UASTO'N Try a Gazette HE . The Paper z t Read by Gaston .People . VV n w t A.rl 1, They Drlng Results i ncii'a All As t t Hi A MttMttt PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. 1 t u tt I 1 1 1 1 1 E. D. ATKINS, Edltdr.Y Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. . Ingle Copy 3c, VOL. XXVIII.- OASTOINIAN. C; FRIDAY, OCYOBER II, 1907. :'v . NO. 82 i A GAZETTE v V PBOFESSIONAL" CARDS BREEZY TIMES AT BESSEMER. PROHIBITION WINS. CHEERYVILLE CHAT ROMANTIC WEDDING v GARLAND & JONES , Attorneys an4 Counselors;. ' " Over Torrence-Morrla Company. : --' Gastonia,, N, 0. S.-C. SPARROW ' 7 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ? i. DALLAS, N. 0.' .;' ; 'Officeupstalra over Bank of Dallas f JOHN 0. CARPENTER ? ATTORNEY-AT-LAW " f:f -DALLAS. N. C, s. V, , office oyer Bank of Dallas.: , -f DR. D. E. McCONNELL, V A DENTIST" : ViGASTONIA, N. 0. : y Offlc. Firat Floor T. M. C. A. BM'a Phone 69. N DR. T. A. WILKIN S DENTIST : . GASTO.NIA ,N. C. ' . Office in Adams Building . Phone 311 MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. DR. P.A Pressly ' DENTIST ' CLOVER, - - . - S. C. S. A. WOLFF DALLAS,-N. C, TEACHER OF PIANO - AND VIOLIN. Wednesdays and Saturdays in Gastonia, N. C. . For Reference-see tuning list of SteinwajJ . wo. . PROF. J. M. MASSEY Piano tuning: and 'Repairing, - specialty; satisfaction guaranteed Phoned Gastonia, N. C. 1 SpSLCDMPANYip Mayor John A, Smith Indicted . and Bound to Court, on 209 JustlHed Bond "on Warrant : Sworn Oat by II, N. Garrison Caae Tried Belore Eiqaire ,-T. R.' Cameron. MrrJohn A. Smith, mayor of Bessemer City, was bound over to the next, term of Gaston Su perior Court Tuesday by Magis trate J. T. R, Dameron, being reamred to give a justified bond of $200, which was furnished bv J. A. Pinchback, bis brother-in law." The , warrant calling for the arrest of Mayor was sworn out by Mr. H. N. Gar rison, of the firm of Garrison & Detterr'druggists, and charged the town's chief magistrate with illegal proceedings irr the trial of a case, ' The events which led up to this trial are familiar to many in the county. . Some time ago Mr. Gartison was brought before Mayor Smith on a warrant issued by the latter charging bim with selling bitters, contrary to the State laws. When be came in to the mayor's coiirt Mr. Gar rison produced an affidavit al leging that he . could not get justice before the mayor and re questing that the case be trans ferred to a magistrate, ' offering to stand trial before any magis trate that Mayor Smith would name. Inasmuch, as the .case was a State case and- not a town case, Mr. Garrison claimed that he had a perfect right to swear it away from the mayor to a magistrate. Mayor Smith re fused to honor the affidavit and proceeded, to try Garrison for the alleged offense. The latter waived examination and was bound to court. When the case was . called at the September term of Superior Court the prin cipal witness, Robert Sides, was not on hand, being at that time, so it is stated on good authority, serving time on the chain gang in Mecklenburg county. Mr. Garrison was acquitted and the arrest and trial of Mayor Smith Tuesday was a result. When tbecase was called for trial before Magistrate Dameron Tuesday Mr. Smith's attorney, Mr. Prank M. Shannonhouse, of Charlotte, waived . examination and appealed to Superior Court. He asked that Mr. Smith's re cognizance be taken for the required bond, $200, but the at torney for Mr. Garrison, Mr. Stonewall Duiham, insisted that a justified bond be required. The magistrate accordingly re quired a justified bond and the same was given by Mr. J. A Pinchback, - brother-in-law of flection In Asheyllle Tuesday terse Newi Notes from Gaston's Resolted In Sweeping Victory ' lor Anti-Saloon Forces. ... 'Probably the most exciting election on the prohibition ques tman ever held in . any North Carolina city "was held in Ashe ville on Tuesday and resulted in the mountain city going "dry" by au overwhelming majority. Tfie prohibition forces .seem to haye .realized from the first of the campaign that a hard fight would be neccessary to break the hold bf the saloon, and no stone was left unturned in their strenuous efforts to roll tip a btfge. vote for the abolition of the saloon. Among the leaders in the campaign against - the liquor traffic were some of the most prominent men ot the city, including Judge Pritcbard, Hon. Locke Craig, and others of great prominence. Meetings were held every night for weeks be fore the election, and a noted Kentucky evangelist, Rev. Mr. Ham, was' secured to bold a series of evangelistic meetings. The ladies and children took an active and effective part, in Jbe campaign, especially on election day, when they congregated at the polling places and made every conceivaDie in fluence the anti-prohibitionists to change their minds and vote for prohibition. As a result of the election of x uesaay an saioons ana uisuii- eries in Asheville will be close on January 1st, 1908. Born. v To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Froneberger at Bessemer City, Wednesday, October 9. 1907 a fine 10-ponnd boy. Meeting st Loray. A protracted meeting is in progress at the Loray Presbyter lan church this week, having be gun Sunday. It will continue through the coming Sunday. Rev. R. C. Anderson, of the First church, is doing the preaching. The daily meetings are eliciting considerable inter est and the ' attendance is good. Meets at HendersonvilIe. The North Carolina Synod of the. Presbyterian Church will meet in annual session at Hen dersonville the 29th inst. Rev. R. C Anderson and Mr. A. M. Smyre will attend as represent atives of the First Presbyterian cbuich and Rev. A. S. Ander son and Mr. G. W. Bradley as representatives of the Loray Presbyterian church. . Northernmost Town.' Cherrrvills 9th. - .Miss. E'len Moss is visiting relatives in Lmcolnton th week.- L-wver Dayid P. Dell tnger at anelDV, Monday on i fk m irgai business.- misses .Maude Harrt lson, Ellen Moss and Ola Dellinger . went to Dallas last Thursday and -Friday for the public examination for teachers Horace . Houser and Rov Hunter spent Sunday in Kings Mountain with relatives and friends. Henry Allran arfd Miss Ethel Davis were popular visi tors at- Bessemer Sunday. T B. Leonhardt went to Lincoln ton Friday on business. J. M jueam ana w. a. oaraner were Shelby visitors Monday and Tuesday. C. O. Robinson., of Crouse, was among the mam- visitors here this week. Misses Bright Rudisill and Pearl Little, two accomplished young ladies of Kings Mountain, were guests of the talented Miss Julia Rudi sill Sunday. J. J. George and family, of Bessemer, were wel come visitors in the city this week. H. W. Counts and fami ly, of Bessemer, were the guests of Postmaster T. E. Summer Sunday. Sidney Anthony and Miss Nancy Hoyle were married just across the line in South Caro lina last Thursday night. The groom is a well-to-do young man and conducts a restaurant at this place, while the bride is an attractive young lady and has a host of friends in this sec tion. Mrs. Ben M. Stroup. .aged about 24 years, died at three o'clock Monday evening after a few weeks illness. She bad beeq a patient sufferer for these long davs but seemed to be will ing to submit to the Fathers will. So at his command her tender spirit was wafted back by the angels to Him who gave it. At her bedside was a host of sorrowing relatives and friends who followed her remains to its last resting place in the old Mt. Zion graveyard, about three miles north of Cherryville. Bev. C. W. Payseur conducted a beautiful ceremony. Deceased was before marriage Miss Lura Dixon, daughter of W. H Dixon. She leaves a husband and a four weeks old son who will never know mother. The tenderest sympathy from our force and the people generally is extended Mr. Stroup' in this hour of sore bereavement. Mr. 0.- W. Hopkins, ol Reids ville. a Traveling Man. Weds Miss Marie Romlnfer. ol Zlon . City. Ills . in Gastonia Ceremony Performed by Rev. R. C. Anderson atPresbyterian Manse-An let '.resting love Story. A marriage which had a touch ot me romantic anout it was solemnized at the Presbyterian ma"e here Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock wln n Rev. R. C Anderson net formed the cere mony which j'jined the lives and hearts of Mr. d. W. Hopkins, of Reidsvillr, aid Miss Marie Kominger, of Zion City, Illinois The young couple met here1 b appointment, the groom coming from Spartmburr, S. C, and the bride from Lynchburg Va They registered at the Falls House Wednesday morning and later repaired to the manse, Mr Anderson having been pre viously requested by wire to per form the ceremony. The cele' bration of the marriage rites was witnessed by onlv two persons besides the minister. The bap py couple left the same day for Spartanburg, S. C. and will later go to Columbia where they will reside. Mr. Hopkins is a travelling man and has his head quarters at the latter city. Back of the marriage of these two young people is a romatic love story. Their friendship dates back to a time when they both resided in Reidsville, this state. A few years ago the father of the bride became a very devoted follower of the late John Alexander Dowie, the foun der of Dowieism and of Zion City, Ills. That he migjjt be in close touch with his chosen lead er and with the form of life and religion propagated by Dowie, he moved with his family to Zion City. In the meantime Mr. Hopkins, who had wooed and won the heart of the young lady, was engaged in travelling in North and South Carolina for a large firm. Distance could not separate them, however. Miss Rominger's father, though a zealous Dowieite himself, did not try to force his children to accept his belief but left them to their own inclinations. The love that had bound the two young people grew and as a result they were happil ' married here Wed nesday. We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If you have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : : SAVINGS DEPARTMENT We pay interest on savings deposits'at the rate of 4t and compound the interest quarterly. : : : R. P. Rankin, President CITIZEMS 'f'.UM'r'VI mm A. G. Myers, Cashier. Completeness Is the only word that adequately describes our stock in every department for the fall season of 1907-08. Onr stock is larger, more complete and more varied than in any previous season since we have been in business in Gastonia. A look through our store will convince even the skeptical of the truth of this statement. The Newest Weave s in Dress Goods and accessories are here as well as all the newest things in Embroideries, Novelties, Trimmings, Rib bons, Millinery and Coats. We are prepared to take care of the trade on tailored garments in our custom department. Our made-to-oiler garments have a reputation for fit and satisfaction of which we are proud. MILLINERY To see all the latest styles and shapes in Fall and Win ter headwear you should visit our Millinery parlors. The prettiest and newest creations in this line to be found in Gastonia. THE YEAGER MFG. CO Retail Department. GASTONIA, N. C. STOP THE STRENUOUS LIFE. Smith. V All Offices pi Trust arer better performed by a trust com pany" than ' by an individual. It guards the interests entrusted to it with perfect car, - unaffected by personal interests or prejudices.. Tao Southern Securities & Trust Co. acts as an executor of wills, trustee or administrator of estates, guardian for minors or incompetent persons, transfer agent for corporations, re ceiver in litigation, and in many other capacities. In what capacity can it serve you? Mortgagee's Sale ei Land. - By virtue of the power of sale cenUined In I certain Mortgage Deed, dated April 15th 1907. and registered in the office of the Register of - Deeds, of Gaston county, tn Book N0.G8 at page 65, default having been made in the pajrrunt of the debt secuied . thereby, I will sell to the highest bidder fnrcash at the Court' House door la Dal las, N. C. at Noon, n Wednesday, October 234. 1907, all the land contained in Blocks Nos. 26, 27, : 28, 29 in Section two (2 as laid down on plat or map made by W. R. Richardson, sur veyor, in 1891, of the town of Bessemer City, and being the lands conveyed to C. A. Da vis, B. D. Bullard-aad C. R, Whitney by the Ormand Mininff Company, ' . - J. I. Ormand. Mortgagee; Th September 21. 107. i t22clm. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. "gacc".ssQ :; court.- . 3. M. Williams, plaintiff. V - ".. - Crowders Mtn.'cotton Mills, Summons defendant.. . J V ' State of North Carolina to tkt Sheriff ot . Gaston County,' Crtetint: .. You are hereby commanded, in the name of the state, to summon the Crowders Moun- - tain Cotrta Mil and all its stock-holders and creditors ad all persona who hsvt been dealers with the said corporation and -all other psrties interested in Its attain to appear at the nest term of the (superior Court of the county of Gaston to be held at th court bouse in-Dallas on, .the eleventh - Monday after the first Monday in Septem ber, 1907, then and there "to intervene la . this proceeding and become parties thereto, - for themselves or for others of like interest, according to the ' provisions of Section 1199 of the Revisal of 1905 of North Caro lina, and to answer the complaint now on file, and show cause, if any they can. why the prayers of said complaint shall not be granted. Witness my faan4 at office in Dallas, this the first day of October. 1907. C. C Cokk WBU, 025c4w Clerk Superior Court. 1 he pain in Ma's head is gone, She's as happy as can be, Her health is right, her temper bright. . Since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Adams Drug Co. .-Mrs.-John C. Breckinridge, widow ' of the late General John C, Breckin ridge, atone time vice president of me Cnited Mates and candidate lor president ajrainst Abraham Us- "coin, died Wednesday in .New York City.-; . . . Reception In Bryan. - The Gazette is in receipt of the following invitation: "The Fall Festival management re quest the honor of your com pany at an informal reception to be tendered Hon. .William Jen nings Bryan and Governor Rob ert B. Glenn on the evening of Monday, October "fourteenth. five-thirty. to six-thirty o'clock, Assembly HalL-Selwyn Hotel, Charlotte, North Carolina." A Danferous Worm. A Mr. Nortbam, who is a busi ness visitor in the city,' brought the Gazette a day or two ago a specimen of what is called the sheepshead worm which he had found somewhere on the streets. The sting- of this worm is said to be almost as seriou.a to many persons as the bite ot a snake. cansing great pain and swelling and sometimes requiring medi cat attention. The worm is pe- culiar in appearance and can be easily recognized from the follow ing description, and doubtless many of -our readers have , seen numbers of them. It is about one inch lorJg, about a quarter of an inch wide; at the base and is . completely covered with a featherlike brownish bair that. shafiM to a wedgelike edge on top. -The sting seems to be in this ridge of hair on the worms back, so that a person is stung by just touching the worm. The worm is said to be harm less except during a season of two or three weeks at this time of the year just before it begins to spin its cocoon tor -winter. The Yorkville Enquirer-, con tains an account af a boy who was stung by one and became very sick, so that he required the attention of a physician: ' $7.CC0 Raised. All of the $7,000 necessary for the construction of the new Pisgah Associate Reformed Presbyterian church has been subscribed and work on the building is scheduled to begin March 1st next. At that time it is expected that all the money subscribed will be in hand. The new edifice will stand near the site of the old church. It will be the most costly and the hand somest country church in Gas ton county when completed, one of which the Pisgah congrega tion willl have just cause to be proud Subscribe for Thb Gazkttk. Ed Sheeban to Jail. Ed Sheehan, the white man who Sunday night shot his wife at the Clara Mill and then at tempted to kill himself by cut ting his throat with a knife, was taken-to Dallas and committed to the county jail Wednesday. Constable J. Madison Kendrick took him over. Sheehan will be tried at the next tern of court for attempted murder. He is rapidly recovering from the ef fects of bis self inflicted wounds. His wife is still suffering consid ably but is improving and will, it is thought, recover. - City Fathers Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the board of aldermen for October was held Tuesday night in the city hall. All the 'mem bers were present and Mayor Armstrong presided. Very little business was . transacted. .The committee appointed to investi gate the .extending of Third street and the accepting of Columbia street was enntinued witn power to act. ;. All .persons owning property on Third street between Oakland avenue and South street were requested to move their houses - back -so Third street may be opened to its proper width. " Bills amount ing to $1734.63 were referreTvto me oauitc committee to ue audited and paid. " : -J - Mr. Royster Here. Mr. George H. Royster, of Greensboro, general secretary of the Knights of Pythias insur ance department for North and South Carolina, was in Gastonia Tuesday. He came to deliver to the beneficiaries of the late I. N. Alexander a check for $1,000, the amount of the de ceased's policy in the order. Mr. Alexander was, up to the time of Bis death, secretary of section 1861, having in charge the insurance feature of the local lodge. Mr. Royster ap pointed Mr. J. H. Kennedy to succeed him in this capacity. Mr. Kennedy had been filling this position temporarily since the death of Mr. Alexander. He is by no means new to the business,, having served in this capacity three years some years ago. While here Mr. Royster wrote several new members for insurance and increased the amounts carried by several members. On Monday night be gave an interesting and mstruc tive lecture before the local lodge on the insurance feature of the order. More K. of P. in surance is carried in Gastonia than ever before. The local lodge is in splendid condition The attendance is good and there are on file several applica Hons for membership. These will furnish degree work for sev eral weeks to come. Yesterday was New York State day at the Jamestown Exposition and the principal address of the day wai delivered by Governor Hnzhes. EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY. Frost Torrence & Co., the reliable Druggists of Gastonia, are having calls for " Hindipo," the new Nerve Tonic and Vitahzer. , Cares Nervous Debility, Insomnia, Restore's Lost Vitality, that they are selling under a positive guarantee. - Its merits are becoming the talk of the town -and everybody wants to try it, and why not?,. It costs noth ing if it don't do you good not one cent. - -. . ; ... They don't want your money if it does not benefit you, and will cheer fully refund the money. Try it ttr day. . . - 1 -The international - conference - of cotton growers atrd spinners which has been in session at ' Atlanta sev eral days, adjourned Wednesday af ternoon after completing a perma nent organization which will include the whole cotton industry of the world. from the time the staple is Elanted until the mills turn oat their nished product. . - - : : Weakens the Tissues and Lessens Organic Vitality. The stress and strain of the strenuous life in both city and country tends towards stomach troubles. Five people suffer to-day where one did ten years ago with sick headache, dizziness, flatuleuce, distress after eating, specks be fore the eyes, bloating, nervous ness, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms of indigestion All who are suffering with stomach troubles, and that means at least two out of three in Gas tonia und other towns, should use Mi o na stomach tablets Nothing else is as safe, yet ef fective; nothing else can be so thoroughly relied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi-'o-na. It is not a mere digestive taken alter the lood is eaten, but a true tonic, stimulant and strengthener for the muscular walls of the stomach, increasing the flow of digestive fluids and putting the stomach into such condition that it does the work Nature expects of it. So reliable is Mi-o-na in its curative action that J. H. Ken nedy & Co., with every 50-cent box they sell give a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy does all that is claimed for it. 11-18. Big Auction Sale SS&SeesSSS9SS9CSSS9CCS9SSSS9SS3SSSSSSSSSS9SS&S OF Town Lots In North Gastonia ON t I Saturday, October 19th, f Full particulars Together I with Map of Blocks and Lots will appear in The Gazette ii Tuesday, October Watch For It. 15th. Gastonia Insurance 4 Realty Co. Snake in Bale ol Shingles. Mr. H.W. Oates, of route two, Bessemer City, was in Gastonia Wednesday and paid The Ga zette office a pleasant call. Mr. Oates tells of a rather remark able experience he bad two or three weeks ago. While en gaged in roofing a house he found a live rattle snake, in a bundle of new shingles. It had one rattle and was not very large but was very much alive. How lgg the snake had been con fined between the shingles be did not know, though it is pre sumed the snake crawled in the bale, affef iFwasTplacedTrthe ground for use. , Chnrcb Notice. St. Michael's Church Mass at 11 A. M. every second and fourth Sunday and services every Sunday at 3 P. M. Rev. Father James, O. S. B., Pastor, WEDDING PRESENTS FOR FALL BRIDES The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growing larger with every season. We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in spection. We also have a complete line of Hand Painted Cbi'na,-Bric-a-Brae and Art Goods, which will make an Elegant PresenJ for the Fall Bride. Torrence-Morris Co. Leading Jewelers & Opticians Expert Repairing Artistic Engraving NOTICE. St. Mark's EpiscopalL.chnrcb, Rev. W. H, Hardin, rector Services first, tbd and ' fourth Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. tn. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. every Sunday. A cordial wel come is extended to all to at tend.' - "S ' 'i. -V . Subscribe Gazsttk. for the-Gastonia : NOTICE. As we contemplate a change in our busineis, we most have a settlement with those owing us at once, - - Very respectfully, Joirx F. Davis & So.v. WHY NOT aend the Cazefre t yonr boy or girl oo at r I'. ' ' It wonld be hie a letter lro;a J tice a ekr- r ; 8 o () s o ) (I 4