-1 ' U i i M 4 1 1,4.4 i. Try a Gazette Want AcJ ,U 7 ; - ; Read by 0.ton People i -..' They Bring Results. A u--;,m w.-..y- ? : Thot'i 'ft All $ PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS, AND FRIDAYS. . E. D. ATKINS, Editor. Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interests of the County. $1.50 a Year In Advance. . Ingle Copy Sc. VOL. XXVIII.. GASTONIA, N;C.f TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, I907. NO, 83 4. .4...4.4. t-mmn 4. - a 0 xilJc PROFESSIONAL CARDS GARLAND & 'J0NE3 Attorneys and Counselors Over Tprrence-MorrU Company. . QAstonia," N. C. B. SPARROW ATTORNEY-AT-LAWjr. dallas, n. a; J omc " upnMn over Bank of DaHM JOHN 0. CARPENTER ATTORNEY- AT-LAVV ' DALLAS, N. C.i Office over Panic of.Dallas. Lucas The Leader Bring your Octagon Soap Coupons to Lucas Co. Thursday Oct. 17 at 9 o'clock, fifty v coupons will get o beautiful set Berry Dishes- will last only a few hours so come early. We ait Jhe strongest people on Ladles Cloaks and Ladles up-to-date Dress Goods. Underwear for Ladies! C h i 1 d r e n and Men ' Brown Shoes Just received the latest"-We are showing the finest line of men's V ; and Ladles shoes In the SOUTH, Men's clothing goes like "Hot Cakes" ...v ' DR. D. McCONNELL, - DENTIST -' . GASTONIA;" N. C. "-' Offlcs Ffnt Floor X. M. C. A. BW'l ' . . - Ph6ne69.s ;r DR. T, A. WILKINS DENTIST X - ' GASTONIA VN. O ' Office in Adams Building Phone 311 Styles the Latest, Quality the Best, Prices the Lowest. L u c as Go We Sell Everything For Less.. 39 MRS. JOHN HALL TEACHER OF PIANO 1 "AND ORGAN. DR. P. A Pressly " . DENTIST CLOVER, - S. C. - S. A. WOLFf DALLAS. N. C. . TEACHER OF PIANO AND VIOUN. Wednesdays and Saturday? in GASTONIA, N. C. For Reference-see tuning list of Steinway PROF. J.&M.0MASSEY 'Piano,, "tuning and Repairing a specialty ; satisfdttion guaranteed rhon'ik Gastonia, N. C. All Offices of Trust " are better performed by a trust com pany than by an individual. It guard the interests entrusted to it -with perfect care, unaffected by personal intrestor,prejudice8. The : Southern Securities & Trust Co. acts as atl executor of -wills,"' trustee . or administrator of estates, guardian for minors or - incompetent persons, - tranifer agent for corporations, re- " ceiver in litigation, and in many other capacities. In what capacity can it serve you? - ,; r DROPPED DEAD. ; Mrs. B. C. Mendeohill. JSride o Two Weeks, Expires Suddenly on the Street. Mrs. K. (J. Mendennall. aged abont 19 year's, and a bride of only two weeks, dropped dead Saturday night about 8 o'clock on Main street a short distance west of the Avon Mill. Phvsi cians who were summoned luu. mediately after she was stricken but who did not arrive until after her death, pronounced the cause heart failure. Mrs. Mendennall, in company with her husband, had started up town to attend the moving pic lure shows. When the y - were nemr the home of Mr. T. H White she complained that her lees were paining her. She had gone but a short distance further whenshe complained tnat sne was unable to go further, falling at the same time unconscious on the sidewalk. With the aid of some passers-by she was carried to the porch of a nearby house where it was found that she was dead. Physicians were called but she was bevond human aid when they arrived. Mrs. Men denball was a young woman and was apparently iu good health Saturday evening. She had been married only two weeks. She was a daughter of Mr. D. R Horslev. The body was taken Sunday afternoon to Union Grove church where it was laid to rest follow ing funeral services. If taken patiently and persjst entlv will relieve the most ob stinate cases of indigestion, con stiDation. bad blood, bad liver no matter how long standing That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Adams Drug Co. North Carolina Entry ol Claim. .'! Onutrin Ponntr -To A. J Smith. -Acline Entry .Taker ol ".".:' Gaston county. North Cwolina. The Under - ' Signed G. V. Iohr, of Gaston county North v; Carolina, enters and lays claim to the io lowing described nieces or parcels of land ' in Dallas Township, Gaston county. State of - North Corolina. the same being yscant and ' ; tmappropTated land and subject to entry, vii. Adtoininsr lands of S, T. Wilson and ' Mrs. -Julia C." Holland and lying on the " waters of Little Ijmt Creek, containing by , - estimation two (2) acres more er less. v - G.V.Loh. . Entered this Oct. 10th. Iy07. Witness: B. L. Mason. , -Claimant G.V.Lohr. - --. -. , " No of acres claimed, two (2) : Date of entry, October 10th. 1907. r FiletT at 9 a.m. October 10th, 167.' . - A. J. Smith Register of Deeds and Acting Entry Taker of Gascon county N. C. , -Registered at 11 a. m. October 11th. 1997. - in book of entrys page 27ti ' . -'.:- At J. Smith Register of Deeds and Acting - . Entry Taker Gaston county. N. C. w r. ; i- .. -Nirfimo; NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina. - I snnerior Courtl ' : Gaston County. J - Wtwt uourt. ; ' J. If. Williams, plaintiff,'-"-' . . . J defendant. ' - 'J ' -": 1 - Slale of Aorlk Carolina to the Sheriff of Cation County, Crtetint:' . . .' You are hereby commanded. In the name - of the state, to summon the Crowders Moun tain Cotton Mills and all its stock-holders and creditors and all persona who' liavr - txren dealers with the said corporation and all other parties interested in its affairs to appear at the next term of the, Superior I Conn of the county of Gaston to be held at the court bouse iu Dallas on the eleventh ' -Monday after the first Monday ia Septem- j ber,' 1907, then and thera W intervene in this proceeding and become parties thereto, for themselves or for others of like interest, - according to the provisions of Section 1 199 of the Rerisal of 190S of North Caro lina, and to answer toe complaint now on file, and show cause, if any they can, why . the prayers of said complaint shaU iot be j granted. - Witness my hand at office ia Dallas, this the first day of October, 1907, C.C. COMWLL VZSclw - CleTk Superior Court. TELLS HOW TO MIX IT. A Well Known Authority Gives Directions To Prepare Simple, Yet Remarkable Home Mix tore. A well-known authority on Rheumatism, gives the readers of a large New York daily paper the following valuable, yet sim ple and harmless prescription; which any one can easily pre pare at home: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce; Compound Cargon, one ounce; Compound " Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. " Mix by shaking well in a bot tle, and take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. He states that the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescription pharmacy at small cost, and, being of vegetable extraction, are harmless to take. This pleasant mixture, if taken regularly for a few days, is said to overcome almost every case of Rheumatism. The pain and swelling, if any, diminishes with each dose, until permanent results are obtained, and with out injuring the stomach. While there are many so:called Rheu matism remedies, patent medi cines, etc., some of which do give relief, few really give per matent results, and the above will, no doubt, be srreatlv aoore dated" by many sufferers here at this tune. Iuqutry at the diug stores o this neighborhood elicits the in formation that these drugs are harmless aud can be bought separately, or the druggists here will mix the prescription for our readers it asked to. SOCIAL. APPEAL FOR THE FARM. Made Assault on Lincoln Court House. Charlotte Chronicle, The Civic League of Lincoln ton, composed of women, made an assault on the court house a tew days ago, scrubbed it$ , floors, washed .its walls and windows and gave it a general thorough cleaning, then posted notice to the chewers of tobacco,- hullers of peanuts and wbittlers of sticks to beware, It was a good work in the name of cleanliness and decency, and the judge who should allow it to be undone, ought to be impeached. - : v NOTHING COMPARES - to Father William's IndiajTHerb Tablets for all diseases of the LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOMACH "and BOW ELS. Frost Torrence & Co. It causes' a vigorous action of ;. the LIVER, digesting the food and caus ing a regular free movement vof - the BOWELS, cleanses the-KIDNEYS, purifies the BLOOD, makes you Kelt, keeps you well. It only costs you 20 cents to try it. Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfied. 2 vCarneiie, the Kicker. Southern Farm Magaii pe of Baltimore. - It " comes - with ' j-ather poor grace . fof Andrew Carnegie to abject to the high assessment on his property, in New York city. How -in the world does he ex pect New York city or any other municipality loaded with a Car negie Mree library" to raise the money for the support of bis '- Accidents will happen, but philanthropy, " according to the the best-reeulated families keep usual condition of his gift, with- Dr. Thomas Electric Oil 'for out assessments ,of property be-1 such emergencies. , It subdues iniuncreased? - , r . ; the pain and heals the hurts. Independence And Happiness Flourish On The Soil. Gov. Hughes, in .Leslie's Weekly. When you get out where man has a little elbow room and a chance to develop, he has thoughts of his own. His think is not supplies- to him every night and every morning, and he is less of a machine and more of a man so that I do not think that the farmers need to be look ed upon, or wanted to be looked upon, as dependents of the State. They do not come to the State government asking alms They are selt-reliant, they are intelligent. What we want in connection with , every other field of noble effort, we want training, we want intelligence, we want scientific method, we want directionj we want the-way shown and then the. man can walk in it. Ttfere is no reason why the same care and attention and skill and scientific consid eration, should not be devoted to agriculture as to industry and the technical trades. The men who. are running away , from the arms too frequently make a mis take,- and some' day in New York and the day is rapidly approaching our young men, in arger numbers will wake up to the fact that they have a pretty good chance on the farm, and that they may be to a greater degree independent and happy in life if tbey stay ; where . their happy lots were cast in connect ion witu me tatners', mm or another whic h they in a y be able to procure.. . . . . . Mr. Walter V. Davis leaves to morrow for Winston Salem where on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock he will wed Miss Mary Benton. Hewillbeaccom panted bv Mr. .Lean Adams and Miss Mamie Davis, his sister. At Mooresville they will be joined by Mr. and Mrs. W .C Cooke. After the wedding Mr and Mrs. Davis will take a bridal trip. Ou their, return they will reside in Gastonia. The groom elect is a well known young business man of Gastonia, being a member of the firm of John F. Davis & Son. The bride-to-be is a popular and attractive young lady of the twin-city. . Au exceedingly pretty and pleasant social affair .wis- given by Mrs. S. A. Robinson Satur day afternoon at her home in honor of three brides-to-be, Miss Nell Smyre, Miss Emma Page and Miss Margaret McLean About twenty-five guests were present and enjoyed Mrs. Rob inson's hospitality. Soon after the guests bad arrived each was given a neatly printed folder on the trout page ot which were printed three jumble-letter names the inside pages containing a number of names similarly lum bled. The guests were told that the folder contained the names of writers and these were to be solved. This furnished pleasant diversion. On the back of the folders each guest wrote a toast to the brides which were"" read after delicious refreshments in two courses had been served. A handsome cup and saucer was presented to each one of the guests of honor. The affair was altogether lovely and most enjoyable. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, cause chronic con stipation. Doan's Regulets op erate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. 25c. Ask youf druggist for them. THE PASSING OF THE COMMON PEOPLE. Joel. Chandler Harris in Uncle Remus's Magazine for October. "Thar aint no common people any more; they've all got rich or become! oncommon. Some are hired by the trusts, some are peddlin' insurance, an' sojne are retaiun' sick chickens an' ran cid butter. Them that stay on the farm know a lots more about cow-ticks than they once did. Take 'em all in all, up one side an' -down the other, an' un der the bed for good luck, they ...I .a . . aim got me sense tnat tne r grandaddies had. They're- lots more ; progressive, an they're more highly civilized; but when you bile them big words down. what do they mean? Why jes this: that they aint no way of swindhn' one another that they aint ketched on to. ; When you talk about political principals an little things like that, - all eyes are on the board, for to. see whar the rake-off - is a-gwineter fall. The bluecolic gent has e'en about made his appearance, an his place has been - took by the feller that drives a lightnin' rod sulky an' marries a new gal iu ever countyt-Or things" have passed away, an' new baye hove in sight wi' the pirate flag a flut terin to the four winds". The steamer - Cyprus was wrecked on Lake Superior Fri day night 'aad 22 members of the crew were drowned. MUCH CONCERN FELT. Ordinary Methods for Treating Ca tarrh Prove Unaocccsaful. Recent statistics showing an increase in catarrh have shaken the confidence of medical men in the usual prescriptions to safeguard human health from the ravages of this disease. When stomach dosing proved ineffective, it was natural to look for some other treatment, and it is believed that in Hyo mei an absolute cure for all ca tarrhal troubles has. at 'ast been found. Breathed through a neat pocket inhaler, s healing medication reaches every spot where there are catarrhal germs, destroys them, prevents their future growth, and soothes the liruatea mucous membrane so that relief is felt almost instant lv, while lasting cure is practi cally sure to follow. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1 00. and is sold by J. H. Kennedy & Co.. under an absolute agreement to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. It is the only cure for catarrh that has ever been sold under a- guarantee to cost nothing unless it cures, but they nave so much taith in its power to cute all catarrhal troubles that they are willing to take the risk, so if Hyomei does not help you, there will not be a penny's expense. Get an outfit at once on this liberal plan. 5-22 Miss Stevens Returns to Gas tonia. Charlotte Chronicle. Friday. Miss Ida Stevens, a deaconess, of Gastonia, has returned to her work in that city after having been the guest of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of Tryon Street Methodist church for several days. She greatly assisted the ladies of that church, nd those of Trinity church as well, in the week of prayer ser vices that have been in progress in both churches this week. As a deaconess of the M. E. Church South, Miss Stevens does suc cessful home mission work in Gastonia under the auspices of the Main . Street Methodist church of that city. Miss Gertrude Stowe spent Sunday with homefolks at Bel mont. We are prepared to extend our customers every accommoda tion and courtesy their business will warrant. If yon have no account with us we invite you to open one. : : : v SAVINGS - DEPARTMENT We pay Interest on savings deposits at the rate of i and compound the interest quarterly. : : : : R. P. Rankin, President CITIZENS BMaBHHBMaar Lj r. m y I ill! ML J w ii BANK A. G. Myers, Cashier. Completeness Is the only word that adequately describes our stock in every department for the fall season of 1907 08. Our stock is larger, more complete aud more varied than in any previous season since we have been in business in Gastonia. A look through our store will convince even the skeptical of the truth of this statement. The Newest Weaves in Dress Goods and accessories are here as veil as all the newest things in Embroideries, Novelties, Trimmings, Rib bons, Millinery and Coats. We are prepared to take care of the trade on tailored garments in our custom department Our made-to-ordtr garments have a reputation for fit and satisfaction of which we are proud. MILLINERY To see all the latest styles and shapes iu Fall and Win ter headwear you should visit our Millinery parlors. The prettiest and newest creations in this line to be found in Gastonia. THE YEAGER MFG. CO. I Retail Department. GASTONIA, N. C. Subscribe for THE GASTONIA GAZETTE. WEDDING PRESENTS FOR FALL BRIDFiS The demand for handsome Cut Glass and dainty STERL ING SILVER is growing larger with every season. We have a striking line of these goods and invite your in spection. We also have a complete line of Hand Painted China, Bric-a Brae aud Art Good3, which will make an Elegant Present for the Fall Bride. Torrence-Morris Co. Leading Jewelers & Opticians Expert Repairing Artistic Engraving LIFE'S JOURNEY Is Burdensome to Many North Carolina. Life's journey is a heavy burden With a constantly aching back, Vith urinary disorders, diabetes. With any kidney ill. . , Doan's Kidney Pills relieve and cure . J. H. Robinson, bricklayer, of 915 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C, says: "For a long time I suffered with a bad back, un doubtedly due to disorders of the kidneys. The secretions were all ont of sorts, very dark and full of sediment. I heard oj Doan's Kidney fills and - got a box at a drug store, an! gave them a thorough trial. They re stored the secretions to their natural color, made , the secre tions normal and strengthened my backrso that it does not -pain me at alL la factr IThave-not had an ache, since J.-used the remedy.'? , . For Mle by all dealer. Price 80 cents. - Foater-MUbara C., Baffalo, New Yrk, ole af eats for the Ualted JStates, - v - Reaaember the name Doss's aa4 taks so otbtr. - '' 2 For Sale Each a special bargain, as they were taKen on aeots, and tne amount wanted on either one is far below its actual value and good easy terms will be given. One 6H. P. Boiler and Engine, just thoroughly over hauled, mounted on strong new wheels, good condition guaranteed, ruus like a new Sewing Machine. Price will be made satisfactory beyond a doubt. One New Post Drill complete. The very thing for Black smiths or Farmers; hand power. Price $8.95. One Second hand Brick-Machine, 30,000 a day capacity. . A great bargain a SJ43.00. One 8H. P. 5-Passenger Cleveland Automobile, al most new, in perfect running order; a rHe will convince you. Cost $1250.00; price $387i50. ' . :": One - 7-11. P. ' 2-Passenger Steam Automobile, with -folding seat to carry two extra passengers. A dandy little machine -in good running order. Price $189.50. :., V :; v. Four 20-GaIIon Storage Pumps at less- than cost of building, if taken before cold weather. T " Call and see whether you wish tolbuy Lbr not.lijye :arepleased7to show you around any way. Gaston Iron WoirE B. FRANK NORRIS. PROF. CEN. MGR. $ubscriboforTTIEOAST02nA QAZZ7T.

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