UMUUtUtMlUUU 4 : The Paper J t Read by Gaston People i -ThofsAII f X " " ' ; y : ; r I Try a Gazette Want Ad they QtlaH Results TE -. t 4. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. E. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. . Ingle Copy 5c. VOL. XXVI". GASTONIA, N. C FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, IQOT. NO. 70 Gaston Gazet a PROFESSIONAL CARDS . JSARLAND & JONES . Attorneys a.nd Counselors ; Over Torrence-Morrla Company?"'' - , Gastonia, N Or- " -" 1 ' ' ' s B. SPARROW . : ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . DALLAS, N.C." Office upstairs over Bank of Dallas JOIWQ. CARPENTER ; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS; N. C, :. -, Office over Bank of Dallas, NEWSNOTES State 4 General DR. D."!E. HcCONNELL, . , DENTIST .GASTONIA, N. C. Office First Floor T. M. C A. Bid's - -Phone 69.' :,. .- . DR. TA. WILKINS -DENTIST GASTONIA ,N. 0. Office in Adams Building 1 . , Phone 311 . DR. P. It. FALLS t; DENTIST - w Gastonia, N. C. Office Upstairs Boyce-Falls Building. Phone 86. 7 MRS. JOHN HALL . TEACHER OF PIANO . ANDjORGAN. ' DKT. A Pressly " . DENTIST , CLOVER, S. A. WOLFF ,;; DALLAS,N.C. ; TEACHER OF PIANO AND VIOUN. ; Wednesdays and Saturdays in Gastonia, N. C. For Reference see toning list of Stcinway 1 v PROF. J. M. MASSEY I Piano tuning: " and Repairing a . specialty; satisfaction guaranteed -B&Bm - Gastonia, N. C. : ; Protecting the Orphan ; A 'is one of the offices of a trust company. : It acts as a guardian - and safeguards the child's inter ; ests in- every way." The little 'One's estate is carefully and ably ,handled to its best interests. The . . Southern Securities Trust Co. is prepared to undertake such a responsibility at any time. It also acts as trustee,. executor or -.i administrator. - - The Eagls. ; According to Washington, Irving, the Delaware Indiana nad n -superstitious reverence for the eagle, believing that a guardian spirit In the form of this bird watched over them, hovering In the sky far out of sight When pleased with their actions, he sent abundant crops and made them have great sno .cess in bunting, but when displeased he would vent his rage in the thunder, which was his voice, and the lightning, which was the flashing of his eye. and strike dead the object of his displeas ure. They also believed fhat the feath ers of this bird would render the weaj er Invisible and Invulnerable. " " . '"' - 8ome Big Numbers. ' - If you fill a tiny vessel one centime . ter cube with hydrogen Corpuscle!, you can place therein. In round numbers, five hundred and twenty-five octillions i (525.000.000,000.000,000,000.000,000.000) of them. At least so Professor Bra shear said in an address delivered at - Lehigh university. If these corpuscles ; are allowed to run Qut of the vessel at the rate of 1,000 per second. It will re , quire seventeen qulntlllions (1T.00O,- 000,000,000,000,000) of years to empty It. ' - .: The explosion-of a 12 inch shell on the Japanese battleship Kasmma resulted in the death of ! forty of the crew on Seotember Judge, Alton B, Parker de livered tne principal address on Tuesday, which was constitution day at ahe Jamestown Exposi s Assistant Postmaster General Hitchcock has agreed to address the meeting of North Carolina postmasters at Raleigh October 15th and 16th. J Rear Admiral John G.Walker, oi me u nitea estates navy, re tired, died suddenly Sundy night at the Home of a friend at High Pasture, York Cuffs, Maine. ' James M. Barr, director-gen eral of the Jamestown Exposi tion, nas tenaered nis resigna tion to the board of directos. asking to be relieved of bis duties immediately. Argument: was heard before the Supreme court Tuesday on be case in which Judge Long, of Wake Superior court, fined the Southern Railway $30,000 for violation of the rate law. Mrs. Cassie Chadwick, who is serving a 10 year sentence in the Ohio penitentiary for wreck ing the Oberlin National Bank, has suffered a nervous collapse which caused total blindness. An .automobile running -60 miles an hour got beyond the control of the driver at Colorado Springs Tuesday and four of the seven passengers were dashed to death when the machine collided with a telephone pole; . .""SrCr lne supreme court nas con fanned tne sentence of Joshua Harnsoniot Currituck county. which was twenty years in prison for kidnapping and killing Ken neth Beasley, the 8-year-old, son of State Senator Beasley. .. Warrants were issued Wednes day for the arrest of fourteen men who are charged with fraud in connection with the Pennsyl vania capitol building All-gave bond, some , being required to rrvt tfirt nfin nrli - . ' . V, Returns from Tuesday's dec tion in Okhthoina indicate that the constitution was adopted by 3 to 1; that prohibition carried and the whole Democratic State ticket was elected by a good majority. - "' - Mr. J. H. AderhoIdTr-lf. New ton, "has returned from Quebec, He failed in his efforts to recover the body of his sou, who perish ed in the great bridge disaster. The body is wedged : among the wreckage in 180 feet ot water and cannot be recovered. Miss Carrie Wallace, and 18 year old daughter of J. B. Wai lace, living near Concord, fell from a. second story 'window Monday night while walking in her sleep and broke both arms just above the wrist. She had made preparation "to leave Tues day morning to enter Due West Female College. - Joshua Harrison,' whose sen tence rto 20 : years in prison for kidnapping the 9 year old son. of State Senator Beasley, of Currituck county, was recently confirmed by the Supreme Court committed "suicide in Norfolk Wednesday afternoon. T h e Norfolk police -had ; just been notified to arrest Harrison, who was out on $3000 bond, as a fugitive, from justice, but before they could get . access to his room at the Gladstone ; Hotel, he took his own life.. Charters were granted Wed nesday Jo , four new corpora tions: The Dunn Manufactur ing Company, of Gastonia, capi tal stock authorized $200,000, paid- in ' $50,000; - The Broad Shoals Manufacturing Company, of Taylorsville, capital stock authorized $100,000 with. $30,000 'aid in; . The Utility Manufac turing Company, of Goldsboro, to v manufacture and'- deal inJ lumber, capital stock authorized $200,000,paid in;50,000,Leicester Telephone Company, of Leices ter," capital stock authorized $5,000 with $500 subscribed. CHAIRMAN LECPES TELLS - v "ABOUT OASTON ROADS. What Has Been Done With $3C0,C00 Bond Issue The Bridilnf of the Catawba Not Popularin Many Parts of "the , County. , -; ' y ' Charlotte Chronicle. ' . v Mr. John Leej?cr, of the board of county commissioners of Gas ton county, was in the city to day on business, and while here be was asked for, an interview for The Chronicle about the' ex perience of his county in road building. . Mr. Leeper having given much time and study . to the subject, and. having also had a large amount of practical knowledge of the . work, was in a position to talk ; witn "certainty and plenty ot common sense about the efforts of Gaston coun ty to establish a system' of good roids. - v -There are in the county of Gas ton according to Mr. "Leeper, about 25 miles of macadamized roads, finished and in use, and an equal number' of miles of road already graded and ready for the macadam as soon as the road forces can get to that part of the county where the grading is completed. Gaston sometime ago voted an issue of $300,000 for good roads, but up to the present time she has had occasion to utilize only $100,000 of the anfount, the re mainder of $200,000 bonds not yet having been issued or sold. as tne county nas a per cent road tax Gaston has been able to take care- of one tbird part of the bond issue by using the road tax money fo take up the bonds, meet the in terest due, etc., so that the work of financing the road building in the county has as it were been made to work auto matically. The situation of course results from the general growth' and prosperity of the county where by there is a sufficiency If available tax money, each year to cover the cost of . taking, up bonds, paying interest, and leaving a balance last year of some $10,000. This is one of the best financed road-building undertakings that has ever been attempted, it is claimed by many people. BRIDGFS NOT. VERY POPULAR ftir. ieeper says mat there is not much to be expected from Gaston in the matter of bridging the Catawba, as far as he has 'been able to grasp, the situation It appears that there is a larire . .' section ot tne county wnicii is opposed to bridges, and their strength is sufficient to make any attempt along that line futile, it is believed, There are many people in the county who want to see one or two good bridges built across the Catawba between Mecklengurg and - Gas ton, but Mr. Leeper thinks there will be little accomplished in this line for some time yet. The county of Gaston is ex periencing a good deal of trou ble in getting rock for macada mizing, on account of the fact that the farmers do not think it worth while to haul rock at the price paid, although it is as high as that paid by other coun ties of the section. The work, nowever, nas not suttered seri ously on this account, enough macadam being available to keep the road forces pretty busy. The county is making great strides in all industrial commer cial Hues, however, and it is not improbable that Gaston will in a few years have an excellent system ot good roads running through the county like a net- woric, anoraing mgnways pass able at all times of the year with out inconvenience, and offering every facility for easy traveling1 WEDDING furnish . ' ? A SHoht Error. - ' ' A prominent surgeon, lecturing a class of students, said: . . ." "I was so excited at my first opera tion that 1 made a mistake.' r " "A Forions one,, sir r asked a'stov fie:.,' ... ' ' -. '-. ti-V t'J surgeon answered. 1 0' "'- t cT V 9 wnrj Iosr.w fan An invitations We can them, either printed on nice stock or, engraved, at rensonable prices od promptly. Give us your order. Gazette Pub lishing Company, Gastonia, N. C. tf Tb Oasette- for" first-elase printing: - iOOKKEEPERS and business men who have constant calculations to .make ran obtain jrood unruled scratch pads, ust the rijrht size for the purpose, at The Gazette office at 6, cents'the pound. ; - - ti. Charter Granted. ine secretary or btate on Wednesday issued a charter to the Dunn Manufacturing .Com pany of this city. The object of the corporation, as'fet forth in the charter, js to manufacture-yarns, cloths and all kinds of cotton fabrics. The au thorized capital is $200,000, with $50,000 subscribed. -The incor porators, with number of shares taken by each, is as' follows. "Shares being $100 each : C. B. Armstrong, 200 shares: C M. Dunn, 50; W. T. Rankin, 50; R. L. Swan, 50; R. P. Rankin, 20; G. A, Gray, 10;'S. S. Shu ford, 20; Long Bros., 20; A. G. Myers. 10; Eli Kendrick, 10; W. H. Adams, 10; M. T. Wil son, 10; E. L. Little, 20; S. N. Boyce, 5; J. Lee 'Robinson, 5; J. Lean Adams, 5; L. L. Jen kins, 5. Governor Glenn will deliver a temperance address in Salisbury on October 6th, TLOBADORA COTTON. , IT DeWltte Martin Sends Gazette Sample of Lonjf, Staple Cotton Orwwn Ibis Season Claims It v Can b'e Raised to Adraniale In " Gaston. " Mr D VVftte Martin, of route No 1, vkboin addition to being offi :al government crop reporter fot Gaston County, is something of a farmer himself, has been experimenting -Nrith Floradora long-staple cotton and sends The Gazette a sample of some he grew thjs season. . Accompany ing the sample, he writes The Gazette as follows: "Find enclosed a boll, of the now famous Floradora long staple upland prolific cotton. It can be demonstrated beyond the shadow of aNloubt that long staple cotton can be successfully produced on the sand hills of Gastofa county. Floradora cotton is a remark ably" vigorous grower and on good soil will reach a height of ten feet. It is not branchingjn habit, but throws out straight limbs loaded with cotton. Floradora is enormously prolific. The bolls are 5-locked and the staple is equal to Allen's. "This boll was picked lrom a 7- foot stalk and the fibre meas ures from one and half to 1 and M. iuches. U. S. measure. The lint is snow wbitei of fine silky texture, and can bed.stiuguished in the dark from the short by its silky and fluffy touch. It sells in Memphis, Charleston and Savannah at 20 to 30 cents the oound and in Gastonia at a couple oi cents higher than the regular market price. "The writer has been growing long staple successfully for the past three years. Last season a stalk of Floradora reached a height of nine feet and produced 586 bolls. The lint can be de linted on the common saw-gins in use in this county." To Study Dentistry. r Mr. Frank Anders will leave today for Baltimore, Md , where be will er.?r he dental l-.'partiTitnt f Hie Un:VfTMtv of Maryland to r.n rure lnm"lf for he dental pvofesMon Mr Anders lias hern for s tn e months with 'lie William Ding Company. He is son of Air. A. R. Auiiers. EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY. Frost Toirence & CoT, the reliable Druggists of Gastonia, are having calls for "Hindipo," the new Nerve Tonic and Vitalizer. Cures Nervous -Debility, Insomnia, Restores Lost Vitality, that tliey are semnpr unaer a positive guarantee. Its merits are becoming the talk of the town and everybody, wants to try it, and why not? It costs noth ing if it don t do you good not one cent. Thev don't want vour money if it .does not benefit you, and will cheer fully refund the. money. 1 ry it to day. 1 Colporteur Chosen. At a meeting of the Gaston County Pastoral Association of the Evangelical Lutheran chureh Tuesday Mr. Henry Von Ohsen of Orangeburg S. C, was chosen colporteur for Gaston and Lin coln counties, which this as sociation covers. He will alsaj probably work in other adjacent territory under the direction ot another pastoral association. Mr. Von Ohsen will confine his work strictly to the Lutheran congregation in his territory. The next meeting of the associ ation will be held at Dallas No vember 4th. DALLAS DOTS. (Crowded out of last issue.) CorresDondonc ot The Gazette Dallas, Sept. 16. The gTaded school openecTlast Monday with an enrollment ot J.OJ me nrst day, an. increase of more than 50 on tne enrollment oi me nrst day last year. The prospects for a prosperous and a profitable school year are very encourag ing. ; -.- :. - Misses Olive Scoter and Em- raa L,ee carpenter, ot; tiaram, have come to Dallas to take ad vantage of the graded school. They are both rooming , in the graded school - building. Miss Louise Mason, of Lowell, is vis iting" her--ancle, Mr. O. ,F. Ma son. Mr. L. M. Hoffman re turned Friday from a yisit to rel atives and. friends in Arkansas and Missouri. v .'... Electric lights have recently been put in the Holy Commun ion Lutneran cnurcn. r n e arge chandelier in the center of the church is the gift of Mr. Ralph O. Fordham, a member of the congregation. - ROYAL ABCU MASONS. Chapter Meeting Tuesday Alter noon Banquet at The Tails . House at NUht -Three Candi dates Initiated. There was a meeting of the Chapter of the. Royal Arch Misons at the Masonic Hall Tuesday aftcrnoun at 5 o'clock. There were several visitine com panions from Charlotte. Lincoln ton Chester and Bessemer City. A banquet was served at the Fall House about 9 P. M., after which work was resumed and continued iulo the wee small hours. This chapter of Royal Arch Masons opens under mott prouiis ing conditions. It has petitions from 34 Master Masons for mem bership at this time, who are among the best citizenship of the county, and many more to fallow as soon as they cau be re ceived. -Mr. Alexander B. Andrews, Jr., of Raleigh, is Most Excellent Grand High Priest of North Carolina. The officers of this chapter, who were installed Tuesday, are as follows: Excel lent High Priest, R. B. Babing ton; king, S. N. Boyce; scribe, J. O. White; captain of the host, A. G. Myers; principal sojour ner, W. W. Glenn; Royal Arch captain, E. G. McLurd; masters of the vails, A. A. McLean, W. N. Davis, and A. M. Dixon; treasurer, R. L. Swan; secretary, W. Y. Warren; 'sentinel, James E. Falls. Three bouncing, bucking pil grims were led through the hot sand of the desert and over their perilous journey safely to. their Mecc? Tuesday night. The visiting Masons were: Dr. F. M. Winchester, R. L. Kees lerandH. M. Day, Charlotte; W. T. Beamguard. F. E. Clin ton, Thos. Tf B. Williams, Clover, S. C; D. A. Garrison, S. J. Durham, Bessemer City. New Baptist Parsonage. Work was commenced this week on the removal of the house now-standing on the cor ner of South Stteet and Frank lin Avenue to make room for the handsome new parsonage which Mrs J. D. Moore is to erect for the First Baptist church. The old building has been sold to Mr. E. L: Little and he is moving it to his lot on Oakland Avenue. As soon as this is doue, work will immediately be commenced on the new parsonage, which is to be a two-story building of 8 or 10 rooms, in modern style and elegant finish, and will be erect ed for the church at the cost of Mrs. J. D. Moore. We are prepared to extend our customers every accomnto3a tion and courtesy their business will warrant If, you v hav no account with us we invite you to open one. : v ; ; ; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits at the rate of 1e and compound the interest quarterly. : : : . R. P. Rankin, President CITIZENS IAUK A. G. Myers, Cashier. t BE ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS We make a specialty of the Royal Wor cester Corset. It's the standard of quality as every woman knows. When you have a Royal Worcester you know you have the very best that skilful artisans can make in the shape o! a corset. Don't take any other. From $1.00 to $3.00. We have the Dowager Corset,, made the Royal Worcester Company, which is stout ladies. The price is $3.00. Don't forget the place. by for THEYEAGERMFG. CO. GASTONIA, N. C. An Injustice. Mr. Robert Hare says The Gazette did him an injustice in Tuesday's paper by the state ment that he was discharged by the management of the Loray Mill. He says that he walked drtyoluntairly and did not in tended return. He says that he understood, after he had left, that the mill management would not take him back; should he desire to return- to work. The statement in Tuesday's paper was made on good authority and was printed merely as an item of news without any thought or intention of doing an injustice to anyone. In justice to Mr. Hare, The Gazette gladly gives his version of the case. Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Puri ler Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, car buncles, eatinff sores, scrofula, ec zemas-itching:, risings and bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin diseases, take Botanic Blood Balm fB. B. B.4. Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Drujr- Kists or by express f I per large bot tle, three bottles for $2.50 or b bottles for $5.00. Samples free by witing Blood Balm Co., Alanta, Ga. B.B. B. is esDecialltf advised for chronic, deeo-seated cases, as it cures after all else fails. - F J18-8. Every summer you read of somebody's barn being struck by lightnings no insurance total loss. Here is the remedy-Cortright Shingles are not only lightning-proof and storm-proof, but they are easy to put on, never need repairs, and last as long as the building itself. Adapted for residences, churches, schools or any other kind of building. Drop in and see samples, or send for 56-page book, "Rightly Roofed Buildings." LONG BROS. Exclusive Agents GastonIarN. C. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS I will be in the following places on the dates named for the purpose of receiving your taxes for' the current year: f . Thos. R. Patton, of Philadel- phia, who died recently,' left j over, a 'million dollars to the j Pennsvlvanin Grand Lodge of Masons for the erection and maintenance of an orphanage. Library Hours Chanted. The directors of the Gastonia Library. Association announce that the hours for keeping the library open will be in the future as follows: From 10 a; tn. till 12 coon ani from 3 to 7 p. m. These hours prevailed un til a few months ago when a new set of hours was made as an ex periment For the past few months the library bas been open from 9 to 11 a. m., 3 to 5 p. m., and from 7 to 9 p. 'tn. Careful records have been kept and it is found that the hours originally set and which are now reinstated were the most convenient Jor the largest number of people, hence the action of the board. 'The Quell for flrst-cUss. printing; Gastonia Lowell McAdenviile Belmont Mt. Holly Stanley CherryvIIIe Diiling Mill Bessemer City Dallas September October it 25 26. 27; 30; 2t 3 ' 5 7 T. E. Shuford, Sheriff. CATS' WHISKERS. Thcca Sensitive Oroane Ara a Ralte of . Jung!e Days. . It Is perhaps not generally known that a cat's power of discernment, es pecially 'at nltfbt, U due almost as much to his wnu&ers as to his eyes. To any one who goes to a menagerie and looks at the slant cats of the for estthe lion and his like the purpose of these ribrissae, as science names fhe hairs that project from the muzsle and 'from above the eyes. Is evident enough. , -They, are delicate organs of touch. "wonderful mechanisms of - warning. Each one grows from a follicle, -or gland, nerved to exquisite sensibility. Its slightest contact with any obstacle Is distinctly f:t ly the animal, .though the hair Itself la tongh and Insensible. Tbo!e exaggerated whiskers on the mnule often project to each sit! of the animal so far that from point to point tbey stretch to Just the width of his body. 1 Imagine. n-w, a Iloa stealing through a jnns at n'.sht tracking his prey, where tlie stir of a twig gives alarm. , Ills long hairs Indicate through the nicest nerves any oliject that may be in his velvet itii. ' A touch stops him short before pushing through some close thicket where the rustling leaves and boughs would tell aloud his presence,-. Wherever his bead may, be thrust i without a warning from ibe vibrissas there bis body fflay j am noiselessly, and It Is their aid. la con junction with the f ft cushions of bis feet, that enable him to travel as si lently as the snV. -Scrap Book. ' 1. " ' Hew Did an Kiewf 'Totf vs been making love to om ether girl."" - - "How do yon knowT "Because you've Improved so." V.'i. A good cotwcl .! I b-rm: One bell. Cermsa lvrh a I Subscribe tr T'.."' t The CMtt t-t f '