GASTONIA GAZETTE. su4 Every Tueaday ad Friday Ta Oaaettt Publlahlnf Company. ty t or-die point thU neck o' the wood) will be infinitely better off. McADENVILLC MATTERS. 8. D. ATKINS. Hditof. J. W. ATKINS. Basinr Minttl, The metropolitan newspapers Adsiutti una tb man t th rot I aic heralding the fact that James B. Duke, the inilliouaire head of the American Tobacco Of0c at Gaatonla. N. C. at tin pound , rate of rnatara. April t. IWt , . . SUBSCRIPTION PKlCE -b yaar 1 fix cumthi , ; ?ovir anontba , M m monlh U TUESDAY. OCT. 8. 1907. ; NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. We have been sending out onr reg ular quarterly notices this week to - alt our subscribers who are in ar rears. To these we shall hope to have ready response. The heaviest ; expense of a newspaper office, the payroll, has to be met weekly in cash, all other expenses fall due monthly, and it is impossible for us to meet our obligations promptly and give our patro;is satisfactory service in all respeiis unless our subscribers remit for the paper in advance. The date following your name shows when your subscription expires. If you are in arrears, we would appre ciate the favor of your sending in your subscription promptly. Tha Sick are Improving Pro!, Cordelri SlnjClnjC . School- Th Montis Brothers - Con dactiof Tent Meetlof Variety of Personal and Loca News from McAdenvllIe. Corrwponuenca of Tha Oaaclta. McAdcnville. Oct 8.r-S. M a I . a utite, wno was formerly wney spent me past week 10 I Company, has just presented to Airs Kerruit and the other little Roosevelts will have no show in the yellows now until the big Roosevelt gets back home from the canebrakes of Louisiana. Mrs. William Inmau, of Atlanta, (la., a string of pearls which cost him $200,000 and which were secured only after he had scoured the cities of America and Europe in order to find a necklace of flawless pearls. It is added that Mrs. Duke will exhibit her pearls for the first time at the opening of the Metropolitan Opera House for the season in New York. Of course these announcements are accompanied by cuts of Mr and Mrs. Duke. On such no . i a . tonety do tne ricu live: it s a large part of their cxisteuce, their daily meat and bread Duke, like the other millionaires, manages to keep in the lime light by hook or crook. If he can't spring a divorce suit he can do something else that will cause the papers to talk about him. Consumers should be on their 1 i a are likely to health. In closing an editoral on the humiliating exposure at Raleigh involving an admission from State Senator John C. Drewery that The Raltigh 'Times, of which he is the head, received large sums of money, presum ably for advertising but out of all proportion to the space used, The Progressive Farmer uses this strorg language which has the hearty endorsement, we be lieve, of the majority of North Carolinans: "In the cold clear is made by a physician and chem- liyht of this humiliating revela- lst cleanly, pure and acceptable Jamestown with Mr. Martin Shu ford and others, of Dallas. VV. r. Coon has been qmte sick for a week. lie has tonsihtis. Miss Grace Albea has been very sick witii the same disease but both are improving nicely today. J. K. Glenn has been confined to his bed for several days but he is some better. Rufus Kmgbt is able to be out again. Mrs. J. F. Armstrong- returned Saturday night from Lenoir where she went to olace in Davenport College her sister, Miss Octia Goodman, and Miss Iva Mcintosh both of Lucia. This is one of the best schools for women iu the state. Prof. N. M. Cordell. of Lin- colnton, R. F. D., is teaching a singing school in the Meth odist church. Mr. Cordell is far above the ordiuary siiM'ini? teacher, having taken instruct ion from some of the best teach ers in this country both North and South. The school wil close nexj Friday night. Al lovers of music should attend the close. Postmaster G. V. Rum felt and Conductor J. C. VVafkci went over to Charlotte YVednes LOWELL LOCALS. Corrpoidnc of -fh daiott. .; Lowell. Oct. 8-Wedding bells will soon be ringing down t bis way. Cards sre out announcing the marriage cf Mr. Robert Har ris on of Mr. Cicero Harris, and Miss Laura Hansell, on the 15th. Other weddings lor the near future .are those of Mr. Cbeek, the telegraph operator and Miss KuUlia Lutz, daughter of Mr. J. B. Luta. on the 23d. and that of Mr. l.mmet Ford. who clerks for Rankin & Co. here, aud Miss Sloan of Meek lenbug county. Miss Audry Armstrong, of Lincoluton, aud the Misses Detter, of Dallas, were the guests from Fridav to Monday of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett. The communion meetire will begin at the I'resbytcriau church VV dtn sdflv tiight and continue thi:)ii'i S.inday. Mr. L.. L Inman is visum? rtomefolks near Greenville, S. C. Mrs. Dr. Robinson and chil dren are on a visit t her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. T. Steel at , BEST OF PROOF. ' Morven, N. C. TOWN AND COUNTY. ncv nn hnctnrcc fr T T arc made by ignorant persons school at Belmont this week. in a haphazard manner, as they Jauies Wright and wife, of Con CSS to proc deleterious WHEAT FLAKE CELERY tion, we can only say that unless this professed representative of the people can make some more satisfactory explanation than now appears reasonably prob able, his impeachment by an outraged people would teach a highly valuable moral lesson and help to keep our public servants of the future from the too easy paths 'f bribery and corruption.' to the most delicate stomach. IO cents a package. For saio by all Grocers Slate Fain cord, arc visiting relatives here They will leave for their home to day. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Barber have returned from a visit of several days in Rock Hill, S. C Mrs Nutall is visit ing near Shelby and will spend sometime in Gaffney, S. C , be fore returning to her home. Mrs. J. R. Gheeu and daughter. Miss Ollie spent a day and nicht in Gastonia last week. Mrs. Ed Roy spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. aud Mrs. A. R. Roy Mr. Jerry M. Mills went over to Charlotte Saturday night. Mrs. R. H. Merntt and little childern are visiting in Raleigh H. A. Howard and Joe Hix. The Gazette is in receipt of M Holly, spent Sunday here During: the summer The Ga zette nas Deen uandicapped in me matter ot getting out a gooc paper. Between our big James town voting contest which crc ated more interest than anything of its kind ever held in the county and getting out our in dustrial edition we have been hard put to it since the first of May. Both of these are out of the way now and from now on it is our intention to putill our energies to work to improve The Gazette in every way possible A steadily increasing subscrip tion list gives ns assurance that our efforts along this line are appreciated. The personal ex pressions of pleasure which come to us daily from subscribers and others whose interest and good will in the paper are voiced in terms complimentary of our in dustrial edition, together with the nice things said about it by the State press, are greatly ap preciated by this paper. Morganton has joined the growing list of towns in the State that are putting the clamps on the dead beat. The business men of that town met last week and organized a merchants' col lection association. Its object is to collect long standing ac counts due its members and in the meantime to protect them selves against the future imposi tions of those who make debts and do not pay them. Reference has been made in these columns to the good work being done at Statesville and perhaps other points in the State by the bad debt collection agencies. This latest organization has the added advantage that the collecting of bad debts is to be done by the creditors themselves through an attorney whom they have chosen for this work. Verily, it seems that the days of the dead beat are numbered in the Old North State. " We can only add that the sooner the dead beats, one and all, reach the ends of their rows and come to the root-hog- the following invitation: "The North Carolina Agricultural Society has the honor to extend to you this invitation to attend the Forty-Seventh Annual State Fair to be held in the Citv of Raleigh Opening October 14th and closing October 19th nine teen huudred and seven, E, L. Daughtridge, president; Joseph h. rogue, secretary; Claude B. Denson, treasurer; Raleigh, N L. October first, nineteen hun dred and Seen.' Jury List. following is the list of petit inters for the November term of Gaston County Superior Court as drawn by the board of county commissioners in ses sion yesterday; K. C. Kennedy, S.un Smith , W. W. Whitesides, j. r. siiis. J. P. Gulp, J. U Hill, V. if. li. Linebercer, Iv. I.. Wilson. J. li. Doyd. Alon.o Killian, A. W Hoffman. J. A. Johnston, !. J. Rankin. Creorjje Cansler, R. Hope Brison, J. A. (iarrison, W. D. Quinn, Wiley Clark. and worshiped with the Meth odist congregation at the morn ing service. Joe Hoke, who lives in the Hickory Grove com munity, has bought the house and lot in Albeany owned by Miss Flora Phillips and will move into it before Christmas. The Moness brothers are con ducting a tent meeeting on the null hill near the schoo house. They are earnest young men and considerable interest has been manifested. Mrs. Archie Adcock. Miss Maud Adcock and Miss Jane Webb, of Belmont, are visiting in McAdenville since Saturday. Col. R. L. Abernathv. of River Bend, attended the tent meeting here yrsterday. Mr. Reuben Aberuethy and his sister, Miss Ellen, were visiting at Prof. J. L. Webb's yesterday. If taken patiently and persist ently will relieve the most ob stinate cases of indigestion, con stipation, bad blood, bad liver no matter how long standing That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Adams Drug Co. -"On the BriuVe at Midnight" at the opera house Thursday nigiit. The citv council meets in repu- monuuy session lo-mgut. "The Girl of the Sunnv South" at the opera house Friday night. Beit cotton is briuginjp 11 316 cents on tne local market to-day There are several cases of scarlet fever in town but all are under strict quarantine. Several houses are jroin up near tne s te 01 tue new Dunn Manufac turing- Company's plant. The street pavers w ill bejrin their woric ou Main street witniu a lew- days, it is understood. mr. j. r. Kouinson. 01 ine nrm of Drum & Robin; on. at the Arling ton, is convalescing from an illness of seven weeks. He has been under the care of Mrs. Taylor, a trained nurse from Charlotte. -Mr. G F. Ford, of Lowell, and Miss Ins Sloan will be married Tues day, the 22nd, at 3 o'o ock in the afternoon at the home of the bride's rauier, sir. awrence bloan, in. Mecklenburg county. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Hoyle left morning for Lincolnton taking their nine Doy, iiigin. to the hospital mere ior an operation on Uis feet. ftlr. Hoyle will return to-morrow while Mrs. Hoyle will remain with her son for some days. Mr. C. 15. Hill has bought an in- . . : . . i , iciest in wic jeweiry Dusmess oi Mr. W. E. Haynes and in the future the hrm name will be Hayne9 & Hill. This firm recently began business in the Ragan building occupied by ine a. j. Kemy to. William Jennings Bryan will speak at the auditorium in Char lotte Monday night, the 14lh, his address being one of the principal ieaiures oi tne Dig tall festival. Many Gaston countians will nrnh- . - ----- . aoiy near mm. ThatHyoMct Will Cure All' Poric , f Catarrhal DUease., Testimonials could be printed by the thousnnds, tvuny of them from Gastonia and ntar!v towns, that Hyomei is an a s lute cure for all catarrhal trouble, but the I- pest proot ot its unusual curative powers is the gnaratitee that J. II. Kennedy & Co. give -with every outfit that they sell, "Mon ey bock if Hyomei does, not do all that is claimed for it ,? 'Hyomei is not a scctet remedy. Its formula is given freely to physicians who. want to know what they is when , they pre scribe Hyomei. It is guaranteed tinder the Pure Food and Drug Law by serial No. 1418. By breathing Hyomei, tjl r healing medication goes directly to every nook and corner of the air passages where the germs may lurk, and disiufects and heals To be convinced of this you have only to give it a trul, remembering that if it docs ,i?ottTiMitV IT's W -Mm i kit MWWCCL XUWL not cure, J. II Kennedy & Co. -.:n j .. win iciuuu yum uiuucy, i A ' ' The complete Hyomei outfit tWi: flMHe&MW: costs uui n kaj, ana in most disease, making it not only a scientific treatment but one that . ' ' s ' . is highly economical. Get zn AAJJtth p si A lAjrrs siA si 7..W iZiPt Ts, uuiui to uay irom j. p.. iven- I ) V ) ' nifl V Oli if I'fill K y i.a Qtiv so. I a . ,h' 1 ' . . tarrh. is. maK& a tuee tume. uou nave 2ti a ----- aiTrnn j. rw a ti n m n The receipts at the local cot- ) W,ftVe.Mt 000, ton platform since our last issue - . ;,.' have been as follows: Friday, J ftltvMHltVlf. 131 bales: Satnrdav. 91 hales- V today up to 2 30 o'clock 37 bales. 1 he best price paid to day is ll-l-16ceiits. "Suffered day aud mVht the torment of itching piles. Noth ing helped me until I used ea& and ift and fo&ahd how had Doan's Ointment. It cured me ' v 0 permanently." Hon.' John R. 4W, ik ilML t' 5rtM tfv A,h. AU&P. Garrejt, Mayor, Girard, Ala. Q , -Large crowds attended the mil- Si. WW aiM (JWI a Si. IV Criail. at the Baltiinore ' 0 r hnery opeping Racket This Miss Miss Ida Barnes and Miss Maggie ytton. a large and attractive Imp of the newest and nobbiest things in head ir for women and children for the fall and winter season is to be seen here in all the latest shapes and styles. The millinerv business of this firm grows larger each year and their satisfied customers are legion. t stores Saturday and Monday. ? c . , j. p r , I) . " n-0 tak& aaH a teem,. tet 5- tokz away a 0. UdSoad. hA vtont faiPit you. Williams Furniture Go. . There will be an old-time fiddler's convention in Winston on the 20th of October. Three . prizes will be given away, one for the best lead. one for the second best and one for the best all-round playing. If is promised that a high old time will be passed. CRAIG & WILSON BUILDING jJno. H. Williams, Manager. A Woman's Back. SULPHU8 BATHS AT HOME They lieal the Skin and Away Its Impurities. Sulphur baths heal Skin Diseases, and Kive tne rxxiy a wholesome Blow. Now von don t have to go ofl to a hiKh-priced resort toeettnem. rut a lew spoonfuls of HAN COCK'S 1.IQI ID SUI.PHl'R in the hot water, and you get a perfect Sulphur bath lBbt in your own home. Apply HANCOCK'S LIQt'ID St'LIMirR o the affected parts, and Kczema and other stubborn ekm troubles are quickly cured. Dr. R. II, Thomas, of Valdosta. Ga., was cured of a painful skin trouble, and he praises it in the highest terms. Your drug gist sells it. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SnU'HUB OINT MENT is the best cure for Sores. Pimples, Blackheads and all inflammation. C.ives a soft, velvely skin. TNovl9 At a meeting of the board of di rectors of the State Hosnital at Morganton vesterdav. Dr. J Campbell was electee sunerintpnrl- ent to fill the unexpired term of the late Dr.P L Murphy. Dr. McCamp bell was first assistant nhvsirian ,,n. Take der Dr. Murphy and has been acting .luijcrinienueru aunng me illness of Dr. Murphy and singe his death. fliiss J,owry bhuford is pneidinfr 1 1 " the day at Dallas. The following from the firpens- boro correspondence of The Charlotte Observer of Saturday will be read witn interest by manv Gastonians: "The condition of Dr. G II . Detwiler, pastor of West Market Street Metho dist church, is reported to be much improved and yesterday for the first time since he was striken he was able to sit up for awhile. The ohvsi- cians are hoping for him a speedy recovery, though they say he will be unaoie to till his pulpit for sometime to come." . Yesterday's Charlotte Ohsrrvpr contained an article which was re printed irom I be lireenvi e fS. CM News, havinrr an Easlev. S. C.. line stating that "Dr." Millard, a Baptist preacher, had been" run out of tnat town by irate citizens. Millard was charged with being a bigamist ana an imposter. it is stated that nc ucncricu ms wwe ana lamiiy in another woman he claims to be his Moan 3 Kidney Pills and wife. This same "Dr." Millard, it have benefited me mnrp many The Aches and Pains Will Disap. pear if the Advice of This Woman is Followed. A woman's back has aches and pains. Most times 'tis the kidneys' fault. Backache isreally kidney ache; That's why Doan's Kidnev Pills cure it. Many North Carolina women know this. Read what one has to say "Mrs. Nellie Benson Reeves. of 216 North Tryon Street, or ganist at the EpiscoDa Church. Charlotte. N. C, says: "I used they than MERCHANTS & BUSINESS MEN Don't Miss this . win De recanea. operated in flaston I aniihmn o T f:j countv for two r,r hr " .T '"v" ",cu sprint. He held mVetin Tt M,. ooiamea tnem at a drug store Adenville and other nnint in thm aa used them for mv back and county and made more than p kidevs. which hnvp P9iiH ma enori to secure a can to the pastor- great trouble and misery for v.. oumc iJOMUSl CHUrcn in tne n.mKn r Tl . rnnntn I . t..t .. "uuiutl VI C1. ine HSfr attempts, however. He succeeded Um remedy wonderfully benefit- in gaining the confidence of onlv a ea me." All .mmm L. . . i , . . andleman is to have anolhpr I R..rri im-u, v.i, i . - ' , ........ ...... ,Ui iuc uiaiiuiai.- ine united states, Ja iifin rJ y' lne capital jstock Kemember the nome-Doan's- ' wv,vw. ana rake nn nth. l New Goods! - - New Goods! I be dispensary at Dunn paid ucioc dividend iber lst of $5,000. Grand Bargains! We will collect all your Bad Debts for Ses $2.00 per month Turn your outlawed claims into cash. Our method of collecting from irresponsible parties is as near perfection as is possible. Remit us $2.00 to-day and we wlIJ mail you contract for one mnth. Contracts will be issued for one month or one year according to the amount of money received. For information concerning our reliability, we respectfully refer you to the First National Bank or any merchant in Lenoir. Awaiting your business, we are; 1 , Very Truly, - UNITED COLLECTION AGENCY, Lenoir, N. C. Convicted in Craven Superior Court Saturday on an attempted criminal assault, j. al. Arnold was sentenced to five years in the pent lenttary 1 nr. 1 uciouer na ine rreshv aynoa oi rortn Carolina will mrt in annual session at Hendersonville. This is one of the strongest nvnnrf oi ine aomnern Presbyterian Church. It is composed of eight presbyteries. urange, oncora, fayetteville. Wil mington, Meclelenburg. Albemarle, sneviiie ana Kings Mountain I here are 181 pastors and 420 cnurcnes in the synod. Dr. and Mrs. Rowland, who have been on trial for some days in Wake Superior Court at Raleigh, were iouna not guilty Sunday and re leased. The case was given to the juryat midnight Saturday night and the verdict was rendered at 9.30 Sunday morning. When the ver dict was announced there was a wild demonstration " of Judge Long rebuked the assembled crowd for its outrageous conduct. The defendants were ehartrA mtu the murder of Engineer Strange, Mrs. Rowland's first hnsband. Th case had attracted widespread at tention and there was a diversity of opinion u to their guilt. , . 11. J mmmmw mmmm 1 J fVT Baltimore at the Racket Sfores Our Millinery Opening was a great success VV? will still pursue our policy of giving beautiful hats at moderate prices. Miss Ferrell has charge of this, department, and we have the newest and swellest styles for fall and winter wear. Also fine line of Baby Caps, Fascinators and Shawls. New Fall Dress Goods in solid colors. Plaids, Stripes in variety. Broad Cloth, Panamas, Voiles.- Brillianteens, Silks and Velvet. In this department we can show leading colors at is tonisbtng low prices.. Just received another shipment of Ladies' Cloaks, Fnrs and Ready-Made Skirts. , - Clothing Department . SHOP IN CHARLOTTE AND HAVE THE LITTLE LONG COMPANY PAY RAILROAD TARE. It's the hub pHhe surrounding country' ajid The Little Lbng: Company's store is the emporium for merchandise that's up to the minute. There you'll find everthin2' thats new, and the largest stock of the Carolinas to select from. The millinery "and coatuit showings are far beyond anything ever seen in their stores. Besides, you will 2nd every want can be supplied in the way of fine dress goods, silks and trimmings, floor coverings, china,' bric-a-brac, men's and boys' high class clothes, ladies', men's and chil dren's fine shoes, tnens and ladies' furnishings, as well as an up-to-date jewelry department containing1-sterling sliver and plated table ware, silver.n'ovelties, solid and gold filled, jewelry, watches, fobs, bracelets, diamonds, rings, etc. If you purchase $40 00 or more, railroad fare will be refunded within a radius of fifty miles, and freight prepaid on-all pur chases of $5.00 or more. ' Ask where's the biggest store In the Carolina, and you'll be told its in Charlotte, and Its xi2ci2t THE LITTLE LONG CO. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Governor of North Carolina; to pardon John nvcry ixcw otvie anir. Kanit. (ivrrnai. r-. i . UOn I tail to See US before von hnv . -W ram th 1r-rt . i. : o... -- I Blackwood, who was convicted at New goods rolling in -every day. - Our- Shoe-Department-is completenhe the Mr Term, I907pof the- Superior . .k iut.vcji Alices, opcciai Dargains in every department at the I tot,rt oi uaston county, of tie crime of larceny or aiding and abetting in Baltimore Racket Stores Tf. A U LEBOVITZ, Prprs. the crime of larceny. r This, the 2nd day of October 1907. I FOllp ' W. R. BtACKWOOD, ; Tli Outtli tor Crat-clua prtnUAg. VWEDDING invitation -We ' can W furnish thera. either printed on nice stocV or engraved, at reasonable prices and promptly.. Give ns. your order. Gazette Pub lishing: Company, Gastonia. N. C. tf ' BOOKKEEPERS and business wen wtra have Ton staBfcaTculat ion s " to make -can obtain good unruled scratch pads, just tlfe rig-ht size for -the purpose, at The Gazette office at 64 cents the pound. tf. RUBBER Stamps; made while yon wait at the Gazette Publishing Co's. One-Hne stamp, 20 cents-2-line, 25 cents; 3-line. 30 cents, tf