. returned home Wednesday, Mr. Ambrose Costner has re signed from bis duties as Presi' dent of the County National Bank," and bis resignation was reluctantly accepted at the -reeu lar meeting of the Board of - Di rectors of the Bank September 2nd. At a calLmeeting of the Directors on the 9th inst. Mr. J. M. Rhodes was elected Presi' dent of the Bank to succeed Mr. Costner,:":'- ":cjX t'Z'X;- Mr. W. C. Ervin, of Morgan- ton, referee, held (.a. hearing here Tuesday in the bankruptcy case of F. P. Cauble in which the creditors all agreed to sale of the jewelry stock, bicycle and harness shop of Mr, Cauble. Mr, Cauble made . petition , for release which was taken under advertisement by the referee. The bicycle shop was sold Wed nesday to Mr. A. P. Setzer,' and the trustee; MrJ E. T. t Childs, was instructed to take bids for ten days on the harness shop. The jewelry stock will be . sold from the store at cosUUhe Sale beginning Saturday, the 14th. Every person interested in the welfare v and future growth of Lincolnton will be glad to know that the coinpleti ; metnberhip of the Lincoln Lithia. Club has en secured and its organization will be perfected immediately. A charter has beeu applied ; for and i prtliminary - meeting of tocjcholders will be held in a W days : Upon organization e club will take over the entire property of the Lincoln Lithia Water Couipauy and proceed to convett the place into a thor oughly modern and up-to date country club. Lincoln Lithia Club. Charlotte Chronicle. " The Lincolnton News- reports that the membership of the JJia coin Lithia Club has been com pleted. The club will be orga nized in a few days, when it will take over the entire property of the Lincoln Lithia, Water Com pany and proceed to convert the place into a thoroughly modern and up-to-date country club. This means," says The News, the gathering in Lincolnton, through various : seasons of the year, of the leading business and professional .men of the State, with their families, which will add much to the social life of the town." s From what The Chronicle has learned, the Lin coln Lithia Club will haye the most finely equipped social re- soit in the South. , , v DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Sick Aeadache, Malaria, Billiousness, Torpid Liver and Jaundice are quickly relieved and permanently cured by Father ; William's , Indfan Herb Tablets. They act directly on the Liver and Digestive organs, causing: . perfect assimilation and Digestion ot tne tood. . Cleanses ; tne Stomach. . Reeulates the Bowels. They are only 20 cents per box, and your money cheerfully refunded if not as we represent them. For sale only by Frost Torrence & Co. Gas- w Did you ever, see a man set bis watch by a railroad bul- etin board?" asked an Observant citizen of the reporter. "Well, saw that very, thing with my own eyes at the depot a few moments ago. Sauntering up to the board,' the man pulled out his watch'and remarked to two companions, iioys, i haven't set my watch in a long time. 'm going to get it right.' Act ing on his word, he turned his watch from 5.26 (which was very nearly correct) to 5.37, the hour for No. 12 to arrive as noted on s the bulletin - board. le replaced the watch in his pocket and . sauntered away. caving a dozen astonished by standers to gaze at-him. He was in earnest all the while. low does that strike yea for : McADENVILLE MATTERS. Correapondenca o( Th Oaiette. . McAdenville, N. C, Sept. 12 Wilkie Abernethy, of Alexis, N. C-, was a pleasant visitor - io town last Friday. J. M- Sloan, of South Point, was here .Satur day with a big load of very fine water melons. Mr, Sloan says he has marketed as many as 500 melons which weighed 55 lbs or over. -He has one iit'thc fijld uuripe that weighs 99 lbs. This is the largest North Carolina tn'lon we have heard -of this season.""-" Mr. . Sloan .. thinks , of sending it 'o Junestowu. Good for : little' Gaston Miss Jane Johnson has been sick, the past week j. but is well again Mrs J. B. Mary ' quite about Reid has been sick since Sunday but she too , is out agin Little Miss Olive Reid, . daughter o) Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rtid has been sick but is about well again. Miss Effie -.Mitchell, of Columbia. S. C, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Shields. Misses Pearl and Buna Pasour, of Gastonia, spent Saturday night and Sunday in town. They were guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Armstrong and F. Q. Brittain's. Their many friends were delighted to see them. They were reared here and only moved to Gastonia a few weeks ago. Miss Pearl Councill, ' of Keystone, W. Va., is visiting Miss Lottie Albea. They went to Charlotte yesterday to spend a few days, accompanied by Mr. Norman and Mr. Levi of that city, Dr. Taylor, after an ab sence of two weeks, is on our streets again. He reports a most delightful stay at James town and surrounding cities. Perhaps the most welcome visi tor of the week was the rather heavy rain of Tuesday and Wed nesday. Rev. J. : F. Armstong preached at Mayesworth Sunday afternoon,'1 The mill authorities there have furnished a good school house and chapel, for the purplfce of conducting a day school and religious services. Mr. Armstrong will preach for the Congregation again on the afternoon of the fifth bunday of this month. Mrs. S. EI Lowe and daughter Miss Ruth were shoppers in Gastonia, Tuesday. Mrs. J. F Armstrong visited in Gastonia Monday aud Tues day of this week. Mrs. J. B. eid. Miss Erne Mitchell and Mrs. Reid's little girls went to Gastonia this afternoon. Quincy Brittain, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Brittain, came in from Gastonia yesterday quite sick. EXPOSITION PIES DEDICATED. Mammoth Structure, Beatiiully Illuminated. Awakens the Applause of the Multitude -Pier Cost the United Statea $400,000. Associated Press. ttorfolki Va.. Sept. 14. Twenty thousand spectators witnessed the formal dedication and first general illumination to tiiaht nf , the oreat p-ovemment pier, erected by the United States at a cost of 5400,000. "The mammoth -structure ex tending over two thousand feet into Hampton Roads, shimmer- ing'in the rays of thousands of incandescent electric lights, aud built of pure white concrete, was picture that called for a de monstration ' from the; crowd. The Mexican: national band, tandinc beneath the ereat arch of the pier, and Phinneys band at the end of the Raleigh court, rendered national airs., ' E. E. Gavlord. in a brief speech, turned the structure over to United btates Engineer R. Wheeler, "representing the completed 1 work to President Tucker, representing the expose tion ; company. Mr. Tucker made a ...brief address, i The ational salute announced the opening of ' the hre works, the battle between the Wernmac and Monitor. . V , : ; ' ' . -. The parade by Coburn's Minstrels will be given to-mor row afternoon at 5 o'clock, in stead of at noon as advertised. ; November 13th is the, date or the next annual session of the Western North Carolina Conference of the M.E. Church, South, wbich-meets this year at Salisbury. This session will be of unusual interest by reasod of the fact that ' thirty or forty of the ministers have served, their four tears and will nave to be moved to other churches, . ac cording to the laws . of the church. 4Rev. E. L. Bain is serving his last year as pastor of . . . , r . 1 a:. . i L. Alain oirees oicioouisfc. cuuku here and there will be general regret that his pastorate will come to an end. -, . Tv e Ci:' f-r -5t-c!as rf!rt'rg. We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one, Y " .SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, " We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly, : t : - s CITIZOIS R. P, Rankin, President AaUuaaaUAMk 'A ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS . We make a specialty of the Royal Wor cester Corset. 1 15 the standard of quality as every woman knows. When you have a Royal Worcester you know you have the very best that skilful artisans can make in the shape of a corset. Don't take any other. From $1.00 to $300. : We have the Dowager Corset, made by the Royal Worcester Company, which Is for stout ladies. The price Is $3.00. Don't forget the place. THE YEAGER MFG. CO. GASTONIA, N. C. i '''- ' - ....... , A mrnsm Every summer you read of somebody's bam being struck by lightning, no insurance total loss. Here is the remcdy-rCortright Shingles are not only lightning-proof and storm-proof, but they are easy to put on, never ; need repairs, and last as long as the building itself. Adapted for residences, ' churches, schools or any other kind of building. Drop in and see samples, or send for 56-page book, " Rightly Roofed Buildings." - LONG Exclusive Agents ' v " 1 - v . - Ctoa Couoty Court Htje. The irand lory, in Its report Satardiy to Judge Ferfasca. rec mended that it be replaced, wlthoat delay, by a modern asJ c:r. yenraft strnctnre. v ; . ' " IN VACATION time, vrhile you are takintr a rest in the mountains or at the seshore, youjwant to keep posted on what's doing- at ' home. There's one safe way to o it have us send you The Oatettt; only 15 cents a mouth. Our phone number is 50. . , - tf rcriV- f :r T:- 0 A. G. Myers, Cashier. BROS. Gastonia, N. C ' . .'At- "4 WEDDINO invitation V.'e f VY furnish them, either i' on nice stock or efrav. reasonable prices . ar 1 f Gire us yonr order. C' lishing Company, tia; : . CCEIPT I'-xV. lit r. !s b'V ! ' r 5 rut Cos. 1