4.4. 4.44. 4. 44,44.444 j. "77 VTT Tlif Pnnrp t I Read by Gaston Peopb ThntSAH f PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS L. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance.' Ingle Copy 3c. VOL. XXVIII. G A8TONI Ai N. C, HRI O A Y, SEPTEMBER 27. I907, NO. 70 ... - 4 i 4-1 i.A4-A4- i. 4. 4 J. Try a Gazette X Want A cl t They Urln Results lASTOMi 4,4. 4-.. 4. .i 1 - PROFESSIONAL CARDS GARLAND & JONES Attorneys' and Counselors Over Torrence-MorrU Cotnp.ny. Gastonia, N. 0. , S. B. SPARROW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - " DALLAS, N; ': Office upstairs' over. .Bank ot Pallar JOHN 0. CARPENTER t ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' DALLAS, N. C, V Office over Bank 'of Dal&sV; . DR. D. E. McCONNELJv GASTONIA, N. G.' Office rat Floor T. M. C.' aJ Bltf - Phone G9. DH. T. A. WILKINS' ; - DENTIST - . .-GASTONIA ,N, C. ; r : OiEce in Adams Building - .'. Phone 311 - MRS. JOHN HALL . TEACHER, OF ' PIANO f ' AND ORGAN. DR. P. A Pressly. , ! ; ;v DKNTJST CLOVER. - S. C. : ;.,s.a;wolff "'. DALLAS, N. C. TEACHER OF PIANO ; ..ANDVIOLIN. r , Wednesdays and Saturdays in J Gastonia, N. C. . r For Reference ee tuning list of Steittway : V PROF; J. MASSEY . Piano taninsr ' and Repairing - a specialty; satisfaction jruaranteea &2i Castonfa, N. C." tit? Protecting the Orphan is one of the offices of a trust company. It acts as a guardian . and safeguards the child's inter . ests in every way,. The little one's estate is carefully and ably handled to its best interests. : The Southern Securities 6 Trust Co. is prepared to undertake such ; a responsibility at any time. It also acts as trustee, executor or administrator.- -..',' . LEGAL CLANKS Mortgage Deeds Warranty Deeds , North Carolina Chattel Mortgages South Carolina . Chattel Mortgages Agricultural Lfens -Quit Claim Deeds Also ; Rural - Route ' Envelopes GAZETTE PUBLISlilM CO. Gastonia, "- " - - It C. (In the tin honse oa Main St ! V7I rCDDINO fnyitatiotis We can furnish themreitber printed cn nice stock or engraved, at rssonable prices v and promptly. . i ve us rotvr- order. , Gazette Pnb lushinjf Company, Gastonia, N, C tf , , - RKCEIPt Boots 10 cents; blank note books IS cents at Gazette rrVM-.insrCe's:: . tf.. . OL : Stamps, made while yon k v t et the Gazette Publishing C)".. die-line utamp, 20 cents; 2 1. . 25 certs; 3-line. 30 cents. '. t v-::v:: i n1 the Gazette to ' r -l r i at - !!cjre? r '. l 1. :-.:e It v t NEWS NOTES State General Rowan county's tax ' books show an increase ot yz.wu.vw over last ye&tiip taxable property. , v -Saturday a boiler at Laprade's saw tumTlear Pittsboro exploded, Iniur injt five people, two of them fatally. Sunday Roy Cline, aged 10, of concord,- lost tnree lingers ty tne explosion ol a dynamite cap witn wnicn ne was experimenting. Dr. St. Clair McKelway, editor of the Brooklyn (N. V.) Eagle, will be the principal speaker at the celebra tion of University Day at Chapel Hill uctooer ma. r , i ; , The Republican State Convention of Nebraska, iu session at Lincoln. Neb , Tuesday, endorsed-Secretary of War -Taft for the presidential nomination.. - .,x -; ;., Anna T. Jeanes, the philanthropic Quakeress who gave $l,00j,000 last April for the education of the. ne groes in toe south, died Tuesday in Philadelphia, aged as years. Clinton, Sampson county, is to have a cotton mill. A company has been organized to build a 5, WO spin' die factory, - the capital being $125, 000. ,V'i-:-; X; ' Rrr--: R.', H. Parker ' ntred fiS. ' for many years a member of the West ern North Carolina- Conference of the souiuern - wemoaisi cnurcu, died Monday at Asheville. lie was a native of Dinwiddle .county, Va. VValfpr fiihsnttT. bralcrman All tTip Danville & Western Railway, was killed Tuesday at Spray, by being . . i , . i sirucic oy a lauiug vox oi ma chinery which be was helping to un load from the express car. . C. T. Willis,"aTiwhite man living at Walnut Cove, was struck on the bead by a baseball Saturday, sus- Tj; : t t. : i u . Laming injuries iiuui wuitu juc uicu within a few hours., lie was a spec tator .at a game. ".;-. , After an absence of 71 years,-Wit liam and Smiley Pbarr. aged 71" and 84 years respectively, are on a visit to Cabarrus county where they , were born.;; They made the trip front Ca barrus county to Indiana with their parents in la. . ... ,:-. f In his address at ..the opening of the New York University Wednes day, Chancellor. II. VV. McCracken of that institution.bitterly , criticised the government for its extravagance, citing the Jamestown Exposition as an example. . . - The Flint r inil Baptist church. York county. S. C, has instituted suit aeamst the Southern Bell Tele phone & Telegraph Co. for damages to the extent ot .uuo tor aueaea damage to their property by cutting down a large number of trees. Construction work on the South & WesteroTlailway is being considera-J bly cut. A number ot contractors have had their contracts reduced about half. The . tight money mar ket is said to be responsible for this move on the part of the builders. President Venable of the Universi ty announces that another examina tidn for scholars in North Carolina under the bequest of Cecil Rhodes will be held about the middle of Jan uary. These scholarships are worth $1,500 and are tenable for three years at Oxford University, Eng-. land, as provided by Mr. Rhodes in his will. "V . : Mr. Albert Myers, of Thomasville, was seriously and perhaps fatally stabbed ; Monday night by Grover Proctor, who made his escape Proctor vwas attempting to elope with Myers' daughter, whom he had known only week. The father in terfered and was stabbed. . The couole left the wounded man mug in the yard and made good their elopement. Efforts are being made to apprehend them. - NOTICE. The J.- D. Moore Chapter children of the Confederacy will meet at the home of Miss Clara Armstrong Saturday . afternoon, Sept: 28tb, at four o'clock. t Jennie Pegram. r r Secretary. Refused to Grtfif Pardon. . A.dispatch from Raleigh to The Charlotte Observer of yes terday says that .Governor Glenn declines .to jrant a pardon to ohn : Sorines, who - wds : con victed in Lincoln " county ol manslaughter and sentenced to serve two years on the Gaston county cbainganp;.' There was no new. testimony and , no re commendation from the judge or clemency. Meeting o! Montreaf Commitfee. Charlotte Chronicle, Wednesday. ... - ( : Th'e managinjif committee of be Montreat Association met at he Selwyfi Hotel last night and discussed plans for the enlarge ment of tbe work already begun at that popular, mountain resort. t is tbe purpose of the commit tee to be prepared to entertain ,000 or 6,000 people next sea son.. The following; named at tended the meeting; Messrs. C. E- Grahrn. of Greenville, S. C: . D. Murphy,, of Asheville; J, K h o v e, of Gastonia ; - JV R. Yonng. of Raleigh ; Dr. -Henry Louts bmitb, XI Davidson; C. C. Lord; of Montreat; A. C. Miller. of Shelby, and Rev. George H. Atkinson; of Monroe..-. ' - Snbfcribe for tie Gastonia LINCOLN LOCALS. New Law Firm-Petition ; Union StatloaSerloas for Ac cident BeflljYoun ManAt tempt at Suicide Denied Vis itors Coming and Going. Lincoln County News. 24th. r : Mrs. J.. A. Abernethy spent Friday in Shelby. C. R. Hoey! Esq., of bnelby, was jn lin colnton - yester3ay.Miss Min nie Cofitner, of Gastonia, is the guest of Misr Adah Costuer. W. IV. Motz and E. H.: Kudisil wete in Cherrvville Thursday on business. Miss Josephine Mul len .came home from Belmont Sunday and returned to schoo Monday Miss Ethel Rudisill of Henry, left the 13th for. Rock Hill. S. C. where r be will at tend Winthrop College. Dr. J L " Beam. of Crouse, was brought to the Lincoln Hospita Sunday afternoon suffering with a case of fever. Mrs. J. S. Hall man abd children, - of , Iron Station, visited her -sister,. Mrs. C, F. Abernethy, Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. R. S. Reinhardt, E. W. Keener, C. E. Childs, E. O. Jennings and P, D. Hinson kft Sunday afternoon for Raleigh, where they . appear before the corooration commission Mon day in the matter of a Union station for Lincolnton. : Tom Kistler, son of Mr. -Jim Kistlet, of Route 1, . was quite seriously hurt a few days ago be in? caught in the belt of a saw mill at Marion. N. C. One legV was broken, an ankle torn loose Ironi the tendons, and a gash six inches long sustained on one side, besides various bruises While very badly nurt it is thought young Kistler will re cover. ' , . " Mrs. and Mrs. J, R. Van Ness, and'Mr. J. H. Van Ness came ud from Charlotte Sunday and took lunch at the Lincoln Lithia Club. The trip was made in Mr. Van Ness' large touring car, coming-by way of Gastonu and returning via Stanley Cteek The party was delighted with the appearance of the club grounds and promised to uike freduent visits.. v - Mr. Ernest Mauney called at the News office a few days ph and made the statement that the repott which appeared in the Concord Tribune of bept. ath to the effect that he had at tempted to take his own life was a misstatement of fact. Mr Mauney says he was meielv playing with a revolver which he did not know was loanv'd and the- pistol was accidentallV discharged. In-as-much as this paper copied : the . I nbune's article we cheerfully give Mr. Manncy's side of, the question Mr. . Waller N. Keener an bounces, in the columns of this issue, the formation of a partner ship between himself and : Mr. W. C. Feimster, of Newton, for the practice of law. Mr. Keener is one of our brightest and most popular young at torneys, and his connection with Mr. Feimster, who is One of the leading lawyers of. New ton, makes a strong law firm which The News is glad to wel come into our community. , . , Mr. James "TI. Thompson, formerly of Basking Ridge, N J., but who has been making Lincolnton bis borne for the past two years, died Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. M. A. Doty. He was a brother of Mr. Li E. Thompson and an uncle of Mrs; M. A. Richardson, , , tn J mt. - ana was in nis uora year. ane uneral was conducted by Rev. D. T, Johnson at 3 o'clock Sat urday afternoon Interment was made in. the Episcopal grave yard. GASTON COUNTY CLU3. UDiversify Organization Has Twenty Members This Year , Gaston Well ; Represented - in All Departments The Officers. Correspondence of Th Oaaette. ; ; Chapel Hill, Sept. 23. At the first meeting of t h e Gaston County Clubveld in the Y. M. C.-A. building of the University of North Carolina, on Septem ber 23d, the. following officers were elected for the- ensuing year; '': v' "V - President, Will Hunter. . Vice President, Will Wetzell. Secretary and Treasurer, : R. G. Rankin. J ; . Corresponding" Secretary, J. S. Boyce. - - ' -. , . The club expects to have a banket here in a short time and another : during the Christmas holidays at Gastonia. . Gaston county is well repre sented in every department of the University this year. . Fire at Newbern Tuesday night destroyed the f hingle and barrel fac tory of W. B. Ellis, entailing a loss ofj;o,ooo. . ' STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Organization ol the Dunn Mann . lactaring Company Completed. bireclors and v Officers Chosen. ' " ' The firpt regular meeting k of the s'ock'o'ders of Gastot);i's latest t-tii;nrise; the jDunn Man- utacniriii joinrany,"' was miu in the offices of the Citizens Nati inal Bank Tuesday after noon. The : paid up : capital stock was increased from $50,000 to $100,000. - The following di rectors were elected : C. . M Dunn, W T. Rankjn, R. L Swan, A. G. Myers, C. B. Arm strong. ..'..i.,irv!;.', ;hps. v ; .A meeting of the directors was immediately called and the fol lowing officers : cbos-n: Presi dent and treasurer, Cv B. Arm strong; vice-president, VV. : T. Rankin; secretary, . S,N S. Shu ford; -superintendent, C.Mr Dunn.'. - t';''i; kf'V- ' ' The work of laving 'i brick on the building will oegid on Octo ber 1st and the directors hope'to have the building 'Completed and machinery, installed and ready for operation , by June, 1908. - Date Changed. Tbe protracted meeting at the First Baptist church will begin on Monday, October 7ih, instead of Monday October 14th, as formerly aunomiced, and will be conducted by Rev. Dr. II. H. Hulten, of Charlotte. Withers-Hewilt. Mr. Watdll Withers and Miss Anna Hewitt were married last nieht at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hewitt at Maiden, N. C. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. J. A. Hoy le, of Gas tonia. DOES THIS SUIT Y0U7 Frost Torrence & Co. the enterpris ing Druggists of Gastonia areihaving such a faree run on "HINDIPO." the new Nerve Tonic and Restorer, and here it is so highly praised that they now offer to guarantee it in every case to cure all forma of Kidney Disorders. Thev nav for it if it does not give yon entire satisfaction. ' . it you use ny it is inwr tikk, noi yours. A w-ceut dox, uiue i,auie Extra Slrecsth. $1.00. will nut life in a dead one. Sent by mail under positive guarantee. j Died Suddenly. Mr. Culeman Childers, aged 55 vears, an operative at the tlsstonia Manufacturing Com paTiv'i mill, died suddenly es teiday morning. Mr. Ganders. had gope to the mill as usual and, apparently in good health, began his work for the day. Shortly afterwards he became violently ill and was removed to bis. home where he died within au hour. The remains were taken to Mountain Island to-day for interment. Deceased is survived by a widow and sev eral children. He was a native of Lincoln conunty, having been born and raised near Den ver. He came to Gastonia several years ago.. Mr. Childers was held in high esteem by all who knew him and his sudden death is a source of sorrow to many relatives and friends. EAT WHAT YOU WANT. Science Has Now Found the True Way to Cure Indigestion. A fptv vpnr flcn. when a - suf ferer from indigestion went to a stomach specialist, the result was a rigid diet list that almost meant starvation. But the first thin? to do in the case of indigestion, or stomach weakness is to strengthen the muscular walls of the stomach and intestines, so that they will care for the food that is eaten. In no mother wav - can this be done fts- well as by taking a Mi-o-na tablet before each meal This restores strength to the stomach muscles and stimulates the pouring out of gastric juices, sn that the food is digested readily and its, nourishment re tained in the system to build up energy and vitality. " '. Da not think tbe sick head ache. heartburn.' bad taste s In the mouth, coated tongue, spots before the eyes, sleeplessness and the m an v other svmotoms that are tbe direct result of in gestion, will go away of them selves. The stomach must be built up and strengthened " by Mi-o-na before vou can- be . well and strong, free from suffering and distress. -! " The PTtaractee that J. II. Ken nedy St Co.. eive with every 50- cent box of Mi-o-na,' to refund the money unless-' the remedy cures, shows their confidence in the treatment. - S2704 the proud parents of a baby girl. CLEVELAND CULLINGr3 Items of Interest From an Ad , joining County. Cleveland Star."24tl. y , V' . " Mr Julins Elliott visited in Oistoiiia last week. Mr: Walter DiUing, of King's Mountain, was in the city Saturday. Mrs. J, A . Abernethv, of Lincolnton, is a welcome guest at the home of Maj. M. F. Hull.-Mr. T J, Riifur, of Cleveland Mills, was a Shelby visitor Saturday. M s . Anibie Haynes, of Cherry Vl'ltf, is : spending- sevVral davs at ih U ''ti- of Mr. J. R O borne Miss Jessie Kerr left last wet k for Gaffuty, where she will . .spend several wet-ks visiting relatives Mrs. James Archer, of Mt Holly, is visiting Mrs. William Archer and other friends in the city. Judge Jas L. Webb returned Friday from holding court in Richmond county. Mrs. J. L. Wtbb re turned Saturday from a visit to relatives and friends in Athens and Atlanta. After spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs T. K. Barnett, Mrs. T. A. Wilkins has returned to. her home-in Gastonia. She was accompanied by Mrs. Bar nett. Miss Gladys Wray left Sunday for Kings Mountain, where she joined . a party of friends, to visit the Jamestown Exposition. Dr. J. W- Wood, a prominent physician of Bo. ling Springs, spent Friday in the city Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wil born and Miss Margaret Cald well, of Kings Creek, spent Saturday here with friends. Editor W. H. Miller, who is making a decided success in the editorship and management of the Rutherfordtou Sun, was in town Friday and Saturday. Miss Mamie Cabamss has re turned from Montreat where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ramseur. She is now visiting Capt. and Mrs. J. Frank Roberts. Mr. R.B. Babington. the en terprising young manager of the Piedmont Telephone and ieie graph Co.,.' came up Tuesday from Gastonia to inspect the local plant. As usual he. found everything in good shape under the able management of local manager, w. U. bpaice. Rev". John H. Hall, presiding elder of the Elizabeth City Dis trict, who is visiting relatives here preached a magnificent sermon Sunday morning in the Methodist church. He is easilv one of the foremost .ministers of the North Carolina Conference and is greatly beloved wherever known. Mr. W. S. Lee and Attorney Lucas of the Southern Power Co., were prominent Shelby vis itors Friday. They are leading representatives of the big elec tric power company which has for one of its objective points the town of .Shelby for the trans mission of power. All negotia tions looking to the building of the line from Cherryvtlle to this point have been practically com pleted and the line will be in operation within the next two months. This will be otvast as sistance to Shelby's varied man ufacturing and industrial enter prises and its , advent will be heartily welcomed. NOTICE. St. Mai k's Episcopal church, Rev. W, H. Hardin, rector Services rst, third and fourth Sundays t 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. i Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. every Sunday. A cordial wel come is extended to all to at tend. Goes Fort Mill One Better. J The ; Yorkville Enquire of Tuesday contains a communica tion from Mr. T. D. Faulkner, of Fort Mill, S. C , in which he tells of a giant poplar ; which ht.'tnds on the property of Capt. Samuel E. White, near that place. He says that, two and a half feet from the ground, it is eighteen . feet in circumference and that five feet from the ground it is 15 feet and three inches in circumference. Dr. L. N. Glenn tells The Gazette of a poplar tree which stood,-up to a few vears ago - when . it was bnrned, - on the farm of Capt. George Pajtnck, in the -lower part of the county which, he says, measured 27 feet in circum ference at the base. He also re? calls another poplar tree "that stood on the farm of Mr Wil liam J Wilson, also in the lower part of the county, which meas ured something over 20 feet in circumference at the " base, the exact figure having escaped his memory. Can York beat this? President Roosevelt ended his va cation at his Oyster Bay home Wed nesday and returned- to Washiog- 3. ' We are prepared to extend our customertevery accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. ; : (. : ' : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT , We pay iuterest on savings deposits at the rate of 4 and compound the interest quarterly. : : : I ; CITIZENS MM BANK R. P. Rankin, President f NEW DRESS GOODS Our buyer bas been to the Northern markets and there purchased a line of the newest, nobbiest and most attrac tive things in the dress goods and trimmings lines. Shipments of these are arriving daily and are being opened up and placed on our counters for your inspection. We Have The Plaids and the newest things in the Herringbone Stripes, the most Ipopular thing in dress goods this season. We have the lat , ter in 52-inch widths, all colors, at $1.50 the yard. If your winter wardrobe comes from Yeager's it's the latest and best. THEYEAGERMFG. CO. Retail Department GASTONIA, N. C. RANGE QUALITY. -1 1 : -. "Of the making of many ranges there is no end." There are all kinds of ranges good, bad and indif ,ferent and then there's the best. , There's only one best and the way jt's spelled is F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E. We have handled several makes of ranges but the one that gives all-round satisfaction is the FAVORITE. Our personal guarantee of satisfaction goes with every one of these ranges we sell.". ".'.'V If you have not a range already, yon are includ ng in your plans for the future the purchase of one. When you do buy you want the best, so come in and let us show you the Favorite and point out to you the superiorities it has over the other kinds. . We shall take pleasure in showing you even if you are not ready to buy right now. LONG BROTHERS Stoves, Range. Tinware, Roofing. - , NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS : I will be In the following places on the dates named for the purpose of receiving your taxes for the current year: s . ' '- Gastonia , - - - September 25 Lowell , - McAdenvlIle Belmont Mt. Holly - -Stanley Chcrryville - Dllllng Mill. " . -Bessemer City Dallas - . - ' v . T. E. Power Line lo Shelby. Cbarlotte New. ' ' MMsrs.-.W."D. Lec Jr.. vice- president of the Southern Power Company, and Attorney Lucas, have returned to Charlotte after a business trip to Shelby, which is one of the objective r " r he exts-s:;a cl t A. C. Myers, ' Cashier. " '26 : 27 - " 30 October 1 " - . 2 3 . - 5 7 ShufortirSherilf. lines - Negotiation a line from Cherry by have been corup s for tn; vi!!e to linewill bem cr the next two ck. has varied ir facturirT c-' r"' :

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