1 . !. mi.'ixi m i,i..'i.h.ihiihiiihiw'i) in.i.,, Te Gastonia G 4. m. IXH j, 4,4. 4. ; - - 4. - - - - Try a Gazette ' t t Wont Atl i , They Brjntf Results The Paper Read by Gaston People J That'i All t .1. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAVS AND FlUDAVS. .-4.i.k4i,44.AXAXAX4. Et D. ATKINS, Editor.; Devoted to lhe,Protectlon of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. - Injle Copy 5c. VOL. XXVIII. GA8TONIA, N. CM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1007. NO. 81 r y PROFESSIONAL CARD3 ; GARLAND & JONES . ; Attorneys' and Counselors Over Torinpe-MorrU Compwjjr.; " . .. " Gastonia, 'N.- CT: i - 5 - S. B. SPARROW ATTORNEY-AT-L AW - -DALLAS, N. O. v , Offlc. upstairs over Bank of Dallas JOHN 0. CARPENTER . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW DALLAS, N. Cy, ;; ; Office over Bank of Dallas. : DR. D. E. McCONNELL, DENTIST JGASTONIA, N. C. Office Flrai Floor T. M. C. A. BW' , ; Phone 69. , DR. T. A. WILKINS; DENTIST . GASTONIA ,N. 0. Office" in Adams Building Phone 311 T mrsTjohn hall TEACHER OP PIANO 1 9 AND ORGAN. LUCAS CO. 7 THE LEADERS We sell more Dry Goods thian any other store In Gastonia. Big line of lOcts. Lace iiow on sale for 3cts. per yard. See our line of handsome dress goods, laces jnd embroideries, table damask of all kinds from 25cts. to $1.75 per yard. Shoes! Free pair every Saturday night. ' Crossett Shoes are the best, every pajr Guaranted. See our matchless price on shoes as well as all other lines. Holder of No. G94 gets free pair 53 50 shoes at our store. We moke special price. y Clothing! The best and largest lines ore vhat we handle. We will sell you your fall suit for several dollars less than you can buy it elsewhere. You Get Coupons here, It Pays to trade With ROYAL BRAND Luca s C o We Sell Everything For Less. flAN SflOOTS WIFE. SIMPLE HOME RECEIPT. - DR. P. A Pressly DENTIST CLOVER, - - - - v S. A. WOLFF DALLAS, N. C. TEACHER OF PIANO AND VIOLIN. ' Wednesdays and Saturdays in Gastonia, N. C. Tragic Shooting Affair at the Clara Mill Sunday Eveninj Ed Sheehan Wanted to Die and laue mi true nun mm snov K Get from any prescription Three Times and Cut His pharmacist the following: Victims Here Should Mix This Simple, Helpful Receipt at Home and Try it. Anyway. For Reference seetuniag list of Stela wy PROF. J. M.MASSEY Piano tuning: and Repairing a specialty; satisfaction guaranteed Phone1 254 Gastonia, N. C. All Offices ol Trust3 are better performed by a trust com pany than by. an individual. It . guards the interests entrusted to it .with perfect care, untffected by -personal interests or prejudices. .. The Southern Securities t Trust Co. acts as an executor of wills, trustee or administrator of estates, guardian for minors or incompetent persons, transfer agent for corporations, re ceiver in litigation, and in many other capacities. In what capacity can it serve you? The Gazette' for first-class printing. rn rn H cn : Throat. urea 01 tuis lite ana anxious to exnlnrp the mvsterips nf b t. another. "Ed Sheehan. a cotton mill 'operative at the Avon, created a sensation at the Clara Mill Sunday evening: just about dark by shooting- his wife three times and slashing- his throat with a pocitet knife in an attempt to end his own existence. That he failed to accomplish his dia bolical purpose was altojjether accidental and was in no sense due to his lack of purpose. Both are still living: with good chances of recovery, though the wounds inflicted on his wife are of a serious nature.' Only two of the shots fired took effect, one in the small of the back and the other in the shoulder blade. Physicians were summoned and probed for the bullets. They succeeded in extracting one but the other remains in her body. Sheehan and bis wife have been married about two years, though they have not lived to gether all this time. Before unarr.age she was OUie Hefner and, it seems that she has re ceutly been staying- witn some of her people at the Clara Mill, while Sheehan remained at the Avon where he was working. Sunday Sheehan went to the house where his wife was staying and endeavored, it is stated, to persuade, her to return to his house and live with him. This she refused to do, whereupon he told her that he wanted to die, To this she is said to have re plied, "Well lie down and die" liut oneenan aian't want to go alone so he proceeded to use his pistol in a seemingly desperate effort to put his wife out of the way before starting- on the long journey himselt. Thwarted m this purpose, he turned on him- self and slashed his throat with a pocket knife, inflicting a seri ous but not fatal wound. Phy sicians ana omcers were sum- j moned. Their - wounds were i ressfcd-and, should "Sheehan re cover, tie will nave a serious charge to meet in the courts. Both Sneehan: and his wife have unsavory reputations Only recently Sheehan complet ed a term on the county chain gang: for driving- a horse to death. His wife, both before and since marriage, has been - in the police court on charges of conducting a disorderly house. "rluia lixtract Dandelion, one half ounce; Compound Kargon one ounce; Compouud Syrup Sarsapanlia, three ounces. snake well m a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meal and at bedtime. The above is considered by an eminent authority, who writes in a New York daily paper, as the Snest prescription ever writ ten to relieve Backache, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and al forms of Urinary difficulties. This mixture acts promptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, enabling- them to filter and- strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism Some persons who suffer with the atmctions may not ieel in clined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who have tried it say the results are simply surprisiug, the relief being: effected without the slight est injury to the stomach or other organs. Mix some and give it a trial It certainly comes highly recom mended. It is the prescription of an eminent , authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it. A druggist here at home when asked stated that he could either supply the ingredients or nfix the prescription for our re also recommends it as harmle sjders rmless; Loray School Opens. The Loray public shool began its session yesterday morning with a good attendance andj.he following teachers in charge; Misses Mary Gamble, Daisy Gamble, Mary Whitesides and Maggie Crawford. Death at the Holland. Mrs. Hicks, whose husband is an operative at the Holland Mill, died Saturday after a long ill ness from tuberculosis. Funeral services were-held Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock at the home by Rev. E. L. Bain and the,! body was interred in builon Uem etery. 03 Accidents will happen, but the best-regulated ' families keep Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil fotj such emergencies. It subdues the pain and heals the hurts. ; On the 1 Bridie at Midnight." Omaha Daily Bee, Friday. May 3, 1907. "On the Bridge at Midnight" which has been made familiar to the public through several years j of successful production, was of fered at the Krug last night to the - intense satisfaction of a large audience. - The company j having- it in charge is one of.the best that ever gave it here, and the : scenic effects are all right. Oscar Handler is doing: the work of the 'German bookseller, who is forced to turn detective," and is doing: jt very well. The others in the company are good. - - Randleman . Is to ' 5,000 rpindle mill for ture of hosiery.- Tht is $100,000. have another the mannfac capital stock Post Card Slot Machine. Dr. R. J. Morrison, a dentist oi vnerryvuie. . nas invented a slot machine for selling: post cards. He left Sunday night for Washington where he . goes to secure a patent on his invention Those who have seen Dr. Mor rison's machine believe that he has an excellent thing and that when put on the market it will sell-well. -There are already one or two slot machines on the market for this purpose 'but it is said that thirone is superior in every respect to allthers. - T Branching Out. : WilmtaKtoa Messenger. Mr. Frank L Robbins has be gun operating-. bis mercerized cotton mill at Salisbury. This is a new move in cotton manu facturing- r in this part of the country. It is -encouraging- to see the Southern mill owners branchingout intanewlines of manufacture. That is. the way to give our section the suprema cy of the world in the manufac ture as well as the production of cotton.- - "" . , CONDITIONS ARE SOUND. So Ssys John M'tnamaker Asserts Also That Many Classes oi Goods Are Scarce Can't See Any Spots on the Commercial Sun. Geyer'a Stationer. A most hopeful forecast of the business situation was made in New York on Tuesday of this week by former Postmaster General John Wanamaker. Running over from Philadelphia to atteud the ceremonies incident to the formal opening of the new twelve-story adjunct to his great department store o n Broadway, Mr. Wanamaker was interviewed with regard to the business outlook. "There is nothing the matter with business," he declared emphatically. "Manufacturing cannpt let up, because I find that in many classes of goods, particularly the best classes, supplies are scarce. Merchants are not spec ulating, but they have funds, made in business, which thev are taking care of to discount bills." "Wall Street," resumed Mr. Wanamaker, "is agitated, but Wall Street is a world by itself. It kicks money around as though it was a football. In the main, it is a great game of speculation. "At times," continued Mr, Wanamaker, "the country is fill ed with wonder at the power of a lew to tie up money and to project it into great corporation movements that for the time be ins: make banks and trust com panies their partners and indi rectly affect the mercantile busi ness. But the country at large is not affected by the spasms of Wall Street. The country can be counted on to continue in good financial health. " wagesre nigner tnau ever before in the history of the coun try, and, I believe, fully offset the high prices prevailing;. I feel sure that it can be proven that a'Uiajonty of the mercantile world was never in so sound condition. The working population is putting more money into sav tugs lunds than ever before. There may be spots on the commercial sun, but we cannot see them any more than we can see the spots on the orb of the day with the naked eye." There are W7 inmates in th? color ed insane asylum at Goldsboro now. ine pain in Ma's head is gone, She's as happy as can be, ' Her health is right, her temper bright. . Since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Adams Drue Co.' Happiest While Hustllnf. The Master Printer. ' ' ' . r Most men are happiest while hustling ! The rust of idleness is what breeds the microbe of .. misery in a man's mind, out a busy" man ..even -forgets "his dyspepsia and his debts. . - ::-; Happiness ; . - Walden's Stationer and Printer. " . Good " nature, happiness and laughter are as contagious as a yanj Happiness is a state of mind, and there is nothing that contributes more largely to. the general -well-being of -society than a .man with a hearty sense of humor. -Troubles disappear at his approach, and under the magic influence of his contagious personality, cares- and. fore bodings, which . seemed to be tragedies, become trifles light as air and mere cause of laughter. CHAHL0TTE FALL FESTIVAL. Queen City's Gala Week-Mani ficent Program at Elfihl-day Festival, to be Held in Hand some New Auditoriums-Bryan, Campinari and Other World Characters Among Features oi Occasion. The Fall Festival which opens in'Charlotte, October 13th, and lasts through the 20th, promises to be oue of the greatest occa sion of its kind ever held in the two Carolinas. Already the advance sale of tickets has eclipsed all former records and from all parts of the state large numbers . of people will father in the Queen City to hear the famous speakers and sirigers who will contribute to making the Festival a phenom enal success. It is safe to say that no more elaborate program has ever been offered a North Carolina audi ence than that which has been arranged by the ambitious man ager of the Festival this fall. Among the speakers are Wil liam Jenniugs, Bryan, Champ Clark, of Missouri; John Sharpe Williams, the newly elected Senator from Mississippi; Ralph Bingham, one of the first hum orists of the day, and Dr. Mun hall, the celebrated divine of Philadelphia. The list of singers includes such as Campanari, acknowledg ed by the leading musicians of the world; John Barnes Wells, the famous tenor; Miss Grace Munson, contralto, and the Tem ple Male Quartette, of Boston. Added to this list is Otto Pfefferkorn, pianist; Miss Chan dler, story-teller; David T. Huyck, acompanist, and others. Governor Glenn, State Sena tors, and other State officials, along with the Mayor of the city and city officials; ministers and men and women of promin ence from this and other cities, will join in making the recep tion to the renowned visitors the kin'd that North Carolina always tenders guests" of honor. One of the leading features of the Festival will be the opening reception welcoming to the Queen City the distinguished guests. The Greater Charlotte Club, Board of Aldemen, direc tors of the Auditorium Company, and various organizations o Charlotte will participate in the reception, at which Governor Glenn will be the master of ceremonies. It is proposed to have a big street parade, with the military drum crops brass bands aud other features participating. Charlotte expects to have another Twentieth of May func tion, ' and everybody from all parts of the State is invited to visit the Queen City and partake of the feast of good things offer ed." r-- - , The Festival will be held in the big new Auditorium, which seats 4,500 people and which has just been completed for the occasion. . - - . DYSPEPSIA and INDIGESTION, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Malaria, Billiousness, Torrid Liver and Jaundice are quickly relieved - and permanently cured by Father William's Indian Herb Tablets. ' They act directly on the Liver" and Digestive organs? causing perfect assimilation and Digestion of the food. Cleanses the Stomach. Regulates the Bowels. They are only 20 cents per box; and your money, cheerfully refunded if not as we represent them. For sale only by Frost Torrence & Co.- Gas tonia. N, C. - - . ' 6 ' Tbe Qaaetts for flrst-eUM - printing. We are prepared to extend our customers every accotumoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. 1 you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : j SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest ou savings deposits at the rate of 4 arid compound the interest quarterly. : : : : R. P. Rankin, President CITIZENS mm A. C. Myers, Cashier. I Completeness Is the only word that adequately describes our stock in every department for the fall season of 1907 08. Our stock is larger, more complete aud more varied than in any previous season since we have been in business in Gastonia. A look through our store will convince even the skeptical of the truth of this statement. The Newest Weaves in Dress Goods and accessories are here as kc as all the newest things in Embroideries, Novelties, Trimmings, Rib bons, .Mi.linery and Coats. We are prepared to take care of the trade on tailored garments in our custom department. Our made-to-order garments have a reputation for fit and satisfaction of whicty we are proud. MILLINERY To see all the latest styles and shapes in Fall aud Win? ter head wear you should visit our Millinery parlors. The prettiest and newest creations in this line to be found in Gastonia. THEY EAGER MFG. CO. Retail Department. GASTONIA, N. C. o t i it o o t) o o 8 o I o I ft o o o o ) H o 41 o o o 8 it o it o it it o it it it it It it it it Big Auction Sale OF Town Lots In North Gastonia t it tt 8 t it 8 it 8 8 it ON Saturday, October 19th. Full particulars Together, jj with Map of Blocks and Lots j; will appear in The Gazette ; Tuesday, October I5th. j Watch For It. 1 8 , Gastonia Insurance 4 Realty Co. WEDDING PRESENTS FOR FALL BRIDES The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growing-larger with every season. We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in spection. We also have a complete line of Hand Painted China, Bric-a-Brac and Art Goods, which will make an Elegant Present for the Fall Bride. , f ' To r re nee -M orris Co. Leadlni Jewelers & Ootlclans , j Expert Repairing ; ; ;v Artistic Engraving NOTICE. St. Mark's Episcopal' church, Rev W. H.iHardinr rector- Services first, third , and fourth Sundays at 11 a, m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. everv Sunday. A cordial wel come is extended to all to at tend. !. V; , : Subscribe Gazbttb, for the Gastonia i .- . NOTICE. " As we coatemplate a change la our busineks,' we must have a settlement with those ovzz at once, 'ery respect' ::'-, ' 1 ' Joh.v F. Davis tl i RUBBER tamr. ma.Je vwait s.t the tia-ite i Co'.. One-line ft-i-p, 7 2-Iiae, 23 cents; 3 J. -. t 4

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